Newspaper Page Text
AV r,».sT-r al),l a^J Insuransa Agents. liF.i: ,Wi. IIaik-HKI KJi IN I:VI:I:Y PABTKTI.AK. recently been tourists nfld to ,||vp,i si K«1.0!\. v WELLIES' DRI'G XlNf•. l\ Mj-O\11NI .UTttWA^HlN'i. i!i e Willi U«vl» :i ail«'(•«!. tjOIII It v v 1.01: i»'ii Ave. ^.fended t«». Farm i.t all kinds bought Real Estate Dealers. L2« a r,d l:iIt v. i: i:. I'ITY, sllC('t. re-fitted arid the l:i'e and visiting special nerally it offers 1 1 comfort. Surgeon, IN •. 11 OFFICE. iu*tt an l'*pe«'l«I Miidf. 'ami l/.an Agents. Buy and sell -traits ol' titU' furnished t» all r.iunty. Taxes paid tor non imancitig jrimj»t 1 v ami noat v lurnislieil to prove up w ill -tioet, liiu Stone City, :»nl MiHtiink, Dak. Telfpl I^twi'ii tlie two offices. 1ESRY W.MTFiiUl), sician ami Surgeon. DAK a clean sli-.iw $rn|] iu ilison and Plasterer, s "t Uri- iv iiul Stoim Work lite nnii i e isonalln ratt'S. No11e 11 V. D. 'I'. •s F. Kili«-r. MlLi Utornevs it Law, Wltll. rime. ik's Place 1! Stone Cilv, G-lasser, Prop. }'ST ,l 'LLI.UlO AND I»OOI. «LK* N XHI-: (IH !VTV •^pi Hetr constantly on ta',. •titled Iieer, Hock and live. niIMjjiic ilMi 0 i| u wines. MOVil^, ,18tice of the Peace, li CITY Is oompiw 1 ot Jlt rbal aiul Mucitagmou* prod. o-tH, whirupermralr the inbiUac* of«h« expectorate# the acrid matter thai 'licoti in ti.e liiuuchiul Tub«i,»ndfona»« soothing coating, \»!u,h rrlUvea their. rltaliOD t!, u n 11 o cough. It clean*** the luuKiuf all linpurltlet, tr*nglliena thf in fit*iii rnfccblrd by dlMMCf ijuvig^f. tr-i the Ciii'ui.i'.i'iu oi tne bioul, and Irsmthc norvouH in Slight cold* often and In ronnuuiptlun. It li dan|(«roaMo n«|(Uct tlx-in. Apply the remedy promptly. A i: v •. y ,r wart unto th« a»*«ruwR thai no rruietly tin* ever hrun fonnd that la at prompt rf^o*sTUTT'S EXPECTORANT. Hlii)(U ilotr rail,,* the phlrgm, subdue* tnrn vi n., ua 1 its uc rjrutlii' noil i -i A iilrsKiit cnrdlal, chil dren (nli It readily. l'cr«o. .\ ti tiv I (ipiwijuif's lnig Store, Main !MHV Ik» 'omul in oflifc at uiijht. -r e three promwsorv n»tes to ,l.n»-s Wot •i-. si..n« t'ltv, D. two |or*:.}each amoutUing to in all, two un i three years, lor a gav ol and one jiavable in old second halld I'ower, tli*' there: ing iai. ON DAKOTA. •KKKLKR, Solicitor and Attorney-at-Law. DAK. ''"'-office, up-stairs. Has hatl flf |Ti"'tice in the legal profession, aentjon irivi'it to I ho deiense ot N MURPHY. refurnished the travel- Mi. vantages for theif ac- MOH(«A\. Proprietress. TUTT'S EXPECTORtNT PILLS ACT PlffECTLY*o!TTHETiy!!R'. (,'uri tlilll* mi our, Rycpepala, filfk IIrail• i IK-, Kllinu* 4 nllr,( oimtlpa tlo». Kheuuiattdin, IM1*», Palpitationol thf Ilt-nrl, Iil»!urn, Torpid l.lver.and l'i nulf IrreKularltlaa. If »ou !o r.ot "feel •err w*\," n tin, i i itirau.n'n th#itoraucb, re»toi •••. si .l' *«•,purls v.L'vr tn tl.e "THt«t». A NOTED DIVINE SAYS: Us. i ct i -It a- S.r lor t»n ytitta 1 h»T# bevn a r:.iiTr u, li-p p--ia, Consti atun and 1'iira. Ln*t gpr.u^ )if i,i« mnt rt" oniai*nd«d tome 1 ua«d tbun (i"it with li*r faitb). Iam now a well m.iD,have good nppetite, digestion perfect, regular stoo.*, i.'# gone, aud I ha»a gained fo:'y p.i.:n. i soh'i Thay are worth their w ijrht in v:" 1 i!. KF.V. it I hrMFKOV,T,ouis»ille,Kjr. Office, S5 Murray fct., IVew York. DH. Tills .M Ar A I. mt VaeAilN vU*ceipt« FHKI'. on application. Knight tk. Dean, $so,ooo Til: t« 11—t 4, -|, 15, 7, s. b« years. Abb in- ..w tne loWfxt. «Ioney l.i tor t're-emplioiis au i i oiiimnte Hoaies' No Delays. 'if same •»pplv. l'r'ii' and Interest eat iMilb:»nk, lnkotii. Judge tt i* authorized t" negotiate loan-. Call at once on A. I- ABHOTT. MIL1ANK, \()T1('E i li tint I th«' lUHbsrsiglied, who our hand.* at 13ig Stone City, •r, A i 3 Mcmhs for 20 Cents THE FARMERS' Ent r,, ble Ln K NevvfiOBr!,)rcnreraiiy SHORT: LNE. Intake i'i*'ritorand Carey hue t!»e s'uiie n itl ami void tor (h it I have not received value •and power hav e- stid Sejieratitr work as warranted. ALEXIS V UAIM-T. NOTUK rehv given that the tinn ol Movius Bros. js'thi-dav disohcd by nn.tiidn l,..,-,.In- Authorized to Movius i't'os aiv hereby ,, lae the tirni and to ceil stock ol agricultural im* collect HII MONEYS ol!' the retbain pleilieiitS Uiv'-n order edit«d of fenerl Farmer. tl» and tile Wooluroww a H-id U-Urttwortby ern belt. Foil rppt^ri fre nm.i« R^Kiilar SaWrlption Prl«* For u Hmited Period THE TRIUNE wH Binigle purpose 'jntro A convenient own and Bubscrlptlon*.^^ I1.1A All pestmivs*era Bvch F**kr" n enC. f-.r of fat ly "uon lv clubWwr THE TRIBU ME with bislocalor county p*per. %rnmcrnnU- thls en n w flfty lruved and '^Proved and tami'deH vrhcMlo tboiw oMer thm p^per tor on* pmraon und"r this Jfur neighbor" with to (fet he name* ,n.. faf tk* 4 his wble Try tb» FAJJ- MEi8^WBUNE^^ of Its wortb. DAKOTA promptly ami D. W. FOUNTAIN.» Att'v at Iaw, Grant County Bank. m* STONK CITY, I). T. OLLKCTlONR A Sl'KCiAI.TY. MONKY TO LOAN IN SMALL AMul'NTS OK SH')KTTI.MK ON CHATTEL SECURITY. M#ney to Loan on Real Estate. Money furnished to prove up on HO.M KSTK.ADS AND PUE-KiU'TIONS. l.NSl RANCE ACAINST FIRK, LKiHTMNO and TOR NADOS ON CITY AND KAUM l'ROl'KRTY. Real Kstate liouglit an i Foreign Fxcbntitre jK.llilS 111 -"id on e,)inmis»ion I on nil l\lirole. Murphy & Fountain, Jiankers S5.Q0 inGold Croup It la Invnluulilr ari I »i \1 V»» i:, rrr*rj toiily. L'_*_ar4r- unit II R«ltl«i. TUTT'S Postal Card The above is a liona-tidc oft'er to any one who will accept and writ„* the names and address ol Imok agent they may know ot oil a postal card and send to us. We preler the names ol those now canvassing, although those that lu\e caura e I will do. Send in in the name- and we win show you how it is done. Jjlaik J'KIl MONTH OHHr AND OUTFIT FREE. We want men, women, boys and girls to work right in their own towns, villages and neighborhoods, on salary or commission. It is a pleasant business we oiler you, and you need not be away from home over night. We shall le glad to furnish you au outfit Ireeto ^tart you In business in the world. All those who engage with us make money rapidly. You can devote your whole time or your I sjiare moments. It you decide to engage iu I a paving business, write at once tor hill par ticulars, enclosing ".Ci cents lor j«cking and postage, and you will receive our bible outfit by return mail. Address j.oNDON BOOK .Si 1HHLK HOUSE, 82'2 S. Sixth St, St. Lotus, Mo. The use ot the term "Short Line" iti connect ion with the irporate name ot a great md, conveys au idea ol just what is recpiired bv the trav eling public—a Short Line, Quick Time and the best ol •ir.-on,inflations, all ol which are lurnished u the greatest railway in America, Chicago, Miwaukee St. Pau. am It owns nn.l operates oyer 4,.r»00 miles ol road in Northern Illinois, Wisconsin, .Minne ost-i Iowa and Dakota and as its main lines, branches and connections reach all the great business centers ol the Northwest and Far West, it naturally answers the description 01 Short Line and best Route between i/liM-as". Milwaukee, St. Paul ami Minneapolis. Claeago, Milwaukee, j,a (..rouse ami Winona. Chicago. Milwauke Aberdeen, Ellen tlale. Chicago, Milwaukee, Eau Claire and Stil water, TRIBUNE Union F«n»«r« Tribunoo"- now t*i. LW est and the H?rthwe«t. listed or eireulri^Ml in tu« Chicago. Milwaukee, Wausau and Merrill. Chicago. Milwaukee, lieaver Dam and Oshkosh. Milwaukee, Waukesha and Chicago, Oconomowoe. Chicago, Milwaukee, of It porr.vtly coummes thf. rood pom a comolete, 'A*?Trti»- Madison, and Prairie du Cliien. Chicago, Milwaukee, Owatonna anl Faribault. Chicago. Meloit, Janesville and Min eral Point. Chicago. Elgin, llockford, and Du l»u|ue. Chicago, Clinton, Vankton. Tb»« 12 Wf^ks for 20 for th» ial »nd U.nipo'^ duoinir Hock Island and Cedar liipids. I'hie c'o. Council Bluffs and Omaha. Clii«'ago. Sioux City, Sioux Falls and Chicago. Milwaukee, Chamberlain.' Bock Island. Dubuque, Mitchell and St. Paul and |»^"m».Tcai»»r. St. I'uul and Mi.. ncapolis. Pullman Sleeiiers mid the Finest Dining Carl in the world are run the main lines »t the Chicaco, Milwaukee t. 1 atil Rail land every attention is paid to passcn- W ua ,,W Addr mH A THE Yi 'i ICour'eous employes of the conipanv. K''r \i IU A. V. H. CARPENTER "-OenT Man^r. Oeti'l Pass. Agt i cl \RK tiEO. H. I1EA1'K)RD. A. J. BLESEH, Mas bad Nearly Five Year« Experienee in tb' Laiul liusiness in Dakota. I'frsons- having business in }»is line shoutd avail thmifeives ol his experifMii'e, there by assuring correi'tn^ss :nil promptness ami avoid the blunilcring ot inexjiei ieneed lftnd aijfnts, as it costs no molt', and all land papers pre pared by him warramed absolutt'ly correct. 110MKSTKAD FILINGS CAN ONLY BIS MADK AT Till-: IHS'l RICT LAM) Ot F1CK ni }?Y THE CI.KRK OF THK DISTRICT COURT. Relinquishments, Tree, Claims, i're-Kuiption iliijgs and Final I'rools a specialty. MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate in (irnnt County at low '-I rates Land in any jart ol (irant count bought and sold oil commission or otlierw i?-\ OH1CE 1 Mi:i£t lIAl\TS nni.. A. J. ]5Li:s!:U. Clerk ol Court and Notarv I'ublic p,I THE HOOSEEEEPEB. a b. ?.c.tlful monthly, ei-iit* n year. E»- -if t-rv W'l'cui "ho keeja fjr ru-eii* it. rtml Will i .v i» when ?he hears 4 ii .. if che has to go '/I,out h»' Spring i ..ift. Sjie.'lmrn copy ,, ,.i lirruitl Premium .j i l'ree. sjwcinwa v.. of tla* UrcKETB .1 .iiik li'ioK, i which ev «*rvt. dv knows i» the y llfft iu tnt» World,)free with Addrc^u, f'tlf'tl Vo., ,\i iiiQeapulie Minn. STOXK curv, Wlieat, Corn or Buck- wheat Gvoand at a small toll, or fm chaii^t in I lour, liran. Shorts,&< We illVlte Hit* ty ami of liiis mill a trial. farm rti-cut in DIE1J0L1) 1 have a laru'' assort incut ot Trees. Shrubbery ami Fruit liush.s ami Plants for fall transplant!n.. among which arc: WII1TK ASH, BOX ELDER. M)FT MAPLE. GRAY WILLOW, AND COTTON WOOD TREES, CTKUANT, GOOSEBERRY lil SUKS AND STRAWBERRY 1'LANTS. Also Iloi'hC ltadish Plants. £e. CIIAS. JMi A N D. WOOD BROS., OKTOX VILU-:, M.IN X. Headquarters for mnuiM i ''J in i I:, SI3 I U. winaa.iai classes Dissolution Netier. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Ca ward Stev nson is this day dissni veii bv mutual consent, A. H. Cawaid retiring. Aii a. ci.iints due said tirin are payable t«• .T. Stevenson, mid all the tirni iudcbtedin ly hiin assumed, as per agreement. liili D. DIEBOLD & TUNNELL, Proprietors. A. 11 CAW -,'Mv .1. .i. sn:Yi:.\"s:'N. FOl'XD. C.iin.' on to ni}' premises Mondiy. N a sniali !av Indian pony about 4 years olo, with white star on lorehead Owner ean liave s me by proving imipeitv and paving l.erw !. iwn t't l.tM-kwi M. A. BUTLER Merchant. Paten! Flour, liuckwliea ham, ('oninr^al, an I thing in our line at Therndike »S: (-o. ini ("o:-nell avc. si 1 Will be n i 1.1 CUStOlTK It contains directi'ins for pla:: Of ii y n i i(J sTt»N K CITY. DA K. CI I AS. I5K.VN1), Proprietor. Pate n'sol^nnM'tl in th*' tv'i. viifv wiiltdy LUBES It FA KM A( IIINiatY. M5W1S 1 11 INES CH*» U!!-•v Wtt'ki) Spi«»ti formation. Swnltr.' lean sent fre». AMKH1C N I'lliCf,A• A. WIIXIK, A.n*) iioni:. LiVE AGENTS WANTED. To sell Dr. Chase's Recipe.- hook or informa tion tor everybody, in every county in the Cnited Stab's and Canada. Kularged by the publisher to ti-18 pages. It contains over tHio household recipes, and is suited to all and conditions oi society. A wonder inl book and a household necessity. It sells .it sight. Greatest inducements ever offered to agents. Sample copies sent by mail, jM.stpaid lor ?'2.(Ki Exclusive territory given, .^ciits more than double their uiouey. Ad dress Dr. Chase's Steam Printing House Ann ArUr. Michigan. ilV V e Wholesale and lie* \t ihe old stand of 1\ W. Cor. .Tj»\«!• Iiijr Sloiir 'itv. 1 S\ V at 'MJ ti the a'oovi JL&J ll 'iii' v iitt «-:tpu:i! i-• -I article 0\m ij.1 It is usi i! c\ not need to rich harvest opportunity learn u hat i-aid an.) u rit ilss Itself rv day in every lamii\ You d xplain its merit There '.is I who embrace this golden it iusts von onlv one cent nr business is Huy a post! to ns and u ill send •. cid lull •artieiilar* 2?^K.HS2iS! And we .know you will derive more good than you have any i.b'a ol. Our reputation as a manutnet uring company is *uch that w ciiniiot all'ord to deceive \Vrit-' to us on a jx sta'i and give your address plain!v aud i-' ceive lull pi'.rticnlars. ia u'l 'i «.. Tlariou. ». cr.iit-, ia to to all ai ir without ord -ns, JUI. os, descriptions an-.l rt all Yf.-ctaV.e an 1 Flow-r ln\aluatle to all. Seeds, l'lan: v etc. or D. M. FERR^ & CO.DMickDETROIT, lj o. Mt'NN tlnu" to i i Macks. Knflaii'l. l'rai)i c, t l'.l'.TltS M'I'.t fn-i'. y id .-St ••VT nvil ,.:ul la- M.I ••'C: ii. H'i.1 i:iri"« -Mi,K n of the f*ci»'iit!iie. Ai»«er» l" '-'X .• i V S. I LKTil ll,' 7, AV -V \'ol U. AMERICAN FARMER TO ALL COn SUBSCRIBERS. All of our subscribers who will pay their subscription aecmiiits to this paper in full to lat tnd one year in tuiruncc. trill pre sented with one year's subscrip tion to the "AMERICAN FARMER" a sixteen page a^nc-lt r.. magazine, pu-.. -oJ by n. A. K. Hark"tt, at K«,rt Wayne, Indiana, an 1 *hich Is ra[iidly taking rank a/s one of the lea'lins Agricultural publicaiions of tic country. It is do •voted exclusively U ttie interests of the Farmer, Stock Breeder, Dairyraan. Ciardener, and their Hou»ebold,aud every species of industry cc^r cted Witb that gTcat portion of the people ol tr.e v. orld, Ifae Farmer. Tbe sub«crlptioti price la $1 oo per year. Farmers can not well get along without it. It puts new Ideas into their minds, l! vches them how to farm with profit to themselves. It makes the home happy, the yountt folks ch. erful, the growler content«'d, the Uowucatit lxappy, and (be demagogue honest. llj tltSPflri 1