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THE HERALD. I wnik & N KirI Publishers 19 A tear in Advance. i.'o stink Citv. Dakota HI DAY, SEPT. 14, 1883. sickness and death in the editor's family have delayed this issue of the If Kit a ld until to-day, (Tuesday 18th.) We hope to catch up with our work and be more promt in the future. i:levator men along the H. & line have been buying considerable wheat this fall, in which there is a little .smut but worse than in previous years. For this wheat they have paid the farmers about 82 cents per bushel, the price of No. 1, soft. Now conies the crash. The elevators start shipping, and this wheat which is in reality Xo. 1. hiird Is graded, when it gets to Min neapolis (and a piece of smut can be found in it with the aid of a magnify ing glass), as No. 3 or rejected. Many of the elevators along the line ving already met with this outrage ous robbery, refuse to touch wheat with any signs of smut in it. It is possible that a few farmers have wheat with some smut in it,, but not more than it has contained for v«ars and graded as Xo. 1. Hut should the elevators buy this wheat and grade it Xo. 1, paying that price for it. they take their chances on having this com bination at Minneapolis and even in Milwaukee and Chicago, grading their shipments as No. 3., a decided loss. The elevator men get the curses of the farmers, beeause they will not take any of this wheat unless graded No. 3. but they say to the farmer, they are afraid of it and advise the farmer to bold it until this scare blows over. There lias been considerable -kick ing the past week by those who have had their wheat graded No. 3, and wo can easily imagine there was some taller kicking" among the elevator men when they found out that their wheat at Minneapolis graded No. 3, lor which they had been paying No. 1 price. This state of affairs, we believe, holds sway on all transit lines or those main lines in the northwest which run through Minneapolis ti Chicago. These companies should dosomething to earn the gratitude of the farmer by relieving the latter from the unjust extortion of the miller's association. Very few loads of No. 3 grade has been taken in at this station since the miller's edict went forth and it would be well if by some means or other the farmers of the country could hold their grain until the association were forced to buy their wheat of some in dependent system of buyers. Ill a recent interview, Hugh j. Cnmpbell, the leading spirit of the constitutional convention now in ses sion at Siovx Falls, thus outlines the work of the convention and in a sense the political future of the Territory: It is our purpose to frame a consti tution broad enough in its scope to tover every present need, and which shall be acceptable to the people. We believe this can be accomplished with out giving rise to discord, by some mutual concessions. We propose to make provision for a census of the Territory south of the forty-sixth par allel. and, when the constitution has I teen adopted, shall be able to sav to Congress, "Here are the evidences of our qualiiications for statehood, and o "UewXl"' In. «ibh 1:1 S1T »WiU Hf 1 or complete our government by the determination of a seat of governiuent probably at some point not likely to be made the permanent seat, and at any one ol" the points which may be a can didate lor that honor and carry our movement to the point of the election ot a lull ticket and a full legislative th at nirrtva (mrnu }«ly Miehl.,. did. and sLl tU„ to Siiy to ongiess: i*\V e are a i —old Mate, admit us to the Union." We !o not believe the demand can or will lie refused. If it is a matter which to may involve the Presidential question ^ve shall be content to wait for the i I shall be content until that time with i'ecogniliou, and do not intend to be revolutionary in our acts or establish a government within a government. Our demand will be courteous and our movement orderly. We shall simply complete the form of statehood and Ji ansfer the onus from us to Congress. We do not believe the Democrats can j^o into the next presidental campaign with a record of refusal upon them, but as already said, if it is a ques tion simply of electoral votes and possible change in the political stand ing in Congress we shall be content until after the Presidential election with simple recognition. If it be a (juestion of name, that need not stand the way. If that is all that North fern Jiakota bases heropiosition to our movement upon, we shall take occa to assure the convention on that point. North Dakota has been here* tofore the most rabid and persistent advocate of division on the forty-sixth paralell. Wherein the position has changed we are, unable to see, and the attitude now assumed is, to say the least, inconsistent. KLHiit.i muni, A Pretzer's wheat which was dam aged by hail yielded about ten bushels per acre. August Mickey.sthe same. S. Ferguson's wheat though badly shelled by the wind went twenty bush els Reuben Black's, twenty-four C. II. Kimball's sixteen* Mrs. lienj. Tuttl*is recovering from her injuries. .T. W. Moore and wife are visiting relatives here. Jack Frost got in his work Friday night. Oscar Wilde. ROSCOK, D. T., Sept. 10.—The per manent survey of the Chicago. Mil waukee & St. Paid railway extension west from Aberdeen has been com pleted a distance of iifty-six miles. The surveyors have completed their orders, and have returned to Aberdeen for further instructions. As far as is known at present no other surveys will be run to this part of Dakota for some time, (.hading is going on at the rate of twelve miles in two weeks, and the force is being increase* 1. The connection between Aberdeen and Mitchell is all graded and about one-half irnoiM'd. About 120 miles on this line wort-graded in sLx weeks. A scarcity of steel makes the laying ot tracks this season uncertain. Mr. Mitchel's visit to Kurope undoubted ly is to make negotiations for steel, as formerly that company have pur chased large quantities in England. The urvey, as made by the Chicago, Milwaukee «fc St. Paul company from Mitchel to Bismarck is 240 miles. It passes through some of tli^ iinest and some of the poorest land in Dakota. Our resources for fire wood over the Little Ealls fe Dakota road promise to bring down the price of that article this coming winter to three and four and a half dollars a cord. So much for a cross road if we did pay SaO.OOO for it. Two or three years supply of wood will pay us all back.—Morris Tribune. The Sn S. Territorial executive com mittc have appointed a series of S. S. conventions to be held at Canton, Madison, Pierre, Huron, Aberdeen and Milbank. That at Milbank will be held Oct. (Jth and 7th. commencing Saturday evening and continuing over Sunday. Henry Plant of Minneapolis will help in conducting these conven tions. Let all attend who can. Another (omH. On Saturday night last W. R. Brooks ®f Phelps, N.Y. discovered a singular object in the constellation of Draco. He was not certain as to its real character, but on Monday night Prof. Lewis Swift. Director of"the Warner Observatory, at Rochester, N. Y., ver ified it by means of the large AVarner telescope as being a comet, it is quite large, nearly round, and moving slow ly westward. Lo.iiv In small amounts, on sluort ticoe at Grant County Iiank. TO REMT. We have a farm 5 miles north of town which we wish to rent to prop, er parties. Improvements thereon are a good dwelling-house, well of water, good stable, meadow and 120 acres to to put to crop. Also, a farm with 50 aeres broken, one mile south of town. For further particulars and terms, apply to Jones & Wolf, Jbg Stone City, Dakota* llucklcn'N Arnica Salve,. The gr^atoHt medical wonder ot tho wolid. Warranted Cnt*' the fo. it. W shall, howev. (.•Mlfl.i.w. Corns, Tetter, chap- to speedily mre Bums. Bruises. by A. «rnble .•* apt a, did Michigan until at-! "7^'^ 5^ !.-r 1 J'lt^idt'litial ch'ction. We W SWlKiSS Kmi cough. Vm. ped Hands, and all skin eruptions, guaranted to cure in every instance, or money refunded Twenty-five cents per box. For Sale by A. W. Resseguie, Druggist, Big Stone City, Dak. W. Rcsseguie, WILL Pig YOt' SFFFKR VI Stone City with Dvpepsin and comprint shiioii'n Vitaiizer is cure you.—a.W. I iv- guar-in- Kesaeguie, Druggist NUiHTS, made miserable bv Shiloh's cure is the 1 50 units. Mfisal Injector lre«. —A. \V Iie.sse guie, Druggie' Big 8twue City, Dakota. For lame Hack, Side or Chest use Shitoh's Porous Piaster. Price if,cents -A. Kesseguie. SI1ILOH .S l.OLtJH, anl Consianution Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It cures con sumption,—A. W. Uesseguie, Druggist, SHILOII'S VlTALIZKIt is what you need for I Constipation. Loss ot Appetite, Dizziness and i all symptoms ot Dys|«psm, ivice 10 and 7o jer tKJttle.—A. W. Re^cguie, Druggist. CJiUl P, WHUOP1NG CUUOH and Bronchit is immediately relieved by rfhiiohv urc Farm Eor Sale* I offer for sale my farm of 16(1 acres, 32' miles from Jiig ,tone City 130 acres plow-laud, with meadow. The buildings are house, barn and granary costing SI500. Satisfactory terms to Cyp 'A party. A. 1\ I,yon, care of I. M, Diggs, Milbank, Dakota. GREAT REl FOR PAIN. Rheumatism,Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago. Backache, Headachd, Toothacn#, bore Th rant.N w 111 km. *P"»| Hums. NrnliU. Froat Ultea, AM K i,L unuu liUlUI.V AI II El. KiC.y Cratia IwlU*. li' iu 11 TIIK I'll XHI KI A. YOUKI.KU CO. MUNN &C2 A Patents ential newspaper •world. to Wo eontinno to aetasfcolicitor.xfor patent.*, cavuito, Irade-mfirkn, copyrights, oto.,lor the United States, and to obtained obtain pat- :it« in Canada, England. Franco, Germany, and all otlu countries. _____ Thirty-six years'practice. No chargo for oxaminatiou of models or draw ings. Advieo bv mail tree. through tis aro noticed in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, which has the largOHt circulation, and i« tho raowt inllu- of it* kind published in tho The ad vantages of such a paten ton understands. notico every Thin large and ep!» ndidlv illnstrntcd nows- papor is published WEEliLY at f:i.20 a year, and is admitted to bo tho best paper dovoud Beieneo, mechanic*, inventions, engineering works, aud other departments of industrial progress, publitjhcd any country, fcinglo copie« by mail, 10 ccats. dealers. "Sold txiH, by "all uevra* Address, Mann & Co., publishers of Sdea* tiflc American. 2fil Broadway, New York, Handbook about patente mailed free. The Pioneer Press. Greatly Enlarged and Improved, With a H*ivlsom» Now Irew and printed ou Tie Fastest an! Best Press ie tin Willi. With ••iebt cola nn* J**d t» its former bIm. witttft Ho»i Wnb-Vsrfra.tiUM which prints iu on hoof tfiirtumM oiLipwitli th-nr Wave# Ifiidtnl, ml »jiil at the b.v-ii. It tiuw tAkfH oijual rnt.k iu circuiau^in, ted in kll tlin artntatfe (,-t A Nownptper, With tiia lestlniif ('hicnico nnl St. Ixui« (*. TlMIMi are i otjy rivuls lu Ujj Murttiwr-^t in U»V'.\Unt «ouinK-t.ii«4d o! ita ftrraiisemenw for tho colloction ot 4ii MurUiwc»t«::*a aows. which, in addition to tlie uniiuitry ok -ici-mof tlie A*s»cla{p.t Prr^s. muhnuM a widely-MtU.-n«Ud -dysli-au ut Te]- „raplU- Sf)f.-ittl« aud KLIAIL TORRR/IYONJENCO IRO:N VRI'!,:::,'! -LI, YORK, Clu.'aau. Miiw^ukca, JIaUjw*. I** aad aU i)rcu.u:ejd .• \t i o- nt. rn hi tUo N- rthwest. Its Hold vt Cirenliiiiun Is hntn«ns«, tmbr:ioln« 5Uiui. «ita. Wast Wisconsin, North'-ru Iowa. lmX«t« and ."VUmtwha. vrmuu thu fleid. wlu U atji! rn«-« n. ar.y him mtilicn it hag uo rival w« compontor ui-m tin ol i^tera or •nu'.hfm fr'/i!Utr». wiv»-r« it 'lurv'Jl* with the wrt*ai Od»a^u a t!u*ral id .*u« U.Ujr th »n they tu the ot llio cu^u(i.'04. y v, ants aud ia- terc-itu it e.wv«viai!y i'i^i.UKfu.iit all thia wid* thfatef its tt in aiuu CitlOB Mid tOWUiA u I.AI1WK o liKg AKD LOC daiiy tcln^rui.hic aud uuil r^pv.rt^i r-tl. ct Uia civrr- iii daily instury of thi« r»ioa XjiAt*« to Ui Kocky A»iuutaiu.s. A L*tad«r oV OpitiUto. It ikh*1 not V*. wwd tiuu tbi) 1IOVE7UI PRESS, by Us fnt*lllrf»nt. cuUifcd iiivl ludt'jundoHi di«ciis»ion of all th« iKjlitio*!, luiijicial uul t.tiier »n,i Uiu day, hiw lua* uaiuU:iW n h.^h -jlace juaon* th« JouriuUii widcli hib ik.t a., lh« u.— iiiu bul an t.» lnadem ami .•dutaU.r* of U opiiaou. '"fh« llltcrtv*! itn coluiau will l.o eniinived by tlio iai't tUt thw i* tha yrta, aauMusr p^d^r.slal *iu.-h uro uia. to 1* oau uI Um audmoelee, OtUiK la tin. in lory of tUj country. Itoi lmpruA^wl .•Mnylu-t Imports. CaosiMutiuuit luuoiyf the i-u»vv "Jf). KillJt i'l'Xite w U l« fciuid V.m (•it"iidxl Improved »f iu attention b*Uig w'lvwt 0 tfio AVI) sweet breath ... Remedy. Price 1.M.JU lr V ot H«uw«hoW iM'artmniN. and a riwntty *ddod i'^Je Column »r- iimniix it« »tia-a-dw tfi»rur*M. lN Wovkly i .v!«ew of p«vif»Td w!l,,y f, Hie •nh-H«rlptluii »r\» of the Weekly was Jut vm »4ui-vi Oo On* !U«ur anrt I lrt.^n Cents jht Year. TTiin r- dn.-fnl prii-e 'jt still rumritained, it.itwjtli^taii/1 toivj lf» i *iM) itful u ^reat Kiuitm •SEW'.MG MACHINE CO CH1GAQ0.ILI..' -ORANGE, MASS. ,:.d ATLANTA. OA Tor sal EffiY .THE'HOOSEEEPSL, IjcriW a btautifnl monthly, 75 TFIITS U year. ET prv woman who keeps houf«? it, and will have It wht-n cht5 lu'are of it, if nhe has to without o Spring Iwnnrt. S^inion copy and Grand Premium List Fr«*e. S|» ini«n pair^fl of th« Jiri PROVISIONS, and ,mu pro.iuo«. u.d hvo »t«. k ti^tkcK *ivlt« n.. pen«« Bi-arivJ to pn«-iM* tho lat.„t. tulient *u,l 11108| •ccuruti# i-roru^tiou \i irvjtu aliUw WttdW.iUifcllU tood Tho rur.Y PIOJfKEB 1'U^S, Imtom por w«*k. p«uil, 1 o*u' *,« fwj OMoutlu J* SS TIIE WEEKLY PIONEER PRESS Kulargtsi to Fifty-,Six Colnnms, With a u«w dress of ck-ar and b. anU.'ul tyiie, u ao» «1u I.nmiiy Jounutls of tho Norths. It i« edn-V. wtth rr^.t w. toiBMt ftj th* n-uuin-menu the Ka.mti.* h,jm! It oontMiw thf .. r«vatu of *u ti.v ukkst J.: we. can and will do wpi! fKiiart'Iiii AKtSK(,KC*l»KAtr«o StArt'KR of thu Jay carefully proitar'tl nr., «niii uarM« of ai.i, i 'ik J"11""1 i '''L of Ulij WWii ivlUi ftii tJi» "••"""-wtimvH iu m:i. Its "*rr,i„jjd tiro Marketa, |M ooJan.HH, 1a alone worth mat:y tii.-w, tjj.. -.utwrLurtun prto- t..,v.,ry funuor and rouiitrv dixticr iu trriuri. producu. pruvfcioiu.. livoar.-i er any f*rt oi turm pn..dtjct. whtimuhs UJ,,,W' iu Uit5 by n* tli» w,d!,»t Weekly Ul UjO Vr- .iL XEaMK: 1 urit^ at T-akuw UIM Tl«w its 8l7.«, the maw. variety „.Qli va!no lUoowtaU. »d t),.-ir spwial «.la..tttUo,, t\ lb,- wnr.?« of tli» rural faiuia»a of th« X.reiw-i.t j. u CI 8 Months .V.'.T.V.V.'.Vlil!!!'" All atibsortpttoM or# pa7»UU» In 1 mbrm.-*, ordiT, r«^iAk-n»d |«t^r „r araaato.urr.,i. thu exp^ of tv,haUk ., «u.a trv^ •iittal bn.,n \x,ni» by tlj.. .cader. baxupie ciipJW m.q( lite ou tiiphcatiou. Addrt*« THE riONLEB PRESS CO., 8b Paul, kkii C'ooK BOOK, (which PT- erybody known 1b JONES & t||| th« in" tiu« World,) free with it. Addr'*H, Buekeyc 1'ub'y Miani'itpoliti MiUtt. a specialty. Also a large supply AI1DNITIQN ARB N ext Door to Post Office. SUCCESS! imdr"!io^iistak^n ^|n-'nVss 'iaH ^anviiiecd the timlersiRii^l' t',a{ n t,1()Sfi wll() trfi i,eud "i».. thii'xS'™,1"tmvne*iM»ctiiiK II"D SEASONED LUMBER a i a i n o for MOLDINGS, DOORS AN WINIX)W] Look the Sign of Call and Examine IMMENSE IT. CJ W FURN Tm Substantial KitctieafJ MA 1 T1U nsKS. 4 MIBHOJ has ll'I t0 cneral in and cj W Elegant I'arlors 1 fel -TORb, I \WlNft fWillTJiV an i i.e. \rork uobi: br::t*!l Av md Ins iptly i estate ri(Tl'HS. ALL AT liOTTOM PR1 Main Strfut, Hi^ Stono HATZ BROS., OKALKKS IX Staple and Fancy Grocera NDS, rirrrui: n, and Ri Mns a! iuucke: I380.N, Jones & 1 01T1 |n an I can Agi ftsol unty. Iyaiiciri| lurnishi City, 1 j^troct, 1 lilb&nk fetwten i'WQ] In an lecuie' found Im» }y, Ut or tul'F I I I v. -t ley lib A! re. i to buiM- UU,T YO" o I the Wisconsin Lumber i.ExVCII & XOClv, JLTopiiotffi CLOTHSOFSTOCK tfOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE AT Caward & Stevenson's Murcliaii Tailor DeprMoat.