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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
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ftsriai prfir ?T3u| lj ery, ikets, lilts. Yarns, n ,ssimere wear. id Mitt: oi Good Lwk, Star, ~()v "ii'li-. business has c.m.n. kv in locating in i}jg Stone and hoping by strict atlt-n: -d ca!i the attention of tho-' •1 do as well by Jo: a ••'»g in our yard a -m ISOME'D LTJ Jk,rcz fi i Eh i 0 i •H 0 o ti 0 w GO OSS. •H bl f\-* P»4 •H 3£% COOS. A~o. I Hard, :i"'ar 1M XGS, 1)()()RS AND W1N 0 V\S. uv the Sisn of tlie 'tVlscoiisin Lumber Co. j3 IIK.M.KI'.S IN a specialty. Also a largo snppl) l?Ti Next Door to Post Office. is! Buffalo Coats, Bog Skin. Coats, Bulf2io and Goal Holies, Bv $ k Duck Coats, Ulsters. Overcoats. Jiociimg, a: A ITU, LINK w Groceries. •X'UES.A.EJ. ,i!)"Tea Dust, 25c .. Japans. 35,40,50, Irmy & Navy 4SO* cllicl /0C6ITfcS. ,:o' Oolong, S!c lg* Hammer4Or f'.inier stone, ami PrcNby 60c Sun curod J&pand"UH colored Jcips. i they He for future 1. that '1 hanking toe sinews to n i xpccting. to wn. an l-i hat on LE VCII & NOCK, Prop5 n'S. terian. The Presbytery of Aberdeen was organized at (iroton, Ouloher 23. It covers all the territory east of the Missouri and south of the 49th parallel to a line running east and west, beginning on the south line of Deuel and Hamlin counties, thence following thesouth lines of ('lark, Spink, Panik and Potter to the Missouri. Uev. J. 1). McLean of (iroton, was chosen moderator liev. J. II. Clark of KUendale, stated clerk and treas urer. The Kev. K, II. Hooker, of Cul I umbia, temporary clerk. The Home Mission committee arc |the Rev. Messrs. J. I). McLean, O. i A. Brandt and Elder F. II. Ilagerty. The liev. Get). Beach was receiv ed from the Congregational associa tion of Michigan. Aid was granted from the church erection fund to KUendale church to the amount of nine hundred dollars, and four hundred additional io( church. liev. Messrs. Wai t* and Beach were reconiended for aid to the boards ui home missions.—Huron Times- The Blew Uogitter, Hon. Chas. T. McCoy, of Don Homme. Dakota, who has received jl'rom the President the appointment- Boots and Shoes, ,of »«.i Distrn-t lias been a resident of the ITerritory for about twelve years is la native of New York entered the I annv when a mere boy, ami served during the war with distinction in a Pennsylvania iCgim'.'Ut. He has been quite prominent in Territorial politics, was a member of the Chicago Con vention, and one of the memorable 3iy that stood by General Giant. lie is secretary of the Grand Lodge of I Free Masons, of Dakota is a young man about 33 years of age, of superior executive ability and will proye to be the rigid man in the place, having jv had large experience in clerical woi at one time and Utlice ai land, also havim: been 60 employed in the I'. I fxpriuglield, Dakota. Dakotaiansare to be congratulated. Mr. McCoy is the lirst resident of the Territory who has been honored with such an important federal a| pointmcnt. and we tru.l it i^ joniy the precursor of the good that i is in store tor Dakota, alter having been so long deprived of her rights in 1 !i:s as w 1 i as in many oilier direct i«'»n-- Another stolen Ilor Horse stealing is gi ..g to mi. a common occurence in this i.i oi |the country that we mighty have I not ice "another horse stolen' stcie1. i typed and have it appear each week, •bavin" it mortised to insert the nann the victim. The latest raid \va i made on the stable of 15. (ii'lis, living near Beardsley. last Friday night, the thief or thieves managing to capture oi.- ot Mr. s best horses, and up to the pieseut writing no trace ha en found of either horse or thieves. I lie same night a horse was taken from the "hie of Morris Lounsberrv, who sta -"f SSHLUdJ. N jirt'iill BKJ STONE CITY, DAK., FIJI DAY, NOV. 2, NO. 11 G. thieve lives near Mr. Cillis, bnl tin did not succeed iu gi'ttiug away wuh 'ti'•» uniuuil. islu* \Viis louii'l ihvj ncxi morning standing near the barn bn ,died and blanketed, which circum stances would indicni 1 "dumped" the ritb home. What seems suange, abou. I this liorse stealing business that n i Announce A large urop e IlKUALI) hom desire .arming literature than v» give in our limitedspac modate all 1 licent offer. Come :u(. uh rs of many of more of aieable to To accom made ar- trtioti of 11 i r-• farnie: a Ki-eat cle such we have rang* i \meri n' ... ., inium for one year every subscribei iof the IlMKALi) who pays his subsenp in advance. The American fai* I'enicnts with the publishers of the rerican Farmer to give it as a pre- 11on in ad\ am ii-nc Iti page paper, published Ind.. the subscription price of which is SLOti per year. Ev crv fanner in (.rant and Roberts coun ties should avail himself ot this mag- nuT is a at Fort Wayne. prni's i and see those pumps at Xovelty Wood Works. L. rXfc QUI Cornell Avenue, Big Stone City, Dak. JACKSON r,I( STONE CITY, DAK. 1'A I NTS e hors •turne' been going on in this countr a e bee!i i s n o a v i I !»HSl liutw I quite a number svol- n i I inslance where the hor "•ered or the thief captur«-d. or in fact anv trace had of cither. The quest ion o is'M, how long sha.l th.s state ot ui lairs exist (—lrown's alley Kepori er. wts lecov- the TAKE notice. i i u U O V I I K I v e rittier by note or ill pleaNC cull and to u* indebted book account ontc, as we ttoc cAWARlli BTEVKNSON. HOLMES & BRO., DEALERS IN Groceries and Provisions, lisa i i Bests Hats, Caps, Mil s, &c., a 11 at v ry 1 .ow 1 Kj TDlLKT AiriTCLKS i and SOT AND SHOE IffipiTBIS AT different kinds of Ladies 0 U 1 and Mens in endless quantity and styles also a big stock ot Heady-Made Clothing Call and See Me. DRUGS AND ST A e 1 I)VK TV •*"*&» jl 'tCKS. TO V, AT Call and Examine THE IMMENSE NOBBY CLOTHS ron Slices. BUHLEES! and Children's Custom Shoes- for the Fall trade. n JACKSON BUHLER. i s Y A N I S I I FAXCV AirnCl.LS C«Mi A 1» LtiWKST i'HICKS STOCK OF the FALL AND WINTER TRADE A. Caward & Stevenson's Ktniiit Tair BtwiiMt.