Newspaper Page Text
THE HERALD. Nkii.l, howmk fc Publishers 12 A Year iu Advance. I h* Sri nk City, Dakota i.lDAY, NOV. 9, 1883. Sfhiifer's majority in the district, [(ill I V-K1UUT. Don't run a three months. man for oHice He yets tired. cveiy "Who is Henry ^chafer?'* cxclaim -d Johnny Owen, last Saturday even M'g. as he and J. "W, Bell fortified themselves and their Lovvthian fac hen for the coming struggle. "Who ver heard of Schafer?". On Tues« uay the number of voters in this dis fi .ct who had heard of Henry ,Schafer were eighty-eight more than those who did not wish to hear of him. •chaferdon't belong to Johnny's kind. The joint session of (Iran: and "Rob ert's county commissioners at MiJbank last week, did not accomplish anything n the way of adjusting the county in iitbtedness. It was ihought best to employ the services of an expert to determine the true amount of the debt. John W. Hell has been suggested as a capable expert, knowing so well as he does where most of the monev has gone to. One fact that contributed greatly to the success ol' eluit'ei's candidacy in the late election, was Bell's endorse ment of the opposite faction, llu pondered long and figured closely, and with his accustomed political sagaci ty flopped to the wrong side at the eleventh hour. At a love feast held over the ingathering of this noted con vert, he tried with Johnny Owen's help, to explain away f30,000 of Grant county's indebtedness, laying the blame at Schafer's door but remem brance of the true cause was too fresh iu the minds of the people. The al lusion reacted like a boomerang* "There is many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip." So thought the self styled "anti-ring, anti-county-seat-is sue, whole-hog, all-office" party, last Tuesday evening when the election returns came in. So long as the coun ty seat was in controversy they stood right by their confederates in fraud, but no sooner was the difficulty settled than they swung off, charged their former accomplices with all the crime committed and knowing the people of the county desired rest and harmony on all sides, Hung to the winds the banner of peace. Trusting in the sincerity of their professions, the people of the county in general, and of Big Stone iu partic ular, endorsed the movement, and on the strength of inaugurating an era of peace, carried triumphantly the elec tion of delegates to the Sioux Falls convention. When the choice of commissioner ame up for adjustment this fall Big Stone put in a respectful claim, which was readily conceded by both parties in Milbank as perfectly just. All that was asked by cither was that Big Stone should be united on a man of their own. This they did most emphati culy, on Henry Schafer. But in the meantime the so-called "peace party" ha»l secured the Miibank delegation, and feeling themselves all-powerful in convention, political spoils loomed i.p in perspective, and suddenly it oc curred to them iu all its hideonsness that Ilenry chafer was a Big Stone man, the leader in the county-seat light and a man that would audit iile U'al claims. The wise policy that had been apparently sincere on their part' and on the strength of which tliev had acquired a respectable following, was recklessly cast aside and a chron ic office seeker and pliaut tool set up to thwart the good intentions of the p'ople. Whether or not a Big Stone man should or could be elected to a other, the very party who had built themselves up by shouting "peace." It was a question of right and wrong, of taxation without representation, a matter of principle with 1 people and they 1 1 county I office irrespective of character, simp- I Jy because he was prominent in the county seat light had been fought against one Milbank faction last Au gust and now it was to be settled once and lorever, by tightiug it against the i and a more manly course, gentlemen if you would maintain a successful party. A common instance of the attrac tiveness of Big Stone as a placejof per manent location and faith in its ulti mate prosperity is evidenced by the purchase, last week, by Rev. Mooers of seven acres on the lake shore, lyinu between the city limits and the Indi an Mineral Springs, for $100 per acre. '.Die purchase was made of llawes & Gibson, and is nearly half of the par cel of ground bought by them of O. Martel, last spring,and on which are situated the noted mineral springs, still retained by them. It is a beauti ful piece of real estate and in five Years will lie worth live times what the reverend gentleman has paid for it. Abundance of young timber and fresh spring water, with perpetual use in fee simple of the strong mineral spring adjoining, makes the location indeed a desirable one. We know not what Rev. Mooers intends doing with it. as he keeps his own counsel rather close for editorial catches, but if he designs it for any thing short of a university, seminary or state eapitol, he will make a misapplication of the finest site in Dakota. Who can make him divulge? We realize already that he is an enthusiastic worker and has unbounded confidence in Big Stone's great future, and would like to know what he has in store for us. IX Till ST.4TIVS. In the recent elections much has transpired to make the Republicans feel sure of success in the presiden tial race of 1884. New York, which a year ago gave Cleveland, Democrat, 200,000 majority this week elected a Republican Secretary of State by 12,000 majority, though the JDemo: crats secure the rest of the State of fices by smaller majorities. The leg islature is strongly Republican. In Massachusetts, Butler has been defeated, and Robinson, Republican, elected Governor by lo^uoo majority. Mahoneism in Virginia has been completely overthrown and the state carried by the Democrats to the tune of 20,000 majority. In view of this, it is well for Republican success in the next presidential campaign that New York has been redeemed. Fensylvania is carried by the Re publicans by about 18,000 majority and Minnesota by 12,000 this bring ing into line all the Republican States of 1880. The New York Tribune sums up on the day following the les son, of Tuesday's election: Yesterday's work makes Republi can success possible in the next pres idental contest. Now the Republicans can fairly hope, by good conduct and good fortune, to carry every Slate they had in aud thai as against a party so prone to blunder, and so many chances to blunder, as the Dem ocrats. their prospect for carrying enough of them is more than fair. aver, who was appointed I from Yankton as county clerk of Rol erts county at the instance of (Jov i ernor Old way, refuses to call an elec tion on the ratification of the con stitution and says he won't canvass the vote when cast. Happily his services I can be dispensed with, but he is just the kind of a creature to do the bidding (. of an Ofdway.—Press & Dakoiaian.. 1 llow to lake Screw out of wood. One of the most simple and readiest methods or loosening a rusted screw is to apply heat to the head of it. -V small bar or rod of iron, flat at the end, if reddened in the tire and applied lor a couple or three minutes to the head of a rusted screw, will,, as soon as it heats the screw, render its withdrawal as easy by the screw idmerasif it was onlv a recently inserted screw. As there is a kitchen poker in every house, that applied for a few minutes to the screw or screws, will do the required work of loos en i n g,—Son 111 e 11 Builder. CONSUMPTION CUBED. An old physician, retired from ac tive practice having hail placed In his hands by an East India Mission ary the formula of a simple vegeta ble remedy for the speedy and perma nent cure of ('oiiBumption, Bronchitis, i'atarrlu Asthma ami all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for general debility and all nervous complaints, after having thoroughly tested its wonderful cura tive powers in thousands of cases, feels it his duty to to make it known to his suffering fellows. The recipe will be sent free of charge to all who ,. desire it, with full instructions for ig stone preparing and successfully using. Accepted the issue, Address with stamp, naming this pa- Notwithstanding the fact that the Dr. J. C. Raymond. 104 Wash Ijowthian faction waived the "bloody il'Su)u Stieet, Biooklsn, !S. V. shirt" for all it was worth the people! of the county stood by Henry Schafer **°.nesi lespcctfulh ask par tiii i,.,,.- 4l e yond resurrection. Take live issues ties indebted to them call and settle at £'iastly thing be- once, as tney need the money to pay 1 their own bills. liLKIRA IWIti.n.*, Flowing 18 progressing rapidly and will be generally finished up this week. Then wheat will rush to market. On Saturday afternoon a number of young ladies were gathered together at the home of Miss Nellie Aldrich to celebrate her birthday and sew car pet rags. In the evening the voting gcntlmen appeared and sewing rags gave way to "quaker's meeting bang and other diversions. Ben. Tuttle has built a barn. O. II. Kingsley is somewhat under the weather. Johnny Rourke takes the blue rib bon on crane hunting, having killed three at one shot* He and Mr. II. Kaut" man have each killed three geese at one shot. Several small hunting parties from Milbank have been pursuing the geese in covered buggies, lately. The prin cipal damage done was the shooting of a horse by one Nimrod who dropped his gun out of the buggy. The kind of refreshment he used is not. known. The horse belongs to F. Breiinan and is seriously injured. 0. Gary's wheat on the Carlin place went twenty bushels per acre. Use au WiLL'i Bartlett Tripp, president of the state executive eoiniuitte. has issued the following official card: "Should it happen in any of theeountvis in south Dakota that the county boards ap pointed for conducting the election for the rat ilication of the constitution neglect to act, the people are author ized to select judges aud clerks elec tion and appoint a county board of three or more members to return the vote to the president of the state executive committee. The voters of the several counties an earnestly ii quested to attend to this matter. The liig Stone flouring mill is grinding away for all it is worth running day aud night. Messrs. Die bold & Tiinnell are now prepared to supply their customers promptly and fully. Send in your orders any time. ^They will begin grinding buckwheat No v oili.—X e w s- e 11 e r. The Rattle of tlic Rooks. The "Literary Revolution" which caused Hucli a sensation a lew years ago, and which was supposed U have been thoroughly over thrown and done lur, seems to lie "ablaze ag .in, more lieree and flourishing than ever. Us "lW-page catalogue, free," and" ln.oks sent to| any one to be piul tor utter receipt and examination, evidence of good faith being given are now being advertised ia thousands of papers, and it op«ns one's eves to see the books olfered—this time throughly beautiful typography and the t»est of piper pre^work and binding, instead of smalt trpe and cheap work, as formerly. And 'one mus. acknowledge that are indeed the lowest prices ever known," We iuote a few samples, the books beiu& always unabridged and argejtype: -i.nyson s Enoch Arden,2 cents. lhe Cotter's Saturday Night, 2 cents. esar's Commentaries, Cicero's Orations and numerous other "Ancient Classics for English Readers," reduced from $1 to as low as 15 vents each. Paeon's Essays, 15 cents to 40 cents. Dorcs famous JSible Gallery, lrviug'8 Skectch llook, cents to *,o cents living s \Y orks, in 0 large aud le.ust beauti lul volumes, .$4. Ancient Egypt uuder the Pharaohs, reduced irt $ir to i'l.-jfj. s Waverly Novels, reduced from 8.3Li tO $7 Oil. o Shot's Works, reduced lruui gl:J to ft).«5. And a whole host of the great poets of the world ranging from 40 ami 50 cents upwards also plenty of other books etpuilly interesting and astonishing to the old-hue book buvcrs. books are sold only to buyers direct and not through booksellers, Those who would be inclined to beleve such claims fab ulous, are conlronted with the •'priviie'e of examination before payment," and the "'wit ness ol one's own neighbors on everv hand who Lave already rceived their books". It is certainly worth a iostal card to ge» the catalogue hue." For that, address .lohn 13. Aldeu, i'abli her, 18 Vt st-v, St. New York. AIIft- MADE miserable bv indiges tion, constijiation, di/ziness, I()S ,,"f appeti'e yellow skin Shiloh s Vitalizer U a liwtivt' cure. Kor .sale at A. W. Resseguie'.s. WHY WILL Vol" cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price in ft^ 50 cts. and $1. For sale at A. \V. UesseguiVs! SHILOH'S CATAltUH UKMK1Y.-A pos itive cure for Catarrh, Dipluheria aud Can ker month. 1'or sale at A. W. Uessegnie s. "II ACKMET.M K,' a lasting and lrac"-a" Price-r, and ."U c-nt.s. For n^ie a A. \V Resseguie's. SHILOH'S (.1 RE WILL inimediafi'l v re lieve oronp, whoojnng cough and bron-iiiti«. tor sale at A. W Kessegue'.s. ft OR D\teIJfcPHlA and liver complaint vou have a printed guarantee on ,-veiv of fehiloh s Yit:iii/.er. It never' tails to cure, tor sale at A. ti W. A Rrssegue's. hN.UiC'roU witii each bor- tle ol Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Pri-eon eents. tor sale at A. W. A llili Nov. 6th 18n". Mrs, Farmer lost a horse recently. Prairie tires are becoming quite numerous, U Gary lost a small hay Ke«seguie*s. Mar(lin U Fhsicians are often startled bv remarkahh discoveries. The tact that Dr." Kings Discovery for consumption 'and a li throat and'lung diseases is daily curing patients that they had given up to die, jK A u tlln them to r« alize their ol duty, and ex amme into the merits ,i this wonfferpd dis covery, resulting in humiieds uf All persons are herein- caiUioned pureluising three pronn.ssorv note u i .1 1 our be«t l.hysn-ians unng intl.,-ir j.ra. ta.-e. Tna k«uTarS,"«,A' W' te. Police, against one Joj u e a n 1 t.'ach tM^ar by me to 1 o !«. one lor, dm-Jan 1 Km KeKt „y !r i:t or about September 18s" as the same ate ot no value havini/ been otf tamed by misrepresentation. A. P. Baillx. flic greatest medical wonder il the world. Warranted to speedily cure Hum*. Bruises, Cuts, new, Suit Rherm, Fever Sores, Can cers, 1'iles, Chilblains, Corns, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, aud all skin eruptions, guaranted to cure in every instance, or money refunded Tweiitv-live cents per box. ton bfllfi by A. W. Refseuuie, Druggist, BigStoieeCity, Dak. Collie. All parties indebted to ws arc re quested to pay the same to Henry Schafer, at once. C.VM'Kt^oN lino-. "lit ,i " """"HI THE GREAT RFRMAN E E Y (.'•nUimmtmnniiiiH ji, ^iiniMiiiiEi K I K n i A I S I Nourain la, lilblL iMibtm uVi'K'.iUIll 4liml(4iiihjili!(ii j.aid ("harle.s Sl'RlINS, Soreness. Cuts, Bmisafc, 1- KO-'H'.I I K.S. iii ic.vs, !s«iias, 1 u!l otliiT rw.ilily HCh« iiitii FIFTY CENTS A EOTTLE. 1% •i# m% The Charles A. Vonder Co. iA4iNr A \imFLkilfc Italtimons *d«, 1*. H. JfOTK Notice is hereby given that the co-partner ship heretofore existing between Charle- 1. FurU'r and Charles O. Retpia for the j.ur jNiie jt carrying on the hardwiin' busi:ies under the .style and firm name ot Furl»er Reijtia M. Fui'Imt. 'Jhus. M. Clias. (i. Rei,ia. l'V.ed, IS9t3lBi.4.8tolif I'c ,'li.jk. Matirc. All persons are lie,fbv cautio,i,».i purchasing three jirmnissorv notes given bv Wih'ox Keith tothe Rochester Manuractur ing comjiany lor a Rochester Harvester Hinder—one tor due Nov. 1st, one for §1^5 due Nov. 1st, lSKi one for $l"o due Nov. 1st, lHs-i-— tin* same being worthies^ as we have not.received S?23 v-uxj.'Uif KAERCHER & PR w cj FURN TURK HI Cj w A First-Class Kitchen Chair for 40 The Furniture Store. Step-Ladders, oil Pa- Cliromos. Easy chairs, Lady's LapJ Picture Mouldings, Brackets. At the Furniture £ffii OUTON\-[| UliST PA71'.NT mm STIlAIiiirr FLOri I! CLKAR I-LofMi Helieve.s ami ci!ii" A N SHORTS. Sciatica. Lumbago, I S U I I 1 i K A A £. i:!) I' HACI1E, SORE THROAT, t,l INsY. SW1 I.LINOS. iK'liv. i Ntono or •1 r:\ i .Von H\ |(1. JSX'CHA No. i ium No. I Suit MSx all IirUKKiM*:tin! I 1 MlvrlHUiS 111 1! Henry S:i. ,V has this dav been dis.n.lvcd by mutual consent said Charles M. Furber a-isuming control ot said business «itii i'j» liabilities and all debts due or to become due said firm to be BijSlfisCilfi Fun r. A k i s constuntl tinn puid value therefor. H.M.Wilcox, n- Keith. tone City, Dak., ict. :ind, i--.i, Cash l'iild JONES & "WOLF. itif Hi-! Store. CH o 3 crcs' f* w V & M- L1lL t/: 09