Newspaper Page Text
NILBS, HBKK AMI HAU:-1KI KVE CITY, & yiKST-CLASS IN' I'.VIiiSY i' A H! I I I.AI!. Jation and conitort. KLLKR, vsician and Surgeon. Mb'NROK & WELLERS' DK'/G HTOiiJ'ij D. T. lie City iV(} GRAlNlNi, KALS0M1NIN1 ANI W111T K'W A Loan and Insurance Agents. .nee promptiy and r« instate hotel recently been ic-tittcd aal ivi urnished hont, and to tourists visiting the lake and the travej- blic generally it offers special advantages for th.-ir MI'S. M. A. MORGAN, Prom-ieti S1 i i N G. tiiiishing W' rk done with the 1'utty Kniie. «e*t of Work (.tirtrantc«-(L ItOUIHT •)..A-.". TWLOlt, »tc -i i to. Farm II kinds Iniu^ht & SIMON I s at Law and Real Estate Dealers. Collections a ,'ILLE, MINN. US & GIBSON, iV or KICK. Oeiietts an t:«pecial Study. ,teami Lonn Affents. lUiy and sell1 !. Abstracts ot title iiirnish''d to all Grant count v. Taxes paid lor lion -. Conveyancing promptly and neat-, Money furnished to prove up with asonable. »n Main street, Big Stone City, and I House, Milbauk, Dak. Telephonic i!-icatiou Mweeuthe two offices. HENRY WillTFORD, hysician and Surgeon. l.-In Rr^cguie's Drug Store, Main May be found in office at night. I 1:. id hair-cut or a Wteggpr*iflMrT ".yrg.jTBRTg—jyq DAK lean shave drop in UROS3KOPF, Isne Meson and Plasterer, ids of iiri« and Stow Work it. the reasonable rates. 1I^' Su-'H- 'it v, I). T. Bell. Attornevs at Law, ANK. F. KEELKR, nssllor, Solicitor and Ailorney-at-Lai. MILIUNK 1)AK. auks Place Street, l»i^ Stone City, J. G-lasser, Prop. IIS:s 1 !l EBi£,(.S AKr.D ODPOOL AB1.L8 ix 'rm. COIM V Lager Beer constantly on tap. Mottled Beer, Hock and Eve, ^lianipagne and other Wi'.cs. best brands of Cigars in the City, Sf H(MU, ltO AI£i «. m!»f V':w 'H"'u made with A. J. Che u agent, tor the publications ot "lak'mail, Taylor Co. to turnish with WKP»STER'S ve rv „t (inint A1 111 1 0, •n'5,1 Wlttl VVhIiM 1,ICTIONAR1ES at the \wlJ"*'e °f tier copy, delivered Depot iu Milbank. J. (iEORGE, County Superintendent. PILLS tSEJSERHUMI TOR FID BOWELS. DI S O E E I V E and MALARIA. J-rom those anun'i'H arise thrcc-fonrthsof tno ot tti« l.uiiiim nice. Tli«s« symptoms IndHoiti) tluur existence Lojs of Al': 1 1 Howell eo*ttv«-, Strh. fullmm ift«r intinc, uv» tm einrtion of body or infDa, otf food, IrritnhMliy of ti.-isjn*r, l.nW spt'it-s, f'flinjf of having m^Wcs •ntnc diitjT, JMxziiienti, FlvaH« Hot, nt ili| 11-n.rt, I»i)ts before Oie ev«*. »«d or^.l rrtrir. CO.XNTIl'iTlOV ,a'A. mand Uio uhu ot a peiiioily thnt (l.icctlv on th Idver. AtnUvur medicine Ytl'i fa PII.I.S liiivnTio il. Their lie! ion ont bo Kblneys mil Stm :su]m prompt alt unpinltli'8 through tfiesoth'ee nf tkv projlTiaina «rpo» tit", i»on:ul '!l(.rest|im, r»^rnlar tftor'», ti skin and a vigorous Jo«'.v. TiTTT*IH e:ini no Tiaui."'!! or Rrip(nt» nor lutcriertj witli dailv work and aro ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. nrc FKKT.S I.IHK A RRW MAN. 1 havo had Dyspepsia, with Con»tlp» tlon.two rears, and have tri-d ten (Jhreicnt khulH of pills, and TTTT'S nr** die first thnt have done mo anv goKl. TJ!" liav® eleani'd mo out. nieefv. My appotlm L» •plcndtd, fo'd (Ji^cst.s readily, t.inl I nr,^ liavo natural ims-,u:.'iv.. I feci l:k" i: 1 vi• o'i hand $ 30,000 Time, l, 4. 1 No Delays. Persons can tr«-t their money on the same dav thev applv. and Interest payable at Milhanl Dakota. .Indue Abbott is authorised to negotiate loans, (.'all :tt once 011 A. C. A1 '.1 ()TT, Ml l.e-ANK, II. NOTICE. I All 1 sens are beiel y cao'ii pnrchasim: two promissory tes i due Nov. 1st. 1 .laiues K. Fisher. meiit, payable one year boiu dHte, am hi^ 1. ii„g 7 per cent, mteivst. w:H obtiunt niisrepreseutatioii. and is ot no value, y as 1 shall not pay it Prior, 1 .» I»\KOf4. 3 Port-office, up-stairs. Has had fil ers practice in the legal profession, "attention given to the defense of Gorged with crime. MHii'jn To iC- •ess. 0: ul'.r-a fur ss :, and the other !or doe Nov. 1st, 1^1. bf'th learing« per c:,t in,.-i est, ]f*r annum, given by .h" o! iMihs.dieu to Christopher Tliies, as the sauw aie worth I less, b«-ing .btained by misrepresentation 1 and value thi'ieior not given. .Jacob VanLsehen. Big Stone City, Dak,, Sept. \OTIJ 1.. AH persons arc hereby cautioned ag:iin-t T-urcliasing a promi-sorv note givou a ««m the 1st Ol November, I-v, by LiM' Jonc-i ,V Monroe lor tf.'Jo.iK) lora stilkj J. W Dak., Sept. 17, 1 r"'-a fl 3 (La Gcn'hs for 20 .i^si^r THE FARMERS' Tft'CUMS (I,(vtely knnTrn F" and Weekly Ur -. Un'ofi ll» Ln r» pub- 1 est rrrt tho lished or or It p#ri 'ellv i'jiv.i iI' ll Enteri'ro blf* ", „«mi .n i o -)inr/* of rr-.-i-rt vr fin turrtl Journal ndHtited to of ti1" ri- F.irnier, the the D^vvm^i *uck-ir(i«pr u.,er, and the Wo^d-cT-v-ver or and tru'-fv* dij uitii ern belt. 1A'!1 reports are iwiflf ,. Bcttnlar 5uJseripiic.ii Fclce—51.15 rrJSS.',».ritevs ere t«aet L'neh yeur- 'by clubtilns THH p(- -rTf^en'-er o'so onTiivii piib^'Tipt-ion tRIBUNE v-.i tl lins local or county pn pei. For limited pertodTHE FARMtTTS' TomilNF will be sen- khv TRIBUWc r1***.. This spoo* 12 Weeks for -0 CenU the iurS^ofTrtrodurhvr V** en- Wed £il Uoprovedpnperto tirty thous •ndLvmilloj pr.per A convenientt oi under tins no priN)i-s to get he names of v.-ith +t ,_ 5 W»own nnd remit ^*c,t»pt^ible. Try tho FAR ME MS TRIBU E and judge for yourself pi ltd worth- Address _. THE TRIBUNE COWPANY, Minneapolis, Winn. W. FOUNTAIN Att'v at Law I K STONK CITY. i. r. •I'KCI.M.TV MONEY K'TlONs L»AN IN SMALL AMOUNTS ON SHORT TIME ON CHATTEL SECURITY. Moiey to Loan on Real Estate. -led to ]il nt e .l'.MksTKAi' A N i PRE-EMPTIONS. INStliANn: \.--T iiK. !.K :!TN:N'I NADos ON CITY AND I PROPERTY. $5,00 io Gold lf man \V. J. K! AV \HDS, PaJinvra, C. Bo! ••'.•••rywli-ri ,25c. (VV.ix'.-ll M.imivSt,,'.Y. IB Huh i.iPX' its cJujipr-""! 1-v Btuntly toilOLoagv JL.aCH l)y U Mi.gJo ftp* pll cut.ui of tlu.s ]ivk. Sold ny Airuggi&ta, or sent by xjtrcss on r*'c«ipt cf 91 Oftloe, 44 Murray Street, »w York. TUTT S MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREE. Knight & Bean, London loyou--. I terest a- bw a- tif Moil*1 b.i nishedtoptr lor I'rc-einptMa and Coinniute Homesteads. ToR- \UM il Estate bought and sold on commission Foreign Exchange sold on all principal I'oiTits" in Europe. Murphy «& Fountain, FOR A Postal Card Tiieali n is a bona-fide oiler to any 011 who will accept and writ' the names an address book agent they may know ot OB a postal card and send to u-\ We preter the names ol those now canvassing, although those that have canvassed will do. Send in 111 the names and we will show you how it III done. W E O N ^1\M AND OUTFIT FRI i:. We want men, women, boys and girls to work right in their own towns, villages and neighborhoods, on salary or commission. It is a pleasant business we olfer you, and ym need not be away from home over night. We shall be glad to furnish you an outfit tree to start you tn business in the world. All those w ho engage with us make money rapidly. Yiu can devote your whole time or your spare moments. It you decide to engage in a pavmg business, write at once for full par ticulars, enclosing S" cents tor packing and jxistage, and you will receive ur bible utfit by return mail. Address BOOK BIBLE jiuusk, 822 S. Sixth St., St. Louis, I»o. CASPCRSON BROS, l'ropi ie'ors ot the BIG STONE CITY MEAT MARKET. All kinds of fresh and Salt Meats renstantly "it hand. Special atten tion to S utsa'X*' Mukiii'r. Cash Taid for liidse* The use ot the term "Short Line"' in connection with the corporate name ot a great road, conveys an idea ot just what is required by the trav eling public a Short Lille, iuiek Time and the best ot allot which are furnished railway in America, Chicago, Miwaukee St. Pau. AND It uwiHand oj.ieitites -ivr 4,r»»Kl_ mi!es of riKid in Northern Illinois, \V isennsin, Minue ,.sta, Iowa Mini Dakota and as its main lines, linnches and connecii-iiis rea-h all the great i busine^ centers of the Northwest and Far We?t, it naturally answers the descriptnm ot i short Line mid liest Route between Chicago. Milwaukee, St. 1'anl anl Minneapolis. Chicago, Milwaukee. l.a Cro--so and Winona. MiUrauk'' Aberdeen. Hllen- Merrill. Kau Claire and ('hieatio. Milwaukee Stilwater, Clii.'-aijo. Milwaukee, and ("liic.ufo. Milwaukee, Beaver Dam and islikoslt. (Uiioaixo. Milwaukee. "Waukesha ami (leoiioinowoe. t'liiea^o. Milwauk.M'. Madison, ami I'raii ln Ciiioii. Cliieimo. Mil.wauki'i', Owatonna and rariliault. C!iieaur Ih-loit. .Ttniesville and Min eral l'oint. Chic i'-C\ Kl.^iP. Kocktonl. and Du 11 u 111 i e. Cdiica^o, Clinton, Rock Island ami Cedar ltapils. Chicago, ('oitneil Bluffs and Onrui 1. Chien.g'o. Sioux (.'ity, Sioux Falls ami Yankton. Chicago. Mihvaukeo. iiainherlaiti. Roek Island. DulMKOie. Cten'l Manager. mv j. T. CLARK, GenT tsupt- Has had Nearly Five Years Experience in the Land Business in Dakota. -ii.- having I•!i in hi- !in«* .-l.nld avail themselves ot iiis exjterience, tlior-• by apsnriii'j correctness and promptness ami avoid the blundering ol inexper iem-i land agents, as it costs more, ami illt land papers pie pared by liirn warranted absolutely cor»v t. HOMESTEAD FILINGS CAN ONLY P,K MADE AT 'J'lIK DISTRICT LAND OF FICE OR BY T11K CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT. i 'uislimeiits, Tree Claims, Pre-Emption Fiiit :.-s and Final Proofs a specialty. MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate in Grant County at lowest rates Land in any part ot Grant county bought and sold on commission or otherwise. omn: Banke1'.- liic stonk i e a i M. IJaul and Minneapolis, Davenport- Culinar. t. 1'atiland Min neapolis. Pullman Sleepers and the finest Dining Cars in tho world arc run 011 the main lines of the Chicago, Milwaukee & t"t. Paul Juul wav and every attention is paid to passen .-ers'bv courteous employs ol the com).any. 5 S/ MKRlil LL, A. V. 11. CA M!'KXTKR Gen'l Pass. Agt GEO. II. 11EAFF0RD Ass't GenT Pass Ag A. J. BLESEK, M. A. BUTLER, n mkbc !i \ts isak. A. J. BLESEK, Clerk of Court and Notary Public. i i STOXK CITY, I). T. DIEBOLD & TUNNELL, Proprietors. Wheat, Corn or Buck wheat Ground at a hant?e in 11 small toll Mir. liran. in\ it»' crrv. 1 have a l:iI'l Shrubbery an 1 *1:1111s 1 lai W liicll ai e: FlQK.Fsedf or for diol'ts, XC. farmers section to tv and of this mill a trial. the cotm- rive -I1'J! 11 onr I K i v i V I K 1 dak. CI IAS. 15 K AND, IMoprietor. assortment »i' Trees. I I-'roit Hushes and iransplaiitiii'.:. among WHITE ASH, JiOX ELDER. SOFT MAPLE, tiRAY WILLOW, AND COTTON WOO! TREES, CCRRANT, (fOOSEDERRY bUslli-S AND STRAWHERRY PLANTS. Also Horse lladish J'lants, Ac. C1IA 15R AN I). WOOD BROS., ORTONVILLI:, MINX. Headcitiarters for IIA1MAI, M» k FAK31 31 ACHiM:!lY. SLWl N KS DO.!]ti n ii Vt 111 I \V I S M,!:IC IV uiimti, i» 110 tn LIVE AGENTS WANTED, To sell Dr. i'ha-e's R-.ei],es or infornii tion for everybody, iu every county in the I 'nited States and Canada. Enlarged by the publisher to t4« jwges. It contains over •j.oiiu household recipes, and is suited to all classes and conditions of society. A wond -r tul book and a household necessity. It sells at sight. Greatest inducements ever offered to l*'ok agents. Sample copies sent by mail, post paid for $:i.O0. Exclusive territory given Agents more than double their money. Ad dress Dr. Chase's rtteaitt Printing" II ou Ann Ai Ur, Michigan. Merchant. Patent Flour, Buckwheat, Gra ham, Cornmeal, and every thing in our line at Wholesale and lief ail. At the old stand Thorndike & Co., and Cornell aw. of F. W. Cor. Jay no Bier Stone 'itv. Dak. Notice of Foreclosure Sale. "t IIERKAS3, delault has been made in tin Y\ conditions ol a certain mortgage, dated (in the l.otli dav ol December issii, executed by .l* remiah Lyons, mortgagor, to F. T. Day, mortgagee. which said mortgage was on the 10th dav ot January, lssi, duly recorded in the oftce ot the register ol deeds in and tor the county of tirant and Ter ritory of Dakota, in book one ot Mort gages, on pages 4SO and 4St. And whereas, the said mortgage was condi tioned lor the payment of two certain promis sory note s made by said mortgagor to said mortgagee for &I5.0D each, dated December, two, and said notes becoming due and payable, one on the loth day ot December, ISM, and one oil the loth day ot December, 1S*». Ami whereas, default has been made in the payment of both of said notes, amount iug to'y'u.ou, and interest lrom December loih, ISM, at 111 per ecut. on the lirst note, and interest at 10 per cent. 011 the other note lrom Dec, 15, ISS'i and whereas, said mort gage contained a condition as follows "it either ot said notes shall remain unpaid after maturity I expressly agree with the payee «f this note that he or Lis assigns or other hold er ot this note, may, at his or their option, proceed and collect the same by loreclosure ot the mortgage given to secure the same, either under the jiower ol sale therein con tained, or by suit or other proceedings in as he may elect." And whereas, the said notes remain wholly un jmid, and said mortgagee claims the sum ot M'vonty-cight and 17-100 dollars ($7S.I?) now due on said mortgage. Now theretore, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will bn foreclosed by a sale ol the mortgaged premises, to-wit: Lots three, (:i) and lour I), of section live (."), and tin east hall ol the south-east quarter ot section ((»), all in township No. one hundred and twenty (P.'U) north, ot range forty six (4t vest, in (irant County, Dakota Territory by the slientf of said county, .1. K. Simmons, the agent ot said mortgagee, at the iront door ot the St. Charles liotci, in Ihg Stone City, 111 said county, on the l.'ith day ol October, 1NN3, at 10 o'clock in the lureiioon ol said day to satisfy the amount which shall then be due on saiii lic tgage and notes, and the cost and disbursement ol said .oreeU»s ure and sale, besides gv.j.UO attorneys lees, stipulated in said mortgage to be paid 111 case ot tore closure. Dated Augu -t 15 1*83. F. T. DAY, Mortgagee. Hawes & Uib^.n, Attorneys for Mortgagee. !FS-0«^c3L "tlxo The and most reliable st -.j j-ul lished in the west. It js a large eight-j.age pitjicr, lull ot interesting stories, society news and humor. Every new subscriber receives a Irnok as a premium. Price $1 ier \e n Samjile copies free. Address, Ciuc.\i, i Lkookk, Chicago, ill. Cathartic Pills Combine the choicest cathartic principles in medicine, in proportions accurately ad justed to secure activity, certainty, and uniformity of effect. They are the result of years of careful study and practical ex periment, and are the. most effectual rem edy vet discovered for diseases caused by derangement of the stomach, liver, and bowels, which require orompt and effectual treatment. Avkk's 1'ii.i.s arc specially applicable to this class of diseases. They act directly 011 the digestive and assimi lative processes, and restore regular healthy action. Their extensive nse by physicians in their practice, and by all civilized nations, i9 one of the many proofs of their value as a safe, sure, ami perfectly reiiablo purgative medicine. Peing compounded of the concentrated virtues of purely vegetable substances, they are positively free from calomel or any injurious properties, and can be admin istered to children with perfect safety. Avkk's Pii.i.s are an effectual cure for Constipation or Costlvcness, Indiges tion, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Foul Stomach and Breath, Di//.iness, Headache, Loss of Memory, Numbness, Biliousness, Jaundice, Hhcuinatisiii, Kruptions and SUin Diseases, Dropsy, Tumors, Worms, Neuralgia, folic, iripes, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, (iout, files, Disorders of the Liver, and all oth.-r diseases resulting from a disoidcrcd atutc ol the digctti\e apparatus. As a Dinner Pill they have 110 equal. "While gentle in their action, these riM.s are the most thorough and searching cathar tic that, can be employed, ami never givo pain unless the bowels are inflamed, and then their influence is healing. They stimu late the appetite and digestive organs: they operate to purify and enrich the blood, anil impart renewed health and vigor to the whole system. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Sc Co., Practical and Analytical Clieutints, Lowell, Mats. •OLD »T ALL UlltUUl&TS KVBBTWBKR*.