OCR Interpretation

The herald. (Big Stone City, Dak. [S.D.]) 1883-1890, December 14, 1883, Image 2

Image and text provided by South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn00065152/1883-12-14/ed-1/seq-2/

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1'Ti* gcviUct.
DOW NIK & NKli/L, Publishers.
Over 400 applications have been filed
in the patent office sincejthe adoption of
standard time in this country for clock
dials and other devices intended to pre
sent the 24 hours in convenient form. A
large number of these have been reject
ed. however, on the ground that the ap
plicants are 336 years too late, a watch
having been made in 1547 upon the dial
of which appeared the hours from one
to 24 arranged in two concentric circles.
Brock way, the great counterfeiter,
lately arrested in New York, was a man
with an exceptionally good education
yet almost his first venture in life was
in the ways of crime, as far back as 115,3.
Thirty yearn of his life have been spent
in the effort to cheat the world out of a
living. For the first offence he received
live years' imprisonment, and after his
release apparently led fa reasonably
honest life untill 865, since which time
he has been engaged in a succession of
crimes. Now, at the age of 01, he is
likely to be convicted on a charge that,
with his past record in view, will cause
him to pass the greater part of the rem
nant of his days in a prison cell.
Thecfficial treasury statement on the
1st of December shows that the reduc
tion of the public debt in November
amounted to less than $l,7.§o,00',!. An
explanation is to be found in the sum
paid on account of pensions during the
month, which was $12,H)U,Ooo. The pen
sion payments in October amounted to
less thanr$2,500.000, and in the four
mwnths of July, August, September and
October to only $18,*82,000. It is prob
able that the Tension Office will require
only a small sum this month, and that
the reduction of the debt for December
will~be much larger on that account.
The secretary of the treasury has
transmitted to congress estimates of ap
propriations for the fiscal year ending
June :U), 1885, The amount estimated
required for all expenses of the govern
ment is $283,125,315, which is $22,323,282
less than the aggregate appropriations
lor the present fiscal year, and $57,154,
867 less than the sums called for in the
estimates submitted last year. The ap
propriations for the present fiscal year,
including deficiencies and miscellaneous
were $305,448,5s7 the estimates upon
which these estimates were based call
ing for
There were 7tXK) bills introduced in the
congress, most of which found their
way to the paper makers. And there
will be as many more introduced in the
present congress. The members do not
expect their bills to pass. That is not
the object. They must introduce bills
or their "deestr'ct" would not think
they were doing anything or worthy of
being mentioned in the Record, save
among the "ayes"or "noes"—and these
must be dodged wherever there is the
slightest difference of opinion at home.
So the reader must not be disturbed by
the introductions of any outrageous or
nonsensical proposition. It is purely
Frem the annual report of the surgeon
general of the army it appears that the
general belief that colored soldiers do
not endure military service so well as
whites is erroneous. Four of the regi
ments in the army are composed of col
ored men. In the whole army thirty
eight white® in each thousand are con
stantly on the sick list, and only thirty
colored men. Ten white and eleven
colored men in each thousand died dur
ing the year, but of these, six colored
and seven white men died of disease,
and five colored and three white died
of wounds. The colored suffered more
than the white from disease of the nerv
ous system, but irom alcoholism and its
consequences they were remarkably ex
empt, only four per thousand were ad
mitted to the hospitals for this cause,
while of white soldiers the admissions
were seventy-six per thousand.
The Indianapolis Journal makes the
recent lynching at Oxford in that state,
a text for some very pointed criticisms
of the legal fraternity. It declares that
one of the main reasons why justice has
become so uncertain, and the people are
so frequently moved to take the law
into their own hands, is that the lawyers
always stand ready to use their talent
and skill in preventing the conviction
and punishment of any kind of criminal
on technical grounds, and by prolonging
the proceedings by all the arts of sharp
aud unscrupulous legal practice. There
is truth in this statement, but the pub
lic, as in other cases are much to blame.
A criminal lawyer who has
by tl le practice referred to, managed to
clear half a dozen murderers is looked
upon with admiration. People allow
themselves to become indentified with
his 'ortune and hail each new accquittal
as they would the lowest time of a fa
vorite racer. He is looked up to as an
eminent benefactor of his race aipl the
average juror takes pride in yielding]
judgtaent and conscience to his wiles.
Washington Gossip.
The following are the changes in the
chairmanships of a majority of the senate
committees: Foreign relations Miller,
California, vice Windom manufacturers,
lliddleberger, viceCongar agriculture, Mil
ler, New York, vice Mahone postotlices
and postroads, Hill, vice Ferry pensions,
Mitchelll, vice Piatt mines and raining.
Wilson, vice Hill revision of laws, Conger,
vice Miller, California engrossed bills, Al
lison, vice Saulsbury: improvement Gf s
sissippi river, Van Wyck, vice Mitchell
transportation routes to seaboard, Aldricb,
vice Harrison examining branches, of civil
service, Cul'om, vice Sawyer Nicaragua
claims. Max^y, vice Davis of West Virginia
public buildings and grounds, Mahone, vice
Rollins rovolutnmary claims, Jones of
Florida, vice Johnston Sherman and Wil
son were placed on the committee of tor
eign relations. Miller of New York fills the
vacancy on finances,jFrye holds fourth place
on the commerce committee. The remain
ing changes are unimportant.
The bill introduced by Mr. Belford to
regulate railway traffic between states and
territories provides for the establishment in
the department of the interior"of a bureau
to consist of three commissioners appointed
by the president to receive a salary of $10,
000 each with necessary expenses, and with
in ninety day* alter the appointment of the
board the railway companies are required
to forward statement of franchises and pres
ent condition of the roads. Power is con
ferred upon the commissioners to examine
books and records of any person or com
pany operating any railway. They are
also empowered to prescribe maximum rates
and make regulations touching the manner
of packing transportation of freight and ac
commodation of passengers
In conversation recently with a promin
eat senator President-Arthur spoke of the
proposed English expedition to the Arctic
legions as "more of this Arctic insanity.'
He said that while he was willing that
everything that ould be done for the relief
of (ireely and hig party should be done, In
would prefer that a whaling crew should be
sent instead of a big government expedition.
He thought that alter Greely was brought
back there would never be an other sent by
this government to the Arctic region
The bill introduced by Gen Rosecrans for
the encouragement of building of American
Iron and steal steamers provides postal sub
sidies of not more than $5,060,000 a year to
owners of steamers built after the passage
of the act in the United States iron and
steel manufactured in the United States.
Senator Garland has received letters from
officials of the United States and State
courts of Arkansas denying the charge
made by Niles (separations!) the colored
people are prevented exercising their rights
Nnder the land laws.
Postoffice Established—Dakota, Ida,
Ciark county. Postoffice Name Changed—
Dakota, Camba, Billings county, to Medora.
Postmaster Commissioned— J&siah Frazier,
Hatton, Iowa.
Postoffices established—Minnesota: Suere
drum, Lvon county. Postmasters conmm
sio ed—John McAuley, Dtmnville, Wis.
William Henry Dufrane, Scranton, VN is.
The government disposed of 19,430,032
acres of land during the year, getting there
for $11,713,883.
Representative Warner will soon intro
duce a bill in the house for the retirement
of trade dollars.
Railroad News,
A traveling representative is the authority
for the statement that the Milwaukee to S\
Paul owns ampli terminal facilities in Bis
marck, and has a line surveyed to that
point Irom Abtrdeen.
The Northern Pacific land salss In tbe
Montana districts for the month of Novem
ber were 2,190 acres for $10,000. Tbe town
site sales amounted to $9,9(50,
Crimes and Criminals.
J. B. Seeley, a prominent contractor and
bnilder of Joliet, 111,, was arrested on a
charge of bigamy, on receipt of a telegram
from Chief Campbell of St. Louis. The case
excites considerable interest, as this is the
third time he has been hauled up on this
charge by his avenging nemesis, V. 8. Jor
dan, the divorced husbaed Seel y'a pres
ent wife. Seeley threatens to kill his perse
cuter when be sees him.
Florence M:Carty pastor of St. Cecelia
Roman Catho'ic church, Brooklyn, bad a
judgment ot $10,000 and $450 counsel lees
entered up against him in the circuit court
on the 7th. Miss Bridget K. Cronin, aged
eighteen )ears, charged the priest with
criminal assault, and sued for $10,000 dam
ages. The case went by default. Miss
Cronin testified that the'prie9t closed the
door of the parlor when she called on him,
and attempted to rap^ her
Dr. JohnS. Matthews of Cleveland, Ohio!
who decoyed Mr. George A. Gordon into an
unoccupied house and robbed him, was
sentenced at Sandusky to two year's im
prisonment in tbe penitentiary.
James C. Curtis, who proved up at the
Mitchell land office oi a dead man's Home
stead claim, has been found guilty, and
will be sentenced to a term in the 'peni
Personal Gossip.
W. S. Chamberlain of Cleveland, O.,
father o'Miss Jennie Chamberlain, whose
beauty has attracted much notice in Ka
rope, seeing the statement that propositions
were making to place photographs of his
daughter on sale in New York, requests the
announcement that no photographer, at
home or abroad, has permission to sell her
photographs?, and anyone found selling
them will be prosecuted to the full extent
of the law.
Guiseppa Mario, the famous tenor, is
dead. Mario was seventy-five years old and
a most distinguished singer "of the last
generation, when his triumphs on the lyr
ic stage were pronounced and many. He
has not sung for many years past, and Ibis
name has seldom been mentioned of late.
William I. Weld, Jr. of Boston, has
sailed or a six month's tour, accompa
nied by Dr. Royal Whitman, Patrick Grant,
Jr., and Richard Seers, in the vacht. Giiava
They are bound first to Btrmtida. Maderia
Sicily, and the Canary Islands.
Jack Marges, the old Chicago speculator
is the managing ruao of Henry 'lew A o.,
Wall street, now. Be makes $1,000a week
as a broker.
Rev. Dr. John O'Mears corresponding
secretary of the American board of foreign
mirsion, died in Boston on the 9th.
Mrs. K. B. Hayes is visiting fin Chicago,
and on the 5th inst., was given a reception
by Mrs. John N. Jewett.
Arthur Schotield, who died recently in
New York, left $50,000 to the Boston pub
lic library.
Bob Toombs has made $100,000 from his
Texas lands, and ov.ns three times as much
Gen. Hancock and family are on tbei
way to San Francisco.
Casualty ttecorci.
Prof. Von Bruenning died at Bridgeport,
Ct., on the tub., Irom the effect of the am
putation of a deceased foot. He was known
as the "tramp musician." He was formerly
a baron in Germany. When he came to
this countrv several years a^ he pos
sessed $75,OtH), which he lost in
He finally became a tramp
and mis an-
An employe of Graff. Murray & Bobbins
of Ihihith at their lumber camp on the
south shore, named Robert Empsey, was
baoly hurt by a failing tree a da. or two
ago. His shoulder and a'so a leg were bro
ken. He was taken to Bayfield, where heis
being nursed.
1 The Athena worsted mills in Milbury.'
Mass., burned on the 7th. i oss estimated
at $100,00. The stock and a portion of the
machinery was owned by Keating A Briggs
of Milbury, Their loss is estimated at $50,
The fur and hat factory of William A.
Brown of Sonth Norwalfc burned with its
contents. Loss $25,(XX) insurance. $17,000.
Two hundred and fifty hands were thrown
out of employment.
J. Sullivan, one of the victims of the
accident on the Wickes brancb, died at St.
John's hospital, Butte, Mont. On the 2d
inst., both of hisle s were amputated.
The U ss occasioned by the Sinclair pack
ing house fire at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is esti
mated at nearly $100,000 with about $60,
000 insurance.
On the night of the 8th inst., the Cath
olic church at'New Richmond, Wis., was
burned to the ground. I.oss, $10,000 insur
ance, $5,00(1.
James F. Gein, a spiritualist, died sud
denly of heart disease in St. Louis, while
giving an exhibition.
Foreign Items of News.
The British Columbia house recently
passed a resolution instructing the govern
ment to introduce a bill to restrict Chinese
immigration. The startling statement is
made oy the provincial government that
there are 3,000 destitute Chinese on the
mainland, who can only subsist by murder
ing or stealing, which thev have already be
An immense throng of poor people in
Moscow gathered before tfce house of a mer
chant lately deseased to receive money usu
ally distributed from the estates of wealthy
persons. The pressure was so great that
several persons were ciushed to death, and
four severely injured.
A popular teacher at Irkutsk, Russia,
named Neustajeff, was arrested and shot
within twenty-fonr hours for striking Gen.
Anntchipi, governor general cf Kastern
Siberia, in retaliation for an affront given
by tbe general.
It is stated that Bismarck intends to in
troduce in the reichstag a bill modifying the
system of elections for members. A major
ity of the votes cast is now requisite to se
cure an election. The plan proposed re
quires only a plurality of the votes.
Miscellaneous News Items.
The buildi .g statistics of St. Paul are
thus summarized: 45.'' business places and
public buildings completed or under way,
with an expenditure of 9U0, this year
and to cost, when completed, $7,197,90»,—
Over .",000 houses were built, at a cost of
$4,7-11,050—Analysis of figures.—Total num
ber of stores, public buildings ami resi
dences :U80, and total expenditure $8,1 OK.
Negotiations between Marquis de Mores
and the citizens of Billings, Montana, have
culminated in a written agreement being
entered into bv which the marquis agrees
to er 'ct a slaughtering and refrigerating es
tablishment in Billings, of a size and style
similar to those at Little Missouri, and to
carry on a general slaughtering business at
that place.
The stockholders of the Humiston Food
Preserving company of Hartford, Conn.,
organized a year ago with a capitol of many
thousands of dollars for the production of
"Rex Magnus," which, it was claimed,
would do away with the use of salt and ice
in preserving vegetables and meats has vo
ted to make an assignment for the bene'it
of creditors.
Flora Gulpe, sixteen years old, the daugh
ter of one ot the wealthiest citir"ns of Elk
hart, Ind., eloped with a hack man named
McGowen, who is ab-mt forty years old A
telegram was received the 9th from Sturgis
Mich, announcing that the pair had been
married at that place.
About fifty Republicans, representing the
leading organiwtions of their party in Phil
adelphia, will start for Washington on the
11th mst., to apptar before the national
Republican convert'ion and to induce that
body to select Philadelphia as the nlace for
the national covventiow.
Thomas Evans, an aged and wealthy
citizen of Erie, worth over $i',n,ijou, has dis
appeared mysteriously. He is nearly blind
is the sole occupant of a large homestead!
and has a reputation for keeping valuable?.
Rev. Anna Oliver, lately in charge of tVe
Methodist church, Brooklyn, was mulcted
in $*i0 at the suit of Rev. Edward Jones
She claimed the money was a gin to the
church. He said it was a loan to the lady.
Owing to alleged irregularities, Mr. Pee
bles, chit trader of the Hudson B«y com
pany at Winnipeg has been remov-d and
it is intended that J, C. Brydges win follow,
interesting developments are expecu-u.
William Conlin'ssuit against Daniel
hall at Waukesha, for $5,000 damages, c.ttm.
to a mini den end by the plaintiffs withdraw
iig. onlin accused the defendant of hav
ing caused his wife to leave him.
Edwaid Malley, father and uncle of Jen­
nie Cramer's persecutors, was beaten in his
for $150,000 against the Fireman's Fund
Insurance of California for the burning of
his dry good store at New Haven.
Business of the Ivirgo laud oihee for the
past week: Homesteads, 52 tree claims, 23,
declaratory statements, 31 soldiers' declar
atory statements, 3 final proofs, 91. Total,
collections, $22,260.60.
The number of immigrants who emi
grated from Canada to the United States
from 1874 to 1878 inclusive, was 139,(30,
and from 1879 to 1883, inclusive, 401,260.
The New York 'I I une announced mis
takenly last week tie fn^agement of E. L.
Godkin, of the Nation and Miss Katherjne
Farritigfon Bros., hoot and shoe dealers,
have failed. Liabilities, about$27,000: nom
inal assets, $18,000.
The Masons are to build a hospital lort
indigent invalids at Hot Springs, Ark.
San Francisco is shipping nearly 1,000,
000 leetof hard lumber this month.
Chicago put up buildings last year,
cilnraituy, Dctent»
SF N A E .—AftHt yesterday's avalanche ol
bills in (he senate it was thought that these
pests were disposed of for some time but as
soon as the chaplain finished to-day there
were cries of "Mr. President" from all parts
of the chamber by senators anxious to
serve their constituents. Consequently an
other torrent of bills, the majority relics of
the last sessi in, was poured upon the secret
tary'sdesk, exceeding that of yesterday. For
nearly two hours this business was contin
Mr. Morgan ouered a resolution, which
was agreed to, instructing the committee
en Indian affairs to inquire into the expedi
ency of creating a military academy west of
the viississippi river, for training and edu
cating Indian youths and men up to a
proper age. as soldiers, and to admit them
when qualified into the regular army.
Hot se—Mr. Randall objected to tbe
passage of a resolution for the immediate
appropriation of $20,C00 for printing th«
records of the United States supreme court,
aud it was referred to the committee of tbe
whole. He said all deticienc es should
have a thorough investigation, not only by
the house, but by an appropriate com
mittee. He had a horror of deficien
cies. The Virginia contested elec
tion case, Garrison vs. Mayo, was referred
to the committee on elections, when ap
pointed, with instructiohs to report the le
gal questions involved therein. It was or
dered that when the house adjourns to
morrow it be to meet Monday.
Mr. Jones submitted the customary reso
lutions announcing the death of Represen
tative Thomas H. Herndon (Ala.), and out
of respect to the memory of the decease*,
the house adjourned, with the understand
ing that no business will be transacted to-
Thursday, December tt.
Sknatb—Mr, Ingalls introduced a bill to
repea1 the pre-emption and timber culture
laws, and amend the homestead laws.
Hy Mr. Cameron (Wis.) tw restore to the
market certain lands of the Uwited St tes in
Minnesota and Wisconsin, and authorize
their sale subject to right of flowage. These
are lands withdrawn from ss!e in lss) and
1881 with tbe idea that they would be re
quired for u-e in the construction and main
tenance of dams, reservoirs,e c. propose i to
be erected for the improvement uf the Mis
sissippi river. They are by this bill
made subject to private entry
and sale at $1.25 per acre.
By Mr, Morgan, proposing an amendment
to the constitution by which the president
will have power to disapprove any item in
an appropriation for rivers and harbors
while approving other items. A Urge
number o! minor bills were introduced.
Horse—Mr. McCoid took the oath of
office and the house adjourned until Mon
day loth inst., to allow the speaker time to
prepare the committees.
Monftoif, lO
fiNAu. Mr. Cameron of Wisconsin
trod weed a bill reguhuing elections
mem of congress.
A resuiui.oa of Mr. Yoor'i hh w.is agreed
to authorizing the committee on military
a.Tair-i to inquire into the expediency of
purohas.i.« etictmp.nent grou dsocc ipied
by Kit r.v il-inon try armv at Vallfv Forge
for k c.ViuiiHi park. l|,'. also ihe
following which he asked to hav»? printed:
ficsoiv d, That in the judgment of the
ienate, the public deb- is not a public
bbsxin and any measure of financial pol
icy looking- to the perpetuation of the pres
ent interest tearing national debt for pur
poses of national banking or any other ac
count meets the disapproval ot this body,
and should be viewed with alarm by tax
payers of the U.iited States.
Hoi ,-—An Immense number of bills was
introduced, the following being the princi
pal one5: R"p ?aling the pre-emption and
timber culture laws: amending the home
stead law: preventing undue discrimination
in railway transportation declaring forfeit
ed iand grants to the Northern Pacific,
Houghton iV Ontonagon, North Wisconsin,
Ht. N mcen* extension and Brainetd branch,
Hastings iv I.ikotaand other railroad com
puiies appropriating $0.000,000 for
HSiMpp. river improvement es
tabhslnng maximum ra'.s of fart
on the I ,uon Pacific, and Central Pacific
railways abolishing the postage of second
class matter and riming drop letter p.*.'
age to one cent putting salt, and agricultur
al implements on the free list regarding the
presidential succession for a civ.l rights
to ,lie
constitution appropria-
ting (kio.ooo annually for common
schools, for a postal telegraph prohihi
!rw, k In^-'ation a prohibition
am 'iidtuent to the constitution- re
lev.ng the merchant marine
repealing internal revenue laws: limiting
3"«", l-..bPr »,r r,.l.„r„l i.'S
H. tOft! MHtseo. Turning women suffrage:
repealing the si w«r dollar coii.hue art- re-
t"1i r1
"ationa' circulation
«f *'i-h circulati u
I ., c, of s',-1 s not Kni»!-fd. e».,.
ui:ot was ijoop^i calling toe attention of
the pre-ideiit to the ctse of Patrick )'I)on-
So.'-M-tluoi: of a hree?.*
\s raised in,' bc-
could be inquired
certained whether or
American citiz«n, .J.-N
trie,! h, .c.-orW#'
national law. The
without discussion
~SeDa °r Antw
tie OBtli I:.,
and took the oath, gjjj,
promoting oomnwc ,]'
the United States and iu'
and South America
idential nisibility.'
Senator McM-ian
public buildings
Senator Camion ol ^81
a bill to pov de for ,llu
distribution of uab'ic d0» 1
The president smit ."til
nominations to the
L. I
ap^uutmohi*. Among
Walter .vans. commiLjl
fevenue Beijamm Bur.!,
SJOtlCr of
urer of the Taited gwl
Chandler, surveyor
o. Uc'ors of internal
Stone, first district of rvt
Bur»ette, fourth districtef'
W.C.irter,_seve thdisuicVo
Wheeler, eighth district ol'
Farley, second district o' W.
1 he senate continue."1 Wilt-1
postmaster g-'tieral. 1
The president has notsiJ
Lu'ings'on, Jr., to be coital
at Detroit, Mich,
—bills and
tr 'duced for a postal saving
of the pastotfioe 'iep&rtn...,
powers and duties of the
partment establishing au.w
industry and preventing -'n,
tie diseases making s-iea-fid
ing on members of thecal]
tion concerning on:
Great Britain abrogate?
ton-Hulwer treaty a
secretary of the treaMrv
cancel 4 and per cent.
calling in 3' establishing
State commerce as a bursas
department putting lumbel
fence and,ship building 03
organizing the legislative)
general amnesty ftfrthe
Porter ixirg the pos'agf
matter at two cents
lishing the Territory of
the admission of l'ta.i coj
the Chion, regarding
tiring trade dollar? h.. 7.
silver dollai*: repeal.a: ,s«
laws civil rights anie:..i:L«j
stitutson surprfgHinu' k- nt
pensions ot one-arnie
•tiers punishing' violation
laws reg:: atihg inf
transb*rriiig t!i*» India:, buracj
department, v.- the eiect-a:
Delegate" rtsyniond
tf establish the territory o,'l
by dividing the rec»«t tern
forty-s ath parallel Hea.yI
bill to. provide *.t a.'..'. :. :.i
federal court of I^kota.one: :i
another t«r the ^outti pa" 'i
al«o. a btll to va'-atf'i,'1 r•••"i
Kort Rice n-^lltary :-rvHt
Bit Fire in
ruefidaV. at iiiidn^-:. Kt
tbe entire -lej ariv-.e:.'
the five-story pressed b: s 'i
Hrabe, N'omher? 17*
^'reet. St. Paul. The nr.
basement, and e:t er
or in the -wine room
gee's pla- wlr.cl.
the whole of me
At 1 .:{n Mag. restaurs'
t-.ar a! th»- i-jni"'. 1
of tbe tir!
Hewiti ,.f \VW
XorkabK^il unanimous consent to iIV-*
rt-mu'.o,, a4.i!:ir the prudent a,
i.ir. was
wits he hand»
New York, its
Mrs. Mag' e '•'•'tin w''1
nigh!, had. ju-i fictsli'
and put i mi he y.t'e
smoke and ium.fma
ive the alsrm,
)w h-igub.4 gowrnm*"]*. to deiav t.i, L.n.
ion ot o Donm ll's sentence miti!
the W..
Hii.„, t., a
rls and a^- mar) k
ir-i the b.isenient. a!|d
11 e 01 then, t.(k•'-g
thwii^f) in the f.. rry
.-eeured. Tfi«r»were
tbe biiilditii.'. which
.Afa-.'ee's lit: »•_«- c-
nod his i!:sura .'- s'!!
E. K. iraUe «rvp hi
fr)'i,oHi and 1
not tell. i''f•'
At J:" 1 o
llie I).'»(•( h'.ii iiiii_
tl une: '.h-o-.igh ui'o tl
ng H-'j iimng ft
in spit.' of tr..
de of lif'teen mip'itfS
upp' tl tors 8T-d bnrSi
breaking the g^av i s®1,
P. K. 1. Hii'del beT
findings i"-e -f 11
t.iranee in variun'
Arthur Warreti iv
furni-jliitig gods 0(
fl -vr of ihe llurdei.i'^
friitir'* stcjck, ^r:mate
Tiiey are alto felly
and wi 11 Iom? not luce.
Puilding J-Joi'iH..
amount to $.'*•'1
An IntcrestWi *f"'
An interest-: -i'e'1
geuious and eeotioiu'^
been decided by th«
of which will
Lyon of Albany, N
ment of $fl,447.10 hes
against r». T. Fis.ier iv
States Circuit C^ouru#1
au infringnient of
trade as Lyon's 1 atem
er. This eontnvance!-
ful of modern nvea^/
a remark.ible sale -0
million dollars wort
present su-t shewed av
since the patent was K
total ot 47b
At mt time th'
United Stites decar*
valid, simply on ac_
in the applicat'015'^
corrected by the Co
in accordance with a 1
authorizing Huch c»
improvement ., ...
fend ants they bas^d
trying to siiow the -P
was UMConstit-utioii®**^
I venilo:, wa^iiot
menced iti M-»y
tion wa« obtaineil
and the case wa?
certain the
the loss sustained ny -.
ter reported thesticn
judgment be
for such dqubie
th« date of the w*8

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