Newspaper Page Text
ONvjJ I & PFEffill tOSfi n lr SAlv Scbi fi F. V --Kol'F, jgS'jM iA^ IN KVI'IIY I'AUTNTl.Ai:. has recently born re-fitted an and comfort. and Surgeon, i# and Real Estate Dealers. HIS a NJM'IM.IHY. Mason and Plasterer, Brick mid Stone AYoik most rtusuitahlf ratrs. -tone nv, I). ii-UEi:, |\t!orneys at Law, V tvcct. i.(iifl to tourists visiting tlm lake and thf travel i'wral'y it offors special ml vantages for ?}, .jr & WI'LL^i-' I'iiL**i TOliK, T. •IMMi. K.\L-oMlN lUTrAVASlliNti. 1 UK. 31. A. MORGAN, Proiirh-lnss. TIITT'S il'M" itll the II u»« S, 4. w :ir «f* »•«!. uotil dl Av :id Instance Agents. ,:!v attended to. Farm H* uH kinds •M*-, m:N iiiiwrs', in, for IIS UD HIS L9AB OFFICE. M* itll P«|M'( inl .Nliidy. i.'iaii Agents. Vaiv ami sell title turni-d:ed to ail inty. Taxes paid in51 vai.. :r. promptly ainl neat v uirnihhea to prove up with street, IJig Stone I'ity, and ', l)ik. Telephonic ••'.ween tip? two ofli.'i s. |fl i WUITFOHH, .n and Surgeon. segci»'s Urn* Store, Mair '.? found in ofiiee at m^lit. i u -l i .1 I'V, E E O A t« compose.! of 1!• a., i i 7 I)ii^ St nut' ('i!' G-lasser, Prop. t, s k,tl [tost brands of Cigars in the City. 'VlUfe, l,lstic .M1C I I Fh.-r. DAKOTA. nr. Solicitor and Attcrney-at-Law, 'Mi.r,A:\K Iak. i l1 "llice, uj-stairs. lln.« li:ui til i'"': in the legal prolessioii. Mil given to tin ltli rime drlt.nst iilvs I'lnce as a Itll.l.lAltl) AM* poor Tin COI'NTV 1:1,11 e of the Peace, C^ '.TV. DAKOTA. K «ns CMinstaiitlv 011 tap. HM kan«l Hv«". l' W ami othci- Willi's. n nervousHy-i.-m Mt very a j,iil s'lmulnti-s the stomach, restores h-' ap re, mip.-irts Tipor to the srstem. A NOTED DIVINE SAYS: Da.Trr: ir ,s.r.- i n MCEPHV. I.^nous pr-rf. UCts, which|'(r!inaii tlic •uliitlunt i ofttir L.UUK*. expectorutea the arrid matter lIKllO'.lW'CtsUU the ItlClU hlili •lulPH.I.nclonui# loothhig coating, v:mh r»Uevs the Its. rltntlon tiwit tt.-cv:vh. It clean™, the lung* of all impurities, •trenutheiia Uicmwht a caf ii. ,| by ilUtaar,inv.iro* Htm Ih of the Uv.. ,i tiuc-Hthe K tit col«!» often end In consumption. It is itnn) rroui to nrgleet them. A ppl j- the remedy promptly. A teste! :we:.'y .i.wunis t."••n ,.,, that norfmeiiy hntrver Iirvn tumid tlmt iaag prompt it-o lfer TUTT'S EXPECTORANT A single tloso raises th« jiM, K |H, ,1 U( .! »'.P. .mm i': •H.nnd its ii-n '..ri s tl..- inosii o,i* i,' i. A Ji!* n«*nt cordial, chil J*rei* t^kic it readily. Far roup it la ftiUilhl© jifi 1 i.' 1'i.•i U 1 if. ttj 'v 1 iilnil Y. 2."r. i\ »I !{,,( tlftt. PILLS ACT DIRECTLY ON THE LIVER. Cur. tlnil* winl F^vf,, Ojupepgiu Hick llradai hr, Itilions 4 oiic- ti*|lpn. tlon. Itiirumat'-un. I*ilf«, i'nlpitation ot tl*« Heurt, li/£iu Torpid Tirer. and Female Irreifularttiea. J: you ll(l "fevj. hare been n n. .'t I- i.« r.-.-.j otion and Filei. I.nst Rprirg our .i,!h were rvi:oraiu«Tid( tome I u»«d :h» (but with liulf fiiith). i «ia now a wt.-U man, have good appetite, difrmtic.u perfert, r'-'guliir stools, i.8 gone, and 1 hute gained foi y poundsaolid flesh., Th»y are worth their wi^'htin pold. ItKV. It. L. SIMPSON', Louistilie, Ky, ©flice, :»5 Murray St., !Vew Yorlf. TI'TT'S .M AM A I. of aefttlx lltacelpti F'ltU ou applicutlon. Knight Be Dean, i.iv• n)i Lund $50,000 Titm- !, •, I. ti. 1" y«'a' in ti-n-fit as 1"W isthj lowi-M. M:' ,i nisln ii to ]'.»? !'»r l'io-oii![ tioii.s I ('onnuutt' No Delays. I'( i sons fun u'-f 111 h- iiionry on ti!* ^an \v i'ril.. !j ti nitl InWrcst {lav.'il'te :it Ni i i I :Ui k. I'MivUtii. .'tri^c I A 1 5 1 !. NOTICl-:. Ai! i'i m- j)\K l'nrt-t.:*u 'y ltte N"V. 1 1. I .)io ut or a.-l'Mii sli ivi ill")! in Nm-. 1st, l^si, l'oth In .• pst,p*l AMIUm, I est, 1.. 'li:"-t !. SS, l&i: a).d vain Jtrc,1- e Hi i VanF- \Oli« All pet- i- a' laT' piii'i'liusit a pr'iniv (,o 1st i.| Novcrn'oer, 1* Jones Monroe tor lor a Sulky Atia ment, payni'lf year IJ'OIH 3 Months for 20 Cents THE FARMERS' TRIBUNE (Latelv known a® the Fnrmwrfl' Union n nd Weofely Tribanei, it now the ble ly Huosc'i'd'cr i an T.V, ,. rimioll TRIBUNE with his local or coi. ial nnd tetnpoi ai A l" pr"inl,t TOn,venl^i(li 0?,lt 'rZ l.v tl DAIFV i i n W ,i. 1 shall nol pay it. V 1 I'V iiiisrepiTseiitaiioii, and "I 1 ,l hU ir Regular Subscription Pri«o-31.L» hl a.- Allpo^n«.ters» or i'f ,° for 1:hf oblisher|«. h} i'. ti rt en undorthirtsp four neiffhb^rs with nB But s MERS TRIBUNEandjudgeforyourseU ol ltd worth. Addrefld *V aU,i ]. W. FOUNTAIN. Att'v at I ,:i W, Grant County Bank. ]'.! STo\ i lC CITY. ..•nished 1 sli'lRTTIMK ny rnvi'TKL SK TlilTY. ]). T. Honey to Loan on Real Estate. i o a -o v .- uj oti 11' .A }j• i.'.]. \j]t:| INsHiASCE :-sT FIJiK, I.JfiMTNlNff mid NAL)US OX CITY .AND FAU.M lJHoi'KUTY. 3Uir])hy & Fountain. 'H) i. I'i Of- Jf,/»„IJ| A 0 ill bblO Postal Card 'I lif aliovc i?% JI Iniin-?i-ir' odor to inv ouo ''Vfj'! unl writ.? tlio iiaincs ami •Kn!k aireiif thf-y mny know «.{ ou .-fii'l to us. \A'c jif'iVr tin3 tnvassi' .. will 'i .-end in h,- u :j .shotr v-. h'nr j« 1'F) V 1 i' S KMI AM" nl KRF.F e want ,•-.!. IO,,. 1 ., |. and ltsfe Wuts .'ltiojied :tt ai isf ,.itcs, one lor (jfio her lor o i dn* s per- cc'itt iiitf i' VatiF--'li •.a-MW.'aro wort'1. IS tl* T.- :!. rifjl)' in thoiroun towns, villa.i^i-s and id' .1 lion 1-, on salary or commission. It i.if\i u Imsiiicss wo olt'er vim, and you «u li'oiu 1ihm.- v--r n, _'it. We »•. 'i' iuriiish v-. an ««iitlit trpcto s' v:t yon in lmstncss in I In* world. Ail tlmso 1 f'Ksi:!!: ,- vvitli us make money r.ipidlv. can dovnto vfflir whole timo or vour i Tiioini' 11 you docido to engag.- in '.Miii In-~, writo at once for lull p'ir '.lars, lii'losinuo i.'-: ior jiuckinj and 1"••'.ay 1', and you will re•• .•, our hible outfit 1 retitrt! mail. Address L":,iiON BOOK MHLK HOUSE, S. Sixtii St., St. Louis, Mo. THE" HOUSEKEEPER. a beautiful monthly, i*entH yfar. Ev ery woman who ko']8 hi'iise t.'-edf it, and will have it When she hears of it, if fhe hafi to ^ro without her Spring bonnet Specimen copy and Grand Premium List Free. Specimen pa^es of the Jiri KBTE COOK BOOK, (which ev ervbodv knows is the li.wt in' the World,)free with it. Address, linekeye J'ub'g ., ilinnt'apolia iliun. The list* of ito term "Siiort Lisic id cotnjectiMti witN the .. corporate name oi 4 great oad, onvevs AM what is ri'qtiired !v the-trav cliii:-' pui'iic. a Sliut Lit.'1, iSs^fen! iui-U Tune and tin- l» st. all Ot Whit'll are llirili'rii.ed ic greatest railway i:t Aii«-r Chicago, !iii i?i"d at'iin-! te siivi-n d" a v .1. \V. 1'itsl' Miwaukee It owns smdoperdes over 4,"rt.H) »nnn-s o i'i i'i,} in 4 ,i. w .17 r.-i. ON TRIAL \\.rt!ieni Illinois-, Wi^nttxhi,' Min:i" linva and Dakota and as it.-? m.iin .Ivsi• 1 rsiiiclies and coiiuecttons reach alt the cava! I".isinesseont'Ts ol the |S'«r!hwest atsd fciir W'^stVi! liatiiraUy answers th»»- tl'jsm ,i :ol SjJiort Line and Hest Rout* 1 Winona. LARJJ- and the Best weekly paper pub SJ Sr in the Northsvost net nriri thH fcSOSt Osllkosll. ll.shed or circuhitod In iho NorUr^ost. (/liioa^o, Mllw.ailkt It porfcH-tly combines the vrood po.nt.Hof (jj-onoliiowtu*. ft Complete, Enterorising, Re«d«- ry Oi f?ead»- n !ra 4ll nd an A«rlcul- ,y,':- Kl"in. Itocl v ,UX icrt tilt* cuiu ui llin'lS T"1 TU( ny Clubbms? THE Iium-o. nW annual _alorc0u::ty paper. ('],jc?a^». M'»tiX i lt. 1 For a limlrod period THE FARMERS' TDIRU N E will be sent to any address 'fianibta TRIBUWfc This spec- .. ...... Y«inklin. Cl'iieagth ii 'iVank.'i'. lain. MI i:!ie ipoll s. offer for ono ^raon Pn'lman S'eejer and the Finest Diinni? (t Vl,r :i rdollar tor tk- rhioatr... Milwaukee & St. Paul lUii- in|fi«aubecriptiona .r (1 Try th f!_ A. J. KLKSKIJ, Has had Nearly Five Years Experionee in the Land Business in Dakota. i'prsotis finvi isj iif.Piiu'ss in Tiw I t»?• slumld a v a i i i s v s o i s i i ly a-Mirii roireriiit ss juid i.rni'ipti.i^s avoid Hit* lilttndoring ol incxjei ii-lnH-d land acn.!-', us" it costs !. imni find all i.'ind j:ij'f-rs p)-( -.I i'V him wiii'mim 1 :.l •llltflv fOITOCt. HCM!*'TKAI t't'Ki N St. Pau. between C'lsica^o, Mihvauki'o, si. l'aul and MinncHpuiis, ('Uu'a^i, •jliiWiinkei'. i^ Cfeisse and ('hiCa4't. i 1 wank** A1 H'nleen, Kl'en dale. Chicago. M:!\va:«k"i* Stil water. Chicago. Milwan,-: JMi-riiU. Cliica^'o, Mihvauke Waa I'.aver i ian, aim Wank Milwaiik du want* °f tl» Cliic:.-'"- MI!«':iuK-.-. Fanner the Stork-raiser, the Dairyman K ,ril»ai and the Wool-grower oi i". Ii-'-»H, ern bolt. Full and truai worth* uiaiKet ,. report* are madp aPpecinltv. ii:-i iI!i 11 ill. e rhici:". l'» Hani »is. DN- slaii'l ami Paul ami Min- run *»n th** main lines ,.v,.:.v attention is paid to passen- A5 eers'l.v cour'.e"»K employs ot the coiiinmnv. JjKllUI LL, A. H. OAlil l'-N 1 LI (it* n 1 MaUii^Kr. Y THE TR1BUHE COMPAJIY, Minneapolis Minn. J. T. Cl-AKK, ilea'. Supt. Gen'! I'ass. Agt KO. H. HKAFFORD ^ss't (icn'l l'ass Ag KllJNUs TAN C.\LY M! MAD1- AT TilK 1'iS'jRICT l.A.\i OF Fifl. i jty Tilt'. ri.blltK OK 'I'i! i.' i vTiiH 'i' 'I K J'. I» ••"«jui.«hii i Troft 'iaiino, l'.\ '.j! i 1- u,.l filial 1'ioofs a jsjrf.-^ia \. MONEY TO LOAN Oil Uoal l-lsfatc ii (irant Comitv at lowowt ratos I/ind in any part ot (irant oaunty liouulit ami sold on cominis.sioii or otherwise. "i nn: s ~u iunAvrs RANK, A. J. I5LKSKR. ("n-rk ol Coiirt Put,lit i'( N ('IT Y, I. T. OSEBOLD S, TUfiNELL, Proprietors, Wheat, Corn or Buck wheat (irdunil a snuill elian e iii 1'l nu-, J5r.»:: \Yr i:i ii.-- i, ty i11 1 if tiiis ujill a or for e il 'It s, ,v C. r.Jl'II.M'I'S of t!).. COilJ .siftioa lo trive oiii 1 '1 i:!'»o!,!) ,v Ti'NN WM\ bufiilS i idea of just :l i'flcLn I Ki ^TN c]'! (JHAS. lKA\j, ^roprioior. li:ivr a iai'ov nssoi finciit of Trees. 11r111) 111• tan I I-'niif ltr- n's am i a n s N a i a i u s a i i a i i i O i n hit'li ai r: \YH1TF. A-H, i. !IAY w! 111 ,i i \v, AN: W«M) THl'Ji -'(»rT MAFLi oTTOX- NT, i.OOSKI'.KRRY LF.-IIFS A.Mi STUANYIiFKHY FLAM'S. A !!or:-" liadisli Plants. ,vc. (.'iia. i i .\Nn. WOOD BROS., OilTnN VIIJJ I NX. Headquarters for a u: iTI7 i nn it' SI- W I N k FA KM !ACI!!Ni:KY. •2F~ -m *3» lanii si n wiiriK, MM.* u. witA. tx it lio ni:. LIVE AGENTS WANTED, To l)r. base's II:j« or i'ltortni tion lor every 1 (idy, in every eo.mty in the I'liUed States ami ('inada. 'Knlu-,'--! by tlm pubiislier to liW jtages. It coniains over H"U househf/ld recipes, and ii suited to al i clapses and condition•» oi »o.:j.*t v. A wonder mi book and a household necessity. It Rolls at siubt. (ireatest iiidiicemenis ev-r otrocod t'i book airents. SiimiJi' copies sent by mail, |Mstpaid lor i^.uu. Kxt lusive terri .'-v yivfii. .Agents ui.Tc lljui dviUUle their tnniiey. Ad dress J)r. ("hav's Steam F.-iutniy ilottse Ann Arlior. Micbij^an. AMERICAN FARMER TO ALL OUR SUBSCRIBERS. All of our subscribers who icitl pay their subxeriptian accounts to this paper in fttif to and one year in advance, will he pre sented with one year's subscript Hon to the "AMERICAN FARMER" ftBlxteenpage afrriculrural magazine, published by E. A. K. liaeki'tt, at Fort Wayne, Indiana, and Which is rapidly taking rank aa onp of the leading agricultural publications of the country. It la de voted exclusively to the inU-reats of the Farmer, Stock Breeder, Dairyman, Gardener, and their Household,and every species of Industry connected With that great portion of the people of the world, 1 Farmer. The subscription price Is $1 OO per I year. Farmers can not well get along without It. It puts new ideas Into their minda. It teaches Ibem how to farm with profit to themselves. It the homo happy, tins young folks cheerful, 1 the growler contented, the downcast happy, and fiie demagogue honest. in Farmer M. A. BUT Hnr'U TJnnr) nii/1 wv a. Merchant. r^tcni Flour, Iu kwlu :it. (ii .:- hnm. Coi nin?al, cvt'i'y thin^ in our liiu* at Wholesale and At tic o tl t.ind cC '. W. i o n i i k e S -r I n y u n a n o n s e a v Big Storn' ("itv. Dak. WiUUSW V: I 1 Ladies as well as ir'-ntieni'Mi. in ike a suorr?^ in tin- l«usine«. \"ery little capital repaired. VVe h:.\ e a lioc,se|old ai'tjide as :,.ii :(. :.s It Sells Z-tsexrs It is use, every day in overy familr. You do not need to ex plain its merits There is a rich harvest (or all who embrace this ua!d"ii o o u n i y I o s y n u o n i v o n e e n 1 I ifiiMi vvioit our bi,iiicss is H:iv a j«Ptal can! and wr:te to us and we wiil send vmi our prosjpwvti and full p:tr?iet laH 3ratXi53G32 Anil klW'i yon uiil d» i'iV* III ore l: .1,, 1 than you have any idea oh Our reputation as a niauiila' tiirint companv is sueli that «v cannot atford to deceive \Vtite to us on |H»sta! and yive y• -iir addi't ss ])lai:.l' ami ii ceivt.' lull particulars. MariiMi, (. Wo c-rdimio to Miiicnfa-t'iiir mniW 1 patents, cavea*.% ljivriphts, c-te. 1 the L'ri'. s itcs, rnd tO'-fitahipaS eiits ill anada. i'.:i c!a:ul, Franco, Germany, and all o'iicr co ir.tries. Tliirtj'-si* years' pract ie«f. .N eharyo examination ol' niodelj e:' urr.^ injjf- Advice by mail i'ree. Patent* obtained through us nronnJicc-'l the StlKXTirit A)M:i(I( A», ivhich )!.( the largest circv.latien, nd is lhe o.-«fc inll ential newspaper ot its kind •publi'.'i in il i world. The advantnguttoi'sucli a notice every patentee understands. I Thislar^o and splendidly iihvdrr iiot-- paperiapublished WKKJiliY at.f:!.'J0a yoai. I antl iH admitted to bo the eKt p.ijer umnted. to Beionce, mechanics, inventions, euf-'inet I '-nii works, and other depurtrncidH «d' industrial progress, published in any country. .Sinn!® copies by mail, ll ccut«. 'Bold by'i-11 imw4 dealers." AddrcBB, Mnnn & Co., publishers of Scien tific American, 2^1 JJroadway, New York, Handbook about patenis mailed l'ree. The wo!I known firm of BENTOW, COVE Si, CO., TYPE FOUNDERS, Milwaukee, have estabFis^od a. Branch Foundry at Mo. 3Q Minnesota. Street, SAINT PAUi», MINN., and solicit your orders.