Newspaper Page Text
ATNO ADVENTURE. „«n Mountain ft BJ Irainof fsicht-soers lia 1 a thrilling 1 the newly constructed I'aciHc line acrasa the mam e Ro.'ky Mountains, at Mul fourtoan miles west ot 11 e ouTi.nrwlav. Tho part o '.eferred to is known as the iinft" (overhriul of Mullen .rosses the HUiniuit at an ABOUT 7F0I«) fe«'t UDOVO the [t Wi -from the ca?t might not be 7 a stand still at that point !,jng the completion of the ,jj w iH not t)^ a-• mplishi'd "weekf yet. lJfing only in temporary use, the overhead ••steep and crooked, and the i locomotives are required trains over the mountains. 1 construction trann cro.-s when the steepest points on reai hf'i, have to be divided vcr in si-ctions. U Howev, of Heliim, ae» •iy his wife and live friends, Vie tunnel on the constiin:* rthe Imrpose of imr oyer il luns. Such rifts despite are quite popular with kers on aeeutnit of the w to be had from the sum ident occurred in crossing iie. but while coming back ge the par^y had an exper they will remember till lay. About half way up the t1 e caboose occupied by the left HtHU'iinu with locked e main track, while the re the train was taken over the bt-intr tlie intention to send )infive back after the ex- While waiting a portion of iimk'il on a better view o* the valiey ilf thus eng a Swede :i the hank above and betran them in an excited tuner native tonune. Professor -hetl out oi the uphill, plat aw rouudini! a tirve, not a hundred yards up the a runaway train coming down mm.t. It was composed of a weighing 8(,ooo pounds and i s, heavily loaded with rail- It was coming like an ava* ere was no time to jret the i the caboose, and to le e runaway train could have suit, the huiling of the ca ffliich stood at a sharp le road, into the gorge be- Howev sprang to loosen the he .Swede, who had 8 ram the bunk, graspeil it a! the v, it the greatest vttbev \\-re kept l'nria leap 're car, which would huve nleath. The Swede t-tood and the other men, re eir excitt ment as well as kept watch over the ladies. «e shot down the mountain :p curves and aomg the dill's i B'T^cs. while the runaway '.thundering along behind '^ng speed. The engineer re Ms post clutching the lever his ('iigitu was of no avail -its wild course, and only in- 1 danger of its flying the track 1 ,'y_wih not hurt you. ^iet lands are springing up CarotujI 'RfUi.'h oi, .,riH is ,,)v u'''"lily whh ot%!45'Uu" hv 'a '••'I has lab Js. aa.i -jo luntieu. i® n«nrly linxshed throughout i exhaosted vital* v'»itoin's vinues Allen's Iron ver lorego its use esutc 7s "!H "eifui^ia, in ^estiori .oiaW|iaks-VH,eni* Ail genuine re J. i*. Alien, 8.. l'aul, ir i attended tSe state fair at ill-. ~'W| It.St. lor u" a railway the Rock Island or North- rsin.«TiC ""l!ual,(' a tr'a'ol Brown's nirnra anaeniiodebility or 0r*HetizeH8indic doinS H,i ii-litV) business jile. shelling out tor the cy- Mundy, says: "I llon*• *'rs olie re'ie^ hind at keOity .&-ati,ra I)V ..l ''Urt™ tjv •T" ".'' a'.' Tho American Express Coracany Trans.ers nioney hy teit-graplj between anv I***'"" a^ncieHin SV n built in or-ba thai NVw England, Midule I autl estera, making delivery ol samp tt local address v/hen requ. Hted. i Wanted. !:v--v MT-on IHictpdwi'lsi -,v •, Wi««nf-ss, lost V ,,|, abty tn 4 ii Lb(,kflrd' onor 27-i E St 7i St., 8 Inn Minn., pr.prieu or I) Hallidtu'n ren edipj. Thous ut-'s have be -n cu ed, and I it wi-T cure you or it will COM yoti riotinn" i and I will tell yon how to nrcvtnt it in the future in both «.?«-. s Swift's K,-*.. M»K ,'r,| hereditary H-r-dol, of he wor,t •, Gent I i A very pratTfuilo you for n,e WT :ro lh'lt Th-' s the top of the ca- I o u n e i i i n -i u i n i s We recoiniiieno Wise's Axle Grease. The T»akota county fair will he held in Hastim.'". Sept. 12, 1i ati-l 14 BZna3B3SUXEZrr fr* a spirit The ca o se, now tree of -'arted down the mountain. He so fpiicklv that, tlieic way Vrtl o» pri'liap I'M! vards bt:» snaway nrsti the t:ahooji oe K* excursionists. lie uiada w4p, Hii't Professor Howev uta few moments until they at least a mile a i ie ladie-i were screaming audi w rs P.TLJJ3 'i3& .iilUrat TORPiD C3W1LS, I S O E K O I V E S nnc! From ti e C.-oiii U.i-,: ti..- :ourthsot tho ilwearfi-s uf -o bui:iau I'aeo. 1 liesi eytn p: s ir dieatc tlK'.irexiatcni-f-: IOM ol Apjetit«, J*o\vtla cosiivc, ftiirk IJeafi• o :r. I'ull'jc f» af.'cr c.'t tiii avrr*lon to ezei licit of hoily cr of fitv.1, Irritni'ilUv of tjaiji?r, Lot? i, A. lV.-l:s y iv v:»s» nei'N-ittcri eoiiic d!ity.,£•'«i:iui i" a'iltt Xlc.-ir', fx f.ire :ic rvi •),l»ij litv co!* orod ii.'ir, O.TSTISWi. i»\, tm 1 fit in." nd the Mho of a -*t ••T*-liu»t tiiis (luee-ty o:»#!ie I.ivi r, .A' :". .r."dieiii!Tt i'T'i I*f I, 11 1 I-I- I• •:r SH-tioo Oil til? lri«,v--:c--i.''kini i i u-mpt rt-t'..'Viuy nil i-npttr'iics t",'l '"»oiv fr,« ii of th6 r.ycttm," proiltienif? i t- n 1 i i i I I i rU' ito I 1* n, 1 i 1 1 i 1 -1-1 Tl fr:"SP!f,'.S e:i i-o n.» li.s". '14 or iri.i'... wit 11 I'\M 1 'itoj p. :1* A?n JCQ'i t. TO WALARSA. .i. a f, rt Gr.AY ILATR: 8 a o u i ll'.i-'lit!!.' I CM tlli-1 1" id-a was overtaken, but as aJnii^t as fast an tne train, '"'serious eonsetpienees, and own the mountain together. ^1 'otuotive, and iron curs till •ck, and although the speed terrific, all reached the vul 'U FiUet v. or rheiunnti.i,i.—^ur« ^irsn '^'S- FEPT-R Y DAVIS'VCGFTABLE i!C0rdi]jv5t0'iiru::ions,anii i will •'ie c.ise.outot vi-ry Lunditd. HIT NT'S UKMFDV ei.C(.ur ie"5 sleep, ere utes im apt-etiie, i.r.'ti'-'S up tlie ijjsLt'in, aad vriu'Wi'-i lie.ilili i. I lie rosuit. HUNT'S KI.Ml.DV cure« In Iho Side, ISiielc, or I,oin«. I'.-m l'r Ij• -s -fr-. k»i .tlU'li'yl it' A i n..' Brown' Iron Hitters. Teiud.ings. n11,' :.tlow's,,oii.iag who cannot V'i wi^duni, hut the man who tV w n It bility. Imill Ki is'li' i* N 'l •TITNT'S i:i':sil-:i»v iitilueo l.ivei- to lie i i ti-n. r- tin-AH'-u tUe e lliat |-r -I'.-e S'llioi-- tlenil.'M'tn So"!' KI-M'IIU II,{'i«iivt'r.«'.»«. «VC. rl HINT'S l: KM f- iV_tlie t-' i'. .i )l s]eedilv re-M HI ilieir iU'" -i •, ,1 wiil !•.' I'eVieetA 1011111. .1. iii vT's '»I»"*1! !"!V i pure'v vi'.:. 'riMe.aiul r,"tVo u.t .i.-i.-i- I- fore iiiri.t-li.--l V'tn.',mb lic, and tin- v/.i-I -t iv!i:ii'.cc »a it. HINT'S ItKMKHV Is t'ipar«l ex uri's.Hly for tlio iil»vr tlistassi-s, and lias never lii'i'H UIHIWII to mil. BtLlet «hjc tii.ii vill wnumx) you. lor sSJe lv li (i^:ri-ts. .d fwr I'.'n.fl'.ft to IN NT'S KF.MI::V ro„ I'rovidenee, B. I i:' and $1.25 large size). rrit* ll-m -, H'li..wor" restore* "y.-p-'psif!. nii|)i)tenco. $1. Boragfceils^ra. IKj te asl ti Itej Mate {. Very ProtV.i.^la! $25 Irwin ILT:!derive, to $4-0 AOA.V ted." ('s- B. H.) for a bad ^atitRao0^ lroni Malaria, and am 0 niV hf^ as I was given OPEKCEB, ISup't GAS Works, ^,«rwk.r the i^':rihe it frujneatly." J. VachlD" Mad* to "Run ^7 Horse. Hand Cwrun Power. Bond for A-idrefl» I.OOUIS & MYaAH. TIFFIMM. [a Often Made!JSe&52saMtJ"»' I i 80« ?^rir?r rrjrr BY NRRUNN Kidnay and Urinary hy H^'itL-V^ed MA^L,7 1 W8lk'nK bi.illener.j i'5v' a pair. Axk'o rtase iieyer guns. irreat lU,mv drosi' I- liAiLt CAT All HAY-H V I K 4 tfy brottier Myron and my felf wore bo:h eurfil. to all up. •arin-ee, of ouarrh and K.iv i itmt Trne(|U Hem! dn, ,i 1.1.V iJi:, nave been i-crlor.-ie with hay s- re itu 1J Irti. I have ,d Catarrh I it,-, worst Jorni for the |. ,s' 2r, years a id have used everything 1 could hear of with only U-mporu.y relief. I ron.menced usir t'c(, earn Balm and I eonsahr if the best thing I ever trifd. 1 will n c-nnnt nd it •o very one win is Hi c-4.1 —J. j{, K, Broad -Street. N" rk ty. »,,v -i. n -1 v- .Z'^ 1 j,f' I ^L.-r-'ia!!, Mit-.l-., will RBH-I 1 l,i, irt,.-Vi-.t.-r.c Helt* ami X'^Kftr-r ml t«r thtv y tv» to HIPQ (y-HIiitr »u" on-/\vi'i,in-, f-iu i?11 -n'rvfrns-l"!' lity, lobt V.tiUIty iC I kit dn-il truUljlca, L' it]"(»('tn£ tlKti}- re-l-r, tun u! -.'a ami nianiv or. Aii.n a- .iln.w. N. No rmk ib incut i, us i: isiv ':.i.' in il is al.uwoiL lor Dynicpsia, ln-li^) -,li()ti, Inprossio: jisn! an-l t--u- 4l f),-n 5,r van us a V'"' v 1 :.t a -alitH 1. .I I- IIII.I A-ii... atid ©II" I'll, ruiirvi.' 1'- v*rs. tli« en.i-riio .jv'.a.r HU'il I.livir o! 1 ali-. jii,"iu» l.'t n-vvi. II. H.i' ird & Nr-w -r.i a'i 1 -t all ])n ists, ir, tlio Ixist tout- ami ii-iitt. r- -o\otitic from Tcvat Or etlirr si. kue- .1 uoetiuiil. I(• spv-ii \,:r .'s l'.r. !Vol lias ••on-l the BtrotippHt tv.-ts !!.«- in ji.« merits 1:1 cni'tu/ N-rvou"af' s, Nii-\ u- -1-,:11v a i i-st.. :n_' 1 .\vi-r- t.i tho w eu!:i u-'il •-•ti-Tutiv.. svsi- in. ami. in no jns'a'i-v. has it ever lulled Us it. I i! tr .+.*. At itru -lisu, or by maii. lrom J. II Ali-n, ilft 1st Ave., s. i. Farm J-.ri,l and Fircxtde, Chu .i'.'i'. iitv Kit i. wi'h i-tr- at iti s^uriug inil-M i iliers to tl-.eir pnliiicati-.-n. In ailititiou to tun.: i.n ir a»i i \. int t'a|)wr at the low price- I :-0 CHI- lit MX [n-i :!ll, tlli-y l-!ipliS(! to i!*tl'ilut« U-41'.Oo.i in iirct-ents to tt-fir suWrilwra. Sue their July and itbgust. L'y t- t)us date, l-.e neither && aad iiiiv return oi tho-o y'.'/.y/jj l.y Cream Balm i.'i^ y f' ll- I'.'.e li.scul. *A- 1 n.i I'KRUIS, 8pcjieer, Tioga 1 ,uw 1 pr lw •nedieme is more tiiao youohmn for it and I hor.e miv wh doubt wid wr..eto »«e. n HAWKS JR., Olarksvihe, (J i. N. V. 1 IIKAM ISALM wit*, when ap- 1 l'. ed by thi« anwr into the nos- x,. '•"'Is. aliMirlieii, elv-tuaiiv KAY-Fnvtri '""'"fii,f! i.itu.-riial vn-tt?'. cauKitK.'liealthf ,,,vll s lt.i. n iuda.mii.v on. in-utecti? the lueml.r.uial A PUSlTIVi: I i:"Kw (,r,u,e •Hl Irwni'i'lila ltii-l-'ti'ly he-ii, ii .uni ii-L l'S -to OS lliene-i (Il li s'e and CKKAM i: v i, trtii wmctire. i **it-1*• h. use. a -cirka :e, by luail or at •n. V. FEIiBY BAV12 Burns Vil "1 AND Kri.^b "tpiii'i i 11 in I III. il t-Mi«'il. N'.Y. V jia Hi feat! us ciian^'i'.l in* !:VUH!!'!:C ap. !-S hy 1 :v., It. li 11 Ti' w Sfri 0 -i3ta, itiluf f-i. Vork. TUTT'S MAU'i.M Or USEFUL itEEIFTS FRE5* u Tin-: in KSB?!EY*»3 LR'SR HEBIGSKE M:\ k HMi'A it ii.. lit NT l.u? ved (f "il li'j^-r. jujr ,(s a:'d 1 iiiii 'hundreua wlio iiave. bccu giv- n »[i bv i 11\• s• i• 11 to iiie. HIT^T'S UMMKDV oirps all Pisi'nws of llio tils'i'vm. ltt 1-liier, I'riniiry OrKans, l»ro|"v r. -m I, 1 )i:i'i"tef. ami luvonll I.ern e and lo't ent ion «l I, rim.1. Scalds, Toothache kor bale by ail Drug^tfii oriiKCt'lir fnrFpilepsv nr 1'itR in 21 honrs. 1 O to i-oor. Dr. Kr-tse.-.'^l Arwnalst.. St. Lr-uts, Mo. r-'f th 9 W o v,i. I i i rtrt t» A\n nnn i ,, ..., ii.i-iral «».l I' ai'dljr i«tj er n itav^u 1 i\e'U'U i n ne.t I- tui'ew_ etf iill^ •5,0l'0 ri -I'" Il-^iU-.l I ei .-i I !.e ill"'' 'it'Ut ,,, .. .iall\.N,0,e. ii.e luil.'W i.•.{ |.iu« lias uacii ,..i -i,". {J mt -v rr is n-i ir i i-«ii't' v ft r. I s. me i.t I. -1 1 v, r.4 (Tv s. lire *ie-". -«'f I1 S (irt'ei'li.i'• *1 PI1 "i M.'.iehed|« I'Tivtumr lion** i» imtM'V.'J e in,I C:itu i irpall.. tT nnt few'i vRXJ.,,,..... i V f- V i e a V ph Albums eatth I 1 v) I hoU I'vuy fih i'h^oiou An4 A 1! of tne I iM Kjuf I«a9 ar® 4 A SAFE AKD SUW, REMEDY fOI Shsumstlsm, telgls, Sranips, OiorrhcG2, Dysentery. il l(^ ^Sprains AND Bruises, Fr«« WT.PIK. 51 »-1»« tt uorr •t'dlv roarte Coal 1J cu jl I n A J-r •. s lnu i.X», S£« ct'i rrwrf prim» rti :n oJ (jHfCII I'lif flp^Ladyflgsntsr Sti. tr-j tt«t A .'I .MHitM •««. A I.imi titnwH TIIE F.UiMERS' TllIIiUXE, Tlu- Vf'trvjin \:riicult!ir»l ,J»nrn:il an. t:!ilaril I .unity lil)'Ot th»' Norilivvosl muy be li i I mi iriiil 3 Meoiis for only 29 Cents. TS»'wy, Irl» v 1 'e ..irliiici-t Xi^iirous. 300,000 £^CJ2.'0£J5 CilAHLES I. COLEY, KV£ I .a il I C.-Tuna.'s'iiei*-^ ^inivuKi.r.v. XKT "ZNT)OX:Cv!\ irrn rvituTwnFrtR A«5S-:*'I i cnu N»IC Co., iUilltio.ipolls, Mitin- if i ti-.: IXU'Al tn ji-' O"0 .. i U )Q .. Hw n (»0 .. 0 O .. (i) 1 n |4i. 3 U y 1 A AttasjfAiis V if.!'. A F'1»FJ k o mly'SOCSSM TS SA v'ri"'Ni'.olvV^M. ody 4 Co.3l W.91h,(..'i.iy'I1!j:lt ^COUJ^I:. Ttit i |'",1ri"i:taK«.ifW«. All^KJlANNMniir I irreat 'J*,lrl*V/ytyit.UMi- l-ii-'an**®-''-' r, iliiM ft- i- 4--o j-l-itv V n li.itit till. w: II v 7 lXi:rvlwif'nVpTTnNVFREEIlk^'t"'v.eir Vr.e!ils 1- k O n i 1 0 I A I- I O M'". "!M^,V:i'r^,.r''t.".'ie'li'fr u' ut'" i"Tl:G FARF5ELD :L*' 1)0 yon want a pure, bloom ing Tomph'xion If so, a few aj'.pSiojMions of Mniran's MAG NO MA ISA LM wi!! grat ify jo to your heart's ion tent. It doos away with Sal lowness, liet!:tess, Fimpies, Bisilj'Su's, an:) all diseases and tinjierfer!ions (if the skin. It ovcrcosui'silie flnsiied appear ance of heat, fatigue and ex citenu'nt. It makes a lady of Tlf iUTY appear but TWEN TV and so natural, gradual, and nerlW'l are its eUW't-s, that it is impossible to detect its application. K. llAW.-S, JB., Clarksville. Oa. After suffci'inir twenty-five yenr-i with a painful Dry Tetter, nn 1 tr.vliiL' m:itiv ih\-lcnins, I wns at la.Mt relieved by tlie use- SWIM'H bpe-'itie. and I el:-1 r: ii.!\ lamend i t-i all miliar! v afflu tfid. KbV. I. 11. Our tri'-itisu i"n n to applicants. A.ND adaefe sale prices HK.VMUM, Macon. Ga. vl and hfcin Diseases mailed free THE SWirr Sl'F.i"Il'IC CO., Drawer Atlanta, Oa. 'J'IK- P.'-vrr.'--' Or inn is I«. s ,cd Mari'liaiul ottch .tr: Hi pa^t-s, i 11J lies, with over i5,!500 lustrations—a whole pic ire gallery. Gives whole dircct to coh^uaifrs on till pooils for I'c-rsonal or family use. Tells how to ori'er, and gives exact cost of every thing you use, cat, drink, wear, or have fun with. These invaluable books con tain information phatidl from tlie mar kets of the world. We will mail a eojy Froe to any address upon receipt of the postage—7 edits. Let ns hear lrom you. liespeetfullv, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. t'i? Ai S'^U Wuuurh Avtoue, 11JU U A I i R. R. 'all partiutiiars l'SEC. »»n I CJ »i t'nmity It nit- AGENTS WAM.. till" Mn-'tiiiici 'Tliiv-:: !. Will i, 1 a i» ol V.-UU Ill'.Hijitn.! TOKcohis*!'-"' In *5 mlniitfi. U Will #1m fenil c-eat varl- iy of WO'V fur wh: 'ti ritfe tlwnvss r.' v t.i3-|t«'t. Send fofVi-rnlir mi tt ri' t» Twnmlly Knitting Machine Co. 13 l'rt'iu-lI :*«t. ^k'-^u. W^a. mflp OLDEST METiK'ISR iN THE WuRLD, 1 nfi-.i'jM- Lr I^. \aO I 'Ml'iSi.B'S BLtiBaATRI F,VIt 'A \TFIt Thia article n s .'ar«r ,Jllr pr.ii/ar^ chy«il'' &ii'» 1-i n-n ami ba« l-*«ii In conatAB une nearlT a e^ntury. and notw.UiatarcSlli* tfc manr 'U:«r preparation* tha hav« rocn utn-dac*^ ti t-1 tli.* La»rk«i. ill® 04-® thin article la lui-'tai. v It l• dliPi t:cua aro to.low* tt wit uoTrr'all. We ptrtirmarlT tn*it« the ai'.&nUoe oJ phytlciana to ttj La^-1'J. JOHN L. Til05IF80R, BOWS A CO. Troy tr." JL^.. y*-lr- A la i PHE8* the |.f:l and f:i!-te..t M»U. .:. i li.i i s. I'll- I .... 1 39 P«r -«..!. N.r.t.-i IU„ fhi'.-n^u. lii. NO PATENT, NO PAY U. K. A A. P. LAO.if. I'ateat -ittorneys, Wa.itm ptun, 1, l.»uo bv».k on PA'l UN Hi BKNT »a*a '!ni'a'-n lyilK'T "Prernuna 1 -t tree to a.l ai-phcioita. lor it to PflTEEiTE Tin: l.i i«,] ti. rhieago, TIL u E»LLta^ ^Lai5 u TLis OITor Owl Till TTjaatsgiving Bay Only. h-uv* il^i^irous tf hn vincr thHr I», FULATF-.L AI.»| I»I?RO.L'U*F -I int»» v y:\r !1(l 1' i li ioi 11 I »r .ft 1 .00,000' A. tir ticeidii U» iii'druiiU ..T ,Mi mn!ltl ^An!l%F!ELD AND, T|RFS?rK 1 .11. -. ,.Vt oK.'in^ nvM iiC. -u tic -twuy .auii- TiiAr'KGCiVLOG FLSTIVAU. jriSs fa Cs 8:"jca £.: i-'r,o .ii 1U.I) i. s !,n Wsei ciich i 00 1, J,: i- ii M-'VPineuc 10 Unties' (iftid Vi i.t' .iv.', KtiKteli M. M'in't 2l)|!-n-' i-.ll ei- V\' .!, }|. A,." Is Hi s 0 1 JIlMuVl V 8 Iitiiico 1 mm rvl i liiujf^ 'mi S .-t-'i.t H.i.x.s t" 1 \.iniirinrlv Wu 1 k Her e n n 2100 I ifJ ".'i':li fit'Vl l'lrturew. 2 7i V v ul hy the fr-ubsc-iler rMoa-ivjirtnii h*.* I mUv! at (_ i^la. VMiti^tolf attend a" V a?-r r. '.I.i'l,.r:..,v iif. i-'WI'II' un:-'. ,, \i» I I *.t i Mll*a i:s itti ^5 mi .-. i .u ^fi M. A Ws'nl I fit if :!i« li amber uf now ^uu»criA»l oiw to lLJ.OOO, «»o we vvou^i auvi^e a.* uii: tnv:ii|, i.» lo: uU- HE FAHf^, FIELD AMD FIRESIDE .1 .rl 1 «'.W! r,i lo-. Fani'v «n-l Aj'H.-til»iir .l It contains twenty par"? -i t../'1 n i -o a e n s y i v e s o n i u o s o e a y w e u n a e on D-r°rir..ent, Wocd!e a id Embroiflory Work. 1' ist^.-i.-nsof diff-r- et purt*-,f th« W r.ijinon i. i'I 5 w i I a r- n S u i K u s i u w O J|fl» ri- -t I'lnrrer Hii'irs, l.aiH.-K' 1' iw. Oci'tb'.-cai 11'iiia, l.wckclb.l''auta:iuCbam.s. n-s othi»r tr(»«ptit3reived fr -m "5 een". to «1.00, *hi -'i inakr, aT- rV! n ef 100.000 W-j, Ai'1 fz.»«5 j.fienti t... and every no\vBubscnbor »u-i r^.-i.i -1.- OO Cts. a -t.iee --i ...W n 1 .-J i a i I l:a! u.oli rl-y .» utthr Fv-Sti- l»o !iwsarv f« Sui«Ti vin n .vu I'.v ami showing it to ANO FIRESIDE lui nx -, J,,nt e. ir An 1 no'.v !i .i i. .1 -i .0 )0 I,' ,..aeii ti|« |CO,000 at tho Uiiib mt. ui I th« ills'ninui n uf j,teen:. w,i| l.tko ••I'. :^V-1 Ui 'lit'' it contain* Stories', .'ikcrciic, Poetry, Fnrm, Carticn* Household and i -D!,.,., sketches oi' Kmlaeut Men *aa Women. ID kUurt, it couuOiui i*l tliowl-. tinniM, -I ul»-av's h«T* rton»«s tti"T AUD niuiiLh*, ami Agroe, an-1 our pap^rlslong nt.,' I.. e.i r*'T ..'Hon 1 Ifi I o tho 1, '.'runv offer m.iv mal«. TEND THE FESTIVAL w« i.1 send a prinr* of the to i! -i-ier-of c.» tT v 't- If Juii r.tfe liut»wo i Bample C'-ny w', e4^wljJtw Ij'^nt -"-xxj MonUia. n't:«l u nuuiwi'j J'eceij'l 'i'-e puper is wurUi uuubitt ttia Vr( -.rf, uv.nVe!t' -IM* of HI CO or less ITI»» b-M't'.i-111 urUinarv letter at e'-r rl-'k. Urgw attfltt lUuuld b» MBt by li. mi l. ittr, 1'. u. uiouey o:aeri,r IUpress. ^22oation 1U18 Paper. tl ihrr In Ct.iri*. PSALMS. 1 RKVISKD] HEear AIL tliis, ail ye people, and givo all ye invalids of the world, Hop Bitters will ninke you wvll and to rejo'. E. 2. It etire ail tho pt»ivpl» and \-f sicknes-! and sutl'eriii^ ntulor toot". 3. I5o thou not afraid when your fam ily is sick, or you have Bright,'s disease, or Liver Coi!i:»l.lint, for 11 1 it.c*f.s will euro you. 4. Both low and high, rich and poor know the value ol'IIoo Bitters f'" bilious, nervous and Iiheumnf ie complaints. 6. Clean:-io ine with Hop Bittern ani I shall have robust and blooming health. 6. /. i I di*eas« upon dis u*e ind let the w o -a come, 1 am safe if 1 use llop Bitters. 7. For all mv life have I been ^^agivd with sieknrss atul sores, ani noi uni ii a year j': o was I r: red by Hon Bitters. i iiii e an i^vii Spirit. In leii n titn^s it was thought that evil spirits came in through cracks and keyholes. The generally approved way to keep them out was to plug up the keyholes and stop the cracks with cotton. Notwithstanding these preventive measures, the evil tilings had their own way and often cume in as they pleased. He that kee^ etli his bon^s from ach ing from Rbt umatisni and Xeuralg'u, With Hop IniIters, doeth widely. 9. Though thou hast sorea, pimples, freckles, sail rheum, erysips^'as, i-lood pois •niDg, yet Hop Bittera will remove tkem all. 10. What woman is there, feeble and sick froai 0 w i t's y e i i a cDins-kt* anti dote to all kinds of Blood Poison and •Ssin Ifamor, rN'Hl .KIT!:i» IT.-••My family all have Scrofula -some niuiiiv. Irit my 'dMe was of tlie wr^t tvp-*, and re.i«iel ail treatm- nt until I ii""d Swift'* Hi»c Citiv, win-'li esti'f 1 lue smind uil-l well by t'otviui ull the i»oit«iii out tin1-.ti.'li the ires ot tlie skin. It is tlr* greatest mtHlicine' in t!i- world, and 1 liupe any who duubt wi.l write me here. So comes malaria now-a-days. We try to keep it out of the keyhole and it comes in by the crack. We stop up the crack, and lo! it comes from aleak in the plumbing, or an opening from some neglected drain, or from some unsuspected source and unguarded direction. We cannot always keep malaria out, but we can give it battle and drive its effects from our systems. If female com pi .ints, who desireth not health and useth Hop Bitters and is made well. 11. Let not ne^lfct to use Sop Bittera bring on Berioua Kidney and I iver com plaints. 1'J. Keep tfiy tongue from beilij furred, thv blood pure, ami thy stomach from indi rection by using Hop Bitters. 1«! All my pains and aches and disease go like chatF before the wiud when I Use Hop Bitters. 14. Mark the man who was nearly duad and given up bv the doctors after using Hop iii'tersand beeometh well. 15. (Vase from worrying about nervous ness. tren ral deDility, Mini urinary trouble, tor HOP Kittfrs will RESTORE vou. TRY I I E W E E K Y I Three i/r ONLY V tt Sub^cribt) thronprh our local agent, your Postmaster, or ad dress vmvni ri:i-:ss rt., ST. PAUL/, MINN. ©R »OTtl",r S»T at 6othh, Hamtii™ worth SStrafc Adi'rwib HnviiUR A Co.. -Valid, Trx.«!(itiA*ni her® au1 ws -U H«te.?.".ou. i.'irytt* lars fro«. YAtJt vTlNiC iiUOS., Jauativille, Wis. N. W. N. TT. No. "7. Wh n writing to advfTt:'*rr-- filw- nayyoa ?a\v thfir advcrti.sonK'tit in this paper. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS time, malaria has not a ghost of a chance. This is the great family medi house. it. n vl vou oucrht tn k e t:i cmc is taken in Hfr^Sk w ii' I) 12 IN 6 Head These Testimonials. C5!!(' tC«. Aiik. St, lHS.'l. W'» haT* t'.e '. »er t«r (h» v a is, y i '.i. A «ri u i iv: nevp- ni hs. nml IVITI e«l I •. I'ri|fl«.—| 1 !••, iKiiinr .liU- I-I liei t* ili'itli u|i«) uiui prompt la tiit'ii' yuymeui*. CHICAGO I*AVEE CO. I cznrwrso, AH*, ai, i T*r-n»»r!•«»'« tn' tin* S'At^S, A I* T-' It t'1 -i:ii-f.f |V»I«I I:'«|.v-.r il hi t.t iii :»:i i*h l-.i' !-|.-.«vv. U thflr- |!iter. I I Iiitve :il\Vil l'uuait liie il -ii i.i nil I ruin.u.-l.M.i*. A. ii. i. WW.!.. AIIIJIIX ,« t". 1.1. 1883. uni Mchly wtOi y .nr pu|vr. 'I ho li.T-.s'iii -le- i iniiiri'ii :i'j I'oultiv maniiKe i it Siloi.e l« IV or iti In linn", lie' pile-' of on I' r» ^1 |H" i n it not In iitioul i he i si! ii:i i»".'. r'iirui iiileruiiilloii uil-l Inli-ri e| i ki'.Hc XV. U. ^lUll'oUA,'t' l", liloraran C'o., A Ii». i5:s.ii!»-vV(Mm. in., Aue. it, in as. I uni vi'ry iiini'h pleiiM'tl with our |»af» r. I'voi'V mi 11 li i' o un- t«» li.-eoM-r. li.uro i'.(li'."c(h' i»i'JHiliille. I lij.xp ulum It Ki'i'vcril «-.f i*iy li'icailn, who Hitm sit once tlt'liuUlcil with it. Sir*. J. i XV \rSEOX. O An:, It, 1 I re"p'.veil ,t cii|iv ol' the 1 A ISM, I I 2,1.F A .V II I'! KSI IK' •mt.i' i v« :iuo sni'l mnil miv '.lull i« nell *le:»«-l llli St. I Hml It n PMT RUTTMII J« I'I'K: /uruiert, of whom 1 uni uni'. M'lth luili ui i.tfrlciiltural (oniiuil every farmer cim ir-rlv much liciirlit. Jtf. II. UATtM, SI !'"VI CO.Thnta'nCo.,I*n.,»Itil• 2 I. *"^S. I hi'i .til iru-l )I-II ilir ti »m of iil'lei*n •rtiwriiM"* t» tho i'Ai:w. Firi.n ash rH»U)K, u lilitli I •I'ciii'- il 111 I him us inuuy iiiS.iute*. K. 1.. ftllLSIA-V. so:"I'll VMOT, Ky.. .Tilly 13. 1S«. It ta cei'liiluly lio ln*n» |U|ier 1 rvrruiWi neat, pliilu, laatrucll ve ttiid hra-.lif.lly lllustfuicd. £. 1^. liUTll, II.nmTO*, OVT.. Ans. 3, 18*8. 1 have lut. lv been u niliwn.ii'r to yitir laity aiwl prolitalile |:i(i«*r, :inl isin-t lay I uni inort* thsin pi. ii»ril iviih it. I l[ai«! my Riitii|.ri|ilhni, tn tin* tir«t ila*o. more lo' a i liaucf loi'uiii'«rthi' ii »ny jirvti'iit, lhan for nnylhimk -oiiltiin *.l In the |ii! er tint I IIml the worth Ihri or luai' time* tUe money besliie ull pj-e»om«. to. W PAISLKY. POUTSMOCTn, V 1., .Inly O. i rr- eSv ii llu' |»ii rii oil iiflit unil st i tC" lii hr.'«l. Jlv frleiuS* und au l»»e i t»-T» ast y iiey urr iiiriirii-'-l ot 1 Sfci'C ittirl itc:t "Iy. i i y |.ri't,.n I hut tin, aeon I ho p:t)»•*!• H-'knuwlnl^, lltii lir fi't lie»t p" it- |ii' utvil, mill kuy it it] scortn & te.r yen 'I'lMOTIIT FL^ESSDE, 89 Randolph Street, Chicago, |||,