Newspaper Page Text
[t ind i( li'J^KUl'F, S!n ^UsM'I.ASS IN EVKKY PAKTKTFvAR. tion and comfort. .,,u n,] Surgeon, '\|NiN. KAL^OMlNlN'i, \VlilThWASHINO. Lav and Real Estate Oealers. [p1 lias recently been re-titted ami refurnished ingwork done with the ri N fe. „i W«rk Guaranteed. UOlllHT TAYI-OU, •.ell Ave. and Insurance Agents. itlv attended to. Farm •state dt alt kinds I .ought •l.lliv. to tourists visiting the lake and the travel- !generally it offers special advantages for iht-ir ac MRS. M. A. MOHOAN, Promietress. WELLKUS' DUKi 1 TURK, P. T. MIN N. a iii!SON, RIM U! LIU nFFICE. ti'ti* an l'%pe«'inl Mud) i.' Accnts. Huy ami sell •':...'tS(i| title lurnished to ili "'i:ity. Tuxes paid tion uicmg promptly and neat flushed to prove up with -'reet, I'.ig Htoue t'itv, and Mitliank, Dak. Telephonic -'tween the two offices. -M.Y WUITFOBD, ician and Surgeon. Mo.''a Drug Store, Main .V:i.v U' found in office at night. IKS, WUllAtlt-DllKsSEU. HHTY, DAK i'-"it or a clean shave drop in TIITTS EXPECTORflMT la eompoMxl of i|..rU| I,I,,i S Mason and Plasterer, 1'iiick and Mone Work most reasonable nitos. ton« city, I). T. James F. Fisher. f'lSHKII, ttorneyg at Law, DAKOTA. KKHLER, Solicitor and Attorney-at-Law. v I HANK DAK. '!'"e, up-stair^. lias had fit ii the legal protession. iveii to the aelense ol -i' i crime i's Place, et, Big stone City, ^lasser, Prop. Sr '"I.I.I VItB !er AMI POOIj ,,s lx i 1{l?er cuiistantly on tap. ^®^r, llock and ltye, ami other Wines. "'Vll-fc, ce °^the Peace, y...u,i warrants thj •Vernon that bo remedy hua ever b»en found that ta aa u n i n n i v i most obatinat^ oo i^h. A pleaaant cordial, chil dren tak« It readily. Croup It la liav*ltiabIe. n i i. ,f l» v«rr family. In arte, and 1 Bottle*. very wall,"• •:n.1 ji .l btimi.atf* tt:»itomaah, twtorea'he nr'""' 'i: ts *!(for to t(.» ayatMB. k NOTED DIVINE SAYS: Da. TciT b• ar i* r. murphy. inl^mnm prod, acta, whica pnnifilt the aubstance of the fc«ng«, expretornti the mrld matter that roikcts in ti.o Hiuuchml Jut »^, and forms a •nothing coming, wt.irh rellevea their, rltatlon th»t rvi cs tl.c cough, it cle«aa*f the lun«« of nl I Impurities, ati rngthtua U»«mwheufufctlilf.l by diaenae, iavii?or •tea the circulation t,( the bun, nU, brnr*»the Mrvoua sytti iri Slight c-olda often and In conaumptlon. It is dangrroua to neglect them. Apply the rmitdj promptly. A te»to ••m*n\y PILLS ACT DIRECTLY ON THE LIVEW. Curt* thllia and Imr, Dyapapaia, •lek H«*da lie, Itllioun olir ,1 unatlpa Uoo, Bhoumatliin, Piles, Palpitation ol the Heart, Ilizlneaii. Torpid l.iver.and Female Irregularities. It run co ri 1 n yti» 1 haTfl bean martyr v Df'on«' nticn and filea. Laat apt n.( uur 1 were rvrommenda4 to mo I uaad i ht (tut nr h'tie fttith). I aa bow a vail man, have pood appetite, direation perfect, ratfulnr ju.i* Ron, and I hare faioed forty |iour.'l solid They are wotth thai* weight in i !. RF.V. R. 1 SIMEON", Lomatilte.Ky. Ofllrr. S5 Murray Nt., New York. DH. Tt'TT'w MAnrrAT. of ieAa\ VBaeelpU FKKK on application. Knight & Dean, HI hand $ 50,000 Time, l, t, •".», 7, l«* years. ln tere-t as l'..w a.- the lowest. Money tur nished to p.i.T lor Pre-emptions and Commute Homesteads. No Delays. Persm .-.m get the' moi ey ot: the wune dav they apply. Principal and Interest ]iav»hie at fti!hank, Dakota. Jud^e is authorized to negotiate loans. Call ut once on j\. 1.. AliHO'lT. Mi 1.1IA.NK. NOTK'K Is herehv given that 1 th» und'*r-i.'i»e 1. who iTHve three promissory notes to .loie's Wni ol liijn Mmie City, D. two tor fr} each and one in' amoiintuig to./j'i' in all, pavahle in one, two an I thiee years, lora second hand Sweepstake Sep'-r «tor and arej Power, declute the same null an 1 void tor the reason that I have not received value theretore, the said -ran I i''»wer hav ing (aileii to work as Warrant -.1 ALKXW P- JUlLLT. NOT U K Is herehv u'iyen that the linn ol Movius Pros ft Co. is'thif dav .h-sohe.t ly mutnahon sent. Movius lir-s are hereby iiionevs du- tin* linn .M" k ol Itn- colleet off the remaining pleinentH. tiiven under our hands at Hig St "tie I ity, tl.w l'ith dav ol November, A A \V. n.virs. 0..i»lit.ilins W*. H. Movit's, 1"]" 1,1 Jons W. Moi.m. S Moviuh Hros. o ON TRIAL 3 Honlhs lot 20 Cents THE FARMERS' TRIBUNE (Lately known tHe F.m."' OnlM and w««kly Tribunei, is now the Larg est and th« Best w«ekjy It perfectly, the ble ^^?n reports nre mndH a ypecir, Rexnlar Subscription Prioe-»l.M PAlTp^tmiu.ter*arei TmBUEwiirhSo^ For imited period THE TRIBUNE will ^8J,n XaThla andfarnUles who do n A convenient to get the names DAKOTA, olM to prompt I y and 1. W. FOUNTAIN. Att'y at Law, Grant County Bank.," HHJ STONK CITY. 1). I i v V A I I A V O N K Y LOAN IN SMALL AMOUNTS ON 11'JUT TIMK (N CII ATT PL SECURITY. Money to Loan on feat Estate. Money hirnwlieil to move up on HOMKKTKAlJd /Nil 1 RK Mtl TIONS. INSURANCE A'.A INST KIRK, LIGHTNING and TOU NADOS ON t'iTV ANU l-'AUM PltOPLKTY. Real Estate hought ami nld o Foreign KxcllHtl^e so!,l oi, jfiits hi Kurone, $5.00 inGold i,ol "fatl citr-missioi: 1 pn-icijial I Murphy & Fountain, tt'kci .s Fol: A Postal Card The ahove is a houa-ti'le o.l'er to any one who will accept and writ.? tin- names and addn ss ol lKok agent they may knoy ot on a postal card and send to us. We preter the names of those now cam ussialthough those that have canvassed wiM do. Stn in in the uauies and we will sho'.v vo'i how it is done. 1 v i na PKR MONT!! ?MU\F AND OUTFIT FilKK. We want men, women, boys hji i girls to work right in their own town.'', viihigc.s and neighhorhoods, on salary or immissio!). It is a pleasant business we offer you, and you need not lie away Ironi home o •mignt. We •shall he glad to furnish vt u ..h viuttit Ireeto start you hi business in th" world. Ail those who engage with us make i-torey rapidly. \uu can devote your whole time or TAIauts SHORT: LINE. your i sjmre moments. It you dc i to engag* a paying business, write at c"v i n' (nil p*r I ticulars, enclosing •J.'S cent^ [nicking and postage, and you will receive our bible outfit hy return mail. Address LONDON HOOK lilULF HOI'SK, (Pi'i S. Sixth at, St. Louis, MO. HE HOUSEIEEPER, a Teantlfiil monthly, 7fl oenU s year. K* er wo'uan who keeps hm se needs It. and will T/ty*/ have it when she heara of it, If ehe haa to i^'O wit'iO"t li Spring hornet Specimen copy and Grand Premium LiEt Specimen pu:eaFree. thi Br krtk Co K HOOK, (which ov erybt.fty knows Is tha Bust iu tho World,)free with It. Address, Btwient* Minneapolis Mino. lie term "Short I.Mte' 111 .0. ., tiol* witli 'It. •i jtcraie ol a gr^ai J!: idea ol just w! at is rcipur 'i hy th" trav eling puoij •—u hort Lute, ytdrk T'l'ie .Old the Ic.St ol a. .viinu-i 'Molls ,•, which i.te tuinishe.l Iiy the greatest raiiv.ay ia A:.ieii,-a, Chicago, Miws.ukec Merrill. Il^,^iwwat. Uflhed or circulated in the «ood Pnlnt^of Complete, Enterprising, A _r(*cu|. N^wspn^0rcat^ro'ui roluny wilted tur»l Journal y & and n6rti i SS£SS •mi St. Pau. i |t owns atid o',)i'i:ites over 4,?nO miles (tl I road in Northern Illinois, tWcoi.* », Miune usta Iowa and O.'.Ko't., a.»d it*' tjui'i iinus, branches ion! const. I'ti.iiis rea.'l. all the gr^at i business centers ol t!e .\('i'thw»^t and tar I West, it imtii'-aliv mww'•" tl.-' dts. ptr)u ol short'Line ami i W .lie bei ,•! Chicago. 'd'hv.Mi\ i Muiiicapi']!". i ('hi' itro, Miiv• i' \V 1111)11!'.. Chicago. Milwnuke i dale. Faribault. order the pap «. w i under this one pBrson special oirer K wlth of fourne^^^ ft COMPANY, ainntfP 9 M. rani and I^tCrosse and Aberdeen.- Ellen- 1 Chicago, Milwai.kce, Eau Claire and Stil water. Chicaiio. Milwaukee, Wativiti and (•hicaffo. Milwaukee, Ileavr Daiu ana Oshkosh. Chicago, Milwaukee, Waukesha and Oconoinowot. Chiea«i. Milwaukee, MiKlison, and Prairie du Allien. Chic mo. Milwaukee, Owatonna and In i«o. Heloit, Janesville and Miu eral Point. CiiKMgo, Elgin, ltockfuiU, liml Du- Clinton, liock Isluini iiud Cedar liapids. Chicago. Council liluffs and Omaha. Chicago. Sioux City, Sioux l'all.s and Yankton. Chicago, Milwaukee. Mitchell and Chamberlain. Hock Island. Ihibuqye, St. 1 aul and Minneapolis. Davenport, Cttlniar, St. 1 aul «uiu Min* i neapolis. n i.iid the Finest Dining nre riai the main line* Pullman Sleet iMh'""''hicag", Milwaukee ,v St. Paul Uul ev.ry attention is paid to paKseii ^'bv cour eoiK employs ot MKRKlhb, A V 1 1 T.i"LARK, Minn. A. J. HLESER, as hacl Nearly Five Years Kxperienee in the Land Kusinoss in Dakota. Persons having business in his line should I avail themselves ol his ex]erienco, there by »ksiiri11yf correctness ami promptness and avoid the blundering ol inexper ienced Inn,I nsfi'iits, as it costs 110 more, and all land papers pre wired by hun warrant)! absolutely correct. IIOMKSTKAD FILINGS CAN ONLY UK MA1JK AT THK mS'JUICT LAND OF FICE oil ItY T1IK CLKHK OF Tllh DIM'KICT COUKT. Kfiinqnishments, Tree Claims, Pre- Kmptimi I'iliiig.s and tinal Prools a specialty. MONEY TO LOAN On Ueal Kstate in (»ri»nt County at lowest rates Lund in any part ol limit county bought and sold on commission or otliei wl*e. omt'E IK nillU HAKTK BAMv, A. 1. DLKSEKa Clerk ot Court and Motarv 1'uMic Big Stone City Mill 13IG STUNK CITY, U. T. DIEBOLD & TUNNELL, Proprietors. Wheat, Corn or Buck wheat (irounil at :i small toll, or for change in Flour, iiran, Shorts,\c. We inviU1 the farnier? ty Jtiul of tlii* section mill a trial. WHITH ASH, BOX KLOKR. SOFT MAPLK, li It A V WILLOW, AND COTTON W(H)I) THFKS, CUitlUN'T, (iOOSKP.KRRV HUSllIiS AND STKAWJ ldiUV l'LANTS. !fi of tlio (Mini to ive our DIEUKLl) i TI NN KL1, mG STONK ITV. DAK. ESKAX1), rropriotor. I have a lar^o assort .incut of Tr«j*s. Shrubbery and Fruit linnltcs .tmi Plants for fall transplanting, anions which arc: Also Horse iiadish Plants. A:\ •I'llAS. JiKANl). WOOD BROS, OKTON VII.I.K, MINN. Headquarters for A lion. A K h.M hh (ien'l Manager. t*«» 1 Ajct i «EO. ILIIKAKKOlil) (ien'l Supt. Gen 1 Pass Ag a V V S K i Y nP.V KIN4.1U. UlI.sON iv in st AMI Ik i* n r. LIVE AGENTS WASTED. To sell Dr's li-'Cijtt—• or iniortna tion loicver\bodv, in every county in the United States and Cnnada. "Knlarg.'d by the publisher to t. ]ages. It coittuins over V ooo houseiioM iei i})e»!, ttnd is suitetl to all classes ami ("ondii.ons ol society. A wonder ful lxok iiud a household necessity. It sells at sight. (ireutes? inducements ever offered to book iijcnis. r-ample copies sent by mail, p(.tit|u»id lor |:.'.0O Kxclusive-teiritory given. AgetilM m,»re than double their money. Ad dress Dr. i base's steam Printing House Ann Arbor. Michigan. AMERICAN FARMER TO ALL OUR SUBSCRIBERS. All of our subscribers trho will pay their subscription accounts to this paper in full to date, and one year in advance, will he pre sented with one year's subscrip tion to the "AMERICAN FARMER" sixteen page agricultural magaatne, published by E. A. K. Hackett, at Fort Wayne, Indiana, and which Is rapidly taking rank a* one of the leading agricultural publications of the country. It is da voted eicluslTely to the intcrcsta of tUo Farmer, Stock Breeder, Dairyman, Gardener, and their Household ,and every species of nd ustry con neot ed with that great portion of the people of the world, the Farmer. The subscription price is $1 OO per year. Farmers can not well get along without It. It puts new ideas into their minds. It teachea them how to farm with profit to thfiinsotves. It makes the home happy, the young folks cheerful, the growler contented, the downcabt happy, and the demagogue honest. litliiilh dilii icisa Farmer $1 M. A. BUTLE FfcFiolaiiOsriiissifli Merchant. afcic Flour. IjucIvwimm I. Gra- im. Coi iim-'stl, au every ir. our iiuc at Wholesale a!i(3 At :1k1 o 1 .-taiul 1*. W. Thoi udikc & To. or. Jayne and Corucll aw. Uii Oil! itv. Dak k u can guaraiiiei activ.- lieiL,'' the above amount to AGENTS! Indies as well as gentlemen, m-lkea success i'l the btts'pu-rfs. Ww littl" eapitu! reijuired We have a hous: artie|.-» a salable 1li Ml iLt llsa X1 solf! it l-«i every day in every familv. Von do need lo ex plain its merits There is :t i i. :i harvest lor :li who emhrici* this golden rtuiiitv. It costs von oi iv one cent to b:.rii what our business is Hnv a postal i an! and v\r te to us and we will send you ohl' jirospectus a i i 11: I pa r: :-ii I'irs And we know ymi will derive ntor atiwxi |...n you bave aio idea nt. Our reputation as a nianuiai tilling is such that we c.iiiuct altord to dcceive VV rite to us on I" tal and give ymir address plainly and re ti. 11 particulars. lit v u :vs: li'i'i o,, .Uiirioti, SCIENTIFIC Wo continne to actaseolicitorsfor jiatents, caveatw, trade-marks, copyrights, etc. for the United StateH, arid to obtainpat enta in Canada, England, France, Germany, and all other countries. Thirty-alx years' practice. No ehargo for examination of mod or draw- lngH. Advice bv mail free. l'atentu obtained throujrh hh aro noticed in the AMEltH AN, which has the largoHt circulation, ond is tho niost influ ential nowspaner of itn kind published in tho world. Tho ad vantages of such a notico every pa-U-nteo underptands. This large and pjilendidlv illustrated news paper ispublinhed WEKltljY at J3.20 a year, and is admitted to ho the bent paper devoted to science, mechanics, inventions, engineering works, and other departments of industrial progress, published in any country. Hingla copies by mail, 10 cents. Sold by all news dealers. Ad dross, Mtxnn & Co., poblishers of 8cxen« tific American. 2(11 Uroadway, New York. Handbook about patents mailed free. The well known firm of BEKTCftt, COVE Jt CO., TYPE FOUNDER8, Milwaukee, have e«tablshed a Branch Foundry at Wo. 30 Mlnneeota Street, SAINT PAUL, M1HN., •nd aollelt your orders.