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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
O siery, ankets, Quilts, Cassimere 5 0 Yarns, erwear, PI and Mitts ,l iVi Ft ibaccos. t'Cooil No. Hard, Army & Navy GOc and "lcdgo HaiiimcrOOt* s,M-iir 0olong 60c orner stone, unci iSuii cured. Jap aiidun- -it, 50c a Piugr. colored Japs. SUCCESS! lnnntlis of business has eouvint tin* i:»• v.-1ij' they in locatinur in Dig Stone City. Thanking ti: public l«u '•U1'. and hoping by strict attention to business 1 n,"rit Hituie \"ii call the attention of those w ho are exp'.'ctni.: b.nld, that, will lo a.s well by you as any (inn in town. a: id hat "inhiig in our yard a good stock of the for ASONED LTTMBEB, and a !1 ie assortment of 1XC. S, I)()() IJS AND W IN1K)WS. of the Sii?ii DEAEERS IN TEA ft specialty. Also a largo suppl) Next VISIONS, AHMUmTIOK AND C8TL1EY. Door to Post BIG STONE CITY, DAK., cits, Buffalo Co Dog Skin Coats, Buffalo an Goat Robes, Duck Coats, Ulsters, W s rh a 2 0 tf 9 il GOODS. Overcoats, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, "I'EIj&.S. Luck. ipea Dust, 25cj Star, CJOc I «o«- Japans. 35,40,50, 60 Ceilts. 70 Argus. AND A Ki"I.I. UN!-. "F Groceries. i 1 111 Wisconsin Lumber Office. ,l1" I.EACII &• NOCK", Proprietor-. FRIDAY, The Southeru. Mike Ilanley. who has been a success ful track layer for a dozen scars or more, has been placed in charge of this end of the Fargo Southern, Yesterday lie was engaged in pre paring to lay out the track from the ma n line of the Southwestern branch uthoient to haul a train load of cars vlull- unloading the material which is to begin arriving on Monday and continue from day today. Mr. Foley has a large force at work on the grade at the big slough, two miles southwest of the city, and this work will be finished it is hoped time to be out of the way of the tracklayers the latter part next week. Five thousnd tons of steel rails have left Chicago, and some fifty new cars, made for the I Fargo outhern, are on the way, loaded '.villi the material for the contraction. 1 General Manager Kindred is at l)r jionville with the construction train, Mr. Ryan is at (Jraceville, and Cap. lain Gregg goes to Wahpeton tomor row night to take charge of the work there, 'beginning on Monday. Thirty :days good weatiiei will ce the track completed, and the sUtl iails united rom Fargo to Orionville.— Piirgo I The new loute toSt. Paul by the way I of the .iamcMdwn River valley line i and the Easting's & Dakota division of t!ie Milwaukee & St. .Paul and Jamestown is proving very popular with the traveling public. It is said that regniar mail services will be placed on the line the 1st of Novem ber. Th" track of Southern Minnesota division of the Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad will be completed fron How ard City to the Jamestown river at Forrestburg this week. Work is pro gressing rapidly, and the trains will cross next week. Only eight miles i of track then remain to be laid to con nect with the Jamestown ltiver Val ley line at woonsocket. With the completion of this line, the com pany's work of construction ceases in Dakota for the season. '!'o Rent—-The store and rooms on .M-roud lloor in building on Cornell aVfUl.r oppo.-lte lihltALD OiliCO. Daiui s CABL::. Tl:c Presbyterian work in this Ter v* is under the disposition of the synod of Minnesota, which just closed its session in Duluth. South Dakota is divided into three Presbyteries, vi/„ Aberdeen. Central Dakota, and South ern Dakota. Combined, the three presbyteries embrace :V1 churches with •j5 ministers. The new Presbytery of Aberdeen met for organization at (iiolon, last Tuesday. We are able to announce the most "ratifying progress in the feigns Falls "and Travel's county railroad scheme. The surveyors have found j, direct and light work route through the Tintah slough, and the compauy have lands to grade the whole line from Fergus to its junction with the Far-o Southern. The directors also announce that they have assurances of the necessary aid to push the WOIK to completion ne.\l season. —t.raee ville Transcript. IM'JIl**! I'l MI'S and see those pumps at 1 elP" Wood Henry Schafer, Proprietor the All kinds «f fresh and Salt Meats constantly on hand. Special atten tion paid to Sausage Making. Cash Paid for Hides. Notice. All i^rsons are hereby cautioned against company Bi(( lss .J OCT. 26, 0 u i a i 2 & *1 DIG STONE CITY, DAK. the Works. PAINTS. OILS, i oue 1W one lor *150 due \T.v r'i"««-'» ™iic "oril'le,sm rhav.n,.reived v»luc.l frS .or.. stone Citr. D«i-.0ct- icoi .Keith. 2"d'1883' C. L. HOLMES & BRO.. Cornell Avenue, Big Stone City, Dak, DEALERS IN ^1008, 4 I mm: HfcMpMlfcH! AT JACKSON BUHLER'S! Four different kinds of Ladies' and Children's Custom Shoes4 and Men's in endless quantity and styles also a big stock of Ready-Made Clothing for the Fall trade. Hats, Caps, Mils, et c., all at very Low HPricen. Call £fc:o.3L Bee ISVEe. NO. 10 Boots and Slices. JACKSON BUHLER. DRUGS AND DYE STUFFS, SPICES, TOYS, FANCY ARTICLES. COMES, ANT TOILET ARTICLES. LOW EST PRICES. YARN I SIT, STATIONERY. A First-Class Kitchen Chair for 40 cts., at 3 Fsrii'to Store. Step-Ladders, Oil Paintings, Chromos, Easy chairs, Lady's Lap-boards, Picture Mouldings, Brackets, &c. At the Furniture Store. TTTT1'