Newspaper Page Text
1 for v, '"fCrv lilt] es jN THE STAG K. M- riu!(i ter: HQ lit 'Oil, i, CtUlt ii i«rc s, 0} utt' dut I. s n lid i tb* i*oo rhe nea' .' ieai: HSS.:.. ran •pt-t ,-. :!ve a, i ich e p. no i. ran? to d. md' as a- and the Import i She 'Reveals for tT»p Ren I men, for !ii for ago the America n ent 'fled by the entree upon the eons ^a^-v w^° *ia* ')ee11 Prt!* n,^ little announced. Sho was linftr, mmuierable numl "jr of as- ra ,u')''c favor Hnd 0*f f, aside from her own proiU' e recognition. In -pit vever, she qmekU .t w\ ,v, ,!r,: a *n the heart of tli VRj I"1--' i«s continued to mac n W ,8 announc.-.. tigii Maude Gran. i *f','r- lina season in the i i a written by IW r. A. f'V'^ faw only natural th i -nal V"'' i old be* manifested nlv 8 !li"* .1 circles,but in ot!:- .•i.tufh uoniuiuuity. Thin spe- w» !.!: .fe,a? it was known that Mins te tiav,. ft "for the past vert-, been in lulin delicate health, at:d the do' to star in a strong emotional more surprisin.' One of ..tfeis* .paper was :m*imtiugly rto see the popular jrtfy the rumor or :»!•.-• -tiess. ,iaerV conntenarioi- in tf every one in tl: i ft face once sect. 0, Features reinat in 9 »ni contour arn Bu 'f n. stiu mo-, '.v its j. i f' thu: iile :iiar g, 'g.r 1 r.uij.M ob- ilitv to portray cbarai-ters of iOtionai nature. She posses lerself the elements of feel which no einoti n can be I an audience. Tl»e man of the ladv at her home in this I accorded a quiet welcome, ent at once that she was in roved health, which the ex it color of her countenance ted. 3 Miss Granger that you con starring tour the coming sea- leed. My season begins in the ifithof Ju'y. From there Francipco an then play the of the season through the I western stat s." confident vir h*iilth will i *n undertaking laugh was tl e first reply to •'in, after whic:i she said ty. It is true I have beew two vearp. but now 1 vered. Few :eoj»le can have if the strain a ion^cientious lergoes in -ayin^: an enio- It is ueces-.iv. -.c into the n ftv: .a la i i W! ata strain as'»'-fore uitb ealth and a lowh-i how II do not fe i eak of a 'kn w to ,1th.' Willy.-. 1- \.»lain mean by th:r "ust be awan -i .• u natures arc .i oics ions unknot name of in whatev»! are weakn. every ambi: lieve thousa:. to-day Bull Hi aii tabli :iat IV b i-Vi Jfev ipn» sen u no» »€-r i. eve' tx do 1 Oil I iia, an an lac ed «i ot tee I have found a remedy which ciallyadapte for this verv pur ls pure and datable and con health and life as, I believe, lie will. It is really invaluable the Women in Ameri a were to aa quite sure i^ost of he sutfer nany deaths might be avoided." Is this wonderful remedy?" ert Safe Cure." 'on use it?'' antlyl" ience believe you will be able to the coming season successful- er» ie n rhe ule, He CO nut ml: ltiii the* Mw i. in: .Jot. torf quite certain of it." questions more Miss Granger, please give me ft list oi the parts created and the plays you have ft in since your first appearance :playedfor some time with the iIII New IPork and Brooklyn. I it to the Union Square theatre easons, after tiiat to the Boston one season and then to llootb's "a thifdty. Next I supported iCollotlgh and afterwards star tliet,Camilh Rosalind, etc. Sub- 1, (V nclt Qiib but' HOC iVlllI -rir. tw I hi fl" .nd ties t'O I created the part of Cicely i the Galley ^lave and also star VO Nights in Kouie, tdayinir the J&tonia. Tiie past year I have ying ill the Planter's Wife and SaeMOQ,Second A.SIATIC CIIOLKKA. Citfes of the Plague ou the Nile. om llie Philadelphia Bulletin. It i? apparent ibat the most malignant plagues has •mdc «nlv appeared on the lighway between east and west. Dam ielta lies on the east branch of the Nile, about a quarter of the distance from Port Said to \'evanl»i: v Man "i V e re .:i -.i Dam* ort Said surah, whev ported, lies:i ietta branch i' id no in- •vhev the preset F-s?yiit is outbreak ti to be attrih'. fiom Indi nuuehiii'j: been it is ,*e. preset ports 1 tntv the char .n utter aban and an as oortraved. I: it is necesi tions the •el. For mo ied each nigh -rutin silt I watpl:i.\ Thf a •. dered itiort. iblv it a.:-, weie none tb real t-' feet none th trvi::^ 1th.' you anticip i' re?" the least. e\jte*'t tiie up I Mosetta and I* is also sai.l to siave the east to the west ta itself which is the ron is separated from the shallow salt mere, lrou'h M. de l.csseps ,eat ditch. The s-oourw •jiiarter where it i« di- out. or iXfii unl e:i! centre .'ort Si,. Lake M. !ii»,:wwedj.'ir itii^ appear. •n/.i rectiy (•••:nmunic.iti*rl to .ir«'i*k. Italian. French ahd Mt _rl3^b ports, wl'.ere it will be capable Jeproducine itseil. Asiatic choiera is tt disease as o Ihppocrates and Galen, tor the) i scribe it in letail. although »»ach has his own name tor it. F»r a century and a quarter its r»eriodicn! TMOVe has ween attribu'ed to the detiM- masses of population Mti ered to^etlier every twelfth year at til- y:re it il ndoo fes- tivah. From the shrines in the inte rior. to which pii'jrimuires are made, the !i-i u-e has heoii curried te the coast at I»'»uii»ay or Call utta, Mauritius and 1 V of large and deep ti the greatest soul p- it tee where Miss 'iiina, or ai-'Uir the caravan :oads to the Pepsiau 'iulf. the Caspian and the Med 'terraiieat.. and e\en across (. entral Asia into Fairopean Iiu^^ia. The mat ter rible visitations of this plague which have occurred since lTot. have followed this periodic law. The disease broke out in India in 1-S17, and ran its course in four years. In lsi'i' cholera reached Orenburg, spread to Poland and Eastern Furope, and was carried by emigrant ships to America in 18: :.'. In 1841 there was a fresh out break in Bengal, the etlects of which were traced year after year one coun try after another until the pestilence aaaia spent its force in America. In Wiethe inection was communicated more rap.dly. steamships carryint it to Mar-eiile."- an England, and finally to New York The next visitation was due under the periodica! law in 1S77, ami Uecembei ot tnat| ear there was jrreat mortality from the disease in .ledda, Mecca, and throughout Arabia, and sporadic cases were reported in land car avans at long instances from India. Tnis was tii- y*-«tr of the flusso-Turkish tsar, and if c:ie disease had broken out in Asm minor or the Balkans its ravages wo-iid have been terrible, its prres was stayed in 1S7S, and it did not reach the Med:t^rra')ean ports. The o I'CtWs." 1 lia\e to the sterner ese troubles is form they may es which inter :x and hope in s of noble wo in^ agonies of n their best :riends and rela W little or no::'lina:. ami when 1 On it I conh-s it makes me r«U this misery arises largely poranee of 1 to 1 laws of life or to caurefully mserve them. 1 n the depths a bitter expe nding tliis. and I am thankful ie means of estoration, and main in perfect health." explain mor -fully.' as I have said, will to Her Love." Writer was returning home he ft train of mtism^ and wonder the women in this land who niag could only know Miss '•experience ami the remarka teaehieved by the pure remedy how much sutl'erina might be Mid how much happiness se- yo ie,r of. :o c's msrt& soi* and uamesake ®f BttUer, of South Carolina iiaF oointoda cadet at West Point. X" 4 :th« Waddington her min* '«•*,! 1 It is ti'*. easy to determine whether •earanee of ell era u y .onnected with the 'ars ajj:o in Arabia, or is o more recent in feet ion 'hate\er may bi it and wherever may •rijinal puinl o' 'iepart or whos" approacii has an awtui warutna. Its oiuti Me«ii however, to .:' 'reht.nsii»n as t-rmer :.d routes oi communica \-:a Minor and Egypt uid the hives ot Indian lilt other are no longer •••nged as to open an easy i• me ti c':ia'.-H-vn 1 -rise y pa^-a.: tem i Kuyn".? the iu-.!'. and tber'-l contasz:on. tine system various nations ie the Mediterranean, by which the progress o' plague :n\y he retarded and po--!--:v block.' 1 ilr.-^.-tn er. An Item ot Intci-est. WOOD'S OCFTKA H-h'-k S P«ul Mi tin.. May 19, 1S.H.H, g. Hiackiord. 274 K^st Sev enth St.. St. Pau'c Dear Sir—it trivet ine great pleasure to reconiniend in the high est possible manner vour medicine, Dr. HalSiday's Blood Paritier is ait you claim for it and more. Yours Gratefully. Ther« is no use in talking. Dr. Celery and Chamomile bills' will cure nerv ousness in its w .rst •'onus, u'il produce a charming happy state in a truuhWvl in .i and permanently build up the general system They contain no narcotic or harmful drst Whatever. Edward Barr i firm have assigned. W ki.1.8' *Tloc towi'M*. uenus'j •rranean whole syst a use tiie ral^ia hav Tiie railroad sys- 'he Suez G'.nal and he line have brokuti up the caravan roiTe^ and ...•ninished the datiirer of ic same time, a i^uaran has oeen etab!i.-iied bv *'P. Demi:iii. who na« written touch ins* storied for the Atlantic nr!iiy for the past ten vears. is a court in Albany. N. Y. Nathaniel Stsmson, a pensioner of the war of 1S12, is living in Brooks, Me., at the age of 101. For I»y«iep«ia. ImliK«'»tion. Iepr-ii}sMri of hpmN aii'i ..'a.-! u 1' 1:1 van -i* irms aim. a ». .-utist Ffvar Vi'l Asdic, air I oth»r 1 -it• o-unltt-iit F«»ars t?i "l''erro-Fho-i|hor ateil F.lixir ot Caii!«a'»." made by :vw«*lt. H.v»rd fcCo.. N"w YorS. 4U.i '.l by ill l)nii i»tii, :h tho bt««t tonic, and ur jiat entH rvoverln.' from Fever oi' other sickna^j. it 1i»j a dual. Ekfie JOHNS. A Cure of Pneumonia. Mr. D. I'arnahy of Oswego. N. Y., says that his daughter was taken with a vio lent cold which terminated with pneumo nia, and a!i the hest physicians_ gave the case up and said she could not live but a few hours at most. She was in this condi tion when a friend recommended Dr. Wm. Hail's Balsam for the Fungs and advised her to try it. She accepted it as a last resort, and was surprised to find that it produced a market charure for the he:ter, and by perse vering in its u*e a permanent cure was ef fected. Mothers, Attention: Chas. Jones of Kii7.ahe,t.!i. Spencer 0o.: Ind., says, 1 have dealt in medicine a nutu her (it vears, and will say that I)r. Roger's Vegetable Worm Syrup is the most valuable medicine lever so'ld. Mv customers were so pleased with its etlects that they pur chased a tiu.nber of bottles to have it on hand. It is'al 1 that it i* r*comni»Mided to be. All diseases curcd by a n^.w and safe ineth 0(j—staves eipe'isive iJoctoi and Medicine bills Send for causes of disease Home treat ment. Home Health Co., Minneapoiis.Minti. The Frai-r AxTe Grea*e is the Standard Axle (jrease of the world One greasing wi 1 last two weeks StuMOUT*n" your old boots and skosii with Lyou'alPatent Steel Stifleners,land wear again. Wise's Axle Grease never gums. Prrsoiml Mily. Th« Voltaic He!tC. Mich., will a»nd Pr lye's Cdctirut*"! l-.h-cUn-V ultair Hcit- and Klectrv Appliances o i Tiial f#r thirty davs-to moo Iyuuu" or oldi whuaie a flic frtwillinerrou.tet:lity, vitality and kindred tvuuWft.-. guar•Jiiteeinf «, and complete r.,tor,tion of health an3 mauiy Tigor. Address as above. V H.-No riak is incurred, as thirty day» urn! i» allowed, Co., a "New Yoiv. I Liabilities $50.0uu. ON (\IISNS."~15c. Ask for it .nnv- c.»rn«. wart*. bunions. irdou got baii and declare.' habe-utsh i inticcriicv. I*1 In IheCountry all Summer. man w!io takes ni* f.iin iiy into I he coun tiie summer should remember that he wiit save his children a ureat deal of pain and hinise fa large amount of money in doctors' hi!'-, if he i? thoughtful enough to carry a supply of Perry Davis' Pain Killer. Themed ici.:e a standard specific for all cases of cramp? col.c. cholera morbus, diarrhops, o dy-.*nrery. i ,e Kxnosition building at 1-' be hy Ldisoi r::erS'. /rr disease, headache.and c. .. vaus-jd hy bad dijje.-tion, quick: Ilrown'-. Iron letters. Jo!mson, the phenominal pa mile 11J at Chicago, tqi a recor i i: an-.l viuv-ir, i-ure# .ly."t)»p.-:a. i' pat ion tl. ra tie \i Kt'd ROCK \nyon, Ne- 1 cashes ot sheep are poisonim: theai we e Ki"d»*d by the bad water of ttasH pi act Ladies of all aiM*- who suth-r from iojs i appetite Jrom imperfect digestion, low sp: its awd nervous debility may have lifeanu hedth renewed and irnietinitety extended b theuseof Mrs. I.ydiaE. Pinkiiam's remedic for al) complaints incidetr'•• !..• emalecoi stitution. We have not oniy a living faith i Mrs. Pinkham, but we are assured that her medicines are at once moat acreea&le and effi cacious. The Union Pact ." has be^r.ri :ts annual cleaning out ot conductor-. LEWIS jowa.—Ir. M. J. Davis say* "Brown's Iron Bitters give the best of satis faction to those who use it." The editor of tne D?lano Eagle excarted to-Santa Fe. New Menco. to attend the cele bration there. Irritation Oimplsiiuts. ititiamu uml bs iti in. "liu. tc ill Ki.i'i Bif^'ars attempted to ^et from under the pillow of Mr. P»eir-4s. at Shakopee bui he was on the aiert and s a red them off. GAiifKi.n, 1'jivv-Dr. A. T. Henak savs '•Ones using Bro*:i s Iron Bitters proves its superiwri y ore: ail other to:. prepara tions." of Toir Thniuii ...on. place ai .'in., with Masonic cereuion hH.i peop viewwd the re* The funurH' Britigeport iea. 'Fulh -n aire- •i i A' \enraliiia Alien- i.ii.i i'o'i!' ers • ,.'ju to the blood, mvi^ora'es the liver. a'.(ir di ije^tion and tue as^imiiatiou of food, an.i pttrilies. to*'-" -'ren.^t lieu- and tort: fits the i iv vereca-es ot aeu ri.-ij:n cured eauim UcilU' A. S'. Paul U 1 A Train "Her an iiu)i ni ui. accideiit occur:ed thn 21 -i:i.'ota '"eutra! railroad fo tniiea we:' fled Win^ The &frer:ior>n Ttassentrei ."or.sistiin: two roache? and two!'--' ear* bound ror Watt-rvi.le. had ie!t lied W:nj a!. p. :n w rh si\ ]a- -engers. It xas run at usua" speeil. and ti same traiN had parsed over :he road .i: K r:i. the *ame day. It wain possible to toresee any danger until too lau The engine and tende: went, down a thirty foot embaiik:ne:it. the two freight cars fol lowing. KngTMeer Swee:ie\ and the coti ductor, name unknown, jumped for dei li e, the latter escaping uninjured, hutth? tormer was seriously torn up. He was ken to lieu Wing, and is doing nicely. T-i* cause of the accident was th.' nnderntini-u and washinn out ot the track Forty-lour towns of the German Um pire have introduced the system of street-car railwavs. &cmJ many ubo' It Io so PATENTS .1 'W I OR. C. W. BENSON'S S K I N U E Is Warranted to Cure ECZEMA, TETTER J, HUMORS, Ti INFLAMMATION, M»LK CKU£T, ALL POUCH SCALY B^UPTtOH*, DISEASES OF HAIS AAO SCALP, SCROFULA ULSrKft, ana TENDER ITCHlNCSoaailjiar.jof the body. It inakt* the skui white, soft ond smooth Mmovca frookleu, end is tb« toilet drewintfin TIT K WOULD. Elugilntly put up, two bot' .tsin one package, consitun^ of botii ixitoraal ftnd oiterual troatment. AU Hut olM* dr-ucfflsts liairait. Prioefl. perp«ltag». gOSlS.TEI6 No tirnf. «boa!4 ba •»t if liii uSiHuach, .: .'cr an.l twwom ire ff« tfi-l, ail'.ij.t sh# n re reniet* Haa rtlei'n SWOlJlh Hlt i.-rs D'.^eaji's v the ori:i:i- tiim '.l (,i^et oliier^ ta: more s» ri ouh. and a is re tiazant "J*. 11 v»p«|iB:*,l!ver "ni i .tint, oh:'Ii aa^i le !r. '.at-iy rli.':aii:4t t. k i'1 a oy r-ak ies. b:jn« *.-n is ij'i.l! v tpmbV if vit!«0 Wltil. I^i^c 110 ti in ucik thia fT«-tive and safs iiieitii'iue. For by all !»rncriist a-ul Deal «fs generally. birf'eitS il tlOl MWN MI MIC tLrULLKtiB. TM I ltfraaill-- !. In i |"-T''»tal^i«= 1.1 Ircss K S .! J'UU Micliiuan av« a: ago tfir a AM TLJ»":' travi'hnp eipemi*, or rood! UlO rt I'lun I II oncomrniision. Le^timateoaft nra «jt *fi a K'H K Li 'i I Bt" 'i v tint Willi au (it( nut, Baat Ooufh 8ynip T**'m good. tlaji In lLm« K.j.d OJ tlrunriau nssKssaEiCi PERRY DAVIS' U S tuTt^T *mn.m •VMS'** BfUtort j- more are lO PA'tiNt, NO "AY A A 1.A'"' Y. 1'iUial :irn.»ys, W%xhj ijf(.in. 0 •ok. on !'A I KNTS SSNT rm 5^., V A SAFE AND SUfi' REMEDY FOR rheumatism, Neuralgia, Cramps, Cholera, Diarrhoea, 1 Sprains o ^nmrooti |ra I ranee a «J AND Bruisas, i 3urns E E O A N UJMiaMiMliMi 111MM I Is I .1 i Iicnutaif the »ul»*tn ot ilic Lnn^i. fijicilui »ui the id mutter ill' 1 .1 'l! ll I I! 1' .utt «»\r un .... FACIAL i il lt AND I II!•!»• Scalds Toothache ANI I S ACT OlffECTLY O .T iVER. i i 4 i rs 11, 1 v i ft Si-, k Itilioti tioii. 1? Iiemiiii«i iiu. 1*11 It ilrurl ••»*. 'I I'l'm.iIf Irrfii'i .tie*. *«r? ,i» i v.|[ at *»•», •Uni .'h, I1 i»». v %. :t- •. I r»*.'oivu'i .«i i jrm» I 1 i tv been ofl i the half do.'.an.—WM The w\ w -trhes i t»! »4 j»arwfi«'tit»n ne •*»n r|2 \vatc! —OH Keadach For ule by all Druggists. 1 if'1,S •oitti!i£ onallut »... n irlinrn She lr rltAtioit th ,t oauiM t*.•• ••.!». Ii .-Iranio th.: lun^« of al 1 ImpmUln, «t it a them thrin lu-n tsifcf by .on lijot ate* t:i :ir. u Cn:i !, .t tii. ricrvo«nsv n Slight «'oltl« ofioi fnt In COII«llin|i ton. It i« «J i» n 1 il it., iir^tect tlirm. Apitl) 1||I Ifliir J) |li tiipl!}. A tev. .I-- w i:. i "Hat no i-metly iiu v v t-r l. n ti wl l»n l«»i jm'oik}»t in e.-!. i us TUTT S EXPECTORANT Aiiiii|{l«ii)o«f I'lUcii tiie |h' .i s in:': .-ti .i e i i -i i IKGIMS, 111J-* ohs'. ia A pleasant «), hll drtu take It rvadily. 1*"'t it t« invaluable sienn i -i e.-i iy. 4 **i ,.niil ij-.i », l*i« 1 jsM.itiou I i S\ ,1 l» oti, V.¥. A't?TE F3.1 Tt:T? S ftl A BDTKD BI UMTm.BD WOMAJI. 'Froai lh« R^^ou Th» abo»e !s a j'wj of Mra tr'Ha F!ak ham. j' Ljnn Maj« *vi j''ier i.nua may tM sr-itfif:.:.* D*tur l"ri«od ofT^nuui," a« vint ot her eorroajun.-l*- ta Iot« to eai: b^r. th* In mil: d«^ota] to her work. Wil -i U vh« outooma oi a aail ta obiU*J t' k»«p di la4y Msutants. to Laip b«r ui ar ths large ^orrnapiadsoa* tail» pDun ta 'ijoa li^r, ea-h IU «p«clal (ku-i1»b at «n£f«rl:n, »r Joy at r^ »»i»e Tr tn It. Bar jmp«nl ia ine il :lrta (f jol and not •T'J. purpose* I p«r« ina.Uf iaraaU^aUd It aad am wusfltnl of tha cr". th jf ::oa On aiMoant of ttn pro»«o rt la M^Jnun^adad acl pr*aort!)«d by pbyai.-iaaa la Ui» souatry. Ol,» mya "It vorka Ilka a ^harw ajaJ aa'M maoh p.uii It wtii iur» anclr«Iy tb« w-nrt form of faiUoc of th* aWrna. Loi-.vjrrti.iMi, Ir-^iliu- and palofat Meu-^ruAti-m, All 'a--t«a Tdu'jSm, in^Anunatlan aad Uleer*H-n, Oi^i.'ia.-ini^at* aa.1 aoa •aq-aMnt sptnai waakaaaa, and Ja aapaoiauj alapM4 ta Lbr hatig*at Ufa." It prrm»at»a ortrj portion of tha vyatam. aad *1tm aavUfaaii'5 r. It rimoT«a faJot^aaa. flatixlaasr, daatraya all -r*'tny for V.Lmulwj'Ji, and riU«»* waak a«S" o.' Iba Jt mji.,-^ It eur»a Bl'.a'lng. Hcadanha^ K«r»ooj Proatratlon, «n iral Pebiiirt, H«plaaa IVp.-ffwion aa,1 t»'Jl^»vTtioTi. That of ^aartu^ dawa, eaualng paia. walgtit aad tarka,-h«. la alwaya (MrmanantJy '.-ur*»I by Ita caa. It will at all tlm^a, and ocli*r ail atnrumntani-**,art In harmony with tha law that g.i»erns the faraais syatara. It u*ta only 1. per bottle or aix fnr (S and la aold hy drarsr" 't*. An advioe mjuLreJ aa to apeulai aaaaa, aad the o»oe of many w*!^ have !wm reatored to parfaot haaith y tba oaa if the Vegetable 'orapouiii, can ba obt«in»-J by a-i lrnart.-Kf Mr*. with atamp for reply, at bar hom* In Lyiio. Uaaa. For Kidney '.mpiainr. of MtHar aex thLi sompuaadU •aaarpaaa..l as a'umilant tnaUmonialt ahow. Kr*. Ptnk!ia.ra'» IJ»er aaya one writer, tSm t« th* world for tha snra ot Ootutlpatloa, BUioiuneaa and Torpl.Uty of tha Uver. Bar Blood Porttl«r worlta wonder* In Ita aparial tine aad Uda fair to aqial tha )mp,ni3,l la tta p.pularlty AJJ orairt raap»!t bar u aji Aogal of Moroy whoaa aela MDblcioa to to do rood to ochank Phllailalpbi^ Pa. Mm i M. B. SPECULATORS Sell I at .Q.-.' fs" n i n w i »n.l t-1 k« i i s ma»k«'.4 We •mall -i !i" ii IW 'I TLF- n a v u ttkiT* nf thetr ros *'1 Harohes whU*h h.ivi* »»f the p»»ld an.i V« I I. •i.'bvateo vv*t.-b Arm, t» irood coii-.liti.m a* I h«N" i irK'tf of u»«»vt»nu»nt. a ^hcin in »iiu v time «»rhu»-t quilt* a* t't'-y »vci.i 'h tn«v itro tiuo for the mociivT ever offered if Into "'i ir«»i and In ra*^"* a a:mnt (U*n1 ?n«*t atul I'ftcn U*i» :nc •i «j«»wu to I3!l i J. si'T.AL I'lsnu/ ?r ia!ion 1:1 train "tu.-ajo. Msuu-ap jlis or St. i aul tnakts rou U'-^c. -in-, p-ofits OB S ti WOOD ,v CO St-j. 'i Ki'-han-ie, M.-.'.ieapohs an i S\ lJaal. lilVi'lTv B»jit work in the U.S. for tha mouef. I All IlI'KIS!: CA'ltll \*iK CO.. Ciiiriu Dili Writd lor 1 is tl atal-.i-'Urt No. li F.-t*. For Biu'ticm at tha OMrat A Baal Cireu'.arfr^a 4sCCt-Lcy •llrcalc iiAii.Lak.Ujoa^ CHICAGO SCALE CO. 2 Ti\ w ii.K, *40. TON, «S0. 4 Ton WOO. Hui IiK-ludtMl. 240 lb. FARMER'S SCALE, »5. 1 s i $0. SUOOTilt'K M/KS. ..du.fl I'KII K I.IHT FRKB* P0E&SS. TOOLS, &c. b*si iniu.K nn: 1-1 u i.i'.i.i wum. tio, do 1» A V11 JIIHI Kit of Tooln. AIO, Kirapri. (lee and m'lBf. dolaa odd Job*. Hlownru. Anvils. Vice- ,* Other Articlw ar LOW KST I'UICKS, WllOLKSAi k A UKTAXL. I to & 11 in in liu! pet th H» I"H irtlu v« i.tit tb, Ue nil1 cb b*. («m TWO %U*\ bv oxproMH for 8* V li. .1..%KN. We w ,' *»«nd :v ptttd, i Cli/r iiijui for I'lfn 4 •••lt« N will .-.I-Iill .III! V. Et.EC ANT WATCH OHAIN, win k V/HISTLr CHARM and CALL ATTACHMENT »,*» llitTi« on *1eii. IVtiftt our Cm*t»ni'kr4 I m-.i-.vo*. 1 |C rat. 4jh| *«»M out' $ "ouki Jmvi» v it 8t*iol jo'K'rt *!•»i*-""t». 1.1, T. )l ll I tiHvJ Ktrrt* uplvn fi'Mim n (XooO ortlor koop i mi Cit% e 'n i PlsHI'lt Hli.iLi uum von I had bcn.»r tlltlrt n«*!•«•: thai it TOU, riitma. »urn i k ao% WORLD ANUFA TU 1,' i W O COMPANtt i id Nassau Streot, Wow York. VilI'Vil Ml'V l«»n !'*L*(iRAPltT tt«re and It I .Ml wi jj a you ti sitii.Vi.'Li Cir-B !ar-i free. VAi In'IINX. UUOS,, .Ih«»iiVi .«. iVw, ftT k) A WBKK. 2 alar »t uom, 'wdlr mad a Ocm* ontfit 'ns A 1 i.-ujnTBUB ft (V) AU(f i«tv Ut. HorphlM Hnlilt nrvd In If UiMdarn. Ktipn.r Ull Car*4 La. Lieoujttdti, Ociic OPIUM 1 NKOliM A: ION REi %I{I)INfi DKNVEI 1 anil th- N! W Kli IN'ATE 1 OI.OKA Ir bo:i' f« A.ldrnan. A. 1 I.sK. L'.rjver, \1. "THE BE8T 3 CHEAI»€8T." fHRF^HFR iiW!l,lls HorsePowen linLwULttO CIottHullen (Suit-.1 to ai »ci amir.'iccs U TIJO 1 $r t- •. u «uia. TO 920 pfir darat hniaaft Rumple* «rnrth 'ra*. Adilrww tirisrso* A Co.. I'u-'Jaixt, c, SPECUSTORS(TOUTonttt!J"tn^Torrn«townown:n*.«*ka Spiulf.:-. -a 111!' fl,- Mil IN V I 4 a tJKNTs \V .\ NTI A in jt l'i. t" i.t ii on- est!. \j'i 'U .i vnwaruc ft'/t ai ii Avpu». makt J. •aiiolla .'1 33 FRAZ^R tin r.«. I? *de-IO Ijfn II li !l Heat ii, Hie Hnri 1. •r» im. hu«r baa u«L BiarkeU Crater'#. Stit-U L.ViiU'iV% E U A i i N A The \i \y s U lMi lll of the ISS4. CONSERVATORY of MUSIO Beautlfulty ni»strat»-1. A pai-os. KK1VT FRI'.H to *vur« lf an iu-k it 1- n i» it-ml mcs «n i vs*e» to K. !M livil.K |iVini.:-i! "i fi iss, Th' I.^rjut anit ippntnl'-'i Mu- I.-ttury jn4 JOSEPH G'U.OTfS S E E E N S &O±.T E»V ALL DELA-RRO'TIT^OjohoutTHE NVORL'J GOLO MEDM. Pi* S SX130:}IT 3N-IP?S, D«rjn*j th" tnm -nnir' Weii Bering and Ri, 0' Maaiiin la Vary P^ot,"aijio $25 to $40 A DAY Often Mads! Kachlnea Male to Hoi Haiii or lit.-ixa Po-we. Band for Caif.: A.iilreun i l.OOMIS /^f y 9 i 5? !JVi i? i NYM&Ne TifFIH,OHIO, yy .t,Bnu tare ». ita: 1111: u.m I U- CF eiHCMAWTON, *^,st Hi* s. %. SEWING MACHINE CLEVD^AMPL N. W N. D. No. S(». When writing to advertisers say yoa saw their advertisement ia this paper.