Newspaper Page Text
1? THE HERALD. DOWXIE & NKILL, Publishers 12 A Year lit Advance. LIIO STONE CITY, DAKOTA IUIDAY, SEPT. 28, 1883. The copious rain last week helped plowing somewhat. Farmers should profit ly the experience of the current year, and do early and deep plowing. Wherever the plowing had been done early last fall, or if plowed deep when done, this spring, the crop has been in* variably good, ranging from twenty three to thirty bushels an acre. Seed well dragged in and properly covered always yields best but it is impossible to cover well seed sown on shallow or uneven plowing. Further more, dee]) plowing is a great safe guard against drouth. The deeper the loose, porus soil is the better does it retain moisture and resist the influ ences of a hot sun, as it is a poorer con ductor of heat. No farmer can afford to slight his plowing as it is the very basis of successful farming. An inch or two is as much new soil as ought to be brought up in any one season when increasing the depth of plowing and it should be brought up in the fall to be pulverized by the winter's winds and frost. Last Tuesday morning, John Fart h er, of the lieyen & Maes elevator at this place, determined to "bull" the wheat market, and set the price up from 7(i to 80 cents for Xo. 1 soft. This was a magnificent advance and fully appreciated by the farmers. Loads of wheat, storage wheat and checks, were disposed of with an alac rity that showed satisfaction with the price. Other elevators in the neigh borhood viewed the matter with cool indifference, virtually closing their hoppers and waiting for the times to return in which they could buy with profit. The price paid by this enterprising firm was said to be 12 cents above the Milbank market for the same grade and much wheat from the immediate vicinity of that town was brought here. From Ortonville and Big Stone county to the east they also came. Wednesday, the prices were maintained, all the elevators doing business. Wheat rushed in lively from all quarters and Big .Stone maintained its established reputation of being the best wheat market with in a hundied miles of this. Yesterday the fight ended and wheat fell to its normal price, five cents low er. Our query now is. why didn't the good work goon? We believe the elevators were making an honest profit at feO cents and it would have pleased the fanners immensly to have received that price or higher right along. IN the disgraceful personal fight, growing out of Rev. A. Slierin's last winter's trouble and his subsequent expulsion from the M. E. church, the HERALD has heretofore refused to allow its columns to be polluted with the unmanly strife, believing that the tierce flames of faction would the sooner be quenched, and this unprof itable and disgusting petty warfare between citizens of our own town be brought to an end. This conserva tiv action on our part did not please the factional leaders, and straight way one of them Hies to the Milbank News-Letter, and under an assumed name and with the pretense of fur nishing legitimate news, attacks his rival with uncalled for abuse, and seeks to cast a slur upon the camp meeting interests of Dig Stone City. The Ortonville Herald has been used hy a correspondent of the other side in reference to the trouble, though without the ungentlemanly abuse of the News-Letter man. Now, the 1IKRALL, as the champion of Rig Stone's interests, demands that this cess-pool fight, of which our citizens are heartily sick, be forever ended, or the leaders desist from publishing to the world the unhallowed quarrel. We give fair warning that if this newspaper war is continued, we pro pose to take a hand in it, and if we are compelled to do this, we shall go right down to the bottom, produce facts, and make the fur fly generally. We hope we shall not be compelled to do this, but the disgraceful squabble has already continued too long for the interests and the good name of our village. Let us have peace. Tukv Motive, All parties knowing themselves in debted to us either by note or book account, please eall and settle at once, as we need our money. CAWAUD &, STEVENSON. TIlAVAIfr TWADDI.K. Hon. S. G. Roberts, of Fargo. Dak., has presented his namesake, Roberts county, with an elegantly bound 12-quire Deed Record. Landlord Shandorf is erecting an 18 by 30 additition to his large hotel. The demand for accommodations is very urgent. The residence of Major Crissey, on the brow of the hill facing the Minne sota river is progressing rapidly and when finished will be an ornament to our littltown. 0. W. liallou, Judge of Probate, is founding his domieil on Second Ave. The business block of J. A. Munro, on Muin street, is already inclosed and will soon be occupied bv stores. Lumber for the court house is on the ground and under the. skilled workmanship of A, Metcalf of Garfield is being rapidly fashioned into a sub stantial building. Supt. Fi'bert will commence next week the erection of an office and dwelling house. At the recent sessions of the coun ty commissioners on the 13th and ISth inst.. Mr. LI. Lewis was appointed Justice ol the Peace. The bond of Henry IVlhara as constable, accepted. J. II. Williams was appointed J. P. Moved ami carried that the board of equalization adjourn to the first Tues day in October, at which time all per sons feeling aggrieved should appeal before the board. For assesing, the following bills were allowed: Mr. Lane, SoO ,T. II Williams, S30 S. \V. Hall, SttO: J. Lu kenbill. £.10. Judge of Probate for le gal blanks. $14 Co. clerk, books, S3 Co. Treas., work on tax list. 814. Liquor licenses were granted to Fulton Bros., K. A. Shaw, and W. F. Grit zmacker, until Dec. 1st 1883. A bill of $2,000 for cost of court house was allowed. According to suggestion of the HERALD, the previous action of the board in letting county printing at full legal rates, was rescinded and pro ceedings ordered printed at one-halt legal rates as provided by law. SISSKTOX. Dakota Sunday School Association. This Association will meet at Mil bank, October 6—7, 1883. The execu tive committe have secured the ser vices of Henry Plant of Minneapolis, to assist in the convention Mr. Plant is so well known in Dakota that his presence will guarantee a practical, interesting convention. The follow ing programme has been arranged, yet it is flexible and can be changed at any time. FROGKAMM E. First Session.—The work reviewed Words of welcome The work in the Territory The work in the District. Second Session—The work reported In the country In the School The Word—What it is. Normal Lesson. Devotional Meeting—Open Thou mine eyes that 1 may behold marvelous things out of Thy law." Third Session.—Ilow to study the Lesson How may the teacher increase the study of the word by the class. IIow mav the Supt. increase the inter est and etliciency of his school? Question Drawer, II, l'lant. Fourth Session. Address—Henry Plant. Five minute Addresses:— "What have I learned I" "What I will do." Are you discouraged and ready to faint by the way? Come to the con vention that we may cheer you. Do you feel that instead of teaching, you yourself need to be taught? Come to the convention that in the multitude of counsel we may learn wisdom. Do you feel the need of (bid's blessing Come to the convention, that being "with one accord in one place" we mav present our petitions unto Him. Are you in a community where there is no Sunday School Are you in an unorganized county Come that we may lay plans lor organization. Come so as to le present at the first session and stay until the last. Come, bring ing your bibles, that we together study God's word. Come, bringing your note-book and pencil, tuat we may preserve the results of our gathering. COMK. TERR. EXECVTIVE COM. In connection with the foregoing will be held the .Annual Meeting of the Grant County Convention, and it is hoped that every Sunday School in the county will be represented. The meetings will be held in the M. E. Church- Entertainment will be pro vided. JIOM V TO I.O In small amounts, on short time at Grant County Bank. A Hare Opportunity. Attention is called to the prospec tus of TUK FAIIMKit."5* Tnir.r NK of Minneapolis, which is published in another column. As a general news paper and an agricultural journal, es pecially adapted to the Northwest, it has no superior. All who wish to test THE FARMERS' TUIBI'NH before becoming permanent subscribers can do this at almost no expense by ordering the paper three months for twenty cents on trial. A Ureat Wiacover That fs daily bringing joy to the homes fA thousands by saving many ot their de ir ones irom an etirly grave. Truly is Dr. King's New Discovery lor t'onsuinption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay l'ever. Loss oi Voice, Tickling in the Throat, Pain in side and chest, or any disease ot the Throat and Lungs a positive cure. Guaranteed. Trial botties iree at A. W. store. Large size $1. TWI BHOOK*. Elder Ilillis preaches Sunday at Twin Brooks School Honst. Wm. M. Orecn is through with his labors on the Kaercher mill, and is home attending to his faun dutie.. Joseph Fonnan. reports a fine boy of average weight at his house, while Al. Shepherd says a girl at his house. Squire Baldwin took in Watertown last week on a contest suit. Silas Hutchinson and Mr. Green have both erected comfortable lann houses. Also Mr. Egermire. A social dance will soon be held at at the house of Mr. Green. I. E. Wilson has moved to Wilmot and gone into the insurance, land and loan business. One of our Indian neighbors, Amos Mero, raised over (300 bushels of giaui this year. Geo. Cameron, the oldest settler of our town, left for the ellow stone Vallev, Montana, last week, to visit his son William, who is located there. Mrs. Wm. Letts is at present vis iting friends and relatives in Ionia, Mich. Wm. Letts sowed on .Tunc ilh ten acres of oats, which yielded 37 bush els per acre. Plenty of rain for the last f«»w days. AI0117.0 Wardall and wife lm-Mrn the loss of their infant son, who died of cholera infantum aged five months. Joe Fonnan. .Bert Talcutt and Mr. lirecker.ridge will start for the Mis souri river this week to look for land. Farmers who have tnreshed re port wheat turning out from 1C to bushels per acre. Oats 35 to 70. The suit of Eklund vs. liodie, fur services rendered, was tried before Squire Baldwin last Monday, and was decided in favor of the plaintiff. Mr. Gooch. of Milbank appeared for plain tiff. We predict that Mr. G. in the near future will be one of the lead ing attorneys of the county. G. A. Ritter sold a fine yoke of four year old steers to Eli Thayer for SI (Mi. Owing to the scarcity of help farm ers are backward with their plowing, and are obliged to exchange work in threshing. Rev. A. P. Lyon has been here look ing after his farm of late, but has re turned to Sioux Falls. Report reaches us that a store is soon to be started at this place. A. Wardall says he shall lay off a cemetery on one of his farms. EL.mitA ELMTRA, Sept. "83. 0. II. Kingsley, Esq., has built a substantial granary 10x'24. "V onder where Oelhafen's S'luO worth of lumber went to, when Mil bank furnished the court house to the county free of cost. A. T. Kelsey goes about with an wide expanse of smil upon his coun tenance—because it's a boy. The old and young bachelors will not feel hurt if he taps a barrel of apples by way of commemoration of the event. Xo doubt he will be approached on the subject by a committee in due time. The Vernon township school board have decided that the old text-look.s must go. The director has already received one box of new books. A. S. Young has a new cane mill for sale. The frost spoiled the sor ghum, but the mill arrived just the same. The price of threshing dropped to 2 and 4 one day last week. Two horse-power machines and four steamers were seen in nil blast from the sightly residence of 0. II. Kings ley on Tuesday. Frank Rourk got liis hand badly cut up in the cylinder of (Jary liros. threshing machine last week. Wild game has commenced a south ward movement. Plowing is much improved by the late rain. C. If. Kimball's Saskatchewan wheat yielded at 'Jie rate of 72 bushels per acre. Rather a big story, but a fact. Sam Shorrock's hard wheat yielded 20 bushels per acre. Miss Mina Fanset is a guest of her sister. Mrs. M. S. Kelsey. The United l.rethren will organize a class a week from next Friday eve ning. This is a matter which has been postponed from time to time ever since last winter. ARK YOU Resseguie's dru OSCUit WILDE. MADE miserable by indiges tion, constipation, dizziness, loss of apiieiite yellow r.kin Shiiolrs Vitamer is a i/ositive cure. For jwle al A. W. Uesse^ne'*. WHY WILL YOK eolith v.ben Shdoh's Cure wil1 give imtnediaie rebel. IVce 1.) cts 50 ets. and *1. For sale at A. W. Resaeguies! HHlLOll'S CATARRH li.MKDY.—A pos itive cure for Catairh, Diphtheria and Can ker month. For s: at A. W. ttesseguie's. "HACKMhTAl K," a lasting ami tracjrai.t periume. Price 2.') and £H c^Gts. for sate a A. W Resseguie's. tSiilLOH'si CURE WILL immediately re lieve croup, whooping cough 1*or sale at A. and bronchitis W. •I iies.segtw?s. 3?OR D\S1'KPS1A and liver complaint yori have a ^printed guarantee on every Uittle ol blnloh's Vitalizer. Jt never "tails to eure. For sale at A. W. liessegue's. A MA,1j, IN,ll''CTuIi tle ot free with each fcduloh 3 Catarrh Remedy. Mortgage Sale. litvintr been made TvfuuU hav bot Price 50 ««utB. For sale at A. W. JAesseguie's, in the ctoUa'\vViu 11 is chinned to be due at 11, notice ii(nn certain dulv executed ami delivered by Jerome date ol thi u', u'"" the oiliee ol the register ot deeds ol Grant and Territory September, itani'Mits and appurtenance public auction to the hi vept. I*, SPIrLIilES! AM we know you win derive ore good than yoii have any idea of. Our reputation as a manutacturing company is such that we c-i.unot aiford to deceive Write BI CKEII M*r*u o,, Klariou, Oa JONES & paymei.t ''Ii: hundred and iorty-lour A. 1 y executed ami aeiivmi iichard to William sclunidt, the 5th davof Sept., A. D. 1*M. recorded in the othce ol the rog in and ior the county ol "-aj«t ot Dakota, on the r»th day ot Blanc aring date and duly A. in book 4 Ot mort-a on page U'i, and no action or pro ceeding at law or otherwise haying been m stituteil to recover the debt secured by said Mortrace or any part thereof ISKl at o:5ti o'clock p. in., It mil) no Now therelore. not ice is hereby gt ol n newer of sale contained liv virtue ol IMUVW SlU.t mortgage, and pursuant to the statute such case made and provided, the said moit ensre will be ioreclosed and the premise,-) scribed in and covered by said nioitu: viv: hots seven (T), and eight (b) oj sixteen (Hi), :uul also lot six (-j) ol said sixteen (UO, ot the village ol Inkpa, accord ing to the recorded plat thereof, in Urant county, Territory ot Dakota, with the FURN/ th.V in de- block block IU*KHI will be sold at bidder tor cash, and the taxes, dollars by .said rhe to pay said debt and interest, and tin it any, on said premises, and tuentv attorney'!) iee, a.s stipulated in and ii.ortgage in case ot loreclosuro and the dis bursements Dated allowed bv law which sale will be made by the sheritl ot said Urnut county, at the trovit door ot sheritt\s otlice, in the viiLge ot liig Stone City, in said county and Territory, on the 3d day ol November, A D. lsjsj, at Ml o'clock a. ni. ot that day, subject to redemption at any time within one year from the day of sale, as pn. vided by law. II.MAM SCIIM.I'T, T. M. Grani, Attorney, ft & iS MoiUayi-e. A WEEK. V.'c C. l'X-e the above u... to stood, a :ive .. Ladies as well as gentlemen, make a success in the business. Very little capital required We have a household article as salable as Xt ESolls Itself! It is used every day in every family. You do need to ex jilaiij its merits. There .is a rich harvest tor al! who embrace this golden opportunity. It costs you only one cent to learn what our business is. liny a postal card and write to us and we will send you our prospectus a 1 Jul! pait: Mibtrs rJ! ill) Elegant Psrkl AN Substantial Kited MATTKK»1 S I N i K K MIRRORS 'ICTUREi 1 rianii BlU A A O O to us on a postal and give your address plainly ceive lull particulars. and re Jones I Main treet, llig Stone DEALERS IN and Fancy a specialty. Alao a large supply SWIMS, MIIT10N ARD #1-. Next Door to Post SEASONED LUM0 Office. SUCCESS! Three months of business has convinced the iwflers mane no mistake in locating in Jlifj Stone City. past patronage, ainl hoping bv strict attention to business t' lavow(» would eall the attention of those who are expecWK we ean and will do as well by you as any firm in toun, aiiu pend upon finding in our yard a good stock of and a fine assortment of MOLDINGS, DOOliS ANDVn^j Look lor the Sign of the Wiscoii-in Liw LEACH & Call and Examine THE IMMENSE STOCK OF NOBBY CLOTHS FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE AT Caward & Stevenson Merchant Tailor Departi ,OC s|