Newspaper Page Text
EP1T0MK OK THE MWS. WttHllilJKtOH Ciosslp. i itiuoDK indictments by the grand jury of the District ol Columbia are the follow jJenkins A. Fitzgerald, false pretenses in the prosecution of pension cases August D»natb and George M. Depue, libel against Btilaon Hutching, ot the Washington I'o.-t John J. Ally, tiolation of the pension laws —ten caw*. PoBt-wffices established—Iowa Vallina Jasper county. Post masters Cotnuilaaioned •—Da»id 1) Bryant, Carson, Dak, Edmund Whitenian-h, Denmark, Iowa Ann Kave ny, Nordland, Iowa. Soon after the organization of the house, Gen. Rosecrans will introduce ajoiatreso la 'ion proposing an ameudment to the con stitution forever prohibiting polygamy in the United Statea. The government issued 1,202,742 800 post age stamps last year, and 2,2J7,936 news paper aud periodical stamps. Railroad News*. Judge Wilson, attorney for the Winona it flt. Peter Railroad company, has served notice on the Hon. Daniel Buck of Mauka to, that he will contest the legality o' the trunicipal court of Maakaio on the ground that the bill constituting it did not receive a two-thirds vote in the senate. It is allowable to kill deer since the 1st of December. The Rush City Post says: About WO hunters have roamed over the woovta alortrtheSt. Paul A Duluth for the past month, aud the deer have suffered. Crimea and Criminals. At Prewott, Ar?z., a tragical scene was witnessed in the couri room, Judge French chief justice of the territory, presiding. The caae up was entitled Ke-ley, vs. McAtee, regarding a w iter right tor irrigating pur pose*. In armtiu^ the question regarding the adnn-«ibility of certain testimony, Af iornev General Churchill and District At torney Ruch heaanie very uiuch excited, and tin.i ly came to blows. While th:1 of fiiers were: endeavoring to restore order, MA tee, the defendant, drew a knife rushed upon a man warned Moore, seventy years ©hi, and infi cted what is thought a fatal wtHtn t. Tuen turning on 0. W. Beacn, late editor of the Pr»sco Miner, and sou in-'aw of the plaintiff Kealey, he stabbed him in th* uecic theu tuade for the court re porter, and WHi ab ut to plunge his knife into that individual when Mr. Beach drew a rernlver, a*nding a ball through McAfee's spinal ce'u an. Order was immediately re-tor° Tne old in Moore, and McAtee Will die, and P»ea?h will recover. Joseph Jewell, one of three who, last March, rouidered M. P. Renowder t« get possession of,h is earniugs,amounting to $24, 000, was hanged at Sin Jo^e, Oal., on the a» ioat. He said he did not know how he Oame to commit the deed. It was not for money. He never needed that. It wis a ttiystery that only God could r-x plain. When the black cap was put on he siid: 'Put it on square you've got it twisted," Joseph P. Mitchell, the negro who created sensation last Jane among the GoodSi niariiaits in Atlanta, Ga,, was sentenced to years. Mnchell was one of the trustees Of the ord«r, and by forcing a check drew nearly $2 5K) of the order's money from the Atlanta natioual bank and skipped out. John Kl is, the rape fiend, received bis sentence from Judge Farmer at Preston, Minn., to a'a \ri on for life. El/is' vic tim was Belle tilacker, ten years, his own daughter. EUiswasa union soldier and draws a pension ot 424 per month. It is reported that Addie Bresnan, the fourteen-yesr old daughter of Patrick Bres nau of Asror a, L. I., has been abducted by Capt. U O O irdon, a retired sea captain, aged foriy-five yea»s, also living in Astoria. Gordon has the reputation of a crank. Deputy Sheriff John Woodson, of Platte Oily, Mo nephew ofex-Gov. Woodson, was shot and killed by a man nanud Tipton, at Gatndeu Point, the cause being ill-feeling on account of Hp'on's arrest by the depu ty ftberirf't-otie time since. The ninth attempt to fire buildings in the Fourth wrar4, of Milwaukee was made at an early hour on the 3'» h. Casualty Kecord. la Chicago, Saturday af.ernooti, tire was diaccver.-d iu the Farewell bloctc, the largest business building u the city, bounded by Adatm. Market and Monroe streets and the fiver Great destruction, however, was bro ken by h«avy tire walld running through it, but for which the entire building would have bf n swept by rhe fl tines The tire was confined l« No-, ICS and 170 Market sreef, the thr e iover fl w»rs of wnich were occu pied hy Metzier Brothers, notion dealers, and the four upper fl o"s by Beak it icker, furriers The latter firm employs nearly §90 girls, two of whom lost their live*. Lss is $60,000 insurance. $40, 000 Beak & Bucher'a iosw is i65,0iX): in surance, LOBS on T-tiiidim?, OH in an hour found that edam wasbfing tin dermined and washed away. Smart's body WMS found entangled in the debris of tke dam. At Menominee, Wis,, A. H. Johnson's sash, door and blind factory, and lumber yard adjoining, were ourtied at an early hour on the morning of the 1st. The loss will approximate $18,000, with insurance of $12 500. A Frenchman named Oziaa was found dead in Wilcox'* swamp, near Chippewa Falls, recently, having died from exposure and starvation. The Windsor theater, 'New York was burned on the night of the 27th. No lives lost. The Salonville, Mass., woolen mills were burned $150,000 worth recently. The st amsbip Sportsman came iwto Liv rpool on fire. .... Personal Gossip, Cincinnati K iquirer: After Fisk was killed and Stokes was sent t© prison, Josie Mansfield went to Europe. There she at tracted the attention of a rich lace-maker, who married her. A couple o! years ago I was over in France, and one day, while walking through the gardens ofS.. Cloud, wbo should I encounter bnt Josie, leaning on the arm ot her husband. He was a stout, po-ilv man, much the buikl of Fisk, aud looked to uie like a Russian rather than a Frenchman. Josie was elegantly and most richly dressed, but in plain black and lurcft She had urown thinner, and had los.' ".s tlesh that for a while had made her look groSij and sensual, and wa- radi antly beau'ifui. Her husband is eno'niotis ly wealthy, 1 am told, and is devoted to her. Charles Boy kin, colored, and member of Company A., Twenty-fifth infantry, who has been on trial at Yan&ton, Dak, tor a week past for the murder of Robert Willis, was acquitted the other day. There was o doubt of the killing which occurred at Fort Hale, April 7 but as Willis, who was con sidered a sergeant ot the company was con sidered a petty tyrant and had knocked Boy Kin down, shortly before the shootii.g, the jury consider the killing justi fiable. Franklin Whittaker, an old residenl of Janesville, Wis., died recently. He owned the largest library of old books of any man in Wisconsin and |was a well-known char acter throughout the Southern part of the state. Senator Anthony continues to improve. His physician thinks he will be able to leave New York for Washington by the 1st mat. The engagement of Congressman Penv Belmont of New York to Miss Langdon has been terminated by the young lady. Sweu NiJsou, the Swedish naturalist, is dead. He was in his ninety-serenth year. Dr. David Wood owns 2,200,000 feet of standing pine iu Wisconsin and Michigan. Henry Villard has sent a check of $100 to 8 A^exauder's hospital, New Uirn, Mrs. M. J. Davis, the wife of a well known citizen, died at Duluth the other day. Tne late Gov. Natt Head of New Hamp shire had $00 000 life insurance. Julius Payer, Austrian Arctic explorer, it= dead, age 1 forty oue years. Foreign Items of News. At a meeting of Irish farmers, a priest presiding, a resolution was adopted asKt the National league to start a fund for the payment of Iri^h members of parliament, conde ning emigration, and pledging those present to forbid hunting over their lands while landlords ex*.-t. At a mee ing of Na tiot alists at Londonderry it was resolved to Id an outdoor demonstration on the 18th inst., on which date occurs the anniversary of the apprentice boys shutting the gates of Derrv- Gen. Pryor requested United Stales Min ister Lowell to apply for a respite for O'Donnell, with a view of obtaining time to set on fo«t proceedings for the commu tation of the death sentence. swell will apply to the authorities at Washington for instructions. Russell. O'Donnell's counsel, Will wait upon Lowell and submit to hini legal grounds OK $10, 000 fully insured. The Chicago Journal oi tice, on Dearborn atreet Cuicago, was wrecked by fi e on the 1st inst., also the J. B. Jeffrey printing company, one of the largest show printing establish ments in the conriiry. The u-rial's 1j88 approximates $85,000 very nearly covered by insurance. The J. B. Jeffrey printing jompany buffer a loss ol $130,000 insured for $80,0 0. Q. Hither,an employe of Larson,Han sen &Co 'i planing mill, LaCrosse, was in stantly killed, on the 3d inst., by being caught in a belt and whirled around a shaft. He endeavored to run on a belt while the engine was rum* irg at full speed, but it wound around the shaft »nd caught bun by one arm. He showed few external bruises, but his tnes wer* broken in a score of plac a. He was unmarried and had no rel atival in the city. 8teverit«, the ltssjee, places bis individual low by the Windsor theater, New Y rk fire, at about $20,000 partly insured. The The interruptiou to the season m*y cost hin? $5''000 nifire. The IOPS the theater building is placed at $2M),0ri0 in sured 'or two-thirds th« sum. Hchi z-r, Israel & Co., furniture aud carjjet dealer*, s'ock $45,Ki1. Loss on huMdmg. $!!) 000. Othtrf losew are about $55,000 distributed among a number of people about half in sured. Isaac Stuart was drowned while building I dam on NE-RY creek, near Newton, IOWH, nn tho mst. About noon his son left ^hiniartd we*:' o:uc, but on relurriiup with which he based his appli cation for tke commutation of O'Donwetl's" sentence. The German dynamiter says that he is conspired against. Miscellaneous News Items. Salt Lake City Special: John Taylor, president of the Mormon church, in an in terview recently says he does not propose to res'gn at present iu anybody's favor If he was removed he would resign iu Can non's favor for harmony and prosperity in the church Three hundred missionaries were at work ail over the world with great success, and Mor uonisui was nound to pre vail, especially in the United 8 »tes. More converts had been bought to Utah since the passage of the E .munds bill than for four years before. Tne church organ cop es the Cleveland anti-polygamy society's constitution, and adds if this se.-r. abomi nation initiated at Cleveland spreads over the country, surely the deep hypocrisy of the nation, s'eeped as it is in the slougn of iniquity, shall bring upon it the swift judg ment ofottending heaven. The Duluth Coffee and Spice company at Dulu made an assignment to M. Bunnell. Liabilities about $fi,oO) or £7,000 and assets probably that much. The failnre was caused 1 v an attachment issued on Dec 1st.., bv Max field & Seabury St.. Paul for $176. Attemp s to compromise were made, but not succpss'ully. when P. H. Kelly & Co., of St. Paul and Stone and Ordean of this city, merchants who held hiils against the company for 000 and $500 respectively, sued out replevins, 'which forced the as sign men t. Almost all the Inading New York paners are now managed hv WonU. rn editors. Ballard Smith, of Kentucky, has ju^t be«*n made editor of the Her aid Mr. Bromley, who fakes charge of the Commercial Advertiser next w»'6k, is an Ohio man so is Mr. Reid,fthe Tribune Albert Pulitzer, of the World, and Curl Sehurz, of the Kvoniug Post, are from Missouri, and Dana, of the Sun, comes from Illinois. Nearly all the Philadelphia papers, on the other hand, are under the management of Pennsylvaniuns. Dr. John Chapman, who has something of a !"ohby in Ibe idea that ict app i to the spine is*good cur- in many nervous affections, regards cholera as a nervous dis ease, and he has treated it by general ap plication ot warmth to fte b«dy, together with simultaneous application of cold by ice bags along the spine. He claim* to have had unusual success by this method From Dr. Foote s Health Monthly, Uov, Crosby,s report shows the resources of the national banks of Montana from all sources $7,280,253.35. The capital stock paid in $1 175 000. In addition there are estimated deposits in private bi.nks of $1, 800,000, with a cai ital slock of $400,000. New Yo k and Boston papers describe a wonderfully red sunset on thw 24th. Thou sands o dispatches were received| in New York asking "where the fire was." The Minneapolis board of trade says the numerous fires are due to poorly constructed buildings, careless occupants and over-in surance. The total earnings at Sing Sing prison for November are$18.sol.76 expenditures, $13, 691.45 net profit, $5,000.32. George W. Fishback, former owner of the St. Louis Globe, owns the new proposed eveni paper in St. Louis. Doane college, Crete, Neb., has been given $5,000 by Mr. Boswell of Connecticut for an observatory. J. & K McGregor, tanners. New Glasgow, have assigned. Liabilities, $23,000 assets, $13 000. Phi! Armour and others are building a $30,000 found ings home in Chicago. The New Jersey vote was 103,850 Dem ocratic and 07,047 Republican. Mr. Mo ran kno-ked Mr. McCoy out in 114 rounds near Pittsburg. Thanksgiving last year Ne«* York had si inches of suow. All of Pi'firg Bull' Standing Rock. |ile arc to Repeal of Pre-emption LAWS. Washington Special: Mr. Washburn of Minnesota said to-day be intended to intro duce a bill to repeal the pre-emption *aws. This would be in accordance with the rec ommendation of the secretary of tke in terior and the course of general land office. Mr. Washburn introduced a similar meas ure in the last congress, but it failed to pass the senate. The discussion of the bill, how ever, resulted in the exposure of numerous frauds committed under the law and in the passage of a provision authorizing the special service in the land office to investigate these abuses, resulting in the cancellation of a great ninny fraudulent entries. Mr. Strait of Minnesota will introduce a biil providing for the sale, atter ap praisal and proper notice, to the highest bidoer, the bids to be sealed, ot pine timber lands, chi»fly valuable for the timber on them. While Mr, Strait believes that a great many frauds have been emu-lined under the pre-emption laws, Ue s»ys a great many honest settlers have betn wr n«ed by the investigation of the special servic-'. Many entries have been canceled simply because the settler had failed, from no fault of their own to fully comply with all the requirements. He think thev should not have been deprived of their entry, espec ially HS their intentior was sincere. He is, however, inclined to favor the (repeal of the pre-empHon. He says the pubhe lands are being so rapidly taken up, that in a few years they will btcome scarce, arid he thinks -t proper that those remaining should oe taken up bv actual settlers afur tivt years' re dence upon them. He thinks the viola^on of pre emption laws s practiced chit fly up on timber lands, the frauds being commu ted with the view of getting the timbtr. A' all events, they should be remedied. His bill contains a section to amend the timbi culture laws. Mr. Nelson of Minnesota will introduce bill of similar r-ffect to that of Mr. Sirait. The provisions of his bill were mentioned at length in these dispatch*ssome time agu. Mr. Washburn said he hoped to obtain il.e early acion or the nouse n this su'jecr, that he would be able to have it passed iu the senate this session. A Preacher Falln Dead In Church Rev. Warren H. Cud worth, pusior of the I'nitsrian Church of Out Father, at Kasi Boston Mass ,fell dead of apotdpxy iu the pul pit ofthe M«verick Coujrei ainnat church Thanksgiving, whiie he Wis offering pray er, in the union services bei«« held there. Dorinj* his prayer he stepped back and said to one of his brother clergymen in the pul pit: "I must atop," and leil to the iloor. The consternation of the immense con^re^a tion was in ten-P. and the services were at once discontinued. Mr. Cud worth was born in Lowell in 1825, graduated at Harvard and look charge ot his church in mr2, it beimr his first anil only parorate. He vl built it up from a /eeblefl .ck worshipping in a ball, until it come one of ftie most infl lential in New •Lo-dand. His Sundfiy schod from a mem bership o 60 increased to one of 700, it be ing the truest Unitarian Suoday school in tb» world Purine the war he w»s chaplain of the First Massachusetts rcim«nt. He tra? ied one year abroad. He was im mensely popitNr and was a member of the Bofc'on school board and a prominent ma son. ,• .. mmi Tlie our-ileriite unds, General (J.-or^. .Vil.Tell. of Tenm ^ho coiuiniiiidi'd Jefl' Tsou I ivi,,' ju,i. ttury es on on ins ilii^lxt Honthwurd stfier Gen. e's surrender, nnl/i- hed u let tor, iu winch lin ridnntiitH the reoeut st ite. n etit nf nti i llii-er ol' it .vlu hit nij ie^itnn» ti.iiil Mr. P.IUM had •'fC.ti.fiiMt of yold IIH K.tddle bii .s when rapton-d. GeuenU X)i brt-ii My* that thv spic:t., which Major 1", G. lute, the Menior |Uarter mastcr present, and each oflieerand soldier received the same amount--$20.•-'.I. Gen#r a! Dibiell adds Major White, fter the pi\ meuth were all made, handed me a re it in writing of the amount received hv lnin aud the iymeu's made to each im". nnmd, T-noivin-? i i N i S O O N i K K S S Moii'int/, Ih'crmber 3. SEJSATK.—r I« senate W« HOT'sk —At 12 o'clock Clerk McPherson rapped the house to order and proceeded to call the roll of representatives. Tne roll call disclosed 316 member#. Nommati'inft for sp«.ilif*v it) rdvr, Mr. O-iliifK said: "Initriii*r« fui -nnak-r of tld* liou-e r,f tliw Forty-eiiiL ii n«r.-Mr. Carlisle nf 'Kentucky, a man acknowledged totm pre-etniriendy QU:iitM for tho place." Mr ('auierou presented the name of K ifer of Old", and Mr. Lyman tli« name if lidMiHn of WasMiciiusott*. Messrs. ll:»rri».t TurKer, Ue«J a.knii were appointed *eller?«, and the chok proceeded cull the. roll. CARMSLE EI.ECTKO SPr.AK&U, The retail was as ftlnw»: Cnriislt) lUlU. S. \YI?-B Upim taking tho ch&f Mr. Carliate said: Uieu of the H-'iii« of ynur acin.n ilu^tr in: n-iiercei| inir ••ircuni!, H'-pl'eser!n»! ves I v^'j giuceiely for O.t hoMur .*• nt• rr-l upon uie ty *lm vote just taken. To be c'n'sen fr- iu tne mf' liiersi ip t»f a iy nke this, iu •.•^ulerh. rat't in. Is a diiaetiun upou which any ouiz-i, iua r-t eriy i-oiicratulate l.oij^e.f, an i 1 as^uri- cit y ur kindnt »i Is fuily ap!r.-ct .teJ. At liie «.uiuu uru- I realise the fact thai the position which von ive assiaued me is ff v -ry ^rea" l.vti an i r»-p slbiiity, andwbi epr .f. ,( y k.-rcefn' fi-r 'his ni oi lfestatiou of y»ur conUdcuee, I aliall tc discharge its (lutes a^nuus (iistrii*: if my capa--ity to m-e1. in p', b'.e n,ain-.. tho r« quirt uif nta of :h- oih.e I .t'Ui'-e, h«H: vt.r, u .l* 'te to your service ,i:: t'.e z tl a .if »l..rb I a in possessed of. (Icntletnen, tne niji:,'. u ance of order on the fl i- e.^nen'iai, a.i-i'iirely esst Dtiil, lo tin intelligent ui il ayu'einaii r»n-.ic tlon of public t)Usir:".ss, nrnl I earnestly inrit" v sir aanlstaoco in enforcing the rules aiioi'tel g.ivtrii tng ur procaedius*. The urge :iddi i..ti the roemtiersfrn of the huuie r.-uinng trum the late appnrionffient of repre«entatir»s makoif this duty even ltMrb diflicuit liiau i*for», an i without your C'lTihal -oper»tion an* Kuppurt I cannot re*Hi,u abiy iiope to ilScintrse tin- orlinary dailv liuriot of tb «(ffioe. That you wi.l cbe'Tiri y c-up- a i wi me ii »v-ry proper «ff,irt pr-n-rv" n-.ler anil taciiitute tbt* uf I i ,ve uo duubt.. Hut, gotr. ••n, I glial! a*k Boniethiritf more than raer *. •. ..erati.m. A^uring y,-u my earnest ,lrr.« a a i U'.nes ta !e i» ,m.i imtiar tiai, »*i!: I canin-: oxnect avoi.l aiel etiali Ic. c-nnit therefore, to freuu-ntlv. uo il'-unt, rely --TX rho friendly f-Ttj^aranou uf tin1 gen Uetneij i htdw-i ot tlie home. 1 .mi sur-, all iiia'P-r- S-..i,' -.!ui:-in preset,ted to .iu'fcis will ri-.-eivo from yi.a such enrefiii xiMdotatioa as the iiunntu-i 4i.d CllUflL'.' the IF.IT-1--»T« INI Without tletaminif y„n mriUer. I am re „iv n, tatA aws0rn !0,fr0fflCt\t,r,'K,'n,',a 'D »h J'TnTf M'" I eri of «ar*' Mr° 1 11K, $1(»8 ((M». This report I l.rov.ght boun with me, but have lost or mislaid it. M,i jor White w*s a citizen of Ann Arundel county, Md„ but of late I have been un able to learn his address. In Pandas, Kva Strang?, was in her father's feed mill, and going t«o close to a abaft, her hair was caught around it. Her mother, standing uear. saved h«r by catch ing bold o! her hair be ow. until the ma chinery could bt- MOppf d. Mr. Washbrirn, au,j i caMed to order at 12 ni. by Presideut Pro Tem Edmund*, and prayer offered. The presideut laid before the senate the credential of re-electiou of Beck to succeed himself, of Palmer to succeed Ferry, aud Pike to succeed Rollins. The oath was administer® I to Beck, Bowen, Cul lum, Dolph and Ferry w'mse credentials were submitted at the last session. The customary resolution aotilying tfie house and president that the senate was ready for business were agreed to aud a recess of one hour t.ken. Ou reas sembling the recess was extended to 3 p. m. At 3 the sens e was again called to order, but there being no ptos pec:« of the speedy completion of house organization, adjourned. In administering the oath to senators the iron-clad tuth was taken by Beck. Bowen, Cudoni, Dolph, Frye, Hoar. McPherson, Maudtrson, Palm er, Pike, Plumb, Sabin, Saulsbury and Wilson. Tkeremainder took the modi tied »»ath. The new sena'urs are Pike, Ki-una, ti'.bsoM, CoUpiitt, Wilson, Rn.ldieoerger, Hahin. Palmer, Oullom, Manderson, Dolph and Mo wen. IVe. I Diitrmttr'siisd coo- UP«.-II THEM HO wiv servativ Si^'il«i) aii'l r.nht.-ai niniturea uf taws a n s e i u e 1 a n I i u :ljt»ri'st» yf .,e e .pie never to l« -HI: -rativety rli-rn.m lei) »v N examiiiattun ,.f the winjlu *uiij"»'t in ail ji* to (I-Ci.f.. how ttiey »h..u .1 ami wi.en and what mamer they .bouli l.-e may,.. [An pl.«ii«e.l If fis. .. ,tnv w!l ,, a ,,r bo agreeably dmppmnt.-!. Wlut t.v .uiMrv !,.»» f."^1 ,,r ,rL'. I'"1 ee:,!„ nay ut a.bii n. iBt.atiori In-very o-pirirneNt „f td, g..wMnment» Jupt atid wj'ul -asa'mn for pub.ic purpes^, f.,i:b Jul oti~ rs.e.i-e :,f Hi- nilta:iO(l» of the i (lf1st.tu on arrtipuieiiH r^.rd fur tin, and ,«•. »,!. hi f. I0*,'- ll"" P-nle Mor t::al ib.«y ,1 hiHpiiwer to pro'net Hiem dtfAinsi. entro,ch!in-,11 fr.un.T rv !i-...-ii,n i ever can be iloiin utnler tie.- cirnons nm-os 8urr.iiir.diug us to meet mu ,.xpe.-Ht fo be Oi tiH ID ro ju.!Bn,ein. «„t. Cflti.,, .arx.u.nsar.ou of (Anpiius-e) a'' ,Mvh iJmhdat«.red 4 I to crsaie a bureau of am- ni»l ^dustry, Senator Ihnjk'rt bill to remove poll to* 41 diinbilineH ami open ihe »r,7v in" i lo o.'e h'.rtu pants in tne iat ref,e ,i0ri fcx-Uator Hoar's I,owtll bankruptcy buj and ot.ers. Senator Iiifall8 imrodme n hi* to jKran arrearages of p,n-ooI)a to a Senator" "v I8" V,pllCal]0, ia ''hnui.d- imrodutifd an ei.-h'or.ue measure providing: f„r tlietMdh- ei u WUH ear ned ii ttiiin of four w.i-rorjs ...nd umount- 1 to irlhH.lH'O, was puid to the troops at V-,hiu^t.n, lf.1., by ordi of G-ncnd lln ckenridge. The money was made over luwI ... ii. e jti IhtSh I/.J (he bounty ot the v. 10 A how he had disburse !,en8,,'n jiii ,n Ji i lh(J 1!,,! HK.— rne democratic 'on Z getnei-ilutr w! i N«ison. The drttwJ^J into another ele( J"K^''. was finally ^tp^** message was begun. rrom tlie Aiigunta (ya,^ lit. lie 'MIS U liiOHt :or.-* |iio fi!iu(i v, Uli of his eminent', perience. He had no tor, becuuseof UWDT inUdlect. Many of uHt promptu, mid it ness there was in and with whatdestnng his arguments. HiSw., •Ir.imatic MirrontiilitR tmd. A prodigious .]Linn cttllH "the tiea^urv stood hi 111 i n good «,*}/, ttirate st i' istjefi from his tongue hh the the uladiatorpj plr^o was deep, renouutit •slider p. rfect control whisjM'r as !1 an tli" mo^i lution. penetrated civn tl'l". Tiiere was ftl tllto what nniv b»- c.dled thn 8U .' h' n and noiuetiinth a (V# I., 1 HiTcr miVv eUvr. i (N Y j... 1 R'll'hiMun -,L»eey \Mich.) 1 The clerk declared Mi. el et.'d, and Ifeflsr-. Randall an.l Keif.-r i*r-.rie.I (lie irei.tli'.-iiao to tin) c!ja:r. iii- :r ranee mto tie' h,inil.«r TH« SIGNAL FOR LNUTL SP:.JUHI\ v tb.:t made us regret t:.eir -andor of Z n-ham f'a, •Illdj^e ud, ew,i!j t. orator in public comjitiiis.tu. the m« st rin^ lit !Ui seltatdis, ii.i. the eh.iijil-. uft RU lit- sp'e. and there is mi on- to X«'\t to Mr. Cinking jj nit in ehupp-iu'e, is e •Iudje l.tlinntp s. \sL t, laled by his lutegntv. i Mr. PMiinini1-are luure !ik anythii:^ but tii-v ti4, are delivered without u E »eu Mr. lii one, toward it to wutteii or priLhd and Kdintuiii.- were nh,Ui hem k wl.o did not -i«8 !. Mr. IMUIUIP1- vt.muB .hi-«1 tfie republici.ti -n tp-:ji eloquence. W n.(t !he nesi e nn-.i iv bnt the .'hmo s. A'iii 'ihov the f„M.l-U (.1 i. Ou the democratic ide ti senators ale xt-n:j«rins. Nothing could be fitiii'-r. Us Mr. Hill'i speoehe-, whrtt or the moment or prcja d. hide Mr. Co!,k'.H K HH 'f e tr senate, ai.d -uperier to tiir1 ordinary of. .««tans. Tbej 1: prestt respect for evh other -tr-n^th, and, tliotivh theim. in my, neither tnui^.nnd^dtl debate. bbn.'D, h.ird lii« ui'd taken, bin aiwa\-« Wi'.L. ll mils BO S'.llis be'.V feet the wound np.'ii Mr il., a 1- u o n e i je-dure. It will, i'.r --IB! i .tpair tlie r'lt'.uidits and S'.L .irti'-ol.ttion, but hniue uf' have, fratu ca o" ea in U" sense iu'cuor t. '•yhibitions of the past. S"ii!i'':- l! ha-" ruiHs t: utid nom lion man ^.'iip*. idilres»•:in fh'-i \'r i-is-i^u. e mo.-t ie tl»t Hi i's terrible arrtriiruii'-U•' nf th It eont- St the I c.iiiii' as the eoniuenie-' h-rc. i* 1 tuv! hi nai» uub- -y. an i, in myopu, n, tr.rl 'Jm exist "nices, U'di -har,«—» w »,„» p« fa- T'pr^bij recoivf.1 by u. y cuti-iilorai-i.- monbi ot !b-".e whj !,.tV( t'lvi tl serious ut'.'iitl.ei in t:,.. sub ject. fAi.plaue.J Many lefonn* are uml-.a'iteilly 8 atl,i wili p.. y,,nr ii,iv, .Itr-r a c.u-ful of re pi i !or it. I,t't .ti ill \ng whsT.. h-iVIMV 11ot i io-h into -]o bn'l "been in n!:'1 DuniiK th:-! extr,' lepjv'cafed Miaku Hiihfated to S' n.iint b:ii'.-.-r. i. ii:?t U-i.h saw tiii* .nan to untile |)aw««i ind II ind Lo^'in i-iek of 'he en-o-fi eurotir.i^i-1 hi in to a .„ on tnii or any u'.li-r-ul j-tt wii! Ac'UAi.y be iuj ,ri oustm any mter-.r, or even aff. i ,• toi alarm, I auJ gu j:.. h!jr( vi ,| -I fe Hi R' 1] n-.ry trffl manv 11 1 koi^p v.i' •a hn In- did. An who bail been in p:.^ i told the writer that of all bad known "(i in* Hid-:.t Ol: iheihsil!-.!. rii'Ot. 0 ore lif 1ms Op] ur.el:iSi'J:'l Vi-iulj- lva'is hw l'( Miib'toll, S1 lioeS luld l1'' 11 oiipton. Mr. Lunar hiriij sell' withmit in mu-fril't. v-odd nut tako five nim'i he bus composed. L^'-t d# of tlie hu-.mi.'s.di'ka^ fore him, and i-acrdi'' |"e, atorical lliieucy. Mr. l*-h!!i category. 'I ho n-infi orator of tm-3'"1 st, of Missouri. Ht' Mr. K. the ol'ietit memher corninuou* ».ervi •iiy, and arnsle callMil the byline to f,n!.-r ho roil of states wa, called ami m-tn-.e forward and took the oal untf journed.! ad- Tuemlntj Ht remhfr 4. Ihere was a perbct av lauche of hills in the senate, numuerinsr, exmunive of joint reaoluiioi.a, 250 Many of them were reintroiucMons of o:d raeasn:e» among which W,re senator Ln,hern's aid Senator E Imumh' iTi.h bills w j,jcfl a s s i s s i o u S .- n i o W i 1 1 i faiU .t i n i Pr^on- !ernia»i Morrill iufi-Ovtuceil u of the bl.yer dollar. Heaafur' Mc" Miilau lHtroductd a hill t0 as«r^n .» mounts due to citizens of the U n'eo s tor htipphes furni-i,,,, 1 1 i V a n 18 i •i iire is a- hurt ami tinfc-^j I', niund Ke.iti *.c» fainouH Uiiujediuti. •a hp'h niore ttian tu i^*'s dofnets of |ierson. Mr. e! 'sued as one of the f«'# iors of the senate, el-:.Inwi ent for tiseftl as n '.pe:i.'ier, and uo u.|! 1 '1 his or.itory and f»*i 1»M ll»« £1S| 111 retort. Aieuiory l»y n FlO'l) tiie Detroit Fit.'" In olio of the j'l-i* dnv ill a suit for nwl l'' tenii{» upon land and the witness s w e* Ituild that fence?" was it? "Well, iet's se year that tuy broflier-" broke in .* wresilm'4 ,UI" "Well, what i rodtn a tiil I 1 i J" nom ao8 nimur uttioes were e cctedand HWon. 0mMi W W or^na Ui year 6 in A C'"»n, .,1 re J2? «ver communication he was n f" fatisiii'.i, T!le busine^B of drawing atJt Was |ir(»c^eiied With. sijaU J": delegation gof 8(,)l}u to ,. .„t «r 1Uj .! ,H ,7 k* li v W^nourn, was tM I w a s u s s i o u s Onfall boy dtoatied wan tle»t 'vas cii/hteen 1 4,0iu't yon reitifln!-, 1 I ought to. Let'dNee. that wo took the Ith-'^ft11 well Tyler's second tr« with a tm peddler, and o o e s i e o i on tho peddb 1 k"0'" ,t to the bushes." that you ilt the fetiL'« year that all this ha|H,ei' before or after. my old woman a l\ ej act." "How?" "k.V» last half of that by a cow, and she h' owned the Ueast and W the head." It was ci dato remain in nee-hi*10 ness suddenly bethoui? wm '•somewhere arotJ"1 l5{| that Brawn's borses seaied in row. «iat tne row n, }r.,( r*u into Deacon Tracy s »r0"