Newspaper Page Text
I The JtcvatcX^ DOWXIE & NE1LL, Publishers. BIG BTON E CITY, PA KOTA CONDENSED NEWS. Washington News Notes. It is understood that while the appoint ment of Judge J. C. Bancroft Davis as re porter of the supreme court has been de cided upon, the pub'ic announcement of it is deterred in order to allow time for the se lection of his successor in the court ol claims, a place for which it is said there are several strong competitors. On Tuesday next the fish commission will send out from Washington 40,000 yount: carp for distribution in Wisconsin, Minneso ta end Oregon. President Villard has ten dered the commission a free car over the Northern Pacific, to be used for conveying the fish to their destination. •Theadjutant general'^ annual report con tains the very significant admission t^iat, ill spite off very effort, it has beer impos sible to find satisfactory recruits to fill even our nominal Knuy of 25, (MO men, and ot those who were accepted nearly »yue-balf were foreigners. The estimated amount of postal revenue for the tifcai yeir beginning Ju'y 1 next, including $4.'to.OOO estimated receipts from the monev order business, is $47,104 078 es timated expenditures f-jr the same lime t5l), 082. ls9, leaving a deficiency in the revenae 6f $2,958,111. The treasury receipts for October fall short about $1,000,000 of the corresponding aionth in 1X82. The item of ci'stmiis, however, is nearly $2,000,000 be'ow the collection for the same. time last year, the total being brought up by theiucrease in miscellaneous receipts. Controller Knox bas decided to refuse the authority to start a national bank in Indian territory. He bases his action on the ground that the Indians not being citizens have no privilege under tht bankers' act. The report of the chicf ol ordnance shows 33,021 arms manufactured iii the national armory during the year. General Mews items. Physicians of Milwaukee are studying the case of a girl thirteen years old, whose legs below the knees are so sensitive tha they cannot be touched between daybreak and midnight, but at 12, midnight become so insensible to feeling that the strongest current of chctricty haano effect u|on them. Hhe walks and ruts about at plav in the day time, but it she strikes any object she ia thrown into paroxysms ot agony. While fhe |ower part of her legs are in this condi tion, her legs from the kne«s up are com pletely dead. The disease came on a year ago. S!i- is stropg and healfhv, except for cataleptic convulsions. Piominent physic mm of other cities have examined.the case, but foiled to effeci a cure. Georste M. Smith, flour and feed dealer of Duluth and Superior made an assignment on the 31st to H. A. Smith. Liabilities about $10,000, and assets half that amount. Mr. Siuitn has three stores now in Duiuth and one Superior. His mbarrassments began some lime ago, when he lost heavily by the fa'lure of the contractors on the old Superior & Chicago Air Line railroad and the suspension ot the Duiuth vfc Winnipeg. He was also a loser by the Paige-Sex nuth Lumper company. The assignment was hastened by the actiou of Chad borne Bros. «fc Co Blue Earth City, who got out an at tachment. Albert Poerter, who came to Duiuth om a claim back of Agate Bay, brought the fol lowing. which was written on a leaf from a book and tacked to a tree near Stewart lake: ••Stewart Lake, Sec. y, June 25, 1RS2—Out Ol grub and almost starved to death. Should Anybody rind this they wilt please look lor mi body in the swamp, south of this camp grou::d. or notify my .•riendsat Duiuth, and corfer n "rent favor on a dying man. W. L. Harris, Warner, Dak." Some search was n.nde in the swamps, as directed, by par ties finding the paper, but n» trace was found of any body. Articles of incorporation of Wells, Fargo fc Co. were last week filed in Minnesota and Dakota. For the last seven years this company has had charge of the express business on the Northern Pacific railroad west of Helena. They have appointed 1. E Atherton egent in S:. PHUI, aud are pre paring to undertake through business. The Northern Pacific railroad claim a mo nopoly of the through express, and the equities will be settled in the courts. The suit is now pending in the court of Wash ington urritory. Gen. WTilliam Myers U. S. A. has arrived, in Chicago and in an interview spoke free ly about his suits against I). B. Yermi)y*», for embezzlement and slander. He cannot say postivt-ly whether the amount appro priated by Vermilye while acting as treas urer of the marble company will reach $22,000. referring to the suit for .'lander, tbe general was emphatic in his denun ciation of the a urse pursued by Vermilye, and says his recantation will have uo, weight in regard to discontinuing the suit for slan der. Samuel Alker, Religraan Adler and Goodman Newbower failed dry goods mer chants of X. Y., place all their lianilitie* at $281,000, In addition to the liabilities named are contingent liabilities Rmountmg to $40,521. Among the firms' assets are stock, nonii ally worth $10ii,S04 actually worth $70. and outstanding debts of the .loniinal value of$100.071, and actual value at *it 13,701, Among the individual assets of Seligman Adler, are two houses and four lots valued at $50,000 mortgaged at $27,505). A resent Mormon visitor, in speakirg of Delegate Caine of I'tab, said: He is slight ly below par anong Mormons, because he has only one wife. Of course he believes in polygamy, but he has never seen his way quite clear to taking a second wife, think he is rather timid about introducing a disturbing element into his family. If it was not tor his lack ot courage Mr. Caiue would stand very mush higher in the church. Tbe celebrated rise ex-Senator Tabor of Di.Mver vs. William H. Bush, until re ently his confidential advisor and business partner, for $.'s0.000 balance of accounts is u*t conclude A in the superior court with a Vf«"dlct for Tabor, of nearly $10,000. In reaching Bush's counter claims for $10,000 for aiding Tabor to procuree divorce, »Dd several others aggregating $18. CM), they were not allowed. The verdict gives gener al satisfaction. Bush will appeal. Warren J. Durham, who ent#red judg ment on Oct. 20 against Culver, Page, Hoyne & Co., Chic go stationers and book binders', tiled ft creditor's bill against tbe firm alleging trailer to John Morris con trary to the Interest of the creditors in gen era!, and in favor of certain prsfened credi tors. An injunction was granted restrain ing the firm from disposing of assets, con fessing judgment or preferring creditors. The New Orleans Times-Democrat makes a table of assessments showing that since 1870 Hiere has been an a^grerate increase in waith in ttoe south of 4040,707,000 that $: 00.000,000 has been invested in railroads in these states, and that the ra lroad mile atre has been increased from 17,200to 20, 040. Cotton manut'acfu ing in Alabama, Georgia, and North aid Soti'h Carolina has increased from 128 to 150 mills. The stationery and printing houses of Culver, Page. Havne it Co., Chicago, opened on the :0 in char ge of John Moms as suc cessor. The building, ow ed and occupied by tbe firm, was transferred for *100,0o0 to J. H. Southworth of Massachusetts, the paper manufacturer to whom it is understood the firm is indebted. A student at the medical school of the University of Pennsylvania copied the lec tures by lJrs. Agnew Stiies, and Penrose, and proceeded to have them published. He was enjoined from doing so, the c-urt holding that delivering lectures did not publish and make them public property. At Manorial Jiistice Loranger dismissed on a technicality the case against the collec tor of customs for confiscating as immoral the works of Voltaire and Paine. The court tid not enter into the merits ot the case. Mr. Haielton, American consul at Ham ilton, Canada, was assaulted in his office on the night of the 28th by a young man named Long. Th« case came before the police court, but was adjourned. Kraft it Severson, extensive dealers in agricultural machinery, of Menominee, Wis. iiiatie a voluntary assignment to W. J. Cowan for the benefit of their creditors. An assignment has been filed by Simon Lauterhach, shirt manufacturer of New York to Simon Hirsch, giving preferences of $120,000. The total number of names registered in in New York city this fall is 182,144. This is .14,000 less than in 1882. F. E. Hiackman, tobaconist, Chicago, made a voltuary assignment. Liabilities $17,000 assets not stated. A Toledo brewer claims to own 134 sa loon?, and control the vote# of their nom inal proprietors. Ttie United States supreme court says that self-murder by an insane man is not suicide. Brainerd & Servey, retail boots and shoes, confessed judgment to the extent of $12,000 Nebraska offers a standing reward of $5, 000 for diicoveiy of a paying vein of coal. Minnesota corn averaged twenty bushels per acre and not very good in quality. The goverror's private secretary in Ohio gets $800 salary and $7,000 fees. The otlire of register in New York is worth $75,000 a year. Seventy-one counties in Georgia prohibi liquoi selling. Dallas bricklayers get $6 a day. Doings of Criminals. A horrible murder took place at Laniard, Kansas, during a at the residence of a well-known iarmer. Among those present were Anthony Bummiis and Alex Brown. During the evening a dispute arose amoug the young men as to the right of dancing with a certain young lady, and later a secord dispute LS to the right way of calling off the lar.eers. Finally the me came to gether, and during the struggle Brown drew a pocket knife and cut hia adversary's throat, severing the jugular veiu. Youutr Brown is a ron -f Hon. Thomas ftrown, ex-member of congress, and all the parti s to the affair are well known. Brown sur rendered. Another confidential bank clerk has been arrested at Chicago for extensive thefts the amount missing being estimated at be tween $0,000 and $lo,000. The name of the last man gone wrong is Kilery H. Andrews, who, up to a short time ago, when he was discharged, was the correspondi clerk of the Nortk western National bank of Chica go. Upon his books being examined after his discharge a number of descrej ancies extending over apeiiod of four or five years, was discovered. On tbe2sihan in dictment was returned against him, on the charge of larceny, and he was lodged in jail. The oung man made a full confes sion, in which he acknowledges having stolen a total sum of $0,000. The dead body of a man was discovered on the bank of the Sioux river, some ten miles south of Canton, Dak. When found, the dead man had nothing on except an undershirt and drawers of fine quality and a fine pair of tooth-pick shoes. A contu sion upon his right temple and a bullet hole in his skull are the only marks of violence upon his body. Hits of a railroad ticket which had been torn up and thrown upon the grouHi., and portions of a $10 bill and a $2 bill were found. The theory now in that a foul murder has been perpetrated and that the killing was done at some vther place nrid the boay carried to this secluded spot for concealment. Corner, alias Franklin, alias Evans, and many other names, and hisi wife, have been captured in Frenchtown, Harrijon county, Ind. He was the chief and leading spirit of the counterfeiters of this district, and lived near Frenchtown in a log house built very much like a fort. It !iad on« chink ing out all around, and while Franklin worked on the manufacture of the coin ii'is wife stood guard. Fraoklin made coins from ten cents silver to $U Kol «1, and so perfectly that lie said himmdi he wts not afraid to go into a bank with them. There promises to be a judicial investiga tion into the matter of tbe banning of the Barber boys by the mob at Waverly, Iowa n June last. The Bremer district court convenes in December. The widow of Ike Barber s.iys that she proposes to see that if possible, the lynchers ot her husband shall be brought to trial, and she says she has (he names of eighteen men who were in sirume-ntal in the hanging, A tragedy resulted frcm a game of cro quet, three miles from Woodbury, N. J. The pi avers were two men and two women. Genu •ins 11 udol ph Hmes -WJ tecause his wile be*1 with his keavy cowhide boot, Tobv Grant, a ne ro despsradi, WAS kill ed by Abraham W. Clemen', a white man at Rsctouls. S. C. Crent had tmce and threatened to kill 01et»" successful attempt to lynch Clement was made by negroes. At Piattsmoatii, Nebraska, Dr. Rich mond wes anvsted on a charge of com mitt ng a rape the thirteen-year old daughter of K Iw&rd Gr'ssel, 'orf' man of the Burlington it Missouri car shops. Charles McCann, a mail agent, stole $6 ?n postage stamps from the Brighton, N. J., postottice. He must pay *1,000 within a week, or languish a year in jail. Thomas Fox, seventy years old, wa drugged at Marshall, Mich., and roboed of a hundred dollars. He died from the drug ging. 1'eter Keenan of New York was billed t»n the lid inst., by adruaken polic-men named William Couroy. Tlie Casualty llccord. In a friendly sparring match at Chij pewa Falls John Hall struck Duncan McPhee a blow on the neck, and he reeled and fell heavily upon the ground. Upon examin ation it waadicovere 1 tuat his neck was dis located, and he died in a few minutes. From the Old World. The Marquis of Lorne and Princess Lou ise arriveel at Liverpool on tie 5th inst., and w°re heartily cheered as they drove to the town ball, wheie'he corporation present-| ed an address end gave a luncheon. The marquis, replying to the addre-s, warmly extolled the Dominion of Canada and peo ple. He said he had experienced great pleasure in the friendly relations mam tained by Canada and the United States, and trusted the friendship now existing would ever endure. United Ireland, Cis national league or gan, pronounces the authors of the explo sion s in London ioiots. The Freeman's Journal protests against Irishmen being harshly accused of being uuthors of the outrage. The Irish Times asks why the English governnunt dot a not vigorously re monstrate with President Arthur against the dynamite conspiracy of which New York is the source. Tbe British cabinet has decided that the dispute between China and leasee lias reached the verge .•,f open war'are. The news from Paris is somewhat alarming. M. Jules Vf-rrv has not only decided t.i push things in Tonqtiin, has turtady ar ranged to use the fruits of success, whicb he aflects to believe is assured. Tbe merest chance prevented a terrible catastrophe. While the City of Berlin was enteting the Mersey she collided with her majesty's ship Hawk, damaging the latter's starboard bows and carrying away some of her boats. The iteamsr stist -'.iutd no dam age. A monster political meeting was held in Kingston, Jamaica. It wps a great suc cess, being an immense demonstration against lite prerent system of government. The appointment of a new governor to suc ceed Sir Anthony Mu«grove is not received with any satisfaction. The Times publishes a leader on the late Capt. Mayne lieid, in which it says: "Of his class of writes^, he ceriainly was the best, and those who '-av. him as boys will not allow their matnrer critical judg ment to condemn him altogether." The Prince and Princess Albert of Prus sia, returning from Frankenstein, Silesia, after offending the reformatp n memorial services, lost theit way in the fog. Their carriage was overturned and the right auklc ot'the princess was fractured. Robert Kerr, a dissipated mem her of a wealthy family in Edinburgh, Scotland.. was burned to a crisp in a house on Mki ver, Manitoba, while intoxicated. He had just conie into possession of a large sum of money. A quantity of dynamite was miraculomly exploded in the office of the chief of police at Frankfort-oj-tl,o-Ma:n. The building was badly damaged, but there was not man v officials in at the time, and none of them were injured. Municipal elections were held throughout Great Britain on the 31st inst. The results show large conservative gain.j. In ondon, on the 3lst., (JO,000 sealskins were sold at auction, prices going 50 cents higher than last year. The earl of Cork had his pocket picked in Montreal on Weunesday of 11,000. Personal 6oscrip. Commodore A. C. it-iind, just promoted to the rank of rear admiral in the navy, was a partner of C. W. Wooiey in fhe 'gro cery business in St. Paul before the war having resigned from the navy. On the outbreak of the war he was reinstated in tne navy and acquired distinction for cour age and ability. The statement that Mrs. angtry had started on her professional engagements witheut the presence of Freddie Gebhardt was premature. Freddie showed up at the hr rehearsal, at Burlington, Vt, Gjn. Samuel F. Cary of Ohio has been engaged to deliver 150 lectures throughout New England during the coming sea-on. Col. Cyrus Allen, an old friend of Pre,si dent Lincoln u is dead at Vincenneu, Ind. Lieut. Benjamin Craif, a West Pointer died recently in Heme, France. Gertie Fuller propose to stick t« her fe male husband. Handsome hut Women. Wichita, Kan.) dispatch,—Nelly 0, Bai ley, a young woman charged with the mur der of Clement Bothemly in Indian Terri tory OH the 7th ult., was held to-day by I nited Htate-i CoiumLs^iouer Hherioao for appearance at the next te mi ot court at Wichita. Mieis about twenty-oneyears old a handsome brun ette, and move I in tfo best society in New York city and New Jer sey. Sne met liotbcmly, a rich English man nnd niember wt tiif Brititn avocation at ht. IA»UIS«. and arranged with him tojjo to Jexa.sand sUrt a hluep ranch. Beior. they started she got a deed for his lands iii Kansas, valued throu-h bhe b.camt unconscious and iedsooti after. at $20,000, and while j.assmg the territory,®" route to i exas, shot Bothemly through the head, to .k pos session of his trunk, am taming diamonds and j-welry worth $7,000 together wuh 1,,-u ".mtfit. consisting of outfit, -lb $10..™ his outfit, consisting oi sheep ami Ntock worth $10,000, buried the body at .Skeleton nml started south, but WM arrested ranch, ami started soutl about nine miles from where the murder was convm tfed. Tin c\sewas worked up by United States. Marshal Holiis|ei andi As sistant United States Attorney i operation jnnnend their re! subject will, of course ^tigress next winter, uunog iuy !*»«-VMUK»«-•»» a number of bills were introduced to repeal tbe pre iinptson laws and amend the homestead iml preemption culture laws. The measure Has favorably reported by the lion. II. B, Strait from the house committee on publio lauds and atterwards, on motion of Mr. Pound, chairman of that committee, engrafted ,ii tho sundry civil appropriation bill but the senate having adopted a rule to oxcludJ new kgidatum from appropriation bills, stni.-k iut tho L-ia'ise, and the measure fell with the expiiation of tbo cougress. Hie subj v» will bu 'n iin de novo by the nfxt conun'ss, and it i't ma us to be econ wli^iher the prop-isiti-'U beconies a h'.w or not Some very atrotr,' ad VDcat-s of rep-cal, among ih-'tn Mr. Washburn and .Mr. .straightof Minncs-da,come over from tin-la-T h-u-c atul will v» ry likely urg-» the passage ol' the measure. Amuiig olho Sl vKtat:-.sueil Pv law or in, M'leivi (.1 very «r pus.-it l« a ti or it». l.-itoit uf cuii^!t«« t!i,»! h" shv-n -J ht* congre-s may «iHiu..!H,) mentis lOi.iii-r 1 pre cu:turt hniri'18 with land claim scrip rilV!llH 1,1 mining fal»« and a moderate A. Manitoba raiW. cision biii:RS in the i 'r the state leKl8lata-e\ ISM, Kiving to ttie extension of time ia*:' r«ml, but makitt. -things ii'ootnmend'.'d hy the cimmiis^ion is the passage .if a law on tho question of the for- feitnre of certain railroad laud grauts fthi.'b ho ment.otia also a ripe eubjeet for the nurnb'jr of inuiiibora are known to be ready md tasur to take it m. Among the roads mcntioiud are tUe S*. Paul, Mimn-ajiol's A Manitoba, the Brainerd branch of the St. I'tui! A r.ifiiic, now Manitoba railroad, the ixnitlnrn Mmueaota rai.vsav extension, Ua-tmg-» .V Ia loita, and the liake Superior A- Misss^ij^ 1'hese roads have been nnnkt witliiu the time required by law. hut not THE NOKTllEliN' I'ACiriC is piven in the report aa ono of the roads no jinpietid wi'dmi the limo required bylaw, hui which are in course of construction. The No„ Citv A In thi» atiS'-'ni'ti of oi^resMiina' actiuri tanl-% hare been Lvr:itieil pit'.eu vd, aceor-lii'^'.y :vs r.'aiN iiave Itfen C'.ie-TUftfit, whether withirj nr nit it tho time I rt ?ej i!ie 1. unin', J.Jto pre.!»i'»«n«or »u tliis (iracfii.x pri. to tliis ,n^ t.f rm. rt-sj in I)"-t'ii b"r, ls^O, lot IM !«i.'is'.i:ive arOi.-n wan 'ak-i you have* helii that 1111 l»-r tht 1« cssiou of tbi* siipreme court of the United i.a,t n, r'^hi tu ihT a actual settlers th«' the Company barbs Hut THE LAND OFFIRR. COMMt^SIONEB FAKIjAHD 9 REPORT. WASHINGTON, SPECIAL Telegram, NIY. l.«— The tn.iU&S report of the coiumitsaiouer of the general laud office is out to day. He repeats his recommendations for the repeal of tho pre smpti.m and timber culture laws and for tho nf tha homestead laws, and the of tha out jld story of the abuses growing of those laws, which lead him to rec eal or amendment. This engage the attention of S|,r ip,, ,«-«»• hold the same, isrecor ment ns excepti:^ from the op»ra?ionSof• to swell settlers the pri same as a homestead receiving patent fromi' will cover many CAM^ 8t. Paul, Minneapolis,' v Those having settled ari« Paul belongs to ano'ber riasa 'f roadn, parrly couiploted and, ao far aa known to the general lan 1 efiice, construction suspended. The connm-'sOoner tsays: i f.v?.- turo or lo in tha reservation ler !i-ok 'O tho it) ^ritM tl»- mttjl 1 "iZ'Sl uU-u 1 tl,** all aetui' t:^ wi Up- \iv-A th^n r^tir^U Mr. Hauptatt! h-s »av«.,l »oid iier ured ic thci- titfiits and e anus :o poitiMnent mad" a tive-'' i!.J i u 'jrj.c-d tht'.r s-.-ti nu-i.t-s a at 'he duP* ot i.ny tin a--..i Jof 0.^s,d7!», and ri i irTi'nVe- .... 4 ii icviyal of tins railway erant, he commissioner repoyta tliat the hun!^ vi'hm tho el i Si oils Induui lowf-rva'u.u w.-,m of J! lak", in Dakota, Law bocu rertur vei.d, anil thu \vestt?ru K e'ltne. •_',llo]o,{o Jy.tr_!t»« witn tui.itjry (.o. laud warraots- t'^al numhermetrics ti.iug pw»ted"dur- Hi 1»K1 "lliu report fityi the timber land f"iir,e« act., II a'ratit.y violated. Information imn'm* loa.ieoaion ihat mueii of tho most valuable timber lanu reir.aiiiirijf ilio poKMesaion fit ti e Mexico, fJi»ioraio and ^aei! ofa\fllii'r'''lll!iK'UU each of these i erntoneH, to bo appointed to esaiiuno and nettlo th«-Ho claims, .uiS fiu »TT?' Iraudulent reiur'm Zeh-\V'U'i,,ihV,l0,been"made iri( r( a 4 pal oflieei'H a 3 previous to March, lj^-' c.'" the obligations of m, .' have been required 0f entry, if tin- same land to tbe railroad oimn stuue by entry «t ihe district. OEST. His Rptti-cm. ni pril|lu,: mom ot" the Norther,, roart and ihe €aues From the Piooeer Press :i For sotuo mot.tbi p&wr current tnat thoro were te. in tho operativo tlfj artm Pacific, lY'rjterdav the fl ••, ant of tho changes retirement of Herman ager, who on Oct. 20 tond deut Oakc* nis ir.-spna resignation Mr. Hatijit aw retironientan ii!ah :nv to( manner cri'ditat to Lims t'.T tho UIIII tbe upon him ly flic v:ee prea b"avd of tbrt'Clora. The '.tTeet veHterd v, aiul will diiv by tho !iv. of ttie t!«t'd Nov. 1, and sigQi )a)lC!8. ik'iad. Tms ia ii'\t congress, and H-nnan T!. •"U't. v- ii' m: •l wi'ii :i.« \or tiu ifr'-^awl, k ie»Rt. wi',1 lur the company, rhe an nrt- -j t! ». (Ui'it^of ^•,:tial:iui tCfr her« to ami.'X 'ii wi.l c.ii. ain ti The rorj-i -p tiiden.-orefei Hanpt's letter of re^igmti iettc of aeceptatifo in i Jlaupt's leit -r, ila'e.! Oct. 1', Yiee-Preridont ake«, andi 1 have r'C ivi-d fr:n you in* cxt"r.!»e* la every ti .rrment,' iii progress a!j 1 int- '.,ir»(e M-rvt-J tho eci:in.iny i-ttioieotl that fi.ivt" 'j'.'on tl of sllih .1 ::»',!!''• t: v I can Mt'V to centum* in tlin toana. rei-ults that vv: l« uiOi- saiae myself and sap.nfar'ory '.y tl V'U r'rc!iosi» to ilevote a com your tiiti-, in-rs!iaUv, 'l.e t!«.ns, itiHele.irly nniH".'iisgarj vice-* of ,1 jff.'ii-ral nianat'T ir.a forp i'refi-r to »"Vr i iv pisnK' pativ, sir i"4-t to U «ns tra uii'I'-r w! ii-'i i a-s!in.»"l ct 31 r. Oak CM1 reply 1 sum en-1 itie tf fer iacis 1Dft iMninic't'd lioafhin of roailst, f"V u if tii'i had not beuu built wnir.n the resi-riii-il 'ltio m«Mit a i prit.«ct!- ti ho rutcaiturikj Jaods are contained is Cited fe)llow« I Teciivod Your" 'inmnr Tli« relreni-'irnentj. erd«r-'i| ri«''.oii arf e,o l»-iti are necs'ssary, aud if your »ctiui 'of pany, anJ rai.road to .« 1 hi a f.-r tiieir toi-s. The pn'-. iu:n f',r a .l"H\l!e fv 'h-Illent of :l" tpi-stio::, w.'^'h-r a fo:ftMMUe he nf«.r.-H.l tt tI1V i c-i!'S'«ir!lv pre*»! uj..»u my th !n ni-t-^r tir. ioy tlu proteclum if lie) Kiau'-i. M-anwhil-s *-t- f* t!.?r» havi fiitt-r-'d ui»ju &om» of tii*1',^ laiula and aro nnsir us to know wli-tf. tl-.ey mils'. I.-m- unji-.n oic-e -i,at tu,., of I cannot te itntnedtati no on« can r-vr^! tiif fart h.ive- certaicly !,inu tT'-ri**v t" .elvatv-^ tli'i r.itewssU is !r-ie that I e\p-.-f', murh tinirt to th« bill if: t«": ai.'y: a*id !t :s a'«o tisi the ti"c s-e.ty f'r y ur 0'--sj"'.nuan iii?er i« tn»t Vkil! lie le^-. lie it t-ra'Oe. Y I tl:er-*f«ire tit •houltl 5e Taken either t« COIJL 1 in th»m forfeited, u betti to and tlm citiSUiou» of tiiii cottin in I 1 will he e 'Hil'ii With. Mr ilaupt Wii a- ".n'- ^3 H. companv. Tfn- e.-ntjact wail by it Btorms Mr. HauptV serfi dispfsnsed with, without hia ft for tho full timiiuJary linv ri'trac.'-d, th", oiigmal uttrvey.i having buen l-.-rnt.'.l lran-lnk-nt. Tho ar. a slnnv i by the original i-urvey 115. loT.lis acr.'-s, and by h« re stirvei* ],}/ih &t»ros»( iu,\! an increase by e K i v e y o i 1 i i Till: PISl'OSAl.S I'l'l !,!.' I.AMlS during th- y. arm.ii. 7*iU acrc- and Indian laridx :j!acre-i incr. is-j nvnr lsSl.', uijuiit .,()tD,0t0 acre.-t, and over lSfSl ABOII' H.ODO.OUO. II^C FIMAMNA: B-UI-WH fioni, s[io- tli froin toriu of office hit for. The sum fixed as salary annum, and It is to tins stipah tract that Mr. Haupt mates lei of resignation- (ion Sliei'iiian'K Itet Tne comvjx iuieiice inndi irenierit of »en. Hherman s?( in!:ud of public, '.and*, w-ro.sil,- In Inm land*, ,fc.(4 to:al, ,f lL,7l.'{,SH:i. Puhbc laud.i worn dis-' potjfd of as follows: Pute.'e saies irrjf.uori nines o vt 1 O'-I'UIM I'.ii entries «i M-.-MI ei:trie8 "'i'.Vjo liMu -SOad fn-n-8 the army is as fm o* Jleadtj'iarteri Army I nite, in^'.o:-i, I). Oct. iiincoln, Secretary ofVtar—' •«ingress approved luis' l^-' :d!icerH ore r»-fired on resc^1 ^ixty-fiiir ye.-irM. 1! the on the H'h ol p, --ruar year is tisit j'erioti of the haiii.oM which have aheaJy duties, military racK -lionl 1 maiu the HS aides de-camp •I issl. Jiy or hnrorethe I etui compute ail othc 'd ftfi iippropria:e branches of 4.*, n.i lO 'iWo c.u-i yt-ar f)5 .ri-lP e- vem meat on th« I'acitic c.ast. is ben,, tak- n un by lul'ir! ffT? capita. i»tn through tho medioia it Hi.ti ..., nude by persons hired for that purpose I hiM: found it necessary to ^uspwid all on trie# of hi* las* and ihrect an exanoiuii'in I ho commwHwuor ia of tbe opiuiot, that timU am»Hi HboMlU reserved bv law from ordinary ."r,.!," Ji« vl-, 'niiueiid# that «on- H,),U6 k't'wla,io11 )n relatiou p,j. r'3t'(- lieve I can Hiirrt nder The K,n- .-tir in ^'-iid ^•ba^' a' proviit'd in ell r- (t elf1 tfse. best iiitfcre:-ts of tneco l-ratelul that my p!-}s'c* reiuair.^ uninipatreu fin thfljiklul for the libera! by conj rrsH for my declmi' will enable me to re.spoi«d Pr^ call Uie jtresi«l«'iit may ry serviced or judgment a9 10 have the honor to be you* vant. ed) W Wafiiintjlon, c,HUI«'«»i'iner foi 'Jlio cora- milH ',ha act of imblic l,jr li e 11,1,1 ""priHoiiiueut I'tojijoH* ha* in tho work of be pained mjoounK peeulM^ i'/ir tht X" ,! for previ»ntii1K 1» »etl'numit a id bv force and eutrv intimidation -p,' 0 an,i „d dk,'" U, t!l lri»|iorittin *11)oe UeoiMion. rtie re^iMcr ar,d of the Oct, pi —War Uen. w i T. Bhermai) —(Jeneral: 1 have Hi'* ,h lL,ll dt ni vour letter of theMhi1,^l be rein v^d that you of the army i-est, as a more (1' on the convenient uti changes in the military '"J11, imiHf, follow your ret ire n Mt-rvice, In ai{»ciifyir»»? hJS leipiestthe piesid-nl dirtc s to you his earnest hope in# 3 given fo yoti yet many ,i happioesH which to P"1"' ci.atact«r 'L 'J *7 'l-I'Mtme.nt. The commtomcr Li 1 L7u,i 4v.r" lu Hr.iied Htatfn l.ami oft5f at Kail." Minn have m,.ive,i Ih U^\n V 'ant decihiox, truu, impor- the ..ot^.oiiHHoner ol tii- ol your jellow citizens. J'euriiKbl li(.tin»ui.-hcd Pl) will iv»' mo pleasure to wishes rt sjiectitb' y)l!' a"-'e.1 the order will be ilu y ii»'s"ei I bavv toe honor tone, moht obedient servant. i (Signed.) KH!ittf-": Senator Anthony'8 health still feeble, but his fre'i'K1" it| "1 want, to go to Washington the harness. ftlary An feiHon lia» ion in l^ont Ion. The Lyceum every night. the i.'"neral land office at Washington. The caw involve a tract of I and on an oJd raji. road section within Jhe twenty-mile limits of the Krantto the 8t. i'atil, Miuneapuiis