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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
V. «E«| EL( U, nas, hosiery, iBlankets, is and Mitts |ID1XG S, a vGoods! New Goods a Quilts, Yarns, 'sCassimere i| IShirts, I iderwear, i 'obaooos. I: of Rood Lurk. OOc ip Star, fiOe Spe"r I,ewd' Sledge Ham mcr 0( H- specialty. VISIONS, Ifext Door to Post CHARLES of Building UX*E CITY. 1H(i STONE Buffalo Coats, Dog Skin Coats, Buffalo and Goat Robes, Duck Coats, Ulsters, TKAS. ea us corner stoM, and Sun cured Jap and un- i-it, soc a Plug. colored Japs. SUCCESS! months of business has convinced the undersigned thai they mistake in locating in Big Stone City. Thanking the public for and lioping by strict atteiition to business to merit future l»i' would call the attention of those who are expecting to build, that will do as well by you as any linn in town, and "H can de r'" Ruling in our van! a good stock of EASONBD LUMBER, and a tine assortment I K of N W I N I M) RS A wk for the Sign of the Wisconsin Lumber Co. L-, V DEALERS IN Ik mil Fancy Groceries. TEA Also a largo siiffly AIHITION AND Office BETCHER, —DEALER IN W, Lath, Sash, ®Di0iit, Stucco and CITY, 1 1 Overcoats, Clothing, 25c t, No* i Hard, ©Oc Japans, 35, 40, 50, 60 Army &Navy Stlld 70 CeiltS. }0,' Oolong, 60c W S. I.F. ACII A Nix'K. Proprietors. Doors, all kinds Material. DAK., i'lflDA Y. Tnc Hock Ulaiid Ivxtt nnioii. Accouiinj to the Worthington Advuucf', thf Burlington, Cedar Rapid & -Northern, or the IWk Island, is ruimiiiK two linos from Worthington, viz. One nearly dim north to connect With the Minneapolis & St. Louis, I md thence northwest to connect wite the Fargo Southern at Ortonville: on, i northward, via l'i}»e.stone, Urdway jctc., to Jhsmark. The line north has been sui veyed sixty.fdUi- miles into ellow Medicine county, to s point w eie it will connect with tha Minne apolis & St Louis when the latter road is extended west of Redwood Falls, land thence the JJurlingtoii, Cedar |Rajiids& Northern line will hear i northwest across ellow Medicine and i Lac qui Parle counties to Ortonville to reach the Fargo Southern connection. The surveyors returned to Worthing I ton a few weeks ago, having com. pleted their work on this line for the the season. Tney started on Friday morning last from Worthingtoii on the other, or the Rismark line, going i northwest from here, and, we learn, will stay out as long as the weather well permit. Tlie liOcal cwpaper*. Boots and Shoes, Every honest, reflecting mind knows that the local newspaper adds much :to the general wealth or prosperty of the place as well as iucreases the reputation of the place abroad. It benefits all who have business in the bplace enhances the value ol' property besides being a public convenience. -It increases trade, it saves you from (loss, it warns you against danger, it points out your different advantages i and your profit. If you want such a paper, support it by advertising your business in it assist in increasing its circulation by getting your neighbors to subscribe for it. If you want such a paper support it. as a means to increase your own wealth as well as the place in which you live there fore support it by advertising and subscribing and paying for it.—Cham berlain Register. AND A Fl.'LL LINK OF Groceries. A Valuable Curiosity, The Jamestown Capital say: Mr. i Topi iff, of this city, has one of the best relics of the mound builders extant. It was found about twelve !miles southwest from town, slightly jburied beneath the surface. It is a i mould in several pieces ingeniously I made with mortices ami tenons so i that it tits perfect ly together. Some 1 plaster paris run into the mould I produce a very well formed image of 'itti Esquimaux dog. It is a very valuable specimen, and indicatess that the prairies of Dakota were mice the habitation of a raceoi' people possessed of considerable intelligence and genius. The Minnesota Valley Medical A ssi n'i ition met at the odiee of Dr. Rogers la.-t,uesday atlernoon. Most of the time was devoted to the com pletion ijf the organization and the adoption of a constitution and by-laws, i A u interesting case was reported by ])r.Murphy,a paper read by Dr.Weller df Uiir Stone City ami many interesting points were brougut up and discussed. The next meeting will be held at. Ortonville the tirst week in next June.—Montevideo Leader. Business Notice. I leave to iii lorm the triulo and public gpnrrally that having pur«-ii i"l the sU«.'k ol the tiriu (.'award & Stevenson, 1 will still untiiim* at tiio old stand, ami will be pleasod to see all of our old custnmers, while respect- Jully soliciting new trade. All debtors are requested to pay thetr obli rations to the undersigned at maturity, .1. J. Grant County Uank. Lime STEVKNSON. Big 8tone City, I). T. Nov '.Sth, lf83. 1 1 .Tones A Wolf respectfully ask par- ties indebted to them call and settle at once, as tney need the money to pay their own bills. Three 10-cent cakes of highly per I fumed toilet soap and a silk handker I t'hief for 25 cents at Munro& eller s. N»RV TO MAS In smali amounts, on short time DEC I at THE LOGAN & STROBBIDGE FARM PORTA BLE CONVENIENT CHEAP, SCALE FOR FARM I ERS, GRAIN DEALERS. FAMILIEJ VVool roweis and ali pesons cheap rate Scale. Made by e* e n e AGENTS makers, of e s 1 W A N E CORRECT matenal, with fresco o% scat,, l.^al to llgeoH. s«nd Ca"'1 p"ce L'81 10 C. J. 1 AK0T4 WOOCHEftO. G»ncfal Agent, 14, 1883. Cornell Avenue, Big Stone Cit Dak. Tats, Caps, Mil s, BIG STONE CITY, DAK. PAINTS. OILS, TOILET ARTICLES, C. L» HOLMES & BRO., DEALERS IN Groceries and Provisions, Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots and Shoes. BOOT AND SHOE HEADQUARTERS AT JACKSON BUHLER'S Four different kinds of Ladies' and Children's Custom Shor^ and Men's in endless quantity and styles also a big stock of Ready-Made Clothing for the Fall trade. fec.9 all at very DRUGS AND STATIONERY. DYE STI FFS, SPICES, TOYS, FANCY ARTICLES, COMBS, AXl AT THE IMMENSE STOCK OF NOBBY CLOTHS Foil Till-: FALL AND WINTER TRADE AT J. J. Stevenson's imM Tailor Dmrlnnl. NO. 17 Low Vrices. JACKSON BUHLER. VAttNISIt, Call and Examine LOWEST PRICESv