Newspaper Page Text
T'HI KC'IL DIRECTORY. EPISCOPAL.—Services in St. Charles hall, Ml 3 p. Tn., Sunday, October 7th. Rer. A. Metcall officiating. CATHOLIC—Rev. Father Hermeling, Priest. Service in Croal's School House, htniell, Oct. VI3t Mass at o'clock Catholic service in Web.-tcr, Oct. tii. Mass begins at ten o'clock. Methodist.—Services in St. Charles hall every Sunday at 11 a m, and at T: il Mi. Sunday school immediately alter morning service. Class meetings at 10 a. Chil li reus'meeting at i::iu pin. Prayer meet ings Wednesday 7:30 m. Rev. Wilmut \Vliittield, pastor. OKIIMAN EVANGELICAL—Rev. Ph. Laux, I' l.-tur. Servires lu::»0 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sundav school 'J::}'1 a m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at s o clack. OEKMAN METHODIST.—Sunday, July 1st at 10 a. m. in school house, and every 'liird Sunday thereafter, Sunday school very Sunday at 9 a. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at S p. m. Rev. onrad Kohlhasse, Pastor. i. o. o. r. Inkpa Lodge, No. 34, I 0. '. 1'., will meet teguhtrlv every Tuesday evening at clock i'i their hall, St. Charles JSIock. Visiting I nthers cordially invited. ,!.\o. A. MCXRO, N. a. J. J. STKVKS80. Se. I i.Hi: FABLE, !I. 1. division C., M. St. Railroa 1. Going Mast Going West Passenger 9 30a l'J :()," a Passenger 3:40 a 4:17 pm Freight 2:05 a in, in Freight 8:25 am.. K:5U HI Kreight ..10:10 '2:-Jo a Freight 5.30 in Ill: 1:0 a in "larket Itcpori*. WHEAT, NO. hard 79 No. 2 hard 74 No. 1 7i! No.'2 r,7 No. 3 (li PUTTER. l'JG(iS IIEHALDolliee. l,s 15 POTATOES 1: OATS '2 LOCAL LACOKXCK, For a full line «»t gentlemen's suits villi on Oeliler & Ilusscr. They have just received an immense stuck of ready made goods. IIOO.M.S TO LET—Over 'iliee. the HERALD Enquire on the premises. Everyone should attend the (J re at Drawing to take place at the Catholic lair in St. Charles hall, Xov. 15. The (inn of Furber & Reqna, hard ware dealers, has been mutually dis solved. Ol'touvilie is to IMYP a town at the junction, if the report that a town site has been surveyed there be true. All parties indebted to Oehlor & Ilusser are earnestly requested to call and settle, as they need the money. Mr. F. J. Monroe and wife, with their household effects, moved to E! lendale, l)ak., this week, where Frank is conducting an extensive and lucra tive land business. Kev Peterson, Snpt. of Presbyteri an Dakota Missions, paid this city a visit in the interests of his denomina tion. lie spent a social hour or two in the Ben Crinpen, of Lockwood. will move his family into Chris. Maid's house on Dakota avenue for the win ter, while lie goes to the pineries. P• E. Knebel and Rev. Laux have gone to ankton to attend a minister iiil conference. Kev. llilscher of ellowbanks will oeenpv the Evan gelical pulpit next Sabbath. Mr. J. J. Stevenson returned last evening from a trip to Minneapolis, where he met his mother returning from a long visit to Wisconsin and New ork. The latter returns much the better for the journey. Hoys' nobby suits already on hand and men's suits expected everv dav at Oehler & IJusser's. An exciting feature of the Catholic Fair, on the I5tii, at this place, will be the spirited rivalry for a gold watch between Miss Alice M. (iillispie anil Miss Susan Brown. Let all who can, witness this contest. Charley Krieg (A. O.). formerly one of the "boys." now traveling agent for Vincent, Peck, & Co. of Minneapo lis, called upon us this week, looking quite his former self. In his correspondence with Minne apolis wheat dealers Frank Thorn- dike learns that they are receiving frozen wheat from the Red River valley, and Frank has sent for a sum. pie of the curb gity. Stamped work for s-ile and done to order at Mrs. Cameron's Millinery shop. Call and see it. Rev. Julius Kahl, of Whitewater Wis., of whom mention was made in our last has since purchased the quar ter section of John Schwantes and an other of the Whipple estate, in 122— 47:good investments, both of them. Ed. Leavitt is the "boss" potato man of this neighborhood. With lit tle, but juli ions labor, he hits raised about a thousand bushels of exeellent potatoes on three acres of land adjoin ing the cemetery. We know them to be good for we have tried them. On the 13, Hand 15th of November a fair will be held in St. Charles Hall for the benefit of the Catholic church of this city. Extensive preparations are being made for a bitj tin e and the attractions will be many. 1 Ole and Chris. Casperson, the latter quite an old resident of this place, have started west to look out for a a new place of business, since surrend ering the responsibility of the Big Stone City meat market. The boys were honest, industrious and upright citizens and deserve success where ever they go. Mr. H.J. McCJiverin attended the M. E. Mission Conference of Dakota, held at Huron last week. Mc. leaves his post of duty so seldom that it seems like a miracle that he should go to even a Methodist convention, but as looking after the interests of his church is a ruling passion with him. he is to be excused if he should spend two days at such a noted gath ering. Rev. Father Hermeling made a liv ing trip to Aberdeen, last Monday and Tuesday, in answer to the urgent tele gram of a sick parishioner only to find on arriving that he had been superced ed in his spiritual ministrations bv a fellow servant of the church. He is ever prompt to answer the call of the needy and reckons not the cost. At home he is one of the most genial of men and our town is honored and bet ered by his living in it. Mrs. C. F. Welch of i'.ig Our Evangelical friends have ar ranged for ringing their new church bell as follows Sabbath morning, 0 00 first bell 9 25 second bell, and I0 25 third bell. Evening, 7 o'clock first bell. 7:25 last bell. Prayer meeting, Wednesday evening, first bell 7 o'clock second bell 7 25. A reliable clock is to be put in the church this week to regulate the time and. perhaps, the bell-ringer. This arrangement, if properly adhered to, will be much ap preciated by the attendants of other churches as the time of meeting, we believe is nearly the same with all. Ring, ring the bell! Rev. James II. Mooers, of Bar Har bor. Maine, is the new appointee to theM. E. charge of this place. He is a young man of cultured mind and has been doing good work for the Master in the East Maine Conference of whieh he has been for several years, and is still a member. lie 'brings his wife and two boys to make their home among us. To him and his, we extend a cordial welcome and hope they may find their stay here both profit ible and pleasant. His first services will be next Sabbath morning in St, Charles hall, and regularly thereafter at lo 3 A, m. and 7 ,'U p. 1. A man giving his name as George Campbell, relieved the saloon of Sid ney Drake, of Milbank, of about 5100 worth of pool-balls, brandy and cigars and sent them by express to this point. The liberality with which he dispensed with some of his wares awakened the suspicion of Mr. Henry Glasser who, hearing of the robbery, sent word to Milbank. and last Sunday evening, deputy sheriff Nash and John Drake '•ame down, and with the assistance of Mr. Glasser, nabbed their game while asleep in the elevator and took him back to the scene of his misdeeds. The stolenjproperty was obtained in the express olliee here, and the. crim inal remanded to jail, A11 accomplice is reported to have been apprehended at Milbank. Ball oil's Magazine for November has a long and interesting chapter of Mr. William II. Thomes's "Belle of Australia." The story is drawing to a (dose, and this installment is very exciting. One more issue of the mag azine, and it will be finished and then the author will begin a new tale, call ed "On Land and Sea, or California in the Years Lv43, '44, and *45," when Mr. Thomes was on the coast, collect ing hides. It will be an entertaining narrative to read. Besides '-The Belle.*' Ballon has some thirty-five different articles, illustrations, poems stories, household and puzzle pages, and other matters of interest. Re member, the magazine is only SI.50 per annum, or 15 cents a single copy. Just send 10 cents for a sample copy iml see what a nice magazine it is. For sale everywhere. Published by Thomes & Talbot, 23 Ilawley Street, Hoston. Notice is hereby given that we, the under signed executive committee, hereby request the several election precincts for Grant county to act as judges and clerks, respectively, of the election to i»e held 011 the question of the adop tion of the Constitution submitted to the people by the Constitutional con vention held at Sioux Falls. D.T., said election to pe held at the same time and place as the general election to be held on the 6th day of November, 1SS3. Dated at Milbank, Grant Co.. D. T., October 0, N. 1. LOWTHIAN, Ch'm, Word* ol Sympathy. As an evidence of the interest a man of wealth takes in the comfort of his i employees and others, and more espee- I iallv as a mark of respect to our late townsman, Geo. E. Osier, we pubish the following letter of Mr. Charles! Betcher. It was not intended for pub-, lication as nothing is furthei fiom Mr. IVs. disposition than a desire to parade any sympathetic or charitable act of his but at our own request, we are permitted to copy it: Red Wing, Minn. Oct. Mh ISC. Henry J. Mc Giverin, Esq. Big Stone City, Dak. i My dear Sir. I have at this mo ment returned from St, Paul and find 011 my table a short line Ironi Mr. Wihlborg, conveying the sad intelli-1 gence of he death ol our friend, Geo. Osier. Though not as intimately ac quainted with him, as 1 might have been heretofore, 1 feel that I added to my Stone City, and Mrs. P. Clarke, of Ortonville, will be the leading contestants in a friendly rivalry for the possession of a Muff and Boa, at the Catholic Fair o be held in St. Charles hall, Nov. 15. The new M. E. appointments in this part of Dakota arc J. II. Mooers, Big Stone City W. II. Selleck, Milbank P. J. Neary. Wilmot Oporto, to be supplied, Travare, to be supplied. These haiges belong to what is now termed the Ordwav District—Win. McCrcady, presiding elder. One of the Methodist colleges has been locat at Ordvvay the other at Mitchell. former acquaintance and respect for him as a man, by the short visit recent'y at his pleasant home by the lake. I always respected him for his true manly bearing and felt proud of him as one of the many upright and genial men in mv employ, and I feel Ihe loss of him as you all must feel it who have known and appreciated him. at his western homo. Since that pleasant boat ride to the camp meeting ground, during the event of my last visit, two of the fam ilies then represented— our friend Neill's and now the Osier family— have had their homes Angel of Death, one being bereft of their infant they loved so well, their first, their only one and now that! manly form, in the very prime of life,! a true representative of that noblest of avocations—an American artisan has passed from us forever. Having had my heart strings almost torn out by the roots, not many months ago, by the loss of my youngest ami, as we are apt to feel in such cases, the dearest, I can the more fully and tru ly sympathize with these left by him 011 earth. Please convey to Mrs. Osier my most heartfelt sympathy and do so on my behalf by such sub stantial aid and benefits as the case may demand. Let me know her con dition as far as it relates to the shape iu which this sudden bereavment places her. Last week, my foreman, Mr. Somewhat t'umou*. Dakota Leader. The N. W. luwa Conference of the M. E. Church was held in Le Mars last week. From the Sioux City Jour nal's report we take this paragraph: The first business of importance was the case of A. sherin of Big Stone City, and the following report was made in the case: That he be discontinued, he having withdrawn while charges of gross immorality were pending against him." Thus ends a somewhat famous and dis graceful case, and the church moves ou while the man drops out. Jones & Wolf respectfully ask par ties indebted to them call and settle at once, as tnev need the money to nav their own bills. iUOM: Y TO LOA\ In small amounts, 011 Grant County Bank. TAKjfNOTKE. All parlits knowing Drugs, darkened by the W111. Munro, lost by death in child birth, at Devil's Lake, his youngest daugh ter married to a Mr. Mclutire of Wis consin. It seems that the Angel of Death is this year hoveling closely around my own household and those i with whom 1 am connected in busi lless. Yours truly. CIIAP.LKS BETCUEU. The La«t Etonunzu. iu California. BILUKR, CAL.—Mr. Tlios. P. Ford, editor of the Mountain Tribune, ot this place, publishes that the great pain-cure, St. Jacobs Oil. has worked wonders in his family, and that lie would not be without it. He states that among all the people St. Jacoba Oil is the most popular medicine ever introduced. Fairbanks short time at IIICIIHCIVCK iiMiebteil to ui» either by note or book account, will plcu*e cuil und settle ut once, an wc need the nt oitey. ('AWARD ,ST STKVENSON. \ol iee. All parties indebted to us are re quested to pay the same to Henry Schafer, at once. CASPERSON BROS, Oehler & Ilusser have just received a full line of Dry Goods for Fall and Winter wear. Call and see them. Take iote. All parties indebted to Casperson Bros, for meat, or otherwise, will please call and settle as we close up business Oct. 8th. next. CASPRKSONBROS. BuckleiiN Arnica Salvo. The greatest inediral wonder :t the world. Warranted to speedily cure Hums, Bruises Cuts, {'leers, Suit Jtherm, Fever Sores, Can cers, 1'iles, Chilblains, Corns, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, and all skin eruptions, guarantcd to cure in every instance, or money refunded Twenty-five cents per box. For Sale by A W. Ressetfuie, Drugget, 13ig Stone City, Dak! Scales, H. J, McGIVERIN, Manager, Wood work HH STONE, CITY, IHO STONE CUT, 7^ I have purchased a largo stock of Lumber at prices which botkm tuures. 1 now have in stock Common Lumber in uij^ lunglcs. Lath, aiding. Flooring. .lsh. Cement, Stucco and Plastering Hair in ag If you are going to build call and see I will save you money. THE CELKHKAtKD 1'OKT IM'YO.N II31E0M Do.,rs. Moulding C. P. WELC' 1»1:A1.1:1: IN Patent Medicines SuiK,. Choice Confectionery, Fine Cigars, and Toba: WINDOW (TUT A INS, SIM.MNG ROLLEKS, AM) FIXTll CORXKLL AVE., 1J1G STONE CITY, DAK. ATTENTION! Iron and Wood Pumps for a:,y well, Sulky and Walking Plows, Paints and Oils. all sizes, liite Load. Colored White Lead, warn.:. Mixed Paints of every shade. Steam and Ho lower Ihresher Supplies, including Cylinder Oil, Machine Oil. Axle Grease, i 11 pails or ans. Belting, Lace Leather. Rubber and Hemp Parkin*.'. Machine Bolts and Stoves etxici •ri.Tni.^va-r Wagon Makers' and Blacksmiths' Sr Guns and Fishing Tackle, Powder, Shot, Shells, &c S"TfijC ... "WII1IIMMIII III! I I IT PIT Novelty Wood M. MAKER & CO., of all CHAKLES BETCHER, -DEALER IX-. Lumber, Lath, Sash, Doors, Li® Cement, Stucco and all kinds of Building Material. Works! Proprietors. description to order.