Newspaper Page Text
T, n and comfort. n and Surgeon. )K & CHARLES HOTEL j. jlHST.CI.A8S IX KVEKY PARTKT l.AK. HOBKHT TA1LDH, rnell Ave. nd ^eguie's Drug Store. Main tfuuad in office at liight. jfNp HAIR*DKI-SI:I:. ,] has recently been re-fitted and refurnished -tn(1 to tourists visiting the lake and the travel enerally it offers special advantages for tlu-ir Insurance Agents. WW, MRS. M. A. MOR( AX, Proprietress. WKLLKliri' DRUG hTUUK, D. T. KAI.SOMIN1NG, \VlUTiiWASlIlN(r. elling work done with the :iife. Work «nara»tccl. Real Estate Dealers. ons a specialty. MINN. I1S0N, OFFICE. nan r.Npecial Study. .oan Agents. Buy and sell wtsof title tarnished to all unty. Taxes paid tor non (yawing promptly and neat turnishea to prove up with Street, Big Stone City, and liltmnk, Dak. Telephonic etween the two offices. i WBITFORI), and Surgeon. DAK j^t or a clean share drop in |0PF, and Plasterer, frick and Stone Work Host reasonable rato«. City, 1). T. Janiea F. Fisher' JE, Deys DAKOTA* Hi, Sor and Attomey-at-Law. '^NK DAK. Has had fil- 1 the legal protassion. to the delense ol 11 collie, s Place, iet Jiig Stone City. lesser, Prop. [X lAUD AM) POOL t«1K OM V1V instantly on tap. ltock and live, *-ami other "Wines. N Cigars in the City. f°01' lM!, !:taide with A- -T- Che- I. T-ivi,1, Vu,,li,-'atious of MI' TO TUTT'S PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER. and MALARIA. From thoao soorwin aru« tluve-frnTthfl of UlO ot tliO Kuilian rftOC,. I'hQKfl sympumui lniiuito limit ejunteiiew: Dots before the eve«, hitclilv toU ored Urine, OBSTIPATION* «Uul do in and tho nuo of a remoily uu,t fiin^yy on t.he Llv«r. AsoUw medlnlno TUTT'W liarM no equal. Tli.,! action on the Khineys and Rlctn Is also prompt rwnovlnjj all lmpuritlvt through th««o ftire« CIUIBO Uibtlv atte'.ili'd to. Kami testate ot all kinds bought .A.. 1.. ABBOTT, MILIUNK, D. Notice of Foreclosure Sale. \\T11KRKAS, delimit has been made in the conditions i a certain mortgage, dat ed on the loth day ol September, cuted bv RolK-rt Fah 111 And whereas, the said mortgage was coti ditioned tor the payment ol a certain prom issory note made by saiit mortgagor to said mortgagee tor ^**75.00, with tour interest cou }ons attuclied, all bearing the same date as said mortgage, and said principal note be coming due and javable oil the 1st day ot 1 at Law, January, 1SS4, and one wl said interest cou- poll notes becoming oue and payable on to wit: the 1st day ol January, l^sl, and the other three interest coupon notes tor £-V.iH each, one jmyable on the 1st day ol January in each year thereafter. And whereas, delault has Injen made in the payment ol the third coupon note, amount ing to £-7 50, and whereas the said principal note contains a condition and agreement sub stantially as lolhm's, ti-\vit: "lhat a tailu.e to pay any ot said money, interest or pnui 1 ml W'ithin ten days alter same becomes due, 1 expressly agree'with the payee ol this note i that he or'his assigns or other holders ot this note, may, at his or their option, and without notice tu"the maker, declare the said princi pal sum as well as anv or either ol said past due coupons as hilly due and juyable, as lullv as it this note was payable on demand, and'niav proceed and collect tin' same by loreclo^ure ol the mortgage given to the same, either under lb* i»wcr ot :^lc therein contained, or by suit or other eeedings in court, or otherwise, elect." And whereas, the said'' undersigned mortgagee, Juts elected and.( elect to declare and consider the said pruici pal sum, as well as said )-ast due couiwn., due and payable, and claims the sum three hundred and twenty-two ney's lees, stijiulated furnish ii',vV wehstkr-S "AUlhS at the verv ,lHiver,'a J.«KOR(}E, uty S«i»eauteudent. K-1'. MURPHY rT^i0oIrvNfvA ?, JiN ae- LOMM w of Appetite, Howtil* coativc, M»k*Hrad &cA6t fullueiu hfl^r tftUn/r. nvernloii to °S or mind) Eniftatlou lururuuiUD of foody IrritiiMIity of trmpcr* row •ptritx, «*Jln}{ of hftrlnR negltet**! •»mr Jtuy, utulndM, lltiUnrtiiL' at th« KIV rng«rt of th« prodnninjr tit**, sound .Jtyrearlon, rcjrnlar Ktools, a atoar skin ami a Ttfforoos body. TT1TWFILM no nwiHea or j?r1 PNG nor Interfere with dally work and wo a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA.1 UK KRRI.S I.I UK A SEW BXAJV. "I havo had Dyspepiria, with Conaiina tlon.tvro yoara, ami havetrlwl tc.n different ..wv kinds of pills, and are the first SC I II I that havo done niii anv cwul Ttu»v tuiv# m.<p></p>M.<p></p>TTTTS ML TUTTS HAIR DYE. GHAT MM on WHFSKEHS changed In utantJy to !iJLossr by a single a^ plication of ttns Datk. tx*!.! "by Draggtats, or«ont by erpresa oa recciptof $1. Offloe, 44 Mnrray fit root, New York. TUTT'S MANUAL OF U8EFUI RECEIPTS FSET Knight & Dean, on l.aud SSO.OOO Time, 1, 'J, 3, 4, f5, 6. T, s. !, lt years. In terest as low as tlie low»-t. Money liir* ninhed to ]tay tor Pre-emptions and Comnmt« Homesteads, No Delays. Perscai.-' ''Ill get ti.'-ir iiM-iev o" the same day thev applv. Principal and Interest payable ut Milbank, Dakota. Judge Abbott it) authorized to negotiate loans. Call at once on 1 CT lliv \nn kil ETV that hfivo dono nii any good. Tluo' havo cleaned mo out nioefy. My appetite is splendid, food dltft-Mtw 'mvdlly, and I now havo natural pfli^ouroH. I (wsl llWe a new man." W.l). KDWAHDS, Palmyra, O. Sold Tcrywhfn-,g5. Murr»y 8UJi.Y. and .0-10') dollars, (js.l-.-J.'id) now due on wild moit^agt. JNow, theretore, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be loreclosed bv a sal ol the mortgaged premises, to wit 1 he s hall the north-east quarter and east luii ol the northwest quarter ot section "'"jj thirteen in township nuiulier one hnn died antl twenty-one (1 lorty-seven (17 west ol lilth I,rlV' -|-. r. dian, situateft in (rrant Count, Da ritorv by the sheriff ol said counU ,J. L. 5immons^ the agent ol said mortgag-'-'at front door ol the St. Charles stone City in said county, on the nth dav ui October, at'ten -clock in the tomivon^ said ilav, to satinly the ainoun't w I then 1« lue on said mortgage 1,'stiro the cost and disbursemen o saul and sale, besides tlurt «toll. pant in case ol foreclosure and-. thirty dollars (*30.00) atturuejH lated in sa.d mortgage, to be paid »u case foieclosurt o Dated AoKUSt^^O, 1KN. l). W. FOUNTAIN, i Att'y at Law. Bank SMAI'T' AMOUNTS ON SHORT TIME ON CHATTEL SECURITY. Money to Loan on Real Estate, Money tun.ished to prove up on HOMHSTKADS AND PRK-BMPTIONS. INSURANCE AGAINST FIRE, LIGHTNING and TOR NADOS ON CITY AND FARM PROPERTY. Real Estate bought and sold on commission Foreign Kxch& sold on all principal points in Eurone. -Murphy & Fountain, Bankers FOR A Postal Card The above is a bona-fide offer to any one who will accept and writ the names and address of book agent they may know of on i a postal card and send to us. We preler the names of those now canvassing, although those that have canvassed will do. Send in in the names and we will show you how it is done. PER MONTH Vv/ AND OUTFIT FREE. We want men, women, boys and girls to work right in their own towns, villages and neighborhoods, on salary or commission. It is a pleasant business we offer you, and you need not be away from home over night. We shall be glad to furnish you an outfit free to start you fn business iu the world. All those who engage with us make money rapidly. You can devote your whole time or your spare moments. It you decide to engage in a paying business, write at once for full par ticulars, e nclosing 25 cents lor packing and postage, and you will receive our bible outfit by return mail. Address LONDON BOOK & BIBLE HOUSE, 82a 8. Sixth St., St. Louis, Mo- CASPERSQH BROS, Proprietors ot tin' BIG STONE CITY MEAT MARKET. All kind* of fresh and Salt Meats constantly 011 SHORT IsnJ, exe- er, Mortgagor, to I Iavid DeSlnelds, Mortgagee, wlucli said inortgnge WHS on the v'.'M day of Sejiteinlx^r, 1HS(», duly recorded in the cilice of the^Reg I ister ot D-*ds in ant tor the county ot Grant I and Territory ot Dakota in book oue ot Mort gages on pages 1!!., 1113 and 134. liaud. Special atten« tion paid to Sausage Making. Cash Paid for II idse* The use ot the term "Short Line" iu connection with the corporate name of a great road, conveys an idea of just I I what is required by the trav I l\ cling public—a Short Line, If La Quick Time and the best of accommodations all of which are furnished j.y'tbc cn-atest railway in America, Chicago, Miwaukee St. Pau. It owns and operates over 4,500 miles ot road in Northern Illinois, \Y isconsin, Minne osta, Iowa and Dakota and as its main lines, branches and connections reach all the great business centers ot the Northwest aud Far West it naturally answers the description ot Short'Line and Kest Route between Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Minneapolis. Chicago, Milwaukee, La Crosse and Winona. Chicago, Milwauko Aberdeen, Kllon* dale. Chicago, Milwaukee. Kau Claire and Stil water, Chicago, Milwaukee, Wausau and Merrill. Chicago, Milwaukee, IJeavei l)atu and Oshkosh. as 'u ul|i- Chicago, Milwaukee. Waukesha and Ocononiowitc. Chicago. Milwaukee, Madison, and Prairie du Chien. Chicago, Milwaukee, Owatonna and Faribault. Chicago, lieloit, Janosville and Min eral Point. Chicago, Klgin, Kockford, and Du* Chicago. Clinton, llock Island and Cedar Kapids. Chicago, Council IJluffs and Omaha. Chicago. Sioux City, Sioux l-'alls and Yankton. Chicago. Milwaukee, Mitchell and Um k1i"l"i'l.'t!1 V'ulJU.m, St. l'Aiit !nl neapolis. t(( s:il'V'U Usides g) Murtgftgee. IIawes & (iitson, Attorneys lor Mortgagee. St. Mi,, Pullman Sleetwra and the Finest Dining ,-ars in theworll are run mi the main lines wVvh^^'^ to!UU««en- iin^r. Oen'l Pass. Agt i ARK GEO. 1LHKAFFORD Uc^ dupt. Ass't Gen'l Pass Ag \. J. KI.ESEK, 11Has had Xpjirly Fi\e 1 »ar.s I Experience in the Land STONE CITY, I. T. Uusimss ill Dakota. MONEY feMnns having business in his lino should avail themselves of his experience, there by n ssuring correctness and promptness and avoid the blundering ot inexper ienced land agents, as'it costs n more, and all land papers pre pared by him warranted absolutely correct. HOMKSTKAI) FILINGS CAN ONLY HE MADK AT THK DISTRICT LAND OF FICE OH BY TIIK CLKRK OF THK DISTRICT COURT. Relinquishments, Tree Claims, Pre-Emption Filings and Final Proofs a specialty. MONEY TO LOAN On Iieal Estate in Grant Comity at lowest rates I^md in any part ot Orant county bought and sold on commission or otherwise. orntE I if Ittr.iunwrs IIAK. A. J. 15LKSKH. Clerk ol Court ami Notarv Public. Bis Stone City Mills 1 I S O N E I Y I DIEBOLD & TUNNELL, Proprietors. Wheat, Corn or Buck wheat Ground at a small toll, or for ex change in Flour, JJran, Shorts. vVc. We invite tlie farmers of the coun ty and of this section to give our mill a trial. 1)1 KBOLD & Tl'N KLL. COUHTT emm mm liKJ STONi 'ITY, DAK. CHAS. 15KAXD, Proprietor. I have a large assortment, of Trees, Shrubbery and Fruit Bushes and Plants for fall transplanting, among which are: WHITE ASH, BOX ELDER. SOFT MAPLE, liRAY WILLOW, AND COTTON WOOD TREKS, CURRANT, GOOSEBERRY BUSHES AND BTR A \VH ERliY PL A NT*. Also Horse Kadish Plants, ic. CllAS. liRANI). WOOD BROS., NLITOXVIL.L.K, MINN. Headquarters for & FARM MACHINERY. S E W I N (i A I I I N I S Doni.MK. wiirrr, AMI noni:. LIVE AGENTS WANTED. To sell Dr. Chase's Recipes or informa tion tor every body, in every county in the United States and Canada. Enlarged by the publisher to tllH pages. It contains" over a»000 household reeijmi, and is suited to all elapses and conditions of society. A wonder 1 lul lK)ok and a household necessity. It sells at sight. Greatest inducements ever afl'ered to book agents. Sample copies sent by mail, i pOBtpaid tor §2.00. Exclusive territory given. Agents more than double their money! Ad dress Dr. Chase s Steam Printing House Ana Arbor, Michigan. M. A. BUTLER, Merchant. Patent Flour, Buckwheat, Gru ham, Cornmeal, ami every thing in our line at Wholesale and Retail, At the old stand of F. W. Thomdikc & Co., Cor. Jayue and Cornell avo. Big Stono City, Dak. Notice of Foreclosure Sale. "1 \y 1IEREAS, default has been mrUe-in tii conditions ola certain mortgage., dittd on the 15th day ot December iss.i, («xecutPd by Jeremiah Lyons, mortgagor, to F. T. Ia\, mortgagee, which said mortgage was on the 10th day ot January, lvl, duly recorded in the office ol the register of deed"-* in and tor the county of Grant and -i ritorv ol Dakota, in book uie ot Mort gages, on pages 4.S0 and 4S1. And whereas, the said mortgage was coudU tinned for the payment of two certain promis sory note s made by said mortgagor to said mortgagee lor £o5.o() each, dated December 15th, INMl, and said notes becoming due and payable, one on the 15th day ol December, issi, and oue on the loth day ol December, 1SN2. And whereas, default has been made ::i the payment of both ot^'said notes, amount* in to "$70.00, and interest lrom December l.'th, issi, at 10 per cent, on the first nate, and interest at 10 per cent, on the other note lrom Dec, l,r, issv and whereas, said mort gag contained a condition as follows "It eitlier ol said notes shall remain unpaid alter maturity 1 expressly agree with the payee ol this note that he or'his assigns or other hold er ot this note, may, at bis or their option, proceed and collect the same by fbreclosun ol the mortgage given to secure the same, either under ttie jnwer of sale therein con tained, or by suitor other proceedings iu court, or otherwise as ho. may elect." And whereas, the said notes remain wholly un paid, and said mortgagee claims the sum ol seventy-eight and 17-100 dollars ($rs.l~) now due on said mortgage. is'ow theretore, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be loreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, to-wit Lots three, (3) and tour (4), ot section live (5), and the east hall ot tin: south-east quarter of section six (t'), all iu township No. one hundred and twenty (I'io) north, ot range lorty six (4M west, "in Urant County, Dakota Territory by the sheriff ol said county, J. E. Simmons, the agent ol said mortgagee, at the front door .t the St. Charles Hotel, in llig Stono City, iu said county, on the 13th day of October, 18S3, at 10'o'clock in the forenoon ot said day to satisfy the amount which shall then !e due on said" liu ltgage and notes, and the cost and disbursement ot said foreclosure and sale, besides attorneys tees, stipulated in said mortgage to be paid in case of fore closure. Dated August 13 lvs:l. F. T. DAY, Mortgagee, llawes (itbsoii, Attorney!* for Mortgagee. Read tiie CHICAGO LEDGER! The oliest iiiid tollable .-to v j.-ap. i pub lished in the west. It is a large eight-page jiajx'r, lull of interesting stories, society news ami humor. Every new subscril»er receives a book as a premium. Price #1 per year. Sample copies free. Address, CHICA LKO. KU, Chicago, III. Ayer's Hair Vigor, FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. IT is a most agreeable dressing, which is at once harmless and effectual, for pre serving the hair. It restores, with the gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray, light, and red hair, to a rich browu, or deep black, as may be desired. l)y its use thin hair is thickened, and baldness often though not always cured. It checks falling of the hair immediately, and causes a new growth in all cases where the glands are not decayed while to brasliv, weak, or otherwise diseased hair, it imparts vitality and strength, and renders it pliable. The Vioon cleanses the scalp, cures and prevents the formation of dandruff and, by its cooling, stimulating, and soothing properties, it heals most if not all of tho humors and diseases peculiar to the scalp, keeping it cool, clean, and soft, under which conditions diseases of the scalp and hair are impossible. As a Dressing for Ladies' Hair The VIGOR is incomparable. It is color less, contains neither oil nor dye, and will not soil white cambric. It Impart* an agreeable and lasting perfume, atul as an article for the toilet it is economical and unsurpassed in its excellence. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemista, Lowell, Mass. Sf ALL nr.ucuisTs cvgntmnEKR.