Newspaper Page Text
mm All jifVFOt s arc hf ieby cautioned agaiust i rrcliasint tlireo [.r.iiuissory notes, oim ft'i" $7 i, due Jan. 1, IHS4 one tor $7ti, due .tan. 1, lSHTi one lor £', bie Jan. 1, IWi each bear ing tun per cent interest, given by uicto .fnnes Wolf, on or alxnit September, 1882, :•. vlif» same are of no value, having been ob tain* (I bv uiisrepresentation «o. :V.. i'.CTTIiR W i i s I'oTATOKS A I S coiiirac pidit.ioii ai!, ove (iov. lb, •a. i otiice I i i:i Vanlito::. All Saints Catliolic friends ic.rge numbers, a -d perfectly crowded. A. P. Bailly. c' 1 iI'ii( ii IdRKCTOUY. KPISaPAL.—Services in St. Charles h*ll, at o p. m., Sunday, October Ttli. iluv. A. Mfttnilt oJiiriating. CATHOLIC-Rev. IV. her Ilertneling, Priest. Servioe at Die ^tone November 11th Mass at Pi o'eiock. Hervii.:e in Milbank N ••vemi.i-r :t!i. logins at V.t o'elook. TkUMAN i OC'AS. Hou: M:i.m every W a*S'iuv ^v niu^ at o cluck.. GERMAN AIKTIIOIUST.-Sunday, July O'linid K 'ldhusse. Punter, 'iv* li:t—Over otlice. Three lo.,*ent cakes of highly per fuim :i:let soaj and a silk hamlker chief "_*i cents at Munro Weiler's. Methodist. —Service^ in St. Charles hull J'i'fllVl* selling tloitr $-.~j less than fverv Sunday at lit: :i m, and :it 7: 0 m. isuiihiy .srliuol imw.liateiy alter morning MTviei!. Ci iss uifetiims initn^iii iteIv sitter evening service, i'niycr Weilues dsiy n (.» ni. Rev. j. H. Mooer.s, pastor. KVANlilildCAL—Ilev. Ph. Uux, ]'ast»r. S'M'vi. e^ 10::M a. ni. md }'. ni. ^iiu,lsivse !M»..l '.«::ii» a in. I'raver meethii fi.TIi: T4IU-K. H. & D. division C., M, i. Railroad. Going 1 Pr.sKfiiger.. Passenger, l-'i'eijilit.... J-'rMniit .... 1- ... Prei&h! .... lo: (i in ,'i.aJ j.i in Marktrt Heporss. W No. 1 hard. jNo. *2 hard K o. 1 No. 2 The r.i.g Stone City Mills will com i: nee griii'liiig ilnckwheat and Kye n Monday Nov. 5th. and will coiitin i.e unljl all ciders are iiileil. Uol'AXlNE, the only successful tor.sou p. to cents The Catholics are nr.tking cxtensive I'rejiaiations Iv:1 a lux tityip at their hero on the 1.'!. 14, and 15th im-t. Many valuable articles have been con tributed Yihich will be disposed ot by lotterv. iCvery voter iti this district should go to the polls and deposit a ballot lor Henry Schafer, an honest., upright. and active business man. lie is no oilice seeker. The ollico and his tricnds have sought him. A house of ill fame has been estab- i li \»n:ch the authorities ought to break v*e hoar, have been driven out ol the Jieighboriim towns on either side of. i.f», an 1 iu:gnt not to be allowed ti» re-j,' We saw the first construction train on the Fargo Southern, to-day. It ciMwinfed of six heavily loaded consisted ot six heavily loaded earn and an engine, and passed more than a mile over the new track to the point of track-laying. Ex-Hegister of Heeds Hailly. now of Osceola. sojourned *in town last night. llis little hoy *\S mmy" whom we used to see running around the of fice here. l'ell backward the other day, dislocating the elbow joint, breaking the bone between that and the shotu tier, and bursting an artery at the arm* I pit, 1 the Hkiiai.! Enquire on the premises. Kvt'vytnu! shonlil attenil tl.p fimit |,. I' t-. ,#kr I'ta.-.. .-it tho r»th«Ue h. St. Charlra ball, Xov. 15. I «l- and settle, it* they need the money. lioys" nobby suits already oti h.:i at id men's suits evp'-cted every day at ichh'v oc Uusser's. All jiarties indebtcil to bdiler &ipr iise, to the giver of ail good. Ji t:iHM.i» & Trxi-LL. Mince Uried Beef. Jelly, Jam and .Preserves at Hat'/. Iho. Eh clioi'i next Tuesday. Supt. J. (Jctirge visited onr and :.chools yesterday. The streets of Travare are said to 1 1 1 i i e i s e v e a I e s o i w o i s u i N i n V 1 1 api't-araiice, A false impression seems to have 1 been drawn by some from our local •Inst week referring to Kcareher & was previously done bv --shippers to the effect that it rcllected upon deal ears or manufacturers here. No such inference was intended, as we refer red to outside manufacturers -'ship ping" llonr to this point, and so uu- nn(l(:rstom i w ,n 1 1st at a. m. in selm-.jl house, and every llewett s Musettes gave third Mii)(i:'.y thrreaiter, Sunday ful entertainment at St. Charles hall, every Mn.da'y :.t a. m. Prayer meeting! Wednesday evening, and were out every Tlunxiuy evening at 8 p. in. iiev. Going West. ... a in 17 pin .. :-e.-» in ... :.")0 iu .. '.: -5 a in 11':~J0 U in M:y»ani K) a in •. :(Ci a in :v."» a Mr. Kearcher to gave us the figures. a success- spoken in their commendatinn of out* town. They had been told in a neigh boring village, that I Jig Stone was a "one horse town and that nothing could begot to eat at the hotel and in view of this the manager publicly stated that they "had been well re ceived. by our people, that the 'M. Charles was the best hotel and they had enjoyed the best ineaN iu it of any hotel iu jakota or along this line". On the 13. Hand J5th of November a l'air will be held in St. Charles Hall 7 for the benefit of the Catholic church T-. jof this city. Extensive preparations jare being made for a big time and the ''^'(attractions will be many. Jones iV Wolf respectfully ask par ties iiidebted to them call and settle at once, as tney need the money to pay their own bills. Tluutni: vlug, Following is the text of the pies klent's thanksgiving |»roel a ma i o i: 1 "f i11 V 1 end has been one replete with evi dences of divine goodness. The .prevalence of health, fullness of harvest, stability, pt*aee 'ami order? the growth of fraternal feelings, the spread of intelligence and learning, the continued enjoyment of civil anti religious liberty-all thesy daunt less other bles.-iii.p.s are causf .reverent rejoicing. I do therefore town recommend that on the day above [appointed the people rest from their 'accustomed labor.',, and meetimz in i their several places ot worship, express od that he "ith this nation, and pray that hi- gi" ami favor abide, wuh us forever. »*t u „. ul Mr 1 ,ura John Stevenson and mother will henceforth ceenj.y I he house on Cor nell A\ e. lately' vacated by I). W. Fountain. u hhj Haw Mr. tin csnient to om he execn in circulation Uenj. V illaji (J W. K. ca es the mail be- -lollt' l,!,t 11 1 1 a: re. yesterday. Our :emied church in oar ,lreels were jut package, at Munro U'elh-r's. 1 It, is stated that the scrip cases! Freight bills t- the amount of s against Cameron, Carpetiter and Kus-: were audited to-day and w ill be paid ell are to lie removed 1ro n St. Louis to-morrow ut of the I'ar^o Southern to Yankton, where they will bo tried jtrcasurv. 'i'he work will soon cry soon before tidge I'dgerton. Chas. A.Itobsonof Ked Wing. MinnJ litB brother of Mrs. II. MeCliverin, come to make, in ail probability, his permanent home here, as he has ahonircompleted the purchase of au excellent farm iu this immediate vi cinity. 13it Tr ti.j0. W. 1'alon. phar naci •, W'. tween ilig stojjo Cit v and (iarv. hav luiracnlous pain c-nr-. s:. ,»aco.»s od, tug relieved the Thomas lkus. of tiieir 1,ils s:l v li Southern, has re: and he aiinounet have been pe) fei he road indep :. l'oad. 'f he latt" oped a bitter ho even going so far a. and establish gradc.- pound Hobei ts comity eonuni.ssioncrs w-re to be at Milbank. yeslci'day, to adjust tho old (Irani county debt, with the *-omuiissioners of the last nam count y. V' helped his oth -r busiiu s- 'and the sales ol the remedy havedo" Ile keeps a lar:*:^ i bled in otie mouili. supply always on in I. Oili"ei s of 111 Army and Xavy m-onouiice St. Jac, ,Oil. to be the greatest pain-care of t.. over the, Northern Faeifle wtucii seems to:luivo reconsidered its (arii.-r op positioii '-and is now forwarding the .material as fast as it is re--eived. fairly iu hand, alt some will be caused by the recent riimjms, the work will be pti-hed on now as fast as possible. €0HSUMPT10H CURED. An old physician, retire-i from ae- tlvtf ]«'aeti.',. iiaving had placed in hed in the outskirts of our village. thoroughly tested its wonderful eura- This added to the r,i»i i„, vt i.p ut once. The parties managing it. feels it his duty to to make it known j, s vVi )i his hands by an I'.ast India Mission-j ary the formtda of a simple vegefa ble remedy for the sjteedy and perma nent cure of Consumption, Bronchi tis,-! Catairli. Atlima and all throat and lung a.nVetions. also a positive and i Wheat receipts at til# eley-y^i* OrtonviUe Holler Mills A Valuable anl Successful radical cure lor general debility ami terday were Hall's, over IbOO biiHliels" all inrvons complaints, after having I'll, oi ndike's, nearly IVio lmVi i' ,^powers in thousands d' cases, in at Kaere!n-r's mi'l 'ind luiu-^ atifferiug fellows. The recijie hB ,. u re main here twenty-lour hours, i preparing and .sueeesst'iilly usiny. OcJiler &, Ilusser have ji *t received Addri's-' with iifamp, i.aming this pa «'i lull line of Dry Goods for 1'all and 1H,'» liaymono.. ltif^Wash Winter wear. Call and see them, iujfton street, i.UooHh n, X. Y, t. tree if charge to all who with full instructions for Enterprise. Vccordiiv to promise, we yesterday took a look "it Kaercher & wk Ul a lter Koller Mill on the Mmn^sot.i 1 On the liu.t '-Oi'i' wi.e '"'V '^'T- 'f, V* Husserare earnestly requested to call icheater A. Arthur, president of the ing. 'l'he mill has a stoi-in. '.-..paeity that in special festnai ol oi/i) bn.-d\'-ls of vvti- at -.r picsent. but I. I'nited States, do hereby designate of about 1'U'oo bushels. Tuesday, the *3Hh day of November Mounting to the second flo.r we tiu-i neM.asa day oi national thanksgiving. three of "Ueo. T. Saiiih's Miiidlings The vear which is drawing to au J'unliers." uhese the fine middlings ,, i ««'f* «f»?« neu to lie. I'ndcr I lie guidance of Mr. Thos. Dawson, the milhr in ihai^t during the afternoon, we commmtm at the water-wheel and /dinihed the garret. The building is4tx.4 i... and over liftv i'eet in heigut. I In the basement can be seen v. large drive wheel at tin' lower end whose shaft is the immense Kiaimig.m W 11eel cne:pi--t((l t!ie machinery. Tl'.e Mult ft I I }lr( at. J:"-i- •»••. Michigan. iu «i, "ith story, whii ic, r- ally !l-T.M ih i loimrt it' '«n''Ihat'it hai beenTported j. have purchased a large stock of Lumber at prices feet iu iliamete ater-whecl. fivt manufactured Duhiapte. b»\\ The belt from this drive wheel is »tr\ feet in length, twenty inches in vvnPn and drives the entire machinery oi t« mill, liesides mi!:iher ss slril ts h»r change of moiion. a Conveyc.t" in the form'of a great auger, tor taking the newly nnload"d gram to the e!e\afoi and a smut maehiae, are placed here. Tltr, 1 llM voIIts s 1,5 ,1' mat:', business of the uiill take thci are six eompiirtments oi. rouei for grinding purples, of lour r*'I**ij in each cum pan tueiit. or more jirop'-r-j ly, twelve seti of I wo ri.ilcr-, each, a^ the "sealping" One b\ two rollers in .-. r! u Livingstone limier, m.iai:i''t!'«'ed b\ Stout, Mill i' ft luple 'if H:ty-nn, O. When^i e it gov throngii ihi- sys tem of a?id iu accompanying jmrillers and bulls, "I'iincy' ur "pat ent," "sti.tic,lit" and grades t-.d. tiie i being the best in the mark"'. On this floo can al.?o be seen the cockle machme. several Im-it'oved Eu reka Hour packers, and Hov.ser.s Mo tion Indit. hy which the miller is i shown th i .tory speed .if the rol lers. The ifunk-keuivv s olhce is on I this fioor, in whe we w.-re glad to meet Mr. Jtdin l\. ie e.'er, .1'. bu.-ily aiting upon numerous ia. •••-4 get ting their exchange of fieri. From him we leaim-d tiiat in the litre ,,,K ,n ar' -!eared «p. A new device for milling pr.rj' itttlsc way ot a istne ctu jitugal Heel lb ope: tti:i here. s capa1. of work bolt. buiidn.g, oi.o u-ei« 1 V vated o\'f-r the 1 1 •ned from Chicag' inl arraii^nienl for consi rn"i in .: lit. of the Manitob i ..sceins. iias devel it y t'.» the new lie to build ra ii across ti'.e i• 1 U e line's right of way in Wait] lung trestle at O.fonvilie .. •.-.i comjiietcd, and r"k layiie^ is •.' on vigc-rov-iv i, e, that p: nt. i\ locontotiv en ordereil ::e atdeg am anuouu'-es them as being nearly reaily for delivery. A full force I oi" track layers are working out fiom mis city while the steed rail tie." nn-I other coui junents continue to come in a Here is a large vop shaits, tpoiit..s *"I almost innurncru h. w:! tiie machiij. I}' the huge building "1.00 ,-.s conli'iion but. all oner and design. e o.t this gigimtic, (•:. :-licd bv the Fr I ««.i,'Vc. iHlXt. I Wagon Make: iaum and linejy lini.d: han.ical work, and inn- '. e.nli! umded fait in t!, '•'li an erne, persevt-ran.-. o u u i n Mr K- .: v -r.sir. ,t tT.-. :a "felling :i U Uk Minnesota ii\cro:U,\, i,.e mili to incnase 'the .' water and uses j'at her a hovel •••'".-l'' contrivance. An (ildscow «s piac.'d in tlif» sireain eansing suc tion ai'and uude:-ne !th in Mtch nta.nm as to wash out the sediment or oej.osit in the bed of Ihe river lie iSoating erafi is fmnisiied will n be wings which regulate the position ol delay i .vow of itself, i hns doing all Us Da t,ll Ck\ nn s Ca' hj. V bottom figures. I now have in stock Common n me mii! li s been innnin. it. ."'""'i i ihi.i daily juaniity is gadualiv in-rea* loin tuoft! iu ordinary old-fashmned gives the t'liiidiing touch to what is tt-rme.l "iiivkers" iloar. He sid.-s this, aie fc-r i .!ts" oilier minor storage room for •f'*r mach.'e v. grain. On tne Linrd i'.oor is ati immense (bi.-.t room, three Diore Furiiiers simi lar to those njready mentioned, only otic of v.iiich is ai present runtung. thiee n*eh to it lirst. .second, and fourth niiddii-' /s from the eorre.-po-nd- ing^grades :alpcd" wheat, and '•tilt threw s to complete the work of sifting ihc midling-. Here 'he bran al-.o ivs its last, touch torn a huge holt: and another Centri- Shin-'les. hath, siding. Flooring. s t-h. Mi- Cement, Stucco and Plastering Heir i i if you are going to build call and s CELK1IBATK1) Drugs, HE A Choice Confectionery, i N I E A V E WINJXW CT RTAINS, sfksm rollers. I 'TliQi'P U I Fairbanks Se-iik's, 1 i'On u il Vv' ood a niaunfactured ell, Stilky and aUnti?* Vlnw all sizos, Whit,- Load. Color-- Mixed I'aints of rv^rv si: Power Thn^h* Oil, Machine or ('tins, Guita sii-fiVErin, Kanapr. fawmwiirPHHn uW1 own besides deepening the i maneu\ ermg stream |J1 d.iy, ami at night it regulates itstdf. somctinies clearingout as much as seventy feet of the stream It is inexpensive and effect mil. and prmn ivs large results for he nuii. foJu-nt -1 he store and looms on second lioor in building on Cornell Hvenue opposite ttt 11kuali oiiiee. Mr. K. watciies and he|,,s jt. W OOU "WOlJl Of all CleSCliptj iilC STnNK, e- 1( .|, V,1: i 1 ,l .i'-urii, at the lig stone mul. Kives some idea oi the a lnoanf ot wheat that is neiii" chased at this jioint. pur- 'I'O on short ime at In small amounts, liraut County U:ink, ITV RIG STONE CITY, w!A jUm j. I will save you. money. jI "l'pij- T\ l^nubcr Muchir IJo'.rs StOVeS £Tl32LCi- -a 1 1 v. jsi I'OKT BHVONLI 6 w: G. F. Patent Medr lies as, iosier: Hank 1 Qui! 5 o a IsCa^ Shirt iden *3" ar JL Tu' A N 1 i 0 •ot: of ff flrNM I i i i i Mitt .A.tti5NT::c Sl i u y y i 4 N ., W-.4& il t-oil* :or 1 Oil: v.-r- f. -v --.H )»S i van (, •J. 31. BAKElt u CO., a im-e i V V liiivoii: n pail: :icr. V It alid pjtuh I il IJ iO()l f"l1 •DEALHit IN Lumber, Lath, Sash, Cement, Stucco and all of Building Material •a."l Sli )11 111- to order. CHAH'LB S BET CHER. invS^ k Doors, 1)A»