Newspaper Page Text
THE HERALD. DOH'NIK & NKILL, Publishers •2 A Year In Aflviince. Did STf XE CITV, DAKOTA 1 day, OCT. lv, 1883, lii'tiublicaii County Convention. .A Kf'i'iililir.m Coui.ty Convention in hereby railed to meet id court house hall in the town of Milbank, couutv ot Grant, territory of Dakota, at one o'clock I'. M, on Saturday, Oct. 'J7, Inks, lor the purpose ol placing in noininsttiow candidates tor the lohowinji oUiee*, to be'voted lor at the annual election to IK? held Tuesday, NOVRIHIKT tl, 1SHJ, v i z One county commissioner lor the first cotrt district to till vacancy. One i oiiiity cc.niwii^ioncr tor thf* Mecemd romnus-doiier district. The several townships in the couu'y will le entitled to representation by th" following i utfit»er ot delegates- the ajijtortionntent be i bused upon the \ote ol November, at the rate ol'one delegate lor ouch town an one delegate for eneh twenty-live votes or major traction thereof: Q. THAYER, Chr'm. A. H. LKWIS, Sec. J. ScilBIK. Republican Central Committee ol Grant County. The Republican central county committeo respectfully suggest. t.he Ici^al voters ol the county that they hold their uicusse- at the i -nal places ol" holding elect ion on Saturday, n-t. -0, is*-.1., al the hour of six o'clock P. M, that. the polls be kcj.t qpen lor one hour, and that the delegates tmm each precinct be elected by bnliot—excepting in the town of Milbank "where the place may be U.vcd by the 'own board at the hour ol eight o'clock 1*. M., and in the town ol llill (UJ-o'.'J at the new school house at the hour ot one o'clock I'. M. 1'y thus having the caucuses held at a nni riii hour, ol which lull notice may be given and voting by ballot, all possibility oi con ti sting delegations may be happily avoided. Alban 5 A'lams 3 ,A ntelope Valley.. 3 big stone 0 ticorgia ..2 11 rant enter 4 n til .Madison Melrose. Mil bank (hsceola Troy Twni brooks. Sherman.... Vernon Totvusliip Caucus. In accordance with the call and sugetion ot the County Central Comicitte, a caucus !'v the township ot Big Stone will be held in t, Charles hall, his* Stone City, Oct. "20, 1&M3, at 'i :3t ll. Mlor the purpose ot choos ing nine deU gates to represent said township ill the KopiiKiean councy convention which meets at Mil bunk, October !27, ins:j. said cam us wi'l ii 1 -o nominate township officers, fill vacuneies in membership oi township committee, md such other busi ness as may properly come before the meet tug. FTksky XKII.L. ... Township Republican Committee. The law passed bv Congress in 1875, giving equal rights to the negro, in hotels, on trains and steamboats, tc., has been declared nnnonsuitntional by the Supremo Court of the United States. CnflVe must take a back seat itgaiu. State .Senator Charles Fuller of Helvidere, lib, is at Washihgton, and has decided to be an applicant to fill the place vacated by Judge Kidder, deceased, on the .supreme bench of the territory of Dakota. lie consequently drops the Aberdeen land otV.e.e, vacated by the death of Ilegister Duncombe in Michi gan last Monday. The papers in the ease were submitted to the President LET Uig stone decide to-morrow evening in a friendly aud amicable way, who 'shall be her standard bear er for tlu* important position of coun ty commlsdoner, and let her best men be sent as delegates to the county convention on the 27th to press her claims for recognition, and success will crown the effort. When the nom ination is secured, every man should set himself to work to make the elec tion sure. All rivalries and petty jealousies should be forgotten after caucus and convention, and as hereto fore, Big Stone should give a solid vote lor her choice of a candidate. At the caucus to-morrow evening a ful set of township ollieers is to be renominated. There is little doubt that rite old oflieeis will be nominated as they are well qualified for their re spective places, and. are representative i msiness men and farmers. There are few vacancies which will require •pw nominees, such as justices of the oeace ami road over-seer, but some of heso have been temporarily filled by satisfactory appointees who would do v„ od service lor the public, if elected :o the offices permanently. The un ~*:tled state of our county affairs has not given the incumbents of our town 'dices a fair opportunity to do them «»-Ives credit while the position has bi-en unremunerative and a sort of annoyance to them. It would be a simple act of justice to re-elect them ior another year, before beginning a gradual change of the roster. Oliver Palrymple, the bonanza i'.uiner. it is said, will ship tioo.lHX) bushels of wheat to Duluth this year, claiming that by so doing he can save about live cents per bushel over Minneapolis, which is a handsome sum un so large a shipment.. We sue numerous car loads of fail road material for the construction ot the Fargo Southern, being unloaded at the junction across the valley from here. As the work of grading the last mile of road-bed is now going on within the limits of Ortonville and traeklaying commened at Fargo yes* terday with immese quantities ot" iron distributed at various points along the road, we may expect to see trains run ning upon it by the 15th of Nov. or the 1st ol' Dec., at the latest. rhat this road is hardly under the direct man* ugement of the C, M. & St. Paul, would appear from the recent action of the s»t. Paul merchants in taking steps to prevent the direct transfer of freight on this line from (.'hicagu to Fargo. E LMIU A, Oct. 9, IS83. (Tlxe following should have appear ed in our last is&uo, but was crowded out for want of spact. It has kept well.—Ed.) The Rustler rustieth. Mrs. "White of Closet). Iowa, is visiting her sister Mrs. A. M. Webster. Mr. and Mrs. Horning,of Lake City, are guests of Mr. M. S. .Kelsey. Mrs. Horning and Mrs. Kelsey, were "chums" at the Winona Normal School not long ago.: A.W. Kelsey s wheat yielded 25% per. acre, Eli Pickett's went '23. Mr. Kel sey's wheat was white Fife. Mr. Pick ett's Scotch Fife. The United lirethern Church held its last Quarterly meeting before Confer ence at the Elmira School House on a large attendance, particularly from abroad,. Willow Bend and Yellow Hanks being well represented. The ministers present were Ilev. S. George, P. E., Ilev. J. George, Rev. G. II. Fairehild Itev. George Harding and Ilev. Eldridge. The program was about as follows: Saturday afternoon, a sermon was delivered by Eld George. Saturday evening, short addresses were given by the preachers present. Sunday forenoon at Y 30, speaking meeting commenced which followed by another sermon from Eider George. After this the communion services took place, and then a U. 1. class was organized. In the afternoon in place of the regular Sunday Schools lesson an anniversary was held and the following topics energetically dis cussed: 1. What is the object of the Sunday school 'J. llow shall the Sunday school be conducted in order to make it interesting? 3. What kind of literature should be used in the Sunday school. 4. What kind of teachers should be employed in the Sunday school. f. Should Sunday school be uniou or denominational? Saturday and Sunday last. There was With musie, recitations and games. A variety of opinions were called out upon each of these subjects, especially the last one. The principal speakers were Messrs. S. George, Harding. Elderige. Fairehild, Scott, F. J. Priest Tlios. Stamp and O. H. Kingsley. After spend'nn: nearly two hours in short speeches interspersed witn sing ing the congregation was dismissed. Mr. George Fanset has traded his team for a yoke ot' oxen and old the oxen to Mr. S. Kelsey. F, A. Richardson's wheat went -l i bushels per acre: Frank Putnam's went I'j per acre S. E. Davis's soft wheat was about 2b bushel and his hard wheat, a large part of which was sown on last year's i breaking on which a crop o"f tlax had been grown, averaged about 15. i iias gone back on racing tlax tm break ing. OSUAU WILDE. The iieview holds out the olive branch and in a manly way is disposed to do justice to our claim for county commissioner. We appreciate such a disposition to put the affairs of the county on a friendly basis and hope the rorvention will settle matters satisfactorily. Here is what it says: The Uig Stone City Herald puts in a respectful claim for one of the two county commissioners to be elected this fall, am stances theJioview believes justice that that section of the county should have a representative. If the delegates from iig Stone can unite upon a good man Cor t.he oilicethe Re view will favor his election* Alii YOU MADE niiserjilile hy indigeK •onstipatioM, diz:dnes, loss ol appetite, .. skin Sliiloh's Vitahzer is a posithe cure. For sale at A. W. Hexseguie'ti. tiou, W Y W I Y O U e o u y w e n S i o s Cure will give inimetiiate relief. 1'rice cts, 50 cts. und$t. For sale .it A. W. Kesseguies. S?l!IU»H'ri CATAHILH KHMKDY.-A pos itive cure tor Cahvrrh, Diphtheria and (.'an ker month. For .salt* at A. W. liesst.-guie's. "HACIKMKTAcK," a kiritinj ami fragrant pei fume. Price 55 and 50 c^uta. lfor sale a A. W. Kesseguie's. H.llJLOH't Ct'RK WILL iwmiediately re lieve croup, whooping tough and bronchitis. For sjile at A. W. ites^egue's. FOR DV^l'KPSlA and liver complaint you Imvi a.jrinted guarantee on every bottle of Hhiloii's Vitalizer. It never taila to (aire. For sale at A. W. Uesaegue's.. A NASAL INJECTOR free with eaoh bot- tle ot ^hiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 Evcry Elmira farmer who has tried it h'en's offered to return the money just 1 1 in view of the circum- C. A St. I'HUl It'v. The .Tarncs lliver line from Mitchel via Woonsocket. Wolsey and Ashton to Aberdeen and Kllettdale. is now in complete running order, and limn. verv desirable route between all points on the Iowa k Dakota and Hastings Dakota divisions. Passengers going west on the II. "D., No. 3. leave Minneapolis at A:v V. m. and arrive in Aberdeen ato A. M-. Ashton at and Mitcheil at 2 M, making close connection theie vitli No. 4 going east at -:!'1 Sociable. Wilmot, Oc.. !.». On Monday night last, the ladies 01 the Wimot M. E. church held a-• "soci able in the school house in honor ol the pastor, Rev..James Rovve. vvhoha^. been a successful worker in this com munity during the twelvemonths just passed. The large school house was well lilled with an orderly assembly, the hours llew swiftly by: hut the la 1 dies of Wilmot appear to have learned that there is a more direct way to the heart than through the ear. for out of their amide baskets, they satisfied the [wants of all present with the gaod things of earth A small deficiency in the pa:-1 I salary was quickly made up by a c--i lection and all went home satisfied that they helped and had been helped along the journey of life. A proposition has been made to i the Chicago. Milwaukee & Si. Pan!, to build tr:is connection. It is said that St. Paul, and Minneapolis merchants 1 threaten the Milwaukee road with the i withdrawal of patronage if not helped along in the new enterprise as propsed, Merrill's, general m.inagor, answer is not yet promulgated. It is said these peoj le ire endeavoring to make the Manitoba and Northern Pacific recede from the agreement about carrying supplies for the new road. Otlicers of the argo Southern do. cline as the lemonstrance is t«.o lav to injure l!.em and the road, will u built the same as though nothing had been done by St. Paul people. Tim management of the Eargo Smthcm intend rushing ths work on the new road in spite of the kick raised in sr Paul. Arnold .Turgens. of Ihg Stone Tp., was recently sued hy Anton Jonas for the return of 5^o huned bv the latter to the former. The circum stances were, such hat plainlv sV.nwd the suit to he malic nous, as Mr. Jur- as soon as ho could thresh. Jonas agreed to wait upon Mr. Jnrgens and then sued him wiihont warning. Mr, Jurgens is well known in his commnn- !secure tIli autee ents. For sale at A. W.. Ite^seguLe's. ular size 81. I u Hi'i jji„, M-' un I. & 1). division. Passengers 'joing west on the I& D. No, 3, an-iveat Mitchellai2:1" r. M.. leave Mitchell at '2:3o p. i. by .lames River line Xo. 4, arriving at Ashton. at 7:3'J p. M,, Abevdeett at p. c, leaving Aberdeen, going ease su y:.o, by II. & J)., No. 1, and at at Min neapolis at 11:35 A. IS. A sleeping car is earned between Minneapolis and Aberdeen, and day coaches between Minneapolis and Mitchell, on H- k D. and .lames Itiyer lines, and dav eoaclves between Cal- ... mar and M'.trheH on the I. & 1). line, ship^v ex^tmg liar. Passengers leaving Chicago at .M'm ity as a strictly honest and honorable man and he need have no fonr of his °ttJiS, neighborsimnuting anything dishon' est to him. The suit, hou ye:-, was annoying to him as it was the first time in his life he or any of his lam ily had ever been sued.—Review. It. is stated by the Argus that the vacancy on the territorial bench, cans* ed by the death of Judge Kidder, has i tendered to ex-Congressman J. u nv s 'd Michigan, but declined. it simple that an effort js now making i„ to count v I appointment of C. S. Palm er, assistant district attorney. Ifon. S. Duncomhp register of the I nited Stales land mfift.' -.vt, Alu-j*. deen.tlied of consumj-tion last evening alter an illness of nearly three months. He was fortv-tliree years of age, and was a native of Mich'^-m I lie served through the i( t.ari.vij|,» and Milwaukee at A m, via I .a- jhe style ami lin-. mime Furbr s. Crosse and St Paul, arrive at Minne- i{»»iua has thi- day been dis-ived by inula.-.! apolisat 3:Io p. M.. connecting with cou. af. s»ii charle.-, II. & B. division. No. 3. K. S. 11. I The business men of St. Paul and Minneapolis have held a meeting regarding the completion of tin? Fargo outhern branch from Eargo I to Ortonville. Thev decide, that the 'completion is detrimental to there "Rill TT pq rl interests, as it would afford a con nec'.ion from Fargo to the south and west without going through St. Paul. vV u- n rebellion with distinction. lio hdd many prominent oiliees liuren Co., Mich., nnd THE GREAT GERMAN I E E Y I iniia JiATisM, Nouralgfa, Sciatica, Lutnbago, 1I.U llfr'. HEADACHE. TOOTCACHS, SORE THROAT, QUINSY. .-WEld.tMOS HVRilNM, Soreness. Cuts. Bruise*. V' jiiuwmmiilfli' iii! ,.!' FrucsTnrrf-x I U? 'll IIK iiillllUviitlju: ill jlM '"UUI tmwinv v i 'sJftin* i| BI kxn. AI.DN. Ana in-!.' ami |»U». FIFTY CENTS fl BOTTl Seltt y nh l'niKKi'I Oe(u- i'-. IHrrCt»uJisa ill NOTK'i:. t-bv »:i^en thu FurbtT ami n&rich U, on the v-av.iv.are bu M. Furbn* a*! I'ontrol i[ sii.d iu-iiirss with its liabili all debis due or t« l«*Couv said til paid Charles M. L'urbi 1*has• M. Kurber. Job Printing A E U E I A i nci: Letter Heads, ~Vj,J in Van was appointed register of this lam} oflice at it-iestib lishmcnt about a vear sin e. A \Vid« ,*wiikd flrusffi^t. Mr, A.W. Resseguie is always- wide W his business and spares no pains to secure the bc!*t of every article in his line. He ha* secured the agency lor the celebrated Dr King's New Discovery lor consumption. The only certain cure known lor Consumption Coughs, Colds, lloar-jfuessR, Asthma, Ifav Fever, Bronchitis, or any affection ol the throat and lungs. Hold on a positive guar- wakr-! Will giye you a trial bottle tree, Kesr- Note Head s, Envelopes, Business Cards Dodgers, Circulars, fijrh IT 1 Etc., Etc. a1 TF CG £TA£U -S'C'U^ •tiAIpv •lotel at, l^ENEY/E [•.inn -i r. •Ju FJosfrtiU l\ SfiisUntial Cha-i. (». lie it» IVuC. A TTl l^ MMMNi k\) V !hn» !v Kfe I' MIllKnlP I'lc Lai ALL AT llDT'J Jcnss I Main •vfl Han been In conttem use by the public for over twenty s'1" and In tho lx»*t prepari.- over invented for KiiS*' INO OKAY HAIR TO IT-' YOUTHFUL COLOK AND LIFE. It supplier the food aud color to the glttuds without staining it skin. It will increase a 1 thicken the growth of hair, prevent it» blanc'i.u uud Jailing off, ttncl 11 AVKUT It «nres Itching, E«HV tloiiH and Dandi'tift. A» HAIR DITF.SSI'0 itiiv.a di-Hlrahle, giving the hair HllUi'u Boftuoss which admire. tho b«• dean, PIV« ami In WHISKESa will rhange th« brard to ItLAC'K «t diHretlon. preparation It easily THE IMMKXSK STOCK OF NOBBY CLOTHS Foil i FALL AND WINTER TR»0E -\T Caward & Stevenson's Merctat Teilor DeprtiBBiiL 145' proOiK-i-H a permanent t" not wanli off. rui rA-' illU. I. P. HALL & CO., W'r SniJ by all Dea'ers tn Call and Examine