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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
ssimere e ]h ,)est th(- Goods! i New Goods! 0 3S O A J8 ry, kets, ilts, Yarns, fc •H 0 w 1 ear, Hi Mitts rmy& Navy (c pear Head, "ge lain mer OOc lt'r Btone, and 50c a Plug. Buffalo Coats, Dog Skin Coats, Buffalo and Goat Robes, Duck Coats, Ulsters, W J| Overcoats, 0 VIUS BROS. & CO., Clothing, Boots and Shoes, AND A FULL LINK OP Groceries. accos. ood Luck. ooc-jlTea Dust, tar, fiOcj 0.1 o- Japans, 35,40.50,60 ys at the front, with a Complete Line of akm machinery COXsIf#lNCi MAINLY OF 25c and 70 cents. Oolong, 60c Sun cured Jap andun colored Japs. GET THE BEST. tor AND itewater Wagons. ftain, Coates, Ann Arbor and Ad vance Hay Bakes. are also agents for the and Nichols, Shepard & Go. Threshers Wader, or a first-class Straw-lmrniiiK Thresher Engine, Hamlard Farm Machinery, call on or address. MOVIUS BROS. & oo. Ordwny and llisiuarrk vt* Toller Mild Viitiktoii. Lxeeutive orders issued at Bis marck by (iov. Onhvay were served on atnes II. Teller, Secretary of Da kota, and brother of the secretary of the interior, authorizing, directing and ordering him to move the office, archives, books, records, papers, seals and all public property which he may have in his possession to Bismarck, except the legislature furniture and territorial library. The order is dat ed the 1th, and the date of service the L'2d. to be obeyed in 15 days from date. Teller, in reply, in a long let ter to Ordway, which is as complete a legal document as most carefully written briefs, declines to obey th« order, on the ground that before any decision from the courts on the sub ject uid case in dispute regarding the location of the seat of government, the secretary is judge of the situation, and he is subject only to orders from the United States government, as he is the custodian of government prop erty. In the absence of judicial rul ing he holds that he ia competent to decide whether or not the order of the government is ofjforce or is null and void. He considered in any event that he is subject to removal only by order of the head of the department to which he is properly subordinate. Hefering to the decision of Judge Edgerton declaring the capital coin mission act unconstitutional, Teller says he recognizes a practical obliga tion to regard not only the letter but the spirit of the law that as this de cision is the law until reversed by a court of competent jurisdiction, he could not be a party to any act which would appear to disregard it. lie therefore declines to obey the order, and wishes to be understood as having no personal interest in the controver sy. The books of the auditor's ollice were taken from Yankton this morn ing. by order of Gov. Ordway. Judge Edgerton being absent no injunction proceedings could be instituted. iintlfr MG STONE CITY, I)AK., FRIDAY, SEPT. 28, 1883. The Sioux City Journal says that an ailment is raging among the hogs 12 miles northeast of that city. The dis ease lirst appeared in July in the hog yard of a man whose name cannot be ascertained. It spread to the vard of a neighbor, F. Meeka, and in three weeks had taken his entire band of 12o head. Other farmers in the neigh borhood have lost heavily. The farm ers believe the disease to be a lung fever. As far as can be learned no treatment has been attempted nor any precautions against the spread of the disease taken. The farmers who have lost their hogs have no motive for do ing anything about it, and those whose yards "have not yet been attacked rest in ignorant confidence. The Groton Advocate says in ans wer to a letter of inquiry to Supt. Pri or in regard to keeping the Hastings &, Dakota line open the coming winter he writes that all the company's lines in Dakota will be kept open if men and money can do it. Press and Dakotaian: If every pap er in the territory will announce the fact that the Dakota internal revenue district ceased to exist as such on the lwth of August, 1*82, and that all business must for the future, be tran sacted with Hon. G. W. Post, collec tor of the consolidated district at Omaha, vor Neb., they will confer a fa upon their business patrons, and save much annoyance and vexation to all concerned. lie member that Hon. li. W. Post, Omaha. Neb., is collector of internal revenue for Dakota, and that the Dakota otlice has* been dis continued. TO UE.\T. We have a farm 5 miles north of town which we wish to rent to prop er parties. Improvements thereon are i good dwelling-house, well of water, good stable, meadow and l«u acres to to put to crop. Also, a farm with 50 acres broken, one mile south of town. For further particulars and terms, apply to Jones & oil', Dig Stone City, Dakota. rr.npsj i»t I Come and see those pumps at the Novelty AY ood Works. Choice styles in new fall and win ter hatsat Caward i Stevenson. Don't fail to read Ilat/. Rros. ad vertisement n ''e ls- Farm Eor Sale. I offer for sale my farm of 100 acres, miles from Dig Stone City 130 acres plow-land, with meadow. The buildings are house, barn and granary eostin" $1500. Satisfactory terms to right party. A. P. Lyon, eaie of D. Wr. Diggs, Milbank, Dakota. Cornell Avenue, Big Stone City, Dak. BIG STONE CITY, DAK. PAINTS, OILS, TOILET ARTICLES, J. C. L. HOLMES & BRO., DEALERS IN Groceries and Provisions, Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots and Shoes. BOOT AND SHOE HEADQUARTERS AT JACKSON BUHLER'S! Four different kinds of Ladies' and Children's Custom Shoes* and Men's in endless quantity and styles also a big stock of Ready-Made Clothing for the Fall trade. Hats, Caps, Mits, all at very Low "Prices. Call and See Me. AND STATIONERY. DYE STUFFS, SPICES, TOYS, FANCY ARTICLES, COMBS, AND AT The best of their kind where. For sale by NO. (i JACKSON BUHLER. DRUGS VARNISH, NORWEGIAN PLOWS LOWEST PRICK.- AND to be found any- JONES & WOLF. 1 s^.