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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
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siery, 0 ankets, Quilts, Spear Head, lodge Hammer (»Oca'! ke v,ill )IXGS, M! lew Goods! WN •H Yarns, w Cassimere .irts, erwear, bfi •rt P) and Mitts pq baccos, Good Luck, OOc Star, 00 1 No. Hard, Buffalo Coats, Dog Skin Coats, Buffalo and Goat Bobos, Duck Coats, Ulsters, 0 O Overcoats, o Clothing, Boots and Shoes, AND A Fl'LL LINK OF Groceries. TEAS. Tea Dust, 0olongi inner stone, ami Sun cured Jap and un '•it, soc» Plug, ij colored Japs. SUCCESS! i^ntlts of business has convinced the undersigned that thev in locating in Jig Stone City. Thanking the public, for and hoping by strict attention to business to merit future "il'l call the attention of those who are expecting to build, that do as well by you as any linn in town, and that you can de eding in our yard a good stock of ASONED LUMBER, and a line assortmont of DOORS AN for the SiiAii of the Wisconsin Lumber Co. DEALERS IN 25c «o«- Japans, 35, 40,50, 60 Army & Navy OOc and 70 CGHtS. 60c i 1) WINI)()WS. LEACII & NOCK, Proprietors. le and Fancy Groceries. TEA & specialty. Also a large supply HOB, AHifflOH AI CUTLER!. Next Door to Post Office. V. 1HG STONE CITY, 1)\K., FRIDAY. OCT. 11), 1883. NO. Indignation at Fargo. A special telegram from Fargo to tie I'loneer Fr. ss, Oct. 17, says: Con Suliable excitement WHS caused among the business men and dealers of this city by the rumor that the merchants Of St. Paul, headed by P. II. Kelly, had presented a lengthy petition to General Manager Merrill, of the Milwaukee road, asking his road to withdraw all as-iihtanee or recognition 1'rurn the Famo Southern, now being pushed to completion very rapidly. It is sam that in ease the rumor turns out in be true, Fargo merchants will unite and go beyond St. Paul for goods. At a informal gathering in the Continental hotel, a gentleman present professed to have seen the petition, and the feel ing of indignation at the business methods of St. Paul's merchants is very warm. It is rumored that the Manitoba has tried to break its coii tiacts for grading outfits made earli er in the season with the. Fargo South ern but while this may delay lie road it will in no way interfere with its completion. It is said that the Mani toba will reconsider its action how ever, and the Northern Pacific and Milwaukee roads show no sign of try ing to dodge their contracts for fur nishing and transporting railway sup plies for the construction of the road. In case they should refuse, the officers of the road may conclude to extend it to DevH. a point thirty miles beyond Ortonville. on the Northwestern, thus completing a line to Chicago. The money is secured aud ready to use in putting the ties, iron and rolling Stock on the graded roadbed. l'remitiiu Wheat at tlic Slate fair. The premium wheat at the State Fair just held atOvvatonna was raised by Jacob Ilurly of Ortonville, in Big Stone County, Minnesota. It was a beautiful specimen of the hard Scotch Fife, weighing sixty-three pounds to the bushel, and produced the enor mous quantity of three bushels from a single quart. It was exhibited in both grain and straw, and attracted 'more attention than any one other thing on ground. The size of th« kernels the bright, stiff straw the length of the heads aud its enormous productiveness called forth expres sions of surprise from all who saw it. i Col. John II. Stevens, the veteran ag riculturist, was particularly struck with it, and pronounced it the finest half-bushel of wheat he had ever seen i exhibited at our fairs. It was the kind called the Saskatchewan Fife, a pure variety of ti» old Scotch Fife, brought down from the Saskatchewan Valley, in Manitoba, six years ago, ui I i 'climated to this latitude. The oi umal seed has been much improv ed careful selection and culitva tion, and it is now unquestionably the most productive and best milling wheat in the world. PfMPN! i'tMPS! Come and see those pumps at the Novelty Wood Works. To Kent—The store and rooms on second floor in building on Cornell avenue opposite IIkkald office. Dakius able. Henry Sckafer, Proprietor of the All kinds of fresh and Salt Meats constantly on hand. Special atten tion paid to Sausage Making. Cash Paid for Hides. Notice. All persons are hereby cautioiied against purchasing three promissory notes given bv Wilcox "Keith to the Ro. hestvr .M anuf actur in£ company lor a Rochester Harvester & Binder—one'lor due Nov. 1st, 1SS-2 one for $1-5 due Nov. 1st, 18H'i one (or §1.10 due Nov. 1st. ]884—the same being worthless as we have not received value therefor. il. M. Wilcox. 11. 11. Keith. Ui# Stone City, Dak., Oct. 2nd, isb3f BHJ STONE CITY, DAK. TAINTS. OILS, TOILET ARTICLES. 1 C. L. HOLMES & BRO. Cornell Avenue, Big Stone City, Dak. DEALERS IN Groceries and Provisions, Dry Goods and Closing, Boots and BOOT AND SHOE HEADQUARTERS AT JACKSON BUHLER'S! Four different kinds of Ladies' and Children's Custom Shoos- and Men's in endless quantity and styles also a big stock of Ready-Made CIotMng for the Fall trade. Hats, Caps, JVlils, etc.,all at very Low 1 Vices. Call and See Me. JACKSON BUHLER. DRUGS AMD DYE STUFFS, SPICES, TOYS, FANCY ARTICLES, COMBS, AND AT Buy a "Star Platform," I i liilL'Udi VARNISH, STATIONERY. AT Farm "Wagon Prices. LOWEST PRICES. O-ONBS cto WOLF.