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1 III* v a i DOWN IE A NKiLli, Publishers. BIG 8TONK CITY, DAKOTA PRESIDENTIAL POINTERS President Arthur Favors the with His Third Annual Message. AMEIlICAN POBK. Tho legislation o. Franco against the impor tation of prepared swme prodn-cd from tho Unit -d States, has been repealed. Thar result has tieeu due tto less to the frien llv relation of this government than to a growing convic'ion in Frareo that the restriction is not de manded by any real danger to health. Ger many etill p-ohibi's the introduction of all swino products Irom Am-rica. I extended to the imperial governnp n- a friemllv invitat on to send experts to the United States to inquire whether the use of theso products was danger ous to heal li. This invitation was declined. I havo believed it of such importance, how ever, that tho exHct facts should ascertained and prouinlg.'it"d ti.a 1 havo appointed a com petent commis-io 1 to moke a ihi.i-ntigh mves'i gation of th" sntject. Its members have BIJOWII their pub.ic spirit by accen'ing tneir trust without pledge of com en.-a'ioa, but I trust that congress will see in the uauona! and international bear ings of tho ira tor sufiicicnt motives for providing at 1 as. for the reimbursement of such txpen-es a-t .ey may necessarily incur. The coronation .f tho czar a: Moscow afforded to tho an occasio n for tes-ifying to continued lriendship by sending a -peeul epvoy and a r. presemarive of the navy to at tend the ceremony. While there have arisen during the year no grave questions affecting tbe status die Iins-ian empire of American citizens or other taith than that held by tha national church, this government remains firm in its convictions that the rights of its citzons abroad t-hould be in no way affected by their religious belief. It is understood that measures for the removal of the restiictions which now burden our tiade With Cuba a Porto JJic are under consider ation by iho Sp mi-di government. The prox imity of Cuba and the peculiar method of ad ministration which there prevails necessitate cot oiucnaoou and appeal on our iait from the proceedings of the insular authorities. I regret to say that ju-t pn«te-ts of fh.a ttov prt.iuent havu riot as yet produced satisfactory results. The uommi-sion appointed to dcetda 3®ftam c! tuns of onr i at^ .i st the gover itn 11 aft the iv"!o-' it• 1 ol f-at isfactory ml s as thnir vail ilt-.- was admit ted to be ill gd Fill romir.LioM for the injuries -n-'ai eii by urciti/ ..h slmnid ho p( longer tl y and ihofarcof naturaliz dion in the Uiii •*.! St 1.os as a shield t» disturber* in oti er conn no* aboiishei1. The claims :iu mission has jjiially adjourned. Som of its awards, though midu more tn,i' two yO'irs aj o, have not vet b.. en pa 1. Speein vaym«n( is ex- eo od. Cl time to a largo amount which w re held by the a e commission with iUt its juri die 101 have been presented to tuo Spanish government, as tho ac tion of the colo dal law authorities has given so to these claims. Tho case of the sonic ha* not yet reached a settlement The Mani la court has found that the proceedings of which this government has cotnp a neii wore author.?. »d, and it is hoped that'he gov-.ruiniut of Spain will not withhold tiie si eedy REPARATION which its sense of justice si onld impel i 10 offer for the un usual e. vertvsind n just action of its rttb otd nato co oti a- "flic w in the case of ihia easel. The ile. vetiftii nfoderatiou has pro posed the inaiuuradon of ""'-.-of inter:ia- 11 11 ii treaties tor 'tie of grave questions People THE PRKSTTIKNT'S MESSAGF. FOREIGN EELATIONK. To the C'otuTi si of the United States: At the threshold of your deliberations I eongratu late you npoo the favorable aspect of tho do mestic and foreign affairs of this eovenimenf. Our relations with other nations coutiuu* to be on a friendly forcing. With the Argentine Re public, Belgium, BIMZJ, Denmark, Italy, Bantu Domingo and Nwrden and Norway, no inci dent has occurred which calls for special com meut. Tho recent opening of new linen of telegraphic communication with Central Amer ica and Brazil permitted the. interchange of messages of friendship with the gov emm* ats of those cauntries. Dur ing the year there have boon perfected and proclaimed consular and com mercial treaties with Servia and a eon-mhr treaty wtth liotimania, thus extending our in tercourse with the Danubian countries, while our Eastern relations have been placcd upon a wider basis by treats 9 with Oorea and Madagascar. The mnv boundary survey troauea with Mexico, a tradesmark convention and a supplementary extradition treaty with Spain, and a convention extending the duration of the Franco-American claims ommi-sion, have also been proclaimed. Notice of the termination of the fisheries abi des of the treaty of Washington wan duiy given Great Britain. The privileges ami exemptions of the treaty will seemingly close 011 July 1, 1885. Tho fishiug industry pursued by a numerous class of our citizens on Northern Coasts, both of tho Atlantic and Pacific oceans, are worthy of the fostering care of congress. Whenever brousrht tnto competition with like industries in other countries, our fishermen, aa well as manufacturers of fishing appliances and preparers of fish products, have main tained a foremost place, I suggest that eon gross create a commission to consider the question of our rights in the fish eries, and the means of opening to o»r citizens, under just and enduring conditions, the richly stocked fishing waters and sealing grounds of British North America. A question hag arisen touching tho deportation to tne United States from the British islands, by government or municipal aid, of persons unable there to gain a living aud equally a burden on tha commun ity here, Such of these persons who come under tho panpar class, as defined by tho law, have boen sent back, according to the provisions of onr statute*. Her majeety's government has insisted that precautions have been taken be fore shipment was made. However, they have in so many cases pr oven inotlecMial, and espe- ?ronticr •tally soineerta n instances of needy imimarauts i ®^rrtte.Klc hostilities to that of ue^otia iinr mrrimrv thrmirrh Panaris WillCll tlltj COUSUlfi Of thlH IJOVCriJUiBIlt reaching our territory through Canada,'that a revision of onr leni-lation upon this subject may be deemed ad 'isable. Corresj ondence relative to the Clayton. Hulwer treaty has been cominned, and will be laid before cougress. 1 determent to art*.u-av.iu olruug .... agencv and consulate at the Bulgarian capital. The United States are now pait-cit a*.in2 In & vision of the tariff of the Ottoman F.mpire. They have a-sonnd to the application of a license tax of foreigners doing business in Tur key, but have opposed tho oppressive storage tax npon p-'irolenm entering ports of that country. The government of the khedivo has proposed that the authority of tho mixed judi cial tribunals in Egypt be exten !„d so as to cover citizens of th" United States accused of crime, who are now tried before e psular courts. This government is not indispose I to accept the change, but believes that its terms should be submitted for criticism to At no timo in our 11a ional history baa there been more manitost need of clue and lasting relations with a neighboring State than now exists with respect to Mexico. The rapid influx of our capital and enterprise into that country shows what has already been accomplished by th® vast reciprocal advantages which must attend the progress of its internal develop ments Tin* tr. aty of commerce and naviga tion of 181# has been determined by tho Mexican government, and in the absence of convention en.'&g nionts the rights of our citizens in Mexico now depend upon the dpnvgic statutes of that republic. There have been instances of harsh enforcement of the laws against our vo seSs and citizens in Mexico, and of denial of diplo matic resort for their protection. The in itial step toward a better und rstading as been taken 111 the negotiation, by die commis sion authoriz by congress, of a trea y winch is still before the senate for approval. The irovi-iona for the reciprocal defense of the by the troops in pursuit of hos tile Indians have been prolonged for another year. Tho operations of the forces of both governments against savages have been successful, and several of thfmst d»nenrou-« tribe* dispersed by the *kill and valor of United States and Mexican soldiers fighting in a common cause. Tim convention for (ho resurvoy of the boundary from the Ilio Grande to the Pacific having boen ratified and exchanged, the prelum- aty roconnois 8ance therein stipulated ha* b.-eu effected. It now r°sts With congress to make provision for completing the survey and resetting the boun dary monuments. A coimnri n was signe 1 with Mexico on July 13, lhS'2, providing for the rehearing of the casa of Benjamin Weil vs. The Abra Hylon Mining Company, in whose favor awards wore made by the late American and Mexican claims commission, That on volition still awaits the ac 1 t, v'ir At th" saim- t.m U'lvet'ing 1 a statue of W :I-1»• 1 hope* U. gi»TD between nations. This soon be a. 1 juhtfh1. Qn«s"0"« government has assented to the ProP°*ed S^ ,K mM JU of tho senate. Meanwhile, because of the charges of fraudu lent awards which have made a new commis sion necessary, the executive has diree ej the suspension of pay of the distribution qnota re ceived from Mexico. OCR CENTRAL AMERICAN NtlOHBOBS. Our geographical proximitv to Cen\ra! Amn ios, and our political and commercial relations with the seat of that country, justify, in mv judgment, such mat rial increas .t consular corps as will plae ar each capital a consul general. The contest betwo u Bo ivia, Clnli and Peru have passed from the stage of hostilities liave been exercised. The demanjt of Chili for absolu-e cession of territory havo been maintained aud accepted by tae arty of n. lghsias to the ex eat of concluding a treaty of p. ac with the government of Chili, in general conformity w .tii tlie terms of the pro toco, signed in May iast tween th. Chi.iati comtnandry ana Gen. f?uis. ASJ FS'ilt of the conclusion of this treaty (i -11, lgle»*as lias been fo-mahy recognw liv Chili as president of Peru, and his governmen installed at Lima, which has be.-ti ovacu.itcd by too Chi 'atis. A i call has been issued by Gen. lgieHiis for a rep res, nt n vo assembly to bo elei:t *d on tiio 13 il of January, and to meet at Lim-. on the 1st March n- x'. viwhde tne provisi .nal guv ernineiit of (ion. l^iosias ha a n lied for ognition to the pr.uc.pd pow- is of Americi and Em01 e. Wnen the wid of tho l'ei uviai peopie shall be ma.-,if s e.f i h)J n ,,,n hofittfe to retMirt.i/- th- n pi ma'n r.n.l ronresotitativfrt appruvv.d y t'lr-m. -pi-e-^n tatiVes of th s govcr-iiiicit aitund -d a? Ca-a the ceni'-iciial cel- brati u of tho r"i• oi the ioiint. 1011 -'n 1 ,» i in ti V. iiezu iau capi a siiri tie* v-. ncrat OJ i.: l.i-m-morv is h»od ther *. Coi^T'*--at us last eess on a hori/ the execu it to pfi, pose to tho ViMc/ueian ,_'vr-rnm**nt n "opeioo^ of the awi! il« of lie:- m,xe 1 ciMim:^! MI of C.u acas, and tho aruire fi oni 1 s coiujtr v e.j' the Voip'Xiir* an iiiiuis'fr iia4 (j th"o:*cn- ing of n goti itions for r.-vivi.ij^ tou .Mininis sion. This guv. rnmeut holds tha'. unti re-est ibli-hment of a treaty on thnt, the V mznelan governnient must continti tn make the-o picnvoits provided for in the convention of lHOO. 'J h«*r... is ground for be lief that the si uta growing ir of t'.o un paid obligations due from W11 znela to Ft am .* Will_ bo satis ac iirily adju-tnd. 'i h" French cabinet has proposed a ias:s of sett.onioiit wtdcii o's my approva', but as it involv»M a reca-ting of t, o annua quotas of the fo-jit i det.t u has been deemed adv-Habit* to ••uliinit tho pr- posdl to tbe ju iuem*nt» of tho cabinets of Berlin, Copenhagen, the Hague, ijonduu and Madrid. THE SANDWICH ISLANDS. At the recent coro.ntion his mai'^tv King Kidakana this gov. nt was reiiie senti diplomatically and by the formal vis'tof a VPSso1 o: war. Tne quo* i n of terminating or -difying the exist ng recinrocity trea-y with Haw.hi is now before coocress. I aio m viuced that the cha'g.-s ahtp*e and frauds under that trea y t.av-i been exaggerated, and I n n^w tlio stigge-t.ous of la-t year's m-s^agc, at-the treaty be modified wherever its 1 re visions have proved onerous to gitimato 'rad 1 am no- li O8 tO favor th eutiro ce-sitioti of tri a y tela. ).uj wh-cli hive s- tered good will between 'lie countries, an 1 cotitribn'e 1 t-ward the equality of Hawaiian among the na iops. CiOOp WILL IN THE ORIENT. In purs'ianc of the o cy declared bv this t'overnmcut of extendi onr inter com* with the Ea*tern nations, Ideations have dnrmg th- past year been e-taMi-dieu in Per sia, Sum and Coj-.-a. It is probable that, per mauont nd"ions from those e nn ries will ere ltiK be ma nt nned in tli United State* special mha sy fr Siatn is now on its way other. Treaty la ions w th Cor a were per fected by the exchange at Simul on the lOrh of May Isst of the raciticanou of tie la'ety con cluded convention, and envoys from the king of Za zibar have v si od ttus country and rece vad & Hal wd me. Corca. as y«t unacquainted with the metho is of We-teru civi iza ton now in vites the atteii'iott Of those in er-sted in the foreign trade, a.- it n"ds th implements and pioducts whicti the United Stat s nre re»dv to supply. We seek no morop.,y of its 0111 mercaud no advantage over othor mtioos, but as the Chino-e teach-ug for a higher civi ization tiavo tl »P.I t. I republ e, wo cannot reuard with ind fforeiice any uuc.oach munts on their rt-hts. CHINA AND THS l*SITEl STATES. China, bv 'he p.ymant of a money indemni ty, has tie 1 turain of the ln.ig-pn,d 1 Claims or.r C1..Z PS. and 1 hv-j ,llL\ rtmJa'4naer n„ ac ,'irers in inauguration oC euch already with Switzer,and. Under the treaty of Berlin, liberty of con science aud civil rights are as-ured to all stranger* in Bulgaria As the United States have li distinct conventional relations with that country, and pro not a jiai ty to the treaty, they should in my opinion maintain diplomatic representation also for the improvement of m ercmirse and the proper protec ion of the many American citizem who resort to that country hs missi aia: ies and teachers. I *u.?- .... i:est tnat 1 be feiven autnoritv to establish^ aa vre li^Yo only ati indirect right to exact the 0f the commission appointed to revise tho whole The same considerations which prompted eon subject, RELATIONS WITH MEXICO. will ^ave arisen ,ti and other foreign manufacturers in w under tho provisions of treaties whicr^ |,ornlif aliens to exercise their industries in country. On this specific point our treaty is siletil But under the operati 0f na ions c'ause we (}u, mo»t favored e hko Privileges to tho*c of otlier powers Vhiie it is the duty of tho government to s our citizens have the fud enjoymen% every benefit secured by treaty, I itoobt the expediency of lend ing in movement to constrain China to ad oil an interpretation by which transference to China of American capital. F^r the employment there of Chinese la nor Would in effect inaugurate a competition for the control of markets now supplied by our homo industries. There is good reason to be lieve that the law restneting the immigra tion of Chinese has been violatod intention illy or otherwise by the officials of China upon whom is devolved the duty of certifying that the em grants belong to the excepted class a. Measures have been taken to ascertain the facts incident to this supposed infraction and it is believed that the government of China wid co-operate with the United States in securing the fadhful observance of the law. ciatiou, of which the king of th" Belgians is president, and a emz-m of the United S'ates chief executive officci, and largo fiatts of territory have been ceded to the a-.-ncia'..i:i by native chiefs. Tho objects of thisa—oe.uti .n aro philanthropic. It does not aim a: perma nent political coutrol, hut si-eks the neutrality of tho valleys which have been opened. Steamboats placed on th€ river and the nuclei of states e--,ibl'.*dieit at twenty two stations under one flag, which offers freedom to commerce and prohibts the slave trade. The United States cannot be it.different to this work, nor to the interest* of their citizens involved in it. It mav b-eome advisable for us to co-operate with other com mercial powers in promoting the rights of rado and residcuce iti the Congo vahev fre rorn tho intlueuce or political control of any 00a nation. In view of the frequency of invi tations from foreign governments to partici pate in seoitil and sc-ntic congre-ae-f for the discussion of important matters of general concern, I repoat the suggestion of mv last message, that provision be made for the xerciseof discretionary power by tho tx'cufivu in api ointmg delrgatt-s to such conventions. Spei-.a'.ist- a* e rea iy to -five the national interest in such capacity, without personal profit or other compensation than the defrayment of expenses acuai.y incurred, and this a oompat-'tiv-ly small annual appropria tion wout suffice to mn.'t. RK.-TKK.TIONS Vl'GS Tli AUK. 1 have alludr-d in my pre'ii-.-is tnes^aq^ to the Injurious and vexa ions r»-M*i icti.ins siif fered by our trade in tno Spanish West Indies. I Brazil, who.1" natural ouilol for its great national trade in coffeo is and i through tho United Statej, imposes a heavy export dtry upon frit product. A like narrow dicv is pursu-d in other Amori can countries. Our pe roieum exports are 1 hamporud in lurkey and in other Fastern ports liv r^s.tric ions as t) stor.iee, an I bv on» rous 'axntion. 'J ho ftes out tea il movejne it 1 of our at fon 1 pro lnct is in some quarters cloL'ge i lik-: imp d.nien's. For these mis chieis adequate r«.«iiof is not always pr ivided i by tve:pre tv trea'ie- 1 ko that v'nh llawi'ii i'T that .at Iy 1 with Mexico, and now availing the action of tne senate. It in advifablo to provide Homo measuro of cquifabto relation with tt.e governments which discriminate aKSiriHt onr own. If, for example, iho execu live wer1) embowered to app y to Spam-h ves- W A A N I I E N A V Y THE INDIANS MOSTLY QT T. 1"rem the report of m.O fiepj-fearv of war it will be seen that 111 only a snotle instance has there be' n any situ banco of tho quiet condi tion of our Indian tubes. A rail was made fr mMexic ml i Ariz .ma by & Riiul! i-ai-v of Indians, which was pursm-d by Gen. into liie tnotudainons AN KXPOSKD SKACtOAST. I again cajl your ate tion to ihe preset condition of our extend seace.ast, upon which ar.. so many large cities whoso wealth and im portance to tho conotrv w (til pi time of war, invito attack from 'inod eru armored ships, against which our existing d'feusive works cnj givon.jalo. qua e protection Those work* wo'« bui-1 fore the introduction of mod *rn heavv rifled guns o ma-itim» wirfar and if th' .y iro not put iu an efficient cundiiion, we may eawilv be hubjc*. ted to humiliation by a hostile tt.,w*r pi erior ourselves. As germar... t0 this i-ubje.ct. I call vonr a^ention to the im- Mi-oa r'erf lug our 1 .•neh of l!,f*00 (-!f 1 s *is ft 111 (yiiiia and Poi la liico he sani« rulem of tr- at iifijt an i scan s of prices for clmicai faul's aro tijijilied to our vess is a id cargoes in the Antiu. s. a resort to t! a' course i might not b« banen of go'*d results. A 'lis crct.onaTy au? 1 .f fv 10 !..rbid the imnoi tatiou of ard.-| 1 co-is'iei i ri heal til misiht ea 1 va-.ta^emisiy 1 xercised in our deal inn will couotrius tha d.scriuunato acauiHtoar Fr food products. F: •in 1 1 lori t. laivi lemons from which it a 1 come. It is confident y hoped that •"•nous outbreaks will not agnin oci.rur, and that the Indian tribes which nave for manv voars dis til ho I the West will hereafter "remain peaceable Hibniissinn. submarine op tons. They tire to be tensile strength and 1, with tho tlifeo Vrtr S.efcs of nt pri !!(-i y Fit.-a pi- ii c.. ia STATE MILITIA KNOOUiiAOKD. On sevoral occa-ions uuritig the past year officers of tho army have, at the request of r»fa e vinttiui thutso inihturv campmeuts for inspection of troops the reports 4f those oflic rs I am in lucod to believe that tho eneooiag"mr*nt of the state Bitliiia or^au 7.* iop Viy tho Nutio'ml iiov- ro moni would be followed bv very gvatifving re su.ts and would afford it, in *iudden cm-r ncii-s, tne aid of a a'go body of volunteers fcdueated in tho porfoiiuauco of military du- that it« re .nr. wtd bo to 0 made, and that c""j»re-s r. .o dicn upon bo dispose to urovtde suiiabl-i i'.i,d,ucs auu plans for th« manufacture of SUV. gil i*. as are now mioerativ. lv noodod loe -oci- t.ry o: tl.o navy v,, 11 ider iw-V-*!1/'*' Vkk'i 1**3, the work if «ireni tin .nr J.vy by ,h- c. ns ruction moi.*ru v. has be. u upseicious y Ku .. Tnreo ci tu ,h ar« 1 1 p-ogr-.^ ot r,-m- ruction—tho Chicn-o of t..ns .UMplac .*m«.'..t. aud Iho i„,| Atlantv built of due of speed, endurance, ana armann «r o*- 1111111 1 pi,y p-cted to cotuparo favorably wuh tne bost un- the surplus shall aimed war vessels of oilier nations. A fourth vessSul, the Dolphin, to i'j-y proscribed by law, atnl in combination and the ^7,17,000 hot) jjtfod, endurance, aud armani. nt ar ex- payable until l«lHam li^' bo constructed of simitar matorials is intended to servo as a tl ot dispitch Tne d. ublti tunv'.ed monitors 1'iiritan, Aiunhi 1 e -Hid Terror l.avu been iaunclod on 1I10 .tie liver, an a contract has been male fo-" tho supp'.v of tln'ir maciiiuery. A similar v -.*0 tli Mo.opliniek, has been launched in aiifot ohi. i)i- naval adv.sory board and tin •'•eivtary the oomph-uon of tho nt 1 d':.»rs, tt.e cons 1 ruction of four jrunb .itts, :.i-0 of ^tci.l grass at its last session to return to Japan the Simoncski in lemmtv seem to me to require at its hands lik act on in respect to the Can ton indemnity fund, now amounting to iftlOo, 000. Th'i questi on of the general revision of the foreign treaties of Japau has boon consid ered in an interna'iouai conference held at Tokio, but wit! ont definite result, as yet. Tnis government 18 disposed to concede the requests of Japau to determine its own tariff duties, pro vide such proper judicial tribunals as may commend tliems Ives to the Western powers for the trial of cau-es to which foreigners ar.' parties, and to assimilate tho tetms and decla rations ol its treaties to those of other civilized S a es. Througu our ministers at L-»ndou and Monrovia, this -v.-rnrnont lias enteavr to aid Liberia in its differences with Great jintim, touching the boundaries of that republic. Th«r» 1 t)iar the ordinary rev. tup-a from ail sources fn, as a prospect of the adjustment of the dispute .jie a! vea- endi .1 June 30, lb§3 amoutiK. by the adoption of theMannah river as tho line. ju .f.'iits,2^7i58 l.t»."i, whereof tn was I Tide arrangement is a compromise of the con civ-d *--uu eli-toms, tfL'l 1.700. 11M» !»3 fro 11 icting territorial claims. 'The rich «ml internal »ciiue ^14*1 720 n-msa' populous valley of tha Congo is of puhiic lands. $7.9o5,Koi 42 irum tax o bong opened to commerce by ei-u a :or» aod depo-ite ..f national banks society called tho International African asm- ^uos.Ji.l front profits on coinage Vessel.-, iiivc the Chicago, J, ,,u hii |!i,:p .in, as an important muanuio of 1 di'tcnse. 1X1 KitIOIt WATKIwYAYrt. ituv ini es the immediat•• eiej'i e. .0' Ji.j, 111 if* las«! line of waier way :i tie 'iiiiisiil.i of Fe-ri la, al'iiig e coa~t 1. .:.i F.oriila t.v Hallip'on K.'iois, iwt'cll ih* t, '»•» mv and 1»- I tware riVer, and throtiRh Cape Cod. 1 feci bound to imi ress upou tne attention of congress tho necessity of continued progress the construction of tho navv Tin* condittou of tho public trt-itH irv, us 1 have already indmated, tkes the pre ent au auso.cions inn for put-trig this lo ancti of the service in a s:ate of efiiciotiey. It is u part of our policy to create aud maintain a navy aide to cope with that of tie* other great powers of tho worm. We have no wish for foreign conqu st, and the peict whi'ju wo have so long enjoved is in no i-o-'uim* via nvr of interrupt on yot our naval •strength s,.011 Id 1h made a l- .jnat f«r the Ut feus of our harbor-, the prooicion of oui commercial imerest.s, and tho mamtnia ico of our national honor—a proposition fr-m whic no patriotic citizen oau withhold his assent TH P. THCAstritV. A Ci Ii A l'IF\' !N(1 1.5 111 BIT. The report of the secretary of 1hntrtasu! gives & fall and interesting exhibit of the Mianeial cotuli'ioti of the country. It H'.IOW^ bill ion deposits and ass.ys. .f 1,-I»)0,'j0r. 1' 1 oth«r sources, 17,.'id »,0:}7 UO Tom i'.t^.'Jsl,."S1.5»5. For the sami perio 1 ih oi h, arv xpetulnures were: For *i *x .eiis"!, $ 2»,o4 Of tiie l*ian of Mur ii, 1*-.m j. Of tin* loan of Jti'v, l«**-j n: w .. Of o-'JOs of 1 Md-l t)t iti ist»r* Of ]0-4-s nf IhOV'' ,, Of cousoiH of 1 yuf» Of consols of 1 «(7.. Or e isnlrt I,t Of Oregon Will riete r-fn -l:i liT.i'.'J, 12 :'..:in.ii.|. 'HtelD-, 'eet, **,»| tH ttetl* from pruc bii,4:i7 77j From -urvcy ,nc la From 54j rev.'nn.s ,,f Crook Iistrict of Ci.lum bin Firm tin "0U« Total 0s 13,572,201 Knls and mac).iiicry an.! itrMiriv-t,Hints at navy yuiils E*tem!|«UF"H ^||j cunit of District of 4,1'»'.i.jfri r,:i C.nhnnbiti. I*'.i* nitert-gr on pub lic deht..,. Total oidinary ex pemhiures torp do 'I ho board authorized by tho last con irrcss to report on the ppoliods fur 'the Giuturactmo of hoivy ^irduanco and adapttd to mi dern warfare, ha* ltou tho principal iron and steel works ill this country ami Europe. Jt j* |, Tot 1! rcceints, act ual and nnnte.t 'lotal enp.-riitn, actual an-1 estim'iM. Aotai »*si Iniat,., du L-n UM.OOO, 00 00 atn't .si'.Ki. fund itif baini!t*M .r, 45.810 741 07! !itl, I Kit ,« 5» li..| If tlie revenue* end o i Jnne Ho Ang. 5. ISS'J, and io' tjio fi-cal year winch wilt b-i-i. pvi.H e-tima ed n ou tho Cxi8tlii^ i-iWH tbo ti"Qt*iiarv #»f opinio,^ at for th,t year ,o reo.'lt c- od y $ ).Otni.ouO e ..rdiiur ,-Z tli es, incnd.ogiho amount d-voj. s nki l».„i. 1 lituerto tho su-phi-. iS »i(i ly -H 1 -*r a-mmulaied, has b.'ou dovopVi t, un. tioii nf thi'national debt tno i. Ulu Pleasure of the government a: o the li per cents. am(,luUlr,B( 1 4per cents, am-mntij J" lit For pensions 60,01'..'.573 ti i For th« nuhtary establlsUment and arsenais 48.911,382 WJ For the naval establishment, in» eluding auii uuproveui'ts at navy ,lids ir,2S3,437 17 For mi-ee.ianei'us PXI "inlitures, lnc u-.iui' puhnc t)uif(i:ri(r4, hifht lioasc-. and ..-o ilctiun revenues.. 4.0,098,43'.! 5: For eipphdrnres 011 acceuut ot District ef Imiihia :t,KI7,OLN -I For interest on the puttie d.-bt.,.. ,V.», 1 tJi), IXI 'J. Total... *:Jt .V»oH.!37 I I'Pav: a a Mirplu, revenue of.... I3-J.S7W.444 41 Wic.vh, with an amount drawn I fr .m the :i-h ba'ano^in tr«HSu~ rj-of m.Ai!ijr..l34.171,!2f»G o i Was aophed to thn rn.Uimp'um of bomls for tne xinkinit tmid Of tra.'tj ,nal 1 urrrncy forthssiuk ms: f'ind 0: funded ioan of 1 *^1— contimied at 3 per cent Of loan, ,Fu'y and Anjnst, 1 i^tSl— continued at 31v n-r cent....... Ot fundcil loan of I !#07 'it fun ied ioan of ism r:f ri-iTO try. 1^(15 Of lean of Jmy and Aoj?u-f, l*»»,i. 44,350,7X) 00 46,5"id nt 1,4 S S.iii o 7iw.iro l.KUO «lt 'iHi.h'IO (I 11 tl.s.vj co 4.7r.",d mi lt» {,ikhi (in 7O.*I,OIIU 01) !»0o,on() d:j 1 H/.i.Vi.Ooif 01) l.I 1.1100 I..I i,r7o,odd no 5,•!*'•,):() 011 r»-ir». 1 1 mi lu7,l jo 0 i .0 Of 1 detn o!l, r,..iiiti.i,.:i. est and other Total The ir'r-1111'i iiir tiie re pa an I ttod, pg f,.j Source. Ui.IMn 00 al yoa a. l.ree- -in-.. From Fi«-m nut* From s ,ip* of 1. lie land*,-......... Frntri tax on r-Ten ia* ion and dfiiosit in'Mi !...i,ks.| Fio'n ii'ii'i vinrtiti of i uteres' anil .*•:• ki .£ Hud l'a- 1 treasury estimate* llmv In. Ih.hmtS&IJW tu.u Ot surplus 0a[1 e eJ- l'y» and the tho redemption of tii'tpevs th,- be iuthotri aMirylo:, e o e a y a e i w I 1 however, why the nationalfj,h not po thus ranid'V among them is the f„pt taxation is such iapi,li*ritJ® liEPPi'ljoj TT1E Btvst. I In wmmnmcatinn to 1 session I reciniitn-ii lwl ished except those rt-at^t".1 and that a substantial redn^m in the revenues from ^.Jr^ snico been enacP-d bv »itirL and tariff receipt "nf have been cut d0M 1® of at least fifty or eix v While I have no .luitmL^: tions may be wimdv mt ie 1 adoption at this se-j.1,,1! ..j a largo niinmiun ,, .|„j Iho resuPsd the .^i-iat.on ,j-' Congress have not •ppa-ei.t to jn-t iy Siiv r»u •w-i ping ni' *. 1 tii*«i j. ,.lH „f ,lu* Interval whr !i mu-t.. a*. ]J" Of the act 1 .f Mireho, Is^.j ascertained, a porno' fcv.'i ties may be Begl. eN*d dn v of :.ai4*... providr ,|, 15m Ho WW- Iy p|g r,h„ narbois. 'this is m.ter 0 again advert, 1*.*^ financial subjects pl^t diMrustiej ant fiueniio.-i. What lenain-u, 1 gardm^' tv i.*atioiial cutKMcy? aniotmt of bom!-, now OMI -O-II* ifv to Butiport tin- nan uir(4 •, about yiirnt.OiMi.ouo nu,rv^ of this amount eon* stj „f an a.ready «*Ut i, ftr., p1?( pleasure of tn- v auu" t. be ed in within s^ i„-tli ... tho v n:« mi.iished. rl')i ,i]„ exti'iiMvn retir. .. .i s,p ire thn .IPH of lie -.ino-ial U Would be all,'!: a ((m nc -."'jo' i the cuiT'ourv as t- IMI:I.-s irK embi.ri a*fiii..-ii:. ih.vr ctin ic4 ate.1V The ii,o8 Wlwse a iiiptioii Oj portiinity I si already been nues "of the kept stibslaidi il penses, tne vo ti -. likely to sulti if, on th" of tier doiay in reouc Becessaiy ei'hei Of cui reiH-y io ,'J,s5 7t' IFortoreicrn iatercour»e U,-l75 V 1 For the Indians 7.:tt2,f,J the ni liearti:v i i 'L' four •m-n-tir»l»'. ciretiat® .-(•r*l ill-tl 'l.-Tr %tix ig tasa'i-ui, it to snh-t: n s n ee of the tli ». od v] niuko ::np-»-a -*i.i. tl e.r Cil '-Ui.l lO.'J IP l.oW ti 'Ktoent iu*.* a..f«r oou.g i»:t or to wbicl. my ju I commend intere-inig ate on this pnl tho secretary's bo urges again"! Seclirttios than the mem itself as a toi cirou'atnn H»"m t: ti^lit'al W,.*iCil ti "i tie rv j* 3 acc-*pttac" s i oh ig& i- n- o! i ntlahou ti't nv in-tip-'sfci !o I'd co: t' act verting the I lire ite 1. euiior '. have be ri ailXi-' Co. ltsO( o~(i K ably feasible. Ont bo ,ds. Laving manv y.'uri rji, low rato of in!* am! ex* tt SPOClfi'.'d teuil- lor tf.ose u *0il*l other course, which comni'-ti e it own jinl-Min nt as tJ. h.- r, i-it.i of a IUW tiie tu 03 ami pet mitt :ti^ t..nks tn rt for an mu iiutfiiii.d 11 Lh.i poi c-^u ket va'ii'1, i iK-r*ad »f, 'k n-*. 'I1-1*' *pt.sit.*d li 'tids 1 iter e w«h'» the belpif that the :i i**ptt «n o? tin afford the uec*'*aai v li f. mi: i i .\nF, -iXiS. Oil The trade .r w.:- cm- 'f ri oftra ie in d.untn s v,tr r•- r-rm val'ie, i|se. ,ii!.*' 1 t»V MS fit'i.t w It nev- had ft 1* a! t" !lt-r fn-# Il'lIll'iCrs lf 111'1' e COl -J.'-lf ever, into the volume of ow by common »v.t.-c- i. 'j l.t- ei i (b'tip-- :c .'rude bus n-w csa- 1, Ml b-coni a 11-• 111'-1 II' I 1 .liter V. pi 1'"., rencv svste'n. It* thoii cepiion bullion at a um !i rent market pjic* . fitT'-'if- Pisir.irrs 511 MID rt«*M 4 -it* a in itirtt i Tlie K-crrtiry of no loiiati n ol i-erta 11 t!i t.f the Vi)U t: v, a* -1 be vi^ted with such *w ns is now pv.'ii i nn i» "'J to s of intern il :j 1.{1 of t-ie r-vi stnti-tic^i on 'ms «-u:J co taiu in Id* r', 'H' a strong ar^unteni in O- IUP tho udj .tjriii j'Jl,l.V.i '•01,303 aaj 7ft j. ...', -joj Mi.i.-jey K iht 'r-nal |-.*ve !!ji \. ciiMv (lit etc) that SO iiUtei! 'I one thud the. •.•igh'y.-tlTOJ. •!29 40 .fSM 7,0X1,1 !K| .J17 Iht aotual and esiunatod expen«iM fur the wri't peno i: Firs! I'or r. trininltig tlirm* (jii.irt'rs of vearlMst'dl. qtiart»r. I' or civ 1 uk1 tmsiel laiieogs, int u augf OUWic l.tdlrllngi, ItSHtiuois,,.-, a,u| eol.ecting t,!m revs ''nun for ouarfff!,..' Hep:. :i0, ItfHvS. ac.tuai........ I*or I'l'lnins........ 1 For perilous For miiij.iry o-t.ib !i:ihm."i*, in-h.d'Bit fort tl irttiims. river a»d irbnr iiup'v# mt-lO :in I nr-eeiafB. I1 or !iril',:i! wndlmh» rn'mdrTltidint V«B-'Sfi.T'.i'.i 421 u.i^ !, i o r,4| Bl lihUl of n di ni tit tl'.W ll tS .. r. »li hi'.m i t: I ATE 1 A iMtmi Tho report-of the p'-un1"5 tams a gratifying s'libit ot jn- ispec's nf this ur *rn#'i t' pub it! Kirviit' comiei ted |WHrn th»tnn June HO, l** 1 i i .- i e s w a s W"ni cstab.ishod dnriiiR. year. Tn numb 'f "'l'10 the system of fr e .U ,.v rv •iait ilticta too "o-*1-''2,,' nmoii'ifd o #1.1 f"'J+ bv !jil,OJl,&M I Ol Oio I carne s' service in rato of posta.e on dn titKoigii these olli s it f.'.KiG.oi7 0 i, tne u* I twt/e-nts per halt outn-*' $•"1.11 i,2tKi r,s -4,1 .oj inf.! 4i] o*2 nr Jti ollie whore, tli carter b.o-n abolisln I lb" r.'t" *M I» Will 1)0 I-' Ul'*lid»"i *d il) fr delivery was In -t Oniform single rato of •ic.itfijm tn 12,300,700 31 t,irit-.H 4i fr,7.04'2.i:'.K :J3 $lvHj.067.:»09 C7 ?34 i,tJo0.000 ool k- ttrs was one c. nt, iiad I 7 w e n i n i s i o i i w ico wus iabli*«!:"d it wa' too expense of sue R1 r"i ilio Hiat the old rate inft)' pr ety bo res'or -d, at a ri**k of dinii ii-hin.- I i a I ipiH from po»ta:40 nf''"1 .' so- ini n-on why timt i-11'1, matter shouid b"* h",d ait^iti tire cost of not oily o,UI livi iv but the coi -"boil other aS 'es, anil I conodoration of tne sitl-*j duciioii of the rate won a giownig viduino of i|u-iu,'h but slight a tempni'ai'y i of the postotUce 2,Oil,If,s 59 14,7117, iJ7 06 39,7KS.70*j f\4* POSTAL TKLFdnAPK n" Tho istnoister ft hi- r. ]oi to toe asp ct. id' ,o reial -u r» rat 1 111 e e e a S u i aide to give the subj-ic -it"0' luosi-atte ha^ not led ni'' whieii then expre«t'":i reColiitliendVioll ot th that., iho gov -me it as over iho oeg1 apb iot-u cised uvi tho ui^ w ui in dp" P't U IU' i if thority iii tbo proiu^.-efl bu 8 boen i*i.nine I for i:i 1 my iud.mient,