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hotel has V)y ost 0§ tin cf finishin it Putty Knife. Vest of Wo jrto ••hop on Conn E S & S I O i.OYu Colleqtioir. a .*• ST. CHARLES HOTEL FIRST-CLASS IN HYKKV VAIITNTPAH. 1M i i A K Opl'it i TI-.LER, LUl^ysician and S'T'it'O :. ieiit t.i KTOki:, me City, D. T. M)V, (IRS. D. W. GASCON, »eOlhill ,jpjistantly recti im ii Miliinary, s recently !»eon re-fitted an*! famished out, and to tourists visiting the lake and the travel lie generally it offers special advantages for their ac ation and comfort. MllS. A, 310RGAX, Proprietress. 11 JLmA JL •Jj.ii :»r. \. & Ol OXE CITY, iber, Lath, Sa-uh, Boors, Lime anient, Stuoco vid all kinds I O' if* Noveli.v w ooci w or.£S to order. MUNROE «S: \7i i.i l.'KU is- rattrns AND J. A lilies are rest inspect these TING, GRAIN AND Wlii d. in ? •, vow, i Ave. rIU3 BROS., -loan and insurance Agents. PTfi:''vfncp promi'*': |f .ahd re !•.-• 1. .'Utrht 6)f8 at Law a:J Real Estate Dealers.' SftlLLK, INN. i .WES & EIRSTJN, ill Bffi. KB U UH (.• !-"i i ')•:.• Content* ii ite ar.(f LfiT' j\yntt«. J'ny lUge. Abatr.-i:''- i tit'«»inrnishr.l t" a L, in Grant do •. la.vv i imo. mts. i u pu.'.atptly i ne. Money i'iii':, shi'd t'.) provN i! reasouaUlt! ft,, ioeon t, i„' Sioiic (, 'y .i. ttft Houset, 'I'ciejiii n 10 to aanicatioufb*- f'V li. «{iick sluti w.-cii tit- -.!iccs, i. J. HEMRV WillTFORI), Qj-- Physician and Sujgef)ii. ICE—In Jies^uiif's Ir»g Store, .Met. May be t'Himl in oflkc at iu^ht. ptlDKR, Cr.:-f :itn and Ornamental Plasterer y k Whiteashing and CXu»"|Mgdone i: k substantinl atil nutnner. i ARL GltOSSkoi i dT SMm Mason and Plastarsr, S, kinds of Brick and Stone "Work ft* the most reasonable ol Big Stone City, 1). T. etititf -'f 'f% '1 X\ *d work of ail description maim .ac cured 3 1 i u i S i u i v 31 11i• iv.-t. f:su St Cli H. J. G-lasser, Proto. n-:«»: I .mhi Ft v.h ris-js! MiNi.vj Tise 'mi l)r?:.Js of Cigars in tiis Ci»j. mMV'. -VJivu i jgOj. Merrill. of till't r' Tt 'Hlieeti1 v, i i nam" '. idea, (1 11 i: i I h" he 11 1 a •i by ih -il St. Paul. Nr ..Ji.l -i'.es *v«r 4,500 jnilus •'uii'-l iii li .-" mils, \Vi.'k'tju.-iiu,.-.Mi«»»'j} •«sta, i.uv... •. :'. -,aRl as itn inauili bnuji'jjr- i .rami* reiirfi tlw uriti \V.r{, it. niauraliy tlie I'teRtn'ipu^a .-i Short J«iU* an-' i JuMt' In tHdM ('li'u a r-. 'vl:i uanki M. I'mil u... Mini,, .i]: ills. Clii"i.Milwai 1 V" i I i.': i. (,'iiifii.. Clii. au'e. Mliv, v. ilc iVcr I) :h4 a:n! Cliifii,\[ 1 w-laket'. W'.iuU-- a a i..l h-'onninow i ic. (..'lucaL'O. .Milwa:i! i r. ^ia!ifon. and 1'rairu 1 da 'hit !. ('hica^o. Milwankrc. mna and l-'aribanl ('hk-jitfo. J'h'i"!i. .Ia ii' ivill«* and Mte*» eral i'uint. Cliit'apo. Klfjin, l.'tx-klord, and Di buque. Chicago, Clinton, liuck Cedar Kapids. "^'OTICK, S. bawl Office, Waferfotvn,' .»A I). T., .lulv v'O, issi.i. C'ouipliiiiit hav ing been entered at thi* office bv Alexander Meadows against Frank H. Muck, for failure during second year to cultivate and break live acres, and third year to nlfivate and plant to trees, seeds or cuttings, five acres: and tourtli year to 'cultivate and plant to trees, seeds or cuttings live acres ol tract em braced in his titnlier culture entry No. 3-211, dated July s, 1X7M, upon the northwest auar ter, section '•, township 119, raru»e 4f, in (irant county, T, with a view to the cancel lation of said entry tlie said parties are here by summoned to a)»pear at this office on the l-lstdavot Sejitembcr, issn, at 10 o'clock a. i in., t« respond and tarnish testimony con rniiir' ^aiJ aliegel abandonment. 1). T., July 1*, 18na. Complaint hav ing been entered at this office by Elias Weatherly against Robert. G. Ferguson, lor failure to "break five acres first and second vears on said tract, ami to plant to trees, -ecds, or cuttings live acres third andlourtii vf-ais to cultivate same on tract embraced in its timber culture entry No. dated Aug. 1, l.s?K, upon the s'out!i-\ quart' r, -'ection 4, township 11!*, range 47,in(irant •ounty, 1). T., with a view to the cancella tion of said entry the said parties are hereby summoned to apfiear at this olJice (jn the iidtli day Si'jitcmlier, HN.'!, H. P. MPRP11V. fi lilTY r.D i««!. i" Tin: (•»»'. vs v a i_, i ij. A I- -I'd, liock i. .-. i .i i .!• aild other Wita-.--. 1STO a ^liort I f'"* Chicago, Milwaukee l.a Cn^sr a:.-i .. .'.li'.f.Mhi1 A ntM'iici n. KM.'ii (l. i c-. ('lii'iU o. 3fih\ ai.'UT C. 11 I,I Claire IM Miii water. Cliicajro. ^.filwaaixfi-. Waa^ut an i Island ainl Chicago, Council 1'lufls and Omaha. Chicago. ioux City, Sionx Fulls and Vankton. Chicago. .Milwaukee, Mitchell and Chamberlain. K( ek Island, ubfwjue, St. I'uul and Minneapolis, Daveiipiu t, Calmar, St. Paul and Min neapulis. Pullinan Slmiere and the Finest Dining Cars in the world are run im th? main lines ol the ChK-a^i), Milwaukee M. J'aul liiiil wav, and every attention fc paid to passen gers by i-otirteous employes ol tlie couijtany. S. S. MKRR1LL, A. V. li. CARPENTER, (ien'l Mauag«r. Geu'l Pass. Agt. J. T. CLARK, GEO. H. HKAFKURI) Gen Supt. Ass't (.m lt'i 1 ,.s« Ag 1 C' G. WJLL1AMS, Register 11. R. PEASE, Receiver. NOTICE.—U. S. Laud Office, Watertown. at 10 o'clock a. m., •o respond and furnish testimony eoncerniug iaid alleged abandonment.. C. WILLIAMS, Register. R. PLL.\.-E, Receiver. D. W. FOUNTAIN. Atl'v at Law. S1 s'l't iN CITY. i). T, el T1'' N S A SPECIALTY. MONEY LOAN IN SMALL AM'd'NTS ON I1'RT TIME ON CHATTEL SiiCl.*- VONKY TO J.DAN ON REAL ESTATE ON FIVE YEARS TIME AT U VEll E N I N E K E s M"U'-y tui"11 i11 i to provo up on H'IML-:-TE.MS AN1 i'i-.R L'RE-EMPTLONS CENT, ON AT FIVE YEAR.- TIME. :*Istate b,ught find sold on eomnii- Exchange sold on all prim point* in Euroiie. Iurpliy & untain. Knight & Dean, li:,.-.' ,'1, 1 $ s o o o o 1, 4, 5, (», 7. hi years. In f, p'st as low asthe iu\w -:. Mon'V MI i.i !j tfi psy tor Pre-empt and i ."ommute lf omestea. Is. •r^o'.ft cau gft the: ue-.-i-y oa the same u..y they ajijily. Princijial and Interest payable r! .Milbank, Dakota. Judge Abl'ott is authorized to negotiate -un-i. Call at once on A. U AliliO'l'T, MILllilXK, D. p.. rwipi-MwijaM ^newHOME? 'SEWING MACHINE CO- 3 0 U N I O N S U A E N E W Y O K CHICAGO, ILL.* SEW ORANGE. MASS. AND ATLANTA.OA: FOR SA E BY notii: si.w i «. .u.t, iha,. Mate Mrtfl, Clinaiiu, III Has !iad "Nearly Five Yearn Experience in the Land Business in Dakota. Persons having busine**. jn his line sboub avail theniseU'es ot iiis experience, there by assuring correctness and proTny and avoid the blundering i) c.xj ienced land a-.~ it cots ..• ni"r,,) and aii land papers j'fe ared by him w.Mrai absolutely correct. 11OM EST HAD FILING.- MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate in Grant County at v. -.t rates Land in any part ol Grant eo I'.Kl TdNK CITY. I). DiEBOLD & TUHNELL, Proprietors. Wheat, Corn or Buck wheat (Iround at a small toll, or tr change in 1'lour, iJran, shorts. ,v". We N i i 1 Jii»i 'l I' A. J. BLESKK, M. A. BUTLER, ,, MADE AT ONLY THE I»lSrl TI1E LANI» I N K O Y I I lie farmer, ol tlie i i:' •1 i N I, tiii si® C'L'Y. A I 011 AS. 15 LA*'- I I )iave Mi. Als.» II.. -,t I' »:-ietor. S|jrnbber\ ni:^ I e. Plants 1 1 ,i' ,.i" which an WHITE ASP, i i\ ELDi-.u. i A Y W I O W A N NVtmD Ti.!: CI'RIt A.NT. e Y i '•I A!']JE. S A N i i i i I! i A WOOD BROS, 1 Heaclciucirt^is for r.<p></p>LIMIM iiAnlJwAilk IT i nmi) r»N A i i e i n i v W W i v i llSl! IHPi s I i w it! I j:, S2%« «,ki. IViillRliCK tv ll'ILNUN. ami 1 BROS., Pl'o ,|'ir'for.S oI tlie BIG STONE CITY HEAT MARKET. All kinds uf fresh and Salt Meats I constantly on hand, special atten- tiun paid to Sausage Making. Cash Paid for Hides. Merchant. i Patent Flour,Buckwheat, and Cornell avc. "i' DisTRii r. Relinquishments, Trc-e i Fflines and Final J', Big Stone City. v M: bought and sol i on commission ur otherwise. orni i: n uutdi tM'S IM*K. A. J. ISLKSKlt, '"lerkof :::t and Notary Public Big Stone Oil Mills I in bo'ik ol i|. ir'ga^e-:, H'.'ords ot (irai.t rouiity, 1). 'i .' ii day ill 11g11st, 1thi Aiiil, duly a-igi and tia eit F. i«ib-ou, .ii., tjie said assignment was duly reenrd. the i-egiter (-1 d^eds ui Urau' •, tiie day of lu! l n oim.'.g'-S on ."*-4 And herea.-, ihe sai Gra- ham, Cornxnoal, and every thi'^r in our iine at Wholesale and Her I, A e o s a n o V Thorndike & Co., ('or. Jayne Dai:. Notice of Foreclosuie Sale 11 ERE AS, default has been i V cojuiitions ola certain mortal on the nil dav if .lime, l-ssi, a y o i i i i s e a n a y u s -e i Kors, to Annab- ll,' Knapp, inorti said morfuage was on the 7th ...v |S- 1 li g", die U e niort c, wb. of Jl. Im re. 1 r' i: l, .lulv reconled in the o'.K'-e ter oi d'*eds in and I'T the and T-'"-rritory ol Dakota, Morfu'ag'- on page sixty-oie sci'c.nd day ot December, P helia Knajiji »!uly assigiud guie lie s-. id mortgage, \\1.. was duly n-conied on Dv. records of (irant County, lb 'i' McM'tgages, on page "JMs. Tl Res^euuii', on the oil day «.• did duly asviui and traie-li gaue lo Ali.-e A. Neill, wl was o.i the :M day ol July iv- Jo1.- i, in 1 111noiied tor the j,, -'T'v note made i •. i i •iliiagee lor 6s. :.\ i due a1.:• i i le'reas, .!. 1 i u i,:, 1 •'.yme'it ot the baiani Ana wlo-reas, tlie i 11 1sum ol scviCei-u aid note and niort. Now thi-reiore, not i id m-irt j.ite :i :e e luort. I 'lie .iM-M.nt '.1 I iimiL.. _ri- and e u n tv and of this section ve mill a trial. luirsi'-' "t ,*•!•! i Mtie« i. %ud i i i- ii \Y !i. ,11 ti 1 in !e. amounting to ii( has b.'i n paid I. 'I. te a id mortgage, li. i i to if alori"-. ,ti(i!e-! o| given v a sai' 1 teen s .'•H. ten '.M I il',C I uereo in itra v Ale\a:.d' .t tm i i 11 j_ i Ihtll the wi i •tkota.'j i'. oi '*U ft fi-. 'H' 1 a eoinf-.iju.l of i I i, s'.biiigi i. i ^i• tin* icilidc cf potaV bl-.n'tl-m:iI-,i Mc,• t,in.lug eh-m n's. reid nji-t i-ilM'in. known or available ritt'"S i I ,'-Iseiiti' ai prmbu -i valna!, oT«-. v. all iuipui:- bi-.o,i. I ,":i fiercltlbiiiH Ko^e, oi" !--t. A"i?i I1 itee- rnb H'./ils, o '.11,1 ail I i :e'a-s J'iniTdes iiio^ehi •, i.iiinor S i S a l- i e I .e-M'S, So. es, Itlie'u jai i:-m. Iiiease, Noir/uly ia„ I-'ej.ia! VeaSi i i f- e i n 1 e i i e u a i i e Asie. lions of i'u- Livev. ")vsjjeosi.i, K: iavi i:iyn, r.:d (icncnl Debiiity. 13 i's a'ld i• •:111s.i:-v tpuil.iii-t it JiUVJi-Sseaivlenu (.lit til" 1 I'll !T!". .wl.ii'ii 'mt:'.tainute the bio. -i ..»!-• ran^i- Uieut and •J.'eay. 1' i •.'' livel'.-l tis". vital function-, i, i. y and sU'cr^'l itor*-s and pr«'ser\' s iH-alth.and in: is «!•••..• Ihe and sic rlii.tugliour tb v.hoic in. No sulfeivr i- 111 any ili^ i- i' win'h ari fs from v blood need despair -who wi.i .V «i a lair trial. IS fully to evpcl illiellt With tl.e Oil" low-priced i:i:\'uii s, ol i'Ihmh mati-iTi 1 ami without. uieiPrdual ^•irt^u•s. oli'ered blood-puritiers. while ilisca-'e li 'i oincs niui'i lirmly seated. .Avi ii's i:iediini* Svn-m'.mjii.i.A is of sii'li curative ]»ivrer. that it is by Lir the be«f. eheapesr, ami mo*t vehal-le bhx^d-puritier known. Piivi'-iatis nie its c(mip,Miiiin, and pre scribe it. It has l«eeii wuteiy used fa' loi'tv ,M:ars. and has won the nniinalllied eonti liiiuce oi millions whom it ha- hem-nfed. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical ami Analvtical Lowell, Mass. hOt.U |»V AM. lmrtaiifTS liviao U'liri:- For Sale. One hundred and sixty acres ot lund about sin: miles south oi town. Will be sold at a bargain. Apply At the HERAI otlice. P. MLES, i 1 BARBER ANP IIAIINDRKSSKH. BIG STONK CITY, DAK For a good hair-cut or olengi shave drop ii*