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THE HERALD. w n i k & N k i %'i A Y«ice Publishers A Vfiar in Advance. stc ke Cm Dakota HUDAY. DEC. fl. 1883. I i.=? aaid that :i great mnnv claim s in this and Grant comity are nut .ng up to the law in regard to the :itui_f and cultivation proving up 'tout having livtui twenty four r* tliei claims at any one time tainly the goverment is very lib tin its distribution oflaml and the 1 or woman who fails to meet with few requirements of the law is justly entitled to the land and lid not rececive it. The people tld discourage such frauds, and "est all claims that are not strictly 1. —The Wilmot Journal. •unething should be done this win to put a stop to the wholesale filter of tlsh by spearing through •s in the ice, which i» practiced •y winter on Traverse and Big le Lakes. That kind of fishing .ie winter is punishable bv law in state, but as the center of these s in question are boundary lines ween Minnesota and Dakota, it tld be a rather dillicult matter to ict any perpetrator caught break ihe law of our state oil the above ied lakes.—Krown's Valley Ile er. trouble at all, Bro. Frazer, about ioting them! The law in the »itory is just as strict as in Minne t. If, when you try them, you find have no jurisdiction over the vag ids. just turn them over to us and Territory will take the (lucats out ue rascals. WILJIOT. ilniot still lives and nourishes, 'Ugh things sometimes happen 1 *1» tend to affect the reputation of best towns and cities but it is al s due to the good citizens of any uiuuitT to say that they put forth best efforts to keep down all law less. Such a crime was attempt in the night of Thanksgiving, on iin street in front of and in the fial office, at the hour of midnight •iter. And we want to say to all citizens and to the friendsot law order, that those who harbor such acters and become bondsmen f'rona for mon "flour-thieves" are wofully tne minority in Wilmot. And ev such person is marked who would single act so strengthen the hands ie very worst type of humanity in perpetration ot a crime that, if ated, would drive trade from any ii and blast the good name of any inanity. Miekleson lias bought out the .am stock of groceries and will a general .supply. lie already n hand a full stock of dry goods, dm & Cunimings have opened a stock of groceries and are doing at the old Ilolt stand. They also a good stock of drugs. A nti- i u v i k akota. Biff Stone. was Archimedes who said, "Giv* fulcrum where I may rest a lev ll will move the world." Archi s was right, but the grand essen necessary to the success ol his was always lacking the fulcrum iiever discovered, and the world tntinued to move along the line orbit with never a jolt or jar. ai of the opinion that had Archi s been born in the nineteenth iy, and put up his shanty in the iborhood of the foot of Big Stone lie would not have been greatly to wasting his time and puzzling rain oyer impossibilities, hut, like slide soul, would have at once set devising some means whereby i.igiiiliceiit natural resources of u»st highlv favored spot in all ta, might be fully developed and .ed. Here is a lovely sheet of not less than thirty-two miles igth, varying in width from one and a half miles, beautifled with wooded blulTs, and navigablw for .aire length lor steamers of large Fisti and game abound, afford a opportunity for sportsmen such eldotn found in the travel of a s aid miles. Near the foot of the are both mineral and pure water ugs the former having been known Indians, and highly esteemed I v Ueiii on account of their superior •inal qualities, for more than two lies and the latter affording a i supply of water of superior qua! :i all seasons of the year. The at here at tlie top of the bluffs ik line the shores on both sides, is dry, and a iowciTul tonic, ad 4 to the prevention and cure of i: ouary complaints and when com with a proper amountoi rowing u bosom of the beautiful lake, or ..uuping over the magnilicent prairie, •s. iu every instance, productive ol genuine "Dakota appetite" and cor ••^ponding digestive powers. must be confessed by everyone li.atthe neighborhood of JJig Stone lake affords a paradise for invalids. It is, hi line, nature's great sanatarium i't Uie northwest. Weak lungs, en iceliied stomachs and llabby muscles May here be toned up to their normal condition and that, too. in a natural ni.i, enjoyable way. This lake is of a .-\ access by rail fromallpartsof the country, and it will reqirre but a small pressure upon the lever of the oi•be press to move a large pa.t of t• ie world, and that in the direction of Big Stone foi fve have 'ileiuui big enough and strong eno.igh to answer our purpose fully. Many a place of lakeshore and seaside resort, with less than one-half of the natu tl advatages aTorded by litis, has leaped into notoriety with'u the past fifteen years, drawing into its midst thous ands annually iu search of health or pleasure. But in each and every in stance some one had to make a begin ning something outside of the ordin ary line of doing had to be done. "Nothing venture, nothing win," is a well known truism, but it is as true now as the past, and unless some thing is ventured to improve the natural advantages afforded by this place, leu will be the wiser or better in mind. body, or estate, so far as Big Stone is concerned, ami the business men and fanners in this vicinity, will allow to lie unimproved one of the fin est opportunites lor growth and pros perity ever afforded to a single com munity since the world began. But what (\«n be done to secure the full and permanent use and develop ment of our resources? What enter prise can be started which will have a tendency to open the eyes of our neighlwus to see the superior attrac tions of our city aud lake Well, in reply to this we say that several things mav be done. It has been sug gested by some that a dam be thrown across the foot ol the lake, between this city aud Lrtonville, thus develop ing a water privilege. This may be done at some time in the distant fu ture, but the outlook for this sort of improvement is very unsatisfactory. To most of our business men proba bilities in favor of the success of this scheme, seem exceedingly small. It has also been suggested that a tirst-class hotel might be erected near the foot of the lake, aud that such a hotel would induce many to visit our city during the summer season. This is unquestionably true, but a hotel, with its guests tarrying among us for a few weeks in the summer season only, while it would undoubtedly proove to liea llnancial success to the proprietor* would not very greatly contribute to the growth and general prosperity of the town. A third enterprise has been named, viz.: the establishment of a school of high grade, on the Dakota side, in '.he vicinity of the foot of the lake. Such an enterprise may be begun at any time ami made a complete success. The unrivalled attractions by this lo cality, would determine the choice »f a multitude of young men, in relation to the place of conducting preparatory studies, in order to a full collegiate course while the same would be equal ly true of those contemplating a sem inary course only. Pure air and water, magnilicent scenery combined with opportunities for healthtul rccreaiion, such as hunt ing. fishing, boating and skating, cast a potent ami wholesome spell over the mind of the youth who believes in de veloping a perfect physique, as well as a cultured brain, and the inevitable result would be to call together a great company of students from near aud tar. And, believe me, the intro duction of some hundreds ol pupils, of the sort who patronize schools of high grade, would prove no small acquisi tion to our city. Not only would heir preence among us increase busi ness of various kinds, but it would al so serve to bring into our midst a val uable class of permanent residents. Good educational advantages are of great weight in determining the choice of families of real worth, as regards permanent residence. No.sensible pa rent will neglect an opportunity to live within easy reach of some superi or school. Jle it also remembered that the attendance of a large number of young men and women from vari ous part.s of Dakota, Miuriesota, and possibly other more distant States, would furnish successful means of advertising the superior advantages lor both recreation and health, as well as study, found in this beautiful spot. Looking at this whole thing from a practical business standpoint, we are safe in saying that it would prove a paying investment for this city to in augurate and complete such an enter prise. Other cities in the Territory are feeling the importance of establish ing schools of high grade in their midst Our sister town of Ortonville has in successful operation a school, which, under the faithful management of a superior coips of instructors, is pros pering grandly, with a large number of students who come from a distance to avail themselves of the marked ad vantages to be gained in and around this school. If our citizens will only exercise their usual business shrewd ness. and not allow this privilege to remain unimproved, they can do vast ly more for themselves, and the world at large, than could be done by the lo cation of the county seat in this place and that without the unpleasantness which often accompanies such a loca tion. The financial aspect of this question, although important, is, in reality, of least weight. It is not a small privi lege to have near at hand superior fa cilities in order to the thorough edu cation of our children. The times de mand of us that we educate our chil dren liberally, and there is no excuse for us if we fail to fully meet this de mand and yet we are excusable if we seek an opportunity for the educa tion of our sons and daughters where the expense will not prove too heavy for the contents of our purse. Exper ience proves that it is cheaper an*' bet- i ter to educate our children at home than abroad. The moral influence of such an institution in our midst I should by no means be lost sight of. Education, morality and true religion I are in accord with each other and when these combine permanence and i strength are secured. If every town and city in Dakota could support such a school as we have named, iu theii midst it would be of priceless value to them. But every town and city can not do this. Certain natural advan tages are demanded and il each city, or county even, were to establish a school ot high grade within its bord ers, many of them would soon die and many more would, at best, drag out but a feeble existence. In this place are natural advantages, and a plenty of them, too. The vicinity of Big Stone lake has sanitary qualities which make it, for the purpose named, the peer of any place in all the land. God seems to have designed it for this especial purpose. lie opens wide the door ami bids us enter and use the land of promise to our profit financial ly, intellectually and morally. It is true that in order to the inception and completion of this enterprise there must be an outlay of money, but it is also true that according to our sowing shall be our reaping. Sacrifice com monly precedes success, and the rule holds good that the greater the sac rifice the uuoie complete and satisfac tory the sttccess. I c. ci J. H. Mookh. The following valuable table of the "Valuation of Property and Taxes of Grant County for 18S.V is taken from the Review and was compiled for that paper by J. W. Ilulburt of Milbank. It is worth preservation and study: lev I s o -u i U Si C. «_-C jC -5 %-Vwca-ic I ,, c. er. it ii i.' _i .'• 1 I ti, 3 ,v S J. I 1 U u -3 C« J1 w' CJ W *1 i. ii Ci w- w- 3. j. S 3 I f. j? -J jr 3 s ci cs a. Z I I -M /. -J w .. w. I. (i j, I O ii ii I Z, 4- ,i i£ -i s J. ti i fy -ii -i to s- j. (v Iltu-klrn'* %r»»irn i •tit I 5 i K.— 10 -4 CS C3 Uii L'jw oi_o •.£: i C. v' Ii w tw (i. 4* I *5 JV •-I t- w JL i A w I T. w Wf *w OC I w Ol w t£ W O 05 Si S •£. v iCz •3 w WW —tw w w' OB ti1-1 -4 ii n, i: I -55" 'z rr j. I w' r. a a ii w 4. s 1 1^4 he V» W 4* 3C U A Ijf Ci U la mi I &9 i v: wt •••'X W tw 31 i-r.x«-iooi5(icxi-4' i W- W ti Si s E: r:| Ol Ji is i: c. o to ii i: is ii .. fi 1 ~X- 1- 06 y in--' co" j® 06 o'Vs'to'jn"© •The school township tax of Madison is ^3:53 70, and School Districts Nos. 14 and 15 have an additional lo mill tax which raises f'JW.33 more, making «5:56.03, the sum Jiveu in ttie talile. The sirtcial tax ot the town of Milbank is set down at $I,'.M4.13 for school and lor town purposes, making the total tax"of Milbank tor all purposes, $ 57. |Includes only District No. :i. ARK YOt* MADK miseraftln ly indiires tion, constipiitiou, (tiz/.iiifss, loss iff appetite yellow skin i Shifoh'? Vitahzcr is a positive cure. For sale at A. W. Kosse^tiie's. WHY WILL YOU cough when A NASAL IN.IKCTOR free chargesmC Sliiloli'a Cun- will give innneiliate relief. f'nVe ID cts 60 cts. and $1. For sale at A. W. Kt-s.seguies! SHI LOU'S CATARRH RKMEDY.-A 1,0s itive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Can ker month. For sale at A. W. Ro.s.segiue'a. "If ACKMKTA( K," a lasting and trnp^tt perluiue. Price 25 and oil c-^cts. for saie a A. W Uesscquie's. SHILOIl'S (.1 Rli WILL immediately re lieve croup, whooping cough and bronchitis For sale at A. W. Kervsetjue'.s. FOR DYSPKPtflA ami liver complaint you have a printed guarantee on every hottle ol Shiloli's Yitalmv. It never'tails to cure. I*or sate at A. VV Rerfsegue's. with l"V each bot tle ol Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy, price f0 cents. For sale at A. W. Uesseguie's. FOUND. Came on to my premise* Monday, Nov 12 a small bay Indian pony about 1 years old with wfiite star on lorehrad. Owner can i rwvu,g I'roI",rty P»yiug k o o i a uplopp, Town oi Lockwood, Kobe rts Coiuity The greatest medical wonder jl tlu* world. Warranted to speedily cure Hurus, Bruises, Cuts, fleers, Salt Rfierni, 1-Vver Sores, Can cers, Piles, Cliili!:uns, Corns, Teller, Chap ped Hands, and all skin eru^ions, guaranted to cure in every instance, or money refunded Twenty-five cents per l*x. For Sale by A. W. Resseguie, Druggist. i'.igStonfCity, Dak. Notice. All parties indebted to tis are re quested to pay the same to Henry Schafer, at once. 1 1asi'ki:son ISkos. THE GREAT GERMAN E E Y FOR PAIN. Itolil VrY« (-IIIPH lUIELMATlSJI, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, !!.% K4« fir. Jt 1 Suld liyni' iriIRK •itM l»«'«Urn" On reading and filing the resignation send final account of John W. tor of the estate ol .1. Court, on Saturday tfie H'thday ol lw emh r, A D. ss ©t the.bulge of l'rohate, in Milliard,., said County. And it is further ordered, that notice there of be given to all persons interested, ly pat» lishing a Copy ()t Judgeol' the l' Co ORT0NV ll IP J. KAERCHER & Pfffffj, O'tl-OSVIUE,): RKST I'ATKNT FI/HJft STItAKJUT FhOl lj, CLEAR PUd'i HRAN ... SHORTS HEADACH1, T00T:1ACR8, SORE THROAT. Jl/lN--\ -WM I IN'O.S, KHU IIKM, Soreness, Cuts. Delivered on board Stone or Ortonville fu., r.tioo ib. lot.s. 3mltA*. Fuu-rni i .'•s. Vtl ltNS. .M A7.DM, Ami Hi. "ttwrhi illy aclifw nixl urt. EXCHANG N' '. I Hard FIFTY CENTS 20TTIE. No. I Solt I ir iokh hi II The Charles A. Voqeitf C% Mieo.l.wT" I- k Cf blllvrl, ««., I. H. Probate Order. Territory ot Dakota, Connty of Ora'it, In 1'rottate Court, Noveudwr Term, KS3. In tlie matter oijthe estate of J. F. W Becker, deceased. Molm, adnmnstro- K. W Henry Hecker, deceased, re]»resenting among otfier things, that Ii irk.« removed from the Territory f:.!c»a, and it i lieuig therefore impossible for him to jj» Horu» the duties of said olhce, lie therefore P'-. d^cs his resignation of said office, and asks tfiat said resignation 1k accepted. It is ordered that said account l»e:.: iiih»ed, and resignation heard by the .liwtge ot this 1 3, at lo w'cliK'k a. m., at the ottice tlus order lor tli'^ ,uc ss- tc weeks jirior to said day ot hearirw, ci t!»e IIkBams a weekly newspajer prin'»»d and jiublisheil at Hig Stone City iu said county. bated at Miltmik, the tUh day ol Novem ler, A. I. 1^, 15y tlw Court. A. L. Aruoit, JONES & WOLP, FURN TURE a W A First-Class Kitchen Chair for 40 The Furniture Store, Step-Ladders, Oil era ct«=R Chromos, Easy chairs, Lady's Lap-i Picture Mouldingsf Brackets, 61 the Furniture Store. Sclr t'roj.rit t, All kinds of fresh constantly on hand, tion j»i(l to nhisu_ Canli Puid f(»r C-l o cr1 o 2$ 3. S o 3 5 c+ 1/ r? A 09