Newspaper Page Text
FlH" 4fi| "ullid comfort. u ami Surgeon, JJIISIX" IKillOlV. Y& WKI/LKKS' DKC} .'••sHrn-.WAsiiiNH. Work J.sia run I KOIIIIIM 'f'AI S.OII, Av•'. a»j Insurance Agents. ut ni IN KVKHY 1'A in 1 I. u. ]KIS recently been re-iitted an-1 ivf.irnMied tand to tourists visiting the hike and the travel ^nerally it offers special advantages for their lllitlv attended to. I-Yrt'i .phtuttHi lul kiii'i- I •'.-•NUS, Brick and Stone "Work most veiusonabh rates. v one City, I. T. 31KK. M, A. MORCJAN. Proprietress. TUTT'S KALSOMIM MINX BSUN, I.iid id mil oFi-'iCE. i st* an I'wpcciul Study. lan Agents. Hiiv and sell •'-.lets of title furnished to all inty, Taxes paid lor non yanoing promptly and lieat :uriiishcd to prove up with drwt, Bin Stone City, and iiitiauk, D.ik. THephouic 'tween tho two oiiices. WllITFuRI), and Surgeon. «eguit's Drug Store, Main fotmd in officc at night. •N"p llAn:-I)nisi:i y, KUl'F. •'Jon and Plasterer, James F. Fisher. -liil, ueys at Law, DAKOTA. '.KIL S3!icitor and Attornej-at-Law. liBANK DAK. Bfe, up-stairs. Has limMil- |10 given to 'Hi crime. roe 1)£ 1 1 \\B» POilli I.N im KMATY tofrf.r (a iistantly on taj. I'eet, lio!k and ltye, iiiiti. other Wines. st tiramts oi Ciears In the City. i s 1 e of the Peacp, TY E E O A N t* •Wnjm.e 1 o! II'If' :1 III. i iriiutfinoua pro(J. acts, winch permeate the aubhUme of the I.m»ga, expectorates the ucrid matter tliiitO'ii'*. tBiiitJj.^ ill oi.i hml liitei^iirni u mi o a soothing touting, wi i n relieves th« ir ritation that I .M I-.•* NOTED DIVINE Vh. a V N OTITIS Is berel-v .-iv'ii that the tirni Co. is'this dav di-solved sent. Movius Laos arc herebv rolled all loom s due tl.eliri oil' the rel'.aia ]ilrinents .. (iiven tin t"i' ur jl this lutii duv oi Nov A W.M'OVH WM. K. Movu THE in the legal profession. n the deleiiMe ol ktmwn okly Tribune (Lately Place ik's Stone City, G-lasser, Prop. ni 't,'!'K.( M..I! 11' ».\! all ,j tune* the nervuuh syo.-m Might oMa often end In consumption. It la ln ligrrous to n gleet them. Apply the remedy promptly. A tcntof tw.'i:'y y irt wiirr.n.'s n-i ,n that no remedy haa ever ln n found that la as prompt MMriw- usTUTT S EXPECTORANT. A single dose raises the phlegm, m.Lucp infl ft:.d its n-c hp.-i-.n -. h,,, tl.e n ost obstinate c, idi. A pleasant cordial, rhil dr»n take It readily. 1-,-r (roup it 1( tnvaluulile r.rr Uliilly. In anil SI RdtMrs. TUTT'S PILLS ACT DIRECTLY ON THE UVER. Cures tlitlis and ever, I *ir|ila, Sick Ileailat l»e, itilious ollr.« oiihtlpM tlon, Khcumatlam, i'alpitntiouol the Heart, I^izziness, Torpid l.iver, aad Female Irregularities. If you co not "feel Very wait," a .11 atimu'.utea th«stomach, reator.'s 'h'1 np'•••••. v, ir.r arts v:eor *0 M.i» nvs'.na. A Real Estate Dealers. SAYS: '1 i |r ir.- n yuri I have b«en a nimtyr to In t-pepMii, oEj'iputi'n end Pilea. Last spring i.ur Ch wtre r' tomiuendBd tome I uaad Umu (but wi'h little fmtt.). Iam now a 'well man, have good appetite, digestion perfect, regular etoois, gone, and I ha»a gained fort y pounds BOtia fleshy Thay are worth their wi'ipfit in pi ld. LKV. It. L. SlMrPOV.Lot.iiTilJe.Ky, Office, Murray *»t.. ^Irw York. i !H. TVTT'S IA\I AI, of I sefUlN \Bacclpti Filial, oa application. Knight 8c Dean, Have on hand S S 0 0 0 0 Tinie, I, 'i, i, o. 1 terest as low as the lowest. Monty liished to lor l'le-cinj tion- a- I'omnio'e Homesteads. JSFO IDol£iy&- l't-r-ons can get their inoi,-y .. day thev apply, i th-- l'rincipal ami Liavabie at Nlillank, Dakota, lu ue Abbott authorized to negoU'..'.'' loans. 'Call at once ou A 1 A O Mil.HANK, D. NOT1CK Is hereby given tL I ''c i" i ga\ I' three pr-illi'f 1 V i or Iiiti Stone City, D. and one lor !jMt: amoinumg ]tayabie in one. two aii-i l•' DAK '.it or a clean •dnivt ilrop in .„-r, A t'fi.-t w Moi.m. ^M JoliN ON TRIAL 3 Months for 20 Cents FARMERS' TRIBUNE as the Farm«r0' Union ia blo Newspaper tural Journal agenU f»r of h» ly fuiliwr:ner clubbing For n i U e 1 W. Fid'NTAIN. Ait'y ut Law. T]^Ns a ac- iiii stoxi: city. d. t. ^'kcialty MuNKY ID LOAN IN SMALL AMor\y 11f ii,T T1MK ON ('11ATT I IL SECURITY. Money to Loan on Real Estate. !if-'i U] ANl) l'LlM-:Ml'Tlnx. IXSUHAXCH AINNT Ft! A A DO- tl.e cou^h. It rUtoiei the lunga of al 1 ImpuritleM, Rtrriifrtbena thfinwlit n enfeebled hy diaeaxr, invigor ate* tfm i 'ho bin,, !. ili M' 1 and si,Id on sold on all in Estrone, !r[liv *K: Fountain, S S O O i i Postal Card is a bona-ime oiler to any one »pt and writ tlie names and •ok agent thev may know o( on •t We preterthe i anvassiiiir, although iv ciiitfajwed «il! i.^etid in a:: I we will show y»u howitis r^'if MONTH AND cl'TFIT 1'IH.L. -'wavd men, women, boys and cirls to k ri.^lit in their own towns, villages and i !. n i iii, I s Chi salary or communion. It i -v.ess we oll'er you, and you i! i v :mm home o»'»»r night. We .• i t«» lurniwh von an outfit tree to i :i buiuess in the worli. All those wiMi '.is make money rapidly. can d". your whole time or your i tnoineii*- I! you decide to engage in .. -•!!.—,. write at «:icc tor lull par i i i I .- -J e n a k i n a n j", ami you will recf ivr our 1-iMe outlit return mail. Addre- LONDON BOOK Ml I'd. K li'TSK, svi ix111 .-t St. Loms, Mo. cu 1 w second hand Swe.-pstake J'oucr, declare the same null 1 1 theieason that i liave m-ti' ttief.'t-.r... rhe s.ii Sep'Tator an i i illg laued "i iv hav- 1 1 1 pUp TMouis U'!( has tu gn witliotit her Spring bonnet Specimen copy and Grand Premium List Free. Specimen pa_'es of the liri KKYK Cook Book,(which ev erybody knows is th0 in the World,)freo with it. Address, Buckeye I'ub'y f'o.,. Minneapolie Minn. l'he use ot the term "Short I ne" in connection with the rporate name ot a great road, conveys an idea ot just {t A what is required bv the trav cling pnl'lii'—a Short Line,. lIuiLl Quidi Time and tin- best »t iimi "latiius all ol whieh are tiirni.-hed !•, th'f'cieatest railway in America, Chicago, Miwaukee Merrill. now the Lar^ paper pub- Mt and .he llshed or circulated tlie «y^ It portoct iv a Complete. nte 1 ,S THK TIlVBU N local or county paper. fI 1 °ont tIo TRIBUNE will "tW 8 apec- 12 W««k« mwle for the ialnnd teinpomr ®J[tro(lucintr this en singlo purpf to i lartred und imp'°\ tffty tboua- e( I families whe^ io order A convenient wft. win bo equally DAKOTA. t0 l*omPtl.V aad the PBP«P lg for one person I under this apodal neighbors with I to got the narnop of four his own and remit on»** 5 e Hub3 tnbscrlption*. gnb«criptio»»* i criptioM 1djre NV tbibUNE COMPANY, E MmnMpo"«. Mlnn St. Pau. It i! crates over .J,.V)it miles i j.. Wit! i'i". Illinois, \V'isconsi!i, Minne I'.'.wa a'lid Dakota and as its uiain lines, i 'iclies and connections reach all the great 1,1 Li,.ess centers ol tlie Northwest and Far ',\ it naturally answers tiie description ol ft Jjine and Hesl Route between Chicago. Milwaiikee Osllkosiu Chicago. Milwaukee. icomMiiowoe. Chicago, Mil wauki't'. 1'raii ie tin Cliien. Cliic m"0, Milwaukee. Ln A^ricul- edito f-n«l Qf gonertJ cep.,rt» are nmde ft spe. ih. V .j yj B,oK«l» Sabseription Faribarh. A U E S E lias had Nearly Five Years Experience in ihe Land Business in Dakota. l'cr,,ii 1 •:t\-i' n 1 iiisi'ii's- in hi line slit avuii tlif'tuselvt'« oi Ins exprnt'iiri', tlu by afstirinj forr^etnfss and prnniptni 1 Milwaukee, St. Caul ami a f". aj"i!is. Mil wank I all' 1 ai.-a-( \V 111011a. Cineairo. dale. 11 it-aufo. Milwaukee. st i I water, Cliieatro, Mihv.t'ike •. La n .IT.. A berd'-ei W a'Hi 11 an.! Heaver I an. and am Waukesha Ma.liM.ii. a Owat.'nii.i a Cllie.lg't'. IS-lnit. Jaiie rial 1'oint. Chiea'jo, Kltrin. Jtoekford. and D buqiie. i Cliiea-so, CHiitotK ivi an. llOek I Cedar Kapids. Clnea-'O, Coiuieil HlnlTs :m«l n !ia. Sioux Ci! y. m,,x Fal .1,1 YiUiktoii. Chie.l2,». Milwaukee. Cli.iniberlain. 'll.ick Island. l»'i1u«|io Mitchell and St. Minneapolis. pavenport. Caiinar, l'anl ate l'anl and Mm- s t. neaiolis. rul'nmn Sleepcs and the Finest Dining i!i the wo,1.1 are run mi the niam lines the Chicago, Milwaukee St. 1 aul Kail niid ev rv attention is paid to pa^-eu- 1V e Try the FAR- ,.,-,„rPous eniplovi«s ol th« cnupnuv. i 1 iiitd avoid the blundering ol inex]H r i'-iii'i-l l:tnd :'.gt-nt, as it co«ts im in'-H and ulI land papers pre pared by him warranted altsolntelv corn ft. ^!1 FI LINUS N ONLY UK M.Md: .\T THK DIS1RUT LAND oF F1 i .R HY T11K CLKRK OF 1 1 IK DI^TKICT tOl'RT. iielui'itn i ii:'»nts, Tree (MtiiiiiH, Pre-Knipti'-n I .ii said Final l'roots a spei-ialty. MONEY TO LOAN i Mi :ii I.t:st i' Ci'Ulit v at !.v. at'i ijaiid in an y pal hi O K ll.inivers iir IS i'.miiiI i' light and sold on i'oimnis,M"ii or otiu rwi.«e. SlIilU'llAMS l£l\K, A. J. BLUSLR. ('In I' "oni and Kl'iarv i'ul•! n uk stun]• city, d. t, DIEBOLD & TUNNELL, Proprietors. Wheat, Corn or Buck wheat roiim al a ti'l •haiiiri- TBI'HOUSEBOTE. y^un/ 'a beautiful monthly, 75 cents year. Ev ery woiiian who keeps house netla it, and will have it wiien she hears of it, if in 1'1 ft. ur, Dion, invito the fuvmevs of tli« ty and of this section to tfive mill a Uial, niEiioij) ri NXi:i. lutiu 1»1t.i T(L\ K 1 1A 1 A i \. C1IAS. I5RANJ), v Proprietor. 1 11a''e a lar^e ass mei,t of Trees. 1 v u 1 i v and l''rnit !!iis]ics and Plants fur ail ran-plaiil 111-. anion which are" WlllTK ASH, 1SOX KI.DI1K. SOFT M'fdi. (.RAY WILLOW, AND COTTON WOOD TUJTS, Cl'Kli \NT, (iOOSKliKRKY DCSHLS AND .-TKAW!'.!•:IIHV PLANTS. .-•) lliie Kadisli 1'iants. ,ve. CI1 AS. IK \ND. WOOD BROS., OISTONVII.I.I-:. MI\'N. Heaclciuarters for a 11 I Kan Claire LDMBEfi I MA('IIINtMlV. I A IS .... i '£[m |)1( HI F, a it no's»:. LIVE AGENTS WASTED. To sell Dr. Chase's Recipes or• inloniei tion lor everybtxlv, in evflry county in the United States and Canada. Knlarg -I ly the •'Jinbl i.-her to «».es pages. It, contains over •2 py.'o at sight, (latest inducements e\ for yours^it S iimKll A. V. H- CAKI'KNIKK .n^paid lor lu-ive territory given. MERSTRIBUNEandJudge^ b. Mh „s. Agt ^,'ts -n.tre U«.n double their money. A-«. onujwnrtli. '1' I AKK OKO. II. UK4KFOitl lr. (l.n'l »ii'pt. A.i'tOeu'l l'ass Ag I Ann Arlor. Mohlg .:i. ooii household rec.p -s, an i is suited to all classes and conditions .it so ielc. A w«mder lul luiik and household necessity. |t stdls u AMERICAN FARMER TO ALL OUR SUBSCRIBERS. All of our subscribers who will pay their subscription accounts to this paper in full to date, aniI one year in advance, will be pre» sented with one year's subscri/i- tion to the g| "AMERICAN FARMER" a sixteen page agricultural magaziti- '.^li.^hod by E. A. K. Hiwkett, at Fort Wayne, Indiana, and which Is rapidly talcing rank tut one of the leadiu® agricultural publications of the country. It Is d®» voted delusively to the interests of the Fartuef, Stock Breeder, Hatrj'man, (.Janlener, and their Household,and every species of industry connected with that great portion of the people of tTie world, the Farmer. The suhacrlptiou price la $1 OO per year. Farmers can not well get along without It. It puts new ideas into their minds. It teaches them how to farm with profit to themselves. It makes the home happy, the young folks cheerful, the growler contented, the dowocust happy, and tbttUeiuagoguo honest. Tliu iitiMil i 18? :•'. M. A. BUTLER, FlGm\F6e0pauiCoMiuujloii Merchant. ntcnt Flour, iiuckwh^at. hitni. ('oi utv. Mil. mcl every thing -ili our nue at Wisolosale ami KctvJl, At 1 lie old stand of ¥. W. Tliorndike & Co., ov. Ja^ne :tiid Corned ave. Kiir Siou it\, Da!. una ra: rue 1 VV.' can irood, :n t'.v Ladies as 1 amount to as -•••••?s. .!• a -•(.•.•••-•S in the blMl'i' fiv la-"- ci.i-.'ai isite--«I We luivt a ho:,--. C.-l a::i as salacleaS XTj IIItself! i- used I'trrv d. in very 'amitv. Von d-» IH.t I.fed to c.\ |'Mil. i's tc.cMts I II' I"' is a ri-di harvest t«r v. let »-.m! n "pportiuiffy. It v. li .. ,'v .•••ul hat our i i»1. v .i ..ic 1 v. i a'.- in us ai.d our |peel ii« a I lull ['ai'tii-uiars n i w e k A V 1 1 i i o i v i 'iiali you ar.y idea ol. Our I is a tuanalac' u r,« .. .• .m •. i i annot. ali'ord li' •"!v i i I'osta! arid give v ir .. l-Ir i-l i:, civ ndl particulars. an li v SCIKX'l IFIC 10 If.*red i«„.k agents. bai»i|.ile c.piessent by man, Stea... .1 n i -t o., •I il MUNN &C5 A Wo continue to actadpolicitorpfor patents, caveats, trade-marks, copyrights, etc.. for the United StatCH, and to obtain pat ents in Canada, England, France, Oerrnan v, and all other countries. Tliirty-ftix y««r»'practice idola i No or draw- charge for examination ol moc iiigH. Advico I'V mail free. Patents obtained thronirli tis aro noticcd in tho AMEIiK A.%, which has tho largest circulation, and in tl.o inost inllu ontial newspaixr edits kind jmbLdhedin th« world. The ad vantages ol such a notice every paten too understands. This largo and splendidly illustrated news paper is published WKKliliV at ?a.20 a year, and is admitted to be tho best paper devoted to science, mechanics, inventions, cngineeiing -worl.s, and other departments of industrial nrogress, publibhed in any country. Smglo copieH by mail, ccuta. Sold by all No. l*ri..U..g ll« riewti- Addrf-ps, Munn A: Co., pnbli^hers of Scien* tific American. 2*'1 Jiroatlwav, New lork. llaudbook about patcnto mailed lroe. The well known firm of Bt_. i"OI COVE A CO., TYPE FOUNDERS,.' Milwaukee, havo establichod a Branch Foundry at 3Q Mlnnewta Street, SAINT PAUL, MINN., and solicit your order*.