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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
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111 111 fcr of Fv-ji GET THE BEST. OVIUS BROS. & CONSISTING MA INI, V 01' CO., ways at the front, with a Complete Line of FARM MACHINERY I AND hitewater Wagons. hieftain, Coates, Ann Arbor and Ad vance Hay Rakes. We are also agents for the Pitts, and Nichols, Shepard & Co. Threshers. the best binder, or a first-class Straw-burninc the Standard Farm Machinery, call on or address. Thresher Engine, MOVIUS BROS. & CO. Toko arc of Your .'Iuchiuery. Thousands of dollars are wasted annually in farm machinery by no gleet on lite part of fanners to take care of their implements. Many aU low their machinery to .stand out in open fields all winter long, exposed to the severe storms of snow, ruin and hail, rusting the iron work, rotting the woodwork and causing a general decay all around. It is the very es sence of extravagance for farmers to buy expensive machinery and then not to take care of it. A few dollars spent for lumber in making sheds in which to house the implements used on -a farm would be money well in vested. No article should be exempt Irom careful attention in this respect a plow or harrow should be looked •after the same as the most expensive .piece of farm machinery.—Water town Courier. Town Killer*. It takes the money, brains, and years of hard and anxious labor of self sacrifice of some men to organize, build and create a town. The man who is willing to take advantage of their efforts without contributing his share toward the machinery of prog ress, is a consummate hog, a useless citizen, and a miserable burden upon the body jtolitic. They lie to the as sessor to avoid carrying their share of public burdens, slink away from sub scription papers for public improve ment. dodge every public responsibil ity, never pay a cent toward a news paper, or any other public institution if they can dodge it. They are so ready to profit by the energy of, enter prise or money of others, that they gem-rally pay their private debts only so long as it is for their own selfish interest to do so. Men of this stamp exist, but too many of them will kill any town outright, and it won't take long, either.—Vermillion Republican. I.niiil Office Kule*. The land ollice at Watertown will Adhere as nearly as practicable to the following: In final homestead proofs improvc incuts should not be less than S2fo. I In pre-emption and commuted home stead cases, not less than SI (JO. In no case should amount broken be less than live acres. Final proofs should be sent under the seal of the oilicers taking same, and funds should be sent with the proof or specially provided for, as great delay, trouble, and confusion arise from* neglect of claimants in this particular. C. (J. WILLIAMS, About fifty loads of wheat from the neighborhood of Milbank were taken over to Uary, on the Chicago & North western, this week. On their return they claim no better prices than on this road, but a higher grade lor the same quality of wheat. There seems t« ive bctiii coiisidcrublt? cxcitonu*tiL at Milbank over the No. 3 grade. In the case of the Territory vs. John Kearns of Rath, for attempt to mur der, before Justice Hallet, the (haige was changed to assault with a deadly weapon and the defendant bound over in the sum of SI,000 to appear belore the grand jury.—Aberdeen Farro. Noveltv Wood Works. Choice To Rent—The sccon.1 floor in avenue opposite STONE CITY, DAK., FRIDAY, SEPT. 14, 1883. NO. 4 Groceries Register. II. R. Phase, Receiver. The National Yellowstone Park em braces in it' limits .'1.575 square miles --more territory than Rhode Island and Dele ware combined. It is fifty live miles wide and sixty-five miles long. It lies mainly in the north western corner of Wyoming Territory but includes a thin strip of Idaho on the west and Montana on the westjand north. The body of it is between 110 degrees and 111 degrees west longitude and 44 degrees and 45 degrees north latitude. The forest elevation of the park is 0,oijo feet abo\e tlitt le\el of the sea, and its highest mountain peak from lo,(H0 to 12,oi.hj feet. It is, there fore, an immense table-land, with a surface broken into mountain langes, valleys, etc. Pioneer. Grading on the Fargo & St. Louis road will be completed between 1- argo and (5racevilie this week, leaving a .rap of only US miles to be closed. lie surveyors completed their labois l-ri day, the road being -cross-sectioned the entire length between Ortonville •md The company have pui- chased hR»,OOo ties of the Northern 1 'ac i 1 ic. 0rton vile North Star. rui*lPS FI Jli** Come and see those pumps at RKJ STONE CITY, DAK. PAINTS. OILS, the styles in new fall and win ter hats at Caward & Stevenson. Salt pork and lard, each 12% cents per pound, at the Big Stone City Meat Market. store and rooms on IIekaldoffice, TOILET ARTICLES. A. C. L. HOLMES & BRO. Cornell Avenue, Big Stone City, Dak. DEALERS IX and Provisions, Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots and Shoes. BOOT AND SHOE HEADQUARTERS AT JACKSON BUHLER'S! Four different kinds of Ladies' and Children's Custom Shoos1 and Men's in endless quantity and styles also a big stock of Ready-Made Clothing for the Fall trade. Hats, Cax^s, Mits, &c.,all at very Low 33rices. Call and. See Me. JACKSON BTJHLER. DRUGS AND STATIONERY. DYE STUFFS, SPICES, TOYS, FANCY ARTICLES, COMBS, AT VARNISIT, NORWEGIAN PLOWS The best of their kind to be found any where. For sale by A N LOWEST PRICES AND RACINE FANNING ILLS. JONES & WOLF.