Newspaper Page Text
eous Matter*. to have c:otton mills il capital. train in An "i 011 leaves Coteau nd reaches dis 7 (•», having made 0110 inutrx lit Alexandria. •xafiKv fifty miles an 1 tain in the world is vini I'uteh'iian." \shieh ft.HI-, London to 4 of 11-SM miles, in rate of tiltv-nine ami aa hoi Lndwi. 15f!»iiiin, for Montreal 1 und lias not. nin«*«- luru |,ecu triveu up as w*t. .u:y persons on board, ji-vui were pasMMmers. )tc manufaeiurin fsU 1ms MKve.-sfuily tlit• 1 it sewerage. 1 he towi: in, the prairie tii and without streams. would he known any ruits, such is the strong rtff their favorite varia* l- particularly bud for ifVes. ]th rind has a iiij: Hindi, and iu the which are sent to .Man of the Uiinj and the ,. ,f the had durian-UH mice their pre^euee all 11 itlier fruit, called t:m d»ii'iiy, and i.J esteemed 1111111 ~e h.S All excellent nie. Kr- n description* in tii' person who has n it, it i.-1 probably 1 1 A donkey Story 1 i C.f!oi«. :, 1 the motions of the mothei, .],,• ,! soothing and endeavorintf 1 s sleep After tryinir in'many ways to lure the antma down, the explain fin- I »l'«' Canada l!U!I! i ileck, taio, IN k 1 tli.ui id iltina •.! Jiei\-ei» iiolllf 'i Mi,s JJ 1 went? .fiorml i:: u! tln -A.. the recent ineet u of iation. Public wealth Htie iif s, a n a o i i i l^tiei-ij Victoria. Where 1iii wealth was O.n.'M), in ivej it i'ad inerea-ed Computed per inhahi* Wiis cl'JT, and in ii power of in'oiey d, and also the eompar \vel!-to-do peoftltf. The showed that 17 percent. ,1 w.! oi ii I'ai 'In* bituminous coal and, I i-stern Pennsylvania is rock whieh is churned a o year. above want in l.'j-i-P in t77. *jxjrt of the I'rovost oi Pennsylvania savs: "In thioM'cs iiav- i- -Hue e t. feature. 1 •. ..-iij/.irjg ntii_ianil dangers oi •!-«•, the Hoard of Trns t» establish a system if p11 v- i 1 e u'ture, and •d with iifi nth.'etie :iko- -j and under jr:niu ites of ground, with smrahie Uipiiances, will soon he iV ir jwji.irts under the] of j. 11 ex ei ie need dl- df pis. In eertaiu lueal lecefsary to tap tlx.- £*a s 1 an arl« .^iju wei' •ure 11 supply of ready iannniihle fuel. There"i w u'oin-j on in rittsi'iir,' oS In- piivelaL'e of dis itural ^as, thuiu^ii pipe -»-'ts, to pevnts whe e" it lor domestic or maim nes. cnn., is a town remark i^hted day and niyht by in of burning ^as. Some rtv desiring to test (he I drilh'd a well on the idc of tin. river, directlv ^n, in whieli no oil was wiii. an iininen-e llovy.j ,and chilli is ul,ii/.i (I by a roliinir mill in the 1 The triis at this udi not die li^htund heat for the ." the yas lYuin u pipe iro •tJ 1 in.: u I.,, [J hi£ the mother as she •'•died the litlle one, and tl,i 1 f, Blf'l h'm ,v- s iro below a.,,1 i s e o n e k I n a -m i e n joy. h«. Ciospel Faels. n lowing apj«art every rcv.Kpapt'r thrrmiriiout K at s, arr.1 is oi.e of t'j- 4 ver ffdii IJV a leedii oti»'rwi«R. i) -. t'r.e i V0'!•'•1 tics' lO'eetri. tifr'J Itnas 1 -.:r(dia.', ,M llu t!» Tl: 1: tak out e i o an• it tai i two tr iiu 1 the HI 1 built, emptying in'" a I its which tilt scwi'ra::" iiro'S-'h a enfy-b .-h 1 iree miii'.- away. 1 he n was :Wi,n:in, and the fl up will |n* 'Old ctir lCbe t! 1 Ur.o',Vf'i liii'i.K-d pa-.eni ih eoiinn',:! housr io at y era'ti- in fvi-r it is huu-hold or I e i e 1 u to Jit« f-'IT- •{.-, Ht.' i !'.-.-y wii! IH ISo« to Sii 111 .... :c -iia:.'. a-e wide') fi.ul'*'C!» 1 i n •'r an Knylish lady, who _Miiy8ton, Jamaica, took ••)nie\varl hound vessel, tiionths' old infant with strunir, active monkey |n a e w ,|(, iKul ni place to place. Sev 'iiitnal tried, iinsuccesa I"sses9iuii of the baby, -ill'.',j, .!j s{ant sail at •etit.iihi ot'all Ft'.tii! lit lltl )i s i 011 board, and liely (,flered hicjihes to placed |j,.f liyity mt the ls raised the ^iass to her a heard. he beli'dd p. 5' of flii' mmi'.ey, w lu'ch ".^lnfaut iirnily wi oiaft y'h" cliiubin-.' the shrouds, i| i:ted as tin- anitual ti.e nuiinniast. The ,'ns w it's (»1 j,}, H(. feared .v' 1' in pur-uit the monkev !Uid escape 'by to mast. The ithikl, in i I-his! '^as hiard to cry, is liifc la V f, 1 8?|{1 {.1(1 1)1 *d (i i K. »r!i dj ii 111. 1 No'drir itiati I w i i y o n o o The or. v 1! it -h:r i, 11 e.«• ,'t 1 I ^•1 1'. 1,» 1 i •. ,i 4 .i !M)! 1 estat" oi IV l,'tisit I'eter (i estate! id W hitt'.ee an i .lioorni.i .' est: 'te. jsc f, id.ot ne n put down 'A 1 I?*/!liei's- •1 J*)(»:!,(WHS. U tiole town, liy the use this well the company their works T»ut saves H"«ides furnisliiny: lights mill it supplies these no- teei unl a jjlass manufac- ter 1 ),eo a. Cracuor U o T*»«« AVliat it rra K(M| up to H* i u i e n n u e -i vouti 1 ard took a violent fancy 1 he monkey would sit all pi 1 1i. iiiiiii ar: Our eveniiu lie 11 nkoy was hurt* in'ii it imitate young iid- Tt otlbled IH n«f i,-h the next liieiio hi4 boiiibardinciit. imuku ih»t .nde(t uii the head U. ir.-jHiilmothcr, ki"eeiin«r by i j, devotions." \I•.j Sllw thl IOl)likt N V* des-enoin^. Reaching tl.T- 1,. looked cautiously around vanced to tin* sof.i and piu ed tla* upon it. The captain restored frightened infant to oilier, wa-noon sati.-tied that rlarli'iv e s a w i o u i n u the 1 if-liu tin 1 'J? UM! a'' Wf.i u-i 1 evaience v»it! '-si*. u?iy ft -a id r«-piiy i,i i\- ii it "I l:av lit-vcr »n-a a n l.V ftUiip' i j: i's c, aral y to j.'i rvii^itc.i, e w. appli' .'i' jjl'e. lii'.Vl ct it. i'hf rwe.p' .* .-iaip v violent cu.'i. a tl.e ••,ieui J.":.. lau'v wlio 111 hi ,-hi "Wiiiit, would \ou See. ware of "only rei:^:i can, h)Wever. t.if 1 ure i JJaL- on for la:tK' and ('roup it iiiiir.^'ii.tti Hi:d i:i s.l'e ia the --a •». .S t-rs int-u 1 w.'r V.'k. i W!e :ti!a W!ii !v all )cr anc 17. a large I.'a- per hau' of cracker- on n»s -1 lv jumping !o nc ''V*.'itU'.VVr liiischievou.t yoiii^ m»I. I.,. went and 1 tipitn lopsc the f-'l of Iser 1 thron|:h was dai, !o\se a mom a ud a In. h-«rd. ti-s-ed ti ic ell }o f!lt! 1 and, as open the 1 ckei' 1 i! i 1 s hen time i,d vimnu' hidy old lady tl1f v lw nearly i *y -,,i 4 01J to her feet only to receive a sc fliot.^ She had then retreated to tier, nut heiimfurther assailed, an,, in, nein^ a:jle 1'orni uny idea of tbe na I'Oe and origin of the mysterious 11 iP had finally cr-pt under the Where she wa* finally discovered, euiorn fotalition, by hcvastoni«heil dchild. Adverti A Ki!h, U'rb.x hri* tor 1 Lotti. i.. Vvii rt or iii i a ur,( i «r tin cl 111 tt th th hiiiut* r--tae lies. p«vs!ti vely cure^s ai: at SMiii'! co«t —Wrhe for painvti MmneapoiiB. Hono! ift oi!i it'ig-.-r"* V'c^eiiUde Worm Syrup. ot'!t iiu j.'*»-.aiit. or nniatu'-jo woi'ins w »foi:^ flii v otia-.r nie't'j L'fiialii i''ra/.ei .- A v* oi 'ier s tie '.irii,. 11 a at s'-j HI i* I' .i'a a': a a r- to i U a do: !1.• rri rs in Aij toie tiii-ci 1 if v. ife oi id 1: our til i 10,111, ior fraud •, .v eld, o!i i*•»L tad t:'1!!" Toni I'ittcr.s." wiiio! t'tprm,^ Vi#* f"* 1 1:1 '«iidaetur ..rren. oi Vi .1. », I fi.'.e ho'il /j V, «riser Wtii'r oi Tar iry.h}.', wln-n 1 wi.s ?o hoarse 1 :iO! .spt-HK a^tovt* a %vi i-f?r. and in I'Olirs '.I Cii .d i: 1 it '!,( '.i* saw. V.f' l-'ia'e o a 11 Jl ini 1 1 s w. van Wh -^.-1 two t'vtt: Ine c.f T:r fn- 0: i'di c-a.sts to miy inn,is o sii*u,i ns an ord^r iioin iiss storp two :p:: b:yn]i.^ 'f t. :e 5,111.,-. I'iles! Pilrs! l'sie^! iv for BmU I, J5!e.'t!if«? and Bint'Sf !"X lias tiirod worst of iweii'y y-.-ars .--•.audi?a'. N* vt*r fiv.j iniuutfs after applvin^, Indian 1'ih* f.intti:e«J. it absorb aUa:- the «:*.i 1 purricnfavly i.a w?r«n I'n i».md only tt«i iiehin^' f. private part,-. (•, ,,• ''u:W. i" r.-.ul. Wlioie u %l'?rc.irv «lp and Potash trea i!_v.a cripple fr in iU»-ntn«i: tc,. ltot Sorir,::- 1 w i In" it'!', ftinl *va« final iml ftta! he toe use of Kwif*' Hot -t mm i tft Hs i VOf!FJO ,.!• )Utm 1 Wl, 1,1 "dy weie anion nie *riM ^lotinUiin hotel. 1 •!i-' bv his ii letios n habit of lunching }u IHSO k ft r. '0 V E R» r.rd R^ALA^f.A. o.rt ... 1... 1 :.'Hirt 1 "if tt 3 diseases 01' ti»o Ltmian r««R. Taes*? atoUi-orex^lonce !,«•« jt -i' v Si'xJi CV trf 1-oilv or r.D'a*., :ni «t*«or 5 vis.-.t.ili* 7 of 'ftnjier, Jatv.- A f'-t Hiis? ir I7 v2 Vlnjy. l-.i fr.iiir.-3, .V. ir-'ti licsri. iih» lu'forr I o e i. 5t i li ..V eo»* o-.fd ii'im. o\'-i rii'A fi'ui i)ii. *|.o nsoofun n. S v ti:at acta Ho' -'iy .'MM Liver, i'J 'jI-H ii»'•') 110e i 1. iiieir acti.ei 011 i.u ii i Skin i ii. -o p. oinpt reea-t iii.j 131iti«?s tiirm .ii lues i:.-eo oi' the V-' :cm£ ." ii:: e? !ion, re,.reV -.'a eleiir -a'.auavl^ivoaatio.iy. T€TT'\ ":s(i no n.'i «-a y '"xr-r nor I'-l'-r'sM A i o V E O 5 -y gg?s«* ••.-, emu:' 113, -L ,"n by a ». *, I i»11 1,1 -ij, A E Y S A GOOD rAHlLY REMEDY! -THAT WiiL CURE- Coughs, l)r. Colds, Croup, €.t •.«: V\.v -jlt'f .'fU'/f-Cf-''J fr-'l. iiR.KORNE'S ELECTRIC BELT nnT I 'f in .He iillC.M:, liMt iilcr, IVi V,Av /'liicr,-"- y •.* o,.» (itdntiiBei Cvi -nirrciai Cc.U^gt, Cin:ulai free. Sf/.6C&'£'' Anurc- C. tiJ-y nie!it J»:T('Ulja': V '. .\i.«rnat ...n:., W wot-* U!» th?! his *1 p*kj Of't. HU-iJi toll- hi last stage of Consvimption. was Jini». 'id .y In .\H»n l.'jr,.: aftci- M. r:.t 1 .mi tiiir W e i i it :c Li amt i! :C aiiie i r«»nti. !i: |.ra-tii-f. o N s u 1 Fu'.-.-.onary Co.-. scuptioa i'1 1 incurable tli -ii j.i.-. -.t.-'an, H-- I ,\:i.-u'» l,,:t rntirel cm ed ht H* '"lUS that rt'i'l 1 .r If i, i\ it ?i»j•« COhtSliMPTiON Vim. 11^ v elmttt. t*f tlofl i' V.| «,.! thaih i nan cured hits mothrr of Consumplicn, -i"1' ti-.a !..»• h.'r dj. "ti m'-i.^-I'-IJ-. 11. n utl^r? kn hav^» Sam ami h*.u thmks? sH SVlfh: the Fm Li n^ .. .-1 1 lo In is Is \rmVfs tc It cc.i.tainb Hct'OltlliK'll'll'li i NiirM's. in liiii lij good trial. If i vi" A ,-.r, Exfy-'ctor.i-t it Im-- Eduat. SOLD BY ALL MtDiCtNE DEALERS. j.. f! .J Hoi- L- u+* wi 5 Ut- v .„ OVi tlM(' Li y Lzi ii i i, ills, uiutl Lv p»f IRf "PM8, f»RRSHISSBP»l ft i: SS & %K» y 'i-JP f. rta '&¥ V jt i 1 i' a N 1 u M:wv fed Ii y ii 1 cu- 11.1«-in =.1 1 ii* •, Ner ua s i ::•. eiefi* ral Del"litv, hVm U". ikia .-.•.uiul !--x?e?svS. mm'mmsM ,aiiia li, ^v. i-. 1. O -f- ag K» e DWI i tfc If, •.*' fe "V•. tin Sffi4!!Si i ,* i A i i:"N anwi t^, »:i CELEBRATES I Wi&M 15^, Ii a AH CPTICU WONOFR i Ri'i ia-ernu* plir^v'j^r.uiri^, objt"t«. Works iikP nria_'ti% an, •very bo-ly. M-nd torourfr,!! and 5^ i 111:„. ,a hr-':^: .i.-.v In in-n MeiiiiAT Una. Tea. c-,., "ip1 CHICAGO 9 Vu -•a'-r* ft u- SI OIlifK-li lwy till utt r..jiUa"'S" M-a ilit bi-f ri,nn"iy :li.i! In 'h, A-. i lat-mis t»[ v»l i. vn- Wyv. •rn v i ik' ttii? Rlr "i v. k.on bi ii.::. «,.j. j-i'i.N, s:.v, 'nil SliO. Iti-ilill *4r hii ill'lfl*. 240l!i. FARMER'S C.1LE.S5. 1'lM. -I IO '.Tl'lb. %X :.iXJii.' K...!ri«-a l-KM V. I.1ST rkWb ,€ FCR&SSi TOOLS, kz. 1 mts-i 1 oiaiit BAP* f**iR i.i'.nr w«»kr, |ia t: i 1 fii«(* fft.tpp r'fii i.i*» i 1 i»'vi 1 riiii, n -a.-i»•• Boriog we!!s Weil 9cr anil Red D.-i,?? Machine la1 Very Profitable $25 to $40 v\ r»AY C» ia s If yen Interested Li tli'.i inqniry—WJucU is the bi'st LiniKi nt i\)V Man and ih'ii i:»ihoau.swer.nt Jrst I*v i'-vo tre-.'.f fat ions. I1h» MiiXtt'AX 2JL"31 Broi Unlsnm 1 nri.-4 !. K:v -i:!' in:. "Bronchitis, Allen's Lung Balsam in child n Op any form v I'lijsiti'aii*. ti»ist«'rs and fvcr\l«Kij Dim l» is given it a l-'iiiK (1 HriiiL' lii'iiiT, Im.'-UI FOT pleasnr^ if 5' SIO. i-:21 *4,Ax,..' '"••wftS-wWirS- U i- 3?un by H- 1 (.r alji -Tji Ch^::: A .ir.-CS Be- L0u fr JM1S & f'i l'MAN, TIFFIN, CHID. Vui f!TF^ 'jN1 O. I'liKSSFR. NAT ONAL TYPE CO. «•.k 111t: •a fi 1 [, v \\il\1 *hoi, 1 ='-ni ."•• I-:«t.D{O rn^ i"»:i- Kniiy, tail*. V V V 1A it, A,' 1 ii 1 li' wi-ai'. mt»t an'l posit {to. ... tivap ami never 11f K .„«! A." i if 1. •«', w .' »n l?5fl •..Ij.UIj U IJ ifl u.*8,1uuu«UB,U. 1 4H ft I'.eM in l!ir. U nriii. tuo lii iniiur. !.*. •ri I'lirki.r.i' liam uur Irni,i -iu:i it 1, Kit la •lurkoi i'i iiz«r'«. fOlil) l.Vi lt V V\'JJ i Jt K, 1 aMI JuiNI- !I]v\T. r:* is. a sim «li\ v\pry s»ro, woiiit-U io iho TiTy Nst'io, :rati ir \4 v s out all tni'Ii:! :n.,{ryus:\i !tLrlH?l i»ai t'. v r. ii" yror-s i tai- rant^ of t!r.' h*:)'LijI k vvr f'.fiirj U cure iu (luubio qukk time, 'All !, li'.'V a lO-ui W. LWVli Tn-mr nu' A-.^'n Oil!. mwesi •.niaii." i iiscol olICiU.AM he. j't. I'oj.j IVw it, La Cr --1 Q"T») A WrER. at hempeafuly V iy ousiaii t'e AdilriMi riii'K&Co., A'ic'ualft, Mat Cj' wenk tn your owtj wn. Tptb* »nd $S out#! v''"fri.e AJiirftig 11 it a Lit rr A Ci-., ria'U:«,:,i.VL®. TO $*J0 ypr u»y come. wvirth AddreM Brixwoa k Co., Vortlanti, liuni, Uitvl j.i.c Ai .r« -)!. !»ii.,W.) 1 \i. Cat A n K !::ys Crgiin Baini wnt' 4S~.I'V -JW-"=**' -''f: s v w -in a'- 'i-i. a *1 U-t atlv cliim-.,!)*' the ii if'jui*,' ^-,U ,*-i 1 k ,.Z' 3 1 "I aiHirlial VI- i\it ilu'',i!i:i::. 11. li-.dfi-1-u K/iyrtVtR^.s cs e? ?'$.•?($! If '.it re«tor«-B fjttite and ii'tl. A f"# i- rP-'.k'VP. -I t.'n'f 01Oh -"Syj.- ut/h treut»umt tettt (p v(.'/•/ c!n 1 ilc to use. Senator 0 OSA.J ir.uUr. Price, 59 ot" :i.v BHoxni.xts, Ow«to, js, *. Tie 7{ h--ed March and -iil-6 -|ag pk in Ii. each i n, with over ii,300 iratious'- -a wbuie piff .Vwi.*"' tare j/alit iy. ("live.-^ hoi® talcju.i cii n'trert to .-.uvi on all pxnla for ].crt.oi:al or fan.ily in:, Teiis how to order, and gives ex a cost of every thing you i.-'e, eat,, v.-ear, or liav« in w ii. '1 le.-so invaluable Imoks con tain infortnation gleaned fri tlie mar ki'is of the woHd. \V"e will m:'i! a cony Fr»« to acy t^dress njion receipt of the posts}:?—T entn. Let us hear froin rou. lie.,, MCNTOOMLRY 'VVARD & CO. IKi Si $39 Vi buu.'k Avsuc, Cfcilk 4 ^sL.. ir:u, anil ii u. licaefit, aut if :u i I'ttBtflirat Sv n' •-. i a: a s'r.iw, ui. u .1 lien ibi'a iSeatL, and curea Hi'? li *l:e „i --.iii-.-.t su*aii!su- :ti tbi» 'a a ,•! r. 11. SAtlM'.V. Hi:i i,»iTAi suvif San:.! a-i-i well of a S. r-.-la )i ,1. A i I .I'll I'll,- s\\ :i Hi)-' -s 1,000 nr. is:, de'a»."h:^ s.u-l ni\*4t fr"(it-ra-Ovt:on'".::. -a, *N. 1". Ca.i, N. Y. (k :AIH CO. Xf.s I'.Si'i:!!,, Sii 11 ii Ct .U A 1:I lr w .. V£K AiL^. jki -*S •v, rSyfio.pjfj I A SPSCIFIG FOR •ir spasms. FILLIE OS, sr. VITW R^OE, M.Cr-0!^! !:-N, Hs5 S?:'rlLIS. Sl'fr.rOL^ K(N0L LiflL i:SLYBL30i Dl^e?£S S.^rf'SII, sm &£, 'HLu^TisM. imm ^f^hess, HiiiiVuiiS mm ^\& um mi%t O-ST'VE^FJ"^ KIOKa ipRF.DijlSlTSES. ^53F'* d.50 per bottle.*^j ."t.r le-iiwanials ap.d cir u'.ar. gtnd Ft.- :., The Dr, S. A.!ond MnJ. Co., Props. Corrc-j'e.-.ili ra-. frf-«.iy MISV.i 'jy Jirysjiufta.-'. i It} id3 DnccistM, s w s S o Wl.i-n 1 »aw ii iLdTerti^ement in this paj«?r. 4 4 itiijji lo advertisers ple:vt« r»av von i