Newspaper Page Text
CT Si a w n a s i k i i V ciati :ind Surgeon. WKLLKRS' K A S O I N i N U U) WIllTftWASlllKG. liiiiihim: work doue with the i: and IIAH CITY, n.Mx a clean 11 iv• «ir. in 'ivsi'. ssson and Plasterer, ih-ick v fl H» i A TAVI.OU, ,!l. .i AV«\ I n and Insurance Agents, i- •ilv attended to. Farm -tate ot all kind# bought Law and Real Estate Dealers. eetions a Specially. i:. MINN. (JIHSON, LSI. 13 Ifl Hi O I K fMS till I'Kpi ciul Mild}. I AcMits. Mny and f=»U iT title furnished to nil! tcm.iiiy. Tux*"1 paid tu|* lion isv«• \!il' promptly and neat fv iiir11iii'* I I'l jnnvc up with s ilv tin sf r»'» t, llitr St on? I'itv, and Miluuik, I ink. Telephonic •si l' i*\••••a tin' t'.v.p ollices. ••NJiV WiilTFnJi!), fian and JSurgeon. Kfs.'emrie's Dn:^ Store, Man. :V I'.' 'I-1 ili .'It mcilt. irK hi. st rcusonaMo vales. a city, 1). T. in-vs jit Law, HAKOTA., or, Saiiciior and Attorney-at-Law. Mil.HANK DAK. -office, nji-.tairs. Ha^ ha.I tii in the legal v-"'' proles-ion. t'iveu to the itrleii,-.' li frime. s i in\ i 1 stveet. kik i lau. iotel lms recently been re-fitted and refurnished ut, and lo tourists visiting tlie lake and the travel .j generally it offers special ndvantages for their ac comfort. •IH8. 31. A. MOKOAj, Proprietress. •*.*!? t,i WorU iiuartt*IICC«l. uche, friiluuc Utter t-atiu l:rll e.tuim ro nftiii.'ii or pipi: 7iiinN?tipfeklK? n i n M. clCOi Hitj Stone City, p- G-lasser, Prop. I WILI-IAIto A*I POOL IK T||j cotJiTV i' lie or tMiistantly on tap. i 'ileil ll«er, Rock and live, llgne and other Wines. besl vit, Xlstice of the Peace, pn^1' C,TY ^tnSe!i „A:imomr. I 'ANK,,--R simw. v --4j I'O-til i mi- •r »4itsi.n»'-i v li.oretor.ti .••••n MV»t •yejfi'tK1' i'i«• i«.0»e ie: if •.!« 1 he lIH'llt, •lames F. Fi.-1. r. W' rT i v i 1 'Utll i -y ON the Parmerq' and VVoo"1y Tribune), is now »riH the I!- I1- MURPHY. 1 1 S ttTiimrer. u-a: ^na. *5K3*xBesa C.ZTMT .g3^0WBMaM«a— RP£D i s o e e u v e and MALAR!A. 7 i a i a o trm nw tne i.mnun luce. These Appettu, 1S»ivv4',»j coalivt, Nick Ili-ad- or rsSSSH of Irriiilhlllty Of tJHlper, sptr ts, tiftiui of hnviui i: Home dntjr, l»Uzt.i«iw, Fluttering at'tho IIt-art, Dot i b«tore l!i- »-va. h&.,r i. col ored for t-0!*WT«l*ATS0.4lrl !?(it^ mand the !IV! of a "•!/.». y that i*. tn oji.ctfy Asahivei mciiicnio TCJTT'S I H,hl niivn no fs.-jTinl. Their nation on the hi-iiieys inn Skui pmtnrif Teitiovinff all impuriti»»a through thes« ttnoe of prodncinsr cppu tlUi, sound ris^ofltton, regular HtooU, u near si It a vurr.i'ous fyy v. TlT'E'2,'W Pi 0 Jj( -.r lutertenj \v iv work and arc* a peru-ct ANTIDOTE TO R9AL.AR1A* nr. frri.S i- i i a u w "1 have had DysiwpKin, with Const inn. tion.two years,and have trl ten Uitlcrent kinds of pills, un.l TrTT'N tire th- t'.rst that have done mo any wod. Tlsv havo cleaned inn our nicely. My ttppet• is splendid, f.v illtr"8ts ivfidily, itinl I now v\ i aaturnl prs-hu *'a. fo i !ik n, now man." VW b. KDW ARBS, i'ainiyvu, O. KoldnvrywiK'r^.iiSc. M!iv,44MinmySt„X.Y. w K yviia GHAT IIaik on Whikkf.hs chanRCi in* to HtiLOKSV black by a sni).{ki ftp plication of tlits Dvm. by Dru^^iata, tiriseut by cxpnwa rctteipt of $1. Oftii'i', 44 Miir'nv Street, Nw' VorJj. TUTT'S MANUAL CF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREE. Knight & Dean, I lav. $50,000 1. t, "i, 'i. T, n 1 1 •v' 1 \V. l's-i •!'. ..'.e,-t- IA.. 3 filon'ths for 20 Cents THE FARMERS' TRIBUNE (l.ntdv known Union tlie Lar£?- Post wo.'trlv' ipor pvib- Mi'l ur eircnl ited r( Northwest 11, port'::.'tlv ooa:bin'!s '.-.ood tynteot a Comolote, Enterprsinq, hir* r^-'w- pp oc n 't I*31 .j' i mrr.'iillv odi'od and tural Journal crin a^iniixt,u Farmer, the btocu-..- TRIBUNE with his local or county paper. For n 'imitM period THE FARMERS ™L?.'wr will be sent to any addreas TRIBUNE nt8 S!,,. S of Cigars in the City. n hi, own an.l »d. Bnbsonptions. DAKOTA. ded t0 romptly BDd (eiMHmio\Viv\ „ariPiiki ad noted to tlio wunM of ti. trpne,i..l 1 and the Wool-grower ot th" :-Oi til west ern beft. Full and trusl'.vorrHy market reports* im.- mBfl« a fV'viutty. ReS«l»r Subsoriptioa 1 xico—31.10 n*. n|E«n««f«»rtaopnU|«he This spoo- 12 W« l« '^20 CeBt.^ for the nuroostf or introducing this en- S..roved PaP- fumlli.-e wte,dc.not ilt. tfl. f«'one p"r»n utabln ry the FAR- MERS'T RID U NEi«d judge for yoursulf Sfft?worth. Address MY THE TRIBUNE Minneapolis! Minn* 1. \Y. l' 1"NTA iN. Att'v at Grant Gsunty Bank. STtNi: I'l Y. i). t. '•[I'I'ImT!vNV.,A 1 N S U A K .\!.XST FtRK, LIUHTNIXQ ami TOR NADOS ON CITY AM) FARM )j{f iIo.m jty "j Jv-" -u'd m.M 1 !-n I' 1 i on all ill The !m w an de\ •niiiueir yi .v*. rr-t i ivy ^as.the (nwi'St,. .V i: 1'tr I'T I'l-i-eh!]'!! i uiiuimte 1STO 23e!^y:I- i pan i^et their nv i e V j'l V. 1'rilli filAiP'ut 11 th A. PPKUIALTTI-. MONEY AI'h A Mor NTS ON il')RT TfMF ON I .-HITIIITY. Honey to Loan on Real Estate, •Yo'ii.y i S1 •-1 to prove tip oil ll'.Vi-:-Ti:AlS AND l'KK-KMi'T!0.\S. Postal Card is a l»ona-li.le otl'er to uddrt-r a post it, LIJJ any one rpt and writ.? the names and •ok iiiceiit they may know of on and send to us. We prefer the mimes ot those now canvassing, althou^i tliosp that have f.xnva^sed inll do. Send in Uii-I We Hill fil'AV v .'1 ho\?lt l:S l'Kic month OUTFIT FREE. We want ii mien, b.iv-: villages and iry .-r .'i mission. It 'asam is: ot U aw e dad isiiies w itl'*r you, ar, I you ay iroiii home over nijht. We lurnish you an outlit ireeto -s in tin 1. All those s mak" :iey rapidlv. our whole time or your you divide to engage in ./rife !,r lull par !. j.aekiu^ and bible uiitlit Idress ." b::-!.!: IIOUSK. .. ix'h h"'!-. Mm. THE 'HOUSEKEEPER. 'a tieaiitiful monthly, 75 oeiitH a year. Ev ery wiiiiiiui who keeps house needs it, anil \v ill have it when .-ho heart) of it, if She has t' L'O without li-r Spring boun.'t. Spei imen copy ami raml 1'n'iniuiii §JL Of* List Free, j-peciuien paL'e-of the Hrckr.iE Cook Book, iwliic.h ov ervhoriv Urtowa is tho Best ill the w.Tld,)freo with it. Adilrees, liurkeyc I'uh'tf Vo. a Minneapolis jSlinn. '-j liiiL' publie—a Slmrt bine, J'sllLl (pii.'k Time and the best oil ac.'"!:t:ni'Piti''tis1 «1! wbieh are iurtii^iied I Chicago, ]:,' .i": :raxeQ St. Pan. operates over -1..*' OS Iieru-lUimrts, Wisco ,.. 'siiint: ,d Dakota .: and.:as its ,n ..» cii »ns rea"h ao ureal lite.- -Northw •. Far n n i' nswiji'S the i 11ic.i'. Mii«va':!M:uli ii. and l%ai: do. hie !. Cliif:*-- Fill liKllil'. of llj( W clubbl^ THE IiLESlvU, A. Has had Nearly Five Years Experience in TIIK K |m .. ij,.ii i i: t- in I'.urone. 3i*irpli v iK Foiiiitiiin. 1 linkers tlie Laiul Business in Dakota. Persons having business in his line should themselves o4 his experience, there by insuring correctness mid promptness and avoid tlie Hunderipi* ot inexper ienced land agents, as it costs no more, and ali land papers pre pared by hint warranted absolutely enrnrt* IIOMKSTKAI) FILINGS CAN ONLY BK MA1K AT Till'] DIS'1 RH'T LAND OF FICK OR liY Til K CLKRK Oi' DISTRICT COVRT. !i:i iuisliinents, Tree Claims, Pre-Kmption l-iliii^s mid Final Prools a specialty. MONEY .TO LOAN On Real Kstate in (J!rnnt County at lowest rates Land in any part ot (5iant county bought and sold on eoi:imi„s.-iion w othei",vi«(. «l irs: IN IIiaitJJAATS MA Mi, A. J. liLKSCU, Cleric ot Court and Notary Public. sf' ^f ^T fOPvT? :n "Short in coieiectioii with th" i'i' t' S="ii eoi i-orate name ot a great I ,1, conveys an idea .U just S what is re pun by tlie trav 'I 1 n :l!i 1 i Cilic. ,go.'-H'• I.!•1.. J.tae.svill and M.n I I i- I'm I. 1 Cliiea i:^in, K" k:ord, and l)u- Cliiea.:-•. Clinton. U'-ek Island and Ce! Ilapids. Chica..:". nnicil iiiuti's and Omaha. Chiea^o. iou.\ City, ien.\ I' dli.- Yankloii. ,. Cliiea^". Mthva ik"'1, Atiteiii-il and Ciianiberlaifi. Koek island, nul.n.Mir. Si. Taul and Minneapolis. I)ivenpoi't, aln:a:'. **i. 1 anl and Min neapolirf. Pullman Sleepers and the Finest Dining i,', the world are run «n the main lines the Cliioaeo, Milwaukee^ St. Paul Rul w-iv and evei-v »tten:i .n ig paid to pass- n- L,'r-'l.v co'irteoiis -mptoves ot the c»mpan v. ri S. XlKRItibL, A. V. 11 A KNTEu (ien'l Manager. »eu 1 1 ass. Agt I CLARK. GEO. 11. I1KAFFORD Gen'l Snpt. Ass't Ueu 1 Pass Ag I UK! STONK CITY. I). T. ™.i Bit.,... DIEBOLD & TUNNELL, Proprietors. Wheat, Corn or Buck wheat CI round at a -m iti I i w I ill. We invite tlie ty uinl of thi.i ii:!!! ,i 11 i:',!. i.'V-, the cwiiii »ii gi\. ii ir i! i:i^/1.i» .. Hiii nXK cn v, ot .. Mlle/.tllkrc, ^t. l'aitl Ull'i i, .»u: .ee, i.a Crosx- and \Y I.e.! [ii].!' A Iit'ltK-eii. r/IleH* Cities ii:i!.e. Clilm-/'. iwa ,ki'e. 15^a 0l:ur.' ati'i Stij V!' I Chii'-t •. i 1 c.: and I ChiratT". ih-aver tu.and OislrklMlS. I Cliiciioo. Milwnu 'ue. and DAK. CIIAJ-i. BRAND. rr.vk»tor. I havu a l.U'e" a.-- n nn ni Tree-', ^lirnb.a'iy ,nd i^vnit. iSm-lies and Plants jor 1'all tianspJaritiiu:, anion vvhieli arc WHITE As .', i'-"\ F.'T '.\ 11J.i*!. i Y V I V N i W(a i i 'IK tiES, I IvRANT, GOOSIIDKRRY Jil'SllliS AND :-l'RAW: i URY I'LA NTS. „\J -.i i:.o^o iiadisii 'Plants. Ci{AS. IUIAM). WOOD BROS., OliTdN VIIJ.i:, MiXX. Headquarters for HARDWARE, LUMBER FA 1131 3IA( !im nY. SEWIXfr MACIMXKS ... y? waiiri:, v» Jix#•:c p,ss & LIVE AGENTS WANTED. To sell Dr. Chad's Recipes or informa tion lor everybody, in every ttounty i:i the United States and Cmada. "Enlarged by the publisher to tUH pages. It contains over •J Ui'Ki houseliold recijtes, and is suited to all classes and conditions of society. A wonder ful book and a liousehnld necessity. It sells at sight. Greatest inducements ever ottered to book agents. Sample copies sent by mail, postpaid tor Exclusive territory'giveu. A cents more than double their money. Ad dress Dr. Chase's Steam Printing House Ami Arbor, Michigan. M. A. BUTLER, Merchant. Patent Flour, Buckwheat, Gra ham, Cornmeal, and every tiling in our line at 'Wholesale ami Retail, At the old stand of F. W. Thorndike & 'O.. Cor. Jayne and Cornell ave. Big Ston( City, Dak. W'e can guarantee the ahove auiouut '•five elie 1. good. AGENTS! Ladies as well as gentlemen, nitkea sue.'i in the business. Verv little capital required We 1: '.1' u household article It Itself! it is used every drn in every familv. You ,!• not need to explain its merits. There Js a rich harvest lor ail who embrace this golden opportunity. It. costs vou only one cent to burn w bat our business is Buv a postal card and write to us and we will send ve oiir pro.-peeu: a .d Itili particulars FH-EB! And we know von i 11 derive more i»ou, I than you have any idea of. Our rejjutati .ii as a li.aiuilaeturiiii company is such that «.• cannot ait'onl to deceiye \V rite to us or a postal and j,'ive vour address plainly ami re ceive .'nil juirticulars. rsi ckiiyi MT'c co„ «. Mortfta^e Sale. Detault having been made iti the pavnie ol. the sum ot two liiunlred and lorty-loiir dollars, which is claimed to lie dm* at tij.* date ot thi notice upon a certain nioit.e:n.'i duly executed and delivered by .Jerome A Bhtnchard to William Schmidt, N'arin. date e a v o S e A s a n u y recorded in the olliee ot the ro^Uter 1 deeds in and tor the county ol 'Irant and Tcrritm y ot Dakota, on the. lh day oi September, A. J). Ism!, at o'clock m., in book 4 i I mortijaues on }ai e 11::, and no action or pr-. ii11u at law or otherwise having been ij, tituted to recover the debt, secured by s .id Moltj-'age or a: V tbeicol Now notice !.-» Iierebv Siiven, th 1 I viitue o! a power i sale coiitalicd ':i inoi ti:at:e. and pursuant to the Matuie ::i a.-e niaiie and pun ided, the s-nd urn:: gac'' will be foreclosed and the premises u scribed in and covered by said viz: Lots seven (T). oi„:Jit (sj ot bio. is sixteen jl ), and also lot six ol said bio. sixteen (J! ), ot the village oi Inkpa, ttccord iuiitothe recorded plat thereol, in tJri. county, Territory Dakota, v.ilh tiie bere itameutsand appurtenances, will be sold at 1 ublic auction o the highest bidder lor ea? !i, to pay v:iid di b? and inti-r -^r, and the tax. it an\, on said pri mtses, aid twenty dolla:^ attorney's tee, as stijiul-ite.t in ai.d by sai I icone.aje in ease ot lore.'Insure and the i i -e n i n s a o w e i y a w w i s a e w i be ma. le by he .-lielill ol ld iir.lllt count'., at the !r..nt io- ol .-heriti's eilice, in t'.e villitL'e i.i pi^St i iot ity, in s.: Terriiory, on tlie .id day of N ihhH, at it-' oYnick a. m. ot tic. to redeuij.! ..n at •. from the Jay u! o\ id. Dated j"t. lv Cathartic i it a- i er,* A D. silly-. Fills Combine the choicest cathartic, principles in in,in iiie, in pi.. ..rti'Uis ic urat. !y ad justed to secure activity, certainty, nroi unifonnity of etfect. They are tho result ef years of careful study and practical ex periment, and nri' the most, effectual rem edy yet discovered for diseases caused by doramjenieut of the stomach. liver, and iioweis, which require prompt and effectual trca'tueiit. Avru's Pii.i.s are specially applicable to tliis class of disca*-*- They act directly on the digestive ami assimi lative processes, anil restore regular healthy action. Their extensive vse, by plp. sii ians in their practice, and by all eiviii/.ed nations, is one of the many proofs of their value as a safe, sure, and perfectly reliable purgative medicine. Beiiiit compounded of the com entrated virtues of purely vegetable substances, they are positively free, from calomel or any injurious properties, and can be admin istered to children with p.-rfect safety. Avt»t?!j 1'ir i are an effectual cure for Consi i pat ion or Costivcuess, Indices* lion, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite* Font Stomach and IJroatli, Di/./inoss, Headnelie, Loss of iMemoi y, Nnmbness, lilliousnoss, damulice, it heunsat Ism, Kruptiona and Skin Disc-ases, Dropsy, Tumors, Worms, Neuralgia, Colic, (•ripes, Iinrrhi'a, 1 ys*n tery, (iotlt, I'iles, Disoialers of the Liver, and nil other diseases icsultinx from disortlered state of the digestive apparatus. As a Dinner I'ill they have no equal. While gentle, in their action, th^se Fm.s are the most thorough and searching cathar tic that can be employed, and never j:ivo pain unless the bowels are iulbnued. and then their intluence is healing. They stimu late the appetite and digestive organs they operate to purify and enrich tho blood, anil impart renewed health and vigor to the whole system. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co,, Practical and Analytical Chemist*, Lowell, Mass. •OLD BV ALL DIIL'GUISTS bVEUTWaBRl,