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THE HERALD. DOWNIK& XEILI* h: a i 1 iwlnts, ynt some i Publishers %2 A If ear Advancc. I»I3- STCNJ5 DAKOTA FHII)AY, JULY 27, 188- The. camp-meeting in progress on l',e lata alioro 1.10s Mr to' bramio a imminent institution. Although the- irk of preparing for it and securing speakers was commenced scarcely three weeks ago, and at a time when men prominent in this kind of work tins M.iU oi u* xcclk-nt Ulwit i» in att, ami inter,*,,!, nrrwe, ,)e are enjoyed. fcvery one vis lm, encanipeil on the«nJ.s I s,k Next Wednesday the eiectiuu lur delegates to the Constitutional Con vention which meets at lis next Wei.neso.ay, an., aid n so- Tiie ngineer corps of the Mv:n ap olis & St. Louis IL H. were in eamj near C. L. Ilomes's. in Kintire. iu tiie Jirrtl early pari of thi." week surve\ ing a tlruton, Dak. last evening. I -a- back to a crossing on the Ke-dwo- 1 ,,, ., i :at one of the conditions was the ci.mpletiou of the road within six i .uiithrf,--lied wood Falls (»a/.ctle. )]\-DelegateFettigr-win his fourtl, ol -'uly address at Elk Point leaked mmie statistics which will prove v.ii \nble for future r«feren( doing luty as an item of interesting information in the present day. The ligures are as folio »vs "South Dakota has thirteen national and sixty-lour private hunks, fifty-four homing milis i!'-4 churches, 214 school-houses, eleven laily papers, i|!-' weeklies and 1."?'* miles of railroad. its assessed value is $r.i4,"jO(i.0i'u population,lWikWfiO. North l)akota has fourteen national banka, twentv-one private .nks, nineteen ^mUiein Dakota, ai.ejidiiig to the in* liouriug mills, seventy-six churclies, terests of Jiem-\\ Methodist I ni\er i:4school-hoiises. twelve daily jiapers ty. supt. nitaei^il returned to his ami 714 miles of railroad its assessed at thisjuaee ednesday morn value is S24,705,OOQ &8,406." THE METHODIST CAMP-MEETING. A Plei&nt Tlwe Bclnjf Eat joyed %fr ulI••Noteti and otuble* Ground. i Camp meeting on Big Stone lake commenced Tuesday tlie *2Ith inst.» with thorough preparation for a week's good work. The grounds weie be tlliU |ni Ilt lls, for ak in Thfl (lllv the place for the purpos". I tie ouijr i u, ht'aus y „v labor U asked. but it was to be into l'lai e, an lute, .. ami xpected that a nieasuro of encour- llWily MOU.C 11 T\: .September 4, takes ]lace. Four do gates are to be sent from Grant eor.v ty, and the questio Luvally aris what arc 11 Stonj A. UJIA IVIJ *VW»WU Y i iv i- ,+i a ri.n ilct? the c*iiu11 iu iXiltiiu tiic for tailing i)ther con venienees. Boarding house, speak er's stand, and several large tents adorned the sylvan scene, and the u iH the v u ied deUghts w01lUl terms of the highest admiration of ^nunnmnrp 7 tions. until time should be no more, the natural beautv and adaptability of from the giouw s. lament would be given to those who 1" the evening religious worship u„e from so lav abroad to aid u, by opened l-y ,.rayer Iroin Key 1 owe borne attendance that would at tatot "f WUmot- luanifest a just appreciation of valua-! Wheeler, of M.lbank 1 lie opening iormon was then preached by I resid ing services. ,, :ng Klder llartsough trom the text- 1 in o( U()J_loyet A sol inan(.urated ami whose Jown to genera- I The first day was mainly occupied r_ i .. i i in settled. leuts were pitch- draw back it.*]L us the lack ot home in X- -n i ed seats, tables and cootung apparatus terest in the meetings. Neither mon- i "ho was lollowed by Rev. Acts X, 2W Therefore came 1 unto yea without gainsaying* :as :sooii a war-sent. fov: I :vak -therefore ••vhat intent ."'ne tliseou oi.-d iho u :.l irating of reU!i-i, an«l oplc goinu: do in tlie matter? There is v. i miliar importance attached -it ction and no guarantee exists tl. liie results will ever go into effect, y: ill- occasion is one of preparation iraining for the ves]or.sii)ilities l:itehood, and should A .i'..omit to nothing more a.I a:i v i.i i'iment it v. .:i have indi.r ii 'iits. Atth.- 'iii-ieasoii.' timo !:e year the e. -n wiii largely .. hands of .eians Uie nu i-i.i sttimp), an-i the rmal classes w nave small representation iuthe boo. i-'or this very reason l: inn r* ought io have oiiuli' i s to eaiitli at: V Hi .,.,c t*v. :L1, 2U- v a en th*' i oi !. .ud exIi'M'ted tliem aii osu of heart they wouM i :..r. i:...J lie l.ord. Tin was foliowt.'d by an expcri.-tsce aeeting eondueted hy Supt. Wlntiield, ii which a large number of the chTgy !i,-n Hia.l laymen {resent took part, v prayer meetiug in the evening pre* •eded the sermon of Mev. Wln-oh-r, vho to(ik for trie subject of his re marks that passage of scripture with- Liu. 1 M'one ot the recent MuuUiy irLI. n Atuoii'Z HIP RAMNSUIID /t .1 sclionl lesions* JO^UUH iv—O, s}mji s ly, cting men to gv to the convention! thvir backs before tln-ir enemies. \.:.o\vi!l have the interest of t!^j masses at heart, and who willpr.-di a Mate constitution which will at lea liiive the merits oi' wise provision an i: interest to b-'tter our present form .-1" goverinnent. T'ae uncertainty ei V.:g stt-nu's political relation to Crm.: e .iuity causes much indifference with gard to the movement, and no ]jar t'u-alar -:.v "o- -aim the politic 1 •-i '.nilic *.o she is entitl !:at thi: .. c» pov a..-, ought to make ic iu The towns of Fig Stone. Ye, -. ranks and St. Joseph are entith a. representative, a.:-! they ought tu .:e-nand it. In fa '.very voter in "th. sc towns should tiirn out to elec tion. and they would secure it.. If wa tii- belong to licdierts county, it is not i i _,anized. and we ought to exercise our right of Inmchise where we are until put elsewhere. There is T.otbing binding about this election in legal sense, and there is no fears of it endangering any claim we may i ave to recognition in Roberts conn* ty when it is oruai.i/ed. Let every i it "'tor go to the poll.-? on election day niiti cast his vote for delegates whom I .• knows will look to tne interests '-L ti.e peojde and not of the politicians. when Israel turnuth This meeting was largely attended, and ia earnest exhortations met with a. ready response in nearly every heari. •TUl'ltSDAiC. In the e."vuing prayer meeting rui I iiiiijr leading were devotiouiii .v-cy •ie» of much spiritual pro tit, and in li« afternoon conference meeting and song service was thus far the most enjoyable features of the occa sion. The i", service was opened-by prayer Supt. Wliitrield. bdiowed aken attitude we by an ai-'.e sermon irom ['residing Ehler St-.overs. His remarks were based upun ihai jiortion of script lire lound iu the latter part of the sixth ami the first part of the seventh verses of the. XI el up, of ExodUS". TliO i Lord, tiie Loid God, merciful and gra i eions, loug-sulfering ami abundant in i goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving ini|uity, transgression and sin.*' Mr. Schumacher and family Oi itonville have a vfciueni t( i.l n •j the ground. Kev M. S. K -isey of Ven.ou. with wile and neighbors, spread his white -anvass in a deiightlul sjot yenter- lev. Is. Ware was tak(-'i witlii a eliill which had been threatening him lor some time, and returned to i- i der Mowers ot the Minnesota i "iir {brums mi i. it is t,he opinion oi ,, ., f?, .... 4i ,1. erence urnved on the grounds ves ji embers of the part v thai t.'iia Wni oe ,• ,, i i r1.1 teroav. jjreaelsed in evening and the route hmtlly adopted. 1 he u^nt- i o '-way a .rent went through Imre on j,lL I. return" from Lac :ui Farle toMin- Revs. Fell and Kichardson of Or T' -av-olis last week, and it is claimed i tonvil'e are anient workers in the taal he carried 'ontriu-ts for right of meetings, and Kev. Metcalf, of the way for the greater pari, of the route, Fpi ,copal church is an occasional wei irom Lae. paiFarh to Iledwooil county. coiiie caller. jiartv who saw the contracts asserts i T)f ]y fm lh( Poltum Flacrti. Following are the otlirers of elee tion and the voting places of the dit ferent precincts for the election of delegates to the constitutional eon- vent ion. Alban- -Judges: lloberts, I Ma son, V Whitconib. Clerks: II Koeh ier, A ,1 Enipev. Adams—.ludges: Steven Street. (. I Woodruff .T I) Skinner. The Rev. lllil., hitVje lives to rftl. For h.i.e .V \V. i "II ACKY l.TAv b. perhnue. 1 '". A. W lte.--,w SHILOHV lk'v t-MiUp. For jjaie at. A. famprr«i. Elder Iliutsough ar i\ed Tae^day morning. The linest tent: on the ground is the Miibank town tent, erected by Key. Wheelei and M. S. Adams. fCon- n ,)OJlt to la||d V(!S. terday, grt-atly disiippointed many, especially our ir'tonville frieiMls who were going to hold quarterly confer eace on the grounds. Tlie Big Stone town tent is the only prove v u- tnoceupied tent on the .'.ground. If e.' besidi's the M. E. society of this place is not ashamed of its inaction and lack of religious enthusiasm, it ought to be made to feel so. I). M. HUMt .is kitchen "boss"' and Mrs. Franks of Marvin, cook, in the boarding tent. Two better servants their respective sphere ©ould llQl be assigned to dutv. After an extended trip through :1snaige us assessed population i mg and immediately repaired to the 1 camp ground. lt'lk V n Cole, Th.os Street. Vote at the h"U«. i old 11 W'oudrulf, on section T. vii lltS, range 47. I Antelope Valley --Judges John liucknell. Olof S Lundberg. 1 »1«1 i lis. Clerks: Dw iglit llalh.lohn Meyer. I Vote at Jesse Wynn house, ]iig stone City- Judges: Zins ser, I) AV Fountain, A II Cawaid. W. Clerks: A Kldredge. F. Thorn- dike. Vote next door to Hawes & (Jihson's ofllce. (irant Ceuter--judges: S lbnvser. Yennv, Stanford.. leik.-: A Ecker, A N W Record. (Jeorgie—judges: K I* Ilartwell. 1 S])tirbei", VV Johnson. leik^: K Harrison, K liergquist. A oLe at I Sparber's house. Mi 11 Kink—judges II K kahen. !, I F'ly. O N Eastman, t'ierk: II E Eh tcher. s Farley. -'..e at S I'aseo's oiliee. Madison— judges, Amsden. Johnson, Jos Xieols. Clerks .1 Redman, John Headman. houe of ('has Johnson. Melrose-- judges: A 1 Smetilev. Raws :i. A E Vandnsi'ii. Cle) \f \v«.i V (Ju.-t i i i ence i I:. Man Shenn.'iU— ji d.:es: '1 l-'errin. 1' Mevcne. /, i. II! 1 i iii.'m- Jilti^t'^ Vi :i ern, S .1.1 iJ.tIiiwiii. A Kit."- i. Thomas Kali- Win li- ln-i -iiuig- ii ,te v.- I V II v s. .)UUg, O TIM...- "••i It (. ,ei'ks. Ii l'i -i -i. W ('raw lord. A *'"LMvrDUcoicr}, Thai. i« «iail v iu_ joy to th« homes thuu.-tuutUi by s:»viii^ in:iny nt their ilt-ar ei. truhi tu e:trly s^i-.tve. Truly i.-s Dr. Kin New l.Mso.'Vcry i-.-r Cuu.'Hiupt'.iMi, l'c»ug! i Col-ls, A^liiUUt P-r.Jlii'ilill.s, II IV Ft-Vel', [j jut Vei'-e, *i,«• k I i:: .a iiic Tiinat, J'.ii i fiili- aii-l t-iie.'-'., ui u .} n! tin Tun ami Jama's i-witiva' cun1. (iu,tnnu« S Tr':.i trr. at, A. W. dr fit s at i i !1. Tfiayer, ol bourl»n, liiv's«-ii aii-l wife ,\vc uiir t'J.\Sl:MIT!«N I-! AUK MAi*H TtiifK-raMe y ii. i tion, t-on .fipation, i!zz:i)e--s, loss ot apjrf*titf, yellutr Shiii !i s Vaal:/-r is :i jmnitivL cure. Fur A. W. iiesse^nji.'j. WHY WILL Y' L'tiie Will i :Ve i!IPI i^t) I'tri. itli-l I h'1 SllILOirs itivi- rare -i jk«M* iu"ntl.. l-'-ir -i =i«ii w!it*n ShiNiliV ie! et. Prii-t.* Pi ts, ..t A. \V. It -ssfguii s. A i AK1MI kKMKDY.—A pon rii Diplitln rii mid C:t ,- \V. lieSSe^uie's. an 1 »ra^r&».t f'-r LL imr-.- -lei Cdai^h an-: iieSSi'tJUO rj. Vni I)Ys]'i.i'.sj A .-.till livor roiujilaint vwo h:»v« si j-iiatnl i/ii.iiaiitci" on «.',«-ry L/.ttU ot rihilen italii-.i r. it never tails to -lire. Fur sa!c? n? .V. W. Ui-rfsirnue'st. A NASAL IN.!KCTOU trcn witli ont'li l. ,' t!f o| S^illoK's Catsirrii Uemnly. I'ri.-.: r,-» iit-. Fur aJilo at A. \Y. Ui*ssoj{uSe'tf. For Sale. L.M.-Iicii aluA.ut 1 JUI' ,-iinI sixty a.-rrs oi six liiiles hiiiitli oi t.ivvii. Will In fioM at I'argain. Appiv at tlic U JSUAT.O offife. A. .J. FLESER, a s i a i N e a y i v e W a s in 1 ho Lund Business hi Dakota. Persons liaviiiy bnsinnMs in It is line should I avail tliejiisel vi s his experienco, t.lier' I by iissiiriiie e'ljTfi'tne.'-s ainl promptnehH and it void il.f Ithiinhtriii^ ol :n«-xjK'r- I K-ncetl llill't M^clils, as' if. i'(' no liion1, anl all land papers pre- i pared ly )mji warranted al'hiolutely currert. HOMIiSTHAL) FIJ.INdS CAN' ONLY I5K MA1)K AT TIJK I^'S'JlilCT 1AN1) OF FICE OK I5Y THH CLKKK JF TilJ-J DISTP U COURT. RelinijuislmKiijLs, Tree Claims, Pre-Kmptioii filii.^s and Final prools a .specialty. MONEY TO LOAN On R«il I-,.stat in (Jrant Comity at lowest rates Lund in any part ol (Mint cxmlv bouglit and tit)ld on coiuifiis.sioii or otherwise. OI"Flt!E 1* ^KltdlAM'S IIV'tK. A. J. JtLESElt, I Clerk oi Court aud Rotary PttbSc. H.A.TZ BEOS Next Door to Post Look for the Sii:u of the Wisconsin 1'A I'.-, o! DYE STF1 F, ,-I'ins. TiiV.. FAN'CV A'.:T*r O I E A I E S i Tlie new i.rm of JoN" lis quarters from the old Furber A. il'wjiin. W 1 est. Fx-' 1 Bed-Steads, burea Bj 1: A LFK^ IX be] iie CI :k Office SUCCESS! Three months Im 1 },.• a.,-. !e no mistak'* i loea: i p.Lot patrosjago. and h'-pii.,., favor, we would call tin atu-n- •. W(* can and wiil do as well by .• 11-i.d upon finding i i wm vard a '"ii :•*11.» SEASONED LUE and a lii.e .»--«•£ ... •.*. -f O I A i S O O S N W i wc ,tor] L:lleb 3icia 10 N ii( DRUGS AND STATIONKSS'i ^ity» IS. jtanth A: :3 arc spect ot fin «!y( e»l o on BR PT oe ud re s at autei e nnd iriu-t a v e v•••ieeted -i ••i"1 ti' SSOiiiiL Old on Corned i Mai: Main street, wkm'' !'1' and Most Fom 1 1 FlIF iu the Parlor and Bed Booffysic -In E stiDs? |IEN A l.i.rge A. 11 mi at May u ., Stands, Tables, Wood and Chairs, Mattress and SpnIi ^n"' Mirrors, Pictures, PlCtu,fd0» Frames, Bracks^' WALLPAP^ and Lfidies' Work Baskets SEWING- MACHINE^' and School 1 )esks und ,,, liig Wc are offering our stock at prices that defy clinL$ BIG is oj ,,] .t tin