Newspaper Page Text
TI.tlK TABI.K. I!. & D. division C-,, M, & St. V Railroad. (Joint! Hast Going West I 'assenper 10:00 am 4:10 I 'afWTvetr. .. .. .H:•»(* t» in ... .5 5.» a in Freight 4-'. 15 /»i. iuvebasrrs. Hon. \Y. '1 111 Freight V'ir am .^"-4 Freight 15 I:Ha tn Freight 11.:«» in !u"" a 1. O. «. bikpa Lodge, No. :+, I •). 0. F.. •gulariy every Tuesday even ins at their hall. St Charles Bloik. •. :!i rs '•(.•nSially invited. meet •. lock Visiting NO. A. MCXRO, J. J. Sl'KVKN.SOS, i n n i U K O Y Methodist. -Servk-es in St. Charles hall ,iTv Sunda*' at Ha m» ami at 7:"U ni. r-.:!id iv school immediately alter tncrniux rvicf*. ('lass nieetinii s at H) a. Chil to-ii.*' meeting at V:'U.i pin. 1'myor meet- Wedmrdiiy 7.30 in. lie*'. Wihnot bitfield, pastor. I IMSCOPAL. -Services in i p. ni., ilie first, tlnid nr.ii ».:•!. .•i:vt: .* .Mily. Ki-v A. Meteai! oilimtini: ATUOiJC—Rev. Father lit i •. !'r t. ttt l»l o'fluek a. 'V. Mlll-i Aug. "tli, at the church. Sunday, Aiifi. l^tli, service .'it ,\Iilban\, Mass beams at 10 o'clock. liKUMAN KYANUKbU 'At. Kev. Ph l.v Pastor. S o v i i- s 1 0 V I w a n s i Sutidav «ehoola m. Prayer meetii every Wednesday even in.-' at o'clock. (iKU.MAN MKTMOUIST.—Sunday, Jnly 1st at lo a. iu. in school house, ami every third Sunday thereafter, Sunday si-li.-ul cvci v Sunday at a. rn. I'raver uicetim* every Thursday evpuiiii,- at p. m. u.^ Conrad Koltlhasse, Pastor. ICE! ICE! ICE! ]y Car-loin!.' ur ill i i'.a:.. ilo to K. Murphy ut I'inkne viiie, lib. wife and daughter, arrived in ]ig Sione this week, to visit with tho families of J. P. aud Gen. Murpay of this i»lace. The surveyors of the. Vargo .South-! rn are taking sights-on the outskirts of our town. Figuring for a bonus is doubtless the animus of their man-1 euvres. Mrs. Stevenson, mother of J. J.I stevrnson. left til's week for a lengtiiy visit to friends in the eaKt. .John is once more a solitary bachelor. C. I.. Ilolmes Inaded nj» a wagon -with provisions to-day uui :-»tarte' out to his farm on the Yellow ikinks. to begin the wheat harvest. Vernon township voted to bond it self for S7o) to build a new school ho se. at the recent election. The vote stood 4$ for and one against. Our sparse vegetable fare of late Mas wonderfully improved this week mind, good moral character, and by an abundant sui.plv of the finest!are free from contagions disease «nions we have seen this season, from lentitled to admission, without ch.u «!er for Sunday. Service will be held at 8 I'. M. Choir rehearsal will be held Saturday evening in the usual place. We have received Hie Premium: of the weiity-iiith annual fair of the Minnesota State Agricultural So-j riely. to be held at Owatonm. Minn.. 1 Sept. 3, -I. a, 7. S. 1N*,'!. The list of- The ladles of the Episcopal Hiurch of this place will give an ice cream aud musical entertainment in M. Charles hall to-morrow evening. n e e o Mis, RiMa Minn., is visiting her sister, .a* Frank Thorndike of this place* C. I'. Xiles has in successful! oper a bath-room with all the appli 1 conveniences for heating that such ll u anees mi water V\. a n ... saloon .i:H*ly ii of H'cei\ propricti i i liiu me Cit\ I'OtC •am of liorscs. lairness Emiuiit- of 'I'aylor K" LOC'Ai. LAfOMCS, V»' it, at e No Hull Vapor Stoyos- Ft s ,!o by Alunro & Weller. MACHINE (H-Castor and Ciol it-ii Machinery at Eldredge A Craig's. Karl Jroskopf is building the stone \s:(] 1 inuier the house of A. W. Hesse iiie. and is making a substanii.ii j*• o it. mauds. Any one wishing to test the U-ttik. siuiitarv b. nefit of bathing should not fail to give it a trial. It will be found n connection with his barbel shop. The c..a:. board ha\e (M,uali/.'d the vet urns of ail the township pt IiLj which has i: Y: i' tunuMi. J. W. Hnvlbn was authorized by the hoard coed without delay and assist ph-ting the a --—.- ii"i irv lowushii i ni- sva-hes us tha! ««no ot i- ui Liie V liuioi Journal ..IIimI Jmlge Lane recent iu whif'i the latter '•hewed o.H a tiny* v "i the for 1 ,anc subsef't-iT• 1 i-u-ke in*"4 mi Sund.i\ and but foi i: '-renee '•. a a t'r wi v I:u' hi.-- i! t: ui• us 1 roir, the lattef's oluce hours. While we •Si" from our mids during business le sorry to lose as a {professional g'enth'inan we are ^ia.d to know that iie is not going so far away that 'shall not mei-et him freiuently. is true bin" and will mako a sub". 'tial aei-uisition to any oi'i.*f. East'-day. John- ,v. a. well-to-do lai tner of this i with a very mu ious aceiden:. A- i was driving down the declivity that leads to tho eamp ground on the lake, the king-bolt of his buggy came ..a' or broke, precipitating him t. '5.-' ground, and fracturing his thigh-bone, jlle w«s immediatolv jilaeed under the ieareof ])rs. "Weller ind Whitford. jwiiu ri'plaeed the broken liml» and put :him in a good condition for speedy re covery. At this busy se iHoli of Jiy Order of the Hoard of Tru: A Mi:s SjMPSOW '-.M Sioux I a!!.-', i'linvsi 1*1 1 fers 11 wide range of preiniumaand the piospect for a good fair is blight. No ltiMau« Asylum a the Sttrdi. .\fiss Helen Weller left Tuesday for The Press ami Dakotaian. of Yrnk Jfayesville. I^wa. to vLsit hei paicuts.. totJj nj) ]lla ns thenee she will go to v alparaiso, ind., s .. to complete her musical training. Slie eniaohslnnt, and locating the insane was the successful principal of our asylum at Jamestown. T!ie trustees schools iast year and will be greatly were appointed and confirmed and the missed from 0111 communitx. especial-1 appropriations made, but it is said lv by our young people, Great reduction in salt pork, lard smoked meats at the Big Stone City Meat Market. A large number of fine horses and soeond-hand harness for sale. li. F. Thompson'. A general good time is expected, and secretary Teller, who reside* at ihe n cordial invitation is extended to all. capital at Yankton. A bill granting especially the young people, to be a present. by the legislature ami sent to the An excellent ice-cream freezer of!governor. Whether it was hist be .".c gallons capacity, for rent by the tweeii the council chamber nnd Liu day. A pply at this ofiice or at Jieteh er's hardware store. rt Jones & W )ave just received jiiiotlier ear-lo ul ot r»uckee JiimteiSj jvickens, of JameHtown, was •which are being rapidiy taken out t«» liferent sections ol the country. 'p|1(! general impi ession at the time Mrs. Kufns Ilernn- wife of Engi- was that the governor's signaiui'ft had n '.ear it is a sad ('N])erienee a dustrious man. but. John tak- i v."a Ids accustomed ne^vo U:] OO Jones & Wolf a ,1 selli a i lv the Buckeye iiinuer. in a lieid trial the other day with the Cham pion and Deeriiu' it. f.'.r surpassed in the excellency and precis!-.a of its work. This lirm has started ovr twenty of these machines during the past, week and not one of iiiem lias needed a second visit. Easily put up" and easily started they work right along without further attention from a n e e i e n e a i n i s A n lai'iu'T is safe with mm of th m. BaUotn huol t»r T: 1 1 Sclioo] for the educat I oi lnv iJeiti an 1 I 1 1 v. .1. pt (Sept. 12, iSso. i the utiu..-: Iportanec that -ii proper s1. s instruction should enjoy it- pt r» Deaf Mute children, residing wis in this territory, hetween the a_ "s 'six and twenty, who are of so: the garden of Mr. Ahlrich, of Vernon, 'for board or tuition. The new chairs for the Union ''7 '"'bedjhat eve 1 .v uom church have arrived and will be in or- ls (,11, UI,U 1 w 1. will a a4.ese(,, \v I. n-t lively interest in seeking out an 'porting all the Deaf and Dumb reside within his jurisdiction. jj the authority needed wax passed governor's oilice, or jn the governor . ttllice, is not known, but that it mys- twriously disappearel is known, and ur re'o!leetion or Mil'1* Vti Osborne self and one work hoist, moskv of those fine Spring Wagons at Wolf's. AnotHor THAT i IA i KIN t'til.'Ull oan he s urod bv Slitl.'hV I'ure. e iT-iara So.d A "v. IP'^eiiuie, Hi^ lU1 1 Will soil for cash or t»» TO 1-OA*. short In small amount- institution de- Just received, u tutu* Bugtrics ,! ones rcfcived next wec^. i s. vi«i« t»re««'»n. ',1. Aui.-n, Ihitclnnson, Kan., Trial lluttk- «i lr. Kuifi which large bottle 11.: a IKwtoff, cha else had tailed. •lis liic l.'V a simple Ni-w biscvwery, lor 'onsuuipti'-u •aus^l uiruph't' tl rli'iiau* an.l t-verytlnn^ A?t!,n«a, HwUiii*, Hoarseness Severe tW-hs and TUnwl and Liutf ihsoase-. it is guai a., A. W.R- Triil nil'ts rr.-,. •X Store. Lar^e si/.e Coiu]) iiiv !u. !in sCIIo DEsK •EA an 15E ACI\ ib y .TIP'S Come and sec those Novelty Wood Works pum no bill was pa--d I the most important act was uniut tloually omitted, it is to be hoped this rumor is without foundation or fact. Bismarck Tribune. The Tribune can satisfy itself h\ looking through the volutin! of laws for'i that there is no authority whatever for the location of an in sane a-vlum at Jamestown, or for tin* appointment and 'confirmation of the board ot. trustees, Or, it can procure all the information it desires from 1 (H.OIIE- and AI 1 U U k Z U i man •uni- is tliwt Coum iZ lllt of t)M (.ji,-,,,,, the "Big Stone", arriv- been allixed to it before il strayed 4*d here this week from southern Il-i ^ay, There were a great many curi linois. to make complete her Jjuvbaud'd i insaction's during the last legis Jiome and ha]»piiie»s. ^hitive session.—Coir. St. Pj'tiJ Globe. -. HEADING CHAIM Small H'E'I Gli-jrs^ iiu.i uiiu Hal! Farailtirs, Uiiu Pulpits, Pews and Few-Ends, Reversals Settees SCHOOL Sf 1*1*1.5KS FKALEii Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, &ca Our Htook is Ifirgt*, all tcoodrf mnrked df.wn to Itotnim pricf s, aud we invite the public to call and learn nir jiriees. "yuick' saietf and wniidl pfolits." Don't ft.ruel the utwe riiarU'M Mock. Main , PATENTS V.'e eontm.ieto net nss/tllcttnrs fnrlnt(ntfi,fav«K Tnuli» Markn. eeyri.'iits. e'e., 1 liie iiin-d Mal*«, v anauH, olift, F.n^lnu], f»r jnc*\ (innituKy, U'o Lave had tUiriy-iiv«^ yt urn' eX|tvri«in*V. J'aU'nt.-iohruiiif'i tiir'»«it us are wt iiit-sei ENTtHC AMKIUCAX. T'ms larir-. ant iiius trateu w vk I y par* t. *3 .'^0 a y'»\vm ho u li very ntt'To^tin*.', tu'j luxs un crjonnous HrcuiuMoii. AiUinw Ml'NN A :u., I^utint shcl torrt, i'llb's. Of S« IKNTI'!(,' AJfKIUCAS. r-5? 1'ark IUW, I N'»wy i.fK. Hatnl iKmk atvmt J^tei+Uflue. C3 Q3 Jewel: 1 'ilie. Dri.i-'sist' Hii Stone rity, Iako' I- vk, Side or Che^t use roil? t,ia-,'"v priei" i"»cents -A. li"se^ui and'.i Fu. jtiUirantet'. It c«f« \V. Rcsseguie, Pr,. LnlFr »td by i.- ^uiui'ti-ju.—A. SlHI.t'M'S VITALiZKIi is wlu-.' i j-ation. Apju-tite, l».i/.i. ... vnuii.-uis »t l..y-pcp^ia. Price lo s .!• ttic.-- A. W. Rc.-i.-e^uie, Pni^!.-'. i i oF!'. WlloupiNU CdFtiH and p.ruU' lnt irl iutlite. it.iteiV 1. 1 i''by SU'CJ.i S V. U.-e. A. W Rt-s-i-uui,*, i inij-'/ist, ltij? s:..n« t'ity M. A. BENJAMIN. "r the aaias sciio News Depot—A11 ity "ILL Vt I'Ft'R with Dvpcp::'. i i-inipL»iU Sltiii'li itallzi-r Hi lo cure you. —A. iiesse^uie, l)in^. .-(swaeHMW made liiiseraMe hiUih'5 cure is vuPT a v o-p»u Liif.'siiip law that ten ... remedv U v U'. Hesse-me, Unu... :'h I.vman K. .Jones. Esri.. of Orton-1 e, Minn., and will now be found in -.\taIlllll !'KKP,h-»'.th ami \veet hre:r 'SS urt.i bv S!'. .'h'.« I'atarrii Rem.'.iv. J'n iuieetor tref. —A, .VV Tonic and sec Drug, I »I N.IAMI \. o n i A V I Cms vi E.N FtU Titj.- Good Harness for Sale Choice Conf WINDOW il! ilwjowATru ,ho li,t,sl Confectionery and Nuts, Cigars.: WELCH'S i S\ 1 And tho Boss Filled Golc ':nk DKAi.F.i in and rT o mono.v. v I»!' Patent Medicines, The Most Popular Oil Stove Manufactured. the lin 3 AND S pori'.dicals i-hlS for Coimuoii l.uinbcr. jj_0 g-Qi Floorins:. Nidiiii er to take ,1 that date n Clothing |520 Suit 518 Suii A complete stock of 517 Sui' S a s i i Are what you want on your hcu=:.sl2 Sui is the time to put them: A Fresh Stock of lulf wHIT^ u i v E^-VEJ-SIPOXJTSslS sui .» »14 Sui LIME. Plastering Hnir, Cement and Stuccoi October fa11 i V i A I N S g°odi p^ic i e i.Ki -. AN'!) bl N COOK'S COMHfe Lli'tflGO BETHEll'S IIAKirWAK "'OKE. Also in great abuhdance. Prlbvl's celebrated Bass Bait. *'*:i'^.1 *.* erei Bait, ami the well-known Caledonia Mitmoes. 1'l!"1 shots, Shells, &c Jte,, at OF AS. ^ a 'RONI a full 1 re: li •htt tor -p T?rvC$:! w