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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
s! a O 1 & ,ery. iiikets, guilts. Yarns, ft c?8 •rt 0 o -UlJDo. w 0 -,.+c .... to* •wear, o :assimere rr-i 05 6S •rt hcu! ,.nd Mitts jaccos. Good LiM'k, r»0 Te:\ Star, i o So. Hard, Oc Army & Xavj Spear Head, (Oc dgivHamiiier iOc n or Stone, and -it, ]0e Plug. GET UJII jlid CO.\lSTINJ iuuiiii 13 elPSt buffalo Coats, Dog Skin Coats, Quitalo and Goat Robes, rv fc Duck Coats, Ulsters, Overcoats, Clothing, Boots and Slioes, AN') A 1-TLL l.I.VK OF Groceries. Oust. 25c Japam. 35, 40, 50,60 and 70 cents. Oolor r\ THE BEST. 1 ays at the front, .viuli a Complete Line of FAKM MACHINERY MAINLY Pn 60c Sun cured Jap and un colored Japs. rm AM kite water "W agons. -isftain, Coates. Ann Arbor and Ad vance Hay Rakes. We are also agents for the Pitts, and Nichols, Sbepard & Co. Threshers. binder, or a first-class straw-burning Thresher Kngfe the Standard Birm Machinery, call on or address. MOVIUS BROS. & CO. in Dakota. Under the caption "awarded to set tlers,says the Sioux Falls Press, a i contemporary administers a few words {of wholesome advice to people who want to get on too fast. It points out (tin certain reward to pluck and pa-. tiencc and perseverance, and admon ishes the fanner that he must be con jlt'iit to labor and wait in order to reach the rewards which Dakota has in store for every class of industry. The subject is one which calls for some attention. Xo man comes to I Dakota who relies upon his industry jfor success, and puts the industry in i motion, who does not thrive and suc ceed. liutsueces is so easily attained that some people are misled into the belief that it is to lie attained without an effort, or without being deserved. People who come here from the east to share in our prosperity will do well to remember that greenbacks do not grow on cornstalks, any more than tig-s do on thistles, and that the man who starts in to cultivate the soil of Dako ta with a shot gun is not only liable, but, tolerably certain to get left. Thrift, industry, sobriety, and hones ty are all the capital the Dakota set tier wants, and if he has these he will lind his reward in his crops. If he have them not, a war footing of Rem ingt«ai riiWs or a pedigree to reach from here t» Deaduood will not place hint any nearer linancial .starvation '...n a "i'V of liolj Ingersoii's i-elig- True Poetry. Tli'' i'ioss and Dakotaian says tl«:'t Dakota is losing its prestige as a fron tier teriitory. The worid issurround ing i. booming it, selling it lor four or ri\ nines its value and causing the stat' the east to grow as given with envy as were our virgin prairies with native grass eight years ago. They begin to want to import some o! our blizzards, become possessed o: some of our alkali, divide with us one of our sample Dakota drouths, take a portion of our productive dt-seri wastes—anything to keej) the p"op| with them and prevent them from pursuing the setting sun to the fani'.d hunt .if"the Dakolas. The white .(!, w intwoman and their vvlnt 1:.•!!. an- driving the Indian avd 11he grasshopper from th« land and it does not seem that we shall vei a ,-a:n hear I tie whoop of the fantasi ic savag*? or listen to the patter upon the roe! of the mvriads of aerial insivts wliicii in tinier inm*1 by h0Uul'e«l us with tlie.r vi-its. Kurvrynr Boy unit President. Yr,un People's Life ot U*nr** W.-nhhtstcm. Jiv William M. Thaver. lilzeva- edUi n, juices Hiwier tvj.", Kiled. Wrhil i liuis. Kxtra cli/tli,rtj cents hall litis.- r, I i i"*r* rpiits. AN,I tie name Ins received pjkIi uni"f-i-c «l honuua-asthitni Washington. Kdvoni Kv.-i ott s| oke but. tlx-vcnln-t «f the \wibl iv'en he pronounced Washington, all t-. i. th:tl,h'iv! ever lived, I lie greatest nl p- I t. ttiid the Iff-t oi L'l o.t liien."' Fre-ier (ireat. whose name ranks with those i Vie: amlei\ esiir, ami Nej^ieon, (U-elared 1.^ dec it-' to be the most brilliant ui .iiiy ill tie* annals oi military achievement." Whether sif srlioul boy, .-.arvovor 1 Indian lighter inemlKT of Congress, i niaiiilei'-iii-i hie', or Pr-ih'iU, ms Lie wiis lull ol ntliking incident, an ewi an exam ple to thrill aini inspire uny youth \s 1. i.,. pu'Pates with the lice fciid vigor. id oi the Au^lo-Saxuii race. Mr Thiver, the author ol the preseut work lust pul«!ihed. .s j.nived by ins world-l^ni uus I'ves ol ]',iii'"oitt, From Pioneer t(. the White Mouse," and ol ia lie!i, "Kr-.., Log ("iibin to the White House," a writer whose pen is wonderlully suited to it« theme He writes with an eiithusiaMii umihy oi h' s!ib'.ct with vividly drawn picun-, ot tic tuiM and scenes through w Inch he pi.^ci, (iiioting the language ol his lnends and eou ti-in |ciaries, and crowding the jages with ap I 'v'uiate iliiihtrative niieedotes, lie makes tlie'tiines and the characters seem present, re-daies to the reader. His book will at once be accepted as one ot the best ot the lives..: Wa:-hiuirtoii, nut tor young people onlv hut lor older lolks as well, it is not fio'u'bv dealers, but only direct by the pub lisher" who will send a 100-page descriptive catalogue ol his attractive and Jamou.slv cheap publicati*ns tree on request. .John li. Alden, punhsher, I s BI(i STONE CITY, I)AK., FRIDAY, OCT. 5, 1883. NO. V esev St.. New \ovu. pi .nrs PI YIPS Come and see those pumps at the Novelty Wood Works. Don't fail to read Ilatz Bros, ad vcrtisinent on Teas. Concerning ^ails. Manv persons are puzzled to under hand 'what the term -lourpenny, ••sixnennv," and "tenpenny, mean as applied to nails. "1 ourpenuy means four pounds to the thousand nails, "sixpenny" means six pounds to the thousand, and so on. It is an old English term, and meant at iirst .•tenpound- nails (the thousand being understood), but the old English clip ned it to -tenpun and from that it degenerated until "penny wassubsti tuicd 1 or -pound.,, When a thousand nails weigh less than one pound, they are called" brads, tacks, etc.. and art.', reckoned by onnces.-Wahpeton (,az ette. C. L. HOLMES Cornell Avenue, Big Stone City, JACKSON BIC sTto.i: CITY, DAK. VA1XTS. OILS, J»YK sTrrr.s TOILET ARTICLES. i 1 & liF.AI.KRS "'ions, Four different kinds of Ladies' :ind Children'^ Casfom Sli, and Men's in endless quantity and style-: u k for the Fall tra!e. Hats, Caps, Mits, n 11 at i ry i v. v/ i 'ri^« BBO, ami Chilis?, Boots "J Dak. !•*. s s a ly v u AT Heady-Made Clotliin Call and Seo Me. JACKSON BUHLER. DRUGS AND STATIONERY. Buy a S BTJHLER'S! Q' to k I STICKS, TOYS, FANCY ARTICLE-. A N AT AT Farm Wagon Prices. nv, i I I:u !•. yphip' N 7 S s u iTONEIS tfc WOLF