Newspaper Page Text
1JO WML & NKi A writer hi this us dirties just, tahubikd by n I coinmisioners of the neve stales, that during t'uj modh Vu-^ust las!, throughout the. country, tin-re were 14-1 rail road at. cid fills, in which forty-, two perstins were killed and I:ii' iniured an increase of live accident*, but create of four killed and eighty-si. jured, as coin pa red with August, I^Sl'. The '\ionth of August has usually made a very unfavorable showing, and this yea v is jio exception, although there is some improvement over las!, year. The eight months of the current year end of August, show a total of 1,0', cidt nts, L'n killed am! 1,118 injured a hh»sillily average of 1!U The lioating gardens of i Ka^fern Asia, are among the markuhio illustrations of hum: n the more so that they are the work of an essentially indolent population. An expanse of water about nine miles in circumference has been utilized for their creation, on which ?nasses of weeds, gra-m-. and a cjuatie plants grow and be come intertwined nnd entangled. These form the soil as it wi-re on which the cultivation is carried on. They are cut level with the surface of the water,divis ions made in them, and then banked over with river mud. This soil is sown with melons and cucumbers, after being prepared in this manner, and a crop rai.-ed which is unequalled in any coun try in (juantitv and quality. In a good season theae melons and cucumbers are sold at the rate often or twenty for two cents: in dear seasons they bring two i-ents apiece. In'Mexico floating gar dens aie built upon much the same plan, but are usuallv devoted to the culture of Uovvel A whole series of unlucky accidents have lately befallen the Au-itrian itnper al family. Just as the Empress Elizabeth was passing on horse back over a smalt bridge which spans a torrent in the Styrian Alps, near Murzteg a plank gave way under her horse's hoof. The ani mal Hturnbled and threw his rider over his head. On the very same day, at the Panic Jiour, Archduke William, brother of Archduke Albert, wdiile superintend ing the civil exercises at th" camp of Bruck, was taken ill, and fell in a dead faint off his tior^e and at the same mo ment the Archduchess ^'lotsnda, wife of Archduke Joseph, who had been visit ing i girl's school near Hud i-l'e tsh, having just stepped out of the house, accompanied by the young girls, she heard a frightful noise behind her. She turned and fouud that the root of the school-room had just fallen in. What interpretation will superstitious people place upon these coincidences*? One would be that the Archduchess loiiuda is luckier than her relations. it is not yet known how much the new tariff has reduced the revenue During the ninety days ending Sept. there was a falling of! from last year's customs receipts $P.417,1S:{, and of in-' ternal levonue receipts of 'f!»,:i7 i,o2n Miscellaneous receipts show ft decrease $2,7o.',ol2. The gross reduction for the three mouths has thus been $-! ,f»ol,'Jlb. It is hard to determine what causes share in thi.s result. Stimulated produc tion of artickvs, lightened of internal revenue taxes, and increased imports, under the lower tariff, would make the reduction less than it was theoretically expected to be. At the same, time a large percentage of the leceipts in Juiv were from duties on (goods that had, been waiting in bond for the new tariff to go into effect,. One thing is evident the reduction of U V i i O N E N S K N E W S Lb, 1'ubi -L STONK CITY, the Lundon Times gives hi example o 1 cond i. of the "liim'He peasant A fatni. in sisting of eight persons wtisan acre and a half of land. Tim laud wan bought by tlio grimdf.ithor of the present head ami lmn never boei divided since nor added to. He ••••ws about seventy bushels of rice, and thirty-live of wheat nnd some vegetables and cotton brides, worth 'altogether in money about f-Vt. He has two nephews who work outside and bring home somclhin to help, and in that way they get along, but they are very poor. He* and all his neighbors wenr native blue cloth, pun uud woven in tho kindly bv the women from cotton grown by themselves. lie never wort foreign cotton. The eoat he had on ta well-worn nlF.tir,j had been nude two years previously, and it would last tw years more. It served him by night an a oovrlet as well as a font t• v day. accidents, forty killed and 144 injured. August wiw above the average in the number cide.its, above it also in killed, slightly below in injured. There no notable fatal accidt during inoolli. duties was far than was supposed last March in comparison with those in the internal revenue. It seems doubtful if the falling off through out the rest of the year will be as great as in the first quarter, and i/ the entire reduction exceeds $b0.0tH),o(H) it will be quite as much as can be reasonably ex pected. I ushluKlou News Notes. Miles Hock, assistant astronomer at t!c givernirent observatory, lias been appo:::t I ed astronomer and engineer commissioner the Ouatemal government, to locate the boundary between that county and Mexico. The boundary line is 2 X) utiles !on_*. ami two ar- will He rnpi rcd to complete the work. Mr. Hock tins abo been commissioned by the Smi.h'-o ian in stitut'o." to coiitc suites on the anthropol ogy in tin- untry over which i-is survey is to (-xtend. He is ... duties ut once, The following art ri postotlice changes: Iowa—tjoorn, Ply mouth county, one mile cart. Miii!*— M-adow, K ick ere.-1-, is olli.nali v doused at the e.'ucutiv.--. r.:si' uidlin N \.s The Omaha road wa-j Ci'iipl whs The HiUer lt'ot V»iiey KiiSrodd ,.n. panv of Montatia was recently incorporated by the following geiitlemen: W. F. Sanders a I'J.I S o:ie ut Helena F. tf. 320,454, has county, one and $ courier mile* s n(h, Star ^ervie*1 :hang«Dakota— (iroton to f/?b from \ov. J. I.sCj increase in service to tv.o limes, a we*k. fctar vie- discontinued: fowa—Frt"U-rck to f'laintie'd. I'o-t uu-n:rn ctn ui'ssioned— Ki se (.'ijurcliill, Arir:I1-'-. eSla Niglifen^aie. :.ial ter, I'nity. Wis. Tol. Hoheri MuTiiy.ass'-iuut snr.reo:: gen eral, 1'. S. A., bf.s appii-. to the for the josiiion of surgeon grnerj»i just made vacant by the'deaih of Grn t'r-.ine, on Hie ^rouiid thsa1. lie is lln oiiics eiV.cer of :iie nietiica! corps. His application has bten very favorably r:ceivrd, !ino I'e !i«» the undivaied support of the ojticers cs h'S corps. l^apt. .loin: 1'ressel has be to the camtuanil ot the liavy Mi-heh or about U l.Ht» (»ats will show up splendidly. The soot c.ient she p.-e-...v :. tirUl, Wi(, a d:\y--i a.*o. was mil eelehratpd until the 12 li i at., when tbe ihi train arriveij. Torottghout the tav a". en» iiie stood in front of The town and whistles were b'own. and b»i!s ru- i', t.he, dav long. Toe tint tram over the n«w r.)rt,i e pee'ed early in the aiterrioo'.!. it, .-.cine reason or otiier, did not .1 rive urdil :.'i0 at night, is* approacn wa the signal !or one grand burran, JJu* t'elu tlie txtreme uoriiie:,-, limit o( the Onuiha the-.roatl. now road. :n including it, tl four hike termini. These as la:'d. Washburn and £ui Wo.j.-iv, miiu ot!ensv. Nearly all wen accompanit-d by their wives or sweet heart.s who hud bien errestKi ,-.s parlici p:mts in the crime. Tiiev wereki-j.! crowd e.-.l log.'the' the entire t/.renonn in a barn yard. ruin failing during part of the time In ti e evening they were Hrrningwl before a justice, and'iJl who .u!d noi ,g v? .^5 security were lock, f! up, The state election in Uhk occurred on the 1Kb inst., and at the time of going to press with this fid* of our paper ih« Edward (i. Walker, sb? coUre-i iv.% vt.-, has entered a libel suu against the 15 iston Post. i'ublisbiug company, tor dtfamation of charac:er mtain^d n an article ^in that paper recently. The damages are laid at $10,009. An examination of Dean, Donnelly and Chambers, under arrest fir trying to rob the tr.un at Coolidge, Kan,, tern-iinafed re cently failing to find sufficient evidence to bold them, and they were discharged. The deposits in the savings banks of Cal ifornia on the 1st i»fJuly last were 5u7 H:, an increase of more.than $3,U00,&X> within a year. Careful estimates make a total vote of 2 Macon, Ga., has |uuproveil seiwd ir.s island. ra!i.'orni^, Nov. !, tiy whis'i: ijiue he wo! i,-ave betn pr-iinoted to the grade, of eonitaai.der. 'ouit\m.:dvr Kr.-ilerii'k V MeS'iiir. iHrx snemb^t of tlie U iVfl exami ir ur lf »iri, tsar- niwo been ordered to island navy yard, as e*punn of the yard. ceordi- the fort' con I tpor' depar of a^rj^'ult' rn w ivtr» g" •• ike \1\) bu-'seit--: ye' acre, or a total crop—a) out l.tiifV.'OO.h:*'!. Wis eat wili s.i)otv ndeoreaieot f.ear'.y l.onij.- iJn3 ree'ed that inual reports ot all bureh officers ct diftVrtnt dep'.rtnientr \m'i ill:e'd fro pub'icttioo until u'.ti-f he •tjiil! hive v,!H Hiiiiual messags- io eon- :tat. has. Bajlleld. Ash- rior Bavhtld Is distanced about twelve m:U-r from A-.!i 1'ind Jnne'.ioM. N.» lime tab.e luihvet Leen arranged, but trains wiil now be ruts regular ly between ihi.s field am! St. Paul. Tnere is quit" a :jtir in I 'hi.-.apo amot.g tin? oth'uals ot the pussengcr depar. nie":t o{ thi trunk lines over the payment ufa heavy coninnt.-H.son to brokers .'or the sale of tick ets between all hading point.-? by w:.'e ami C*sar Pitts, also ^ent sistiiJtg io the murder, received few days ago. »eorge Welih of Tei^arden. under tb-j It, A. Kddy, aiu! A. f.!, Hammond of Missou la. It is the intention ot th?-! incorporators to buiiil a iilroa'i from Mis-onla •, iq bead of Hitter Root V,i!if,-, i'ii, r-apital stock is $1,U(X,000. (General News Items A, L. Habcock, a rich carriage i.-uju- facturer of N'ew Haven, was arretted n-cent ly while out driving with bis wife m'ar the city, and accused of breikiiii I he Sabbath. Tlie charge is brought under the old blue1 laws. A score of oilier prisoners ar-'* abo in custody for the prc- neatly '.*» :»r.t\- n-ta. hibition. Traill coutuy, i a^., $2 Ihmtgs «il i.'riiatiiali* V '.lie 11th lVpu'y United in tkearn.y and ia .:m:seii a pen- ioner. S oihh years s.nct? he was ap- pni'ited pension a: e :I h-v t' e govt'i i'tic' for i"i^ (iisirici, Jl i* aih »'!, in tne cfiar~e upon which he [wi.s ariestnl, tiiat tni~ per: xi iieixai.ted and seeure-l froin oi verse parties, pensione's o! the 1 iitvo Stao s. iee- tur niabi:a: icn siou exambit r- receive a sa'ury irotu fin goveniinei i and the law ssi 'h'*/ m-ot not exact ftes from p'li-ioiere. lhe evi dence is over'Vheiuthii!. In n.iny m-unce tie u-ive receipts ft =r irc^ a "id ue! agaitift iiim. 'i'!»e iu« unpo^'h a heavy penalty lor taeli and every ofb'tise, aiiii trie dtictor's !"tv*' of years. A m.i ... 'I Young of Pbi lade!ihi t, v rested on the 12th at I.ondoti, tor pas sing boirns check-' on ."ity nicrc:iat1t3. The ••hecks wtre mun n an!? to tle» order os Rev, Juiii.'s Hu-jii'-'s .d riArr.hi. hut no such pers-n r^sldts tlu-rc. A mind er o otiier clucUs «er« found with t:n pTiaoner in tavor ul Rev. !•'. JIugileS lt!l Ih'V. J1S YoU'j ttl-o thr-e on t^e city h.-oik i.f eij-ob-s in l'.ivor oi' Hu^1:'1- and "5*on u liobert Morrison, an inU-rmuionai c'.a ent, w)io oconpie-1 -une quarur.- a? ttsburiJ, Uay su^io Mpjn'ared, ieav t? nutc.erons credit.,.- ..inti. IVcpif New Castle. 1'a., Newt'iP.ub.-rlJind, V and ?fe»Oieuvi!ie, Uhio. inourti th Io»-» sums rnngiJ1^ from 4-!ii| "1 hlio entru-.ted "la ?r-t are still to hear 11 H.-i i'OI'^ t. ii 0! era! -ho-i'.jng ntfsay-: part *.* .-,f see t::at a wa-es:«rmin-it civil authority of cops with the nrit:*'. A M^-x tamed ':npm*'.! ,. son fesiU'd in MeMuibn county murder or Na! Wtiiia-itf', CannsK'Hs hired the Mexlc.t.. i.., i,,i kii'i: tn-cause W'iliac- knew daronging business secrets o» their-. They are atuo the richest -tockinen of }'esvi won an caur.ot juv, i he reti -us for the il-'o iicg v.j jc.ilously rc irf.-uhie.-. dv o e a o u n o V o u a n i.'ip t'enn- sylviinii company. TmsJ toad"hi»s vhvs oppose.4 the payment of comi.ils-io.ntr ., Ktid ior a lon« time re,lus*'d to follow the example oi tla-ir iints. It .has be^n lor^d in by competition, however a"id it i claimed is paving heavier comniit-siuns than an other 1 ine. wirii a view to forcing an aboii.-jiimei.t of the t-nt re s -stem. irom 'he «t.,1!ire Ii is .'•'.ated that us hii as .j|]7 commi^-ion lias been |ai*l on a ticket from New io Hin I'TiOicisco. Riimorsare cut.-! ich! A -„r: K •. president of the N'oruiwestern road, intends to resign next June in order to make an ex tendfd trip through Kurope. Marvin Hugfiitt, vice presnleni and general nMria ger, i- to be promoted to the pre-itknev, a:- in order to relieve him of a p')rt o:i of ids duties, report has it C. Wheeler, bite of ttie Atchi .on, Top*-ka A. S-utta Ke. is to be plftctd in (..brtige fthit busiriess of the St. i'aul iV Onuiha road. Mr. Wlteebr ii not only to have charge of ttie direct htisb nes of the Or.ialirt road but rtlso of that in connection with tlie Northwestern, lil- headquarter-s are to be in 'hicago. inH.i«-ru\r oi li.{a J. two-ycar-oi 1 chiid and tiun b:. w nis own nran out. The hu-i-'and and wif. Jiud lived .unhappily, nod the latter '.ad up 4iei for divorce. Jospph Murphy, an old ai.d -i resident of North Alton. 111.. u.n.n.i.iMi suicide by !i:\r.Kin hi nisei! in hlr :-:'abh with a liah'cr, wniSe tetupurarilv in^atie He went to liMuois in Js'.fi. During the disaster at Oarlyo N V,, the Ixjdy of ex-Mayor Havue of i ,j»,, was robbed of tverything valuable. Fra k Joti,iurd .'.s be.-ri s-'tuenced to in the Monroe itv, N. Y crime. Thomas Taylor, arre$'. •. a char»e of absconding fund,- rhe BricklHyers he waw jecrda.-v. has ne .... I Chicago officer-. Thomas C.irttujdy» tin- '..•! son of John t'armo'dy, w.\ ... I four ruiS.ej south of li iwi v, lowa, handed himself in his fatiier's a fc \'d:iy8 ir'O. Felix Wj':-t»n. ccth-rfd, in jail Mt i N. (,i for in ir i.-r j••. .. ., i the tt.ird crrnb,mr I to take his own lif I ,'orgc We'i-.b i. i rir M'" i'rici ha' blew of-1. and in reaching was Uu' ?»"d in'the treasury. I tl ij0 for it her haby slipped out of her hands in trout of the car. The little one caught up hy the gear wheels, and rn was crushed among tne '4ears it .id wound upon theshaft o the ni'ic h1!JJ'J• being turn limb from htub and -t.'s -h cra'utnedin ,..,r WHS v ilt-nry Mtirs'.i.iH axn-sted 1 Bartean at Fort Howard, V. ')ctor has lived in this city for a arid stands In^ii iti iiis pron^se n aauung rumor s it that he has ot lived ni per ect Hfc.ord with local cnnt« nipir_irns. I the meshes of t*»e fogs. 1 he thrown from the hack, and thost o'.i' it were !,uried so ue diiita. re. Both wc, im(1 Were v. ry badly hurl, and are now ,i preea!mn comiitiori. while the other i-'.pd wjts also tpiite badly n.j ired. ila, Ksmsll station or. the i ot the Manitoba r«idwa nr /-'.l by a pa«-tof three dvu ken labors .eVt^-d with t|u«slung p.»rty. The pa:-. i[,t been h.ejr i of pr f,t I IO' tl i foul ranton hea^'d .she .v.-c-r uhve. Kvpr swoon, a:ni do th it 'S'icr. iriacer it I ms wi:h VV incio-.-tC"'-, rode into ArviVln. and iirinuc right and hdt, d:ove O'tive'is iti'o t.'ieir !io::se?. One Sv\ed» Was s.,o! tIirM*'"'1 »'"J ,hi:'h X" uot?e oi Whet t!s,*»3 will h,j consi.irrteieN in :i ,r earri' Jersey City, and s0-. master there has been arrestd! money from if -tiers, result is in doubt It is probable, however, that the democrats have cariied the state bv small majorii'y. •iistant John Mcfar.i, Safe's ,r, K.eke!i an oihcer ont-door- wn-.rame to serve person his etuplny.-. -^ceu l-. n.d to thffToinhs lor it" vv Two tramps rt.-e.n.. -toned t.h.& nou.c of franklin Monroe, !n ifuntiocks (eek a o n o e u o n i n haniucl McN'eal. Craft, the Highland, Ky,, noirderer. ))a.s issued a card denouncing bieorr,. Jeni at'd b^inK f°r of Mrs. Vreejand, Insane, killed Keener Way ne at hne, Penn., with an iron har i! n iiab'li IHOf lej VUtiloU i r. if T::. andard" date of the lo'h tur Led domr-tic K'.-y:' a: hi wd' 'i.ive iivtd u:i- happuy for year.J. and *.1 ti:ue«c epa r.-» ed. The irdi.-r^r I i !c.i wood?. M'chat I nr.. at Irishumn oi" Ladoga, Moiiigo' count v, ind., It bis horn* tne a»es *t-"cs n his farm =r Charles H. Taylor o i u i e n has beet •. Janicsiown. Dakota, for tak:..^ u 'Md'-ti*.: At Denver, t1»l., Wilb.ani If irri-ou, ?hot also pn,v his fifteen-year-ol! wife and then him--! !f. i borli «!ying a'm---' in.-tautiv. Thecau.-e us- I th-r--. Fi signed was jealousy. Tne c-u,!.- wer« married ,d S::awnee. K-.,, Imhi had been in Denver a month. Hill Johijjon washan.-ed on ir.-i., at Moniicello, Ark., for the murder of Tab i v n Williams three years a-o. Wd'.iar.i:-' Fr. i-a'. S !lf Fe.-r '.me e. taking .vuh -i,,, ••f'.o.ofHi (it .' a .' "uicin who id r. in f'.is fa».:'y /or •.« tune, or.s. lie 1 V iU' and embezzling its con- tenia. T.iyhjr was examined ot-ore on- I miisioner (.), H. Hewitt en-', 8 a he'd to the n i u S a e s o u n w i v w e i i i 1 V!' s 1 .at th •til lilt st lb rovi.b ciiir e«" o i *b. »x"s. it h.ViUUH v* Off j]!* to 11 lie: i .. statement jfniad# y t-ign newspa|-H?rs of al |j i( have bcr, oiIici«!ly i•• -/ovrrnms-nt nas r:-so!ved tii-d in the fntnie .. ip. V-'UI ptoM-cuw- '.he au'liors of .sbi.-lar .-i tements si tJiey fail. road his wife and tmby, accompam.d by his daughter and her husband and rhihi Who live near Iiuflh bake, were riding on a a cea.v.3 !u llH, U'",n ViJ!i!l! ell e- bam witc! In forme 1 Pooie, lot.eH.d six months' 'sew York on "nir *l'o wiib which iinisviIle, Ky.T'onTh/ He whs a -!s native ofHhar born in ]si,s. :!"'1 train |»i*licd *:i iron. Ma'^hali. 1 ex., a few day-egc, a new or ignorant brjkennin. in hit^re'oivt aboard, turned the s« be on-the la-: trucks i«ued and it re w the retr eot ci, wui pas-ttsgers 'own a to'.eeu loot tit-''" Tlie slow UiOt.i"U prevent! it r* ri n 1 accident. ten 11 rs 'Tc nmrv' or ic-s h'jr i. i A saloon ke jerof I'mbtejue '.anu-d Henry Kool an fic.'t city -Mime ?ieek-, suiee with ihe Kneiiiio'1 i' oit vr io t\isc.'ido d":c} Mont ice! Io, sit.! !H»1 U as The Jtu*. ronclad recentt K-'i^iis Miniiis damagetl i sion davit I ''Iaitber cebhraiin, i Farwell h.i I, V io. oiirad of Piiii^i tore the \VrrU:'- The vili^.r,. eul. Mji'iin, htmses lost. ice •ibstrHl e«i iti- 'VfJ grj MV :i' moot sell)!?. Pi. V ai,.b A .--ritl'lilsiM lie I hited iich ti-ne ol'ili-g Juis He had $ .i:t» on bin it n**•.» i i-.*' -tat n]ij I lie ivil iSfitutk llOUItCe. .Snm-s kili .sv a ilniiil'." ll I'll :t n I ii tion in liijttri 1 To Fri'!c| j- »^tr Wl tliM' ,!«•! -i.nv- ws:!: itit a w to .'o oi ii.r liiW in Uic.i w mln-ss cii?('overii-s of till: y, which at.'l effect oi -he ihi-shoi lir.'liitsinon. re *i'»niitile.! in bns-iu. w'u»i« i A i i»-d I'rica haw been ied hi'j f* 1 at. A^r.c •. i c-hur^ nl V:i'h Hhi paid 0 tiiiivi«'u:ds Tim I- Ttiat tl r.o u-iwi-r t« fc to .onuon con- '^oods uiuil a sir ai r-rw-d he V.-Tj, When W€«tO ie ha 1 t'-'ison, tl,.- .'tiorhie was abom teuv.i,^ tin te-rm.ony u.-aij.-t (jat aire-.- a«d uc.%. ici r.. «iv«K cmiure^t (tciA -t tiifiir. Tiiat tin-.: cur of the a*? atri m\ oliifC it ai.-.l eii-.( rev'dutifin irv KHra.Mi-orgi' O'ltlus-a to Wtl refer* t.i n.iverj'. I u a i 1 1 1 1 ti Iwunefbth a»i fi'UJ 1-.:tif auytu. tied to y !..ii it u tiii nuirirhu'Mii ti) rc? rrt".i.i!i'»r.« and urs -. fi* that he itl'iy to ev-ide mother-if !orti1(, lan.x- has !y ns--':,-i tbat I.!i ,hiii, for the ^Thrrc.'ir: th::! Hi Frexrh d.-f,., i anNan, died Fre: A man n:u,.eL |'rvnil to as'a-sinab* i ie presi U .!o ni N'eyba, Hav'i the us- ailanr .. had no a'c.omf1ie. filVailicr Sineidei' nas nren unn*t u»tii'-nt i iVioh- account how the deed (j a» Ic.iiiiih unenntirmi'd It nn pf'.-rs lioprohHblp tlut! th- Chires.. trooi. wnic uum»»Pr :'.o.oo., between Petni- v'.i t'.o 1 -liy aiienspted ••f Soda Dom re- nt 'Jncr-. 11ijV# y diflioufty. J" 1' iL o'ed I hat Wi oi' Jr(-vy, hft.-, withdrawn lhe IVtit,. Frrj e. 'iheth, Fa«( "diantw, bond. (!,II0U, India I ersoaill (rjiO.WSip M-Hi i .1. Abbott, for f:(r!,- his pillow iifti..- t'" ,t' ^'".v I nder .n- i.h'atb was mund f.' ,(nfj He had a coniiJfr other M-curitics anu in «f)Vi-r.iinei,t bonds an.e amount. behid-, money. Senator Aldrich member of the committer 'o-'i^fir r,.T, ii^ a*)'' his Icgat ns!i«$ tH(lu^ .t *tuvjry noudvr .0 K:.uni"V n-jpa*1" -.•jrvK tim:• y m«s tai: "f auo'dnT :»i,! n a vr w-a« to iH'itl proper'! ill CDiir•!, e 'iu 111. •tt if rights .•»'••, which be ssU!i{).)i!eit by ti 1 tm .-.e ae i) -'rel!'I t, snpnortett l.f U. Font:t: That ti. 4 ited by a IV w aff- .ity of the law in tic- s 1 riea «r ihstrict. i'.f-V'11* r,f i- II Uertako ruth wi) phot 1 dd-be awsjShyi i hlmA a ",IUU« on tmance, s«va .VcVi, w:v *"'•v."'... Xh© Casualty Record. i AlHricn oa (',i'mroUfer KrloA-,H 2S&\ At Watikan, Wis., on the 9Ui irist., Mrs Troutiert, section boss the K:. ]\U1 ^d.nghM,ds,ear:yne 'pnsts ontroller Knox's schewie. ter fro,^'oh°Hc Cf,n«riw e, »t Naples a let- I"),,,Rn duke wbh stnke U)r thp1"'5? •ta!y read declarim» ware ready PO*-r of the p017t0r*"on ",e .rf.'H in-1 do the ji.i-A-.--, foteijfu uai iomr sunt so""" hiw not t, -i ij1 (ii t". f]etit 'Jf soeu Fdtii—", the.. -a n i s a i i i i I I s i e i z-ii-* in tleiir cir.t a tt etui, met jmsgmi is t" •ti!.l trttl die:meir. s «.-'oi.ii. At •'fi tile advice the lent ion lhe i.'ii.'hiHi in ti' r.'.'iJ ccop- .ii ordb iii atlh-y'a upiiii.i!i, winch an hour, Jn-tice ilitrhm and in iiit itw1 orcuniaiancca elould ho-itnltt to »«'t UP in u opposition to that of li'-' eia' mt ui viow of wluii he thetio'1'. In tins (..-ou/itry wi•»11e11 t« aci.tin': to ace .iiiplinh and i! ha 1 acf,.nmii^livd |V i i' uo-* 0 •i :i. ho intirt cxpi j) ii uu nf I ho c-'Urf. f-mtre In aiuifi that opi' lit- Ulf lie had l-r? i"n 1 "a •.'!••- |j meiitof hi* ground* of 1 repar'i 1 ami !il i one a* !i" in tlio mcantiino dfir^d thi« t.xpr»»B#ioQof hiJ i" The I'ilcr'ti«»n Keturns received up n) tfR* 1 to pre8H with this side of oi^P' the conclusion that Iowa entire republican tick*-*. "J majority. Home eatiinattsP'0 aa nigh as-to,not). The ticKf1 follows: hi Uwrcnw Smith, the Jistta. (lovernor, bieutetiant Governor, n,,Uj0i Bup't of Tubiic Instrtirt-0" Justice of the Supreme Reed,