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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
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V. ias. sCassimere iP.tS, jrwear, nf H-lt,. oOe i Goods !1 New Goods! o PS o osiery, lankets, Quilts, Yarns, Pi fe •H 0 & 01 •H w Hi and Mitts ftooil Xo. 1 Haril, ,• J&P Army & Navy »(«•, Siu-ar Head, a Plllff. ''ling in our yard a good Buffalo Coats, Dog Skin Coats. Buffalo and Goat Robes, rv Duck Coats, Ulsters, w o AM baccos. TEAS. A l'TLL LINK OF Groceries. Tea Dust, Luck. GO Star. GO*-: ans ,, Slciltrt' ltamuter(M)c tlgt' Hammer colored Japs. SUCCESS! stock ol ASONED LUMBER, and a line assortment kior the Sign DINGS, D()( )RS and windows. of the Wisconsin LumhiT DEALERS IN specialty. Also a large supply Next LEAC1I .V NOCK. Proprietor: le and Fancy Groceries: TEA Door to Post Office. Hfhcat 25c 35,40, 50, 60 i aild. 70 ceiltS. j0oloilg, w (W stone, and Sun cured Jap i 60c n n 3 Experts ingrain statistics are still differing—politely, but forcibly— about the propable surplus wheat for export in the United States in the cur rent year, and concerning what thev 'term the shortage in the world's sup" l»ly- It is diflicult to see the full force ot the argument of those who rea son that there is not to be enugh wheat to go around into anywhere from IS 000,000 to 22,'00,000 bushels jaccoiding to the source of inspiration. I The United Kingdom consumed 200, 000.000 bushels of wheat in ISf2-is!. to Aug. 31. The estimates of the total domestic (Hritish) crop of wheat just harvested range fro'a tiO.OuO.OOo to H).000,(i00 bushels. Call it but 56,000 •.000 if you ulease. There was in store at British ports and at waterside in the United Kingdom at the cereal i Overcoats, Clothing, year 4o,000,000 bushels of wheat. And this does not include (lour from America and other foreign grain then clogging millers' warehouses in the United Kingdom. These two es timates, winch are low, show an ag gregate British supply for the years l^fco-M amounting to M.OoO.OOO bush Vis, and leaves 104,000,000 to be sup- 1 Boots and Shoes, plied. Say that from all scources about 30.000,000 bushels of wheat had been imported into the United King dom during September and October. {That leaves, at an inside esiimate, but j74.0iist,000 bushels to be obtained be ltweeuNov. 1. 1&<3, and Aug. 31,1VH. On Nov. 1, Russian Baltic ports were still shipping heavily, although at shockingly low prices. Of course they must soon close for the winter, and no more grain can be obtained thence until alter Slay. A strictly {conservative estimate of the past year's crop in the United States is '417,000.000 bushels. I know that Mr. Walker, of the produce exchange here, put the total at 300,000.0'M) or lower but. estimating home consump tion and a reserve stock required to be carried over (the latter at say 35. 000,(^00 bushels) at 255,000,000 15. 000.0O0 for industrial purposes 52,000 000 for seed, and one linds a total of 422.000,000 bushels, which we will require at liome between August 31 land a like date next year. The ., plus wheat carried over last year was not less than 55.000,000 bushels, at e u e n y e a a e a i n 42,000,- juOO bushels. And the difference be I tween this and the previous total— I that specitied as required at home— shows a net surplus for export (alter allowing for a reserve of 150.000,000 i bushels. Of course Canada will want perhaps 10.000.00U bushels of this, and jtlie West Indies and Knith America 'twice as much. Then, even,we shall i have 'for '""'itlis of business has convinced the undersigned that in locating in Jiig Stone City. Thanking the public loi Mid hoping by strict attention to business to merit I yp-tiiiid India and Russia *ull the. attention of tliose who are expecting to build, lat tia 120.000,000 bushels remaining Europe. The United Kingdom, Us said, would want in the lteiglrtior jh'ood of 74,000,0Ui bushels and France future i will want, say 6o.000,ooo. J»ut Aus- 1 .10 as well liv you as any li,„, 1. town. ami that you «... W Co. iw'-ird from while this ^uo,oOo bushels to spare for Europe. Fstimates are, alter all. but estimates and if the total production of wheat in this country on the filial count proves to have been but 30o.000,0UO bushels, of course Europe will find tint about ninetv millions of bushels of the same avail aide for its needs iu case she wants that much. The drunken man in Russia is not treated with much consideration. The Russian authorities are no respecters of person—for rich and poor alike, when found intoxicated and incapable on the street, are hus tled to the police station. Next morning the drunkard is roused be times, and feasted upon bread and water. Then he is compelled to take his place in the street gang, and go out with broom to clean the high ways. There P,!G STONE CITY, DAK., FRIDAY, NOV. 23, NO. 14 are two good and sutli- cient reasons for the introduction ol the Russian svsten here. (1) It has a tendencv to discourage drunKenness. land gives the wealthy drunkard no advantage over the poor one. The Streets need cleaning hadly.—ivx. Old papers for sale at the Ilciald 1 office. To Rent-The store and rooms on second floor in building on Cornell kveuue opposite priwp*! Come and see those pumps at the Novelty Wood Works. TAKE NOTICE. All parties knowing thcm«efrrei ii.dibt.-d to n* cither by note or book account* Will rnoucr. ,taie caI1 a,ul trifle at ©*ce. we need the CA^TARD UOOMS at STEVENSON. TO LET—Over the HERALD ffice I nquire on the premises. RIO STONE CITY, DAK. TAINTS. OILS, C. L. HOLMES & BRO., Cornel! Avenue, Big Stone City, Dak. TOILET ARTICLES. A. DEALERS IN Groceries and Provisions, Dry Goods and Clothing, Eoots and Shoes, BOOT AND SHOE HEADQUARTERS AT JACKSON BUHLERS! Four different kinds of Ladies' and Children's Custom Shoes' and Men's in endless quantity and styles also a big Ready-Made Clothing for the Fall trade. Oats, Caps, Mits, &c.,all at very Low X'riros Call and. See Me. •n slock JACKSON BUHLER. DRUGS AND DYE ST FES. SPICES. TOY'S, FANCY ARTICLES. COM US, AND AT of YARNISII, STATIONERY. Call and Examine TIIE IMMENSE STOCK OF NOBBY CLOTHS FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE AT Caward & Stevenson's Mrtait Tailor Dsn Ant. LOWEST PRICE-.