Newspaper Page Text
L„ il« Siilfi-aife Wj»'"W »p°" Loo of Clieyeii'io an.l i have pat thl 'l iu tiun to '"ofulloUssc-a among my fthjeh is ahnotd co-exten- popu'ation of Chovenne. rallied: "When I lived 'fjild have scorned an dollars for n.y vote on Vrein Wvoiinng. when ts ur politic* a mnroe of ,, n and immorality than who IKK I acted for years gheritf, anil city mar- !t i t).ni wo mm u e all lor (jav, and the gocl ones e who don't attend Sun Ihtf roplies of wimen nat thfV were iihid of a agniu-t toad men or for ae sail thty never had gonw or twice to «*nj-»y Vfew avowed that ttn*y coolitics. and never yo* I EN' CK.VT8. Mr, A. Boms, three miies tat,,s ys he wouldn't bavf •a ice of iiving tefore he usee .tters. He had dyspepsia ind was curfd by three «r«»!ien' preparation. I HE llOZUV -s-n«» iVstiti^o, Wis., ask* iweifs bottles of Burdock i«y cared her of erysipe- ,and she expresses ber- "imi about it. She is no w »r", however. ^IBKR ONE re Burdock Hlood Witter® iictat. They c.ired her complaint when no eth. tried would do it. This Kuw ef Linn Grove. 1 Bitters are sold by every Mot to try tnero to try 'ta. k Co., Prop's, Buffi." fattier on re i hug •t Atlantic City, N. J. ter's rront teeth pulled die attentionn of an man. i a /a »ny. Mmae Hi mie treai n 4 -nt of al •v^p-n in tu« world. Girbo Hues. i .u j.-tj snail grieve, U,' a* w'h retrieve e v i i s o w u i s 1 i 1 Jf-'illT H-'pl f*- ff-iitrs. SJ i wa I 'wire bunnfi from K v e:«,H I luv^ wr iHin^ it tor three- •X() u r!"fici:l^ fi trouhSn VRFR. I IF V\ *«.•! H. WR v, •ii, 22 '«2 I nm OMt-n alii c. «i »ld in tic Head. 1 used acc"'n II'N u 1 j, P- F. MI: ui.mi i'K( Judg :i j, price y or i ji7i. HI use Wi»rit.t 'ri'iK.: nurk easily cr-d:ted v ie »ihpiursiis Nr»l.l a •n Tonic Bitters, how 8 'o I'm class int i«* th ""id kniwn. All i en 11 of J. Alien, 8t. .S ir« iraat, etf., 1 0Mc hialT: octies," n Boidonly in boxes, n m*a |i« w it.h flon the Wtun th? eyRteni i s j' a c,) iia, oi.p-. s-iion I'Mi thf br«»st. A.l- I U i i 0 1 U n earts i i restore the '"di-r rorcol'.K couuW '^h. cw.rrb, He Take ariher a^d other rem- |»ui orphan*,, una wunld like to enii^ta vou to bxk 1 ullD Y .ATlm« 1 u"t for the votcB of my 1-. wife «n.l tlire»* dau^ti- ,orngives way to a cm- 1 lb equal Uw!.at I earn, n y it don't niatt.-r iwm-li I I've all Lot citizen of the torn he. vote our women rela •. rbalani-e the votes ot the a e n a n s e n e n e "oit it* i "di«taiiruishe.l member ,-wered: "None, exccpt- e„ ClnfrBa,, K well bh l^rt. I have Ulked it np w.tli the hoj'H, an.l wo will b.. thin« with Mm, tbl! 3m ,al (lo ri of d«',l,|oiilyoi. 1rii '-'-!,-tS will t.-li v »U. |S V "PN.-or, Paul. SIT-. M-reil, Sthi^-v.rd (ft I'rttii, Mian. J. NEITR4LT.'IA, NERVOUS A.LL( LU nenriatjMitlv ami ti„, v '»'"j I' ll si At driu:^i,».n, «r |»v -v. nii». N. w \.i,k. ""p-^won of 1 'n 1. I! v lr 'i us ••••t tin. ... 4 "'I -Vile, a:,(| 'I ,M 'i ». Hazard 111,1 ri, booth. Vh 'f V i^ 0 i-f" md K» the mmare tt nd ftttl ors-med to mak« Mn tho following nlfw: w« will come down aft^r you with a K ood convevutuo mid will K'V" yon thu rat« of Ttn D.iihrs p. d:iy and t»onrd, ttU whall vou ub.-at one weak. If you tnink it n^'.rv you can have one or two of year l, st nnii actors cotn«»up wi»h voir bu 1 ho:» •'. V »!io d.ii.-ii *i!l write ,• *w Jr ij|. lm n „'t ?my them ovor thriM) dollars a day and foftd V"u k»w how ttiat is y »urh«lf, thiH kind of iMiio nh in awful uno«rUin. You o have Honn fun out of it a hunting A-ur and fox' .wound FliiuiKburjjMMid lid V.'i!kuttfl, I'lr i^-c nic know tin soon us vou Y n y 1 V K S S W V V S i I v o u o n n e u u i i i o u n I k Mi-yer'a hound. She in a ^ood one." Inot).inc I. luii Ix.oth l, iH to tht« I'uuntry h-udwii a IIMIIM I u i.itviu of ln-il-oord! Swift'nHpmffe (S.iJ !,«, lu rfifitury S^rnfiMa of ti.e ml v ,or-t tv[^ T.., -o'dief-it' ia *ooit* tt^an yon c!«:n» i(1- it an •IllMl llvfi visb TC IliHt w.-jinH rlui niiHioa. liivrctntiH tiic Urj-atn't'a N adv.-rtis, i» tip.s i, uo "j s the i»t at hotm-itist-UKHT't. You e«n dmre to .u ca'i -iintr ,o i- i ilt rc child i a i i i i n i i e s a i i v i n n u i n o i aud yo i i. -»n I dev opi aud etiifivd es the H*r. Tne iii'isic is |n-rf-c»lj hi-ura'r, awd th*- wonderful ()rja?,r*ta will pl«y any tm»-. At the p-ri^e .f iTxi, it w:ttun the reach o i *1!. I used 8., i!iAs Specific 8. a) for a bad ctk-v o* Blood 1'jihoa irom Malaria, and em sat.^iii tiiat It saved my life a« I was -lvn. t«, e. C. G. frtM ,Sup's i, Work". Home, (ia. tUIT.U tlci'fj) mnii !.'» S. nUii.HH, o- ri'ifVn,,-. Kai,ta, Dr. War^r, your W'lnte VViin: of Tar jsyiup has been in my family and tour.d to be all hi id t'Ten n:ort: tlian vou ciaim ol u. JL,w It. a speedy cure tor a!! Tnroat and Lung TOP (1)0,DU uisiases. My W if«' and Children liev. I, A. o* M( Vernon, says. My children wrru ctM iVd witii a ooii^h re sulting Ir en Measm-i my wilew'tij a couith that had pr v nted her fro'ti s 1 ?'u more U»-8 'or ye*rs, and y«nr White Wine of Ta*" Hyriiji has ired ihf"' al! A E N S Lung Balsam! A GOOD FASiu MM -THAT WILL CURE- Coughs, Colds, Croup, l)» Mm. I 'sft ,.•! Ji i, KB ~t t. b» iii ia*t #tagf» ronmimption, n1 *M 1uJu.". il tv 'r it l- •.r» Aiu lnu« HalMtn *tt»r the f«r'i«iiii »u fh»wa htro W .khi» t'»r th*S tt at cu ii hi« kn4 :f he wwi »l. 1-. 1 V* wnt»« April I. Ihlit n. u« i I .inf B». ha* cnri*'l us of Ciin*.iinjt:!i the •», m. '.»-t her ii|- incurat .e *t« in-if liniiw h»v^ lakisii th' SA in ft i *fn riir-. I VT.,nV. uM »!i. ii:: »e it tr 0 Kl b'.'U i'in. 25 cenr-i. It r.. o IV s u a ii »1f« Pu!inon*ry Con- iump'.ioD 1 s t- ru o it i. incur ible f-) h,«| •!»,.! n i. n *h« ... 1 I, s t, 1 cr.Mrt-t rurtuher. Il« it'i» :id his think it .» CONSUMPTION -of Alien s Lung Balsam Is harmless to the »t Ceilr ito child It corit iln« no Opium in tin) form Rw*rfoiueiiiieil by I'lnMriiui*. Miiii^trr*. »nd NnrM-». In U i-v t-r.. «t- !i.i« 'i-v good tr'aS. If Vcii fiiK in ItT-lfu 1 liriu f. A"* an E*p*ctorant it has no Ecjual. SOLD BY ALL WFO'f'NF OF*'I WS- $ «, TSWHIBM? I S OHFIO CiOWe-LS* I S O O E E O i V n A A I A tUm eiocr^haoi ft: i From tt e.-« ttie diseii Fvni *l'k •ell Uf VI til Tne8 .. Moth-.U"- nilt, froitii". t* ®te*'V i-iiljnm efirrenllfi?.*' 4 O. u of hotly or n»'.al, |in»l. Irrit.-.t lll'y Of temper, HI fc-e 11 ii of hi»* «C Home duty, !»!/..',.I. Usttcruia Xlrart, «»•.«» before II rJ''«.•»'14» rnd Irt :»n, 1'0,V^TIPA ti llt) MI W ni-ACK Ct.aY S V tuivo TT-c .:II. Their actio e». |b« K. 1, ,.vn.,!,,! -k 1 n "1 ti!:.o p"otu Hll'i, ,p. ritu, 9 Utn.t'.-O tltrr.* protureni* «I PJ :.', .,nm»ddiirentioii, f'lixa skin an* 1 a vi^orousbodTl j* s ,. cause no natiH'-p or""! a cur»* i,.- T-. .-r«, cw*-.'! rt Cunx .' •tao i y o pM'-iC ioti of o*. s- lOll 11 1 ..1 I- I r„ 1-® vf it on receipt or i -'Nt .-ii' Street. Nfw of*. Al r*!? W i T-.f-x TJir "t OFUSEfSilffCfiPTS JI -M DR. HORSE'S aECT|l£iLT XM•* {:v 1 K !f, .lit-i i v-i lib it, Kid- -. K«^S) Y E E o i rVoi*^' Ul'.^ 11 fin i'»» :i. ,) v e,tt nu'ti K-»in l"t- 11 i. |. lt'il'1 it TLMT'1,! "LR &"R t»rf,m U Wafi Roina 1 a V .VPt,Jjnia. llettH ••win Con-^tl*" f/fCTKrprif ,.d fs«r»7- 1 feiip Hm.IM? -..I ir'it* u al'. n,..t wortt tn tbe U- e for t*« ES U 6 6 '110)1 fOil r!t fospeot, K 1 4 l'toy Cdl,d i ^say n 1!U ug mJH an ", Dr .^ ie ,l ,t, in fit of tumr widows und iy r- I N O e a PATEKTS^ri^."^ v »n aiii. m*..m, Fitters Hiiniht j/oinn 1MT7P. •n 4 .'CitU i '. .U'^.|*tn t: li!r. Ohio. r-t« ii» .f th« cur* o* Vnv lli-M K:p#'nni kr -a i| !.i r. »d .•. .if: -.•••! »i" Bron rliltti *.ir. 1 l{ (j 11t.^ IUo»t lK81tlV0 nt from eminent physi.-i u w and tins I »n.r df. vi PH'il for-'ii .»i rjiii, snuouifMiiii lai't iiro e i I i s Its a'i un alUiiittiv!' i( aiKor coiiihrionn of tllp liver 411(1 bovs^iw, iiilit A iT.'vi-ntivc J'l*l dlKPtMf'R, i' I. ifss reii'iwDi'i 1 Far sa'c t(. i .. atiU rv. to (r It. -.!• ti, i'm Almanac LCURE FITS! Ii .. hHiU ,1 i rt'Turn Apa.n I i a th r, of rrrs F.rn.F.iN\ Ufrt im:'» 1 WWAhl !I!V f' B.M-AUS6 oihors i 'w rwi'lvi" a Hendut arid a i'r«e Bottle of my Infaiiiblo ia Otflco. IX lor a u I- j1. V1, fe-ik/ 1 An rn rl i I, ].i i li M-i N 1 U(.,^-^ f.iatul th* use of a j-n-'dy »uat a. oi»*h* 1'vcr. A-uiI iv»:i'inodiCi!ieTT -1 i I' IMJ rAP# 1 1 with rfnilr fforit fttidnioa ANTikOT£ 1 'O, ,' MIMIWl srr i« B* ... ke. $ TfiftS HAIR DY n .' S -'. ,' :UHS coiu you i win arlgt.. v iW York rzt'Xtfi n, o H(i rjfi ,c pJ^.w-siV* i AN wKUHLiiTHA IN tVtHV HOMt. It destroys the pleasure W a y s i s i a o s causes gt if -vous ]a:ns by day and fright nil dreams by of a t^ood dinner. It scitrs the d'-'jio^ititMi and makes its victim cris and petulant. m.iki'S the luvatli bad, the -yes leaden, and the Ii m.tkes the aj.pctite capricious and unreasonable Ji iii :s const.uit ^ruml'ding and complaining. What "Brown's Iron r»itt«'rs" Does. I: invigorates the weakened stomach, and enables it to digesi. 1* pr"jnot the enjoyim p.t tl a he.trty meal. I: enriches the ble- d, improves the liver, nn»l cheers the mind, it puri'iies the breath, clears the eyesight, and makes the skin natural, brii-os a re^tilar and he.-Jthy it ..ire seMs !^T THE AHH.'iV OF GIFTS WE PiOPU^t !V NG OUR PATRONS. s ,nt !t ti e- ios« i. ,i-k ta I»,:II ye*r« I n» I.uu* U»!»n-i ii-w ii.m it b« i i:-nl m*nJ -.'iir I i !-. Bruivititu. I i 1 S«-0 li« 4(1 S»n» 1 i-v JR021 BlT TliKS. BROVV.V'.S &-4•-.*<«* Cpright' i a« !-l '-,. W •in'.- (to ."i.POO «M» «,oeooo| imcfo... .... Total Amount, S i 02,400 OO Total Value, $ 14,300 OO I S I 1 1 I i S I JLTI^T'«»"T .HI .I*K"II.-JNV.NI TI«M!IHER«.R heart" T.-TK*. WILL BF GI", ti IEED i We!,, i-t •(.r.irMt jir'jyJi' Piie-o. rnl to fti-' IVM, :i': .-.i' Hnr 11 1,,-v: iff I 'i:.' k w vj-j air \Sk- T.-V-S •r V" .iM-itrifin- •|'.:'C*^I naK.111 SH Ill-TV 'j«t (jtt _* ,j .j i i(in.ii|,.l 1 i N K i! e y Nrvrrt 'v. liiini!»'r 01 i i,'- :i I'-f \Viiijh i-ieji, ami so o'l. ijntU lb-' '.OOTitis -ir,. V.' 'i -4.'- '••!'. 1" 1.^ tr--,,. iy ,M.4:mel, '.Si-!, .' 4 S & O V U e o w n O i o Cliew SPEAR^HEAD and Get a, Farm! j*. i w 'ii fr IT. W I sV in-- %v -f.n ,| v Ojiiil oo-V- ri. y '-t-t. •, :M "it fci.U'. London Colored Christmas and New Year's Cards. three t" Hoi.i Kll« M4ll 't. 1 I il f, r-d-1 i R'l ii'- Af'tlf Raw H'Ti K nii-wante.! MO KK. V-i X1 U an:i«er. Mi-nu. AW i- .la.'k-i.ll stre. t. Saint I'au! n Hi!.i Hii:. A-." Jit-, TV Ce' :i':\' bih.-r il i- I'.cH. '\«ldn»% Mie.-j'.iei-. r. O. B--X iii' itl-". lit. & SPEfiiriC FOR fitumis, Convul- v L'ril, It (trees(/rrat e a nd ci" i •'mt ?ioiis, /'a 111 n Sickness, St. Vittu, Oaiit'c, I s Jli?Il •,*!*• in vuJ.v- ia(i, riiling or Alcohol* iti hi aUhfu irvulut i: n, i .Scroftil'i, Aiwjs II pels rh e Ugly Wood Diseases, Dyspep* j" i i 1 *crvousneas, 1 \l i'iiiusui^ -w, Non-ousPn-trrmou, kr.hw Tn"'' /rn i'l-At. Miple TCMI I ilttllil" lr. rl. IJ. ^!'.-' !. Al' r, ti..: 'orre'»i'«n«». (.// ci-'i--. j,* Nerve Tonic, A 1'onitlTHi T5«m f«iy fi.r nl I forum te iiilitj. 1 Jy-jwiinia, !-!|.inrU ArtVel ion* 'liorw, S rn j. I. lie tic N»rv"-n l»'n»ni:i n*ii! oC ttip }t ii ft. Liver Ami K i•!ji ys.uinl nil other Mtrvou» Scii'l Btutm f«r Ciivii I sr. A lri-HH, I)t{. I N N I V I.', Smith 'third .Minnp(i|ilii, Miiin Also for prtl« by 'ruy^i"'*. WHIKE ALL ELSE FAi 'Viji w IP 1 JWI? .-s N S U n ronr Ti"ra« »nd outfll F'+«- AddriMw it it A I LK RI A CO 1'ortlnna, Vie. A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT that will play sny tune, and that any one, even a child, can operate. e O i«if u i- n^ti.y ii* wcr.plif 1 Mil a ^viru -wi r«*^utatif.n, tfial u u it 1(4 lift JH'IM'WITV. Ii UJ be tuth' j» a 1'iri^ r.« "l oP.^v fu.' pavi a.ri popular !IIII*H\ MUPJS. (LNNR«'« rin.i l«. say t.ta*. r. •$ lady a li v tl It oi 1 MT.T^ImN Ii )X ail r« i*r i *«*. t-t t.I Hum N p'l^T 1 *f k. V/ s* 1 1 I L/ 1 a 1 2' n a n tita oat merketi. Wi.i Marram tic. b' w- tl 'h k* SV\ M.f,, A fctrip of pt rturaicri pa|»» ftatj iT i- (-iriy l«• .a« me :i«-i t, iin in t:ipu'turc. at-d turn li 4 111 ra:» .t'.b- i MI pi .» t. i- jvr!" ti) t« |n il turn* th- turn.' in tne iiHfrutti' the hand c, v h. pfrfrtt %n tt. wi.iiuui ilir- ii a«t kt jiort rniiT rvpn a In? it. V. rtUUi rt»ne, J^cnl tnusw 1 can J- 1 1 r. v i* i *1 ,| "c I 1 'If It .« 1 Hi i'l i if k mf iui human u»»r o hy It n nM au I nikr* I *'J»L tt'iU UN#: n*-»r? vntu.w VDM- K! AT- illy H'r: 4. unr-c „f to plate at(in »«,• I .i- lifL'aiatia. tiiiiuKh fU »ij. uul t, VO.HII fur $3 4 the tu'iip number uf It C'Oit rrols visiiy- ttie »*ni« lunc*. our oiler i inn On ri-(ijit til' #ST i wnd t'.f (irr:i'n by rxj)iv to uiWn^s 'tt include I E SJI.liO worth t" mumc, ur i !#5 «i'» i.l i it wuti M.AO worth of DiuilC rSEK.or titt.-'i** we wHi NCl It Wil'l »nioit t. I II.I.KIC. I I'. pure I- u:* 1 I'U-.-kl* io.»d at prop» Yhsse i(/n11 ).mo. 3- 1 «t' v apjioiiit ti nt pun !.a-r tr in a- y v n our nt. it' A LIAR. k 0 »ll I Wdkhmgtun St., Boston, Mat*. assachosetfs Organ Co., 57 night. uaiiow. skin W.OIMI k I.'IM i ,\SJ 1'M.A, !'.! 11 III i Ni'iin: ii in, It lieii'init ssm. .'till \».i IS A V I Y N K 1.1 N I KN '"•jr th *r and .Mi/ L'se IS i U' V for •lintii-" the Hi/.-, i-ev. ts .n:-h"» Ii""-'- four ill. I widi lon-.i' h. f-.-. oil '-.ell.t Ot lii-i I.'. pi ci- rt HtJSHiNti co.. (i,,\ 4. \e v Vork P.O. I ,u, s tiff n e s "i l.i, 11 err $ Ala i, i: in" tinty tori cutnrn* mt jt." .. Pr. i». r. flvde, K-uisas. "Ifeared v !iei«s pli'^lcuiim tatb f» 1,., p, LIOHH anil tiuiu. CHAITEH 1 "I was tab--., .VVK a y«?ar ago With bilious ver "My doctor pronounced me cured, bat I got sick a.»ain, with tumble paius to my back and fides, and I got HO bad I I ould not movf! I shrunk! From 228 lbs. to 12 I'ric»»- fl.flfi r^r twttle or fi tor •." no. 8em t»y e* on roiwiit of money. 1 I iiiiiiior. n:« s. THE J.SOIIWOU3 AMO'JI'ir OF SPEAR-HEAD PLUG CHEWING TOBACCO! Ilitv e il, ins:mi-. iimit'f- -. 11 i* 4 A i •.- ..Wl .... a, -I«o IH» 1 ..»«• «-,fcti.»i 1 ifiUn-fin IO 'I .",.(101) tor. N' I Noll No !l !•_' M:i oo i'»i ••.-1• tii. vi i'... nil 5JO Sti-ttv-W mrtiiig ."W 9.HOO mi -i-'ti'ld Mtr.• n. in «MN M. r-.-t-l-o I i .. X. MIf -atii-ii ost our tn tree to Bppiirante, GIVE& AWAY! $102,409.00! H2,4HI I I »-i» 1 V '.«» 1M» «U ti ll llll o«t mm jolij p.. Hwamp will y .relieve tnesp ternS'ie n.' •1 k, wl! ji'i'i'.ivelv pure i-.'-t- rase* out ot l'i rin .'.i -., timt save n,j» n lives i lit neiil Iion't i.-v a m.Hietit. IJMMI'.NT CCKI .n liitni.'ii/.*, Una: I'l,V. e I i i u u i S FITS ANY STOVE PIPE ANI 1 SI HCNC.OT K v i V N I N A A I i i i i i i i n s n i i AGENTS J: $ ST-V! I K I 1 MS TO, THE TRiiM MFG. CO,, Cincinnati, Ohio, Feci and A nk/e. The ED:-.ON ELt CTE/0 GARTER de velops the 00T und A\KLE imn per fect form, $..-pporta and strengthens the hrnbs, ei'ids nuirye/lous gruoo and '!/HSiiciiy to the step, This o/z-fl. h'KS mueii ion Edsons' '(Iriemy.l.KII.H inn." mut i,r- i h"lhj cuje-r- «. t. Ji'i ry I 'll! /. r111 of (I rti for I I« ti,-«,Oei If- ^!PP IM ii. or C-'.t/ ioutric II nt ie» anrj m'u. ii'i,'fe 1'itin.f, suto. rfr'»i«a vntr. Tl. i y ure worn I ihe Iti'ithkalland Garter. I i in 1'3 /jjhen ina i m, .. ,, \\. mul/cft. ir rv, Jilood A'oret, I ," 1 A. I. E FI '-ER, P-I I r«*e! II iinvrrcii. •. ihi/hd y t4iifi•». c.. i .. Joseph, Mr. o Pf-df'-rc- ... \t. 'OKpn'j Ff rr-if: i o rip p"r pr W I had been doc- torinjr for my liver, but it did menogood. I did not expect to live more than ihiee monthfi. 1 befjitn to use Hop Bittera. Directly my appetite returned, twy puma left me, my entire system seemed re iioued^as 51 ly ina^ic,and after u*mn sev erai boitles 1 am not only as sound ns a sovereign but wei^b more than I did be lore. To Hop Bitters I owe tnv life." Dublin, June ti, "Si. H. Fir/avvntica. envTTKU u "Maiden, Mass o 1, issd. Uetitkmeii 1 -utf. rid with atlaetia ut »iok headache." Neuralgia, female trouble, for years in tne most terrible and excruciating man ner. No medicine or doctor could give mw reliefer cure until I used liop Butera. "The lirst bottle Nearly cured me The pet ond made me as well and strong as when a child, "And 1 have been so to this day." My has and was an invalid for twenty years with a serious "Kidney, liver and urinary ituphiini, "Pronounced by Boston's best phypi cianB— ''Incurable!" Seven butties of your bittt r- ured bin and 1 know of the "Lives of eight persons" In my neighborhood that have been saved by your bitiers, And many more are using them wili great benelit. "They almost Do miracles?'' —MrH. E. I). Slack. How TO I I I-:!• S ICK.—K\pose yourseh day and night ea* too much without ex ercise work too hard without st doe •or all the time take all the vile nos trums advertised, and then you will want to know how to ^et well, which is an swered in three words-Take Hop Bittern! ONE OP THE BEST PHYSICIANS TESTIFIES. ur# 1 hiivi• b.-en toiiiL- Svrilt'H in ia ti ijiiite :uii". Uctv and 1 iv^ar 1 IT thfl LUSWL I-I IUIH II,itimi :t Island piliir.tT and It. ih entirely I 1 .'." 1 I iru i nt tile I \t ,1 t- ot IKO'I A tn. 'li irri w I ii thix v.-i-iii, i of (K"'r.. I^I. I .I.II ..i with -t» iiirtt-»'v limn th.- tirin th.- -hI hlmxt t:«u in i i -iniud Tin-: with it. miliar foratiiii w»« «l- tiiiii. .| ti-.'iii the 1 Tntia.TI.-~ It a OTIIHI «afo r. tor a!) km Im I.. out tMnrton MM! TTKIRT ti'-ver LHXm 'S i tsuiuro U'-fttnlttn IT h.'ivi- r':ai»-t cure. I oi-.NK!: \nt.s hail uiimt .-t.-uly t»il.-d by Uw- aft. I ni htle iia ^mji. ibomi ii! p.-o%.'ii metis'-A* tri-atm n*. wr.ti moietiry iUi"' ic iil ti A. l'errv. llow-t. u Ci.. Ua. U'-ukI n,0 Iii.ieuHt-ii intukc Tin: swiri .-ii i cii'ie co., t'l li AMUitli, 11 O The TTITRS 1 sale pr i 'H .S:-: s: -. *1 i Hi Miiiri-listr:-1 cii-vkitv 'i I. on GrtPi! ia led Mari and M-pt., each v e a 2 1 6 a w u lies, with over Ji.HOO*tk(ii»—a whole pio ire^allpry. (lives whole dirrrt tO Ct'ilftur/i'rn ,-.n all jfodf for personal or fanuiy i.-i*. Telh. ho* to order, and gives exact st of every thing you eat, t'rijik, wear, OT havt fuo w th. These invahnble iNK.ks con tain information gleancl from the mar keU of the world. We will mail a cerj Pre«9 to «Jdree« upon m-eipt of the pottage—7 .•*"?'». Let UB htar (rum yru RenpectfeUy, MONTGOMERY ^ARD a CO* lit 4i XI W»buk kl«f, 1U. CatarrhEtv s Cream Bull •. a.lf li• il !iy tlM ,n o tlie bom nl*. vr tie ali-iuri'txl, *lt» ':tll V I'legiiHinK til# .i tif catarrhal wt* •••.iiitiUB bealtliy -i tci- It allajw'ii-!luan-n. |:rote|» iiit uiemhraxiA of the »--if iisi'.-ia^'eri tro® :i iititiAi ('out'- rtia» t' iv heaU ti r«a i, 1 s.-toie* '»Hte aad A tew .'ipiilicfr ti 11' r«lev,i. 4 Ui'iif* «HU "relu iitrt Afr*e- io a«e. -fni tar ••ireuiar. Price, 60 ci«in.". lr mall, AY-FEVER or at druggiats. I V I K v O i K i i N y ,r fe»3C32f*" v: iiivj III wUI hf ih! TWO WMTI.W KitKR, t« t'irf A Kt'AH/ K 'iitKA MHK mi ln\* dU"k£*s $ iiiliciur. ve K.tfrftfMl I*. O ftil'lrt-HH. JUU. T. A. tLOCL il, HI IWi b... Maw York Folk should gend a three c»-Dt Htaniptor a fran l»ooh of n* »r- FOLKS y 1 0 0 a r- e n e v e i u of v»l tintefi by r. I., B. FuOte, the a-.lttloS' Of radical Commou Sense and Flain Talk on Brroftila, I)iNeaNa» of Men arnl Women uml all etirouic aiimeiit.i, with the evidences of ti IT lr I 'IV atitlily. AUiim-.h Mur ray iti.I Fuh. FREJfi mi on Box 7(j8, New Vork Oily. AG2JTS WftSTED i :S," v r.,u" ttnir tlachinn I'-cr i '.it i Vi ill i i f.'.t of s: .• .'••Mil IJI:»-.f.!•:.,! TOJRt-otH »!«•«,-.t »80 1 1 1 i I n 1 a n w i v .- s i o .- n n V W 1. v. t, I If) fl/vv-i-S li re-.i' .- I I It. t- f'l wiidihly I'.nee tiff MacliliK o. 1CJ irruioul t)i:.,vt, lk.6i.ju, i Thimh e :nd i e 'llu a .tl tuo:i *t»l e S O iJtnai: EX- I ii.N.s/r/ PR'CE, in Fi/irst $','k Wfbbing (usual colors), Stud and Buc*!e C.'rsp, 12, 13 15 yh, $!. 50 i7 inch, £2 CO pan v!r-d to any &ddft'$ on rece/j.' T^"rf HOW TO DO II tnwn at 3li0 or ovt-r lm li ti 11 a A atuiiikl ti«T§ fiew»l)»p» l^ Futl |)art ei)l«r» of tiow to mating a w. ekiv i*ijwr iureesRtulty, rs st ot outftt, neees-earv help rpiinireil, em! pa tiers Iti uae, ran tw had stt drtSMiiig NEW si'Al'EH ht'ltEAU. Uo* 4Hi, Chicago, lit. 10 ooo A ntsWjrai ctmaoi't «ft\H be::t no i ya tiers, i i ii to l«iil tAl- iir I'.tt'-at H.'WilM{ iitnne.l. ix.'iitefil IlUeilli-'ll I .ii! -y:.lent nl-r We C'ir-V i o ie:t t!l« attejiti.i i of iM.iti i-n.fil .y ent outurn (rae. fijLh-YSIiV M'F'ii Co.. U oo.lyu, N. Y 1I1TE BtAVK'KSCOt UH C'KKAM hMleiT.tUeMea oiiiK* i'r. irank Hiwell. La Ur.«^o, Wia. AGENTS sor^fOT RJ» & or Kan. i 40 :la. In at&nipt mt I't i Co., Chieigo. I UKSTH V ^N'TEl) fer the hc*t »nl taj.,,.„t lar-i I "iv o. V AI lj\i », n- KOlCfll\\ fa f\ uii l'i(tiirial t'...okn Mtiii Ujnle* 1'ricrwi r»ti od XI «nt NIO.IUAL HUIIUKIIIIIHT tJo ."feiea(.,o, t},. Mf'A' TriK.IHAPHT TIEVO &n<Vwei viih t/iva.i nt -it'iatiti'i Cireu- w I'.s'I'ICItN MKDM AI. M. J.'-i'iifi, Mo. KKE»h,.w -I'li-ifor (Va'i.uM