Newspaper Page Text
i,a r.t »s '. V' P.— Lci°« fc us«•itcrfcr^ a R'iperb JJ, Joor .,!«« ber treasures mm "^o4 jrD8ll "^smith's cuinu iij jj, d!i rdene i wheat. your ueighbors well have a-* Um'*' J^'ibonnty ctught whirfj lfTS!9iJeS«nd hia from her pffh»J*. f«r ,e«r* conn: ot -nder Lhat Aoj bin ry i# tl I,,a y ?eftrS tribute now to pay— .".oclaim Thanksgiving V»y. nardon yoo sown, well l»»v- ,J riches yoallive heaped 16 Iv [perhaps, that y«u will Ei :uniinfr to i »is cliair, I t, others, too, may t!« Eajl argtixnent y« salary to u u3®- 5 gd bounty 1 rtftwe- i Was go J**Hr the fn on the altar lay ry rejiiv Of liiv [{r writes I) the Sem-ai w related:. e asserts tii. wed, ther pnrjg'$ (»g^g n,«! ttiiam '!». taberei Imbetes fr ariaf- ioi Heaveua voice abroad Gwl's poor dotti lend the rweaitfl? H'd have to know you niltft let l* g°- .he band by Heaven Mrtu* power to ciutcb its gold/ Jfe ,.e no pockets, do they say? n n •nd that th, an! ydr iwpu "y frasfii e llip-joiE! •veakiv ctii fore, vim :arded u •mjtii.-ii.', e above ily he a us Htivt-.-a':: ith »h, vl owyou then the way: 11 death shall shut the door, ar cargoes on before. giyeth of his hoard •od'spoor doth If ml the Lord, brethren—do not wait lis Dttme Kelly's gate fou build a lus'ision fa:r send your Iumb«* there. th tat, no ihi»ve* do aiem, heart doih envy feel. j, .rs .«I itm .,v- I swords: Who of his hoard rod's |wr doth lend the Lord! ojrg es under way o:u rtian,'iv Day! llMiiksiiiviuii. lit! week \v:if alvviiyj n !ufiy 1 •Jear timt it wa~ busitM- tills ver. Stie couldn't. ]nite it, eitlu-r, for as thtv wcrn iu from ci.ureli mi Sunday :r mother say to Aunt Mar a little brrnk in hor voice, i "no heart fur Thanki^'iv- v!| Ieark!u w why, n:ui she y would iw a BOITttwful or, iH'rliaps, no Thauks- Was "jus? ris.:ht," they •'iathlMssly while the loai-cake e and cookies were care- U!'d breathed a deep lt| e oven .or i upon committed to its keep- ly tnorning the oven was "i and tilted with mince pie*. °ut so ileii^'btlully brown lllou",i.V 1,1 fragrant that the 'r(i'J ew desperately bun 1 lianks^iving would -ilOUgh And then such pumpkin •'f'e pies, and tarts, and at .. eV(kni»:g t: drew on,gr at i.-atch- a nd rye bread and Ji, udtid the oven to the door. |N. ^h'ken-pio and turkey L• 9r ^ie next day, the tired ai,» 'Qto ^ow rocking i Tiptop oa her lap C"l''"''"""I'O »'0. i, tin- J0 'lJtoP« mamma," said ln i how tired her mother was, but lei toother made answer onlv by holding Tiptop with a dow Tlic children gathered around as the twilight carne iv, and «ittinti there wait ed for their father to i, silence foil upon the i, by the subdued roaring of the stove, and the bud ticki:^ clock on the inantebshelf. As lear Listened, how vividlv back that Korrowfu1 niyibt whi a n a i I i o k anl loudiu-, l,11y t2|enf her lire away, a:,: it v.emed to Dear that she would :.,-ver again hear the clock t'ckini,' in the ui^ht witi.out think i-iig ol that scene. She glanced at her mother, and did not wond tJsat fhe had no beurt|for Th.i "intr this vcar. Indeed, she thougiit jti! hud inore oui«e for complaint than l'h mk^iving. Halfblin !e! and, goinjt to t'l.e window, looked out.' It waj u frosty stailuhi ni-^iit. There was no HIH»W ,n 1 hat on her wood-pile lies ...dome beyond the skies, KKJ REjl e rents within her wa'!s. rise Tear marble halls, nk*P?: on '::.*•£» that stopa the *rii:d ih oae with jasper lined. I a i i $! a's: IM, !r-" by y ,«! S» iu.. wi |'. s.| ar, 4% i'iisgone, yourlorm lies cold, ity paved with gold. Jav is held in hands Divine that marks it thine. I Dar^aui ye have male the debt is paid. see hotiH'Stt'iid, but it ^roinid, but here and there patches of i^t*? weru formiiv-' (tver tiie p')oN nf still water left bv the lie.wv fail r'1!'?-. •'•Why d,. -:u.a •••ui-' -a-i Tiot-.o frettu'i'.y "He Wui come fio-MI, S IH she dared n.-t Honk hat. At thebrww of ti:e till: she i aused and ooked down. Th road woiind hke a urook down the long tub-side, turning 'o thf right and to the ieft. with here md there steep pitched and many bars, :iil it was lo**t the darkness tar dovn Loward tU« v dlev. A" far as her eves roidd reach there wa-: nothirv: unu-ual to he seew but at her feet lav a broken luirn"ss I'p that road Fan had "onie, and d'w» road Dear mut j?». On and on, o\ bars and pitchbs, scarcely toiirliing the ground, loose -Niiies "hit bv her feet living In'fore her, 1 tuoriiiiij! tliere could be they wert'to h:ivt» Thanks* year, fjrtliero w.w what da "bonlirc" made in tlie 'Veniiitlic kitcht n, which remt-nil»trtu.. f, H-UH ..juried wiy 'luring Tl!ai!ks^i\iny Jp mounted a rha.r till, suddenly, h.alfwav dowuU'ie Steele jest pitcit, she came to a phice in the i road where the stones an i the gravel had beei, plowed up a if by the jdnng ing of a hoisc. Here lav the wagon-peat. A n'Ue far- TOER ON HO thai into (tie ovt*n, and Rhouunl diui-i.d in fcsta*y till, l'ur be Lad on v a chair-bottom he daiu-ed f.jV nd hruiscd •id had \o cumlortt'd by A i?n she wad su busy seeding AQtl Sjti:ir#!top counted it a ••''ije to bring in the long Hticka rtood to !!('at the oven, e:u»h ud, tn»*Lfi ijjr nl0j)ir with i and an occasional full o» ifid i} they were allowed to f^tick into the oven,their cuinplete. 1 'ear paused, ,... tn P* through the kitchen, •1 ne hla?,mt d(?|)ttiHand think and Abi-lmyo. ah stood arouud to vot» the '"it and the ovtn swept and tBotlu-r, holdinjut her hnnd tin1 te!np»rature, sou-niniy iay two or three pi.inks across the road, and at the fool of tin1 ste^p pitei, lay, on itss'-le, a wreeked i'mdjei wtiiron, which hail run hackrtai'l t,ii it eapsi7»d: and across the steep gutter by the roadjd'le lay a :oad of piaim «:ueti lial s ippe I from the w cg oi as it went over, Here waa a part ot the bp.)-, ken reins, beloiigieg to th- hern's* with .he on Is under the load o* I'latiK.: The wagon was tier lathers 1 1 .^lie -iON her and beckoning her on rin ntuuaMy i on tire in w w k V i w iR loud •reatlit'd Ine moiiier. sootfnnely. and in obelienc«' to an old habit, be-jtan al'Miiit inind'! liy huminins Tteejiville, the one time she" knew, and by whoH' aid she liad vear after year hummed the dates hibics to s!i-e i. "N papa at the shop!" naked Dear, in e fir-4 lull the humrainy. "No he Weijt down to the cotton-mill with a load of ibbins, and he ounht to be here by tliix tim«j.** "May I go a litt'.ewav and in »et him"'" asked 1 ear. es," rem i "nr had ue*N in the «*,. R- ,,FJ 1 v fir-t light a candle akd make the tea, and put u)orr wood in the stove, and briny tnc Tiptop's uiyht-dress *he boys' alio s, and wear yoi diin't be gone lona." Dear bad clo-'-d the dcir. to starr on a run, wli--n she ic ird id I-'an's whinny in the direction of the barn. "l\ip:i com.*, and i« uiihar neb^inj 1-an." thought she, teeiing a lit tle disappointed that she could not meet him and ride home. Instead she turned to the barn. At the ktable d.Kir stood old Fan, steaming as if --he were having a vajor* bath. "Papa had a load home," thjught Dear as she wenteup to pat Fan. Hut what was that she stepped on'.' A thill? Yes a broken thill, etiil hanging to the harness. Star lied, Dear glanced around the yard. The wagon was not there, and now she saw that only a part of the harness was on the, ami iliat was trailing on the ground. lief o e this fee ing in hex heai had time to take shape. Dear opel'vd the stable door and letl'.ini. and, carefu!iy clos ng the door, ran fwr the street. The road over the hill iay, like three narrow loot pa*, hs, with straight ridges of turf be* •w«*en, and along tlies- narrow paths Dear sped wit! flying feet, straining her syes to l^ knew that but where was he! lather. She sl• a*id looke.1 on either sid up th.. hiil and down into tic valiey. .th iieg moved there was no! oven a mil enough to bend the !ali .lead grasses hv the roadside, and no cMinu was to he heard in ad th-still ibv'M but thegu'g-. ling and homing of the lifle- b^^kj that had gullnd • wa'.-j v.avs oa either ^ide o: toe r-aid. Dear eoiVd bear this silence no Fa pa. papa, wh.rvaie v.e.j a:..i.m wild civ went ni 'he Inli-^de and (.own into the valley b. in our no answei. '•(»p.U.a. papa'wlMt .h.ill called again, and as she .training ears, she heard, or thou I she heard, a low moan near her. .u i her knees. "'o Bcldv "lei' »y'- "Fapa, pap^., are vou here?" was a Si ire iv sin heard a sound dm ai^ ,-nid it seemed to come from tin. I 1J.UK loaf, had slid over the gutter. In an instant Dear cring among the plainU' mw. She tried haste to raise the pluiiKS HI^II of rtrdrr :s L'sr.i.A: trom the woods in rr.,t i this dark path, o\t,r f-r,"*n Med Itiddv, starting tioin hti Doar tl'iV wor.l»i u.ldwl, »,l!'u'll'°k 8 t!'rt e i afraid—I'm afraid there's some «n- under l!,,.- ^^fj 8 f,"™ tryiiiR t.j lift the load. i .i KUil, that s no way* to isarruk tak the top oria rirst. Mike, ve la/.v sowl, piit along wid ycr lanthern!" and her voice went down the hillside like the blast ol a trumpet, starting even the alow Mike into a run, ''There, hou'd that," said she. hand* me toe lantern to Dear, and with Hid- rtontnrms at one end and Mike's at tne other, the planks were flung over mto the road. Deai held her breath, and be.ore tue planks were all off tuev com-1 H-e that a man lay there stretched 1 1 1 by tears, she .started up, the bed of the gutter. Ttie pLthks Welt* ovci iiiin iike a jof, or the cover of a box, and, when t!ie last one was oil. I.»car saw her father's fai and w hi'o •. sonml. 'uNvb i -'-ei, i.t t.,.t. ulated liicdv. lake his tvet, Mike, and help get him out, ol the waiher. He'll be drowned iniirely if he's no kit alreadv boras he iay damming up the narrow channel, the c:ioii»'d water had risen and spread around himin an ever-"i° n» pool. *. Rild liter a Aa they took him up and lai'. !..'u down in the road, the motion seemed to roils- him to lite, tor Biddy, stooping over him with the lantern, saw his eyes suddenly open. He looked about him in a bewildered wav, and ithen Hutched at the reins Hint were still in his hands, shouting: "Whoa, Fan, whoa!" Then he slowly raised himself on his e:bow, and scing the planks scattered ab nit him muttered: Why! she's got away." "Are ve much hoi, sur'.'" asked Biddy, concernedly, taking his arm as if she would help hun to his feet "I dou'l know, I'm coid," said he slowly. "An' well ye might be iyin' in all that wathi*r." and she told them how they fo'iiid him iying in the gu:ter. with th" olaiiks over liim, but not on him, and the water around him. "Is that y u, Dear? and has the horse gone hoaiu?" asked he after a moment, seeing the little, ehaking figure beside him. Yes, papa,'' and ail at the con v i!s ve sobs b'aped beyond her control, am! she fell on her ki.ees, quite unable to say or do anything but «ob. The sigiit and the scamd of her sobs nin'e t.lan anything else to restore her fattier to himself. With Biddy's help be slowly rose from the ground, and, aftr-r standing a moment, he said, steadily: "I believe I am all right, only cold and a little confused. The fall must have Mtinncd me, but for your help, my good woman, I should have been u dead man soon." "It was ver little girl tor.i us. We shouldn't have known." lie held his hand to Dear, and she caught it and held it under her chin,"till unable to speak. "Do ye think ye could, walk sur? Ye've no right to be Btandiu' here wid yer wet C:othe8." Thus admonished they began to move, lli-lly arid Mike and the ''hwithe' o" went ivith ihem to the top of the bill. P. v that time Harvey Gates bad obtained full possession of himself, and he hade Kiddy goud-night. tebirig her he wouid see her on the morrow. "\oiv, Dear," said be, "run home and tell votir mother quietly, that the wagon limkedo JI, W wa I. «vor there, She cou'd peering a mo c.. i ,.i .see nothing but she c«u. wi'h frantic hut theie was h' j([1 4 500 M1V1 'I'1 hut that 1 am all right and will in directly." Jt w --s not until rear noon the next dav, wneu Dear broke into an ii repres s 'lije fit of sobbing, that tier mother unew how near death had been to them that, night. She :uru"d vrv vihite :nd ai'e-ra moment--aid: "('h. di.-u,wehave tii eat reason io b-' thanktul t«.-i»iy." A little later Harvey (uiu s came in. He had been down with Luke to get the planks out of the road and to see Biddy M.-Cov. He old a pitiful story of the provertv in the little t'han'y. *'There will be no Thanksgiving ^upper thye to-dav," he said. Mrs. (bites winced a little." •"•h'* was a thrifty woman, audit was not easy for her to understand the b!e«--V'!nes« of giving. 'And s ch a ba bv, such a lit' te. of a iiaby!" run* tinned ll'arve i ces, as if speaking to hi lilted. i.a'ii-?" refie.ited Mrs. dates, pnus inaon her wav to the oven "did you say Iliddv iiad a baby?" "Ye-, i.n 1 ihe poir little tilings look* half «farved." M.imrna," said Dear, eagerly, why rtn'i we have them all up here to Th Mtk-.:ivii:g supper.' we've got enough for them-' ll.jrv.iv Gates glam-ed at I bushels k SltU thing dreadful' has happened on the the .wJ yuu Bi.ltlv III. 1.- Wiilimmt, ,K, (she came There I to the foot of bill. WK-O it up Ami so the MH'ov- bad the de.-t Thanksgiving .-u»»p *r of their dv-..:S aiof ,,,, moie thalik!'u! cotnpanv gathered Hi S'cw l-h.gland lint day. the iates !am tender over their es jiv jceiitig verv U'lidcr over their es cape from a great caltt mity.—Josephine R. Baker, in fs. S. Ti.ues The ("Jarfield farm, near WatertoA'Ti, od ing.on county, Dak., was run over by a. uMirlefire. d-siroyi'ig tweatv-tnree stack of whea» 125 tons ot hay 400 bushels of barley all of th" farm machinery, inetud a" thre«h»njr luschiiM- barns, stable, and erHiiarv ^even 1'S three b.orses Durham bull, va u-d at t4-R». one cow, .ur calv.s OF U*Us HO1 4UM I'AUkTA NEWS NOTKS. ies Mud Cou«»raine the Vole P«il«! at Hi.- IttccM Klection—The tj at-Honie*. VKSKTON Special Covrespondenre, Nuv. "JU I roturns on the vote for the constitution come in very slowly, but the figmoa are now sufficiently definite to enable one to fijjui# the result certainly nithin a few hundred*. I* i* well kuown tLat one of tha papers l»ere was tha strongest advocate found for the conafitniion, and it is e|ually well known that the other paper oppose tbt» locument with might and niaiu. As the elec tion was hf-M without the warrant of law, tin returns huvo not been forwarded Io tho see re •sry of the 'J'errifory, as would hare been under an enabling art. AecordingW, tln-ne papers get ttu* ve'oiriiK as best thoy uiav, ui, their tit ure» differ quitfi riia'eriiUly. Tiio il«»i wld fi^iio -i out iIn rtBnit as follows: fur tl.e cuost.tuiion A*aiu»t :h« cmatitue.,-: c.sgg Majority for the .. :{,!! 7 Total vote 17.."itit On the oilier bfuul. tha Press and Dakotai&n. which favort'tl laiiticat'.-m. juibhsfiea a (able I'OS'J, f.-r .. bu^ht-in threshed wheat. Total loss, $ ",toO i(j,OOU iusurance, $3 r'o Col. Albert I'm Bennett, associate editor of the state newspaper of Richmond, Va,, died recendy. aged fif v five, o? pneumonia. He was a native of Venango county, Pa. (Wl Unmet bewail lite as s journalist in Vw Orleans at the cio«je of th« Mexican war. .. Queen Elizabeth was a proud old cirl, though her band-: and feet were of irreat size. of ciajoritiea as fo.hors: M.ijoritien tor coustit'jtioa s.o7*2 Ma jr.oes »{r4:ti8t I'otistitil'., I.'-o'J Maj c- fur cou-s'.iiution 1 Tli'i latter pain.r puMiahen another table of Niial bv c. Uiities. Th ligurcs &re only part "otlii'iid'' m,d nine or arc yet to be heard from Talung tbia table I bavc id.iful lo it the t.e?-: figures (ib'amat.le for the aiisnirig c..untie*, and bavc prepaiJtl another al.h', in wlu.'ii i* liicoi lfd tlic vote for lt'h-^at" for aa the figures appear upon the lt'cords in tlmoftu'e of tlie bccp i.iry of tho Territory Ah th"se tigure^, except in t.ho case jf ihc ciainijus marked wiiii a Mar, are the re mit accepted by tho suppo'turn of tlie cou jtHntioti. fu the case of Pen'iingfon county, tfie itai-id City Journal nays That Mr. (J. L. Wood, a ir, -nib. ol' iho cMUftiaitioiial county (Jinimttf-c, uanted the judges of t)j3 election to kt ep a sejiarato box and poil book for tlie constitution. Wnen tt:ev deciu. i to do tliin Mr. Wool roei'iv vot f,r the coiistuutloii in a separate yi rhe result of los count i« taid to bo I FT v.. tf.e covis'i'tpi tii, and 7:i against f.r Kaoi i Jity The rt'fii.t of tho count for Hani City, published by the jiidge-*, is 'J 11 against mo jonstiliir :i and 1 J~» fo- and for tlie who', rounty. 4'J'J agoiist and 17 for. 'i tiese use .Lo tiuuies that appear in tha table, which are aerewnb given. .... ,.N .,.,!g n\--:T!TtrrroS. V( on Vute i Coils,! nriui). l)elr.g»t( For, Auaintt in 1 S \'irora •jti 1 »B.solle ... 518 50 t',71 Hon H"iini: 400 455 1. 100 Bruokines OS at'.s l.aia ttr.wr, ItiU 155 i .o»a firui'* oSS (ig Charles Si log •Ciav. 'ggo -ill .'o iington i!57 i :tr» 7-vS •Cust»r •il l^:: ,') s JNark L5oS aoi ivisoa 701 'Day •Jo 1 Oougla# •Jos i rj g4:i tliick^y Edmunds.... •Faulk '(ir.tnt tkl .. Hanson ia.' 418 •iSauilin 114 to i tlu'ohci^o :iH7 u titiW dughtw «(ii 100 -a fK'id MO 60 tui Kuigsburr .. 3^-t 70 7 ~. Luke 7.'iti [.awr-nco I.i 77 •s.ic ,ss4 U'ncolri nit r.Gc 1 .tigs MuOook 75» 44 S 7 Miiiri»l.»l.a s 4 -,'iio Mirer i s .-« 1.150 Moody 7 tl 1 s •Ivnnington VJ!' 1 7 S^4 Spink SOI l.OOl saiibuto HI 1 Sully 5f Turner .. .. 453 i .Sc. l.'JIH ••Union 31 !'7T i,is:r fankt'.-i:. S40 .i.'* l.'^GS T«tal i i.t u gs. 104 Miij'uity .... o, 1VJ1 It will thus bo t«een that 'ho constitution as i• .-ij ratified by a vote of two to one When h» returns arts ad in it is probablo that tlie total vo't, will readi and fha' the nu jnty will be n a far from ,",.*i()l t.r (i,000. TUK STAY AT-HOMES. It will be sei'n from the thai t'lf1 total rote fcr delegiits last vtar \va abou' 'JS.'sOd. It i* qiut«j sa'e to pay that o .r popuhi ion ha* .ncn.-asod OHO ttnrd during the ]ast year 1 his would givu al.,ut US.UOO v.iters at timt-t, and it wi be noeu that just about one-half ol' the voters went to the boils on elecuon day. So nit •!'our papers me disni-'sing Ji-w tici re-it uf ,'li" vi'ers null!.1 have vot'-d it th«y had roiiie out on election day. One side aims that 'he abn'Mee* favofd the c.-n-titu'iufi, but .h-iiignt it would be ra'itio I anyway, and k,at iheir assiatance w mid not bo ntioded. T!.o oth»*r -*ido are eipi.idv cei'uin th.±' tlie «h on|"osod the e ustitutioti, fo:, tiad they fav.] it, tliey woa'd liav :en o i band vote fin it. At any rate, the apatiiy eKi.-tnd, a »d it is apiiareut that 1o constitution has not t.n.y not lec'-'ived t!i" -upi.oi that was i be ei peccd, but it enc.'uutered aa opnoeitiou that was not v IH ained of. wi'e. After a moment's hesitation she sdd. "Voj, they can com", I suppo-e, it die re aint inore'n forty or tifl .• m, and she op.-n.-d the oven co.e, :o.d hasted the turkey with energy liar vev she called, as she beard hou go jtig ti,,v trd the tloor. "ted to hruig the baby and here, you take toat th ci shawl io 'he entry to A glance at the mnp will show for tho moat ..rt th" i .•••it o'l to the constitution cam"1 from lho HoudieNrit corner, and that Vanktoii and lurner ud.8 were tho only oars to la e ik tii almo-* sohd phfci tux in this corner, ll was in iheso coti itn s on y that ths opposi • assumed a belligerent altitude, if we ex i- p: 'laui r»n I brooking'",where inoi iiug^ wore a'-o held, it Las b-en charged bv tho MIJI- p. rti-r.s of tho niovem-nt t.iat the opposition eame only from the s£ ignorant, upon whom ex Chief .Ji.s'ice Shati,u and tnat old, Dr. lUiil"mh, w.-ro able to nr. o-o in their speeeliea against the constitution, liut the ciiog-' was ctrTtinly ill advised, for it docs not appear jusati'd when I'oion county e,i-t 1,000 vote^, an i .iity one otiiy for t:.« r,, i-t tn!ion, and when that document iece:ve.l tjui.'h Miia.l support Ltnc-jln, .Mron-hai-a and o'her counties. J'le- ..op .eer* ci. that had they begun their canva s t.vo weeks earii-r they would Lave complf-ti-ly btnie-l the (i.curn"iif. On the o bur hand, the tiuitporterd ssy t.liat if iher !iad bt-en lime to fohow up Shannon fc-id Dr. iiurU'igh in tne cru-iwb: against it, incy c..u!u I avH won back *11 the c.juvorts mad: by them. As tach party is sincere wo shall let each have lus gay. Ninety-five Indian children from llosebud agency were taken la^-t week to the government school at Carlise Bar racks, Pa. N. Frank, dealer in clothing, of Dead wood, has assigned to C. B. Straufw of that place. Frank's assets are given at ^l.fjoo, and bis liabilities at $S,00 », all to Eastern creditors. The first marraige in Edmunds oe* cured on Saturday at Ipswich, the con tracting parties being T. A. Turner of that place and Mi«s Fannie Hard of Chicago. Terra cotta of the best kind ha^ bt-en found in McLean county. A girl named Glark had her fai her arretted at F-delline, charging him with trvint to outrage her. He avers that he was merely trying to spank her bad character out of her. The examination of\. P. |Hrooi :vly charged with aiding'H. G. R.sing in the publication of a libel against ('. H. My ers was concludett at Kcliield. He was bound over in |2Qo. lie v. David A. Sanford, late of Miter, ell, has accepteii a call from the vestry to become rector of8t. I'anl's Episcopal church at Watertown, Wis., and will at once entei upon his pastoral duties. J. Curtiss and D. E. Donoven ha e been jailed in default of $2 000 bail, to await trial on a charge of forgery and perjury in having personated a home steader in the. Mitchell district named John Gordon, proving tip on the latter i claim after Gordon had died. An attachment was levied upon th* general store of F. Davis A: Co., Kstei line, recently by «y. kpndall Bros Minneapolis. Marie Perii wa» to be married U Arcbilaus Burton at Grand Forks, Louis Forkey came as best man. When he beheld the bride to be heand she fell in love with each other. They were married Arcbilaus attending the cere mony, weeping copiously. Col. George Ordway will build a brick business block in Pierre next spring. North Dakota has ninety-seven eleva tor, all tilled with wheat. Mayville is to have a new bank Dec. 1, to be called the Bank of Mayville, Brown Bros, & Co. proprietors. It is rumored that the president has decided to appoint Congressman Bur rows to the vacant Dakota judgeship. A desperado named Murphy, from near Deadwood became involved in an altercation'w ith Henry Evans at Missou ri Valley, Iowa, recently and B'ftbbeda the latter several tunes in the head in tlictmg terrible and probably fatal wounds. The desperado xuade' his* es cape, but was recaptured. There is still at Sioux Fails consider able going on in the way of bnilding. A n ng the structures in course of erec tion is a bridge acir^s tlie river, and a handsome bloci-. v« high is being put up by the Odd Fellows, at a co«t of |25 000 to fill',000. One wing of the penitentiary has been completed, and seventy five convicts are confined therein. A new enterprise has recently been set on foot down there by Messrs. F. h, and J. H. Drake of St. Paul. The gentlemen tin der the name of the Drake stoneware company, have set up machinery for the purpose of polishing and manufacturing into mantels, slabs, table tops and orna mental designs, the jasper stone of that vicinity. The polishing is done by a patent process, and so hard is the stone that after it has been polished nothing but a diamond wili scratch the surface. The amount of capital which the Metwrs. Drake, have put into the enteiprwve „i* f25,000. Joshua, son of Squire Negus, of Mid dfeton, is insane and has been taken to the asylum. 'Squire Negus is a w»rtbt c'tizen and should have our sympathy. One daughter and a grand* hild were burned to death by prairie tire one grandchild killed by hogs, and now a son insane. All the land in the Huron land dis trict has been surveyed and the platu tiled in the Huron land office with the exception of two townships. One of these has been surveyed and the plat will be returned to tlie Huron office in about ten days. The other has not yet baeu surveyed. The station agent at Aleester. Union county, who reported that he had been robbed of $.100 of the railroad company's money, has since admitted that there was no robbery and fie took the money himself. Pierre has organized a committee, of which L. P.ullaid is president, and W. Ustic-k is secretary, to bead a movement in favor of the opening of the Sioux In dian reservation. Tfiis committee has called a convention to meet at Pierre on the tith of December, at which time the subject will be considered, and a plan agreed upon for presenting the matter to congress. Each Missouri river county, beginning with Campbell county, and ending with Y mkton county, is en titled to representation in thin con vention. Let.-dier has a artesian well that flow forty barrels per day. Konuuice in Uenl Life From the udi n iv ho. The beautiful and highly-cultivated daughter of one of the proud old Roman huMes, the Duke Gallesc. was intro duced to the Italian poet, Signor d'Ai. nunzio. Her kinsfolk n.-ver dreamed ihutaladyof such great expectation and h'gh birth could run any risk by an intimate acquaintance with a man risen irom the lower ranks. The two walked and chatted together, but while t: e young ladv's friends supposed thnt sin was tal1.i intellectual mat-ers i_t urrieo out that. 1 i.i' conversation or the intt rc.-' ing con pi turned in n very diflen nt di rection. The (inke learned, to hib hor ror and anger, that his daughter bud dared fo bethroth herself to the poet. As a matter of course, he re .'u.-ed to give his sanction to their marriage, whereupon the lcfcia took me train to Florence, where tin-/ were made man and wife. The last steo made the duke so indignant that be bad a legal document drawn up, which he disinherited bis daughter but the fatti er and the man aft ward.i so far over came the arisf'.cra: in him that he set iled upon her h..r life a yearly income of ('fi lire. The -dory has since obtain* an almost tragical completeness by the f-epara ion or tin- duke from bis own wife. He accused her of having secret*'. !y favored the cause of lVAnnunzio. and of allowing the lovers to hold interviews afterjtht father had prohibited all furth er intercourse between ihe two. He has const queutlv broken np his house bold in Koine, made .i settlement upon his duchess, and declared that he will henceforth li\'r and die as if he had neither wile no: child.