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THE HERALD. 1)-iwxu & \FtoU 'Publish* rs it A ear U» Advancr. •!I* STC NK CITY. DAKOTA V It 11 A V. A I !. 1883. Ortonville voted lust Monday on question of bonding the township for S.MIOO to the Fargo Southern railroad, and carried it i 15 to 1. Surveyors have already begun tlieir work at that heat harvest has already begun, aiul never before have the tanners of his eomnmnii y had a better crop of ihe golden reveal. The cool moist weather has matured it fully and i,one will grade less than Xo. 1, "hard I went v-iive oy Thirty bushels to the :ir r. F.arle been mostly se ... and a ,, ».-.d yield, wliiie oats ),lu.n^ i:„. am! the immense e CIOtt', 1 ol (I,iy and the day previous, together \\i :h tlie deep interest manifested in the work and the successful issue of the meeting in every particular, mark it as only the lirst in a long series of such gatherings. With the issue of the movement none live more heartily galisiieil than those who undertook the labor a:ul responsibility of it. The clergymen and executive com mittee feel fully repaid for their trouble, and the duiv now before the latter body is to insure the permanen cy of the gathering. The committee desire to express their gratitude to the many friends of the carn.e wh" have aided by their contributions ot money, labor, influence ami attend ance, in meeting the exigencies of the occasion. Especially is this ac- i-hown their broiherlv interest time when it was most needed. et being scratched. Llliott w us voted ]»resence in the meeting. In al! these for on every full ticket cast showing times of refreshing, Fider Ilartsoim'h that the faction to which he belonged •. w o E? 9' .Vilbaiik i oi 1'iJ \U7 ior l-io U6 Allan .".0 29 iio 4 V i 17 2 liraiit 'cjjler 7 7 7 01 ~i fj-i r.j Tvrni brooks 3 •J- 15 13 14 k7 'Jij (i ]si^ ... 12 12 76 i.:t 3:3 :r, 124 VtriiOli 9 8 7 46 35 3: •ii 7 Meir 7 7 7 57 54 •e o4 3 hhti luali.... i 2 4 52 60 *rZ l.j isceclii •3 0 (1 IN 17 I« 16 /-.' 1 1 11 12 11 12 Totals 1 i I 1f4 «w:5 mi n:? •141 .-y:) 32« For safety, comfort, and cleanliness 1 i uv Hull's Vapor for sale by i i MI'Stove NKO e i "... interested in said camp meeting asso Uie famous Luckeve biiu ers are ciation, do herel.v i xtend to said Jii going like hot caked at Jones is V, olt's Stone Lake Transportation Co. and o this busy season. Gamp-Meeting Conclusion. A Large Atteiulencf ami a Grand Succoss. Officers Elected t»r Vcar. tin I iisntn# Attendance, which bad' been ligli^ during the first days of the camp meeting, began, Friday, t® rapidly lU mra pnint, and grading will be commenced joj- of the meeting daily inert asod. mmediatelv, and the work continued Interest in the work increased nUii jb Multliwant until it meuts the gra.lin,'! n,nub,,H a,l,l,d »n.l t,« it a point south of "Walipeton. and throughout the remain- last three ea witnessed iaan versions. FRIDAY. A highly edifying social service va condueted by litv. J. \V. Hell ol Ui tonville, and" the work of the forenoon closed with a strong exhortation from Kev. lli hardson of the same place, lie took for his text the words "Be ye hoi v. as 1 am holy." In the afternoon, Kev. C. X. Stow ers, presiding elder of the Mankalo (Minn.) 'onference preached an elo am wi.: i dimply enorn oi:. in quantity, the text, Hebrews XI 0. Iiis aim r. l" was to prove that faith is. originally, I'amn meeting closed Sabbath even- subjective and its exercise objective. ... +u! (j od gives the power or laeultv ibro wliirii 1« 1H1IOTL T« I OT hnowledgement duo to our many Kmmettsburg, I»wa. occupied much friends in the neighboring towns of the evening, tin- rest of the time *f-u ... i l,.,,.» beinu" filled in with short, effective Milhank and Orionvilie who ha\ei ... t.iU\- iiom ive\. v\ heelei and All. J). at a Election for delegates to the Consti tutional Convention, passed uf very quietly in this town, last Wednesday, meeiiia The total vote cast was 15-1, of which U. F. Murphy received 154. Elliott 12 ". Uennett 12L V»"ardall 75, Lothian 49, lbirman 32, Lewis and liieser 12 each. irresisiai-h: iogic from the words, Four of these will be the accredited upresentalh -s of (ii.ii/. i t«» Sioux Falls. An analysis of the modes and mo t'ves which at different times during the day, iniluenced the vote one way t: the other would, if rightly under stood, be rather amusing. Indiffer ence to results or choice, except in t'.e ease of Murphy, was the prevail ing state of mind. A story circulat ing to the effect that Burmauaud Lo thian were simply representative. w ho would yield their proxies to more objectionable parties in Milbank, cost these gentlemen many votes, the peo ple preferring to vote for Bennett while some twenty-five votes were east for Murphy, or for Murphy and Bennett alone, the balance of thu tick- which bv bellevfti. else faith. Sapt. Whitfield occupied the even ing hour in a sou l-stirring appeal based upon the thought contained in the words "Xo man eareth for my sou!.' Fsa. 142 4. The spiritual awaken: which followed these two able dis courses of the afternoon, continued unabated to the close of the meetings. 'SATUII.DAT In.the m.•ruing aii-isi* r-t'-d .• i::• 1 ence iisieiitu to Kev. Bowe who took as the subject of his remarks, the words found in St. Marks* gospel,.. 'Chap, and 21 verse,-'.-Tire: sermon was a good exposit-im ot-tlie require* menu* of personal rt llgioh. Rev. Rogers of Ashton. Dak., gave a uraphie description of the true char* ai-ier of Christ as he amplilied the word*4 of his text,'Isa. IX 6, "And His name shall be called Wonderful." A song and praise service led by thai prince ot singers. F. s.Orm.-by of W. Diggs of Milbank. and others, was a profitable evening. THE SABBATH. 1 to the altar and proved the .spirit's v\iW would lmve i-L-eeivtd al the solid ''^i.l.ath iHiia- win sprat in »o,ig endorsement of the voters oi the place service by Mr. jrmsi)y in his ef had there been any read issue at stake, feet ve v. ay. The recital of Bible A lew complimentary votes were promise.* hy mend-ers oi the audbmce. ea.-st for Lewis and lUeser to make the '•jjolicy" rule hold good all round, with a much larger number for War dall on the exjtectation that !c would run behind anyway, the \\..- going to show that there was no united voto cither ticket save in the case of '^ot.ri Uion, \yen: i given a tiee excursion to the head of Mm ph\ anu Luiott. the lake, n distance of tiiirtv miles, =r. ~r.rrrrrr: and return, by the Big .stune Lak' 'the He view concedes tl. election Transportation Co. on their beautifu1 ol Murphy, Fdliot. 1 -rman and Loth- ,, steam yacid, -Big Stone." A. mm in. The complete turns puMMied tie' :ln \fd table tells the c o sfl 'ict'.ve ami zealous work- was a vcrv enjovabh and pioiifal)lu feature of tin evening. 'I'his session closed the work of the camp meeting. :»H.'N!»A v. Asa rest and relax item fr,nM Ho lal.or.s of the week, the remaining clergymen with tlieir families, and beautiful day could not well bn con ceived and as the boat glided along at the rate of lifteen miles an hour, the company became well-nigh ecstatic over the picturesque scenery. Ilclbre drawn up and signed: W hereas: The Jhg J^tone Lake kiudiy ru:i Us beautiful steamer, the i "liig Stone." otherwise **Iut Grande Fiei re,"' in the interests of the Camp .Meeting of Big Stone Lake, md tended to all many acts of courtesy I tending t.o adv.'Uiee the welfare of the hereas: Capt. II. It. Burmdl and Engineer H. }'. ]renin have beei /. ll iVm 1\ Heruu our most hearty we luav that thev, one and all, m» AOt only tlx- hike lv, Imt that nirli "nay i.- !|r I Jreat sea of life as to la art in the 1 air ?rven d" eternal delights. iiov. -Wiu.-.ot wt.mH Ki, sullt. 1 convincing .sermon from Kev. L. Hart sough, F.h- llev. I. II.Michardson. Henry Neili. F. II. Wheekr, W mionu.. ,T. Itowc. U ,1 Mciiver:"• Mrs. M. S. Adams. S. D. Kemerer. E. Kiidiardsoii. Fre: d( S Onnshy. ,i. W. IJavve-. .t, iie K. Smith. L'ien Weller. Movius. A a i .. i maei J. W. Hell. s. P. Kemer^r Anna T. Bell. Miss Louisa Soi. Many expressio'is oi adm.nn ion i the beautv. location and 'itm ss ol tn ground for a camp meeting were hear and all desired iu permanent estat-- lislimeni. The spriiiU-. mire and mm• eral. were the fu ,'ov"" resort.. culinarv departim nt .der to per vision of Mr. lb I highly spoken of for its exieiiciit cm sin--, and thf prep.vr.i!.u»'.is ior tae c-u venioiKe «f the assembly w.-n- "Mi.'r al v com pit The olli rs the ousui'.'v. VEAR are: KXCCUUM inittce .ll^iry Xeill. S. W Sin, 11. Met!iverin, K. SrhumaUn MinisterialCommiiteeu C.' i F. K. M: nkato li-vriet Wilmot ij-d, l»akota Misssious: l'aM« of iJig Sione Ciiy and Mil bank iii.d of Ovi-'uvil!e ami Cranite l'.ids. Minn.. M, II. ciiun-le Tit«* Xorthi'ru t?-*nt- «'l i Cttitiity I.«cut«v», It Sabbath, tiie great day of the Lord, was. hKteed. a great- day in the camp It Avas appropriately com memorated by the Love Feast in the morning, followed in the course of the forenoon by a sermon from Presiding Elder ILirtsougii. He preached with wretciied man that 1 am! who shall deliver Bie from the body of this death?" Many received for the first time a satisfactory explanation of this seemingly unchristian eomiitiorrof the great apostle's nature. At the close id' this fervent appeal, the Saennuont of the Lord's Supper was admiuis ten d. over one hundred cumii'.umcants pat taking. W-ih the canopy of lieaveu and the arch of overhanging i trees alone separating them from the immensity of time and space, is if be wondered at that, to the sincere followers oi the Master, this was, in •'eed a solemn oeea.-iMii. Through laii thev came to Cud. '1'he yfte:noon discutir-:e was deliv ered by ltev. Wilmot Whitiiehl from l'sa.lltf 11. "Thv word have 1 hid in mine heart, lis it i mm.hL not sin against thee.'' His touching appeal amplifying the. thought of the text. brought a large number of penitents T! .• .s been, for sever cousiucL'able tract of iatal on em border of Liichland has oeen in a laliur un-j-.dtieo state, aot- being inehi'ied in any county, llllil i i i v' 11 bat jiuuciul I attaened lo tuia coun.t) parpoM'S. 'i.ius tract township 126 and 12W i the reservation. line beiwecn I2tf aad regarded as the southern the count v. But the las acting pi-j'oabiy upon thu suppos that territory would be divided 4oth parallel, established the soutlr n boundary of the county upou tl imaginary line. The county .niiuis. hioneis did not k*ioy '.vherc tl 4ah p.uaih. 1 WviS located, ami .so Lieu*, John I'ureeil waatmg ».geil tu aseeri:. I its h)eatiou aui imirk it by niouu in such a manner Uiat the llu-hlan-i oihcers would knov,' how far south to levy and eod:A tixt* j. Tiie loeatimi uf tile parallel m^nti"aed h.'.d diseovereu by a solar OMserxal'. ilar to thai by a marirei o. mines iiis lec:«,tiou at. ea, and Lieu. hgiMaf.. Fiacell was chosen for this ta.n caiiie l:e hadlne n edmrated a- the i I al acaaeuiy at Annapolis, and h. seen aetive seiviee- in the navy. found the hue to be C25 feet. -outh the southern boundary of to\\n l' i and that line tin: boundary the count to-uav. Tim land of the parallel is now included in i new cuuaty of U*ioerts, w'uch .• in the maj p-n-tiou of Indian ie i at'liU.- (la/.etM-, tliipe-tvJT:. i.uTtin 1 u: b"\e been mii- '"l" u y-|Ml]" & wi'j LL i' it Hesolved: I hat we the lain oiliecjs, members and others 1L K U1(1 E of Bel"it Eineison are completed hundred v col sai.:: ii* e. --.'Wma Matei ami the tv.o pro! ni that institution, i':• .. "f. Forter. have jus' ,.ed term .of one .necuon With the The ger r..- .. the n w,',:: .. chine is he •:i• i ind. ldck h:i: 1 h-j v'i. traded one c, 1,., teams to ShaCo, Unidlord it Co. f. farm ma.ehi:u UHS b« ught another. Ine oarley liar vest is oi 11 i e ted. Earl Ib.t.s. v» :ll thr'-sh b.u iev fo- aII hanus some May this week. The dim L'i\er had storm t! desti.(.»ye'l the p.s of Key. C*'0. Har ding, the ii.-in :-eher here. J). M. Uichardsoti of Minneapolis,' accompanied by a iric-ud. Mrs. is visitin rciaiivi s ir-re. Alex. Xelson is now ent"iLaintng a young grant... w «tri. •,.•«.! about two weeks ago.- Speak up Ai.u-.iiacnsis.'' Yt»u have a right to be. hcaid, being ijuite. prom inent, a!!. but your nose. That, w.r: nrononnci:d a pug 'jy i 'iud authoii :ome time. ago. (). 11. Kiii^sby has returned from his Minne.-oia visit. For i (.suit of i.uiteh game of base ball between Willow Benders and Fl uiiraians. see last issue of 11 i- ii_\ OSCAU WII in on llKN'r.—The building-, now occupied by us as an ofiiee on Main street. Joxi s & Worn ftiiM! Ilrre, Movius liros. have had experience,, getting the numbers on lnml changed and they know how to do it. Give them a call. Burklcii'K Ainiia Salvo, The greatest nictJif'u! wonder 1 tho worid. Warranted to «pw*dily euro Unrns. Bruises, (tuts, Ulcers, Walt Uheimi, Fever .Sores, Can cers, Piles, Chilblains, r»K, Tetter, Chap ped lhui(l.s, and till skin f'Hijitions, guarauleil to cure in every instance, or money relundcil Twenty-live cents pur lox. For .Sale by A. W. liessejjuie, Druggist, Big BtoneCity, Dak. .luhn W. Boll. James P. Fisher. JjjiaL k FiaUKtt, Attorneys at Law, MlLliAKK, DAKOTA. s 11 HATZ BEOS STAPLE FAI-SF Next Deer to Post 01 i'hreo ir.ont! i 1 m» mistuki .n i patronage, and hopim by st. favor, we would e 11 the atteutio we i and will dti a-. w»d) pv v. i u.,on i.: 11n_ sn .u a F.M.S': OIL- ST. SUCCESS1 SEASONED STATIONEST 1 F. 1' AN'l AHX11 re 1LLT A1ITI' LL AT 3 y j. V4 i 9 f: 1 r« s i I lie r,. w lin.,1 wi \\(»LF imve removed i-' M'laitcrs fiurn {lie old stand m, Cuiiiell avenuft t(l annicat: Furber A l{c|ti:i. on Mui .d.cet. where iLey 1'" c-l. Lest Seh'ded and Most Complete -bwk |, j. N ITl li K in the ,v«»st, {'ciisi^tin- Parlor and Bed Boor A Large Assortment oi Bed-Steads, bureaus, corimo^ WIEAI Stands, Tables, Wood and Cr.^ Chairs. Mattress andSpn^"m»( Mirrors, Pictures, Frames, Brackets, WALL PAPER, and Ladies' Work Baskets and SEWING MACHINES, and School I~)esks and School K We wva offerina our stock at yritfes that defy FlHST-i hotel bas out, and to lie general ation and !HA3 iber, r. 3men' JC* Oi OXE CIT". ,t !:iie nient uf MOLDINGS, DOOIJS AM)W Look for tin* Niitti of the Wiscominlw^tiyr J. id. woi LUL--MUNROE jne City, n *RS. D. i.lai ii -/v Milling an: i^ies are inspect tl DRUGS TING, GR and ot fini Putty Ki JtoNt Of pto ,hop on nm BR Pi loan iiico Pi -Vd. ES & 91 aft at Colle I.OVvr MlbLF 'If.WKS & COMl aB f'Estate a ,» u fi i SJ wge- n ne. Mo 9 rVOQMl i t'i. ioeon Qrt Hot Phyl ICE—I tnet. k m* klw me i ronli'j.(j\T