Newspaper Page Text
\TAIjSHOT. Courier of tlie lve8 tno Ounz on iBPi"1'?' Kills Int inlet! 4'»r |h of October i'"» pays: uifc, Alice Haller, jj'ii, by Johnston ion the airtH'tions of to Iio!lt 11 pturv w,lici LmiUi*'*--1111,1 llfts eml~ mul st.rrow to a a member ot the |i a knight of the )j Frank James were i fori of mock hero IcI^h .{evil ami in the I intl^'iiiK* rat. |-iu» bloodiest en-u-e tlie wt'st. Hf went l,n tlmt reckless but .-jtifX'd tlOWH UptMl Iti It'll ilie blood HtniiiH :1 tlic blackened riwiis was a trusted eour ivs, and when it was o to their homo in Iiiiiier volunteered jniiies brothers was ol tlit'Be ini"i11 min «. vec!iic irt who lived tin* c• jimtv scat til iler inline was Alice reity and tne dauyli ^uiiineni man. Hie cr 1• vt-r. hw 11 mi it: /bored rebel sold'ern li.'tiler on his com -tirii's and Hecretum inn-, or ptviewhrre ,v!i:i!fVer nu«.'i-jo he L'S Iiovm l'i their old pv, Mn Ihrhor.Ht r:i ct as that of In itati-d with llie ret k i:i flare. They were i:lf :-lie Ihtlier leaded lii^ which, i! i'i Mij»jui*ed, itriin txi'l'dls. lie wedding and fh« rt 3'lie low he left chill bin ardor Jesse .lames iit a c.iuip fire that a _'irl and lijiht, bill lie !t! and do it,, lie and i purse, told him i!id uet his bride anl lit did it, and in Colorado. In that in editor, where it i« e ht'canit: infatuated ed utwiy to another iis wife opened a niil .jjnache. ile went soM tmt her place came to liim in Ifdie was onintimate a barber. Sh« went, ear.ied that she met ifiillowed her nil :!htc lurf tlier. She !, promisiii to ii tvo i AIor'is, but M-ur.s in April. Allcr the she. said idle did in.t tim imy i'Oi-jer. ami ni-'areii. H,. beard .'••r and we::t there, i-jli a window, and while he WHS the re. t: lie ]:,st his j-olf-eoii A Iter he li re i the mimed to kill hiiii, tiiruut ii the h'tiiKe. 1 weeti th« ami lm claims was an ui ins and liumor i it'K. pub'.ioau. y niornint: tit Una in Xcf.-imuk, on the and Sonliivd stre.ets, "ence oi' ti uvular and ••fill solemnity. At S 'iirh hi iss celebrated 1 tried a ynutijr couple. ,I .v as neai ini: its !"d (!1'OOMI. Willi their !'ds and prooiusiwen fI'-1 of the altar, and v with their friends church hell peaied !rry r,,i:eived the blessjntj bride and troo:u 'inj» to 1 In? floor ot the {'putate and piiss, one 'b-'uili's pedestal. In '"i treinbj(d with the lt! W(1dlitiy ,f '4!o,i Territory. A ashiunton territory, 'ft^islature, rehearses '--at territory, which i.s f,)r admission to tlie r,1'owiuS millions oi' iutch s (l.iiiiIuh of naviira- 1 with a Immlied va °f ll.tan d' great rsi a eiini.itt! of even 10'lltldu! jrrand scen- .ln(i,uitaiiis, /aciiiiie" tsla')' from our "°"i iron, wooi ami opportunities mi f'Ul 'Coa^-wwe a ad for eign commerce in a line to absorb the trade of Alaska in ti,h, i„r, cedar ,1 t'old. to obtain tlie lar-cK sha..- fro Astain coflee, tea, op„mi) pt)lvehv 1 Hilkn and ivory all oftln-B., are nMr re sources and adyantH.:,s Hiraijzhtwav place^MU territory in tlie lore front alon^ {•_. Ini prosperous countries onliie irld',. way, II. lio TuTi f! •'J want toauK you u Dr. Taoinas' K lrH Ashley. Li.x-rne county, isa. See win*, he saya. lie »o-.k the imins to tell u-' theoti.,r day hat hi-, sihb r-b-'nvv waarurrd t.| dettr. ve hearnv i,y Or T.ioiims' Kcl-cric Od a- that he wtn wsiiu' iL tor the K iit p. r' j.o.*-e to very j. rc -ntible advamu-e." "Well, that'y all li-flit, KHlar .-.s it coef hut v, nn more ]r .ot". H«v-vou sot B'm ,''' '•A plenty, Mr.« i-- IJ-v. .Mr. i'^hih: or Dunkirk, N. Y., free frt.u, al ,rej,i '.Cp' pro. or con., ami as h'„wst ai the day i, !ih-k'. lie fa'tyf: 'For and earache Dr. lioma.i ilpctrir imf? djne woriderH to my ce: taia kti()\v!eii^o Vou blow Jilid br, -g i^,0d deil about it? beinnmch a Hpb titiiti it-msi.r tor c.ttirrh. it'a easy cnoiie.i to say theve "itiinps. W' o bu* t'cn cured of CitarrJi ey Dr.T/ioiiins' Kc tte'rir- (hi. "Victor A. I-ot'cr,"tUtor National R«fnrd. D.umilie, 1 «i,, hav?: 'Kor catarrh it has hflp !n' w ndt-rfuhv.' D.trt Stc t'ily, i-'milarly i v.-:!: ccr\ A I' WHS only perlorined on horse wiinu d, ly a proini n-i iJ ('itv who 81 dl I n••ru in h:.jM\t-ti!-# "Mi it in •, in/ tvi.iu. .. fx IV T. C'Urk i in Minne.-iptd la!«r prctens •«.. i "lir jv. ji's Ir "t ri thi'i stctitjf: atid 1 I V I •r. ti. ts.ittle, Jr., s.iys: very popular in sjti.H.'flction," r:\-.-ru: Th« eti:: ate I cm vh'-d ot the country is 1 -Mi no 1 I.ti-'h'N." A l'1arc Woith lirioeinhi'inng-. A pfvt"t i• »I 1 or jfl^li can he soonest c:r»-ii by taiat u rccur.-ir:^ to directions, Allen's Lur.t lial-fani. 1'. e tn be procured at any tlriU' .jtorr. It is hariule«s to the most dtlictu*- [itrs m, and tn* ?iyen to ciiildr n without tear ot injury. Try it. if you have a coM or cou:h. At Waterburv. roi n., John Vogel ell too feet from uirrh ^nirewith ut injury. W KM 'Olill'i" A*k The t) .'i-puni.cau t-tao- r.n.uiiitlce are $7.e(.»y in dent. A pure strt-r:t Uienin t: •••. free from wf i-i y ami aic ihol, cnris tlyspej-sia and simi'f.r di^-jset. 1* baa uevet oeen »quali ti. Drown's Iron 15nters. Dor'fry. the H*ar rou:»*.", has ^ri\1 a ,000 to ttie UHivtrsilv a" Smt.i l'e. t. '\sv Mi v v' anil \, .• fl' II- dy-i The text of tliti (jerman-Meiioan treaty is l.ubbsht- i. Sm.i'r .. W-.—Dr. S. Myers, says: ,lI iv.-iiuj-iiiimd Brown's Iron tiitters for .vnera' ib*r'i'i(y, lo*-s of npjH'lue and want of siretifrth." C'oiuas*? oxe. u ed at the fi's tiiin"^ t)."* n- er ww fi.'J -of wb.icli i7.1'id.OJO are \'.\ do..a:s-. i', i u-MIM nut rats. !., v.-ritiliU chiHW 11-1 ib'i fnr^i isi4 T'Jiu u-* whflt vvi.i'-i p' cil'." {-5 S. b.-.-i et!ecte i my ra*e. It ha- ired me of M-dnri-d llhni'na ti.-iC.l. Arc'dc Sprioc.ield. Tellil. .A Maine pafaTTrt-portTthat punbliiij: prevails to an »iiarniiny extent in t.'io cities of that hj^te. T^n cotton factories and nine prold miir s are in operation wiihiu a radius of thirty miles of hariotte, N. 1 he cotton factories yield the most gold. LA 1 K .M Ah'tvKT KKl'Oi i. it f" ''1 ur.-nL'Sii marriage chime, I of til" wider* In Tn-uii »-itt st:lt dnig til vi t»try. Fr s jil.ol v is 111 i-l.oil: Ma-. dolorous toll ior tlie 'r of the church there into the aisle, down wedded ones were tiiiMi) was broULdil •ill its soijibre tlisplny. "vie- 'leal li at the tioor '•o.ieh which was to '.ad just been made ,Jovs ll i 1: i Halted iteatl y Uii ettriinraeitttr position, ih' nt flf heat in tlif ti .{I'll' tti (I. iNO. •»«!.•*» Owlf 1 r«r One of N.I. i»u march in •roii throats belched 1 dI K-Mll v.. w-'iite ar -!».• .ni'l -fin N'1- (UTs-ya!.''. anil M-^iV. No. u, white: No. iais«J. a wedding 1Jnhe v«diit.:l(» which of man niter tlik- »ak, k and narrow I.iiil: bust !i'W ur.i.lf.-, ,, vva 'J, ."o I...- rt j.-.•!"!, c- (uilhus'.s-.stic O' "'-and mountain lands: I I 'ttais, quarries ol f-'ianite, slate, sand Hi' -i front ami liiki's and rivers, Una '-'7 el'Vf) i| ijlll.fOi "(r ^ay8» tv«'ye,.e into ml5f t6 whi(-h w ii "1 ^reain is -i potid doctor to Cf,nblS iXnT^ °f iHkin«£J ,L AIi Edcctrir Ok will rtMl.ycwredtVMtjjM is(, iain,0, j,, the neA'sptp-r:?" Wt li, you e.-d u,,'. !«k, our word fti loihnt 'vrite t0 J. ,j. f'aul. Slin... Ti'm» CoiKluettir^ ^V.uren, of Winona. W V/ T' hotlle of rtr a»iii,i (.m I t.:il ctid, znysl Tfiom-i',' Kuitrrric Dd n lieveti ut? the i r&f dose.' "Hi.ld or! That will do. That's evidence rioti ,'b for 11n•. What 1h* 1,s j)r. iv-l. eiric Oil .:,»od fos?'' Til oiu as* worl Therein i abj,tern:' bci'ievi for rbeuni and in ra'jda o i kuid ol au actie, pain or soreness it:s iiia?ciT k-NS."' Hy drc?_»i.if! everywli'Ti \fi]. buru it Co Ma i./.-ctur Y. 1 intfl* A —-.. Tee unilonu Unw systeai 1 ., f.*el Nov, ]S. A child t'"1 :.•!' v have a tfo.s^ e 1 *i•• a.Teate.I ley unt'nr .Vv'araer'8 White ft!p, when WHS S^hk catssirta A L* i IniTU!^' ff-r .... ail' r, o-: -January, ir). l..r I). !.o:, N.i. Imi ft'' 'j: 1 to i'C a fair u.-mnml awl No. M)"b ,-lh.• for No., 4'n-* i» i.] s!iiat 4 o -.r„rontiiitifi foiiN 'f'l-.»r. nrirk *t it u im! lit- •iiiiii'r ctciM -"-c: S fe] 27i s MINNEAl'OI.IS. ln'1- r,-v Ky-rnchM.^l at .Ymc fur N. ft Miiini'- s" is ™1: :j iu li e.'.-. v\nvr iliiil ard droopiaif M11.WAI-KEK MAIiK!111.11«• fr sir. rm: Hi.- -r N"^I! 1 fi'nili:r IVf. m,,r "Tu.-f.-rV 0 l' w"i.'O •to 'ti i N" tor erf.iie'.j r|.„,r. aul-t ami .. HicAOo 3 pi active. Ksronjf an \V Ji .ii oDi'in'd dad. but i. ,/ ni -i In^b.r: N-M .'--.V.^r'.-iry', M-O Janu-.rj. v,,. Riiriia., **-'t! l.div: No. "i"""1*..J 'i r» i.oi ii. s !,-: No. -it-1 wmit-i, •. j^t. i i." r.isii: jnniiK.n,. iitinvf. 'YJ/Vh.c-ne^r: 47-«." 4ar• 4«ii' Novembfr *lK' .".i.,,, otis1*'' 1 lf. tirm -c.d k» boar's..'I a!it ova a whi-per. and jours cured m-. kisu.r t,ein •''-'•"•fdy| 6Vfr vr.iv, trit», A "Hug oflinvlng V y... 1 No.- 1. ''. v. t0(" No.'-j.r.iier Barlfj. RtmnBer N (io'jc.. provij-ioiis ^liim*• steam lard, November: .- „. .Mnuarr. Butter $7. iO for Nnvt iiibt r, for dairy. Cl.tH-si. fVrtt'nit-Kl^ir KMMW firm at uoooti'i. hinpuit'iit. wh.-at. 17,o()t» bu: burlt-j,-H. barley. -How. 1'.i.ooO bb .« *liedt. -.ww !),0OO till !),0oo tm. s' N-nee «t 0.'t«»ber#I bavtj sotl" re.1 from f'1!'" n e ':uii'.:ition in my nose a' hmd— lmvinK to get up and jj- i.dt sa.i and Kuter tor relief. M/ eve tdi, tor a week at a ijnie, so 1. cowkl not see. i huv used i:- ere? of reciadit-, r!-.. einplovf-il a tloiror. w!io said it was imfi-e h:00(i --bi!t I K,.t „0 1Jst, K tlie rtciiiinendatiori of a friend. laithle^-, but in a few da\ was cure.). My nose now, and a sj ruv *vr is Wed it is w,::iir r, }.uw tjniok tu-Jn'-d n p. ..Irs. 0 or .In i-on, Hartlwnl, t'onR. U- iby io Uh'-. i'rio I c's.i have taken ^7i':tv"Sp"c^.c(8. Si for T.i-iriiati.-:ie, r.rid I'o n.d p-r ect ivlb'f. [t i the b» tot and iiluod ilemedy known to cience D. I1, IIill, Atioriitrv at law. At Jatda, (ia. rite to Home Unaitfi t1 W i ji Miwn., for h'-.rne cure «.r 8!l tii».eae( i -t surest, cJn-apei. Fiff to all r.s. I WiliMT'ii tv.o btitiles td Wan i-r's Wh'ie v. ne t.f far fret'of all to any niit.i^ t- fthowdl jeinl is rq order Irom lm stor» kt,-e.p I•1!' iwo •i. t,f tlie s^une. bins ai-a I '\v» it Heel Stiff A E N S Lung Balsam! A GOOD FAMILY ftEIMi -THAT WILL CURE— Coughs, Coids, Croup, Ir V.-W.-n., •ft in »f.*t' to in last stag of Consiuirption, ta, bum f. n:. sli wi hi Wt* have hii t! HM oium t-ur-id tu» •ll'i rtis-..-.-' Hi. t.. v ob*R!, ot H..« linc«r""ii, -1. that tie win?.* tts t.» ku..» umt it,-- J.tjng Balsara has cured his mother of ConsumptioB, tl... „-OI had ti-v.-M .'»*»' fiSV.-i •am t» 1 thinks a uatj« i tit 9* iti. r* is E^' B32Bati,.^722U35^"^aRBSaEiMKfl TCPPID 50Wl-LS, diso^DERLD liver, and WALARSA. FrrT. tlie?o tt.tu-f-es un-e t.lireo-.ourTi.a ol the diseases of tlie human rai^. Il.ew eyiur/oraaindieate tb^irexistcnce: LomoI ichr- fuUnea* after t£l exertion of body «r mind, Krnctation of ro»tl, Irrlt-J tllty of temper,, !.«*» 4 ilut V, 1.'I /.t.I iic»«{ :utt* I L'A VlOX, an 1 ci* niarnl the use of a rem«.ly that af-t? nn ho I iver. AsR1 .ivniTnetlicin.' fL TTt ft Pll jr^H imvii no e uai. Their act:'ti ontao Ki inevs:i-l ."kinrromi-t removing nil i-i uirit.ics tliiouKti thefot'.. e •cftf „ei .,-i of the pro«luc :.(f app© ,C"^ts KiinI t)iL-os-inn, ^. n^lear skin and avicorousbo'-tv. i PfILS SuHC no nwea or piping n«r mtcrfere wittt daily vork audiare I'r^^t antidote to malaria. fo™ v-tV^'i ro.artr. PMW.4I v.- -N-7- TOTTS MtR EYE, rf,-*r llun or Win?Ki38 rha-r^ OR GliAT ftanliv plieat in Offi.'o, 44i.rrmy TMre-t, New- -nr. XUTT'S MANJAL OF USEFUL S?CE!f fRU* .....ii *t ihnnd fi«nd "e stamp to Dr BVKUV WOMAS RnAff^ for raroi'lilft a,H,llt ,V1° tb"1"'omI''.""'1 For Two Generations Tho n ooti and st inne!i old mimd'hv, MEXICAN 51 rS TANG has done nsoro to assuage puiii, relievo snifV-riu^, sum! save liie 1?vm oi nxeit iinti lum^ tall otlu^r Imlini'iifs put torrrtIkt. AVIiy Bv mse tho ^In^lansr M»no through skin nntl t'e-.h to tho very h:n driving ont all p.ifu and soreness and nior )i«I srerol Ions, ai:d restor inix tho anieU tl |)urt to soisut* aud sapplo healtli. CCKOHKE'S ELEQiniS BELT T.Vi11 7A r?- V by (to Jeremiah Wriiht,. ot 'nr.. ti ..iiut \V. V& •rit.hf. us that his wife 1 Pulmonary Con umption .it o 11 •II id. 1 y friend' try Alit»i J.ur..-ila after 1 incurable N} hvMinan. v. hen til* si. ot Allen 8 Luntf Bal to'ientirpl curndher, ii) nnt. In- imi hi? .- *'.f !«.»t i I '11 U CCKSUKPTSOrj. Win. A. Orahnm ft ,\Vh.t1.-iiV I)nu' oitH CaiscsvilU-. ohui, wnu is f.l tlie eare of Mat hiris trFimiin, a well kn.wn Is ha'mlms to th»» mn«t delicate child If contains no Opium in any form i:cci.iniiif'ii'lf'tl tiv I'ln kiriiins. Mlnistrrs and 'ii. In ftict Xnroi Tli I'hitis "t it- -rt i •.,r tw.-'.ve yi-ar*. "1 ht buriE ISiilsaro ettred htm ia it has t:to*^ mauy ithers of Bronchitii. fM Allen s evorytftly who ha« Riven It a tijr" good trial. It Nrvrr tiiiN to llrlitv'l. As irt Expectorant: it has no Equal. SOLD BY ALL MEDIC'NE DE&Lr.RS. tlon dull IR brain v, ui.c?cr.3,9 ch»'i5f«i tn» f.o-,sr i uo by svf-' iffia ap. 11 A 'eft! rlicatior» ci tU3 f:ood lTr-r^ci-'ptNew€\.'.ra. r»r sent tiv e:crros9 44•M.irmv fMre-t. l'u.itl ctire it i ti' •.*, T.nttib.isr". HhiKiinnt i -in. 1 «r N'li'.' J.iv'jii*. \Hli!i a lit" ii.tti'.ii. Ft v»j,el:.s. i'ni trrli, ri«-^, K| il.'i^v, !iu ... i.- Dumb A-,hi'-. I'r.ihijisttM Ttct :, ct\ Only U tru- oi Aiti.-ii.-ii 'hnt tho Kl-- fit.- ttml !ti.i(t llriisin hi ."i«li hi' bo v, nil 'Uti In- 1 .. .• .1 ill ttu ta sta.tit Itv nil- j./.r.. tit. ,^t«iul St.mri t..r trt-tuar. Itr.W.J. liOliNi:, Inwutor, 1 1 ib.i-h Av.ChU-uga •J 7 A WKFK, S!2* J*y nthpmtSfwll.T mail'i. .-mt lyoutlitiipp. Addi-t-iisTjiUB&c'o., AiiKu«:».Ma r-3"ffjr NO A i'h fr* 1-J H. A A. !'. :.!• t!% #.i Ki- n s I-i.h by s s ti 11 ..ton Attorn. 5 W*r.i' .. .n, I). i *i»'i jf/k ».n Pi 11- ,y uitiiT nn Evry to-nro of KoO or tnur ln a i a u sll ml.I l: tve ii''WKi'aj)'.'r. t-r1rt:ct:!ar«ti«m.t*uliJiJiAU,t\cana'•(*!-.!va^o.lil. of 1 f.i titnnafit? a jiaper .»t out nt. liff.'iiHary h-!p mptimt, v, n I -i n ji ii ii ii lf bad by «d dl'tt -nip Nl.i\ si'.-.I-lJl Box l:7,C!:i' -1 i ,\l i1,''ii kat ,Urefd"r ot 1'. wl-. S'-nd -.'t1.1 .ii it Eat ,*t 7ri' a. .r Often Mads! r\ I —tS'i 1 »i Bron- i v 3 1 V a huK man.! lu.'.il j, liow 1 Boxing Wills Weii Boring and Rock Drilling Machine la Very Profitable $25 li $40 2f.ach!nec Jtade to Hun t-y Horao, Hand or Bu-iua Power. PflP.5 f.vr Cat".' Aildrt-BS LGOMsS & IJYMAN, TIFFIH, OHIO. mi eoio! fi"E?IT8 WANTED v!'i inmll}' i nlt- ^1«:-'»iir- I 1' i. .-.t. Will hi. a p.iirtif at-., m.i. »v»u I? J' i"J at.- Ton eoniptrt*'. In 20 I1 v ui 1 Ki»i» u i .-it Min v »r •laiwv-ii'l w. i:I'.r »li'.i !i tiifre Is 8lwn\hi" -v i i.trt-t. S. f. -r ii.tar to ft U-tms u- 'i'wmHbly Miwiilue Co., IU i'li nu nt him k,1.,0tlinlttinig .u, Alaos. rrsinrni'i She!l". FITS STOVE PIPE A M» l: "itii". S'i K. j.h i:s r.v m. istco.v-.-N. VKS1KNT MAPI laiuirrNf P?i»fil» To 1 V3 AG'MF'-rS ,r :p:(l s i -N'ti 1 Ml- t* i .-.itMS TO, THE'i RIOT ffG. CO.. Ohio. I s a n i i i U o !.V in-. K. li. Keiical Conn Sense and Plain Tan on Korofnia, 1'i-canaw of Men attii Moiin.'H iiliii all t'lu-Miii.* ai!iu"nt.-i, with the evhlt'iiee-s »f t!i.-ii- '-ii'ul.i!.-!y, Adfci-.s j-.-iy Hii l'nli. o., Box 7hiS,! ClL.V. The i'rYf:usf tirii't. is K-.t«l Man-U :i?vi .-»0]i.f -1,.i 11* -!t' »5,IiOO i-'^tratioiM— a v.!..tie pic* i'H'ier/. Ciivts w'hole- •ale prices dir'ft t: for fo:.. t.:,v:-s nn all pc-rsor/ti vr liual irurxia I.*u.i v u.-e. rl" to ortitr, a'.i.l givas exp.t cit of every thing vou live, eat, drink, Mtar, or have fan with. The^e invahiaMc ht-nks c,en tain ini'orniation gleaned from the mar kets of the world. We will mail a copv Free to any address upon receipt of tl postage—7 »n! s. et us hear from you. K.xpectf'ilW, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 8a7 .& J»C V.'»bw.V Afenae, Cbloito, lli. k p-» a a"'*'1'^. Lty liiaii, or at |Al E. S S Hrnrt, Hull lrf««r*» tl»® *y'»t Isy col* or' i rlne, »XS.Ti VL- FREE drugcisUi. E LY SltOTH SRS Owifv, If. *. fly Y* V ..!1 1''r!pii.... ^tiMMly'a Xew Tnllur mikjiiv iioS.Ht-innt* uress cutting .i THE MINISTER WIIO FAILS aiul l't !]cl up ]ils church is generally sermon and many a vacant pulpit. apparatus is working refuses to do its of amp to Dr. lovfiantl. '.T C"'r I Wuliur to women. 1 hvuv never latin. r~-- Codorus, Mr. Wlute, of Rock Hill, w,'V 11 A ut! If. 'If yon are huHiring from poor hea't'i 'or far guifthing on a bed ot eickiu'!:?, "lake seer, it you ere simply aii 'iiiE, or it yon feel went and dispiritpd, 'without c'early knowing whv, Hop 'Bitter* will urei"? cura yon." "If you are a MiniHttV, and have overtesed wnryelt with our i'ast*ral duties, or a 'Mother v^orn out witk care and work, or a 'man of busint ss or laborer weakened by the Strain oi your ever}day dutks, or a man *f •i-'-urt, .lhtij* over yonr midnight work, •li'-.p Bitters will sorely atrenyttien you." "If you ere nil-ring 'I'rora over-eating or 'drinking, any imiiscre 'iion or dissipation, or •axe yming uuJ growing '..%o 1ft-t, w is often the 'case." '.' if you are in the worfeshop, on the 'farm, at liie dealt, anywhere, and feel •that your .-yat-.m? needs cleansing, ton 'ing, or stimulating, without intuxica 'tiag, if you &re old, t!c.od thin aiui im 'pure, pulse teeble, neives uns?U.,a«ly, 'lacultits waning, Hop Bitters ii what 'you need to give you Lew life, health, 'awd vi,:or." 1.1 you are cost»to dyspeptic, or sntlerir., from ur y o-4!i*rof thewunier of tr e et-'«ifch or bowjls, it is your own ti-aU Si you remain ili. Ji yon "re. wa»iin.{e *way wi any form* oi hitlmy stop temptiug deatli tl is moment turn for arure Hop iintt ra. 11 .von Km«lek with tiiat terrible uicknef^ NatvouanKH*. jrouwiil t.[id a in :t-td''i:i It' l»ittei^. It you area ir'tirt it t, ora r(Si.I*.'ut n: a itiiiismiit'e harricadi-your "."'cm i.t-rtii.:-' riif iw,iir, e of al! ei-un t:ie-.—i.'.iiaria., bilio'.'-i »nd i' ttn-nni'ent t'evert*—t k' the use oi'IIt,-i I itie: *1. ii yr.u have r.niirh t-*:'•p,,.v.or «alir.w rki*- or builbreat^i. litui i''r.t will v« yoi. f, skin, :e!i bloe.,1. ta.*« bwei-tesr b.-eh'.i:, sim-i I vai: •. $.x o r.i!' paid for a etti tin v will not eu e or •:v:i'. Tha" poor, l'e !ridc«i, i'lvalii! wi^e, siftir niotbT, or tiam f«Ti b.i made tbe i i, ti*r-» of health '»•. .» .. i otiles ot He Bitter.-* RO-tii but a trill •. I'1'l'i.'.Vi l.-t i!i i'i l.\M lie.i .Ui-- a-tC nu^x. l»r. la-nriii I'owcii, ,f, Win. QAft week in yotir own town. Terms and ¥5 ontOt V"" (rea. Addremi II. Uai.i.kit&Co, I*orlland,St# SI'HMCt'ItKKr.iK.-,viV-pByorFits 1 1 1 v duty, it is almost sermon. Give your suffering minister a bottle of Brown's Iron Bit t*iv. You v.ill see its effect on next. Sunday's preaching. The Rev. Mr. /'ehring, for in 'J4 hours. Fr»»e to I'lmr. IT. "sArM-uiU «t.,Ht. Mo. Ok TO fJOpfir d»y at hrrn«. Satnpi«B worth $6(r«a. V'' tj iSdON & Co., Portland, Matua. THTlVfl II FY leva Tklb»ba»«t her* and lUt^ur nrt.) Will civ* yo« a aftnatiou. Ci Urs ftfcs. VAiS .i lars ftfcs VAi S A lil \l Til I I i':\t£ A I,!-: 141-1 1. w# Cirra- B! OC., »n«sviile, Wla. NIC li I.I. SII.VIK C'AI-I. Iv mail fur :4t«'. 8tani)'^. Till l-A.'i i »N lilJ.l. i l. ist II.iii l.l'in, 'mi a OKXTb ifANTKI) for ^«e heat and fantnat Ml] A ir..- rvtf.-lat Books and Wolfs. Pn»*«« rulm.-** 041 ca.if National l-'«bli»hi!i(« Co.. Chi.'.aK'j. Ut. A nDWTO WANTED. FasteRt Boiling bonka. illjFLlil 1 O 1 t* fi-".fti«tn-nnva*(.«!rg. Citvitlvn t- i ., r.i iA ,v M.WM N, i'u..i.fli i:t ... .tin- *i.o PKIXTISC I'RISKia, NATIONAL TYPE CO. js? I'ttiu. IN. I'm juisrn lS'ck hie TYPE URC1 WHIRE f.Lt !:, Hf in 1 in \t«anu.-1 r.-it* e, win-iiM*!' 51 to nii'ii!'.- a t1-1Ii. 1. lilfto -iiout "Xji- ..ti- k SFEG1F10 FCP i .'»»jKir«r«i«T A" JS|t' fA' It each I 1 .VI11' x, 4 Xli«.LX.'.' uii he u rt'fiix v. ii i is ri, i'r.iin Vtirrv, -i. /»•.', t.7 .'•.,/•( --t. "si-.'Vi.u-I'i't *r:.!:tji.. limtj TruyhV.-if, tl.r» 'Prul i iiituii:! I K. "s'aiHarifim Xt-n hit- i doi'itr tv•utter?.'" Dr. 1. MrLoinoltt, AK\mit!er'itA!... "I fi-t'l it iin i: l_v iv.-,,u iu-i..| li. ti, J'r. ]). I-'. I.. 'iitlil Jt cnrc't where I i\'• In" ti t!•-i:ic It allity* I itirtaiiiiBa^loi?. protiTts I lite iDfiin.rauo of the naKitl pa.shak?f*8 frotn a.Mitionai colds, com p!e'f).v!t« sort'i antj ra^^.r«B ta^te ant) hiiu'Ii. few tippbca- ti. 'iih rt'lii'vo, A Vtor o'iyh trvntinent uAU 1 pcnlHrels/ ''nre. A^ret* ai-iln to oao. Sen for ircTiiar. Prlf«. r0 (hi!- troafi firetoappli iii. ivt!. Ki-U'-ff. pi'v- i. v,» :i!t ii." I.' I. A. .li", B-M'.tr. 7':,. forrp«Tniirtciif~ frerlv nsswcrrtl. For teetuii'inhil^ nnti tivuko-s k tl etamp. Co.. The Dr E. A. Oirfvwiii Mel. SI. Jyieph, Ko. ihtN. N«.ttl tj ill! Slr'.tet.' (17) ONIS Of-THE •V.3KBBT f: PHYSICIANS TESTIFIES. S*Hi'hj Spr•r•!^lr,,jt i-•: i'Vv.,ir.nic.inPmyj[1t for i,i,11o i i.H i-, ami i ui fiu'.i- tiation .'in (.li'.. pnii/,'r nisi It is'iitmiy \t-i.I.'. I.-m.' cun'i'Osi'.l i.: :li:'iMr,irt»i.| ri.cit# vlui'h t-ri- ft- ia this Btu'tiau oi' tii.-tii-.:ia. I an» fatuilim with-i.- Iiii--'.. '-v iron the tin., tl'.c l"!mo .! w i?. i-lt tiiiiit: I from ibti Ii diaus. Ir i» r. m.-ily I..!- t.!l Viijii i t.:o.. evrttini «n.l hA (|a)'i.i^uu Is mil- r. ar:.l thru* h:i» Mri -k.r. ln\nv havu i.ur il t.-i:ti! in THi: hit'# iaihirf i" -i.-1 I '111 I HI) (ilvNKItATlOV wifti It. aftor I i.) iu..-! sitriiatlv ltili 1 by tho ui"t 11it-. 11.-.iis ui tmatin.-nt \\..ii jin't'-iiry at.M It'ditlo ol Ji' U y hi. ii A. TO'IVKK. r. i).. I'ori-y. l.tou^!• .'ti t'o., t-ia. aii'l f^kiH laM*aM«iiiailf'4 FIK NWJJT .sprcrf-.T Co., I ra«i-r .1, At.auta, t»a. N. W. N. U. No. 4^. When writiritr to advertisers ph-a1*- ay yon saw their ailvertiM'nient in this paper. to interest his^congrcga- accused of being or ol not studying hard enough.^That is not always where the trouble comes from. Dyspepsia and liver disorders are responsible a poor prcacliel, for many a When the Dominie's digestive wrong and his nerves are giving him pain, and his impossible to make or to preach a Pa., was paralyzed, and could not walk except with crutches, until Brown's Iron Bitters made a new man of him* The Rev. S. C., says: "It restored me to strength and Brown's Iron Bitters is not onlv for the minister, but for all peoi?]e.' vi«