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ClU'RCl! D1UKCTORY. VM'I^l'OPAL.—Services in St. Charles hall, p. in., Svindny, October 7th. Rev. A. Mftriill nfliciutniK'. (WTHoUC—'Kpv. FftOi«*r rterinpllng, lVir-ct. .S-rvicr nt Hia: Stone December 2d. Mi 9* 1'i Mil lank, !). Mass at 10 A. M. Sri ice W ihnot December Kith. Mass 1 .reins it Id o'clock. :-rn ire in nml school house, Parnell, J»weinlier Mh. Mass at 1U o'clock. Methodist.—Services in St. Charles haH very Sunt:iv at WriO a m, an4 at 7:d in. Smiiav school immediately alter morning ^pj vict!. (,'lusf! Hieetinns immediately alter veiling service. Prayer meetings Wednes day ?:-40p in. Rev. .1 11. Mooers, pastor. iKllMAN KVANGiiL11'AL— Rev. Ph. Laux, h.stor. Services lu::0 a. in. and p. m. Mindav sc Ihm)1'.»:.'50 m. Prayer meeting very \Vednesiav evening at is o'elwck. UEUMAN MKTIIODIST.—Sunday. ?uly !Matl«i«. in. in school house, una every third Sunday thereafter» Sunday kcIiooI very Sunday at 9 u. !n. Prayer meeting '•very Thursday evening at p. m. Rev. tmad KuliUiasSe, Pastor. 1. O. O. I Inkpa Lodge, No. 4, I O. O. F., Will meet it-c marly every Tuesday evening at 6o'clock i*t their hall, Vt. hades Block. Visiting i .' thers cordially invited. .IML A. MI:XRO. N. G. .J. J. STKvknkon. Sec, iini: tabu II. I). division C.. M, St. Railroad. Going East Going West nger :V/ am ..r:30 a in 1' .s^eiiger 8:10 pm irio Clarke! Report*. Wni ATj No. I hard No. U hard N o. 1.... No. 2 OATS. .. POTATOES TTMi hOU I'OCAJL I.AC OK 14 K. and settle, as they need the money. Hoys' nobby suits already on hand and men's suits expected every day at Oehler & usser's. Mince Meat, Dried Beef, Jelly, Jam ami .Preserves at Iliitz Hros. After this date and during the win- S e '"i"' Dr. Whitford's express was busy "Wednesday night delivering God sends for which people would give thanks, Thursday. Mrs. A. Sherin received the gift of a young preacher while Mrs. Jas. Thomas, presented her husband with what James calls a "little drayman." Mr. Ed. Leavitt and Miss Emma i„- ti.„bondsA. o,... 11...1.1 by the liev. lladden of Ortonville. They immediately repaired to their home in this place and commenced housekeeping in the good old-fash ioncd sensible way. Holiday hardware specialties con stantly arriving. While Mrs. J. R. Tavlor was out milking her two cows Wednesday morning, somewueak thief entered the jiouse and stole her |ocket-book with .a small sum of money in it. Iler hus band being absent and the children off to .school, no one was around to see or -even surmise who committed the pet ty larceny. J. J. Stevenson has just erected a 'Jbarn 30x60 feet on the banks of the .Whetstone below the mill where he t-tables 32 as line horses as is ever i-een in the west. They are hoises beloning to his u.s,n Mr. Patter son who k a contractor on the argo South *rn and John has taken ilie contract of wintering them. For a full line of get tlemen's suits all on O.dib & llus let They have just receded an jstoejk .of read} wade'g ods* I All parties indebted to Ochler & rotary trap was a lilile too much for Hnsser are earnestly requested to call the boys, tne score being very poor, and settle, as they need the monev. Hawes and Fountain divided first money on six bails. The tie for sec ond money between Morgan, Thorn ike and Short was taken by Morgan on t'iree straight balis, 21 yards rise. Dr. nitu uno u«ur (UKi Vlirr »li|- »w jnmo|muuio? UW ter months, the Hig Stone City meat townsman, John Stevenson, under i. .t ...MI .. i 1 i I .. .... i market will be closed Sundays. 11 t. ,. I A ne Oiuesi nusmess 111 ill ill cne couili v. 'i 5 3 all over town tins week. tried,until its paLojmjje reaches far Shakopee Flour always on hand up into the thousands. To maintain at tlie feed store. this liberal patronage will be the aim Skates in al' varieties at Betcher's i onaus in ai. \aneties at irncnei s. |. Episcopal services will be conduct ed in St. Charles hall next Sunday afternoon (Dec. 2nd), at 3 o'clock, by Kev. K. E. Meicalf, of Ortonville. Mrs. Meadows, wife of Sheriff Meadows of Wilmot, Dak. was calling on old acquittances in town this week. Ex-Congressman Burrows, of Mich igan, is said to be the lucky heir to Judge Kidder's ermine. The total vote in the Territory on the adoption of the Constitution, was nearly 20.000, of which two-thirds were in favor of the instrument. Great bargains in all kinds of heat ing stoves at Betcher's. Cold weather does have some cffect flu that peculiar looking autom aton of "Doc" Whitford's called a Octavius Wright, one of the old set tlers but a live young granger, of the Wilmot neighborhood braved the cold •winds of Tuesday to do business in Big Stone, and among other places re membered the JIeiiald olJiee. mi -T.U. jl.uu.yhi, nun imss u i ... .. v Fink of Big Stone City were united!./ n,0' ,fe states in the of wedlock last Saturdav I Uerlin cooking ware, the latest in cooking utensils at Jietclwr's hard Ware store. A voting lail work inn for Frank Zaffke, Esq., of Yellow Banks, met with a serious accident this week. His team ran away throwing hint from the wagon-rack to the ground, and severely brusing his head and scalp. Dr. Whitford of tMs place was spedilv summomnl aiid rendered the bov such medical assistance as put him in fair way to permanent recovery at once. The first load of freight ever handled over the Fargo Southern road was landed in Fargo last Wednesday, consisting of live cars containing 3200 bushels of the great Dakota product. Four hundred car loads or about 250,000 busheis, awaits transportation between Fargo and Wahjeton. About 15 miles of track are completed from here south. 'Call and see the new hay knife at Belcher's. Will cut in loose hay or straw as well as in the stack. As will be seen by legal notice else where published in this issue, the old, reliable linn of Caward & Stevenson is dissolved by mutual consent, A. II. Caward retiring and ,1. J. Stevenson continuing the business at the old Grant County Headquarters. Al. re turns to Cresfo, Iowa, for the present with a view to probably engaging in business there in the same firm to which he formerly belonged. His many friends here wish him prosperi ty in the field to which he is going and hope he w ill not forget to pay us an occasional visit. jfj. (,4 Thanksgiving had many pleasant No. r,s features, prominent among wn'nvh was the shooting eontest. W W Morgan, AN Thorndike, 1) A Short. James (Jreenfel, ,1 11 lay lor, W Foun. tain, A Eld re age, Geo. W Hawes and Dr. ,T II Whit ford entered the lists for a glass ball shooting match, rotary trap, distance 18 yards. The Whitford took third money. In assuming the full control of the Grant County Headquarters, our takes a charge of no small magnitude. The oldest business firm ,it Wen Km- in the count y. .at uf, the ,l,lsh,,l ami will ln'^.,| (!11 horse.. The "critter," hitched to a Ontario Legislature. At the last biig^y, *.w,s left untied last Monday, *iJid shortly after was caught farther ap town with a demolished vehicle. proprietor, and to ul ar(iuaint( with Ml- A good mare, seven years old, for the high estimation in which he is held sale apply to A W Movius, Big Stone City, Dak. stevensonar.d by the community, it would appear that there is a bright business career before him. We bespeak' for him the large trade of all his old customers and hosts of new ones to give him a trial, as we are satislied that they will find in him a square dealing and upright merchant. Iciiiafn uH'ragc, The woman stitt'ragits are making prc gress in Canada. To a deputation which waited upon Air. Mowat, the Premier of Ontario,the other day, that gentlennu said that he would take the matter into his "most serious consideration." Inasmuch, how ever, as Mr. Mowat invariably prom ises to "consider seriously" every thing and anything thai, is brought to his notice, his promise in this respect does not amount to much. But it is likely that the woman of Canada will siion'v have the privilege of voting without, the consent ef the session of the Dominion Parliament a govennent measure was introduced to give the franchise to certan classes of women. OLhev important business occupied the attention of the law-mak ers during thai s ^si u, and the bill in question was Jul ver until next term, when it is likely that the measure will be It is a singu lar fact that while woman suffrage seems to be making greater headway in Canada than in the United States, there has been much less public agitation of the question in the for mer country than in the latter. I iiclo Sam's Mavjr, In a communication published in the Army and Navy Journal, Com V i n cul sulai s tlIlu oinei ot eminent naval surgeons, respecting his rheumatic attack, failed to afford him the slightest relief. By advice of Dr. lioyle he used St. Jacobs Oil, which wrought a complete and, as he says, wonderful cure. John Can Moody, Esq., layer at Vallejo, Cal., was likewise cured or a severe joint trouble. Jacob Searff, of Grant county, D. T. who was on his way to Todd count v. Minn., with his wife, when within "a few miles of Grnceville, in crossing the railroad track threw the latter out and hurt her quite severlv. They were delayed a few days at that place and remained under the care of Dr. Randall.—Ortonville Ilearld. Business Notice, I beg leave U niioiin the continue at fully soliciting the trade an generally that liaring I public purchased the stock lirtn ol Caward & btevension, I tlie old oi will still gtaiul, to see alloi ourohl and will be pleased customers, while respect ijetp t^iucie. All debtors are re*j«u«ted to pay gations to the unt tl, efr obli reigned at maturity. J. .1, STKVENbON Ihg Stone Citjr, D. T. Nor SSth, is*3. TliniikwffIvinjf Purty. The Thanksgiving Social Soiree given at the St. Charles hotel last evening was not so was largely attended as anticipated, only about twent\ hve or thirty eouble being present. But this fact did not detract from the pleasure of the party, and each and every guest gave evidence of the lull enjoyment of the occasion, both at the table and in the social pleas ures of the evening. The hostess had spared no expense or labor in her pieparations for tlie event and it is to be regretted that there were so many who failed to take advantage of so rare ah opportunity to enjoy an even ing of social intercourse, when every thing had been arranged with an eye single to their pleasure. Sunday Weal her. Of theweather a week ago last Snti day the editor of the "Wahpeton Ga zette moralizes in the following beau tiful strain. It was. indeed, a poetic day, as has been nearly everyday this fall up to the presenl but had he been exposed to the breath of old Boreas that day a week later, when the tem perature fell nearly 100 degrees in side of twelve hours, his musings would have taken more spasmodic utterance: The weather that was becoming so mild during the latter part of last w eek reached the climax of excellence on Sunday, when the air was nearly mo tionless, and but little cooler than summer, and soft golden sunlight painted the landscape in hues of au tumnal glory, unapproached by the imagination of the greatest master painter. It was too delightful to re main indoors, or at least every one seemed to think sm, judging by the numbers on the streets during the middle and latter portions of the day. Everything was so quiet—not even the wing of a bird or an insect disturbed the smoke-tinged atmosphere -the day was in reality a symbol of the rest promised to the pure in heart after the conflicts of this life are properly encountered and surmounted. But we cannot expect many more days this season, so very magnificent, not even in Dakota. Worthy of Coiiwidcratioii. A good cow should give an average of 20 pounds of milk a day for 24o days 100 pounds of milk should give 8 pounds of cream loo pounds of cream should give 45 pounds of butter, and loo pounds of milk should produce 10 pounds of cheese. This would be equal to 480 pounds of cheese or 175 pounds of Vuitter in the season. It is an extra good cow that will yield 200 pounds of butter in the year. But there are cows that will yield 300 or 400 pounds. One cow in the writer's dairy has given 075 pounds of butter from May 10, 18S2, to Sept. 10, IHH3, which is equal to one pound six ounces daily tor the whole time. Such a cow is an extraordinary one, as her yield of butter between those dates show. This cow was a fine bred Jersey and lier milk was made into butter. There are cows of other breeds with records fully as good as this but dairymen have not been so careful, probably, in keeping there records. There are now over tioo cows in the United States With butter records of 14 pounds per week, aad some enthsiastic admirer of a particular breed is preparing a rec ord for publication, which will proba bly be of little use, as all of the con ditions under which the yield was ob tained will not be stated. Records to i be valuble must give minute details of the character and quantity of food, the care bestowed upon the cow, the manner in which the milk was handled, the butter churned, and the pric*.'. It is a lamentable fact that there far too much guess work in the dairy, and a halt should be called until the correct figures are giv en. When these are obtained we can have reliable data on which to base claims. If the busines is properly and judiciously managed it pays those who engage in it.- Minneapolis Tribune. Jones & Wolf respectfully ask par ties indebted to them call and settle at once, as tney need the money to pay their own bills. Oehler & Husser hare just received a lull line of Dry Goods for Fall and Winter wear. Call and see them. Three 10-cent cakes of highly per fumed toilet soap and a silk handker chief for 25 cents at Munro& Weller's. .ii»wi:y to i.o.w In small unounts. on short time at Giant County Bank. BORAX1NE, the oniy successful substitute lor soup, 10 cents per pound package, at Munro & Weller's. Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the firm ward Stevenson as H. J. per agreement. A. ("AWARD. .)• J. STKYKNSON PATENTS We continue to art as Solicitors for Patents, Caveata, Trade Marks, opyrinhts. et/v, t,,rth. ni«d .status, Canada, ufoa, Knjfland, France, (jermanv McGiVERiN, of is a- this day dissolved by u u a consent, A. H. ('award accounts due said lirm are Stevenson, and all the firm by lam assumed, retiring A payable toj. J. indehtedneas is etc Wa have had thirty-five years* eiiu'rleiiee. Patent*obtained us are noticed In theSCI BXTikic Amkiucav.throughlarge This and ttnlrnc'id tllim- WW''!y,a'K'r•$3.20ayear.sliowVtli"'I'ro^reaSr U .7 and has an enormous circulation. Addre*s ML'NN A CO., New Ynrt »t Patent Solicl- MKRI( A Park How, fiaw Yorlt. Hand hook about Patents tn-c. BIG STONE CITY, LUMBER! I have purchased a large stock of Lumber at prices which enable bottom figures. 1 now have in stock Common Lumber in .Shingles, Lath, Siding, Flooring, Sash. Doors, Cement, Stucco and Plastering Hair in Stt If you are going to build call and see aj I will save you money, TH E CEIJEHIMTEI) POUT Drugs, raff n Choice Confectionery, Fine Cigars, and WINDOW CURTAINS, SPRING ROLLERS. AND riXTUll COItXELL AVI-:., lJIG 8T0NE CITY. DAK. ATTENTION! Fairbanks Scales, Iron and Wood Pumps for any de"' well, Sulky and Walking Plows, Paints and Oils. Gla? all sizes, 11 ite Lead. Colored White Lead, warrants Mixed Paints of every shade. Steam and Horse Power Thresher Supplies, including Cylinder Oil, Machine Oil. Axle Crease, "Wagon Makers' and Blacksmiths' Supp1 Guns and Fishing Tackle, Manager, J. M. BAKEli & CO., itlllei Mimiain'ars lilt 1"*"it' YON I.IMKOMj C. P. DKALKR IX WELCH Patent Medicines, Sundr: Tobac I 111 or Cans. Belting, Lace Leather, Rubber and Me nip Packing. Machine Bolts and Stoves and. pails Tinware, Powder, Shot, Shells, && CHARLES Novelty Wood "Works Wood work of all description manufa^ to order. BIG STONE, CITY, CHAKLES BETCHER —DEALER IN-- Lumber, Lath, Sash, Doors. Cement, Stucco and all of Building Material SEICHE! BIG STOtt tl"' Proprietors. I)AK