Newspaper Page Text
^ouJ OF OVER-EXERTION. !,n ?Mh, U|, ,! 1 Ian Becomes Weaker and Then Recovers Strength. le that'- tlior Observer. S' i of rowing giant# and ath e physical development is MV -a nd'. than ever before since the .email games. A man who g&i lents of physical power is more than in the days o( jossiblv because there are is of well-develop ad man* i. An emmiss&ry of this er xnagnifmmt specimen of Ci, a few days since in the Sa P" A. W. McNames, of Wat u evfrv ascles, which showed un- »ment, were us herd as request the writer sought in the arms or le^, but y impossible. A reali/..i meant by an iron man was nifest. ilways been so stalwart an 1 the news gatherer, y moans./' was the reply, ng man 1 was always strong 1 lelt that I could aecotn ». This feeling so took pos on one occasion that 1 at ta box which four men ssibie to move. I succeed it on the wagon, but in two that time I was unconscious so for hours and when ":,,i Piv the eit ''per, -f'Te. ]. I'l'c.VtrH ,.a\,, 1 !i«-4 aluaj -H'le:is er s ri^ht iv -'ill", "dn.l ,,jj to k. V omciousness 1 vomited a t0 f'fi of blood. Froi:» ih \t day -r w weak and si, !y. I }. tei had suflWed some internal iM** perienced a general debili *!J: med similar to the rtleetH i. ri.-tv.iX malaria. My bii. k was very •iti •iriiw, •r strh ma!.*. Mi no appetite, and at- times eift My lips were parched and riti head felt as tJioi.-_'h it were "'•s. at the top and it pained le intense!?. In six weeks Uiike r.s, iiit. '•I'.-irf ci l«*r. Hen away from pounds 70. I was in a !:..•••• /fite j. I was corapleti l1 Hi^v, my in'-l the doctors say .i mi y. u. •7 wm 'verything. I n-ulted u different phypii-i.tti.*. They -ne and none di.l me any 'e Prin^iat time 1 was -utVering iu t| i( s .ould not sit up) i.:ht but was sv „ft in a cramped, ur:easv po compelled to ur.nate every e and passed over three quarts •rs .J! was not living wa.~ •r marl-: Album* #t !t (how well I remember 1 put the child 11 u all in bed 3eling came over me that i but a ve»y fihur: time. Mv Arka jalkeil matters ail over and I rijtrrici, 4 nlitest directions as to what ant t•*I,- .*• do after was L-uie. I was ir.' hty condition by any means o n e a v i n o w u i n i a y u •. me good bye raying i:e never a jjeeme again, fur 1 wasutTer- Mirh'v J^t'sdist asi'yt t} kidneys in -l "s. Within the ue\t fewdays jlwentv friends came to bid le. Among the number was j.j,., 'Clark. lie asked me what r' ,v! 'in the way of medicines. I it In-'' reconinifiidi'd a re- •' Within :hr art t-vi-r 'ie» ir" Jiich I had heard mucii. but .V'w,', V'',r I was very sia'piical. If 'V *.. 111 element of power it cor* picking in my i-ase." trie 'i-| 0U ^,(1 not trv 11,1 ,,,r 1 0M id the _"' jontrary, I did ti\ it and «. t'» seemed to iro'to just tin hef fd, it was the most palatable louth for 1 taken into it *":in- _jrelished it." .. .Ti it cure von?" I union ft8 5fit di(i? e i.s iii' leed. What wn it'.' tl»' w •jf' ^®fe Cure." ali ,1 etfl ry .medicine!" tc w rk fe. What of that'.' I suppose i)»8 a great a prejudice against medicines ts any one could fn I was studying medicine |)or, Michigan, I used to vow Jst of the CI.'INS that we coiild |ch remedies at all times. ftan comes .!o\vn to the last .JBrer, and bids his wi'o and 4bye,such igoted jirejudices 1 vanish, I can assure vou and that oari cure is gladly we!- arc rnnit rv ct da ti ri.-li! '", akt'. i nils Hi •tt'r.i •ii»eraK- Di have you been since then?" s ty i_o better than be!" itil exert your Strength','" 1 u I o n o o v e e e y. My strength is increasing ,and my hea.iii is number n» e. ,|,Till It my life wm saved bv War (|,^Jure, and 1 oelieve it is the stae that was ever eompound eliemist or physician. I am y^octors sh. ild sneer at me 'e a i"K lnv-i a di.i Matement if:hey choose, but its trui .-j, and am pre ii|nd by it." *fe experii vce should he of 940 all who ire suffering. It deceptive nature of this terri fi that a]] symptoms are com lllu that there is hut one way it can be absolutely, avoided. i in: to K: it. nnrr inei 1131'-' slltti'' tut" lay [i & rts, Moral from Japan. fM once a great prince of Jap- in enmity with several mi M. And he ast dice with them be point whether they or he mmit hari kari. The cast went linBt him, and the winners ,wn W.I' till' 1 to set)! to I nuK hi ml havr Bee him call instantly for the •. take himself out of the way in .fttuon. But thev imagined a i. The great, prince was not 0 make his exit, and he was loath to L'o, leaving his ene ind him. Instead of paying the U' S»t of honor and nature at a i cam* forward with a proposi tantleman,' he said, "this is QMe for knives all round. I y Ufe to you and it is lost. Now ', the forfeit. am ready to kill *ovided vou w ill join me, in the l. len 1 noi.' ler A svr. -an-'1 npa': ,f And lo! while he was i behind him and a the floor. The that some people is time to go, and 'Wpatfeh, •word cir i rolled n the itory i- iin^[*ow when it to be t*ug rati •lort on il.e morning of the SS» Wis r:a.:. by two men to ff?* 9 0 L®°"'' bigelow at Grove p' mm burglars tried both windows and the door, when Mr. Bigelow fired five shot« from his revolver, which i caused the would-be robber? to run. Sayiugs ot Faiuotis Women The young and beautiful Madame d'Uoudedot, bein^ asked of what she was dreaming, when found, during her last illness, in a pensive mood, replied: "I am regretting myself!" Said Catherine of Aragon, "I would rather be a or beggar's wife and be sure of heaven, than queen of all flit world and stand in doubt thereof by reason of my ow n consent. "We shall POOH say our prayers in French,"' said Catnerine de Medici,whei the Hugenots, who ronducted tlieir ser vices in vhe vernacular, were reported to be gaining the uppei JI.H. I during the minority of Cuarles iX. When Speaker Croke alluded, in 1001, to the Armada having been driven off "by the mighty arm of our dear and sa cred queen," Kii/.abeth interrupted him: "No. Mr. Speaker, but by the mighty hand of Ciod. When Suwarrow informed Catharine II. of the capture of Prague in 1794, by writing, "Hurrah i'nune! SnA-arrow!'' the Kmprcss prmiiuted him in equally concise terms: "llravu! Field-marshal! Catherine!' Seeing tl. i" .f I'ci.-i.i over Austria in threatened to destroy tht pre.-tige France, tin: Iv'.ipres- Ivigenie exclaimed, poiiiting to the- i'rince Irn perial: That child will never reign, if nothing be doue pi etlai-e Sad-'wa." Of Madame de la Suze, who bet:ame a ^athulic, because her husband, from whom she had separated, was a Hugue not. Queer. Christina has remarked, "She has separated herself from her husband that .-tie may see him neither in this world nor in the ne: It is related of the lucl.- if Bur gundy, that she asked Louis I V. and Madame de Maintenuri, why in Knglanc queens governed better than kings, aue ausweied the question herself: Mo ralise under kins.'- it is the woman w.'i govern, and men under queens." When Maria Theresa was asked, shortly before her death, to take a sleep ing-portion, she repMcd: "I could sleep hut I must not. I'eat his too near he. oust not steal upon me these li'teen year"' '-'inre b. I dentb h-tve •Imen ?.,r i WJi meet hm il With uis XIV., on his death-lied, ex -sed the liope to Madame de Mai o won, that they should soon meet again. he made him no answer, but exclaimed, as if unconsciously. when she left the apartment: "A pretty rendezvous le has driven me! Hie man has never loved anv but himself." \ot a drink not yohf a har-room, but. a reliable, non-alcoholic tonic medicine, use ful at all time* and ali s asox-iH, is Brown"? Iron Hitters. Kdwanl Spencer, a I'.altimore journalist and writer, is dead. nssY MEN "Well.-' Ilcaltli rector. h'rtlth iui.l *in-r. «uiv (iv-pi'ii.-via. iiiu'"t..-noe. $1. Reports of Mmnesoia ani Dakota iri-i are quite encouraginif. Mrs. I.ydia K. I'inkham's Vegetable Com pound is a most valuable modi nne for ladies ot ail ages who may be atllieted with any torm of diseas- peculiar to the wx. Her remedies are not only put up in liquid form* but in Fills and LozeutreBin which rorni.-(t?i y are securely sent through the mails. Four dwellings and stores at Shenandoah, I'a. was burned recently $2.",(XX). WALTKiiKouo, S. ('.- Ir. J. M. Kliensavs: "Brown's Iron Hitters liave given univer-a! satisfaction." The Bayfield branch of theOiuahawi be opet. to Ashlaiid tlie inst. 'Uer.-.N ON !UI«." I ar* mil nits, mi,, T! B, bt'tl-I'tit-'', .HI!-', num. chivrauukH. 1.,-. file hay crop ot Iktu county promia'S to be the iarge-M ever known there. The unplea-Mut appp irAuce of even the iimst atni«!l« ami intelligent face, when »v ered with surface irritations as f-ont tetter pmiplt-s, ire /eiiia •nn tic dissolved naiurrii'Iy i y 1'r. Benson's I ure, an excellent toilet dressing. It cur.-s_d,t :i tONVKi.s, Dr. W. H. Lee say "Brown's Iron Hitters is a ^i»id medicine an many are using it in this place," The losses in Klgin and viinit.v foot it. ,f.ri7,.'s,=. llt'b^.'.Ming has already begun "IV. ill' ft l.v Qturk. ri'inp inp Kidney and I rotary niseiiM'* *1. Astonishing Results. Hoioer and I'iato bjth said of the ancient Egyptians- that they were a nation of physi cians, ytt history ha9 no record of the dis covery by them of any such peerless com pound as Allen's Iron Tonic Bit ers, which is the best renie iy extant for Iv -pepsia, Sick Headache, Liss of Appetite, and general de pression of the ii ind and system. 0 e tot tie shows astoivshing results. All ne bear the signature of J. P. A'len, Si 1 aui Minn. I would recommend E y's Cream Bahu-o any one having Catarrh or Catarrh Asthma. I have suffered for tlie Inst tive years so I could not iiedown for weeks a at time. Since I have been nsinr the Balm 1 can lie down and rest nicely. I thank God that you ever invented such a medicine.—Frank P. Bur leigh, Farniingtou, N. H. Lyon's Patent Metallic H"el Stilfeners keep new boots and slices (rein running over. Sold by shoe and hardware dea-vrs. Allan's Jiraiii F.ici! extract strengthens the Brain and ut.-iuv«:y eiucs Xervon* JeWlit}*. Ncrvousii.'ss. lTi »il:ich.-, uuna:iiral and all vt-.ikn. -1-.,f (leiii'ra'r.-c Svh'i-iti it never fails. £1 pks.' f,.-r At di ncjis's, ur 1y mail from Al len'a 1'iiiinti.u-y, air. r.r.t Ate.. N". V. Mm Only. 'i i V •.»• 2e't "i.i., ?dailiaii. will send I'r. 1 Cell lira*od K! ri.•(.-Vcluie Belts aud Electric AMhanwson ti fur thirty dats to ai»n tyuUDtf i-r 'ild) whtmri- afHi.'ti»dwi'}t nervous del'ility, lost vilaiiiy am! kii.dml (rouhlfs, gwarunteeiu® •peedv and c«auilete rcHtrut.lon of lif-a.ii it t!,.l Ad in- a- .:'"VP. N. I'..—No riili 1B incurred, tniiiY 'iuys' t»i *I is aHowsd. JMciismanS I*«• it111 /rd Tiiijic, tlie on!v l^Mrafi'ii (mi n.iii ,] nutrilUxtn 1 i' nians 1,1. i*i/, u, u'fUc a tintf au.i hfi-gn-tuii,iii.j 11 mvnl'.i.ibl.j :-.r Jnili^rslh.ii, !).,(„•! sin. .« i'f:--t!anoti. ar-il al! nf l'i nc'd! d.-hlHtv a! all eiiteeli'*-d :•!,ti- 'H.-, u 11» 1h tiii. r.'nlt of \l:aii*'jo' nervous tif.f.iration, r-viM'tt'irk, i*r »rul.' di.-i rt-f-. iiarfn uUrly if re--?ilt)!i .* psittii.•),»•• i-.itniiliiints. Ca»wK! i, Iiaai-:i. A Co., l' ., i i, New ^..rlr. by Druggists. Wise's Axie Greasi- never gums. Theo has told a Paris newspiper re porter that the Nc.w York journalists and eritie- are very jrivial, verv blight and very ehi^ feu I they all Hoorn verv fond of 3 Ctll8RATiU 3 •YTOWACH YoI MIA" i'urt.', alt aiiuoj The free book system for the puhM schools of Brooklyn will go into effect o .Tan. 1. Perry Pav's' Bam Killer is an exoellem regulator of the stomach and bowels, and should always' be kept on hand, especially at this f,»iison of the year, when so many s'dfer from bowel complaints. There f notiiing sw quicK to relieve in attack? o! cholerH. The New Hiiiuishire legisiatiire has passed a bill prohibiting the sale of toy pis tols. WKI.LS' NS I'HIINO- 1 S.\ "Ask for it t'( iniiletc. pcrniiiiifiit curf. ('"rns. warts, bunion-. We recommend Y» i-( ie Grease. WhyTnuclcrsArc All Liars, The reason why travelers are all liar.- is easily found out, and is far from the most evil trait of 1 he human nature. The practice is largest in the tourists or travelers for pleasure and culture. The traveler's tale is ot ^Hdits he has seen, which the bearer has not seen. He has an amiable desire to feed the bearer's wonder. Also, the more lie magnifies the things of travel the more he inabili ties his own advantages ot luxurv and culture which the rest have not enjoyed. Thus the exaggeration of the_ things he has seen is a -direct exaltation of Ids own superiorly, which his modesty wouldn't pronnt: by direct seif-assertion. The more wonderful the things he tells the greater hero th-s teller, lhus, in the order of'human nature, travelers are all liars—Letter in Cincinnati Commer cial Gazette. Atlanta people own at least twenty silver mines in Mexico, all believe to be verv productive. I'.lSfl'ttP!-* Stomach iili-rs. l.y Ui J.I..WI-. 'I'-nrikr tin O Y E A 1 Uc OF dr:iH ot the scalp. Blue Earth county iscougratulatintr :t on losing little grain hy ti,p storm. I ,n*R ii hrre a? VAi Z iiVi: Vi. FREE! Jin»«svul!, \\u. BY RETURN MAIL- fr.:i des-ripUon of '1,• A N'ltt I System of D.W.Moody & Co. 31 W.9th,('i mini sat ,» -i.-.'Kni-r i-e iiivpstm-iilr- with hwrlj nit'st, JM K--/ ,M .. N M«x (1 wMk tn your own totm. Tern* »nd outai (re*. AddrMM 11. UALLKIT& Co.. 1'ortUud, 3G mi Horplil.!* M»!*d let 1« *ops».T (111 ur*4. ii Kib, ufciiu v t: 'J*. J. t»» jkj'. lU'lKiTKS 1"'-,. st i!1 t,1? s IH.H11II,, f-r PERRY DAVIS* Pain-Killer JS UMR-SS, 1m lii.-v and HFTUIIII) aihu«'tits, ltiVJil and 11 HtVOOlK a s-.n-dc •*D— ana tift i .a:.-i ia! J.-W! s. 1, '.L Ii 1'1vii all tr ic.-« ... 1 I in PATENTS i.i KN la 1 S ,. c.\l KI Mil. Wriu- ratalOk-u.! Nu. 3 0. I AI 11.8 OH yol'NVt MKN" in it v or.oomjtry to tat-:* ij tnce. lu'lit ar.d lOivisant \vrl a( tl-ftiroun }— $1' tn $II din' CIIMJ.V itild.».iu:v!y inane wurk trx mail no t'iinvasauiC no st un|! for r.iiijv. |»!,.a«u a i', u- !.. M.e. I'- ... T.T. WOMAN CAN HEALTH OF Wu (SVWPATHiZE RACE WOMAK.^5 '/If LYP1A E. PINKHAIVL'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND, A Sore Care for all FG.MALK WEAK* NK.SSES, iDclndlnff Leacorrhnp®, Ir. reiralar and Painful Itfenatrnatlon* lnflnnimntlon and I'trornllon of Cbe Womb, Flooding, PKO« LAPSUS* UTERI, Arc. P$TFlftMDt to the tnet», and Immediate In 1U effect. It la a gfroat hrl In VTt&xttncT, «jad M» liaves pain daring l&bor and at ni£Ula.r period*. F11VSU U58 MI IT AND PRESCRIBE IT rtiEELT. HTFob 4JI. WbaKSTESSM of the genrratWa orjaiia ef either «ex, it la second lo no reumij that hit* erer been tofore the public i and for all discus* of th* KIDNKTS it is tho Oreate-il turned]/ in th4 World. lafKIUNEY f«.V uAINTSof Either Sex Find U ulief la Ila Uee. T.TDI K E. MK'INM'N HMOU prmrrtni Will f-iKhrBO- .'v.-ry vofil I If* of lluinoia fruni the B1 At tlir sami- t.iri" wil! give U nn ard «t "ntrth to THEFT/TTTYIII. AAUIIU-VELL'.V IN RESULTAA* TLIO COTIIPOUND. (VBoth the Compound and Elood Purifier are pre pared at 233 and 235 Western Avenue, I.ynn, Mas*. Price of either, $1. Bix bottles for S. The Compound I* sei.t by mall In the form of pill*, or of lowiigen, on receipt of price, |1 per box for either. Mrs. Hnkham fcwe 1/ answers all iutt.'re of Inqi'lry. Enoloee S uent •ta.inp. £»ud for pwaphlft. Mentis (hit I'aper. MTl.TMi B. T,mc» ni.t.i rure Coiutlp* fr'.. arid Torpidity of th» U»i-r. U cent*. Jbr*H«14 br «il Drn«Utt."®l CE A SAFE AND SUH£ REMEDY FOM Rheumatism 1(3 y i*J% TUTT'S •»Jx.'aaBVBUKnKwn ati'l rrti- Ui J.I..WI- 'I'-nrikr tin i iiy^i.'ai lIU.-S r_'.'iil« ,'|,| 1\.'I.'{IS tlil! \iim iii .....1 vvi.rk iti.' '.j-. 1 t, nij'l )ir.i t'-. th it ii. -a:!.'.-t ,li» a-e. I ,!isti]i v ti--u, .ivsi l,s::i ami *nt,p f.inii niiitJierv- all i.-al- HOW IT THROBS, I A N S E E Cn.C.i^'. & £TW SON'S CELERY & CHAMOMILE P!L LS.'l S.HC PBFOAtft .• Ci,n£ /JH' mi: HEADACHE°rAt-- NEURALGIA. NERVOUSNESStjPf DYSPEPSIA. Afc ^22. fit. CRY azx. Neuralgia, *9- .( V Cramps, Choiera, Diarrhoea, Sprains ANT) Bruises, "U* F-'^. Burns Sf AND $8 i'5'l Vf I K .' .'yi ((S Scalds. 1 "d Toottiacfte 3 n Headcoht For u!e by all Druggists. e E O N t. rismrmammMmmzHexammmm II nf.n %.' v, '/.i .i |nnnmu thf iuli tniii'i of he I.unpH, «i|ii ctm iitci tlir ai ld matter tr i:i jj. i- i ii.s •oollkliii coulini n r«- i if the I r- Hit! Utii Ii...i wii.Mi ti.e ffcli. It rlraniM tlir I ti ncs of a 11 i mp ii nt le *. st i n gt hen* tu- in wlim ci»fi'c iIc«I by tlN«-ane-. uivigoi ti t! f.i .-ul-itiuii .1 tLe I-Uk'.J, iii ,i I races the ii,. roltis often end 111 COIINII in fttloii. It ik «1» ii ii n«*£lc rt tlx-iii. Apply lie i»i«- «ly j»»n in jit 1 y. A S.*w.^*rv y. ,v. w.iri-u.-- i i i. no r-IIit'lly Iih brr n fi II ml tin I* ri 1-1 r,. tie- •,... TUTT S EXPECTORANT. A HI iiyl (I one raise* ili« jili I i in .: ..-.f* 1: in :!I itii.n. ,.i 11 uIf -.-'.' t:.nst ol»(fma*vr ci.'iph. A plfnsunt c«»i-«liiil flill dtrn take it rrndily. For inup it l»i\ i»lnullf ii ..I Bi.ouni in everv f. iuily. in 'j~t .unit i r,. u i w. U S I S ••KKHWMMlim ACT DIRECTLY OH E Li VJ£R. UM 4 liilln ninl I i-VI r, f.l) fi|ii'|.i,ta, Sick I!•'.'I"i lli UIHiuu OIM OIIHI|I.I tiuii. Illien mnlNm. riln, I'II1pit nioi of tht Ilt iirl, liu/iiu vi, Turpiil I.lver. Hiitl I'liniili! I rrf «^ii I II ii Ir x. If vim uo not "feel Tety we'-l," n snii.-i- i's:i ut lif.!-um? ftiuiulatPB tin.' It-fimncJi, i "siurcx tite.irn vigi.i tothe IVHti".•. I'l iiT, !i5r. {ri Itlurmv Mm 1V.Y. W-WRITE FOR TUTT'S MANUAL FREE."®* NO PAITM", NO FFTY: If. S. tSr A, I', I. \, latent A!tonirrs, na-'«.n, 1. f• ,, ... .i a. t..,iui anil liaiitl on I'A 1 i..N is &K.S"T FIIK*. AIIUK.M A» II VMC Af/cOT.r/rtii:. ih« treat li !i,,r i .. i-b.K.l. K' i: I h. S. I»A i I.L V..M.I Lndy Agents? LI ft as •Ut -M-i. S fi{ Kur LaFIEUS" FRENCH MOUSTACHE Vi a beard oa the smomaen face in 20 tuim THE HOPE 0 CiH(I YOUNG MEN I you waut to become TELEGRAPH OPERATORS, An-! !:a.:ri.»il Acents. and be rer'am of a t.-.*ltion, atU'ii I the Akihh an SCHOOL MUSTANG Survival of the Fittest. V F1MILT MEDICINE THAI HAS fi£ALKB| MILLIONS DIRIVG 35 TEARS! HALM FOR EVEItV WOUND MAN AM) BEAST THEOLDEST&BESTLINIMENT i:v. S ALES LARGER THAN EVER. ie Mexican Unstantr T.ininient 1 n known i'i iiio.-i' than thirty-fiv rs us tho li•* oi" ail l.iniini'nt®, l. .i a ft 1 I's Fa I'H to o er «jiitn ever. It. a res wn«n •jr« fit I, an-i jn'netrsit«'s skin, i i nm-' te, to ti very l/ync. fc. r,'w!:crf! Advertising Chetats "It has become so common to write the be ginning of an article, in an elegant, interest ing manner, "Then run it into so cue advert isemest that we avoid all such, "And simply call attention to the merits of Hop Hitters in as plain, hones! term* as possible, i 'To induce people I "To give them one trial, which so proves i their value that they will never use anything I els«i." "THE I!kmI.i v ,J favorably noticed :n all the Papers, "lit-iiginus ami secular, is '•Having a iarge sale, and is }-!.".H5iting ail other medicines. "There Is no denying tlie virtues ot the Hop plant, and the proprietors ot Hop Bit ters have shown great shrewdness "And ability "In compounding a medicine whose vir tues are so palpable to every one's observa tion. I)ul She Die? "Nu: "8be lingered and suffered a»ong, p: away all the time for yearp," "The doctors doing her uo good "And at last was cured by thisiii 1. ters the papers say so much about." "Ir.deedl Indeed!" "How tkankiul we should be fc.r tim: medicine.'' A liauKhtfr's Misery. "Eli ven years oi" daughter suffered u beti o: misery. "From a complication of kidney, liver rheumatic trouble and Nervous debility, Under the care of the best physiria Who gave her disease various aa "But n» relief, "And now she is restored to us in coot! health by as iimp!e a remedy as Hup Bit ters, thai we had shunned lor years hefun using it."—Tun PAKKNTM. F'ailier is «rtting Well. "Mv daughters sav: "H i\v much better father is sinceh- --d Hop Hitters." "He is gettini.' vceli after iris long sufler inf lrom a diffuse declared incurable" "Ann wc sire glad thai w»- used your 1'iiittrs." A I.MIY ot I'tica, N. V. $r A WKKK. $r_'* Itay*t Home ewtily made. Oa»» !y outi fr«e Art ires»TBC* & Oo, Annuel*. TO 20 per day *t horae. 8*rop'es wnrth *S fre*» Address SIISMIN 4 Co.. I'orUnnl M*me 0 ritK'|' Iti-- 'or I Vp«v or Fits in 24 hon«*. Pre* C? to 1'nr r. 1 i-. Krusi', 14 Arcciia! 1 (JI ATS WANTK1) for tin* t.csi /V Pictorial Ili-uV-v ana Httili-s. lTn*r* i AJ l*r i-eut. Nati.mul rul:itua( «.«».. :i. THE LOOMiS i UTII. a l :i'. ax i ..-i-Ki), nnimwfpfrMi .t «rr .fvinrtri |nr«n Oty ?oi-t»vr»s ciw, n. li ". lit/ Kiutieuili'i'('u.,Cu.ciuuU) -h -ftp enre alar. U.S.A. THE BEST IS CHEAPEST." THRESHERS c™! Horsffoffprs to nl fcti'i i'l it-pjs it Vtl-ifi. A'- AGENTS WANTED vT'r..RJ nit tint: Kachltif Ji:v«-».t»-,!. Will ki 1 a pair of kl s in, Ii 1.1.1 a-..., TOBrotutilrlr, lu It ill ki:it a pn-at vsrji v »f fancv- w f.-rwhj.-h t!i"-i' is Mwats* "-ni'v Sew! i" 1'WdIMl.! E. ii i 11 i (Iff Mwlilni' i 'o. ica i'i :I,,.nt fctrict. ii.-si. ii. A.I.M. FEVER st. i OLDEST MEI)I('1K 1.1 THE WOHIJD. IS probably Dr. ISAAC THU-MPSOM'S C'BLHBKaT&D EVK W.V11.B. TliJi krUcle 1* a r»refu!!y pretifcre# phyMrian'* pre*, r-.pu.m aiiil has lien-a In coi.itaiil cw f' nearly a century, and notw th**ai, 1 :na tint mauy other preparatiois* tbat have been ur.rcdnoeil into tl.f aiarlifl, tlie Hale c.f tW« *rtlrlfl 1* ooD»tauuj iBi-reMlnK. if t},* du»*oUon* are followed. It win uevrr fall. We partirularly invite the alters on qg pby*lc an« to It* mnriu. JOHN L. THOMJ'SON, SOIVS A CO. $25 to $40 J\. I-5./VY Often MadsS mar-lim.- :..r «(,, rfi-n:n)r oar .i-id ii Ct„ Dui'by l.iin.% Vt. Troy, Boring wens ^yjyr* We!! Orr!g and ha la Very Prrf't it'le •tac»Jne* Kade to R\ r. by Hortt Hdti 1 or fit• (iiu l'ower. Bond for CutiiV (r.T. Ad'lrpi"* O The rit'Yr.R?'OT-:rr i- l?» iel Aiun li and S*/]i*., i .ich N •:»r: '21') |lanes, 8A 11J n iu's, ti\ir .. !'*iifins—a wlicJe Ji' ire p. tiler v. (Jives 6al-_ to d'Mtniacr? un all ir HAY-EEVER rnoimalcd fcrcoM of IFMHIUI I.i ifion. Wis. he only School in the I'lHtf-.l Mate* Teii gra ihy ia thoroughly taimht, and th" sitf dent the advantatre of i'rai tl.e on Mam line Wire*. GOOD POSITION'S QuatanteuI I. !t 1," ,,( 'ds for personal or family u.-i.?. Teil.*« lu»w to (iriicr, ami gives exin of every thing you use, eat, drink', wear, or have fun with, 'i'he^e invaluable b'.ok^ con tain information gleaned from tli.j mar kets .f the world. We will mail a copv Free to any address upon re.-eipt of the Vottaire-—7 cents. Let us lu-ar lruni you. i: -:. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. A (tH M»br.*b Atttiue, Jii.» e .,, 1U. I was tri '.ild- -i from li-.vh..4 with ('ut.irih ami liay-Fe.vt^ utanif-il ii,.-i!i«-nt ATA RRH ami ni:v«:r i ri'he! until i l.'j'.-CreatB ha in J: un 1 tn 1 n leu j..\KK, Nfw IlruB»wii-k. N". J. I Having teen atHiHed with 1 ay I'Vver foryi'ar.s 1 _:ave lily's t'n::uu la: in tri»l. i lav? bikl no atiai k Pitn'e.Hst.jtj jt. JS» It. Hai i.-I!, I',lit.'r.'ar'l»«iCo, •, /•//. Miiti.-h I'a. ('iti.AM DAI.M 'will. it ajp» jilieii by the fiuirer itit .• she not tnls, lie abMrt.!Mil, IM. A lVSl'UVI. Cll.i. ELY'S CKEAM 1IALM. 0- '//(. sy s «sTectu»lfy::V inaUHtntr the !»#$#•• piMf-'-ii-'M &ft' jtarrhal virus", rausit,t healItsty. m.i-rotiuji». It a'lijiys 3i.Ha.tnm#s tif.n, iireteetsj ,tl»e ta'-whrafs| hiiiUKM of the liimd fruiij colaif 'liuilt lrly heals tlx: mir.-haBd H'Klcies Un' si .s.! and wiii'.ll. lteueftoial ''ri^ults a,i® n'.'iii/rd liv a fi".v aiip'i. ationt, A tlnnHt/li Mtilcure. ID the head. As-'L*e*l»lf* ti IJM. Koinl {or circular. 5(1 ei-ni» a tia:-kas e. by mail or at druj/Kists. 1'LT lino in KBI». Oucvro, N. Y. as v. •5^, a i t: 5!' 3 -I ft n 'j ,-rr Vjhu u cih^ElANj) X. W. N. U. No. SI. When writing to advertisers please say yoa fcaw their advertisement in this pape«.