Newspaper Page Text
CHCRCH DIRKCTORY. KFfSCOi'AL. -Service in St. Charles hall, atrip. ro., Sunday, Octobor 7th. Rev. A. CATHOLIC—Kev. Father Hermelinsj, 1'ri^t. Sci vi. at Jii« intone December 2i. .Man* at l'» o'clock Mil) Htik. I)eceiub«r 9. Mass at 10 A. M. Srrvict* in Wilniot December lbth. Mass \,«»i{iiiS at 10 o'clock. in Croal UKRMAN MKTHOU1ST.—Sunday, July 1st it 10 a. in. in school home, and every third Sunday thereafter, Sunday school every Sunday at a. in. Prayer meeting every TLumfay evening at p. m. Rev. Cenrad Koiiihasse, Castor. i. o. o. r. ]nk]a Lodge, No. I O, I). P., will meet regularly evt rv TueMav eveniuc at o'clock in their hall. St. liarles Block. Visiting brothers comially invited. Market Reports OATS Mrs. Whitford, of Hastings, Minn., mother of I)r. J. Henry, arrived at her son's residence Tuesday evening, for a short sojourn. Full text of the President's Message and doings of Congress on inside page. Mrs. C. A. Bennett of Minneapolis, mother of K M. Bennett, Esq., is a guest for a few days, at the filial fire side. She is highly reputed in medi cal practice. Dr. Iluestis. dentist of Milhank will be in Big Stone City the 10th, 11th and 12th of December, at the St. Charles hotel where he will be glad to see all who may need Ins services Ex J. P. Munro now attests solemn asservations by virtue of a notarial i seal lately received. In other words, he has been appointed a Notary Pub lie. I'. Eldredge mourneth the way ward tendencies of his setter dog "'Frank." The same is lost, black and famous. Any information of its wlien.alvjuts will be gladly received by tiue, ott'fter. After ten years* tarrying in the east the wife of Joe D. Leavitt of Brown Earth has j*mied h«r husband in Da kota. lie was the fourth white set Win. Towrnseinl «f Brown Earth lias returned from a trip to Kev. school house, I'&rncll, Deem. I*-r Mh. .M:o-'s at 10 o'clock. Mcthoriiet.—Service* in St. Cliarl**s hnll every Sumlay at li):30 a in, anl at 7:00 m. Sunday sclioo'1 inuiie.tiately alter morning service. Class meeting immediately alter evening service. 1'raver meetings Wednes day 7:^0 in. Rev. J. H. Mooeis, pwtor. M'X»TS a Very (iKRVfAN KVANUKLIOAL—Rev. Pl». L*ux, (business of importance to the compa ny order of the board of direct i'astor. Service* 10:110 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sun-lav svhool W::U) a m. Prayer meeting every WednesdaT evening at 8 o'clock. nv. ors. A. N. O. J. J. STEv^jfgmr, Sec. TIME TABU.. H. & D. division C.. M. St. Owing Knst Pneaenger. :?'i a m. J'anneriger........ft: tfl m.. Railroad, (•oing West ...6:3o a .....6:*piuj Jt. j.\ 7ti WBKAT, NO. 1 h*rd No. 3 hard No. I 6# No. 2 64 'o. n 58 25 POTATOKS 20 JiUTTJsK SW KGG3 T»ke Notice. All parties indebted to us will save 10 per ccrit. interest for three months, by settling before Jan. 1st. After t'"at (iat:j. all accounts and interest on the same from Oct. 1st. will he collect el at once. OKIILKR k IIlSSKlt. LttfA I. l-ACOSIC*, Mince Meat, Dried Bepf, Jelly, Jam and Preserves at llatz liroA* Shakopee Flour always on hand at the feed store. Items of interest this week from Springdale, Roberts county. Humphrey's Homeopathic S|ecifics at Munro & Weller's. TheXorrish Elevator at Appleton, containing bushels of wheat was burned last Saturday evening. Total the contributes this week pointed HIUI inteivstiiisj article on one of the lines in which Bis Stone can ami may make itself famous. The subject should have the thought ful consideration and endorsement of every citizen this community. Xew Skates in large supplv and end less variety just received this week at ('has. Jictvher's hardware store. Stockholders of the Big Stone Lake Transportation Company, and stock holders only, are urgently requested to meet to-morrow (Saturday) evening 7 ?»U o'clock, at the IIEKALD ollice on Call and se« the new hay knife at Batcher's. "Will cut in loose Irtigf or straw a.s well as in the stack. Quarterly-meeting services flit St. Charles hall next Sabbath. Love feast at V:3o a. ni., followed by a ser mon by Rev. M. McCready. Presid ing Klder. Sa-rameiit at the close of the sermon. Kvening lecture by the pastor at the usual hour, 7:30 Subject —"Big Stone City in 1903, a problem for the live men among us.1* At the election of officers last Tues day evening.Inkpa Lodge. No 34,1. O. O. F., chose the iollowing officers for the first six months of Iss4: \V W. Downie, N. G. J- ,1. Stevenson. V. (J.: Baker, Sec.: Vf. 1{. Movius. IVr. Sec. Joe Bergman, Treas. W. IL Colenutt, Trustee. Installation will take place at New Years when the boys expect to have a good time at the expense of the successful candi dates. Great bargains in all kinds of heat ing stoves at Beteher's. Some railroad hands were this week burning prairie around a large supply of ties belonging to the Fargo South ren, at Ortonviile, when the pile caught tire and destroyed about 1500 before the live could be stopped. But for the timely assistance of (apt. Wil son who hurriedly rallied several wag on loads of men, lifty thousand ties and several freight cars would very probably have been burnod. For silver, silver-plated and nickle plated ware, skates, tilting, tubular lanterns, sausage-cutters and stuft'ers, at Charles Beteher's hardware store. La Crosse Club. O. B. Hueston, treasurer of the Big Stone Lacrosse Club, shows by the subjoined report that the club is in a healthy condition financially, and physically, any observer can see that the l»oys are a pretty husky set of fel lows: RECEIPTS. By membership& suba'n 833.00 Entertainment, 47. .'it J. S. Craig, lacrosses & balls, Treas. book, and telegraphing Expense mowing W. I). Leach, flags Expense, J. Parcher far East, but expresses Himself decidedly satisfied with Dakota, He says the latter is the garden spotof the United {States and that Grant county is the garden sj»ot of Dakota. Ifciffalo Overcoats and Boliea sold i'w ttnrtv days, 10 per cent, below reg ular pricea, at Oehler & Ilusser's Holiday hardware specialties con stantly arriving at Becher's. Mrs. Conrad Puder has had more than the average experience of wo men iu giving birth to her first-born, a girl, of whicb Dr. Whitford safely delivered her last Tuesday night. The mother Is nww considered in fav orable circumBtaoiGe+v, though it is not so well with the child. Thos. Smiley and Geo. F4Um worthy grangers fjom south of Mil hank, were welcome callers at tUU office* the fore part of the week. Ttoey kad come to IHebaAd & Tunell's rnilC tMit fiuding it «verstodked with work took tIte prists over to Kaerdher's. Tke^e tnilQ are tetter than a cailroad to this towo, Oehler ft Huwer sell the Kew Home Sewing Machine, one of the ciieiipest, lwst and mo it dur*J^e«iachines iu tbe narket. §80.30 KXPKXDITritKS f32.10 .75 1.50 .70 l.oo 21.VMI 1.00 2.85 1.05 17.45 Entertainment Mowing grounds Lacrosse bails Express, goods returned Balance ua hand Total $*0.30 The above items, combined in some instances, have dates varying from June 1st to Nov. 3, 1^3. n. v. si. Cloaks and Dolmans at 10 per cent. met at Montevideo, Dec. 4. lers than regular price, for cash, in an. effected a permanent organization order to close out the stock. Oehler 1 met ts at Ortonviile, Min i., on Jk llusser. tier in this e«uritv west of the Whet- advancement otthepractitioiier sinter stone and fought out alone his pioneer life. A. The Minnesota Valley Medical As- the Wednesday one week previous to the meeting of the Minnesota State Medical Association which, meets in June, 1SS4. The work of the meeting consisted of reports of interesting cases, reading of essays, exhibition of rare and valuable specimens, and gen discussion. We were very courteously received and entertained by the Montevideo members of the fraternity who are energetic and faithful workers in the est. Dr. it. WKLLKK. He Ifna No Objection INDIA NAPOI.IS. IND.—The Hon. Daniel W. Voorhees. I'nited States Senator from this State remarks: "My opinion sir, 1 have no objection to giving. 1 suffered from rheumatism of the back, used some St. Jacobs Oil, which gave me instantaneous relief and finally cured me completely. I think it a remarkable remedy, indeed. His candid and courteous express ion cairies weight. lierlin cooking ware, tlw latest in eoofcing utensils at Beteher's hard w«wej»tare. IIOLIDAY GOODS. Lamps *if ever style.—Libary-atud. ent. hanging, bracket, and night lamps. Taiije and jKcket cutlerv ltoger Bros., plated knives, forks and spoons, carver*stiid table-steels. Gran ite iron tea and coffee pots, fancy chamber sett*.. Gold Coin heating and baking stove#, cuspadores, crumb pans and hru«h#«, bread boxes, call bells, fluters. Empire and Xoveltv wringers! The celbrated Waterville ladies shears and scissors {varanted): bread knives thermometers, lted Star cleaning 'pow&tf, at CbuM Jh'teiisr's. Sprtnffdalr Doinis*. Springdale, l)e©« Can't*see why 2, 1883. About 7". per cent, of the wheat in this section has been marketed and the balance is locked in our granaries waiting for the "bears to relax then ^'springdale organized on the 20th ult. as a school township, with Jacob Webb, director David Eastman, clerk and W. V. Laird, treasurer. Twenty odd votes were cast. The Springdale Literary has held two meetings this fall both poorly at tended. The next meeting is lixed tor the evening of Jan. 5th. 18*4, when with the beginning of the year it. is hoped to stir up a little enthusiasm. Hope they may for it has een a source of great enjoyment the last two winters especially lor the little folks, for whose benefit it was organ ized. We learned to day that warrants are out for the arrest ol a certain ilniot blood and a Sherman gosling, charged with indecent assault upon the person of a couple of German girl*, in the streets of Wilmot, late Thanksgiving evening. We are informed by County 1 reas tirer Evans of Grant, that Treasurer Dittes of this county (Roberts) has no certified tax list from him, from the assessment of V2 yet fie (Dittes) is collecting taxes on that year's assess ment. and is also on the warpath after the shekels on the bogus assessment of this year. our county commissi oners did't order the Travare court house to be built on runners? It would have obviated quite an amount of trouble next fall, when we have to move it over to Wimot. Pre sume they meant all right they just didn't think of it. Now, Mr. Editor, if in your opinion this little bundle of items is worthy of perusal by your Good breech-loading single barrel shot-guns for $4,50 at C.has. Beteher's. Jones Wolf respectfully ask par ties indebted to them call and settle at once, as tney need the money to pay their own bills. Three lo-cent cakes of highly per fumed toilet soap ami a silk handker chief for 25 cents at Munro & Weller's. M. P. Y TO I.O AIK In small amounts, on short time Grant County Bunk. 011 1 have purchased at BOHAXINE, the oniy successful substitute for soap, 10 cents per pound package, at Munro & Weller's. Dissolution Notice. Notice in hereby given that the firm ol L'a ward Ik Stevenson is this day dissolved by mutual consent, A. H. I'awafd retiring. All accounts due said linn ar- »y tbl" to J. J. Stevenson, and all the firm indehtedueas is by him assumed, as I*T agreement. A. 11. CAWAKD. J. J. STKYKNSON. SUMMONS. OK ERRITORY DAKOTA, County of .... .'Court, before A. W. 1 (irant, In Justice Court, l^efore A. Movius Justice ol the Peace. CHAKI.KIS ISKTCHKR, Plaintiff, 1 AUNINST V 33. A'U.BN, Delendant, S Tlie Territory of flakota sendd greeting: To P. Allen, Defendant. (»u are liere by sututnoned lo appear lffore me, at my ol lice, 111 liig Stone City, in .said countv, on the loth day of January, A I). lSHt', at one o'clock, P. .. to answer to the complaint of the alove named plaintiff, which was tiled in my office the -JSth day of November, A. is-vi, by Charles Betcher, who claims to re cover ol you the sum ol 'J'wentv-three dollars and interest from and alter -Ian. 14th, A. D. 1HH-2, lor moneys paid by plaintiff lor work and labor done lor deleudaut. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and aiiHwer as aboye required, naid planum will take judgement against you iu said sum ol Tweuty-thive dollars M'ith in terest from aud alter January 1st, 1. (liven under HIT hand tins 4tli day of De cember, A. D. lhsa. Justice A, W. ol the Peace within and lor (irant County, D. T. K. M. henuett, Attorney for Plaintiff. ^*2 w Mailed rare all applkaiiuain* o( lut ntt y«ar viiboat ordcriag k. I ««ataiaa illiutntioaa, pricet, 4eterip(ioaa mA mcdioaa for plaatiM au V«g«ublc and flwii AttfMbis to mlU O.M. FCRRX & C0.*MMi, a Drugs, shall intelligent patrons, please give it a quiet corner in your valuable paper and we shall hold you in kind remembrance. COTKAU. Dressmaking, cutting and fitting also the "Jackson Model" taught by Mrs. Lupps. ltoonis over the HEUAI.I» office. Business Notice. I leave to infnnn the trade and public generally that having purchased the stock of the firm of (.'award k Stevenson, I will still continue at tlie old stand, and will be pleased to see all of our old customers, while respect fully Huliciting new trade. All debtoisare requested to pay thefr obli gations to the undersigned at maturity. Big Stone J. ). STKVKNSON. City, D. T. Nov isth, 1HS3. H. J. MceiVEAIN, Hanger. Movies. large stock of Lumber at prices which enav. bottom figures. 1 now have in stock Common LumWrin/ Shingles, Lath, Siding, Flooring, Sash. Doors, Moul^' Cement, Stucco and Plastering Hair in If you are going to build call and see I will save you money. THE CKLEllUATtif) P0KT llltlOX LIMtffi C. F. WEL DKALKK IN Patent Medicines, Sun Choice Confectionery, Fine Cigars, and Tc •WINDOW CURTAINS, SPRING ROLLERS. AND MXTl COItXKLL AVE.. Tim K CfTY. DAK. B^airbanks Scales, Iron and Wood Pumps for anti well, Snlky and Walking Plows P:un! and Oiis til all sizes, White Lead, Colored White Leail,w::ir Wood work of Mixed Paints of every shade. Steam Power Thresher Supplies, ineludiiii t'yiiwld Oil, Machine Oil. Axle irense inpaiU or (.'ans, Pelting, J^ace lit•ather. Novelty Wood Work J. M. BAKKll & CO- l'roi'iitt"'& BIG STON!:. CITY, BIG STONE I ATTENTION! Rubber and Hemp Parking. Machine Bolts and Stoves and Tinwa? Wagon Makers' and Blacksmiths' Suj Guns and Fishing Tackli, Powder, Sl:ot. S&elis. 4i BETO CHARLES all description CHARLES BBTCHBR. —DEAL Eli CITY. SiS SfJK manufi to order. I S Lumber, Lath, Sash, Doors, Cement, Stucco and all of Building Material-