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„nrolJ1,o or afl#utno 'lie «!,h line" or to cou- i« V*. v''?of etit'n^naugcu th niiva'y untOrpriHo. 1 tie !iL justly urgod a nr entnuKiiitoge«- I H.nriVa'J u» lw, i iastly urgtid again Liim»f l»icb 1 il«t a 5 ngait. Lv pro]''1 o ft Pflill tllOl 1""" ifli-'i' 14 iimu I* 1 .• mure au eooriaons 11 ',, .1 do not. bow.* r, which hav(, lately ,uf ,'i-iit nint It feicco'^11 ,(1 ,|.af cougrosB IKW- t|'.p postmaster gonoral l,!lli Oll-om"' l'r.¥»W pem»u or I" k sii-nu- ioii of moH*aR. ,r!h ud.-r uov.nnn nt r^nus themes, of tllft nut Widely differing in \L s-i.** ha' 0 boea 1 MUg" 1 !n!V»!it, au.l «o »r nmoaW j«V« .ir.p .Ttul ntid op l' 'J," attracted your attention. I ,1, le »ubj. ci will bo eou pn"»'!,t session- In the •^v,-«mauy mu-Htioim ,| Wiitild prob- Ley ii .1' all, l.v any P11' nil, which I n)iK't uow unbuilt. Li«f lioW',T|i,i that tlio govern *I wil.or.zea bv law to «X".VIHO loa ovvr ilitew ate teleg.aph fill 1 xpress tno hope ihat i:!ifJIdVm'»ma«.urc' bedev.^d your :i .probation. li'fMKvi OF .TUS'l It OPWTIoN OF KKiiS. 'iiitril critifizi-H in lus report if" the exuding '»w tixiu- the I-IDI wi'uoa*«s HI tlio loleral (,vKim'.m ar chi» lv »nt:iin'«d Fr bruary 2ti. though niiiio 0 u i i a i O u which had been pa j-r v u-. It ia intm- Cviupc i-ation an might, law-i i.) etiacU'!, liave rM in1'!", would tii many in ly ti minded at tho pre*. :it day lco.n.ut'with li« at'oni.-y ilu: ilif s'a:ute-» Hhnuitt h© :i these {•.•• •.- are regulated. So, .. hws to regulate ill'' I'uai ct at'i-r .' v and iii n auiwii 'oy'l.y «aiary. iiMicm] f'e, a-i is now iljn (. a-ifi. Tl»6 r.vto bo a niea-'iiro of croii di-c nira. i!io m-titnt.on uf opp e^ivi* l"Ka! 1i(n' -fditi^S, itii.fl iiv n 1110 lii-oanooa for ilit! 1''' e'lk" of fcr.-onal Oil I) I* A KT I N I i TO BE an v.iv 1 laforiuati ii is con report of tho sferf'tnrT of th© icularly call your attention to u of certain I'liaHc-s of the l, to 111-* rctoiiiincii Uitxnis fr 'pre-fliniiU .n a:iJ tunlj *r cnl •-norf hrrni-,'«.' it Iv^iflatiivi tq mder tuu 'ii-ioti laws. Tno rf-gcriln' th duHt.i'ion and pua- vr\n 0 !ii 0 i *m agioiH discus--a nt »m- 1 tlM Cll/ef topics of (lm ''iBH) ttc-i of (,llw conV' iitioa co oji' raiion iti IUVUM igit of th• ny lis a-iop, ami pro •'X their jiirvo itmii and euro. e»8 w.U i. fail at it-. uka 1,-r thv pro'votion of ••''UttVu .pea'o lly ri-inonwtiat.Hi "et iti afford tiioni tljo main et on i-x,!v £it,iraiit»t«.l l,y w''-'i'fby e d-bt, tho 1 Miiv AI8 '!1an Lat".y ')|::on nnm«rons and lof :rt,"ra'ioii8 controlling in 'J r,J*}" for v "di"e by tut gr« at. railways v* re!"' *'ul in their dealiii^a in it 1V( K0*b'' have i „00a nnabla to ftittJf18 of |(l ,u. Ua 1 tun» 'oii.*!iinti.m. j,/?ftl"nal Kovoi iiiuem may prt'ini*os, a id, iiriu ?°ll:rd itou^ht to excr men.-, turn upon l,»eir inveafn-ui ana to r,a8tcmbl9 freedom .a their tegn at.ons muV l» reco^niz d, but it seoiu, only j» i•-—.!1 Spjl tilUiLi^ til p'Olfl 01,ct alt lit n- i-tfec.ivo by o-rtaia 1 aiiil.turns, whu-b ar^ jmintod tirv'^ n].if. I liavo piovi in- aianni.iK "'at** «»f I1.11•.-r itiiii-i ,iE" tin- country, and th" i' h. u*rati of k-!alttid, -h.jnlU not be cxt iidetl ir toui'atiou vx hi.'i uv.M acle therofor has not already been nil--:- :i Hubruitt .1 Ui th6 •uter ir it,-, sue iuj anuuil re lic of itfi laboirt «up'! \i-):ttg •»n ia :liat Irrri'urv, pur- act of March 22,* 18s2. the t» r- tn by thnt aot he mi in i ahilut 12. •"(),. "in ti"- i IIih iaji, hiw tla co.- c».ii({ritnUU.'a-, it is far troto tu.ucaiinj any &• ii i-'iiH-i ihc i-stir iiuy. A!, of tilt) ui! nioi'i ,-j ,f -.t i!,.-y ar* in i tiv »tlut ti.i« ^oy. riuunnr mmndt *"1 i «-ffort n p'-i fa 1 k dy *r U"i." ili-fsr «ni- nrajr-'iH -i.t i-vcri if tliiH v.«-w ii =ul I 'rro ..-on,-*, the law un tin-oio IIRVC bcin acting, moi!- fT ft v i bv lh ineoiynr •a ll A-iil Or) ttMlli' V CCOIfV ri-' u 1-.1 i:i bui N-.» 2,*j:i» jf tii'.-•. lia'i-a it.-» la-*t that ii .amy is «o fti r_ »y leri itiny ot Utah Unit it i? wk 11 tno ut.itii Wiiaiioiifl 'latl'-K "lattoii proVid'J. I ftv "1 I a iho net upon wh.cti It'i't-'i.u.i, tin: a^uiiiption by the '•'•leoi entire tKilri.-u! cjnt.ot ami th.i cstablishni'iut of i such powers and dutioi* a~ •l !v law. 8t 1 .'i-- cd :in act :ig MOW, I I'Un!. comm-'ii I I'K'ft ])|,-ur»- i-'ii- 11 ihut territory 1 Sfit«a. r.r Hixtooa teniod iu va n for roncivrd without no law lor ,J r, i( 8ti])porf tlii of •o ut'\Mnee of prnpoi ty ,**?• 'ho Milori'tniicii. .,i "'''d f"f iho [miusliUH'Ut of Hueh au are afl ir.lpd tv cor imiTf aM .i fnllv nt iti-d ti gn s-4, and bavo iiuoiit Uoii!'.'rati to I". I. Mint ll!lv u tti(in A.a-^a, .-j,, ,-ia.iy Inr, '•i,n»\(icral)iii in ex'^-nt g«uev •lopnient,whilo I Itc'L V m- v 1H»litical am n»i.*ii ie ir tuat, f„ a* it» oonr.titufonal author,ty ,vlli p. rinit «, n KTm* should ro oct ptoplo ul inter-tat.) t.aihc large n a( tieir ?ain,t an u-t of mm uZ wlucn Hiato govurumcats a. prevouL FOUEHT PRESKKVrs. In ray last annual mo3»aKt» I cailnii atteutian to the neccH-ity ofp.0l«0 in« bv Mil able Urn*. laiion tli.1 lor^hta Hituutod up »n tho public il, main. In many poni ms y tho W.^t t}.«* tur sunt of tioi al ai ncolt.ure ih onlv ma do nr to ticftide bv rcHort to irrigation. Wmlt- su-f-M. ful lmga ton would be imuoHsible withunt tim ai. aff .rded by forost-s in contributing to th I i*'guiar:tv and cou^taucy of thy HU I}|V of wat r. lm .iu- tho pa-t year aevere offering auil gr.-at Iosb of property have )eu ,Cca -ion-'! by profimo 11 followed bv pfriads of u':UKUally low water many of the ureal riv.-iMof the count v thoite irrugu'ai-iiios were :n i-'r.'Ht moasuro, caused bv th removal irom v! ou! the fonrcoH of thostiomna qu^i-m of ttif tiinb-r by wlneh the watur su .p v had iji'en ii-iiirislied and [ir iteetad. Tho preserva tion of Mil en portions of the forests oi tlin n». fi **i 'il in un as eesenially eontributa to tho ijii iMo tlow of impor'a-,t wator coiirs-s is of tin- lnghe-i''i'UBe(jiH:iici'. Inn, iHnt tributanes of t!( Mi'-M-iiin, th.' V lumbii and ih-s ^as ka'chfwan, rise iu th» mounUin.suf mtana U(JW il! northern boundarv of ,,- U-uted Sta:e-, U\-. .1 the L.a.-kf.-et and F.atu.-a 1 lu diaii ivno. vii u ii'. 'I U.E-r -gion i u. hiii a' for s ti!. in n\ but iinoij tii.- ii vers wliicu lio.v frotn ir, d'-pt'iids in thfj future the aRr.cuitural ile.vel.'iiiiiii nt )1 a va-it ra of country Tho attention .f eon-r' c.iih to tl.e nVce*-»itv withdrawing lio.n tue nijb ic »a',. thi-pirl tho iihl domain, and ofitabiishtiift theroa foreHt tiresi rv. The iieiu-t! i ii .'xhibi'ions v-hich have been .•••id in tfio I ni'.H I ^ta'es during th- jiiosent -'ar attrue:. ,1 ni aiieal.on of in .nv foreign un'r:'»c, where the aniiouncnient. of ihosp "u'ci jo i^eB La 1 !. n made pubi.e tiirou^Ii tiio ij.'.'i ri •1rcs',iit itivf^ of this giivcriini'.'iit lite Pon her,i at LouiHvilie were 1 jt1a!3. .rg-ly att n led bv th" ixhilntors of rei!jn uiitrie,-, n it«iti.H'andi::^ the aim-nctj of iiiy roffx-nuual ciia actor in thoH'* nnd .'rt ik i Tne ••'!,t'T.ina:'i ni e:d ii-xt yiarat Ni w Orloan-. iu corniu-m iratioa tie- eenmry of Tli- Jir-t uliii iie iit of if.ou fii-iu a of till- r'nitv 1 S:at*H, hi im tair to meet wiili like gratifying aucct'i*" Und"r t'i* of O'lii^i'i oi the I lit of February, l^"s •. declaring that exinsition to bo ni i 'ii. and'O i.attoual iu i'8 charac'o fort-i^ti govurtiTn.-titu with which the i't'd Htaies iiia '.* tin* rt'latiete", h»v» "tM.- jn 11 'i 1 to ir'icipat *. Tiio promoters o tins nr, ortant uud'-rfakiiig have already received •i-furauc. a of tho ivcly iutcrest it lias excited abroad. 1 ho u-p'-rt of the eonimi'-'ioner .f il'.e I)istrict of Cohirnlea is h• i•.•wiili t:an roitu d. 1 n«k for it your earofin attennon, ir tinwii portion* winoii reiHt--1- a- «•!!..••.it.i for tj\e* an. 1 wat-r rtupi ly. i nr. ivii. -r.nvicr. V01.K1SGS OK XHK UW. The oomtiiii--" e irt ap:"4nti'd -v iiwiiio, ba-4 iCo in t!-c el i.e «J-pa aii i dl TMENT HI AUKICt'I.Tfmj u.uc.i Mi ihi' lUrocdix) of tin "^opuiciit of tho cutiutry, and 'ho Comtui.-Htouor giving hi* iiiV"8'igatuu,H will bo foiled mtor uable. At lua luntancu a ig« i!i-. in tho i aUlo in eoiifitiv lal dy In- al pruva!-tie,, 1 |(:v:,lvi.A'N' Kf..»t iK riu'siii:.N riAL flt'i i i A' im i l.,.^e (in"-' -1':* retain to mount iniporuiii p-ojcri" i n', i n....d Rhli the M) Htidi ma v uv iaw appoint to iu-: as a. id int.-iv-t t.« l"hwere i o n ben i.e nubj-ct of fre ,r „1 .hat dy. wii'l hi "p-'dv Z\ Z mip'n- me-iHiig", I °upfio'.rsof imer- |j *111 aBe usideia ionsof hnnur 'niaiid tin immed ate csiab i ''iiunetit iu that Territory. & crpo'ai The your u eiul co 0 cannot fail to tl,e VMt i C('Untrv, and o»1 upon ii..r ^''tei ai wi-al'h. we ,' We, a !t' I'^meinlxir that n$ ,U^"1 'O be luvostud ,f*Tr. '^Ie 'ifsr«at The niiht al 1 bia 1 to "!l,) inter wt-ite laM.oniS«'''»^ iS '.H .0 his 'Judi a^ .lo nut thomsu mtlU '8 in1 azures unjust ir. 'Character. In llr. „.i THE rol HTrKNTUAMKNl^^1--^ „f the con-'iiuti zctinbit' upon 1 I mould nave attacked iu 111 af tlin -od "w wine are imp !vS, emposition Thpreflf, ^howias 1!:G lit -lit. Political Channel. forty-Eighth CuagreMk TUK HEN ATE. Ihe foil .vi changes have been made in the senate of the United States nmce the lual session of the forty-neve:,tii congress: In II i nois, Shelby M. Culioin Iiep.) nucoeedB David D.iv.s (Ind.) in Colorado, Thomas AL Bowen fll 'V HucceetJs (ieorgo M. tJhillcoU (Hep,) iM.i-nryia, A.!fro.i Ii Colquitt (Dem.) ancceeds Barrow (Dem) iti Iowa, iiu--s F. WiU Honi.iep) hUcceed" J. W Mci) 11 (Iiep) in 'ii-tana, ii iiidall Gibs u (Dem.) succe .la W. -il"gg ilt.-p in Michiiran, T. W. Palmer J. e.j sueoeids P. W. I'Vrry (Ilep.) in -v oru-ka Charlo.* F. Mr.n r-on, Hip.) BUC •"••d-Alvin SaundiT*, (Iti-p 1U Atmin P'k •, A f0-tiiit--3i"»n-' any poiit- -al or r«-l g. n- "t^-ts f.-r adm -srm to t»s® ..fficen of the pu'-l'.OM"rvice to wvh *he nta'c ii tes. Th Biatu'e n lattd iu it.s o.'iuinal to f|i ci*f-itled ciei kshi' s iti tb- ^-\ct n x« nnvi' departiriunTB at \\asl.iii^'on, mini!r'lig ibo'.it f,tiiut. a 1 to niinsiar i o-niions in tne ii-:-in-' and ili-'-'S wli-re as tnany an tifty are employed. A el isf «.f til. s" j.-.»-ttt"P.-, ana Og.-U* to 'i a*, e Mtilig ill tiif .i-i.lllgtoll -tii'-e*. Win linly 111.1 the law went mro ff et. Eu-vi'-n cu"'Otn* li-t ic'H and tw nty-t.ircf postoffi,-- w-re i,I»»r tho i'liin. ate ouerainui l'h«! annua: r-twito^ the ci*»' ion, wjih'h wnl fo nj befa'-in will afford tho mei- fJ r|adlTt.W"l.t I rough: ni Ttioro ^l iv.i of the wia HM'ViCo ,'o :ed!'C .ire of a Unno 1 i-|i ',ia:e 1 to Hi *N.\. A V ciis.'i '•WA. AiliM'- F. VR .: N*sas, I I.'IS !.| !I i. 1M' s-'-kv. S. Wis under the act Jan. Hi. 1 nti led An ao- to reifulate and lrni-tovo the csvii Hi-rvnre of the I mied Stat s,' enu red prounit.y upon tho ^ciiarge of tin ir *hiti"n. A Ker:esof ruu-a frau«.-d in ac cord Willi spni: if the Htatuts w:ii at proved a pr•.mi iLrat*• 1 by the proMoeiit. In i piiite loais where in thev sc ttn--d deftctivo those uile.s Wi:iu frulH tjn eiily anwudid. It wnl !i j-.-rci'iVi.-d tnal th A rt to tin' tiierPnoi* the.n «v-t- HI, 1 a»n i iiitt its H'.-i- i.a ti.tH f-tr jr ved innefleittl- It* piacUcat m.-Uioils a) e'.ir to be adfpute for the en u-^ tl, and then-, liaa be-ii no 'MO'.I* d.^ en ty in can ing H't ni u-to effect Nnei ... i (itii of u v lav rnon, fo far ut' to tiie pir I- O.," tl .111 V OF III" I'M ii: r:i ci»i- y -V- .:,-.lli I, Hu!l:l-ll-101i 1 ir.' xaLionatton ltllv*. •s. .. wh-ii th' |.r, ««:it executive e I,., li o I hi -fli?.', hi" destb, n in 'V..1, re-i. I ru-u-M md -. Yw hi- duties mh. I have loJ tho ^ovcinmcut wj-hou I liotial head. It w po^ihl". of ouir a litr coni.ugeni» I an*e, un e«* tho wis-ioin h!ui 1 nvnl awiini' it* ii'Cirj at.-, at I'.S'S.H-I M, u I I h- I-: AU ., El'.,vc: lit E. U tl ic lo N. 1 2 T: 3 8. 4 r. c. i (j '11 'o the P(nversa:ul duties of ill® th bi hiid ih the pre iiieli inub,! ty, 'l'-o ui oii to'.' vie ill she cnviiin-t nu as conurew* may by t,,,lH '"o K providtng. that when ,t rh.ill HlllVr f'-' ", prcHidential ollice «t all dev dv presi 1- lit whonmxt f)f {. 1 1 i 1 U I n i,r uatur-d zod n ,i„. ii,,...,1 J,,,.,-. a »»ri, •».. of dicn .n tlier 1],in amendment °J- f) iHHure iu-moeM of 'Uo I -J- n W co orod "7\'Xs Cortain H.*tuatory pro aim polnical r,r v puro the eiii'rc ni'-io of vis one, inteoo"! i rei.t.,it tbo-n riiili a, K! «i-i..r .D fc, J.-dn E. Lamb...-D ,e*n el Cobb ... 1» 0 1 bonus B. Ward.-. .D S!"Ck--= aiT'-r... li» Thomas Wood. *'il iiii S ll'tlnwin, Dl 11 Georu- W. Steele. j. Mi:'-"1?! D' i 2 ii,ot'i-ri Lowety... JI. Bi'owue.lli i 3 WioiUiU it .uiiia J. 1'eei.e. ..RI IOWA. McCoi-I K 7 John A. K«oi... ..S 8 W. P. Henbura.... ii* "li| 0 w. 11.M Pussy,,...!' 1 M. A ,1. M-ir .hy.. |). p: 1 i. liii-!• 4 ], i Wilier..., f) .lines 1.sou.. J. C- Ci.'ok unieiidnieut, to mat llial iiigri-ttH projio- prescribed JIIOV Hion OF THE C.."U iCt ilt (lf laws, iltr form liHit'h lor appropria »4.» ,i..i Ins approval to P*i that wlieroby ill re timi "f public enabled who lar i'dii- 'P moil KANSAS. 1 J. A. Anderson A: lare^, L.nanbaclr... .R 2D C. At I irtc. S.R.I etB.s.. ..R 3 Thoma* Ryan..., At large,E N. Morrill |,i ,pi 10 1 lie J..111S- 1 v Ti Findlav... 10. i V 'letiaied «'i" b*\ 1 n 0 ,urt. COIIH ttuoua by j-nai ante.-a rcc .g rail- tli ir tii# th!? Any l-rfis- 1 1 1 3 1 n i V i a ..viul v Minpl"- wliereby .. jf |H lat'O ••!i tho affords lor "ll" ,V "i.v n aid- .t oil v fjuiil el'J u I, priv I Slates oi «vc,i U« ,i 0 Zt'HH of tlie -0 'l 'IlSiUPi and luimu o VH cuvo my uonesi.iiti' fc ^JJFS.ri.b' [Siiilio W AhlUNllTON, OIFHTI A. ARTHUR. 1) c. 3, 1 John t»Tfliu, ouiHiiie ur of any Nortl ern, Wr« a 'bf "ft"I rtuh tl- bv H. T, ITi.ldrow •1 li. I tr.-!'5. K S. .IFFONLJ, .. H. I N. w llanip- at succeeds 1 Iward 1| 1: !l:n*, (ll"p in Or.-g m, J. N. Dolph, i" .. -in -Ms I„ifa_\\:!n Grover, (Dem.) in i \i Jinia, H, Iti idl- BFTRU:'R, (Mahou Mtc) BUS-| •V 1 J. W. .li.i.r,-!. j, (l and in \Y -t V,r ia, .hi: I!. Ivmii", (Drill siv Jf ir l'-«. Jr.i.i n L, P':srli....i' i"~ .joun ?,. i.'-.'.Mr T. ijia ..I1 lM.t L. Q. C. !. •. AUKAS-^.i. Jtl-.v.,,v i- 1). \V.i...Hr,.. ,D l-sr, 0,.' A t--.' Alii ii •r.,:rld..p l^s: F. (. 1:. CALll 1 NIA. NKIiiil-i. i- o.'i!'. F.,rky. ,T l-f.7 C. U ui -T .l.'M, F. Mi ."r C. F. aiandc. OR A10 M. 'A-cu i :t. i'.utt.. li. \'A akl:. (•'. I .'-1 .!.! 1. M:fc! i lilioi) t^l.ANI). ixst N-l«o i W, Aldrh'h.| *nj H. nrv li. Aiiih.iny.ii I SOI'lH 'Mr.OI INA. II SS.'J WJIIIN S 'O.I.. -T) v.'M ev. C. Lnrl. r.T I TK.-Nl.ssEK. ANA. i Je: a I ,.s-7 II. -nil I: 1 i -e:' l-liu:n (I. Harii. TK.XAS. I. "a Fed Maxoy-.D. i: i'-'.» n-haril Ci)ka.».,.I VI: HMO N'T. lfW3 Jnntin S. Morrill,,i tux" lm. I' V I I t'. 1NI A -7 *.Vi:i Sl.-h-'tie... 11 IP ',.'.d«-r« ,,,M •r. Wi.^'1 Vii i lNtA --7 .1, .1 en., ,..r ...r i.'» At ,'i p- i!e:n* -au v^, 'JG. i- 1 ,-\S :i Jl-WFT in II. l'r: ll ... W. Peel I.', it. Ure.,:,keu- '1 I i.iM'o r.D v i, 11 ..Ii ..D !o Bishee, Jr.. .B ,! -H. Blount., .li iii C. Cu meats.B n •r.,. I) rn li D. W'. I Fi'iorij i: D.» i •j .!• -idcr..tio: •villi li «, proval lliinels... l"diitia.. l"W.l lv ,i* .., Ki -!'I!C .) ll.*l,.tlli ,.B i ..I: ».B 1 i At large, B.Perkii-i. P. ...p,! KENTL'CKT. I 0"*ar Turner Ij 7 J, Blacubarn .. o.Puni.s 1". ,iy Di 8 I ti"u i'^'.i. Jr.. K. Hali*».l 9 W.W.« u b.-n»on.. 4 T. A. •b*r:»iin....l\lU John I nite 5 Albert S.Wiles Dill Frank Woltord., li O. Carli.-i'} D| 'i" .D LOUISIANA. i I'drh'tm Hunt Dl f» J.Floy.l Kmc I and g&ii^ tin- iiuinhcr of diairicta: K J.-V- E i».,.".'!!Dl *A. STIerrou 5 W.V.K- Kj 4 N. C. BiancUard... .Dl -au. MAINE. At !bt ™_ ich.irles A.B "Uiells llelmasB R-ed rtUetfc L. Milukeo.......B Se.sen Dingley, iJ. 1 i U ,„t of c.vd 0 ll. B- Levering D|12 Geo, D. Rjtmson..R lilClIKlAN. s- ds Sr TV'-'V" B' 0 li. "i ncheoti 11 1 Yii,. i"...l) II M- Hitch 5 Jui-us" Houseman.. 1'j 11 Eiw-trd Lr-.-itung.. .It tJ Euwio B- VVuiat:*--Dl MINN'»"*TA. 1 \'i W ... 1 W'^hbum...R I .- •, I.-.. ••,. \. s,.n '.!,n ."• "d ... .-N-.s.a 11-rice I'- Al.ibarna... rifornia iorirta... I. ri.j s l'.tva Ke -il lv -n'uC' y., ...|»j iiL E. Mt-Cuma*. ...R MASHACUUSKTTa, 7 Kben F. 8'one It jp Wm. A Russ»l!....R ".It! 0 I ('«od re Lvrnan...I "fdlo Wiih.un W. Bae...11 "*I)I| 1 William Whiting...R 1 Tl T. Davi?... 2 .1"hn Lone. 3 A. E omey.. 4 a Co -inn.. id M- ii at lie Vii-a^hu-'etts M"-iiu'in ,M inne-i-'a 'I -.' -^' «-, ri N br.,sk.i w 11 iUipstnre 'W Y rk Norili C..r.'iina iu nni-yivd'da Smith C.iro iua Tex»s V^rmo-it Yiril'iia West Virginia Wiscotis'n S?l Oa:a -n-rt 5 O. It Sins?etoti... .! ii H. S. V Ej:on I) 7 It. itaik'-.-iiiale.. MISSOOML i- eh.. 11 8 John CSV. ,t V4- or... 1| C. lii o.tiint'ii i.., ,V |. M. l),nKr-iy !i» Martin L. Ceir iy,... f) i -i N. iiurns i| I K chard 1'. Biaud ..D V -x r.'ie:- (irnvt-3.. 2 l"n,tries il. Morxau, Jj •John i o»er»ve.. .1), 1 I{ .hort W. Fyan... 7Ayiett H. liuuitner. ,DI I-I wudus H. Davit..D NEBRASKA. 1 A. J. Weaver Rj :t K K Valentin# K 2 JiUiR-» Lairi! h( NEVAOA Oeorge W. Cass id y Dl KEWiJAMrMntu:. Ilaynes*. ..Iti O^ian Bay y i *.v:' 11 'in. i Ti.e i'iite contain-1 Ho" pu1 niocrat-., and two Mnhon* lO'H. Tii" t"'ii4te, ending Ma-ch 4, 1^^:}, 37 Democrat*, 37 NEW JKUSKV i i i:. mas M. FrrMl.Dl a W in. W. Pheipi., ,R 2J. ll.ii Iiitiwer...., li| ti Win. H. F. Fi.i.iler..D 3J..U K-.CI. Jr Rj 7 William MeAdwo.. .D I JiMii F. U... ul N t\V TO UK. 1 Perry Itelmout. ., .!' 1 Fred A. Johnson.. 2 Win K Rubinvm. ,D .iAt.r -.mX Parker....R 3 1 irwiti imns..It -it Kdw inlWetnrh' .Ii 4 Felix t'ampbe.i lJ.UI ie»rjj«» W. Ray ...It o N" c-.i.ias Jlu ,cr lipj-j I'hur f* S.iiiu ,R Samuel H. Cox, 23 .1- Ttiomaii S:irig«s..D 7 H-. |inr«-hi iiner... I): 1 N. W. N'u ting.. .11 8 John J. A-iatn* D^-* rank Hisi.,»c«t i 9 Joan flamy Iiv!*» S'-reno lv Payne. ..R It' Ahiam h. Hewitt.. .Di'JT J. \\. Wadcworth .11 II O i.:!idoIi. Potter.Hiephen C. Millard.It i 12 W.iido IlnteJiins !i2i» John Arnot I i I: .•:• N K--. .. 'in. II. ... i (. J'.iv." !'.:, Kolier: s S'-Vm S. i 5 Jiihn J. Uagluy, Witlard F, Roe-m.. U icans, Democrat*, 37: Ma ll li-depi-nd'-iit, 1. Fo.l-WMig arc! I. •). Van A :.t\ ne.. Fr.nie.s U. lii ivcr. ,1. -of tli« members of the restnt i 17 ll nrv J. i:,-Klei-rh ltj.V iarce, il.W. Hiocum.D NORTH CAUOMNA. •ISAM A. [(jSsJSSTt'i'l. I 1 Walter li. Pool ltm 1 Illtnt Dowd ....D P, i 2 Jatr.ei- E. IJ'ILira 11 7 '1 v n York I j) 3Wi!nrto:i tireen.. ,1'jS Rober* VHIIU,.„.1) p. 4 WidiamR. c:ox...,..1»|Atlarge. U. 1. RstiB'Att.D NKVADA. Hi: Ii 1-.S5 I'. Jonw..,".,B 14 lHhi in. i». Fair,....1 NEW HAMWmRi:. Iljl vS.j Henr. W Hhur ,,K P.|l»*'.' Auv r, F. Pike. .. NI.'W JKH«F.T. 1' .-ss" Wii o n S w e Alfred Al. Scales,....D| Tt OHIO. 1 •). U. Mi i iiersun.. I •new vnitrc. itilUA .: ks." F,. (i. Fajinam ...1 ni -.Dils-.» Warner Miller....Ej N..i:nt fAuouNv. iwn.H.l-'^.'i Z i|!il T: H. Van.'p.Ii uitt. I'il^s'J Man W. Kaiisom..D I omo. i i....I{[l.*sB O. H. l'«-n lleton.,E ioni 1» 1*37 John S'-': man ....Ii oiii:,ox, ees.D Jatii'-H 11. Slater,.Pi 11 li 1*JJ N lll'ii ll I i rt\N^Vl.VANIA. !, ,-.wi J. D. imelon ...I 1 J-•iii. IT. F.-.ii't D: 1 2 A ipliooao liar! P. i I- iae ,M. Jul- ii!....D' 1 3 f».-oi g" t.'o ivcr-t. I 3 IP'!•" M. Murray..l»! It G.-w W. I) -11.. I." F.-vre I).l Ad"Uir'm J. vainer, 5 i Sunny. .. I) If! li-riah W i kins .... 1) 6 William I), iliil i 17 John. 'I'. Uiideirraff.H I 7 Henry 1. Morey...Ril8 »ui. McKiuPy, Jr. It 8 J. «rr- Ke f- r. .R 1 K/,rn 15. 'laylur. 9 JatneR J*. ibiuson.. I D.ivi.1 It. i ait'".. 10 Frank li. Ili.rd i 21 M.triiu A. Foran. 11 J. W. McCor^i-l..It| OBKOt'N. v t. i ru'o. i'KNVSTIA \N. 1 H'-nry II. Hi'-.iihum IP 1 "j 2 Cb irles O'N'-'.i! lijHi William W Brown.R 3 Sainuo Ii.m laii..D: I 7 J.icob M. Cami-b^h.R 4 \\i.,.a:n K£,!b-y .It I uis K. Aikiuxon .11 5 Aitre I llarmer.. Itj I tl William A. Duncan (j .l inn s li F,¥••!!] .rt. lt,2i.' Andrew urtin..D 71, Ki'wton K*ans...Ri2l Charles E lioyle. ,D 8 D'Oiie E I ,i I .D rni-ntrout. 1)122 II Hopkina 9 A H'-rr Mnith R|23 Thorn,is M. ll»yoi,.R 10 W,i..ani Mnichlfr.. D|J4 i-uiv- V Lawrmice 11 Joi.n It. Storm 1!2 John D. P.itJon... ,D 12 DI'M- I W Co'.iie'. y.D|'Jii !J!IIH»I II. Miller. ,.K 13 Chns. N- ISruintn. h,inui-i .VI liranierd.K 14 Stuuei F, lJsirr IljA: !.iri{», M. F. Kointt.. IillODK I'-I. AND 1 '. J- Spoom r....K 2 in itban Cha' SOUTH CAliOLINA. 1 S tnui'l Dii)iii« o Julm J. Ileraphiii.. .D 2 G.'oitso D. 1 liiuian...I) (i He"itie W Darg iti..D 3 Wviitr AIKHII DiT F.. \Y. M. Macivey 11 4 Jehu H. Evins Dl TENNF.SSBE. 1 A. II Pettiboup It 0 Andrew J.Caldwell.D 2 Ii 'onides C, liouk. ,,.lii 7 John G. Ballantyne 3 t«««.rg« (1. Dinrell,:...i 8 Johu is. Tayior....D i: Imund- 1, i i H-nton Mi.Mi hu D| li e" A, Pearce 5 Hicliard lumer.. ... 1 I ii Casey \oung TEXAS. 1 Ctnirios Stt'Wi«i.,....D, 7 Thos. P.Ochiltree,lad 2 Ja:n*8 H. It D' 8 John U Milter 3 James II. J"ti*s D| 11• 'K'*r Q. Jl'ill 4 ivni li. Cu berts.-ill. LJj U) John Ii uncock ,1. W. Throckinor on, i 111 rt. T. Lauham.. .0 Odn Weibom 1 I VERMONT. 1 John W. Stewart R|2 Luke P. Poland VIlUilNIA. 1 Robt. M. Mayo Mah J.din R. Tucker....E 2 H.rry hib'iv M.MI 7 -Un l' UL,. Mai 3 Georife D. W'iso.... din H. Barbour.... 4 Ben. S. Hooper. .Muf.i'.i Henry S. howi-n..M.d 5 George C. Cabell Dj A' hi rue, J. S. Wife.. Mat WEHT VnUHMA. i 1 N ithan G'iff. Jr R--3 Jonn E Kcena I 1) I 2 William L. Wilson..D F.ii.-:ac« Ciiosoti,,.,..D •Wli-OON'SIS. I 1 John Wtnans ti 11. -nard (iui-u'her. ,,R i 2 Daniel II. Sumner... D'7 int. M. Woodward. "d liurr W. June* .1),"* William T, Pr:Ce,...H 4 Peit-r V. nster....D.U lutac biepheMm.,,.B 5 Joseph Rankin..... ,D| i To'al*—D'-rnn., 102 R'P*-. 118 Mahonlfe*. 6 lniieu*'tidfnt-, 5 tir^ennacker*. 2 v«canri"s cas'on.-i lv'hA d,.i!h of ,1. IVl-Braff, of ibe I 8"V»'i!ie#nili U do strict, and Andrew S IJ rron, of the rtixth Ii n -una disinct) 2. To!», 326. Democratic maj tity »\vr pabiic-ins, 74 Denio ranc miij -rity ow-r all, til. Tho following «iowa tho political cliaiiROs i.:i' have taken placo betwrcn tho Forty-s *v- Foiiy At..! A:! 0 Alif ...Di W large. T, H+* ,n U3 I Wi'diam-'K. 1 i 2 Jane's M, li1,! 'St SiTiog-.r,,...D s".!Iii 14 J. li ...R ,..iii: "i Joseph G. Cannon.,R ., 1 11'' Aaron Siiaw,. ....., ".'.'li' 1 7 8 W. Moulton......D J" Iii I s Win. Ii- Morrisuu .D iii i '.ill W. Townshend.'.D }n.'l»|2'i John R. Thomas ...R 1M.1I •, s A .D I) li iitii ioii:ri's"I's, tb" Ind hackers i in^r t- I'I i a i y a n 0 e i s a v ed party i]ii -*tii. s and Glee to theii ,:i which t.i --1: K-f. 'lie :u. i i.. *"i "i i i i i "i i 0 i i •s 1^1 5 4 7 1 0 2 1 a 1 3 2 •1 1 5 2 ?o 1 5 5 1 5 5 8 1 11 ,N« W 'lb '('W Gl 'io A. J- 'iin-s It ''. I 11 IsaacS. Suable... ..i '.'...Dl N.T'h C, 0'-i:o "i ":i "*2 4 3 4 20 13 jDstiu-e,. 7 i:. s 1 i i 10 8 l(i l*t,i»0.... turoiuia.. to 3 3 V Vi. V A V rtr Wi.-c j'isiii. 7 .[ a 3 Vi 0 3 1 ti •2 3 ....1 ]08 71 108 135 127 23 T"t'ils. Mai'.'-i y Th-- *u jo ned sal lo gives iho S'ato* alloc 1 by t!,o r. ^p, or.l'.L'neui of 1 8S J, Witu the .oinl No. ^f dint's. Gain. 5 1 ,. 0 2 ,.10 1 .20 1 .11 2 7 4 .11 1 4 12 *i U 2 .5 2 .7 1 .14 1 3 2 2 .34 i 9 .21 .'28 i 7 2 .n 5 .'.10 *i 4 1 9 1 35 .. ti2 THV" wvr? PPI'AlM I'M, SE\ KTABY LINCOLN'S 1EPORT Tho espeiulVurea bv requisition under the iirec tsoo of the Wdi-vlepanmert during the ti-ed veat ecdiug June 30# 1883, were as follow galarief, contmjent expenses, and postage. n.,0'i Miht-iry eHtahlinniveat Army and Mi itary ar«it-mv. 27.8U9.9M IS Public wurksi. i»e,udii|g river and har bor imprvemeo's ... 15.65#,3S7 31 Mlscelianeoua objecta 4.154.736 86 Total f*9,7!U,06o 43 and the sum -t $1,003.1 ty 3ti was i reiliiinl under the act of Mar. 3, IH7!» (2.» Statutes, 420) to tbe aubtiidi/e.l I'A. itiv- I.i ,r i(U, for trsusnortatioa services r.« 1 the *ar department during the fiscal year 1883, and prior years. '1 he appropriations for the litcai year l^s-l are as fo.iows: Salaries, contingent expenses, and po«t«in. 9 2,mi21 66 M. itar.v establishment Artny and Military academy 24.961.557 uC Puiihc works 80 Miscedaueuua objects, iuciudiue SIK nul service 5.841.928 07 Total 131.776,952 01 The estimates for the fiscal vear ending June 30, l88.-», ni revised by me. are as follow*r Baiari. •*, coe.tiinrent ipenne*. and pus'age, including one-third of tlie ek!,m»te of the aii'.inrhiteuii"ut of •be Mate, war and navy department building Mb itary Es'ttl»!i-»!iinetit—Army arid Military academy 37,196,189 41 Public w irks, ii-c.udliiK river and har bor uuproveinenis Il,ftl9,049 95 Miscelliiiiooiis ooji-cts, iucludiug tigual service 3.278.9*26 41 Total 7# An iticreise of co 111 peri sat ion of c-hiiis of dlviMous aud other sub.jrdiea'es, and more clerki au.l iahiTets are reeounin-iidr-d Esttm u- s will b« submitted to supply the iieticieuci-s in tlie aignal service apDri't-naiiuns- The report of tlw general if ihc annv, winch contains, howecer, no im portant rec"Unn-ndations, is reviewed, likewise th« campaign against ttie Apaches. There w«-re. o,*0t' desertions tlie past vear. As a I'srtial remedy feu de-eriiiin, no incri-ai«e ti,t pay of private soldiers tc *1 ti pec tuoiiili la lecoiunie (led. Ttiero were in Sei.reinlier 311 ctdei-. at ibe military academy. It is rt'Cirnuieiidod tvi' the laws should be amende .1* permit ill- ers at remote p..-sta to employ enlisted men, nt,uii the of th« proper ilepnr coinmandi-r, fur tiotiiiMH' iur jins-'s wbeirt servants cannot lia obiained, and ttinl there he reit. rsiithe per di«m allowances to ollScor* serving away from their station.* on courts ,r ul laud miii'aiy boards. An appropriation of $15, 000 is recommended for itie 1 urciiase of a pieo oi i iainl iu the District of Columbia for a national irga A..lost 1 cemetery. From Oct. 1, 18*v2, to Oct. I. last, forty-six IH 1 -ons were committed to tlie goveru» -nt hospital lor the insane. 1 here were, June 30, 407 prisoners in the military prit-on at Fori Leavenworth. The number ot record* of trials by general courtamartial received, tevised and recorded during the vear was l,is5, an increase of 131 over ihe pr -ve us year an i the iiuiuiier ol rec ,rd» of cases tri.-d before garnsott and regimental courtsuiartial received and flied .ti judge aav.xjates* ottii'es at department headquarter*tluriui: U10 same period was 8,40', The number of reports and opiuions rendered upon courisimartiai and miscel* -latieons qu stious ot law w*s 1,487, an nicroiiso oi 6'.Mi over last year. At the beginning of the la-t f'scal v.-ar there re mained in the treasury to t' e credit of the quarter Ban er'# department $1.1 82.23U 65. '1 lie sum appropriated was $11,375.tKM», a»d the balance 1 in drawn at the close of 1 lie year $1,205.270 01. Ninety new buildu-gi at a cost of $147,178 have been authorize 1: repairs ha-e cost $4r2, 50. Ap propriation* are reemmonded lur^e permanent posts near Indian reservaiii 1* anil fr outlet a Trans pot'tavi'ui by rail, water, w*goQ aud stag-* for 05, 1 106 per.sous, 0,270 an'innan 1 118,035 tons of I materiii, costing $2,140,051.49. On June 30 Un re werr on hand 10,400 horse*, mules, etc. Claim* under the acl of July 4, 18(51, awaiting ae'ion st the begin mug of 1 he year and received duriii" 1 tie vear ufirregaiei''Jti, ainountitig to $7,771,174 ."•»: and sevei.ty-oee claim*, amount ing to $44liiH8.1U, which had been pre-ented to bosids and prior to Jan. 1. 1H8i), wera called up outing the rear. Ttie number of claims on which action was taken was 4,M*3, amoanliiig to tt3, 112.2ns.21 and tiiere remained on hand Ju.-f I, 1 mm3. 11,074 emuis, 11 mounting to $4,323,* 3i").'). 2H. T::e total number of deaths from all causes re p. rit-d Irom the army for the tiacal yeai ending Juee 3 », 1883. 1* 24J. The additions to the medical library daring the past year incoi Jo 3.01 2 vtiiuiiies and ab .ut 5,000 pampliieis, maKing -tho totai iimnh in !h« coilec ijon about lio.O'.io %'olume* and 08,7u pamidil-ts. 'Iho si.ty ilepar.iuent Ins, luring the year, properly iiccouLU-d for $l.ri,400.310.,r4. lti-garding lake ut,d ai-»a«t d.-feiiM N aus nave be.-n prepared for the application of tho turret system to some of our niiirt important naibors. Our seacoaht. with Ita great cuiea and important Larbor.-s is defense less to-day again*t ti e attack a modern iron chid, aud it is humthatit tf even to imug ne the in ,rtideation, ios-» of lite, propeity and n:o-.ti»'" to ytiich we would he subj'ct-d »hou.d war come sud* deiiiv upon 11*, as tne history of i.aiions shows, urny happen at any nin KlVliltS AND UAHBOKS. The balance the treasury July 1, 1882. to the credit of at'iptoprtattoim for improvin'e harbors and rivers was Jf4,73n«2t3.."8. '1 ne appr,.priain-na bjr I lie acts ot Juno JO, 1**2, Aug. 2. 882. and i arcii 3, TS83, wire !^18 7-l,335, and $373,- TJOJ.21 w is urawn from liidt-lluite approprialiuui for ciina rnotiiig ,iuttie« iu tlie Miuth tasa, iii-sis ,-iopi river operating and care of varioiiH canals 4"5fi. ai removing i-utiken ve^eis obs rnciing navigi Uoti. '1 ne drafts by requitiiiou onring th" year *eti- $13.t*l 1,511.27. leaving a ba.aiie.e of $10, (i21 ,ti IU fio ill the tr -asut v July I. 18M3, aufl oa the sauie itate tiiere wa* in me hauds of officers or on deposit to their cre iit $2,302,2^.4- lo. Siuc# that d,ii« and up to N v, 1. thrre has been drawn from tlio treasury $4,000,81 1,27. Gr.-at attention has been giveu by the ordnance buma'i to carry into effect i h- appropriation made in tne act approvd Murch 3, 18*3, tor making, conv'-r'iiig, aud testing i fl caiiuou. A number of Cotiirac suave been niade, which are in iitoceta of esrtcunoii. The det.nis of tii« e*..ed:'ioii ot the Proteus are givrn. It will be necessary that early proviMoti inion i be m:i'ie t-, tit out ano'iier «xpedi tion for the reiiet of Lieu:, lii.-eiy and ids party. The comparatively am ad pur'ion of Hie build ua 0"W occupied by tn s a.parimeut is entirely m adequaie tor ita need*, and ilie security of the yal Uat,,e puhiic records ni 11 stored iu scattered aired buUd'.tiL's requires t' al tne new building should be Coiiipleievi wittiout d-,ay EDUCATION IN TIIE AIlMT Tne ofllcer in uatge of oduca ion in the artny reports that process lias been maie in sysiemizing aud rendering more effective the post schools al ready established. '1 lie average stt'-n iance wad greater tliun in the year before 1 again reeominetid iegjsiatiou authonz ng th--. eulisunent of 150 coin i peieu- iua-ructora, witn tue rank, aud pay of coin* ).. I misaary aergeams. I earn-soy recommend that the attention of congress be invited to the subject of giviug sub* -••--stanti.d encoui agem- nt to the formatioa of voiun 11 ie-r iri..itia oi-g.ii.iz lions in every bial-. and in the ... Dt»inci of Columbia, by iili.-ral appropriations, 4 With our suinl. stait ling army, our main dependence 5 must be on our militia. In a memorandum it is 6 Stated that the s-ecretark*s of war and the navy hav« rhcided that it is not practical).e to send another expedition to the red -f ot Lieut. Groely fhis year. It. is *ubttul it any *es»ei could reacb Upernavik b. for Oc- 20, ou account, at' tue ice, the rapidly shortening days, aud the increas'.ug cold. The danger of wrec-ti ga n w redef party in its attemp- to roac i th s pia. e is far greater than ., shou be iucurr.-d for th» chance of reti-ieriug any JjOS#. to Gree y. Lieut Gree y's case is ooiiaidered by no means hooelesf. lie has the advantag of daylight to move if he left his station, as ord -red, u: later than Sep'. 1. The days wbicts w mid be lost in outfitting a ve-s 1 and in the voyage to Greenland will be ntil z«d by iu. Arriving ut Cape Sibine not far fr'nu Sepr. I liVli, perhaps ear.ier, he wi I P-aru of Garhugton's disaster, and determine open plans for the winter. I If h" attempts 10 move sou upoa the Danish I set lements, hi! has 74'» rati-ns at Cape H*biue, '^40 more on an ishinl in its vtciuitv west or Bre voori island, anl 24o at ttleiou island—sufficient wittiout reirenchmeut for forty-eight ".ays for his eommaiid. But ho y clue se to regain Lady Frsukiin bay. over a distance of about 2o0 miles. Tnere he had iimre than a ye. r'o »np«iiy of tne i best aa.-orted i, hgtits. fuel and shelter. For nit journev nor'liward ue wou have, at Cape Subina and on tiie island west of Brevoorf, s jm-« ttnrty nine days" food at starting, and. on bis road.d'P iti at reasonable distancs, which he will not have emptied on hit- way down lo Cape S.ibuie. Of ttie-e depots there were, at C„te Hawks, over two mouths' sunuhes, ten days' at Cape Colliiisow. apd t. n at Carl Ruier bay. From one to another ol these be v*u travel comparative y light, sure to iltiu pi"!*.ty os Li» return to Ladj Fran&uu bay. k