Newspaper Page Text
ll|'icari: mdav ll tl 3 of his nam". f-'-rrott :i,in by Ju lg-' I5rook:-:g-s jjrtl by C.ulti'ld, wh 1.(6 dispen-sd wvh, .. b« dc^are! il" ch'KM Tho pre-idt-nt, up. u ,,fc...l tho foiiviniitui a ja the success of the '. i on the strength of the ,'entioa. and was confident ii,i 1 nrou-df the ron w:?o and harm 'iiioUi Wlli »'-.clal o.'mur.!t'i? of five .'•..on be hit in ted hv -no (m to draft ami submit to ,isi»rfval at the earliest ii rial to :ii« |ji"' silent. aud Suites, requesting tne tin in opening for "t:!" 'f!ji-rva!] :), in accord-met that the barrier now cxist sections of the Ili-W npp-»'iily a- possible. .'cU'E OJ'.ri.C! JnVS. heme th Li~i*• ii sohdv OR natter riot ai-poit.iinii ic score it Ji4i^i* fun- Jj !Oi) hnurf. 'I ljO t' i ti i n-'y a h.pted. Ji-- i •d b, Judge Cdilipbel. lor i each county io dratt to: .. ,.f a c-iihtw of tho inliut i paraiM (or a committee MPinnrial to the president itioii of thirty aci" i.iii» v k nv£' uil fc rehired the ew .."lntiea mi nth of the -tructions to e\~ tfriti e a.ud -i hie ai.eged (.TieI'.,tice-i of wr-unties and r'li'irt a .ill I":' a "lUl.'.K'i of .•eto provide to .. coiiii-'t-i with the rm i uui and State government w |j^ or Onsaiia to- Tns COMMITTEES. I:onvt' iti.jn in tho morning w *vr» anii»u:.otI as futlowa: —Ali.oiy. Kid i«i ot t'iuv, Dollard pM. llninuf Cl iy,tiri^ by of Miune F!1!,g Spink, We-stov-r ,,f I ttpr Harris of y.uikton ieonu.cton of I. er «f Unfiles, .Miii'tiiy of i-it .o. IJJta .ii, 1- ariuvr of .Miner, U.m.-.n of k of lirule. He.'i j* ll0U 1 lJs iietr of Sy.nK |j l\ul!vdl? of Hi»ad o, Ilroofcs ol of Sii!Vr.lL'r—Jones of liut,'h. Aurora. Wliet-Iuc'i of Co.i- 1 r."n Union, i'.anni»tar it •ui' l'i-' ""ilanU of Lrowy, tOalio! Lawii»ii,-y. etl^-Marray of Lake, Bakei I of 'L o! It'dy, u "f Drootctijjfs, II ofTiir. u Monuk'hau ol 1, Vdl1 ouiui:i,, u P*uttie .f °Tu I-aue ot Icf Lawrn,,"-. u,u, r, 1 ®®''liirsnn n Luea, „»'rn -•"mum, Wmitwortu of ', brooks of Y.-trikton. 'uf iiauj, Account.i and Exp^wi-Boynton of r,^„. 1 Special Telegram, Sept .jomentloti reassembling ,, "gev-rri. uiin prelimiu- 'o Hiiar. ti ll ..'I li«d .!»*., iV.v»*ra*.i It •»b »wora to orote-' eon* ied Sut'M and thu ilujr in 1 he loDwr.tloo this morniajr, in.skiae tii« ufa pu#«tbio 150 deiejjitea, A w.n hbown by a few »t 11 Tca--" dt e_'ate, an-' it wa «if« s kmuIJ hj laifij n. co:n ilje rprC'e'-.t, 411.1 iiOld Ulitil tlifl •J is'i del- sra:^ wi o aro Lor*: but |fd, a*, i it :.t liardiy jiro'i.ib'o tbt rt ft) ot 3'J5 '-gal -a |»r*'.v-ut at any u: noiitn e i an im-ir ion Ib.-x '.•£ fwr their I'.uuiis. Mr. is city i.: se a r-toiv rno the (Trr* C'. r. e,ti:'s* th«insf v«*a the sc-i'.y•'' o'!. by snbiii :i-if u r"?-. ... ,"i is: ary cnnni ttee to eomi»Ue u MiOii the tias.H uf is fo'i fct.i'v «'t WiscuUiitQ anil n.iiiuitt for I WOU.xi. hild It I It'll 'It' y c. it su,to-,..-, in lireiiardtioti by :.j rt'i vt-'i ui! 'hat! V V"L(,f Simpson ot Do-ii'« nt'o,'.' the t- oc:io'i of ollircrs. j(! president, hut de- u ,r i*anip n uituitai.ess and .i:. sf le ^5r A! inuf i-h and AurriciiTfure Mi'c5 e'l nt SV ,j expressed tho ciiJ|»3i 11 in his tl #r irion and \V^d' ,f Hu-'U? '.'i/fIaninti'**' Mill !-, Aiiiuni a*)d Water iv «.:•. r.urrhk- of .»0 v.^n a iL, y,'k chosen permanent w 'r first nssisdint secretary second assistant J. M. 'I'lio comuii: tee ic -n, reported as outlined iu 13. II. Cami'bell offered ice hilorn,au of K ^i"ti anc i 1 I T«rrit»ry to great jufi'tcn and ^t V, .&! a cornii.i'.tes i,f seven in* in Itit'J ny tlie prcs .[(«:it of coi.w-j to tile C(iinti .l-. ,.f tt.K L':ii!ed new ia ti." Wen t!.« :,-e r^l# of this 'i'erniorv on tbi r« ..,rt I, i ./ a.|,n,n.,i, Sir. Itetl to at a United States sennie ow at Oiculia, and tbut a coiuiuiit litLyr zed by ttje convetitHiii to ili-et let* itnd lay before ihein tlm wishes [WOpi'j of 1) iko: i upon tho B(euiD£ t)iB Siuux reservation. Tijo s ,]y nti.MUnrml l.y th-- jiVesi 0. Mo i K. I'ef lurtia, U. iNri. Warner. A. J. Kell in, A. W. corumiit-.-ti will jr Tresiih'tit Tnj'p, lauivortfa.tion With tli rn»N :EU 1T.i:SS to ni^ht, state i boLfV li'tlo (1 u'' t!-i' a 'i• it•.11 'ii y,on!'i 1.0 u-iie ted l'V one v. T-tll to- a '1 bere s.vtn« 10 be a di-' n tlaf w .,ii o'h •arii.r of Don 1£. mii rno K. ,,I'c'"v "f lirui. \\l. .uit ot L»r t, 3ic:l)i iu of lv (.^'s fy'xt Lasreuce. l: ivultiur of C! iv, (Samb'.o of of lJiH'., |I# o W rjuai' r.ul:r.iK'i:a •init p: re "i kit w Of Mtou.'i aim, (jatehi 1] iin'ii in •. s ti'n. f» ttlis ti' in w.'tm .1 u v ih--r whir U-t :i n. ,. ,,e,ik:''ri. ?,f- Oor.f n of ii"''V t-.-rk, I'n.i .. of li,iviit,..n. lJarvey v L.twreuc.', ll..s ut I,* War ltfji, is up af'. ". and Seat of C,..v- tii« S t.i i'--.v|.eii of Turn, itol. ^ankti.H, \Vln:ed.i of d,nvr-.n. l'r"' ib't ov or I'.ull li. [llillf, jiBn„Lt,'** }V"11*r Hmcuiiisiiu, ii.ui helps, Qt' Codtuuton. "tovki-inH of Minnehaha, iir,,., aball ii iluich li-uni ,.f i.-0,n '^"int'haha. Kronen tic^n t' Alll u 01 i* -lv in UP on- whu-h h:n en Union, Wai oei 'i#l ''runt. Y\\,' i Tiiinds— Moulton Hnvii'i Yan.vto't, Da- Eukin rtte i ui',"' aK,u ,lf •'Sanbori i'i y »'"J U ,ilUl!,, CoQk,ll) l^inc "In, Hunt of Suiufc, McDonald ol llJ u Nelson of liughos, Al- mittccH. Itionj O-llr'V^ .» .!,« "te of an 'iank'utr or Munlcl Ha,,,! I ftto". li.a MRl'«.v»« of ^0(1 k* r.-.u!ii id e. lir.i.,,,"1 v "nnig!oD h-5" 1 of 1 IWilf jji ljln ''o i J'"m!'beir n, K'-ltam of liru.p, Dawso'n. Dawso'n 01 Miuuaua. a, Wa- n8h ^rtrunizatiou—Keith ol "t wanu, Cart, of Hand, pttion. \v, -wiudt of JJruSo, C'haD kiil 'oo- ol .Minnr. N ini 1 of A1, ner. P. ^'"'hiess lYviijrrew a yf d0 ','! i of Liu UUII), ur hy of Plero lf h:i, nuildiriL'% includln" u U k rn ii i,f Orant. jioynton i, Ijit -pj.jj. of J) A 'a, D.i.y „t L.lkr, W^Vv Mdo of (.i!,y, ,-i i. ll! v mJ*:Vi'vRV"VT*.K 't JVr ''''^l-WildawMm li UJ 1,AU0U u»/i* a .., ^ilii:i- iiha. ttilj.ilI of Clay, Doii.ud, of li,,n b"ti.nie. .M(.„.!y ,.f LamviKv. (.•,u,ni,eu l.itik.oii. I'• --ter of Rpuik, Dancaa of lirule. it i reii of Mi Cook. ot St.,(e, flf Arms an De-ign of Sarre ImiB:»'1- of lliitis.,11. War s (4 Y.iuktori, ..J H'neljH.Miin, V.„r.t -.f l).i\, Com- «.f Ham!, rene-of K'Mi!K«ry, Camfk- 1 «»f Luvreneo. Wili iuiii:-on Ai'"'uy, l)o!! ii'd Jjtiii II' imue Hankuitf i.nd fnin-n.-.- «.f JiiniL'ton. Tti'eer "I J).Ili if. (iilljr', 'J'avlur of Hann-r Of Li«»'i Gi-Itfat.y of Mi:n,-huha. Turner of M. or. tin. ley ist Urookiuus II.rod oi CUrK.L-wiii Of lv I'souI V. Aun'ti iro- iifs and Ilevi-io: of t!:« roiis'i'ii'inn— Ijawr M-i- nf K ns»r bu: y, hiv ,.f lV .• 0 I''_t I».i W!"rx Cay, Mai.a- ti of 'i:?i Lu.'.i* c.i.u ?i:A. bay so::. Ci-\ k Ii .k. Mel)..I., 'I Hi °i• .i lioi.-.iii" Laiii ht ti» .na—i'ii ..,', v: of liailil, t' ri- Ce of lv,' Mi ehell of ii I'ifri o of C.hIi'u of Au ra, i .r\v ter uf ilan I. id: of L: I.'ii tSt:e, j.. Ii D.ivi- 01 iiuiu it bury, Y Ho i.illl?. Kd.V .v ii ia*! i •t !.iy, 1 i, »n. liiii', I,i* fof a,'i iv.-r i tn*«, •V. It F. Warn of i M..:.a: ,n ..r U tt'i.t-e. U-r ol, .M.'u.t n of Day, Al •'Ui!i"o- Hut,j il !,'r wn. Ilarv- i i l,«wr-n.-», i. ot Ily 'H. Wi! ter 1- of H.ii d, i of D'.ukUiss, Mi.i ot xaii. E!. roil of t'larb. of I" 'f Arriii IlUiiUe ir Da'.:-. Wh d. 'ic OiTioera— Wnrd I j-by A* t«r 1: a- o i la V. !.,L Da-. -. ..f I.» .sir it v,f !iti»?r, W't oliainiiau of a i t.» fttiii" It: iiigLt. Cinitnitt'i from pirti 'itat t.J a coust::ution, xeejit to do o by »lib it! wl.en tbe rei (irts of it'.- cotsj ?aod^r by tbo «a tiio .-.i was i 'I.IT. »i *1 i ,» 1 INDIAN RKRJUiVA VION Qfl-.KTIOR '.»(letort a» t.»l!ow«: **iuu, com y[ir-!)a:ea ns'-is, il u ihj w Sioux re«f' te*.dv« (ItttttMua! foiivi-n'lon of ]).i. i, n w hii.iii Falls -in v aud repri'O'ti to th! Untt-il States tt:at l'. jvriii in'en.'stHt L).)!|l he eA^'i-ni of l).iK-t)t,i oo imie ta:,vi-iy staeit ate aotiou of congress t.i# cu:n _»*ti thi! Hieux r.-H rvM!t..n for s-iUe iii just and r"is*»• i*]ubi•* eotii^it4n^'u that u.« nei.«s.ty of cuifies-iotial ttJi.u-' ia rv ry ,!ay b. roinnij rt |t:wt ilos.iy therein wul Kubjii:t «t»« d°1»8»'"a Lv., r--» they will rrgt A resolution prevailed or tlio appoiotincut of a coram ttee of thirteen member*, wi li the pie-id- ut of tho co ive:i. I •i'. .. Al i?i. 1 .r rntorm itctv' i:i.s!ituiii/t-s— si ..I 1 kola's c! °k f'f Vlllfc.oil, .\!CCllV (if ]{(,,, Hoiiiii o, (j ,1 ill ord'i a, »oi. cuaii matt, 1' C0II.-U# of I lu T»rt:o...t.ub' the of Yalliiton said w Hoou a-1 o C"BV. i rt ami compute I within thirty (lays o ct.iigrca-t with tiio c-ms rntiou p. I tin -'t, tequ t. 1.. an 9' 5ipr Irupr'.r.- 0 Jlo.HH i.ui ,!.,:.,'! ,-! JiauDi of Aur.-ra I flv (,f l..ii .u i. «twt tl lUti»u. tiatriicll of "f 't Ui'U"ftU'.,:,iDj.u u lights r.f Married Women—Mfinau'Iien of Dene! inker oi f'tiiuiita if {•(•(, .t! Ki.ox if Faiillc of Jiatrj.:!,.,,,,! Van V'.sor of Tl'i/in-s L-wis o Ki. Ii-*1.s ,jUu S '.s. I'ak., •il.of Jtr M. i'.-iyJor of J,-n Ji n .umii. ..f Mi.ii" a: I'., iff reat coiiiii. noiire ari»l iTl i nil of tbiJU Ji:id n: i PFAKINOFOi V.MMIN W11 1 tlio ("OtiVe:.:', voir: i ip, Mi-, if. I'ak'it o: tho Wop •f-! cif for f'lvn v.t'r.u •li th' rO'-Vi lit i-i.i.-..1 h}.'- :i) i.- i! .1 'o in w.f on Lio po nt F. UPv .'-i i re-ii.l s i i i- :u v. was ie- C'.tiV ntso i in to a l M.r v rt:,, i:i lol.a of tho wi iii*hi of tho Territ ry for jtict-, and il,veil a ti'i 'ii ?i.-»i"l by v i.".u lie J'.iU trt, a~!i:iiur that tii" word "in !e' •. i'n-orpM'at.xl in f-.o Stat® ,i.. iifT ad in ?-Ii ftai-l,wit!i I'Oif-ider.tli] "int't'a^ifl: "If then* is rot atio'l -.'l- wotnati it' IViki.t i w lio was ts to vol-' I il atid Lavo in\ -, of t!iiH ti who d-'t y i i' this jirra' i. o whicb tie y il 'tn.ral for- tli.'insi iyi.--: «a a i. im I t. Tii-» W .nati's iir.s't.ii I'li.p l»',a' utli.iu of' Vl HI ft -"iPMI )i If. lv. (1 11 im.-T.--i up 'ti wi-il i!ii of jiicoo ra itis i )ii idiio, i .« eliUi-.'', hh.1 'bo in i i ..-i•» t... are that a s'.ro nffort will 1 in ^ile tor rif K ni'i in t-.iii *"i-u-1-ui iy 1 o women ««f fra^i^ts tl iTtdi'ibi'iotiiH:*: but tht.'M is lit 'ik-'i hnmi fiihei- i^ii" will r.'i-'ivo ,'Uiy on f*.»iira^i ni' n' by ill" (i l.-^'ates Am ili'-n. l'ri jiid' fit 'I'nj'j) i* qu ted n savni^ t! t!:t convention will prtiai'l't itn work a woo. ami rod lat'r tliati a w", frum r r-w that there jsT.o-in»ll''-«t'-.ii pr v-,!.• •. Lat- or lot in ou'nid i~*u' dM.T A W i :,!" 1 '.:ic.i he W i.e S d- ayiirj .nvmKTter,*' '.I ,,ft jtj, crew en no* C1'|e of if w i--ue- 1-llOU 1 ,1- Hif iv from the con* .1 S 'tes, |o itelay if leaV" -\sctv to !l! .V by o am inclined to I '-ve tben purlin.' it to adopt top, auu it wook from lo-iiiKiit."' rRTDAT'* prs^TON'. lo-.lftv, nil M'ly a'li""'""'"" eivi'tho comniitt«.'s tim to woiu. an 1 t.icj Uvo I,con in nil of this aftorii.o n aiM li in har- Iv p.i^ihlo that ^"ino *il.i when tiw conv^ntio tiiim cvorii.'Jf,'. reports will mnnta to-inorrow mnnn t'l-iriorrnw moriii!.. tltlura-li r"""re v »«r „r.l 1..™ mabi!i„ i MatJ )a joslvn Oa«o, i 1 nt o' tlia National Woraan's Huf- tho ciaivfiitiou a meniouai fora the at Aberdoco ol Rug- a .. a of liawt-etico, (t-ani Comp- bUo l)rottis ted repr3g otiiatiou, and j„,t i for tho womea ttJua/otltbA"1mit.r of Dakota.. A of Cb,'.rl«s Mix, Klakin of iaol- i i n a n e o i i i o n a ^ianeh.h. ®. ?f I'-ooitiKioi., ii— J-1,08'®' of Hpiuk, Juliuaa u 01 Wnpoln. .Turner of iJua request carno from the CQllvoCi srj?« n non. A petit.ou for n»M i 1-tH I »a- I, to l-o us'.'tl as ],roof of Sotitli li. lt'. to n a'oi.O 'd. It i^ the int-.'i.tiou tjf ib'j copuinttei.' i.. report a lan for tukiug a v®rJ tjifi ci ci.u^ua a voi-y uhort time, n c-'fisns, too, w.ih tho proof on it* face ol h»v n„ Uvu talic-n hoio. stly, A res diitioa wa? ltfl lTi to tht) eivmt(ii.|. ftp J..jr I n. t-. 1 o'u Iltuman „f Uiiff ,io* Military iiftors. Crayioij «.f i, I i|ttfcsti 'i o wu i uesentatu.n is the legisla. TU UK with a v. incur,.orating a provision for BUt'h n.pieMi-iit'.vt.jn in the coii-'itutiou. Aa •tli-jr ni.T»ititioit, wi.icli went to tho judiciarv, i !:eti iho on bo fr.inndto pro ?iilo fir tlpj en tab irtimient of county cuur'8 in •iiO Hcvi'inl count:e-i of th" piopohciI now Stat md tba tho courts in addition to tho probata ur.sdtctpni now coiirifrr.-1 upon them by ter •itorial laws, should ho vo^ttnl wiili juriBdictiou .ti ail of n is lonic.uior.-i, and witb juris l.ct on in ail civii bui(h where tho dobt or !ftina-e ciann-jd sba'.l l.ot t-xcc ^.~»tt(. With lie cxe. pti, n of thi«« two r'.-olu'.i-.jw, there !ia^ ho n no attempt from tho body of tho cou veiiti in ti in.-'rii'.'t th-j coiumitti o-i in their wori A «|i-c:al iiniiii'l-e, co::.-i'tin^ of A. I»oyntori, still and J. f1. l-]li oi was a|) ."""f' i i uont 'Stod eiociii nt. liy i i .ort ina*le uuv.-ntioii by tho St^tu «x*cnt.vo co.m a p.i:nt l»v »o Huron c- ivctiti -it, it ivas i-ii'wii that thou' had b- eji coll'.-jtcd to f:av ti.o i-5pen-«L* of holding tho s:l ot.o:i for i--f»at- to tho connt:tu ional c- nv-p.tioa that ."f'-ljIJ wer.» (-xp'iphd, i.avm^a i'.il.iiie,. fj'- .^177, which was ti.rued ovi-r to :.. i- coiiv -n.iu:i. Tho cninni.ttci' Flited tha* of ,'rT HO to (-aoii ai .ty ..••• l,l'jr, had tli ho :i a .. o" -"i-b not t.f-inj tho rtiona*. .. i iv"1m ., .:J i!ii .-. rf. '1 In i ii:iitt(.'(i MHinc, oi KOVO I1J1V.--.I-id" Si.I to, fav whli- to Yankton as 1 aid tho comniit'i o s-'an 1 o olio a^aiiv-t i', i.lth--u^!i auitnou*. T1h» cotutuittve i i'. tho Statu shall iuc.udo ah v Telegram, Sept. ,. work Vf -. mpiwhed bytbec(n -vot.mi.-i v, a! L':U.!i it wai iti ... i Cm- IJ]'-n Ili-all i i n i i a y a n v. ci. s ritrbts of Siiff' L-e-iii Tni'ti-d |--'P ii.d final r'-ient. The foTin reonf&.p. rui'h .-.jjdyno' fo-itid in Kta'e citrs'ltnto n, wjitittthe i pit-ttv Qeitimily and (•atistiictori'.y dor* away 'he iri-b.eta of wi m -|.'s I,: Clf. 'i I.e U'il'h C'l'W s.! that ftllV womaii tieni.' a ci: iZ"ti oi tne United States, of tsven t\ -i i, vearoot aiie, arl 1 avn.ii th" fju tficattou^Cif an eiett. us reMtleix-e, may vott* at a-.y t-ln-tO'ii he'd fitr the purpobo of ehoof-sn" any t'er^ i si htH» s. iiitd ^i^a11 bti eiicib.o to iioid any of fict* i-riaiiiirfir to *,h« wntiatfeuitnit of (.i-h«o!s. It is ti.- i.-ve-.i iho n i)"lt win be tli'" t't'-d witll (tit r.HH-e.u'llielliS. A XeM^ini-indtUT^lis,' tll'.' !.»! p.itt.f on K'liedtl 'I to prov.dft that the State i ftU-f rr- (.had take ti e -f!h*es on th". l«t of Jai.u •u wa1- reft-ni tu a Ci ifitiibt'-c. Ti e intention of the ri-soJatiou was tho fciection of otli- ers to? the future S at" li ts fad. A^'.'ber re- .utnm wan adi. :-d, wi uli i-ieap-il n ti tniUec i n.i.e -'.'- irate* to prepaid au addv-os to tho p.-op e of the pri-jii»eu State uiu .:C their united fsiir-THirr or tfi^ constitution afiokt-it by tbo rouven i n F. I'lO.m of A *r. ra. in pseM-nt.m: tb® resotiiti-.n, Vtatrd that it de-dred that tiiere b« no* th" sbff't'Mt tlisAoiJ'tion aiaorg tha p-npie. 11-\* winter when euiur- s~ Is a»ke i *o 't.iiiot tc -. ,j g„uth Dakota, and th..t :. jwutitf shouW hi weenr»d. M-i r1\!. roMMX'i'TKK ,v re amouneed the pt'1 s 'tent a« toi-ow*r Aditill itr,itivO—l.'ay ot KduiUiiitN CaiHld»dl of 1^..,^.^. 1,!-.i! -1m'u of Yaiika-u. ilaje^of 11am- i.tanl Po'ii-io-al Jidit.sion uf Bt Mirilieha'.a, I*a:i W.i.'d l" li 1.- !,• --e. k •I I) 'I i.. fr. ni Ofllce—Tavior wu. Hi.:.* (if Sp uk, ner ni Mitp-r. Daly of •", li'.id'e, Callahan :i«piirtafion—Schwindt I.f ffor.l of I.- ii'. M--U i..n Of Dav, lvi".jaJn!i e t" Constitution—"Johnson or Ilrda, -i-- V-e M' I"! a1'": oi U !,.u:d, Van Nel- S.'»l Of 1 111 i" 11 e—, Wflltw.iit'i it Il.U". -esiis-The I'l-i-si ie-o, K mx of Fatilk, I'av (.Jf!")ie-1 of D- ui- Il.irr Yankton. Gu' .'m»h of Fnioti. Herman .=t FyfTiUi. Sepw.ndi of ltr:*.'". So er of Hutch'.'i-•'!!. Ch-V'-njr'-j- of Fro-k-IK-- o' "r Beadie, liii.ii.iou of Miutr, Kdw.ti.!»"! .iwrciice. t.-,'r. v t:ii iei pa! ion*1, flit' TniJiltt:^ on ,|'V ami ?e .f -"Vi-riiiiieut did ii"t rend«i th- .r i It wi I i* lu l" on Monday, no Well hew -if the commute say thero wil! feeling whatever enueinit-Mi i in loi'a'ing the (f" at Yankton, aud th,.t, .difhouh line th-iii tho tor:y-4xlli parallel ban bi-ew 'i»d fel' divi-i' tl to av.ii i division of •*h wlrc.i thf forty-e xth [tarahai ... d'spu e will rain- d, "K'l tba: barn my •n •d in t'.e (tisjji'i on of both qi 'intli the comint'te- j:i -e :o:is umj 'r jjedidno' rceoifiiizo tht* wishen of oai-ts. in tl ir report to-ilay, the &ub sui-M'd of by any ]n- «Ds. J'rohihsipju ano'hor fotiu. An eft" ,rt will te All lav» It rate I nv cit to the i wdl hp in the ip ..-)5SO It d::- 1 as tf and it t» w tli -10 liH do.o ra'.oui 'l!i" i.» i'h 't il'd tl u:d ti.u". tp./rttions uii pav in .OTl 1-1 II r.-ccivo ni i fu' e-i Fl.-fx F.u.r. Ho. "ai Te •"-•.rani, Sept. 10 rwo artich the cinstittmon tip: siaio ,A Dal-.ot i were ailoptod io iiuy. h.Te is a li.i-*is now u]ii.iu winch woru. Tbo articles a 'opted refer to elect ops, rigli' of suffrage and mil.tary affairn. Tle re was a gr«.-at ih al of Hpirite.i dis cns»ioii over the renort of the commi'tee o i i-leeiious aud rigid of suffrage, se\otai am ud ments made and'wo sect.oiiM ptricK-jU on. be. fore it was ad pt-d. J.)akta lias a greater number of, and is receiving more, foreign-bom tiz -ns than any other locality, and great care was taken ith "ilfa riy widi them. Th" first section, as reported iroui tho committee, r,-~ three years residence in tho Territory make one eligible to hold office or cxercao tne riuiit of putTrago. It was amended aud as adopted the section reads: Fverv male person of the ae« of twentv-^tie vear- 11] K 1 T, 'i! ^-%'XLr,.™ i'upward, helotiKiiiK to either of the folio win, classes who shad hare resided in tho United ates one year, in this S ate six mouths, in the county Hurt' days, and in the election preeuiet ten days nevt nreceth if a?iy election, and all persons wno ?.-ill be QUa'itlert electors under the law, of thia Territorv at the date »f the ratification of tins con stitution at the polls, shall be entitled to vote at ell elections for ad otJl-eH that now are, or liere lifter mav be eiec iva by tha people Aral, citizens of the United State* 8 -cond, person* of foreigu rth who shall have declared Uieir intention to he roine citizens conform »bly to thelawsof the Unueu tjttiies upon the subject of uaturaiizatiuo. •J be aeciioua forbidding the elect on or ap pointm -nt of any one to offico, civil or military. who baa not resided iu the State six months, i.ud giving women ihe right of euffrage at all elections held to chOJ»e officers of schools oi opqf., any measure relating to schools, arid women oli^ihlo to liutd any ofti.-o pcr tainmg to tho management of achools, wort tniCio.i A motion to strik" wm] "ni i.i lii-.-et Hoctto'i roc. i tbrue .• *, 'low ing cor.c.-itnv y the allii*iat ••it rtl ticn e articSo on military affairs was n iop*ed '.it. i' in it.'rial ::p.i-ndinOiit. An i ft".if, w i-f mad s to take up f.»r ad pf mi^br- j) l'l o:s (al i but it b.ih onl :a prints iir-? Toon: i new Ui.iit -r in tho report, l'ho f.- i:ur.' Tlierowas c:ins»iil-.:rabl9 enthusiasm am.mi: tho th-ic^at-M when tho pr-. auild-- was read It looked anil read like the '^iiimn^ of tip end, ami it was? nioveil to atiRpeml tho nti 8 and put it npou t!s p-iH-.'j o, but the pre-idem ruled tlie motion out of order, and it must lirsi ho printed. I)elt utu Wtsiovor. of Nuilv uini l'ot i counties, anai^ticd Uov. Ordwuy by iu tridiieiii^ aneiiert of prouinbhm concluding with a reno'.ut on, the whole s. ttiiu fortli tiiat: Tit-it-are a i.under of un. rgai.iz -ou.iiii-f lyi' 2 w.thin the In of the proj.o-o I S'.tte o! Pakn'ii. coir aiM-.-s ore tl: ui tlre-.jir:. ni-ni nntiib.-r of r.-MOent vot.-rs to (-nctie th- ui P. couirj /..i'llun nn l.*r i :.t: territori law and M-m't in a gr ui'er poptisa'ioti Usan counties w aeii i.-.-ii or« nVz--d by tii" ''.iVor of the territ.i 1 Nflcutive tim'. ih» (jua itied vo-.ers t.f sii'd unoruauized e-.u'itie,-, n.u petitioned in vain fot 'i ni: ofifiiozi io .. anu ar", b.' -as".') uf ,~nc w.:i. of i-rcauiZati'iU. pr.tctie illy oi-1!ranchis «d, ami the iiihab no.-, me ir ju-t:y dep ivt-d of the in. adviuit: g- s dor.tvd troni .-uch orjf i'iiz,i:ii n .-nd te r- co^ni'ioii a* such in the propt'ie.l S: tie .f tko tn at the first eU-etion of siateor ojUii y otfi ers ot Hvd-, Crer.i i.d, lji tr.!'i, Fom the commiu. o will r-i.-.u-i a section maki it a rntnc, linii'. aehin'lit as n:iisniiient, for .iiiv Stats senator or retri to trad votoH on measures or a gov srnor tj use vi to or other nill.ienco or an v Sti'e oilier to wi. hi ofih i in power in favor of or agi rist any measure in tin- legi'iaturo. Siovx Fai.i.S, Sep 1 11.—It 1 wail V:u ».! -ufffagi-t^ :u tu.» ci. V -m- Hio lii n "rtilpiU of Hi'h ol iatldS IS i i:' \.\ beCiiUS it affe.Hd hu i prop:'!joii State. No i -no-", latiU i:jn o-3 sold for te-*i than f?l crc a t!-at mi wiiijiu ten je -.r-j -.ioiii uoi exc.e.l -u- -t'r ni oi ud laud s.t apart t..r th« «»o ol •eliOi TBk ai.d no school o!:icm»' s!ia*.' pl- aiiovve.) t.jpw -id in the salt-, rental or other dispose. ».i ,t 1 .p. citooi Iawt«. TO THE on'stitltjon. iij: id l-,w, is t! o reantblo to tne tiriou a* r. n led from tho committee: Wo, the people of the Terri ory t.f Dakota, hav itik' tpp rtai.t of a liTHs! .n into Ttie Union as onw of t„i- I'ii!:. S'.iie-, ni America t)y virtue of Ui" m ('.i--. ot 17.7 un-1 th..- irt i-v made hy Franco to ti.e United Stales of the I'rovlti,o of u.s.iiM, aiiu Pv Vir'ueof the guarantees ot tho ccn» uutioii ot tin* Uniti-t S::.t.-.t. "ail iu-Ci s^ary c.iudition of the M«id compacts and tri-a:ies ot m-y.~nn huv'ing be. n tuitided on tho pari ot tip-people of .kota Territory, and we of rij.'h: b.-iii'/ eniiiit'd io a chain*-? from our erritni 11. couuii.t'ii to tne enjo.m-nt of a 1 tin* richts of Sat (.'Liverniiii nt as air. u and independent S a t ot tiio union, do now, in convtoidon a*tniblisi!, in ord.-r to est.tini-h justice, pr mote the w-eltare and H'curo the blessings ot liberty to outstdvus aud tc our posterity, ord.iin aud eti. b.ish the 1.Uuw t' Constitution, ami t-nm ourselves into a fro and in ilepuii'leut Stale, by ibo uuuie of the State ot Da kota. r, Fau-.l and .tup- b-.l counti -s, with the tertitory lyni'^ hetwe.-u th« north line thereof and tin li:'v--ixth meri'.hai:. an-1 tho county Meldi'-r- iti wr ti-,.' terrir-rv ivini bctw.-.m 'iie ni-riti an 1 e foi- -si:.' ii tura I in: r' ban, it asl:..d t.ia: tin:* aii.'holized to par'k-.pate iu iu. .-.e '. on of State other-, a:.d to p: 0'--e',l to ill", oiee: i 11 of lUil'.J «lJic-rs in every rest ect as sucii eiccn -ns may In held sn other counties in the S ate, and that t-ucl c.i-un'ies mav'be coimidertd ot'tnur.z. as fuilv anc c"inpi.-t'-:y as thuu^ii by fuvut of liie 'i'ei rin r:a execiitive. At.other rejoin.ion was referrod to tlv* c.mi miitt-o on corporations otlujr tliau bulking a-id inumc.pal, i\ pp- t:u^ tha' c»miiii'ie-j to t.ine ii tn eotiHidoratiuii ilm expe Iiemy of p'ovi.liug iliat the le^slatuie «h.i pan« law.s iMtah i-.h iug le.isonablo maximum ratis of charges for tbo trail portation of v-ax-enw rs atul freight oti ti.o railway* and for tbo election of throe rai.way .mnr-moii'Ts fid' that the railr a i laws weiv coinpl ed with. At .sevcia' stages uf tbe s .s-ioii of two and a half bourfc tie,- subject of proliibiliou emu.) up iu different forms. Tlpro tils to L'O a deter nana 1 ion, much against tho wishes of a roaj .rity of iho convention, to brin^ tho sub ject of pr bi'io i fore tho voters at tiio same tune the cou.-tiiution is taken tc the polls fir rat ill cation. The longer and sooior hea Is seem to tumk it not if the qip stiun must lu urged the people at ilu ianrj t.nie as tne co.i-tiiUti.ui, to liavt it e *.:'.i-:• by codicil or anv jther tonn with the confititution. Tho fubjecr taxation of raihoad property upon the ro.-rt eartiiu^s or e st value is becoming moro ind more conip ic.itod. It is likely o end as lb" t'.ore friends of sni'e. o id favor in leavin/ it to future hgi-l i iv.i laws where it ri{?bt"nFy b-loti^H. lion K. F. Fettigrew, of the coniinit'-.-u on 1- -ia!i n, nays is efttu.iau '.hat tbo wo:h of the loii-ti ntio al convention could well be ptoii' unced tinis .e.l by Sainriav Ji'-.xt if buch lali-'i- as was p.-i o'tu-.d 'u day wi rc kept up. About I alf of tho eonn.'.r «-.»s 1 av i -1rrt tl, ni.l liso that liavo not submitt-d j-i ports iiav.' them n ar y r-lv to 1 teo i• f.u*. tho convention. Tn morrow tip* -c of w rk will bo in th^ bandn of tin? commit"! ot the win. i". i llo S i ieio-t rules '-i'cc ll "i»y are observ.-d in tho nidtt n* pro^en'i •. \-hl .siderabh poeiftf l'g*-lutou ts i 1 i v i! hi lb" h-oij-iafur very niueti ui it t.,cro. "Cooper d,''that reterivd, wi'h instructions i in.- h-n-Iii iir•! as to Ip.w i' m.iv g-'. ii"i is a t-n'*r,ii 1 sir" i s i r.nuo 111• o u i .t :t. that the State a'ili b- )H". o v 1 'Tne p.-port ot pit- omm-t o «n ii rut imttiiepil itnl •bteduaas c:n: a, a" o t:ti vvbic'i provides that The Stare shall not loan its credit or make d'um ii. (MC'-nt in cast? of public c.i. i t: i \, ii a "f any trui.vulual association or corporali in, nor »!'•. s..-:ine io or heeunie the owir-r of the lapital t.ct of any as- o i..tinii t-r c.oi .n-rat inn. tt.^iir- in any work of interns! iuiproveni-ut. ot .er s -e tion provides fir defraying extraordiniry ex. en«»s, makinc piiboc iinT.rovem- uts, "tc.. bnr stip dites thai the af if legato amoutit »hali not exceed $."00, uoo. These are br.t sample ie.siiinces of 1 sifo gu-irds that, are thr .wn iiiound the vow rs u-ualJy granted legi-latnroM by constitr.tiotis. 'Iho iiannrsof tins cotis itntn ii urn bent on making a basis of State goy ivuit nt lor fautre g' tieraiions, an wtll as one on which they may be admitted to (Statehood. 1 wo other eecuoua bear upon tho power* of counties, cities and towns to INCUli INDEBTEDNESS, They cannot incur an execs- of 5 per cent of assessed valuation and intereat must not aecu mula e. A noction on public accounts ami ex penditures provides that the legislature cn'-not grant extra compensation to any public oftici r, nor authorize iho payment of any extra claim after contract has been made. A wide scope of freedom is presented in the lenttthy bill of rights. Among the clauses embraced in it are Liberty of the press, free religion, trial byjnrv, etc. Persons before conviction are made bailab'.e.ex cept in capital offenses writs of habeas corpus not to be suspended the grand jury to consist of twelve per-ons. any nine or whom mav find an in dictin»ut but the legislature mav abolish th- trrand jury Kystetn. No "ex-post facto" law can be paused by the legislature. No distinction shall be made be tween resident aliens and citizens in reference to the enjoyment or des ent of their property. No per son can be imprisoned for debt. The military shall be in strict bubordination to th« c:vil power. Writs of error are never to be prohibited by law. No tax is to be imposed without the.conaeat of the people. feSterjiay, in artopttng tlia ration troui iao commi'tee on cb-c ions and right of'i Hire, the s. e ion Kivmg ' i the b-ilhit at school t-leitiop-i and iriik.ii^ tier eligible to hold sehtioi ftle.-s, was s ricketi out. 1: eam» hack to- ny f'oM tho i-o'.ii'.ni'tc:1, c(»uch(-d ditTcr nt hiugua-re, I iu implying the same ])rivi c/e». Two rei oris wt --ubur.M' f.-e f.ti g..t« of ma i impr babie ibat eon-iuer ..poo tiio ijuc-t v luvoivf-, tho i i it t- S t'i'otu th .intuit •:o, n. an i it is not ii lo tUiiate w id be -ind per il? niar- ...... a toi-ward 1 .-riraiic" or de uuil! roperty of rutgc ».d all propern vm b-c m- entitled iiv irdt, er.u, vise, shdli he. nd -main Hie such, and shall .V-T i 11 unj tut nu: or:i T.«, rib'L*.'tiiCi-. or tunni nts .-i her hu-b nd, and may be ervnt'd tn- i--.s, i v tier a-, if siie was nnln ir ried that tho wile Oia i liaV" :"l ab-iiu:r- on.'-tb'rd oi lib ti.e rt-ai estate .if te-r husband own.* i pv him at th" time of In* death, as her dower: while ti." minority, believing in g^iug the i-'.iatid a fa.r eh a nee, hold that all real and p-.-rsonal ]vr. po:ty. and all ear ni' ifs t-f everv tnarr:ed man or s'oa'd be and re'.na'n his or hers and llni property of tl.e liusband or w fe shall no' iv sat" j'-ct to tne cunti1"! nor be liable for the deb's or obi-jf.itiotis of the o', aid mav be devise i wid y either th.e s: nu as it unmarried: butt!,, h..iii"s:ead o any family D"t exceeding ]ii-i acres, n"t itn-'u ieii in aw ei y or village, nor cxcet- :injc ff'J.oOU in value win.m a city i vii:ai*e, owned by tin- litisba nd or wife, shall not be s"ld by one with out the consent of tlie other, ai.d in t-iv of th« ilea'b. of the one tho other shall becom-j the soio owner of tlie homestead. A rosnlutiou from Jmlie Moody was rocoivod and reii rrctl, which nisti ucte.l tho oxecu'iv«* coin in 11 !o to take into consirlcri.tion and re !'rt a pr-niu M-non l'ur iiicor]). la tnu into tha con st i ii ion, prov dmg forlimiting tho jardon ing power of tho governor by cr. afius a board of parti ni upon win's"1 recommendation and investigation, sha 1 n pardon be granted. rnrmiliiTJON AGAIN. Quite a tiumber of pi titP'iis werfi recniv nl from diffi r-Pt localities, a-ki-.ig that prohibi tion be submit'ed to a vote of tbo pi-op v when tin-constitution is pres. nt lor ruiificufioo. '1 her lew who }"iicv.i tne instp. can be os (a: ed. and that it had :t I"- vo'ed uj on as a nlirely separate me:.sure fi- .m the t' .iisti 11:• it n A .- lnmi tee will be appointeii t-.j de vise a schem.' for ore.-fitting the (]u. s ioti to a p'oiular vote. Many who opposo prohibi tion fuvt snbtu.t ing the qti si on w.ih tho C'ius'itut.ou tn th« urouml tliar it wdi bring oil" a full vot -. Au i-tTi-rt will bn ma,-••«.' to iiavo iin-i r,a ra tetl iu the cou:"itt ti«n a pro%i-iou for tho i ot.on of ail jud-ft.s nt soma other lime than that pri scrdtcd for tne ehc'iio-i of gover. tir ai.ul numbers of tip? legislature. "The preaini.'e pr- s nfetl yes nhiy oo s i.ot give saiion eaus it co mis loo pinch ancient hiso v. 'liiojui li'i-i.ry av.: bee.: a-ked toiliai'i another tine. I) i Ing tie- cor.siti ration id" the rep. rt of the e-'iniiiiiti". on t.-diie.tiion a-.d school lands, nu t(T rt Wii" leade to iticorp-.rato A. C.. ,M. 1 le "s sin. udmcnt ti require, the h-.: i-biiurn lo pans Lt\vs r- gudi'ir: -:,'!io.d t-xt bi.olis, hi he cli-iiu-oil not I' than fivrt ye n -, and I eing defeated lv a eios v t. will iikdv colli" up r.g .in. A s i ti: rffa-.t was a'su nin to am-' nd tho minimum i ro"." fixed up':i seh. ol lauds, nuking it $1 m- ^'17 an aci e, but It I .s-"d a- rep- rifil at $10 a.i acre, t'oi. .. ry oducatn n w in pcrat'd. W the rep rt tbo th legislativo e muntlee wis undor n-idei a tit ui, II. .1. ("in i In.-il of Yankt n in strong hiiigua 'c arraigned the acts oi tho 'ant h'„' siaiure, whicii !ie ieriue.1 daniuii)'e, and a ui mi the iianie of 1 k na. Ilo maui !n n- that tin h. rtdiin^ by tho govui .»• was a di-grace ill abns'-of e\- cuiive power, and ha hoped tho cons i uti"ii vveuld ruov:j] ag NTS such ahu-sj-.s in tho future, IPs r- nitirks were in support of ti:t,- thir.'y third .-ecu.n ol tho legislative coni nii*t(".,'.s report, which read: Any gt-vernor onthisSta'e who askrec-ives 01 il trees to rec-iV" a'.-v I rde-l upon i.iiy uiiuer Maudiug that his orticiai epinioii.judein.'rit or action, shall be i- fUn-tn-e i theirvbv. or win gives or offers «r protni!»t» his official influence iu consideration that any tueuiPer ot the legislature shuli L'ive his -oOicial vo'e or mtiu i iice on any pauicu'nr silo of any question or nia't.-t wl.ich he may be re united to act in ins oil! -iai capacity, or w(io in.-noc's anv nu inh.-r by the tbreatoned uae of bis veio power, or wlio o:T.*is or proinises any ruber that he, th-.» said i:tv ernor, appciut ar.y pi-.rti-m ar person i er--oiis any ei'i:.- er.-,.t.-d. or :ne:eai er tn tn:!, in o: s. l. r.itioii iiiii uiiy member shall giVM his cfficiul vote or iuflnwnc" t» any matter pending, or thereat tor to he ntro«bic"l into ether tiouse of the said Icgishitore, or who threatens anv metnbv-r, that lie, the said govtrtior, will lej.i -vt) anv pei son or p»rsoi:s from any i. it ice or t'o-i'ion witu intent to in any manner in fluence the official action of the said member, shall be pirn n ii o manner now or Out may tiere atter be tn'ovided by law atid on ciiiv.-ition thera tf shail f• r: i it all right to hold or t-xerci-e any ofii'e of tins- i honor in 'h s Male. The, atT.ius bef-To t]p cfi.omrtue on co pora i uih other than baniiing aiul inu.iiei '.l Puva le-come so piphcai' i aud nunioens, and so ill my id as ar i b.-ing pieieuted iai It \ias ask-d that ttio e .mill it-o itu-n-us tl six me'iibers nntre, all of thiui from the formed couimitteeM. TIIO comm ee Ht.ited iliat tliev wiru ((]uiil to the (UKrgeiicy and iho rctiiK st was refused. An indignation tit ct ng if tho delegates and cit i-i iini.ouiicc 1 tr tako ]j ace at tho clos" of the won: of tho nventii) •, 1"«r tho uipi»st) of ims-i.ig ro*o u i 'in co-d.-mnut iryof tue pre.s i'ii! cx- t-uiive, find jo pi .g ui a p(o'est to th'J pri-si u-iit of tin- Unt'c S ates .iga.ns: l.i ro ui p-intnu nt. Tn-niiMit, at t|.i arm oi' iho t. ui ir.iei house, t|j(? iadio i of mux l'a Ih teu i«e:i,d a rec'-jdiou tiio uo'ig-to* anil tite w iv-'s. '1 lie t'H'hn.i Were oo.'orai. il With llowcrs, anu tlioro was mut,ic and a gay time. Tlit? I'tali roniiiilnMim. W is asr/rns*. Sept. 7.—Tbo following com. i i .ti n .n n.c.ivod from the Utak i i ike A,nr. 'J I To IT. M. TeUc, Sec .-ir: I nave tlie P"ii*r to inli-rm yon thai e up'T th -r i':stradon ot vj'"rs i June •»«le-'tion fe.r m'i«bers of the legis'at:vo as- 1 *.. and oth- :".ic'-i -, held the day of the mo i •,!. s Te.ri'ory, and h- ful. pro ot i ,i- enmm'si o» in eoniiee ion ther», f. -m n-ce r-iiy, be ili- iin-d for a timf. Ji-iwever. we toi'.k it v.til be proper to say now, in advance of our regu'nr repor:, th-.i' th.o law known as the "Iv-linunds act." so far as we have b'-en re -tioVi-ilii" I'l its e\ecuti":i, has been C».efu!.\, (lUl iis-nl y enforce! this vear, as it was last. No per s. ii uvi .n i. yy my iias bet-r P'-nnitt'-d to vo'f at any el.-,-'ion or he voied for for any otfie" am) while fiidv thr-e convictions iu nrowutioim aundtist p.. "g..iuv nti ler th-* a"' of have been cured, or quite ].:),OiM tit r-ous have bet-a ilisfr inc'ii-ed en af .nut of p-Iv^uujus prac'lees. Thr m^rh the pt-rat-.ori of the law as adr. inistered bvihi.- corn'iii-.iion, leu iU:.s tor danci-.'-s nave Lc(*B iiisti'uted auaiust tie comtui*siou bj cert :iin Motiuous whose names wer« reiee'eil at 1lp? first regi*trai ion ai who were not pernii ted to v teat th" election November, cau-e tlie.v r. fused to coni p'v with tiie rul- s Mid rcgulati us preset ibed n-'d -r the 'aw by tiie commission for proot of eligibility of all voters. It is uu-ier-tood that these cases are brought for the pnipose primarily of testing th« cons'itutionality ot this iaw, and, secondly, to tle ternune the leualii v of our acts thereunder. Th« first hearing of these catus wid he had early ic October. If deemed a'lvisabte, we will wiihnolfl our regular report until the court here siiall hav« heard and passed upon these cases. Jlireover, Certain phases of the genera! situation here hav« presented themselves through the recent election, stitl in otht wais in the present year, which wir reauire to be caret ally considered before the com* HiBsion will be prepared make a iu ll and com prehensive report, which the pre.-id Dt uud con* gresa will undt.ubp'div desire and the coinmissioc Will wish to make. Such report wid bu preparec tud forwarded in ample time for the use oi the .resident in commuuicating with cu cress at tha lommencemeut of its session in D'-c nilw-r nex (Sisfued) Alex By order of the commissioner*. IIamset. Mrs. H. B. i^towe is about to begin now r*ory which will be entitled "Or Blossoms."