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:w ^'(ij son.T\v v '"HI i.,k 1 lona'^I.J R' Joli s'r"to "Hum J,,!,,! !U'l| UuMjT un j*f[Qm,1 WandW'jj tnily We?ttl s iy the -»•1 'ti n. ^uclibred. tuU-bhodeJ biBk»OfDE. fcWMAH'hC-" s ilifi QsJ man !*+o i»i fowiiicli !ni'er?on's erArizona, 'Gil •re, aii-1 on the *:reat jam O:J foot. e itirrli it Mar-ids at the jiifcy, 22- W. Twelfth 0V'l'f': {1 Woe with til I'h cairH, to I:)W3- 1 loadeil »jj lu wou.t |j ,!l'!-at ilriK' one ofI yri-tir i I/O, Tllv •"t'iw'l L.'x initulf »ta life .'in I :,,8 hbf. ,tTitj t.'l" Ovj •J uih *i a sort of i Hllisi .-.Vi rui thu*, k 'K tu In? 1V| I jij, ui'-'e w:,' or "it i in i.'k' w-Vid fur Mfvler. iMaw.ire, I'jwh. nieiii':n'! nevfr saw GeorcI'^L'. F.upon- yrr.ic Oil ji.i|y Holtevort. ut Now Orleans, La., wiu lus t» wind in I't',.':, t,k:i -a I i^t' w 'tti a -a I r- y 1 Six*—, iiSi.'J'J oi H' i I Fa! he lit liar ii- •Ii titt* il srh'.'o! iliiiri'-tp, 'rpcp'V's ifi.'Sfll.s'. frnTn id. 9Coiij/h. •'''','r"ji orv 1 j'l'y^ical i.u'.VcTitig arc ii"!'-.''s''.111 tlian to a! ''Causp. Moral: Norfio *'j uil to Allen's "Irou i •1,-uUi^f--ti,)[j a:id tiu n,:-si:r.- i 1 i*ivil*ifiitt. ^:i ir, Coninussionc? Ixirin^ rt1 il invariably tell you hjn-heever siw. 1 "J ii, Thomas' Ei/i.wrii.H. .l"that there way .externa! medicine, w-:. I'arKtiJ 'Pi auj .jtjf1 jsnothing like TIIOMV Lcatseiitsi .".J JM. M. J. fenow?. "'.^County. Mw'i. gothinu' eavp im r«-.ief i irjKir Oil.. K. i Hiiii'.aieCwuiity.Micb, ..its prkv. S. Ii. burfey, for he has bwn aUemJetl by ins but all to no had his usual of s0 preatly iJrostraied in jeatli seemed imminent. i3e a bottle of l)r. Win. the Lungs jmrchaseHl^by notice 1 your advertise .'« ailaii.nslt.Teil u amml ,tnJ be was iustautly re- ^sinS. Paul wi 1 j.fob .er.Toiitid. 'f ifuiiiitoklt raif.'l 4»X» Soli nil!: a,'rc uf ws.s, M.ii:ary Injtrur.tor, i !#my, Sin'*, Sins. N V.' ikl weather 1 was sutler li'.v, the wert a'„ U'*'l, l:,! .'k'. lis jf upon i -, of I'luila#.! Up H'i'! one ''ftEi u by :he ma: y bf )un! fatur *Y1 the K1 hi- c./ ach *rf: was My head ami throai sat I was obliged to kec BaUn was hU-d. .••mi the tir.?t appintation 1 itiii iw-uaa to I n ent.rriy cured. W. A. fPlltS. i tiWi iun Jeaier. I i V n hurl' y i:\u TC ol food, Ut 1C* HM Hiltcrl itjjt W-'1' ».)(,• SCcori it u di rn'l .• ,s, 'I':, it''lift he procured 1 I'. ::ariuUss to t'le iti, Rial r.ui be '.-i\v i i -:»rf'i :!}ijry. Tiy otiipiil is it 7! .titdi last yoiir. ••'P* --I--- I •I CIi'l y nifMI. ill, i\, rifv ile, K.\usa your A !i !i' Wine t)f Tar ii.y frttiii'-y .[id .'ourid to tre than you i:itiiH oi ii. r,r ad Tnroat and i.'i:,: »j,[. !iv._.r. All V'i.V.urr ol p. Aliftt 1f'i"cm pii,s ll1?. and Kcitiut: 1 "as o i'f'1 wo rot hroni .liraMan, j{0 i y8i|J Auwii's. t.'H-a •(, (l taltpi ^^"^"'ivori. itiiii R'a llfte heard oi its 1 ki'- V "''Jf.d i'oixon wiir-n -V', m:i. IVrry, i t. '...'( !ser'u!, writti-n «x ''"U'U'iion, has it ie o Vena tilers, mi*! its I N V vV*'f 'I.N .. 0] rs. ',""•» N''e i:iK -t r. paring his report oi the oatn,. oonvention which met la«t November iti (Uiiea^o committee of twenty appoint,,! by the convention will n the »Rriru»ur«l dejiart inert On tb«- H)ih of January n«t ami prepare a memorial to co^reVaskin* b'Kisia'ioii for tlio -uuppt't»f3ioti i! the 1 U U v '«%1 i' it never failed io cure or I, Gwyvilte, Iil. r»!j thing. I: i F. Y is sold by every 'v., Fro'fw, lJuJTiu».N. A-/-j .5Ni.r,r- THAT W'l' CURE Coughs, Colds, Croup l):. iU. •f Ctuei n f, w an tli to to Hi t.». last of Coctuniptior WM ll-iuct-J It fr!«r.!i us try /. .. liiitn: I'.Jilimm »!•. 1 -i form .!» ou t.V*.. W« his l»tt*r it •nc« curcd hi« r^ug *D4 r! »t !t# waj tmutii' .is I'theU'te W 1:1 1 Mr chfcn v .!ia V* V A i A IhaUi" v»«fitn t.» 'ir.i.'-v thiiiki 1 a: W'm fh*- I of Consumption. tie (•. 1a.11 c. 1 h«r uf as :n ••.rat-1..' H' O N ti v ih«r* ki.i.w.tii her cur t.ftv.i lakiM 1UI am 1.#.. n f.ii:. i i i ti.i'i, i .'i»r it a trial in •-.t\iii_v H'j-:. IVrry. lreiniiil, iirowa's Jiroti clirit'fl s '"H.iv: .. mfiiai TriKhe.-' wit! jvh SiJi- hrrt, 1 t'uun 1 •Ufiti away to those I •it1. Mie p! will ft a f.1 r\.r »\»i: *:'.! t:.ei ji.a'i a I ..' 1K Alien's Lung Balsam in harmless to ttip most d«itciitoctitid i It contains no Opium in an* u DlSOkiPt RL ib I I V E R» ar.d fi!ALAPIA.^_v u i $ fti bo tlit**© tu© ihio:.'" of .a hii»i«n i»»' eyi)i|. '°imstt..!t u''.'tJwirexwi-Cii',f- w»* Aiii ittto, Vcii'ili ca»tlv, fxtA ileea iullti'ii i.itf? taUnKiaw»iou rit'f.wn f-e iM'i'.y to" la.-i.irt, KrufuUtic^ J.-i i.'r.-.Ci-v -H' t.-mvt. fc• i.,t.iii».'!.t* i.i J'UliitShji ini '.J' "4 ..i!A t"A ..L *.B.) ktn.i r-.uvit uN 'Is i ..s\ I T.M una t. |.-.|H,l-.lii: Ii \r ':i ,V' -r il v I! u J'' a. Stitr.-ui'r Bi u . ,.V !,,1,."la,,« t'hililiNMi. a^li 'i1 (Vl'" sa.V'-' I '"wi a v'ou^h r-,- I-'.',r,M'"IV W.le With i'- Ion,- nior i-n,i \V' tiu Wit"* ^M1'1 ro"ipa»y. liU' j'. i- Miniu'- iur i'TS neutnipnt nf hH ».r, Zj11 "e vt OP.,.. s:4fUJ -,l ,A' ,W fl,.n rn.t's 'it If|.11,'" E C' ,a „.| 1 '1.' Ii, IT'.-tr,..,!. ruUlifffn.f i s W rk WF •., ,r ",7 k.iitrttif'.. A nv I tI !i:'1 ALLEN'S Lung Balsam! A GOOD MILT REMEDY' Catarrh V. MVrson OTltt. W, V»„ wnt«a r,» ti-.ut hi« »1f» !i»..i Pultr.unary Con sumption »»i o piv- iim.i:. ri inourab!# bj hytitiiij »l n 5h« a#e s u it e Jiil- *»®entirel cuwilier. H» «n'i he »aJ in Mirhw r*tii:bkitt.*i«tiM u«3 r1i* iu th« w»rld ifi 1 CONSUMPTION WhlliUnifli A Lunp B» u trr. hat currd bis r" Gmaam A 1 ,Who *»»l« linKguu Ohio, writ# uf ul" '.!« cui« of S!kt *.ti!M Frsnmaii, a w«U inowB :umk wh# h»4 aSJcuci Bion chitii !n .'«rni Lt twe'.Te /sat*. Ibt I. iti !!»'(»':. ctirti Mm «j it. hm curod nui -.UfBronchillt. form I IUc..iiiiuenai'.t bv Pln-ii'lans Minister* and Iforsd. I'i fart hy evf rytn iy *ho ha* *1rfD it g'.i 1 1 a It (»ii i-uiU i!rin_» li.-iuf. As an Expectorant it no Equat. SOLO BY ALL WBOICINE DEALERS. TUTT'S wm PI 8 I 1 I •pirii*, A f-r!J. f»?n t! u'-* idi:*." Heart, S'."« e .«'•' orel tOA^lPVI''". 1 inanvl !.'• .se of u e-.rr.-iy th.»*. !iV':-r r-a ..nihi Mvor. J'll.l-W l.:\v«l i|i A :n-ir ft-. Kid»,«-vsai.dSi'T» i :r' -r» S.V-'.Sor r-o-i "yft CKUSO r.O l" .""ft IP'—. J' With dnilv v.»i t- -•Al- it nro a w I»* ANT1TCTE TO ^»A«.ARIA, U »c 3 Or.AT tiA'.' *taji:.y fT" I git'-• plic-Vrvi r.l i ,/•»«« or ew r. Pr ot toss pt '*j 1.1.^y i' i-' ,'h 'Vi v yi 'Q 0Mf, nt.e apply in- Wiliurn' I! fthsoriw lif tumors, iiariiciluii'!y ulu'r ,'Hrcd ouijr fo pi Irs and '.'arl.v \jves Bros. »j_ *?$$* (,| iur oVi.-r ft/iy V«'hr.., rt _• i f.T I- U S U S S U S i S K i %,* i ml"** A n*' '•Ufrin. i r..,t r"'' I Kl ». i 1 ,i Aur i.St* k,»h"•* ir. i, v.!,. ,. II'-. Nftvo Tonic, 1 ••iim n *".uI' i -"i*s l.'1-ts JI. u .. An i |m„„, 1 ,• P».-c«')t. Natioa&t I'nui.nhii ,! O).. Cu i ,S(J i in -rc .r OMri -ii lt":i'lny J- •tr« s«'nNfiini|. i t, -N«n. Iti Wurlt- MK\ •'•'i-'KiTKAPtir'h'^ an.) Uu.k oj i 4 s 2 z 5 caiissaissiSEssSsi I -'V.' •. '•••,'••' ^psa§aaaE2ES:^i v^riniTi VI.I^M »:vi'osr*i Hii' 4 4 e«Air yftSE :i,u V' '.v-' ••m- i i I »»M n. tli t:,.. ... 'fs Cream Balm isn applud t.v tit* -•er the uos'riiiv. Jl t..* at- et •t'iaJIy 11 tli« a'ari y .Hr*n "'a-it jc tieaithy r:« oiis It allaya fl i"'i '..'I'.a. iTOt^(:to e an j.'ibrano of tU« »vai i.a»^ Kv from -. :t -tia mm eh 1. i.t v- e Rcrm i1 twte and T.C-11. A few ax-.pUcft. urn relicTP. tA,tr tyt IrculTivvij HAY"FEVER JIM *i.,»XH %KS A«'•««. lie U: U4«, fof in-nlar. IVii*, 50 omts. y Rial], or n Ortgt}, ?f. T. ., .BABTLA8D ... -.. u: *••••. 1. ,id 1- -Out- I.i: tl«* '•1:1 i'-! Womi'r ... .•] on r-1 •..i, -Tii*' I'.insv. \f .r n I WIDE AWAKE I I n o A I 1 1 i s a S rill FITS! ^A Ltm & oini* •t Id w S^6WEI (THE 6?v?fiT) :^TRic.nftT llj Wi* i. ,i u"'' to or.Kr, 3!al V wortd -r .- ,a'- |,(„i"ks cor- ?-r- :t-T\'C^fr^ n'-ai tain *n j* _,, k«-i,s of io s Wl t- MCNTGCME?.V^UUA CO. t*r a Ji£ J±i£]~hr ^PICLSF} —i—i —i i~JLf •. *i:. Jr.S.4. Richif?G"d 0". -tew CHICAGO SCALE CO. .. ,y, n »t.H, :ti. TON, iio. 4 Ton (*»:. Kphim U'ii liiclatleA, 240 Hi. FARMER'S SCALE. $8. dKV'.» I -I ti.- '..v.-.'- totf lh.» IUO (O tO'i Sl/.K-.. Iti-Jlircit I K!. K t.iST TKBlk F0HG3S. TOOLS, &c. nfST K'tU.K lull* \)U I.H..U WJRE. 11 111, Am 11 ii?xl UK 'ifTnol*. MI*. hrmtrt r%» •»,t•»"J •'«'J* ot'! job*. iV.owm t. Asi*ii-. V: .* u-.lit-r A-t4o»» (1 I nHM'fl I'UI* KJI WH II K«.. I t,' ii KlfTfltl— DR. HQRNE'3 ELECTRIC BELT s. .. tUaetunatiMtul'ar- a,'*1 ah-.s N^ural^'itt, *'U Kul- fitCTRiC Off -4 l.i'v- $ r1!r'V1VnT,i,-"t 1" --tS'-'" ••'.••'..• v"r '-'i S—^ RUPT'JfVt CURED BVELec'rmci fv. "I-.M1-f, '.-.i ^tptl .nnvrjtnwn. 0-W. 3. B0F.J.E.J '*•..« r. 191 .-u. •'». ......-j«. lU-it* yuaii»nt i «ti' D- ROI^OJN ,i»b isave ,..a tU«) i'ulJJ... .. A E S I O' i:r,|. 1 CT7\ wrw* '9 jP -i Cmld Frioudahips iident Waiters. of a Summer \'a., h-. Suh« f»t ini it In a iv,-!, K-: ivn !a 111 !tt of t!» £2! 3^ Ili-rso .ii. 1 ',i:t iV-v icr i in tli.s in- :-y is v.. FOB 188-4. Two Millions of Readers Weekly. i' ''--".'X -i. two hundred stories w ittttni't-. iln: iii'M iiidino ill be tiiifqiiirih ti i ii i, al.d ill-ll-ll'/livt' llUlth'!'. The COMI'AMfiX is pMlili" illtiM: :it"d. ami is :i papci for thf w liolr family. Serial Stories The Foundling of Paris, by The Covenanters Daughter, by A Boys' Story, by A Story of English Rustic Life, A Story of Adventure, by Thrilling Adventures '*3 iUci I iv-II UI.1' i. i! pi,. v Aiuoi: thy Mootisinncrs, by Outwitted. An Indian Adveuture, Wrecked CJpcu a Voloann.- Island, Stories cf the Cabins in the West, Adventurufi in the- Mining Districts, Breaking in the Reindeer, .mJ •tln.'i i fM-juagori 4ttd til-.: I '.1 .: a' ys Afoot Italy and Switzerland. uh-v .ii two l-. u'••••.. i.n\s w,i\. .ihtoad at Famous Poets v p. i i it.\N i. l'Xj)IV»Iy lul (.'|P.\U'V S Alfred Tennyson, Victor Hugo, The Earl of Lytton, Hints tor Poor Farmers, by The Failures of Great Men, by A Dktrv.'y for Nervous People, Hint« for Country Houso-Builders The Gll'l' of McmOPV, -:d !'. •Stu-ILip. iiy v. Profession for Young Mo t• \,,n. v- i Ta! I:icift Lessons Learned from tin inn i I'-M"' 1 '.".'i 1 A fh^ Airo ef Twrntv-One. "i-ri. t. jt II.I-iih Wwii 2^ tion l'"i». _r «.• :u*i 1. j.ur ai.d ver* V**1 ••iiliuMv... on 1'fjrtJi x\:\ y ,i| niaktt liiv liU»» s!t rilan'* )fiCiti!iiou tx-tii 'li 1" I" wHb'tli- i :i iuy.» A» OPTI"H•*.\mm Er I- V. Alphonsc Daudet Mrs. Oliphant J. Trowbridge Thomas Hardy C. A. Stt?phen8 mis. i Stranse Reminiscences StrtiiC-Dnvi Stonov, by Stories of Sadd!:~Esip Vroaehers The Last Days of "Wonion of fr. My Fn-st Vmit to a Newspaper Office, My Pine-Appie Farm, I-. id'.nt i- ile,: :f •.• Q. :i fl'ia'S I a-,. I raw 1 i- f• i i I :i in I to Im ii iirl.i!« im i n t*vtint» ... .••me aija aijn«tu I'liat Hi-' t:!ir'ii|, :i llin I U lii l'.' lit .ir, w k lie iitiiircii !',(• •t«-Titfs wr ibiA h» tilo-rt .riMttd OUR To un one who sub-i-ribi now uhI mmhIs -Si w«' will tJu- oii Hiion I'lHJ. to -!:m. 1, INS I. Mini a full y*Mr\s subscript inn (rotn (hue, This nli'cr inelndes fintli i?io TH AN KSti I V I N i ami i i!SiS'I ^1 \S I'nulth- Niiitihci'.s nl tin* i 'osnpuniou, 2 p.t^rs oas-li, rh jiunti illnst rated ami liav in- coluk! i (jo\ i its witii i li, rAiii pm rr ki:s. \Mmii you orticr »*nf oai utd mm.i! lSti UV-r :itj(| nicifsoi: I his paper. :i- tinii 1:: 'i i iV. Pt 7r per oar. .'opips Tree, mention this paper PERRY MASON & CO., 41 Temoie Plate. Boston. Mass, & sS CHICKEN CHOLERA, T. I./,... J. Chandler Harris Lieut. A. Ch"pin Richard II atb E. J. Maraton H. Fillmore W. H. Gilder S S. C.^ i..: Nugi iit Hoi. \n» '.at .i.: J. C. Whittier, T. B. Aldrich. Encouragement and Advice C. B. Winder James Partoit I3r. W. A. Hammond Calvert Vauac Samuel Smiles Thcm-»K. A. Etti-.'On ilelen S. Couar:" Edwi P. Whipple Rose Terry Cooke H. L. Winekloy James Part on Murat Halstead H. Pattee n. W. Lucy B-Hinii. Diekons t'ri 11 (i MePherson GREAT OFFER I'Ik- I Ho-nations i-: the idi't^ a- '. 'imi'iatiiDit «t si-. ...a pi ice. tits tVce. 'i:i s-iiT the year. nil 5,' i' l'ov.ii.' i, !*. ..:n ut eaih [lii.t of j... u w ill ai o prevent and enws •log «.'ii«: ra, S, or sent Ii?»' 1^-u.p' 'i i-jt *''t i '::J by f-'i.: FUR 1 mat! tirt wasitf fo§ in stamp* MfO luri..2l.. il ,:i Idri Io M-nt I'lil.K. I. H. ,*• t'O.. !'.,,mi,-i. Man*. 8'i'Sj (f'i -TIIEEESI.V uU.Mr:4 Illljr llli in llii :t '•, S« V i it. Ml -it t'J 1 'i »|. V, :n lit it 1 illli. '..r (i.inr, (..(( ti*. in- I-ii ii ci.i-ir- A -«m» V. ,i. i:\Vlt.ttis •*'. J. W• !.V? *. Jl! i. o., iiu auo «r Siw li'ork. li'iiidon *nl lieinztr Asr^ncy—Ka'.v 1. A. i N \V. N. U. •iiioti about !f.«. A(t -Si. All. MO UK, lUntmnt Jn-. kt- n ntrt-ct, Siuut raul. MJtiii iNo. 48. WI ion writing to advertisers -asesavyou taw tiicir i.dvf',rti&enu .*. iu tbttf apor.