Newspaper Page Text
I 0f t'.r country seems to orv r'iiai.itc .111 i re-drier. en..*: .4 'HTinany is now being pre er the .superintendence of narck, and will be piesented hstag at an early day. The to prevent the departure -leti liable to military service and elsewhere, and i the ie ir on the part of the Prince ."ailaolc* military Htren^th of may he too senou-dy less Ma* pM'^ent rat'4 of emigration, "rference with tht- liberty of •'.s as this bill conti'mplates i »rovoke bitti'r li.-cussion, and sftsire on the par: i vounjj iipo frenn tin.1 tyrarm v if cotn- Pvice. art .• \orcs^e,! Iier su •, .i hill w.'i is* tin- ,l'.i»hinyton :i 1 -4(1 feet Si. i' lei'rt Sicilian dome, 4*» jeel". St. Stephen's Vienna, 11"» ieet Salisbury Knchuid, lin. JVet Antwerp feet: St. Paul's cathedral, 40| feet. Tlie Washington it will probably be completed r- Jo the observer, on the does not look as hi^h as it is. i at workmen on the top who ,:'t a« lar^ea huinhle-bces and it \vith the tallest govern blinds, r)nc vjets a fair idea of i!:,,,Q8e height. .'Ilf'try In* at last jtassed (ireat liji j,"1 tU,.. ,^1' nv. hnancial race, and now positujn of the richest nation ii hi ,S°r'^' value of our lands ^'it'Sand personal pr'»ievty of all df^ 4miter 11,11,1 whether mained ed i: no' t!, It HS condition—not boom- ()r tvv.i ago—but f.iii'-y n1 remunerative. Tie ilillli'i"' bears onlv a jm of fifty millions in Maine has im .! Illation removing sun 'from that industry. Fin ill he made ill that dire.i any Din' thins* thut erk in the fi'-'ure rut by ill th I he ,,f hnrd money l|u. United States i '••, 1 «ecuritv against a money ."uod. had und indifferent from day tJ day Iike but a panic cannot come 'rigs of Oh- bulla and be!trs month of September here eciistolu* districts of Bul ii Detroit, Huron, Minne fiti)-"', New York, Passama ldelphia, nnd San Framis ij90iisiers, of whoin -Jo,Mil' .nts, 1 :{.":*• citizens of the returned from abroad, na not intending to remain States. ter Dudley reeomm •ufli ion list he enlarged so as scouts, which wore pretty lj ..while the most important frequently performed by In iv.-es of peculiar merit i congress may be trusted if. Unco upon the doors of to scouts as a clas-, and an in its appearance. York academy of medicine .. iv killed the code of ethics •man Medical association, or hicii prevents recognition wis of medicine, The vote stuod !'_M in favor and 02 u two-thirds v..te, as re a vote was parsed not to re iein!" rs to subscribe to the jnly required a majority, has been a hone of conten ds and probably will be set- Htatil day, by the National in accordance with the lib en' Min' prevails tn \.-w dis nf oivi|,iwn* was duly 'Mice at (Quebec as Governor tin Dominions of Canada disturbance to the oeace. rary, the pomp and circurn e all iir simply reflected the of the people, n w it hstumi that some of the newspapers ins with prognostications of outrages. There has been too much of tliis dynamite .8 getting abiiur as stale as the •y !»f "communism" whenever American laborers ask for -r less hours labor. •rmWMlMBIl 1 MMMHlMMaMMMMMMMMMiWl' il,*d of great Hiit- we hold and will keep the palm. 'tt» r. je^He °f Wealth has uudou!)tedly rendition *of the people in ,t'? cc,lnforts Lnw i 18 )r( i 'ttVe and iuxuries but re,«emh(«red that gigantic tor- lm n heaped up by the fa- ia an oligarch}-of million^ i,nmotisly unknown in our history n .Creafe(i~w hen we Bee their exteu,iing "light n] If thin well li, trv w). li K!uv u!iv i, tctl in fnet atiorn-.v, m, it fell o Ui« lot. thj how ministry. over our whole svs- Itla- leasjnably questioned e i a .si1!i cut..sider large ianuly, in iianl boro'i n. Foil,* of .1 H:i:lii'li V eouvict,*.!. Lovici. «:ret .VaiV.'X K." (ireen, Hon) l,mt*ry jmd S'.inr.-v Ljmierj ii iv the others Ja-ifM-r «".irh:u ifMiha u\ tlie charge aaainst miUeo outrages 'grots voted fur Ho,i. r.iii•r «r cor.-r^s. i fit:ii was «ieleat'-il and Mppfiiufed Unite-.I S d'ti" (o r.rose- Oi ,iua^ •ic' certain, ivictin. down and :mde!!tIVi, i te^ {tie ku khu. T'ie elmrtre Oi Jud Met oy vpa?, s. otH-ral for le»t aetpi [tal viits consider?-! Whe'- t!u verdiet rw, icr/'d co th- entir- gang «.ftVeral hr.jk hoDh-'d ftu-lihiy. Trie pris.jnrrs, wer1- laiv^n to iil. I tit.Jr t'.DUii'jt'i wib usi1 ev.Ty ftlort to -ecur- -ew trial. The f.pii a.ty i." !roa on to MX years. This is the motion ku klux iu »eorgia. iiouneingtfje l*eniiun SwiruJIer.s. Washint'toM, rfppcial:—Five nior^ pm-don a rents r.-tses were sent to Stcretary Teller to-.)ay hy OoHonissioner I)utlley, r*Y?iiiu mending tlieir suspension from practice be fore he departmcn'. Among oUien (he notoriou-* N*. W. Fi:z,»»nihi. one of the cas.'-p on whicn ir.s ^w-pei'.Mion is rfcoinniended is that of a lady at lied Wing, Mii:n. It appears that Fitzgerald wrote the Suspension of WnrK on fit aoada l'acilic. 1 surprising rp'rt 'conies from Win* .• tJiat ibe '"'a'cidii {'anisic has suspend ork for f.i.. rars, axd thsi work tiav.-If thi laft hot.-, a. n the track ha" bef-n laid far up iw- now river puss, within tiiirty-iife nii!e*i- -t i of ihe utnnit. i'a-i bee:: dise..vered that after a'l ii may be impossible to cr via Kicking Horse j.a^ofihe K-ckv Mwuntair.i-, The engineer could not come to avv .vro'inent, «o ''icy w-'re «li c.iMed in. i:ci tl.-f' nifiUer w:i- ifid he/ore the general man H.^er ami oth flti'iais. Wne: it was sPtri tin iv wa- hn! lit:!e prospect of nn agree-' menr amuii: the engineers »n uim rome, arc? •»-rto-, s cuniejpiences re^u'f by further pro^'cutin^ work 'h: e:-!»ou, when ir wi-s ::t dr.'hi'leh kn »wn 'ha pus- was *.-tb!e, it wa de-m.l be*: f-'» -ton ai work i'r two yer.r-. nd 'ir j,-rs w fc accordingly s»'!'t oui to tiiat t-flf'ri. l:i the meantime." the nio-t etfii'iri.r ewgineer.* will r.e put to a.-ct |the br r.vftic. !e\ieiin slaiiufiter of Apaelie^ VS. H. Stewar". who has retu^ne I 'o Titu.intone, Ari/ na,if.*o/u Swissii.-'m says t:ie Apa' hes !iMv•• tjeen ro'.red hy Mexican irt j'i wills i.Ti"i: idaughier. Troo)is had ht'ei iti n'"-d prevent Me- retreat of the -av.iges into Si^rrra V.adrf.". Th.* India'!- the." lr!51 1 iir^d lie 1 toAnrd Arii.e-ni. ehw. !v toi:oi».fd i y t.'ie -lexicai.s. vrho oveitook l!i-':n a: t'u -KUeni 1 ?i:uv nionutnenl uiicn will ho "joi) feet hiyh, the -trui ture in the world. The which now rank* the highest "•ri 1 is {)), tower of the Cologne •,l "dl feet hiuii. The pyramid towers -IS'' ii-tt Straslmrg dox hymn, anyhow. ev.d et Svvissln-lni. where ri !iiiiiit" i.iih1, e.i-'U'.l. 'J lie .Mexi can coim,iamb1: stated thHt i! hi?- trooits ha h! .'iftn worn out by ti^htim: and forced a'che-. ii,* Would have driven the red devils on the San Carlo? res-'r^ation !:i'f Stewart -aid *t '"u^e l-ndy «d rout i idiar.'s passed 'aticiie. I': wi rly tdad. oie-t!i: tireaiois..- Tf»* Demand for New Postal Stumps Sotne cojuplaints have been nnd^ at the pos'oth e (l 'p.\"«m''n? o«r5r.^ die dt iav in furuishin^ stumped 'j'.softUe new h'io s:nHti i l'ne demand lias her,, so .'norr!joi:» tlin! tie' sf-imp. di\i-non im been worket ei,.-'r and iate, and tiie agcruy at H'o-'-'.rd ha-' runtc-m: day ami niu'ht th.' l." of Sepieinher. Durhnj tii.-' lat fiirtv .'ive da) reqoisit: tor soirc.) i'!i, ejis.'e etc aiiecint'''^ to 111. t'O i-n:i have bacn -ee! t'» the a,i.reoey. pre se.'.tuu- a vahu1 of over Abmit ^7.:.n-.'o,oiin of the old stamps ami envel opes wi pO'- tntfic wh't. :e i iiHve to depart nient i with tbi'tu at a Iknow A i•uujirojfatioiiali'-t in a I ni\er Nalist's Pnl|»it Kno.i the I'-odon Travier A good and true story is goinu' the rounds oj Hstou about the v-Txttiii of a worthy Congregatior.ufist }'.'Htor, who mini.-ti'rs ton suburban cliurch. lie had agreed t" supply a Koxhurv pulpit for an al'.-cti' brother. He c:in:e into i'.ospui. and promptly took a Highland nr for the scene of his evenings labor. Jn due time he descried a steeple, and reaching the church, got out, walked m. look oil'his overcoat in the vestsv, anl went straightway t" the pulpit. He danced ::round on the conuregat',. m. and proceeded, after ii minute o- two s de lay t" give °':t 11 1-")cn' ongregatiori- al hvtnu. The congre-.mtion proceeded to find the place, the organ the tune and the sinking began. hi e it wis in progress th' sexton walked up the pulpit stairs and said to our subur ban friend friend -will be here ma few minutes. The situation l!ash upon him, hut. suppi'i'ssim.' his emotion. Im asked: -Whv istM !lis Mr- setiurcli? "No.'sir," calmly ret.lied The sexton: "this is the rniversiilist Church." There was an exchange places a te a inumie- later. The friends of tiie subur ban minister are now fond of asking him tie conic toeoterthe I inversaln-t lie laughs, ynd solaces him- r/if u-'ith the re -nark: ghipuier.N-F.our, lO.O^H) l.bis wheat, 34,000 b» "Well I KOI I'-™ Tumi ,',T' A Woman Author Who Was AI mostGeneral Bur,,skieH Wife Mrs. Clark, the author of "A Moden •agar," married a prominent Sou 1 urnsiu alta itV, Ua -iMiily, •iisiithe n i« n i ro.tin i If 1 JI IV,1» t|j,J i v,t.n at.-H wmall !ady that, she cowid ^,'t a pension hy apniyinj! "for it. She wro'c him tlia! she nad lost s«n in the Hnny, but her husband had died in ieavuis: her in coiut'ortaDle circuMi stain i'- and that she had not been depend ent up-n !er son ami did not btlieveshe ft a* entitled to a pe«Mo:i owing to his dea'h. t/.. i r:i!d replied 'hat he v as iiii-i'ak"ti, nnd that stir sheuid return the enclosed ti'anks properly tilled, withjlo. nnd lie w n.ild e!. the },i.-.ision for her. Hy advrr' efa 'uci attorney she wrote to the €oiu.jji.i'ii)ii'- -of pei. fion^ I he 1' har. i L• .. Thethougi ore she tittered Ih" iat she was inakinga u u iew words she made in bilious to tie* expectant :d! inu' !)ijt.i-t'-i', ini'l re- I'cv oi.iy met nnee otter tliat. it wa 11111ig l!i" '.vui'. Mrs. lark was commis sioned to irry imp etant dispalciies to .b-l!, rson_ Davis. To do this i-he had n, tass Uic i niou line-. She haued a wm Hil raised husemts, and hid the dis patches in th h:io lr:r,i ottih she wa« arr*jst -d nil su-pii^ Learning that Gen. Iiurn-iih1 nad coniman-1 o{ tin nearest divi-i '11 ot the Northern forces she- de mantled to be brought before lum. He leco^nixed her. Siie said she was goini* o Mobile, and asked ltr A pass and a di-'diartre. lit: onh hesitated a moment md then wrote one out in silence and landed it to her. "Does that contain "riir luiK'h?" he asked pointini to a basket w ic!i she eatricd in h»'r i-aiid. "\es." " me see it." She ejd'tu'd the le.isk'd, displaying the bis cuits. "Will you trr onedienerai".' thev are pretty lmrii/' The General tvlu.-od lo tas'e tiie proffered tiniv. and or ilered a jiootl dinner to served for iier, and then put her «u the cars hiin seif. Die dispatclies were so important that she received the thanks of the Coii fedraey for her service, and was lionized through the south, where she served in southern Imspdals for a long time afterward.—Correspondence do ,ig" In ter Ocean. LATE MAKKliT REPORT. ST. PAUL HEAT—-The market is .steady atii featureieas The f«'bng wliicli has prevailed for sotm* timt •ast has not tcr-n we.ikeue'i ihrunu'li iuaif waitintr, ui 1 D0i»siti!y received stm« slight fctrengthetiiug 'iniii Saturday's ropoits from tKe outsuie iu irknt.-». VVI "iit tncii are'y of the tafirti,».i tnat wtioat n il: Rii no iov^r tins i^easijii, aai that if au export feheuld spi sng up tuere would be an nu in'du'b :c-d iiiiiik-d ri-,' in ericex, aceotupimlei] :jv an active movement of tbe eraia now being hack by the faiiu.-r*. The buard quutation! in.- tin- «.Uiie as tn siai:irl.ty, viz #1.01 bid t».i U 'N)t» i and N v--iui» .SY\ 1 hard iH.O'J ted I.i"'eeiiiii ,-r, at: 1 I.O.) t:d !or !*•.. No. I Ol_\ juid No. L' l, !*iic bid: N s7c l^id. 'i w' if w'-oiit wi rn oi I by tniile nt tH,'. 1h board uf iliree'»r» t.eid a ineenntr at the eio^c of dn Uo.iru ^esssoti, and agi'Hfctl to rtseoiumetid the reso tuslot's es' ib! »t,intr grades for frozen wheat. i-'j.'rn --'I'h*. wi-ek opt us with a xn-udy market forfi-.oir, and no vitobie ivr..»si« et of an iiumplM!« "hui.-ffe in ione. Fait Eastern orders were i t*vivi-d by this lut.iersyf.trdav, and th- local trade exhib ited cotiMl«ral)ie activity. Quotations aro un d, r.eiR 'i^ a« fo.iow?: p.»ti'.s. ()r:«!U ti »». ai, #C.,7"i Ii»»i Cr-i-s i:k'hfs *U: tap :o., ijiu.iy, i 'io ji.tkei'-. XXXX, 1 5o iu rt'.s «.")!• extra ou's de tnailiK, *J ~u pt-r bb', ii-cor.siiiif t., ( Sow ra i*s, tt'g.oO. Rye .'ksnr, if3 -r Gruham, t.."iO per bbl. 1.Ui Kwheat tiuur, #10 pee bbl. 'i.\ -C-'!ii e-, !::'r.',e-' s'-M iy and in cood de noe. I. For !-!•.*: aeu N .veail--r N. *J mixed vr i- bid ,'iMi ask«- I vear, HJo b! 1 :i:id -17t l-oed M:»j. -i™ •. bid a'.i-l ii-te-.l. Fur No. 1 15c was ti i and 4~e asked. A bid for rejected Wa made at -1 A s ii-.- was recori'.od of one car. No. 2, M:,y de'avi'i y. at 47^& OATS—-'J h»- nmrk-t is unchanged. Board quo! lion*: Jfo. 'J mixed, Rpi't, bid Novemb"! Jeiivrry, b:d aiid asked lleet mil- r, *js^ fiiu and 1'iOiV i-ki*d Mitv. oic bai and HlSe »-k--d. For No. w) •_" was ti.i N-* wlii'w, •J7,».. i)d On* S whip? la' o. ,t i i ,:ar No. 3 at- !NNEU' !.!•-. WHEAT—'I he nuih »,ia anive »»ifr.i:iv, iU'i there was a *ery fair am- uut «t tr.1d.11y done. Samples were picked up with avidity, aiid se]:-i- a niie w'eiit hornij eU-aned out Pnees were t« t.iuher for No. hard, aad ai«ut the s,anie yii otlit grades. Northern wie-at was in good demand, and was ofiered tor 10.00O tiu Novi-mbei delivery, tin! hoi.l -rs asked le more. Transactions W'*n mostly ei ntis.ed to samDles, alth"ugli there wert vi.i's of N'n Jiharl tt^-c: No. ie»rii:ar ,it Nk). 1 No:!I.era at t»ao: N 1, !»L.' il trans- and i'ej"cted, by sampif, at H2r. 'llie best bu for N•'. 1 hard. Novi-iiiiii-rdi-'iivery, wa*.*l.o'_', and $1.0*2% was a-k-d. Holders waited i»-le tui No. 1 Nortliern, ..SoMtntwr,- aat b7c for No. *2 Northern, s-pfH cast: About 1c ivas was offered. For No. Si inhere, Sin' was bid. and &*?%.» fur No 2 Soutijera. oUN—'I ho m.irk"i ,s diili and a adj iow -r. i-.Nu. 2. -17 j'.- w.o-. b:u yesterday, and 4*, N 2. .)•• di-r n:i«l November, 47SJ year, Jtn- eori'detar. *d, 42ut-l(J,aC. Hats—T!ii- oinrket if dul and steady 21- '•_• in,1. N". '2. iniX'"ii,-iiot or y«ar sel.,«-r* ,i-,ked It more: No. 2 luixed, 2sc rejected, 2( "!pii '.w 1 nricw* unch&Bifi>tl. Nt. -a :.o ,ir. .1 No. 2 mixed 28c: llii I,EY-rit-:b,i.m!ed "ei No. tc-ii \i Mn.WAl'KI.I. .il M.KI.T I/. Wiie.s: uui-t: i.-eember. an SH .,• for and ?str Na?3, ."1 Im •tittin 1 amiai Ml 2 f, N- '2 extra N'.i. t.- .l. «4:c. F/Oiir and droojj -ti .rn| N vi tuber Uo '41 January. Corn, uoih 1 0 I N o 2 1 7 o .- i e O •r No. 2. 2"»--. K'.e li'-iiei'!i-d ."ftic for No. I. 2. ."•! Bar.el dim at n.»-*r No. 2, (Jo, i'.. Proi'ifioHH irrei uiar iae»s perk, Oct: bar tor January prime •d, #7.211 for ().•tolter ir7. HO fot li Utter t"Sdv. Cheese uoeiianaed. Kggs l!eee:pt- Flour. 22.O00 bb wh nr... 2H,OOi bu barley, S'2,000 tm. Hhtpmeiits—I: iour, !7,noii bbs wlieat, 2d,000 IM bariey, 127, Kill I'll Cnti'-iooIMAUKKT— :"i'.':r. ouiet and unch in?ed. deiuaiid a '', UDetn«Ml: op-ued weak J/ivvc? I ciusctl a siiuusi ii-r October: Slli^ N-'-vciiii'i-:': Oli-Vie 1 ii-eensoi-i tin V-' ,1,1 TI iarv 1 I.oK v Jr.ij No. opri'ng, tt:irvi.. No. o rjiu. *«jc No. 2 mi winter, yit'-je i1#!.01. (.'oiii, demand aeiiye iin settled opi'tied ea-iier at'erwar,! advanced, and c:c»ed ti'iehaneH: 4«i'f8'«47e cash -ll^rt c' "ber ,e N Veinbei -1(V l)e:- uib'-r: 4ii -lti'-je 1: 4UV,"-in^V J.iuu aiy .May. I.vis, :s•'y and arm 2«i .'-2*'-i: ea.'-h 2-— ()i'iobet JIII.1 November I'eceiiiln-r 27T-': vi-ar 2.^^tj Jauuarv May Jiv.. fiuu at oH'-ij:'. Barley, 1 a.-ier ,it «')Oi'. Finx I, iirni ai $1.:17. pork, demand active and ii regular opened easier, nnd atli-rwaril- a I0I4 ,1 ito,- n,t cash, (.Iv't'di' and N"• 1 v.•! 1 i0- £10 lO.lf" D"((.'IU ber if 1 o.2,"e' 10 o i-ear ¥io.!»2la•' lo.U. Junu aiy: 1.0,'» "-11 Feb: i:ary. ijatd, iti fail demand: opened a" 1 .vr- ub!«».'qapiit!y ad vnnr -d to #7-20.'i 7.2" n• 1 Detole ^7.17'' C(?.7.2o Noo'ii,1"'!' siel I:nb-r !f7.1."i.i-t7.1 7' year $7/27ty Jauuarv i7.:'•'•«:7.:i7^j February. Bulk meats, 111 fair d^Bi.ind: shoulders, $4.Do short ribs aad short cieais, in fair demand at 2:{,'i Buf-r, qu:-t and mi'-hauged Whisky, steadv and uochaiiged. Call—Wheat, de mand act.V'1 nnd iri'-fciiiar: dec'.ii.ed 141' November advajn'i'd Uc January aiviim'1 i«i: Iby. Curu, Id good demand a iv'iini'eti Octfiber, i^ar aiifl Jutiuarv ib-rliried S-n-. tnb-r rfjui Maj. Oats, in fair demand: advanced year advanced May. Fork, in fair detnau,i, and 5c higher Oe tob"r 7hi" l.'-i-'hei Nov. in'oer 2\e higher year and Jauiiaiy. L.u-ii, iu tier itrfmand advane.,d 2Igc Janoarv and February, itcceipts—Fiour. 16,OOt btl- wii'-at, but corn, 101,000 bu oats ,000 bu rve. 2!,0oobu barley, #2,000 bu. UWU to: DAKOTA SEWS NOTES. irn county, 1. ot ,, 1 the ,, rw (i 1 'tj ii.,-, 11 v appeart. he James i .r• .ii. .j,,-, .H»k. i Unite-. ,1' iv,- u V»ent8 1 i I 1 .i nd ollic" and yetting things straight ied out- N. T. Smith, the plat cit»rk, and one of the proprietors of the Daily Times, haw been removed and on :.i" L'od Inspector Uurke followed Suiitti Hon. t-ieor^e W. Sterling is just eoni p!etiri2: tli" tinest re-i-uwire in Huron. When linirdied it will liitve c.:»st him at ioa-st $7,o(t(i, C. Vandv.-yj?' -it. W I.o W Us arr«--ted Maj. Burke for alh-u'ed peritiry in con nection with afpre-emption tiling, had his trial before "United Slates commis sioner A. T. Taylor, at Huron, and was di charged, there btdmr no case against him. Mr. Vanderj»rift will at once be gin :i civil suit aga»n,«t Maj, Hurke no i'lo,»tN» damages. A eotnjK-iny with |-TLM0,00U capital lias been organized to w«rk the coal mines at Victoria. Pieketts Bros., barn,three miles north west of Oriska was tmrned. It was built last fall und cost -'?,000. h'ifty-seven t'lousand bushels of wheat and oats, seven breaking plows, three seeders a threshmo machine and horsepower were also consumed. At the sale of the capital lots of Bis marck, lie lots brought a much bigger pnice than was anticipated. The mimi mutn price would give $120,001)for tho Hilar cr section platted. A. W. Ed wards of the Fargo Argus has been sued for libel bv the Chicago firm of-Shuteldl and Westoner. The Aberdeen Presbytery includes that portion of Ihtkota between the east ern boundary thereof and the Missouri river, south of the forty-sixth parallel and north of Brookings, Kingsbury, Beadle. Hand, llyde and Sully counties. It comprises "ds townships, with its central church at. Aberdeen whereas the Central Dakota Presbytery with its central church at Huron, has 'Jx7 town* ships, and the southern Dakota Presby tery, with its e ntral church at Mitchell comprises hut •Jl'io tov\ nships. The Ab erdeen Pieshytery has now lo churches with Sunday schools, and nine pastors. Southern Dakota has titty-three Presby terian churches and firly ministers. The Sheyenne Valley mining com pany has been formed at Lisbon with a capital of $1,(HiU.OOD in shares of flOOeach. The President is A.J, Harvvood of Far go vice-nres.dent, (.ieorge B. Winship of Cirand Forks treasurer, W. N. Steele ofvirand Forks, and secretary, A. C. llawsbioiigh of (irand Forks. The head quarters of the impany is at Fargo. A Yankton correspondent writes that there is littie change in the general feeling of apathy with which the people ofSou'h Dakota regard the proposed constiHitii.n. In Yankton and the adja cent counties, howevt r, a lively opposi tion has sprung up of late, and the advo cates uf the constitution have found it necessary to go to work in earnest. But in the i: terior and to the northward in difference eeem-i to be the rule and there is every prospect of a liudd vote. M. C. Hansborou^h has been appoint* ed postmaster at Devil's Fake. The last Territorial legislature pn.-sed a bill devoting ail moneys recti veil for liquor license to county school fund. A large fund has accumalated in Brown countv, and the county superintendent has apportioned it among the various districts. Tin* amount distributed i $•"», 082.44. Forty thousand itcies o! Edmunds comity h»n were entered at the Aber deen land ollice in one day during last month. The Senior S. .Senator. Wash. Cor. N. Y. Tribune. An intimate personal friend ot Sen ator Anthony visited Washington re cently. He Miid thut the senator was looking forward with some impatience to the reassembling of congress, when lie hopes to he able again to take, his se 't in the senate chamber, where for a quarter ofacntut v ]u- has been a fa milinr figure. "I want to go to Wash ington ami die in the harness," it is .-aid, h.ts been a frequent remark of Mr Anthony since he rallied frojnjhis severe illness of last summer. "While Senator Anthony is likely to die suddenly any day." said his friend, '"it is fairly probable that his desire to come to Washington and enter formally upon his fifth term of service will be yratiticd. His friends ail hope and he seems to expect it. There is no man in the senate now who was a member of it when he was sworn, March 4, IS.V.t, and of eiudit senators who bet/an their tirst term of service on that day, IIB and \Vii lard Sanlsbury, of Delaware, are the only survivors, ltobert Toombs ami James Chestnut, jr., of South Carolina, who are both living, were sworn in on the same day, but Toornbs had served one term of six- years and Chestnut had already served one year under au ap pointment from the trovernor of South Carolina. Judah P. Benjamin also is. vet living, and he began a new term in the senate. March 4, ls."ii, hut was not sworn until the following day. He was tirst elected for the term for which he began March i, Is"*!}, Simon Cameron, Daniel Ciark, of Now Hampshire Clingman, ot North Carolina Jefferson Davis, Lyman Trumbull, Hannibal Hamlin, Yulee, Harlan, Doolittle, (iwin and Henry M. I{tee, of Minnesota, are, I believe, tiie only other survivors of that senate which numbered sixty-two members. In Philadelphia, the captain of a '-a-e- i-all »iine i« a biog.-r man than the Presi dent of the Uni'od Sr.itos. J. C. Wood, of Bristol. Ya., weight oOO pounds. Current Paragraphs. The German Emperor astonishes ev rvbody by his vitality. He is nearly •ighty-seven years old, thirteen years dder than his great ancestor, "Did •Vitz," when tIm' monarch broke down, Hid Mi life h'i« been one of' great ac.tiv- V ('o\ i ior ('r.isby of Montana, rav that mw day, when the presidential party were crossing adryjgulch in North ern Wyoming, they saw written in char coal over the door of a vacant cabin the foMowinsr. "Only nine miles t« water nnd twenty miles from wood. No gtub in the iiouse, liod bless our home." Mr. W. D. liow.dlf, while visiting Bal timore lately, was met by a reporter who interpreted his views regarding i and American literature as fol lows "In many respects ws excel the I'inghsh in periodical literature. Our il histiatioMs are of a much liner quality. The short stories, which are features of our monthly publications, have few counterparts in Kr,gland. 1 think that Fn^lish customs and English disposi tion tend more strongly to '.he pub lication of books than of magazines." How some men do magnify their vo cations. A correspondent of a Vermont I paper who has been sending that paper weekly a patch of items about who has i had his barn shingled and who has gone a visiting has "severed his connection," as thev call it, with the paper, or had i! severed for him, and writes a thrilling valedictory, half a column long, which lends as follows: "Kindred spirits an* thrown together for pleasure and labor, i the tide licks our feet, and, with the web of life all unwoven, t-he delicate [silken threads nre snapped assunder. I We exchange farewells and pass out on the tide. Headers of the Vermont i Tribune, we have sailed our heaven I bound crafts a few days together. We are in sound of the breakers! Give me I your hand—farewell!" Chief Justice Beglie, of British Coluru- bia, recently said to a jury which had failed to find a murderer guilty "On I your conscience will rest the stigma of returning such a disgraceful verdict, and one at variance vith the evidence on which you have sworn to find the guilt or innocence of the prisoner. Many repetitions of such conduct as yours wdl make trial by jury a horrible farce, and the citvof Yict na, which you inhabit, i a nest of immoral ty and crime, encour i aged by the immunity from the law which criminals will receive from the I announcement *f such a verdict asyuurx. Go I have t.olhim: more to say to \ou." To the prisoner, who committed the murder wit Ii a saud-hair, he then said: I "You are discharged go and sand-bag S some of these jurymen they deserve it.'1 There are some very curious laws in Saxony regarding servants, girls more especially. The mistress is obliged by law to allow the servant one pound of butter and one of rollee per month, or the equivalent in money. If the girl furnishes her own buddin_' she secures 1 1-2 cents per night for so doing. Sev enty cents a month is allowed for her wu-hing, and she receives Jive per cent, upon a i purchases she makes. She is required to give ne month's notice .be fore leaving her place, l'ne law also re quires that each servant Keep a book for recommendations, in which, upon her leaving her place, her mistress is com pelled In state the cause and the girl's character. The question ot \vh u i-ec of pins has often been mooted but oe\er an-' swered. Yet it is certainly peculiar that an article of everyday use which is manufactured in nunior*us quantities should disappear in equal proportion. It is estimated thai no less than ."ib,0!K)( pins are daiiv manulactured in Eng land and Dublin, and that out of this number 37,"on.nod are produced in Bir mingham alone, thus leaving i: ,0uo.niK for the production of Dublin, Stroud and London. The weight oi wire, both iron and brass, co.'sumed for tins purpose is l.'J7,"d-2 tons every year. Chicago divorces have been universal ly considered easy of attainment, but it appears that in Switzerland, among the lower elasess, a custom pre\aiis that Hirows Chicago into the shade. There young people marry with the distinct undej-landing that if they do not iike each other thev will separate. If, at the end of the year, they shall mutually declare before a court that they do not wish to remain married any longer, be cause of imcompatibility of tempera ment, they get a divorce. Hymen's chains are looselv worn in Sw itzei land. Vo •miitry Like Atnei n ,i hi it letter of a business and in« wbat personal kind, tted London, Sept from Hon I-' O. Prince to gentle man in B'IV 'ii. the ex-miyor says: 1 shall relut o.-ne with the same expe rience I brought with rue on my hi*t European trip, to wit: That there is no count) v like America. In everything but art wc are ll'tv years in adyaip-e of the Old world. By tie* way despite all the croakers sa* about the instability ot the French government and the sighs oi the Freii'-h people 1'.,ra monarchy, the republic, iu my judgment,, wi.l sniviv-', for every election shows that the people favir their present form of government. There are very few soldiers in Paris, but I mo'er saw a populace better be haved, betrcr contented, or more law abiding, than that oI the great citv, an I arenfly, French men have tiie same ability to govern thcmselvesus th" Eng lish or Americans. The ofl-rep t.ite al 1 egat 1011 timt the (Gallic race is not fitted for republican institutions does not hold good. The widow of William Fargo, the ex press man, ha* married another Fargo, and is, of course, the latter largo's press company. Colonel Ex Michael Sheridan a has bought house in Washington near that of hla brother, the coming general oftheariajr. 1 4