Newspaper Page Text
The 'ftcvalcT. DOWNIE & KE1LL, Pub! 110 STONE CITY, l»A KOTA CONDENSED NEWS. •Washington News Notes. The view? a senator respecting the elec tion of officer at that body at the coining session arc aa follows T- senate will contain seven ne "lembers who were not a pariy to the old can cm. s,o that they will not feel bouvd by its decision. A new caucus wili therefore be held by the republicans and democrats, too. for the matte.*. and the decision of this can cu -. will be se.quiesed in by all. Interest at taenes alone to the republicans, they being la the majority. The oublican will probably nominate Col. Ge«rge Hook er for sergeant at arms, George Goriam for secretary, and James 1'. Young fur exe cutive cierk. There is believed to be no foundation for the reports which have been current to the effect tnat two or three sena tors will not vote for Gorham for sm refarv. The total receipts from the postal service for the fiscal year ending June 30, were $45, •508,692 the expenditures, $42,816,700 sur plus $2,001,902. It is believed the surplus revenue would have been greater by atlcait $1,000,000 if the receipts had not been af fected the last quarter of the year by the ap proaching reduction of postage rates, while expenditures were greatly it.create by the act that began to operate March last, pro. viding tor the readjustment of postmasters' salaries on a hi sis of reduced postage, that did not go into effect until tight months thereafter. Another applicant for the petition of su pervising architect is William J. SUne-metz, who was called in the recent investigation of Architect Hill as an expert on the sub ject of biiidint materials, their cost and other details. It is expected that Se- rnary Folger, upon his return from New York, will tilt the vacancy, -:t the Indications are that a Western man will be selected. Controller Knox is inclined to favor the proposal to remove the tax oil the national bank circulation as a means of preventing the injurious coat-action that is threatened by the rapid calling in of the 3 per cent. bonds. He thinks that if this were done the banky might he able to subst. tHte 4 or rnuu.i. nr.l,- to retain their oircu- Hall and Itiver News. The Portland Oregonian attributes the postponement of the railroad conference at Kansas City to the refusal of the Northern Pacific to subscribe the special contract sys tem in vogue on the Pacific coast, It furth er says that Superintendent of Traffic Muir lt"s received an urgent invitation to meet the San Francisco merchants, and have a di scussiou with them on through rates. The Northern Pacific's refusal to agree to tbi^ system, the Oregonian adds, increases its popularity with some of the larger Paci fic coast imuorters. The railroad commissioner, Gen. Baker, has been in receipt of many complaints along the line of the Chicago it Northwest em railroad as to the rates of fuel, which had been raised from what were called "grasshopper rates" to figures which set tlers con plained were excessive. AOer in vestigetion by the commissioner the com pany have consented to modify the rates in a very considerable degree. About o.OUO men are musteml on: of the army annually by expiration go out of terms 1,000 bv desertion, death and disabilities about 0,000 enlistment? are necessary each year. A Polk county, Town, jnrv gives a 0 verdict acamst the lies Moines Northwestern railway lor the killing of Mike lliwrdan by a construction train last month. General Mews Items. The Meyers-Vermilye scandal has defin nueiy issued from the limbu of o'oscure ru mor. Mr. Vermilye has abandoned the waiting policy of inaction and reticence. and lias bc'gun both to act and to talk. whether or not the result will show\ He has filed through counsel, at St. Paul, a i ompiaint in an action for ipvoice against Mrt. Vermilye, alleging her con stant and oi-en adultery wiih Gen. Meyers, not only during tne 5 eriod of their joint residence ioSt. Paul, but while the persons were in New York and Europe together and, indeed, upto the present time. The complain! ge» farther than the wildest ru mors current in St. Paul in its wholesale and specific allegations of criminality. toKon. Dak. Clipper: Mr. Gr'swold's wasfrom earth thrown up from a'gopher hole. He had it assayed and the indica tions were that it was rich in gold. He then discovered gold in an eighty-foot 'edge of rocks, and had the rocK assayed. From the time on he kept up his research es, employing men of cat skill and years of experience in mining, UM ti] ti) .fay i,e and his friends have wh it theybelhve to be the richest gold find perhaps on the continent. Lumbermen report that on the Black and Chippewa rivers scarcely -^o re than one- warus and James Steel?, half of -.he usual crews will be sent out this i ^'ath Jo le'.ieyt their terrible suffer winter, as operators have entered into n gen era! agreement to curtail iro'.iuct iuti. For the first, time in the history ot Wi-oonsin men are being refused work a! tlwoutldtir." headquarters in Eau Ciairc, Neii-.ville and other places. Abend a ye:*r ago a Helena Chinani«in, *f*il: in San|Frarici8co,married a white girl a naMve of Host on. They have b?e:n living in Heieua sirico. About two weeks ago a d!tle daughter was born to them. It i first. Mi s the ese-American c: lid sOnne-,. tr atv} Ameticttn mother born in Montana, The Army of the Cumberland at Cinoin nati,eleete i the foliowin. oli :ers Pr vsi dent, Gen. Pii'i H. Sheridan: corresi.ou li!ig I'i'V1 ary, tien. H. M. t'i-te treas rt?r. Gen. I._F. Fullertorr. recording se .ret!rv, John V\ Steele wim vice pre-iidi-jiUj from state :ir?d rritory r«-prt!i--enf«Hl in ti e society. Tayjor, IhibtrSsnn Jt t\). ]inters ni.-•! r riers, iiavc i n'l.-d, W. i'ht liabilities y rd $s,n,- cller 00 ctiaf* on rhe dollar—25 •*ei ts ca»li and 25 cents tour months, I hree two-ye :,r old iiogs,raised by Joseph Amien of Stockholm, Wis,, ti a^rvc^ite eigb. of whicn was 2,my ]»oiind.-',hav feeii iiiarkete-d at Lake City, Minn. MlSt A lively contest for the United states sea» orshit) is developing in Kentucky. Black irn, Williams an-' Carlisle are wes thoii^lit l.irge. The CuiP-d Slate oX geysers and stone park. Kii Johnson. fraud, must pvv ruotiy. id rhe Bismarck Tribune the lead. i.ihlitig improvements in that city during the past year amount to over$l.tKX),0P0 II. Gillig says i:'»0.0i)0 Americans went fo Enrol'0 last summ Tn u 1*'.'0O nd Nebraska otters a standing reward of •»_ 000 for discovery of a paying vein o! coal. t.,. 01 io republican state ~r- -'"re :i" V debt. JoinKs *f CHlMlUalh. notes already tilled out. S.unuentecht, ayoutig tramp, cornnv.fed suic:de at Kent, Ohio, by jumping head firbt into a glass retort at the glass workv of Day, Williams Sl Co. The lurnact? was hcuie.i to a liiirh degree of in eiisity in or der to melt .sand, soda-ash and other sub stances used in the composition of glas*. Death must have been instantaneous, as a single breath drawn in the liery furnace would shrivel his lungs. Mort Sinini'Tnian, the murderer of She iff Woods a? Min Jen, Nebr., who has been incarcerated at L:ncoln. was removeri to Mi mien for trial on the 21st inst., under a publisned. sfjong guard. Toward midnight twniy five armed and niasued men HiArefied tf» i the jail with the i.iteh'ior o' t&king"iif a:io lynching Siiumeriuan. T.".' guard fired from the windows of the -i irtbou.-e and dispersed the mob. William Hope, bookkeeper has absconded to the Cnifed States. The extent of his peculations is i:ot known, as his books were falsified. He served a year in the penitentitt'-y tor a similar crime in 1*77. Tin? amount ia that instance was $50,000. Capt, Hand and mate, Thomas Rand, con victed in Philadelphia of violating the neu trality laws, by furnishing arms and am munition to the insuigents of Hayti have been sentenced to one year's inijrtson mer.t, and to pay a fine of $H0 and costs. James Giimore. who set fire to !he Rriegewater. fMass.,) workhouse, has been sentenced to fwentv years in State prison. Giimore addressed tb.e court, saying he asf tire became he vva,-) treated badly while liv ing iu the workhouse. A chance reim in conn at Abbeyville, 8, (\, threw light on a clue iothe murder o' Thomas Hughes, a rich old rmn who was sliot two years ago. His widow hired two men to do it. and she got his property. Much excitement prevails in Pik? county Pa ou account of tlie murder of Anne C. Cheever. When found, the young woman wa* dead, with a bullet hole near her heart and left breast riddled with line shot. Mrs. Pardridge, a Boston milliner, was made to unpack from her plump bustle $o,00o worth of Jace-j at tha New York cus tom house recently. George Horn, convicted ar Ashland,Ohio, of the murder of Har\ey Williams. wa* sentenced to be hanged Feb. S. B. T. (Tlark of Fort Wayne was anested in Minneapolis for getting money under false pretensi s. A Pueblo harbej, finding a brother artist in bis wife's room, kills them both. The Casualty llecorcl. A cyclone struck the. west sule of Colum bus, Ind., between 1 and 2 o'clock on the morning of the 20th, unroofing Mootiey & Sons tannery and Goff, ''lent Thomas' new four-story mill. It also knocked a corner off the depot, and partially demol ished John C.yne's saloon, The roof from the mill took down no yards of telegraph ls r(,!i0rled from the Pennsylvania (?oal comj.anv's 'ri" thl,f,e Juiles Irom Pittston. thirty men were iu the mine Five are badly burned, and one: is dead. The fate of the others is unknown. and James Gailaser, brothers were brought out dead, burned almost to a crisp. Six othe-s were seriously burned and injured Two more of the victims of the explosion at Kingston, Pa.. Mary t^uinn and Ha'iie Mo-s, dfedin te rible airony, Lizzie Ed wards and Jame? From the Old World. 1. nidon Cable: The cabinet, at a n,» ui!t on the 2o*h. decide-i to introduce the coun ty franchise hi.I a i the oming session of parliament. This -*ji Vil Irancmse equally with England. A section tenced to om (,} tin' cabii)i-.t pr-f^posed to j-n.^tpono tiu franeoise question until fhi s( :,j,,n fnt' iranchise que.: I op 'r^iions ia China be sailors at f'-ie o -.ptur- .d titi I gu.ity of at'iK'iti*-, ilt- -nlv by the modern code oi* war'tiVc ful »»u t, par': wf people p*0 civilized. AJnurai Coiirbe' c:i*.r_ e,l sviil huvi^ :. s-ted orde/. tinU i iquartar Jiouie bv v?n to 111 e::. vvoiuttj or loihiWfiig ihi-'. the no w«-re coiiunitT jd, humlredn ''led i? cohi !?ood. Lady Maud Cecil, daughter of Lord Salts i bury,-was married on the '.!!!' I Lord S-dbunio'heir, vd?»••* that the drew]* b"f claims i was a luo't brilliant r^t-nn mu-t were Primv and riuo-« •••jnsive irooKiyn i em pelance wife $500 year ly li- lace The latest ni iamat ,, aet.v:vely cit -.1 -it- laud®. czar summon reprcse itatives of ilu A gang of young forgers operating: in Western Iowa have doubtless been broken uj by the capture one of the principals, nam id Het.ry S a is lt=y. i'- L"o'!, i'ecauir county, where" he wa* fl• urisbiug under the name «d Woods. Oil the way to Atlantic iu charge of an officer he gave away tneir modus operandi. There wire thre lads engaged hi the u~iue^s, and th» up notes and lorded the nanus ot we fanners to them. and then sold them ley disposed of the notes and received ft) i i ,.urku. cowtnor ^twral of Warsaw, per cent, of the proceed-. loey forged too -.noo foot* in name of two farmers neur Anita tn notes Jor while recemly re 'W o for $300, and traded one to Meredith A: Dick- Poland. verely commer'ed upon their n ey, de.tlers in agricultural empltments, lor efiiciency. and emphasized the iiigent $100 in money ami a $200 note When ar retted Stanley had in possession one of the l. Jacob 8cbail Man American feiliiardists. are now in Par have issued chail to ail the play- 19, ers in Fran contests. V their acceptance, anl a seri gam e4 is b»:ng crranged. It is reported thai. Casielar of the lican supporters have resolve •y drew a the urgent -ne cecity *or Important rtP.nns. A great private caur.cii, at which all the governors general of Kr.ssisn provinces wi be pre- '.H, wiii ne held at St. Petersons'..: in December to elaborate new constitulion n! meast:res. Two officials- at DusseUIorf, employed in the miiitdry ottices, have been a. rested ou a charge oi high treason Order has be cm reto i Port# afit-r the less «»f 1 and iH) worth of proper! -. Chesterneld, I ater.ed with a 2.",0oiJ co il miners .-Ink• The te-xt of the Geruti-. M- is Personal C*t)8sip Mis, K-iviil Motris, formerly Mit" Hlancii Gray of Detroit, who was n.nrr.ed a U-. weeks ago to the ii^ii'g .-kelifoti it: the iVf&rt Ytt" nVf"dt?/i"6c "her boardirg house in P.aiMmore, She was paf.-ii:g her honey moon att'i^h ir:ie nuisetiiM in TLi- city, but lor the pav wo weeks ha* been iruch in 1 Her manager on the 2(ith iiiei to see her on business, anJ eid ring fur room found her dead, .""'he was M\ ente'U years old and weighed "il? pounds. Death is supp ispcl to have heen caused bv Satty de gene rat on of the heart. The announce.nem of the marriage which is f'. occur next week, of Fletcfur A. Par ker. professor of music in the State univer sity, t.t Madison Wis., toMis.s Jf'ssic \"on Eisner of Bloomiugton. Ill sister of Lit'.a, the deceaveJ pr'iua donna. Miss Von Eisner is repor ed to ise a young ladv o! rare n.udcal acroMipliRhnieni^. Prs^f I'ar ker was nmsicai instructor of Litt: for a !u-.g period prior to her dep*rtur.» for Euifipe, wlu re her education was completed. Maj. Nicholas Nolan, of the Third caval ry, i.-. command at Fort Apachr, died at Holbrook. He was on his way to meet his wife and family coming fromTt sas. His death wt!! restiit i!i tl*e promotion ot George A. l' »rrii i-t.iti. Ninth ca\alrv. to be ijnr o' tlie Third and Fir^t LieiM sack, ninth cavalry, to be Mr-J. Williams of Mtnneapoi:--.wh)g, noloriety in the aihged at drctii 11 of her datighter from Syracuse, is in La Crosse lookine after property which the dp.ughP-r claims. Tne case whp heard i-e^re Ju-'ire Canieron the 3oth. The viaughier was rep resented by attorneys from St. Paui. Mrs. Belva Eva I.ockwood has addressed a letter to Chief Justice Coleridge, asking lijm iouse his imiuence to pave the way admission of women to the bar in for hndand. l.o.-d Coleridge in reply, has promised lo make known the main psrta of bercommunication in his own coumrv. Mrs. T.angtry started from New York on the 2-'y.h, 011 her orofefsionas tour. On the 20th inst., she opens it, Mo-hre^i, whence s.fie goe" to Chicago and San Francis co ph-y:ng in ail important towns en route. She probably will coMtt'i-.e lie" jourm-v Australia. It was announce! nt tr.» an 5 are a(r,. :Vfr S'/ig pravine fori Ktv Matties jn.,jH!K{ rank, (J (vla.'sfone to cotic'hiii sion, and ffien re-ire frotp ntlk ff ill"1 ill vices imm t-i ,' i.^s", ir.volvuig a prolongation of fhe ex'st::"' pariinmerif. It i-, uruhr-iood sh -.t \L" fpvni.'ed the prq ., of the Free Ho«pi'a, fur women in that 'luring the yc«r Mrs. 111 iv• Anus, wife of the lieutenant governor, had i.-:ven i .- Mrs wimiom will go .io Wa«fij::gton Senator Uoliins had four a r^ igs. John Janirs w probably recover. Lizzie Edwards has just died and James Steele is not expected live a day. k for'FW w ar Hh the AT IS tl ill •ata J.Xt S»S- i Str I be, n! tiuoren and, on ot t! terrible e ru--t .-:, Btat: ^1,.,,.. .. r«ds be:rut I a^alcsi th« i* therVrediiS The Herberf-Williainy. wHdlug HiiJa %T'S Tf e,{ ^Lord Coleridge addressed hp Yule college arid was plecvr,. iHte. by .President Porter Whauikt-r, of ,-dit cats •,•. 1: bed a school for coiort'd ton. South Carolina. .ri.,,rflf sti'pped over the coiupauy road points in Iowa to points W an.l originated under the taml l87l ,, repeah Judir.j e e i s o jau.a •. thrum hauiu late.l so P. ubp:c ns nam,.' s. The ".it and •d with I and crowd* of (Vi'-tr nou-oie p«' i .lnsses o" the ladies wm mag-nt co111 v, and n o.! ..tihem fasr.y t,h i svefs. The bride w„re costume o ess s tiu trimmed vHb very old and tx H!.d l!l ^*an people, and ask for full aui^ty fm^j" i of the press, freedon^ of s^'ch and hold p-.ihlic nieetii.-!'.-af the only \M preventing revolutmn. Pitiless vutigeai _i ':.reuM-iied if th »a»ds e disregarded thai if tb.e power ota: late t.ipu )lia would necessarily jn(:uYthep'*ver to dT-erirnmate against, (lie cotunitrce of statis. bor ,bese -ea^o"- Mn a statute vvoind be violation of the Vieru' constifutl m, and it ts not within ti'" power of oije sinte itpou an in!tr atate ime lo fix rates to be paid lor carnage wiiliin territory ior tliat would effect to"d-:r.R!:d than ttn o'i• b'o charge iV-r the entire ive if hsre power i'iMId b' t'ii rt is repuo tnainfain friendly attitude toward the new Spanish U-to-lo s^overnmetit it it iuifilSs its promises, espec- rftan- a j]v o ie to restore universal suffrage. itvr:. ttra ferritorif.' i oiig Snpptesseil SeaaiUl Puhlislii Dani'd 1J. Vermilye wio- ar.'-t.-:cd in eago ia«t !tK"0 from p»'"- 1 for a terns chiimpionsh^ i-iujc and others have dec.arf-d of brilliant k, char^-d with ernbeza We-m's stone and marble et Suits are a'.-o btought against 1 Wilii'iMt Myerj.. retired ia^ wis at' r:y years of hi-morahb- service !u- armv. One i to ree. V0" $2) t«hi. i by bins to Vermilye ior ^vrstiue it it: estate oi. th- ii'..e o( the North'-m P»"1 lirtn auos lot slamler, estao the otior. 0tto iianta vo'.ving the muiH ot :n». of Mrs. Y-rmilye. V- rmiSyi young man of (nit ty, of a re Vrn tatiii'v. He i-i.»rried u town, ^landau and n ner phicns ,-rs savs, rcga»di:-g hss rei.itioi Vermilye. tluu ti ey have bees oi trieiidly aC'p.mmlauc'-. !'.•* b: v :.: iier mother in the. ea t. and Mrs. and is wife are intimate friends. Get., yer—-'.vno a nanuson preserved ^e-:t!eman cf tit -two or 'UianU pr.-aiJeul .-••vera I p'aces of wi their devon! r.i l-alt ,0 b'nii.tifu :-ny t! 'is forever. •:..-neo] v to put the t-'.-senator's Sue house in r,r!«r be fore .Senator Palmer, who has to fake possession. 0 matter sent from Washington ,„ u^'t tr«.ni ber Oil Xh*': Itlfr 81)0 i:.ei jii,s Gvrtrtnie' l«st Hprini? ^handont'd ]. ,e mai' The lor Nov 1_. I ne bride has cf!{ -ri'. groom is an M. P. nurthcr, ftnv, Ut mi rub'-r (»f fnen-1 Imii a-.-'ntf'S t! af rn-d new 15 tM,lc* h« r« Pftir,' Wi r: afj /ar- 1 who died in Ore deiid. s a ieu 1I( (J ngagf i. ilea .iud 5 )"rtnru iwu»r«.af }i u Centra! ii atiiiigfj f(jr o, n y t,, A ,, ,j 8- Ifidli tr -ili-'i t,y fl'-re 1 Hi- jh :ii.riii 1 •. .1), *w atHi •op .. tot od wit-i this I'F.MALK hi Mi. A Mini fteliuirl, »t)' Wife Mil,lies u (iirl ami Th«y l.lve Mtiti Mild Wile for MoiiIIih l^l'l 1 '"I iort A li 11 Hit VrAi l'UN, Wis, Stitc'm! Tf«' g"u!l t) "1 Lat" this i.Teijitjj»' there was i .which, when it bwomei kui-wti, wiii tlei-,iil. la-.i.'hi at-T0,,'wip.o s o. t!u: .aitot city iny»tori.,Ui,|y uiji her i.ul)an ami rwu chiiiln i *-iirrli..(l lojijp ,4»HJ vainly f,,r w-»s.-iiiy af-wrlais^.tljiit lie t'.r.vh brotlsrht to thift t'• r* nifihr i:l th( CIVIL HW Of rary Hp- TIT!. ^ri-IU.ME Wasuinotos, ttiitsjl|' b.'ie n ii Uly r», bin WliUijto in 1 vui ,t. v UD ur 'J fl.r 1*1111. 4rr-""f the touk -ie.ii i! e \u bnde'fe and I'f'Mitit. Mi. Uih|,.,,J rrauk Dun.. '••J iwir imsns -ti %t r, in to^etl ilu! wifi-. "IU* i :tv W'. 1 li*l Oct points Of tJio .i.-ciatQQ civil iij h!« sees the* dehvon-d Hie .pinic^ tiiltiollill tU'b Has -,n-re i su-h 11 lawV o. „lUr tl:« iHiwer I |. tii'it bufur^ ih« a-i'i|"u0|j m. nt,. Power v tiir* (piireii iw more yoir.htK I days, of f*-ing :i elintd lo libertiu'sm, and bis'titim i.-ave rise to p^i|, and ev*:. 'n tint sjw oi w/ong, none of which were tinted, hnA\t*r, and thei'tose rci.rt sjs'ing T»etweei. My. n? and VI-imr poi."(:eil to by friemis of the f. rt. »r fi.tatioti of he sto^if, i the w i re of t!o inner. Tiv ». hj\i«i^" jjgo i iivp'. out of the p!» »f-r^. 1! e (ien Mjers retired. M:v. Ve in:lv in iirauge where she has hromdsi .. divorce again' hev en ant husband. bill, a ci py of which Living I)a 1 on th« 2".'i The the (ol.owing Thanksgiving prociaMir/io! !'.y the pn-si:'en' of the 1'iiitrd stafe-i« •\ni»ri."a—A nr.' lai ia!:on hi t'.irti.eiani the custr.. this. j.-.,iie j» n.i- rli.-i «. ,i yetr U- Mg? upon !*y »»ji.,ri io 'hat p'.irp-jae in a praise to Kic g-ve 1 ot a ,* A Art'-'ir pr.wnj,.,^ t) (ij( ''.I'' Hit'* ThO'Slf 1 next. aa a d't 'fs'inf g. T.h' yt-ar w.'^ic 'o an a- en r,.j• .»1 •1 :ness. The prcva! Hive's s, stability, ijv!!: e. fraternal Jcling 11 nd ie^r-s i. eat- -ol v r. *i-}id CO .'I' In: reViW ore r. .C'jmuie:hf that .. .. 'i:ted the people rr• ,:ne.| h'.hor-, «nif ... mus .'.IIM-U'»l!l lit. *i I .' Jirs» (l1ou, after U t" i Statr tJ-flllS ver l'h'U h. it. i i^ht. It it .seems, "ttvufa .illii .t: ••, or v in "l" tty, w.i,... to *ny ut U.. 1 It. Hot lltiiy .tHrlift! Wlii tljUS utiuu f«Stn«»n, *--'s .« •l 11.1" "'b t»u -••n. r.'.itiwt ut." '4* "till tlit'ui iiis Sa tiw reb.-, :Uii tn JM :v« (j tlw »b »'f ii" i!u! in tvh-fii are w: l)!l in pp v:•! Uijt.: or Stat*-) j.'ilti" S letl.-:\ f, rer-e t) t. of tt-r^ I' ni l" iiuy SU.'l'i ii inriit u'ers with that is a irect'tbie! Mi.-, H-dm-v, N, J., of a wealthy iamiiy, in «'r.i:. and two years ago went Paul, where Gvp. Myers wis s| iti-tijed, and enterevl the tmp!ov o! the Nnr-iieru Pacific ra1ltoai1. Gen ver:- became iniiinH't wi'di him and his wife, »ud, o: rt-senuition Ciat he con pointers about '.and on :l '.f tti U St uf e :r.b UDC •!S 80'.i vtu tjy k I''- ,»w, L'ptc :t Jin u. /VMiMilye^ 'rep- gy.-s'i..! !lit Ms 1' the in li give valuable e line the rail* j-oad invested with him at James- -s ar.' wliicli a i wit only tht i:«» f. »rl i-i .fcno- xn i.'.MES, t. or it* ".le ut i'. !l .. rt putaiio!!, jm-tiy or i.npis^y at whs -iiji) I* Wm t-a •'y 4ad visi *'aJ pr. Btikt.'S 1 »rt i 1 rur Mdi uy a ret o tcr, c'narces Vtrmihe wiih hsv.'.-g vmurd ri'v left his wre. wi'.!s •'trrcBB ami vic-o' fiabita," making t!e :i irii\l reinti.iv int erable, with drinking and d:her vice« Mich an extent, e* tn make him 1 hiii-mess, with 1 ^lnjtie-ry i" ht deaiing.s, ami with writn-ri ackt men: n! t'. fre••}!-• hotlScs. 1! 1: i 1 IK's .. s .ra' lru». w or tiss r.iui» llllilc: l- business 'Wk'dge putable wi* v tit .or tn.' and 1 ,nw« t)i" t: -i to till er juror fere tii 'h" cast'- tl» tn.' i nni.:' iter-!' r. or »i»:i l'T tb«* C'H... ne.ies'S i i'*•'"f.i i i: fbl-td "t" Ji*" i.s* destfn' "f" injure I f! II? Uif it villi,' by l»"r«otm whi sue'i as latt'-r tSuniit i" -'in.', whh .itii-'lt:' ••t-i amendment lit at 1 *!r wr''ji ititfcr reta: 1 (f»-»ni :!i ni c", 1 w- i.r i.T'r/r hul tiv h-U:-4. gu:» .'* f: in hail'!. tl.|iltel'ilt i -'.ivt tbe a i o 1 v '"I• V vh a? thel wr.biDl S.) Its j#i) etT"' E.sru.!.t:-n .- cnhe Still, ni» a.linn jh Mk- various .-a*' uffec'ol by il .mil le r#dress for its »i.!ac-ii* legtxUli.e.i li.»y pt-nta'-J n t-T. f'.r 'lie an. ti.tnn-i.''H ul stttt« «.ftai» '.*U"'ns lit an .lbs tl .!••! uy -rvi!tele, sliitu H'5" (Jutted State*. N»». arguixieal "h.i: .eiiaissHUi in .my 1 -f•'*« of .J!|, 'i am»t- off hf must bo soi, f' wlifh li.t t,it sOjimwliai a-i a tin. W i- g-.^u •r t'lasi.-uiiij,. fk'i £r :.f if »1 U set l.o. s:. with ad ttlier it.-a- ii" i» t'1® •i! etalsvs r! nie:i. the*'* rifchu, wiiicli Uiit arueO'lui'-tii iii'u f,nb .J,'" i Ami Utbi c-n*'itwti V ngiit huth s-ain- tU- act of a inert* W'iv:u!w' v, »oe., a Mj® '••..minodutfun, be just.v ret irt^e 01 slavery --i t-' Wtt\ v •r «ily iio S.11 .• properlv coBBiBaU"1 t,re»uiii.ibiv *obie-t ('(intrary aiijj«ai»r .i0 the we !«.:• f" -»u ant of r^fviwut n*" or Uifoluntary sorvitu :t y litrht of Us" 1 ir-im Hf.-lvi fuJ 5 11 ta. -Mr trtisiut -.wiftj' i a chi 't Amu rh»t !','s iiinl'-r the laws »f th" u.h-otse to I right af-" :-'!ii"d.v will be e- 'M wtiirh fouler*** bus •-'Uiiteraf tififc' die 1 1 V a -inn ir .hieiftd by It vrom.l t.P nmili:« gr-^iui't to• 11 ai't y ta»t) which ft person whom an to what p«"^« H. hi* roach, or eab, or, "r On iitPr, or tie il \m'.ii l4Ui.f The «, ,[ 'he Hsb.'if/ L. Mi.rr-o/i •nil u Th** 1 !n,„'jDP C'.mrM' or hiishii". &, by ti Hf i Sut' -oft .a dV* ar pr \&\ 4i?ri y at 4 foS te.'li"!i.V ll'i e»»t it, whit, w •Ve.,o fen 1 bv te» inetit -CBi ntriita5' r. he re«d V If 1 arvu'K.d. iiitin4aln colored e ab. ik.'i w df life. ryM A Vr'*t 8$ r,"t kI t.J e«l Ihey v\ee «'.(! J'lyiUWit of ue. i'!'.itici'« .Old lillriliS on lil nil" tied a fiaili .« »)"j oj incut of ee 1 be-. ••line 'Mtabii-i It, il'.'t y for--. in wh'•It', i .qtati rhirt^ Wi. i''h ui'-riey ti th* 'il t.-.'iit!: .1 (M we ,»r ot 1 !)f 1 itrhorny fur 1 !)f 1 •1 tu«r th-" tIf 1 to I .'II iltll iiy for its it i.trilv ii- (Jnc.ut'Mi s tiio