Newspaper Page Text
SI BaRLEs ber, :k CITY, OS, ovelty J. M. DA !iER k Dr.i ,rrt(!i-iicy at Law, I, IK Stone CitT* D. lsin Ii. LLER, sician and Surgeon. lUNTiOK & WELLI.iiri' l»Lt HTORE, i City, D. T. ot finishing work Titty Knife. est of Work Guarnntrrd. liOllEKT TAYLOK, 0x1 Cornell Ave. BROS., )Y\1 .oa.i and Insurance Agents, T9 I STATE, UM MS ,i t'.' '-Miliable a Main street, Big Stone City, Oalc. e} te f! sliiii,' HENRY Wiim'OR'.', PUDBEt 1 Ca* tS. »er '1 fROSSKOPF, A l^'ie Mason and Plasterer, ds of Brick and Stone Work •j] .t the most reusonaLle rates. |3ig Stoue Clly, D. T. Tipi*-., ilmm I/vU 1 bexcher, dkALi n ix- Lath, Sash, Doors, Lime ment, Stucco and all kinds of Building Material. Wood Works CO., Proprietors. work of all description manufactured to order. in liMEE iSMlSUS... ^Indian BSaodL Spap ih Cores all diseases of the Stomach, & Bowels, Kidneys Skin and Miilhius- testify to SBfONDh, IS. D. W. CAMERON, I I jtantly receiving now sui-plio Nllnsrif, 0- ss- Patt rns AXI) LACKS. St are respectfully r.' iuc-sfe.t i spect these goods. i 11 its Time, l, t, fi, Ci, 7. DAKOTA Liver, BJood. efficacy in heal- iBg the above named diseases, and pro- nounc-3 it to be thw BEST RELIED !T KNOWN to MAN. HA**, QtiaraUced to cure Dyspepsia. fgggr A GENTS WANTED.*®! •tory 77 W. 3d St., New York City. Druggists sell it Knight & Bean, Ma-.e on Li.a.l $ £3 0?000 s-. in years, ten-' •-the lov. ~t. Morey w i to for 1're-emptitn.s an-i 'enunute Mome.-teadri. 'JSfo 13 elays. i'. r-.uj can get their motiey on the sauip it y tliey :i| ]'ly. I'rincipal andlnteifst pav-'ibie i Milbank, Oakota. Judge Abbott, is j.ut hori/ed negotiate I all at, once on A. I v. AlVBOTT, .HANK. I). ORAININ'K K.\LS0MIN!Nw. *5 it .-..rporate name ot a great b\'i ANO YyTilTiiWASlllNli. !*t« ''outiis L:ne in Conne niou with Hie conveys an idea oi ju-: 1 S ?,: U fi u hat reijdireii by :}ie frav- ot finisMae work d".,e nub t!.. I iling public- a Short Line, 1V S Vi Sa» 'Jui'd: Time and if bot ft.-e.j iiiii". .iHons all of u hieh are !urmsh(-t I»y the greatest railway iu u s i n e s s e u e ,cc promptly atfe c.l West, it natur.dly answers tins divertptba ot Mil 1 estate ot ah Kiini.^ i,.-rt Line uml liest Route b( tvveeu J| iiictt^'o. Milwaukee, st, I'anl up. I & (jiBsoN, OFflCl" Ci»ieu:4o. Mil\\ '-e, Kuu Ciiiie .Ifiii Miiiw.uer. anteRtH anEspei iiil Study. 'Lira^u. Mil o a, W.ris i.i and e and Loan Agents. Hhv and sp!' ...'Y'.'ayo."..., Abstracts of title le.rnished to all 1'1.'11 111 Irant countv. Tax' s ]aid lor uon (islijin {. onveyancing promptly and neat- ciiii'-a :*•. .'diiwaekei1. W.'.aka and Money furnished to prove up with o',}i«muw.»\" Fan!-a1 liie tu -'. eiul F' 11 i '. 11», lllonio. )0lIysiciaii and Sui geon. -Jn Rcssoguic't Oi'ti.5 Store, Main ^rIlic, .o iin May be found in oflice at ui^b.t. (' iiapids. Plasterer Ornamental Whitewashing Kaisoiaini^ k done ill A aufeetautial and satisfa* iu.ti, a, A Chicago, Milwaukee i St. Paul. I It owns and operates over 4,.ri(to miles road in Not'Ujei.i Illinois, Wisconsin, Mtnni oi the Northwest and .s I Chicaiju. -Milwaukee, La rossc ami Chicago. tua!iki'e, i'raii i i,i"a^i». K:v- ,, .M 1V. a i..,- i'. a I .iu. ,n.«l ".iu, a.'M ii. kee. l\v:.t -lUUl a a Jan(.^\ilh' Mm iioi-khn'.!, and Ii- 5.n. 1 1 J. T. CLARK, (ieii'l iSupt. Kock J.s'.uml ai:l hit-agt), Council lJlttffs and Omalia i Cliieao-n. Sioux City. w Mi tniea pdis. iuux Falls and i \"aiikiuti. CiiM'itoo. Milwaukee. Mitcltell ami Cliauibei iain. lin.'k Jsiand. Dubthjue. t. Paul and ... Oavenport, Calmar. si. j'aul and M111- neapulis. l'ulhnan Sleeoers and the Finest Dining Cars in the world are run mi the main line's the Clrcaco, .Milwaukee A St. l'aul itail way, and every attention it» )iail to passen gers by courteous employes ot the company. S. S. MKURILL, ui CARI'KNTKR, A. V. II. (ien'J Manager. fien'l i'a.vs. A lit. teal Estate for Salt. 160 A errs of i*nd half a mile from Rig Stone i City, (lood brick cottage and stable. 1(K) Acrcs 01 hmd five miles from Big Stone City, and 7 miles Irotii Mi!bank. GO Acres of fine bottom land just east oi Big Stone City. 1»0 Acres ot land two miles from Hartford and Ave miles frum Wihnot. 20 acres im proved. 80 Acres of land 7 miles from Big Stone, miles from Milbuuk. 40 acres improved. i .V) LOTS IN BIG STONE C1T Y. Ik: Stone City, Dak. H. 1'. MTTiFFY. J. V". i? 00 NT AIIV. Avt'y at Liiw. Grant Goiiisly Bank. 1)1C STONK CITY. 1). T. COLLECTION.-* A Si'j.'C]ALTV. MONK") TO LOAN IN SMALL AMobNTS ON SIIMKT TIMK ON ClfATTl-.L .sfcc?*. KiTV MoNKY TO LOAN ON REAL l\r»'i ATE N FiVii YKAKS TIME AT i ri:u CKNT iM'i-H E.ST. lloMK^TKAitS -VNi u I'LL i t-.NT, ON i'i VI. K Estate Ionian i 3* urphy c: I'c itnt iln, jlankers Hank's Fiaco. Ma'tie Str'V't. i H" CiiV H. J. Grlasser, Prot). ai?:vy s#t,,m.»A.m» t'ooi TAI2MIS 1\ TISi UN\TY Fi "s!i I.a-ci' i.• '-r ro .\]s'u lioltiiul Cliainpa^tio tii a'lily on tap ok an-1 Rye. it Wines. 1 Th8 best bran^ or iv^rs in tha City. 'irosssaE .^TM£ SIMPLE yf, 1 B*!, 311 if rm«rVV^ j. ,J- .«-• '^mewEOME^ •SEY/iKG MACI-IiaE CO- CHICAGO, ILL/ ORANGE, IVlASSr AND ATLANTA. GA: ie: OKO. II. llKAi FORD JLV» si 111*1: e« Am tUen I i'ass street, Chicago, III John VV. Bell. KLL & FISHER, Attorneys at Law, MIL BANK, Anv i the above can le parchr-ed chettp kit CMh „r on vus ti-rms l.v to i DIESOLQ & TUNflELL. PfOPtiStOfS. JNO. A. MTJNRO, I .1 ustiee of the Peace. nines ]'. Fiher. DAKOTA. Big Stone City Mills ]5I(i STONK CITY, I). T. Wheat, Corn or Buck wheat Mrn: nl at i small roll, oban^r in Fiui\ !Jr:{: We i)l\ i 1.1 the 111! 'I i i% ami lliis -1.-• t: ,'i u trial. in .11 Id' A.\ v '.111- DlKiini.n TI' N rn E utaiil I Ciit i i hlii i CITY. dak. 31 AS. HiiAXI), Pro I bavo alar .i-e is lent -anihLcrv and l'r» Hns ants t'«»r I'all tra ,- ntinu" v hieli ai \vTIlTf? A.-H. LOK K!.lr :. d'T .M'LL, liUAY W 'I.LOW. A 1 WOOD Y!. •. I lUiASIT, UOOSKBKKKY Nr-HAND ^TKAWiilTiRY NT-'. lLulisli CIIA N I WOOD BROS., T(»N Y1LLK. AiiNN. Headquarters for Ei T)T} 1 u tuu r. NiN' A 'AS:rf tiOSSiS* ?ono tin I'ronneloi I-, 2'^ ftlTV IICIT r.5 n'/CT pulm..!i irv -i.'.i«5e}st ufTordirn.' pran' Oil) C) i dft If 1 i Mfcri 1 iTlriil At 11 and rapid cures, aisfl is ei,ip*"d to aa 1 1 1 and Salt M'ails 11 V oi tor liiMo-i. Si! I Notice is hei-ob',' iri'.en tljat a ert i JCJ'. en by me t* 1', (iiidd'-n dat'-d April v' l-SKt, for the sum oi one hundred and seven «y-ix (iollurs and litty cents on de uand was otitaiifd by 1r 1 an I 1 01 •ion and tiiaf Uiere is nothing d»i:« note a- r.I! jvi-oT.s ar- ca-rioe.-d puieb.a.-nig ».*uti noti as w.,. Je" o paid. j. II. 'a.. k 1 7 *P .• il. A. BUTLE .FegMCosEiiiOE Merchant. Patent. Flour, Buckwheat, Gra ham, ('ornnv?al. an I evoj-y tliintr in our line at Wiioksaio and ttt4! dl, At the old stand of F. W. j. 13i^ Sioni1 Citv. Dak. O Notice of liHHo1ution. Notice is hereby civen tliftt the partnership heretofore existing U'tween S. '. .Jones and F. Monroe, under the firm name of Jones Si Monroe is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Dated ,I line 1' JSS3. I':.,. P. C. JoNl'S, F.J. Mosuok Notice is also given that the firm of F. Monroe Co., consisting of F. .J. Mom I i*a! BER &! Oii Aid HJOlii dtsburseifMiu i beFideKdiitf.. in iuor closm e 1 Dated ju!'. -J aii'l S ('. hi s, rebv mutually di solved. a Juno 12, ISs: 1'. J. Miwkok, S. C. J''NV. NOTICE OF rAliTNLLSllii'. Notice is herd'V t^ivon that we have thi Nay pun based the inti rest of F.J. Monroe jii in* :ilnve named (inns, and that we have entered into a co-partnership for the contin uance oi the branches tif business formerly curried on by the above named gentlemen. 1 hat we will j»av all the iiahiliti'-s t.e mentioned firms, and eolleo: note and bills due them. iS. C. A. Wo: i-. Si. :.e City, iak June r.\ V. Notice of Foreclosure Hale. \AVhe•loih Tl!EnEAS, default ]a-- been mad'1 in lie- -.ii.damns oi a eerttin niort^a^e, d.iteit i 1 dav ot June, 1SSI, executed 'layior!! and Mary Unwell, mor(tr:t-hbvcJuly,ih o s o A n n a e e K i a n o i w -lid niort_"i.: e Win* on the 7th day ot '•'"^1, dni_\ recorded in the oiLce ot the ro^is ill deeds i:) and for the county of 0rant .•lid Tcrriiory o! in tour ot ..Iti."tou si\ty-oue. !book 1])o!j'.i.^oOakola,d1V1,A.Sas.ijoili i'h .t the seruiid day i loi-embi.T, lid AlHlil ltelia Kua] »!uly r.s.^icut to Uesse- \V. trnie the id imir(i uitr, ivhi-'Lt nmeHt V, V on !f» V. i' I'll .'Islltv, It. I'., ... I.U! IU tilt' •c.sai i •t U\' 1 0 i' It llU- 111 1.. nc: di| .. •14 ,. .. IN!'. 1 t• sam 'u and rteiae. i I'Closc'i by a ••••. I. N-". (Irij, ui LI- THE BEST REMlDY I'on BiscEsss of tlie Tiroal sii AVER'S a i 1' a p%,a~ \i N„: :v 1 liikpa ity, liran ..ei'Mi'ding ti t/.e<p></p>Ialv' 'tajtt todutv, :}taIVM*-'o!origin- \N tlte a-.'lit .1- m..or bf ti»er St,. 'ity,dtiNsiaid i day ot Aicjii-t, )Si'!, at iitivitoou oi said ilav, to whi'll .stialt then be du notes, and the cost and -at foreclosure and sale, :s aitoriieys lees, stipulaU',.! .'tn! iViid in of lor ii. 1". ile.soN, Jj'., ot sai.i Mortgagee .. i il. F. (Jibsoii. :uv HUt u remedy. othar-soetnite/n its the coiiiidi the jmblie. I? V'f entitle combiiv OHERRY^,t r'-5uiwl*2L tUCS ol tlie t. a- eln-niiriUSv i|V.':'-T such powerasr the preatesf efficiency and pectoral. any aje or either m'X. ISiin^vi-i-':•pa'.a'anI the^'Nt ehi'olreji take it 'Lv. 1 ordaury ("Hf h-i. Colds, Sole k'iiioa lironchitis, 1 iitliu'iiza. Clei^y.noti Son- Tiirout, A^tiwiiu, Crouj.\ niul I.o'.c price-i are kuiii'VTSieijr.s Cs--•-••1. tiU-r'l, tin et'see oi A^i-u'^ Clll a.:V IN \i. are magical, and umltitud---. a: f: illy preserved liojn e:io:is idle '. taoely and faithful ue. shonM I .. a: hand in every household for too p. tci'tiou it affords iu sudden attacks. ^Ia Vt .looping coiiiih and (.'oiissimpii i 1 tie-re is 110 otlcr reui'jdy so eiuaacio .s.-othinS- ami helpfuL fo?ryo! sorne a t'ue many mi\turi s, or sy: aps. made cin S and inetfeetive ingredients, now ottered, M'liieh. as ii.'v contain no aiative ipi.iiit can ait'oid only temporary rcliei. m»l is.o sure to deceive and disappoint th* patie .-. i Di.-eas's of the and lun: s denu... I 1 active ruui eticetive treatsiient: and itisd.i :'-rous experinieutiii-i u-nii unknown aa I Ti apmedicines, from the jjreat liability 1 it, these diseases may. vine s tidied xv In-come deeply suited or iuc'.irabie. L'.ms I Apia's C11ic! tsV ria'roit.M.. anl you luay c'Oiiiiih.ii'ly 4'xpect the best results. It vs a standard medical preparation, ot known and aekno-.vied^ed curati\e o.ver. and is as cheap as its candid pr. paraiion and t:a." iiijjredienls w ill all cw. l-kn.nent physicia.,s, i knowing its eoiupo.siiion. 'ecia !oe it iu their pi practii e. The te.-t o: halt ceniiirv has i prowu its alj.: .o!ute c*itaint v tcic.n'.i iiil jiul i luonarv cumplaints not already beyond the reach of human aid. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., l'raetical ami Analytical ChtsniistB, Lowell, Mass. fcOLD JJV ALL UllL'lililsTS KVKRYWUERE. i-. Nhj, ,s 1 Tliorndike & Co., Cor, Jayne i v. and Cornell ave. Barder a-\p IlAin-li:i^.=i.t:. lilO STONE CITY, DAK r."r a '00d hii:-c it or a clean Rh'v.v drop iu i