Newspaper Page Text
[,,,11110 Iiook book agent "'i|"»- ffk. (:Ur^ ciose rich ving ont book—the "r. Watson jt he bought it to tben taking it ,d for the train N-eW York otlire. ,, iu't been jjoue long be came home from ,•* book a^ent saw l,,eroded the wife ,)Vof the same ... of tbe faet tjiat -hitbe same book from a her, ne te book! her in W^enMi. Wats n came lUVorkAt ni^lit Mrs. the book. Iwan:: »see it," said Wate ».,«'.a:ji?"aHked bis wife. i at rascally book H^ent sold ''v,,k. this morning. Now ,..ies of the earae book— ibe 'Karly Christian j-it we can— n't either!" interrupted 1 lie man is off on the |t. .. Confound itl I could 1:,« rn h) goes to the depot \1'- Watffon, pointing out of at retreating form of the •"'litkin* for the train. to catch him, and I've taken off my Mr. Stevens, a neighbor of I, vs by, when Watson t'j.' window-pane in a fran a,:i: frightening the horse he shouted, "you're vou run your horse ie train and hold that booW |c :iu'? Run! Catch 'im now!" ga:! Mr. Stevens, whip r»e ami teaiing down tne Jens reached the train just as jttor shouted "all aboard!'' jgtn he yelled, aB the book (pe-i on to "the train. "Book Mr. Watson wants to Watson wanty to see me?" [the seemingly puzzled book b, I know what he wants! he By one of my books but I can't fain to sell it him." is all he wants, 1 can pay for •itback to him. How much iollars for the 'Eariy Christian I" said the hook agent, as he ifor the money and passed the (through the car window, iMr. Watson arrived, puffing UK in bis shirt sleeves. As he tin pull out he was too fall for [Igot it for you," said Stevens |t and that's all." 'yelled Watson. [I got the book— 'Early Chris rrs.'and—" lie—great—guus!" moaned Wat •e placed his hand to his brow, Inedright in the middle of the OCTTHE STOMACH. I#y three-fourths ot the diieasej liiBthehanian family are directly ly indumi by some derangement lick. Ihe must serious ailments ^gm ttiers. With dyspepsia the (indigested through the lacteal rainy particles of deieterou* mat into the blood and gain lodg Ii3 the lungs ami cutier'nreai cce- l"y. Hence dyspepsia favors tfee ofconsumption in persons atal! is also the primary :rotula and other diseases of the bfan. )»n who has a pig-pen appetite one ineat little or notkinq the next has I the person who (eels a heaviness Jiaach after eating, accompanied •1' upof wind and sour particles P-\\3pppsia. I'esules these symp f»" taste in the mout h, pain in the [••'fts°l breath, nalpitalion, head ss, conlnehs of extremities, lan Xfesness and despondency. IBurdock Blood Hitters as a l.otpllla T? ',es'rp the patient to eat ,fe0Ilahlequantity oi good,plain I, ft 0r to° Col(1) aiui use very tobacco (if addicte i to tliat bab bvsiH ex'laust the organs of Sitl- ,r 1!8a disease of the neons fcj.J'B(^iiPS,0Iliac!i. If the patient I' mcoun membrane of the stoni- ,,(,(*»cy. L*nf"vesurface with indigestible th.e him. Thai's all we it ff 9 a hiiml! do the rest. Thous l™ Bard°ck E Favemfl1 a/( ilotic t! "]1!ys The reason why so many die with coa- 1 sumption, is becau*. they neglect to u* the proper remedy in season. When the system first attacked with a cuu.h, ibeth, 'Early didn't get under which rl'sr "«»'r A fft'r chance, Hnr- Blood Bitters N Y08ter' Milburn & Co" '"forHied that there Wha?lnf their af Jfchich heir, ne' l'lfi Nious, ,np ^reat hair rp,villly improved, is I '!i^n everaiid i. taultless. '''oUr0,,iV,V,al 'r|,ocheH for ut ^'fovs^wr^8^16 ktniaL^^1.'^ tll°t o i v i i- o I w a n "1.^/111 Worni !lfe,ier a1vortise«l in tins "('liii(lrfn i? '11 V "w is yfirv nl"r" a *,ol! will siuu a ,r'.»nltj|» i't(?s°.u'1,i« '1 :ii® t't'H is a •ebt thf vf, sro, i11nch- ,w|l« ttn.u l"".,-1'"1 Hi® '•^isttDfc)'trm Loll "m her *.w *0 «nvv cf all. I ^e(tedr-} Si"U"« '''ne'ul»n','td- ,nl/ l* t° W'trs Vattdn rtmslani joy. '•"^u^™ I,AVTr •ted li "O Ni -'"'Jiutftvr.»^ *|*•w... A 7 .Ul1 pn-i.-r1jj w. ami "Hie. r, Ot p— i i'1 ii :ti *1 .. N» •"'"•rift"'"", ,l oVl,re on 21 the hebt, orseate.i pains iu the breast, Al len n Lung J, ilsam will cause the phlegm to raise, heal the irritated parts, an 1 restore the system to health. The I)ow Agr~turafwarks,"l'eru. Ind has failed for $:&. Knnark11* Mnc&pq, John Kuiiii, of, ind.. hada verv narrow escape f.oiu d-.ak. Thl, fr,T\[H Wat pnn is Lis own Mory: oe year ago I was in lie last s'asrt s of consumption. Our beat plmieUna gave niy case up. 1 finally got so low that our doclor said I could riot live twen'v-four M°Uu- *MiV. !hen l'»'ctiasHl a le of J)r. W in. Hall s Balsam for the Lungs, which benelued me. 1 continued until I took nine bottles. I am now in perfect health having used no other med cine. Henry's Carbolic Salve The best helve in the world fo- '"ts Bnus. s Sores, Ulcers, Salt Hheum, Tetter hap ed Hand", Chilblains, Corns and all kmus ofMin Eruptions, etc. Get Henry's arholic balve, as all others are b'it imita tions. Price L'.r c-nts. Swift's S|«citi7(8!" 8* S )\as relieved me of an obstinate of Dry Tetter, which had troubled me for twenty-five year- and had ballb'd all .sorts of treatment. Rev. I. Bkanham, Macon, Ga. 1 was troubled with chTonic catarrh and gathering in my iiead, was very deaf at times tiad discharge-j from my ears, an 1 was un able to breathe through my nose. Before the second bottle of Ely's Cream Halm was ex hauit. I was cured, and to day enjoy sound health. C. J. CouiiiN ••2H Chestnut st Field Manager, Philadelphia Pub. House' I'a. (Bee adv't) 1'ilew! 1'ilcs* files! Kure cure for Biind, Bltedingand Itching Tiles. Single box has cured worst chronic case r.f twenty years standing. No one nee 1 suiTer tive minutes after applying. Wiliam's Indian I'ile ointment. It absorbs the tumors, allays thb itching (particularly after getting warm in bed). Prepared only for piles and itching for the private parts. Xoves Bros, i Culler, St. Psul. Who e^tlc Agents, liani-lj 1 rhiiicholy. Allen's "Iro. l\m: J5itter' is the grand tonic, liver invigorator, blood puritier and appetizer of the age. It banishs melan choly likemagic, andgivefls'rength. tone and vigor to the whole system. See that you get the genuine made by J. P. Allen, St. Paul, Minn. After long Mercury arid Potash treatment, I found myself a cripple from Mercurial Rheumatism. Tiied Hot Sprinus two years without relief, and was finally cured .-.ound and well by the use of Swift's Specific S S. 8 Cu v- I'n:i Hot Springs, Arkansas urea lergj men. Kev. L. S. Caultan, ot C.rcievll'e. Kansas, says: Ir. Warner, your Wuite Wine of Tar Syrup has been in my family and found to be all and ereu more than you ciaiia ot it. It is a speedy cure for all Throat and I.ung Uisvases. My Wife and Children. Rev. I, A. liunian. of M'. ernon. says. My children were i ill cted with a cough re sulting from Mease.ei my wife with a co'i-^h that hail prev-nted her from s'.eepir'c niorr or le.-s for ye ir*. anil your White Wine of Tar Svr-it. has cured the r. alL A young lady student of the U esi i. Angt'k'8 (Cal.i Univertiity, who rides iiul from school, ha« tniintni her hoi" u knt'fi when she vaults into t..f -e lie. '1 he Washington Star contains a stan ing advertitft'incnt: "The piayers God's people are tin -st earnestly vejU(^ ed for tiir thorough purification of young church who.-e pastor and oth'v are inveterate inbacco uj-fm, ::iU! against the wishes of its mem'jers. NEVER FAILS. 7? v tOC aM ty&u. ceasing to ag- use of 'II: burdock ttie,biood. I«H vnj"-'. aewia Laxative prop'-rtf-i «, nferrcd lo. Itvkn«-1' It quietn find rosnjio-'es me .r.",r"t!ra t,ultd U v i o n by the restoration, uth, ncrvotfJ hy -t i 'U, wlurt of Timrhi 1 f-iin Crai'J «ynip in- rei»°ves the only in- ljtj hoot.sstraight as new. r^s'enr^r1 ^rfr,'!'ient small »,i-S rni'surtu.tion. ihhi 6r!»inlv'^„i1yi !'J. these- entar.v cmploj moid. ,rh,,r!b.l:eV:r'V^'o' r,|icvcd DR. HORNE'S ELECTRIC BELT vpthma. «tip 1, ,J ,!» /"D kT/'FfTF nr \, .4 ev£LEc. ^f. Dull enm ooulrl i r!'' t'l t. nii a trhflt folk inr« DnW. S fjilKNF.. N O tNl PATENTS -K Oil 1 i--* A m« VirtorUi am ill-who H!l- 1 tbi* otht i !m w hwA1*' m«le by. S A E N S A SOOD FAMILY REMEDY! 'THAT A,:u CURE Coughs, Colds, Cfoup 'O: i^ntim •I Cia^ir. ti. watth to in t..« iast »tagf s Consumption »m1 »m Induced bv fri»nd§ lo trj I.oni l!nld»m ifl»r tl,» forr ihl» ihown iiitn. W» .* v»w*s rared !n« cough *nd ttmt li« able U' resume his {iramco. CONSUMPTION. Wm »l.40\ «.:• V» w a pri 1 4 »ir.M u» u Zutif Balsam has ciirrd his mother of Consumption. »'t«7 tJi© f'Kys ..ait haiig v«Q ujs u in^nraM^ lie •a-i oth-rt knowing her have t^k^n th* IU: •am anJ t^eu curcj H# tl.nk? afRiv-tf-j ih'j'i it a tr:ai From tl- ecu »joarc» 8 ari -o Uii ce :o::rth«oJ ttie UiseiL^t s of tbe Luiiian rufo. The»c Bympt-'iiasir'lirate li »nr'': Ioe« Appetite, liowvls costlve« hick Jlcad" achr, rallnmi after eating* »v«rilon to icrtiou of bodj' «r lu'nd, Kructadou of faiitl, IrrltHlilllly of pirllK, A of havlnf some tint *, Iii i iirir., i'Hit««• r:i« at tbe tlrsr lion bfforp ii* rt. highly rol* or ti 1 rlno, (OXSTlf'A'i JO.\| 8:i'i de mand the nse ofa mmody thut iw rp rtlr^tly orth« l.lver. Ass: Uverraediein'TUTT'f ril.LSLavo hoc ,al. Tneir nciion on the Kiineysi!!!'! Skin su'«o {iriupt rcinoving all itiipuritica Liiroutrh tiicse three n s o e s y s e a e tite,sound di«r8tion, regular stonl^. a clear ekin an a v: go fu bod v. Tf'TTS PILLS i i i s e n o n a u s t- o o wi'.b i i I v work fi.d c.) a i ANTIDOTE TO WALABSA. t. :,v. ».ai^. I i "TOttshair""dyeT oMiCH^ v i-' «y.,kq»:tc." IIov I'll modici.'i 'be i E ft I THE BEST l(|tfTMT^ a!Iy l£J{! vhull Cau-c-i Mhin e ri fi rs^'O to. To t'b rLrvuun, J.awver". 1 duudi. Banker, fjsi aj-'l M-r- 1 1 ,r i irre^iibirui' of the blood, •. kidi.-tHTH aiie I p(ino:!M r. S\M UOI 'JI .-i tt.,: $l'.r!o. Sold bj nil OriitfuiitH K«r t*rttlni"»iui'l c^Lo .- or v! or y HAY FEVERS •Mn. 11) r, 1 Slti' V— IBS 55. 2. A- a:i jOdKU'H- AlO. +mm iv-v. IAY-FCVER I rj- 1 191 ,i„MK ..ii i, il .iiiteeil «»i 'll: S3 w c:- per c*i:t flamulM wtwVa 5"Mr*» »r. js«S:«ks- M, Jer«mia»- Wriuhf* !*tl,• "nr.cii ,. \V. us ItN hi||, wlf, 1,1 hii ]«tt»r that Pulw.ctiary *Coa-i sumptisn ^iro *••1 incurable he:r j. hvf kurd". whcu lht. a::--h"S I. .II» ftw '"'entirel cured h«r. it# wrilen tl aii,- aTiihii »i(fhl.or»slunk itth»t!eit ivaiciiie ,ii '.!.j A Gr&ham k 1'•/ Wh,leult Drn^giBtl Ohio. »rit» .» cf th« cur« of Mat thlai Frteman. a well kn' wn caiipn. whn had apr.i. u-j wii.h Bron chitis I" n» »irn r.,rm U'i tw«ive Tears. Th» lioiiam car«d him u ha« curwl mao kl 'V* 11 Broncbiti». Allen's Lung Balsam is harmless to the most delicate child It contains no Opium in any form R^coiniiienili-ii by I'lnsifian*. Minister* and' Momps. In fa**t by wVi" k1v«?u its (fcx...i tr:a: II Vvtr iHil's t,, lirlnir lieliif. As an Expectorant it has no Equal. 80LD BY ALL MEDICINE DEALERS. TUTT'S I S !SHfaBSWBRnr»nBaMaBK TOftPSD BOWELS, DISORDERED V E R, and MALARIA. ln» BjV GRAT IfAtR OK Vi.:-K :it.S c::& ranfy t.»-. va '-.t,g plication ot tu.s Dtk. »y or ser.t !v rt1""'s' ii rf rc:pt of 81. gutA Office, •*4'M-.rr«u* Street, Nfw Y'e.k. TOTT'S MA! 'iJAL CF USEFUL fECHIPTS PRO^ rant, macli .iV.d :«ltive 1 I'OIU u •TI'l". rank C£ll6R4TtO •i-t p. "tinnt it pllJ'.H I pro .tit •*. us an fomiitidiis of .tne of ma'.a -:ea^' f., ar nowDed.. i- .r sate br Dm 2*-rsi if.j »c jr^p x_f-i p': 9 V TROWBRIDGE 3^3R0AD-CAST-Vi ftpy*'' f,r Si3lABI V v Tow •he Z.' •'v „id., f.f i.'ni. a '/ifls specific for Epi« Icpsy, 1) »icp«tia» ""t y o It o I i n« Loon |chaft" niiaii),". 'ii iU: CHILDREN cbiM W'Tj SEED SOWER SIMPLEST ^ait. aMiw. iii- fvorythiucr h(mB a E i H, ,i, mjuinrk' bu*iU-u*v.iix- into tbe air JV-rfevtlj Pin.pie. if w.itron tb ro» ''V attached Ileadily fan be vaKOIl l.BHtB .V l*TZ Team waikmir ii"e«i w Vf t'rop oin- fourth ii ile.l S.'!.,) Hta».:p for circulars taii I t-'HUiiA ir.alH Meuf.on this paper. C. \V IKMMt. Trfiinureri IS! Cl-.»•:»»!'It CO. DttMolnet. Iowa CatarrhSirs cream Balm vlien applied by th« .ini/ the ties' %!i!l be absi rtiea, e! 'eetrally cleanslDK :h« neail ot' catarrfcai vi •tia. cauaiwt hea'.thj »cCietioiiH. It allay* i nliaiuroation. protect* he uien.bime of the iasal Tas.sag».s froia ubiitioiia! colds, eenj. pletely befc.'.» tlKvSrii re« I aid r»i-t ret* taste and -ni:(-11. A few apiihc* !ii .lis relieve. A 'ur- m'jh irtntnient te4U I .-itireiu curt. Arree- able to u*e. Send for jr. uiar. Price, 50 c'"iits. by !-"»J or at drv.ggitts. BWITHKBS. OWIJQ, N. in v ii'Vi' \H.'V ie«ni .U.i hciiAfuv here and a. ]|(l[ ,\t| .nl.. v ,'lse.M i A f|.r,« JOE (JUREO ••."•.StIOl 1 ti:... v\iJlviin /an^-viiw i i i 1 xi :i. a rtiid lb Asoni ii n'.oiivs.».ra! 1', il Mr. i 1-*t". U- I' 1 a_'o 1! CHICAGO SCALE CO. 5sa='?UToii .. ,„s «\«0V 'ir. #»». S Tov. tieam Kox In iuti*d. 240 1b. FARMER'S SCALE. $5^ O if Kit 1£' 1 I fx 'J I 11 'It litb» POEG-SS. TOOLS. &c. tMS! nil(t.. 'UIIK l.'K I H.I! I #10. j» l- A 1 11 »I"l •rT»WU.#IO. Kftm r* jobs. Blower*. Anvil-. Vb'O" k Other Article* i'U.OHfchl 1'KH.KS, WHOUiSAUf BKTAII* Nerve Tonic, A I'"'ilivo Rpm en fnr all forma NorvcuH l'o l.uity. l)\-|«twi.i, .nal AtVi-i (inni 'lii-ne, v tn i«u i ii title Nitvouh I icraitrPmnit of th« Heart, J.ivt-r and K «11 other N-nuu« 4'4,1t^p '"outiuued use of msreury and potash for I tne treatment of Blood and bkn diseases—they nevt:r cure, auJ nearly always hi jure or totally ruin I The gf i\eral liealta. A WELL-KNOWN DRUGGIST, 1 havs 8«en a «veiit many casescurt-d with Swift's Si^citic soiui' who liaTe tried all surts of tn-atnient. In fact, I li»ve never known it to fail When aken properly. I sell a lartfe quantity of it, and for a\l diseanes that are dependent on blood 1'oihon or fekui humor. It cures 'riMPX-ES AND BLOTCHES ON THE SKIN, I and makeK the complexion fair and rony. As for bMCid'tuint, there is no such word as fail. It cures i-» -th it Itave lonu withstood other s^rts of treat ui'-nt, and without any of tho^e recurring troubles that uiju-ially foil w iner.-iuisi and other so-culled cures. T, L. MASSEXBl'IJO, SJai-on, Ga, Our re at i so on Blood and Skiu Diseases mailed free to applicant s. "TtTT fVTfT ^rTTTrrr ro. 1»I a », Ga. have ti.-n i rod. I ii ioci, 11-' i.i iiirflViu'V, iat I VI ft'ii'l TWO HOI m: is IJ v raiJU l.FS FHKE, to* i ill a V A l.t'AIil.K TliKA'llHK biillurcr. Oivo Kxj-n'^» nn-1 i'. O »«i-iro? Pll. T. A. btOCUAI, iW I'etii Bt., h'ew Torfc week in your own town. Terrni! and *'fi ant'lt 'rte. Address H. li*i.LKrr 4 Co., Portluud'.'U.v SPEAR-HEAD is a well-known fact that most of the [H -scaii'i Cattle Powder sol in this conn I try !s jM-rtbless Sheridan s n Puwtter 19 a!is" pure nn.l biV»cw NotliiiiK on Karth will fnaip' liens lav lik© Sheridan' [i onilitiou I'liHilcr. In s. nc -.(.i• i ..oniul to each pint of lotiJ. Itwiil also prevent THE ARRAY OF GIFTS WE PROPOSE GIV ING OUR PATRONS. 102O Acres of l.and In Dakota, Ne -isu and Kansas SSP.XOO OO 12 Wcherstv! ilirand (Ipr pht 1' l'i Kitganr llurdettOrgans 1 SO .-olfd ti.dd Stem-Wiml'i'KWa'clii s, I". 'pi 11 Mini mejjt. S«M» Th" Wilson No. Si Os lib.ting ^hi 'Me Sewin ^Machines ., n. Gov. rnnient lioud" $!• .»«'h no •-liver Siein-Winding Watches, s: 'iicfleld Movement I«OOMeei-chaun Pipes a«W Flo .b. iio.\es SiH-ar-Ib ad To- 0,IIIM» «H» a. ioo OO lo.OOO OO 85,000 «,*KH OO I CiiriE FITS) When I »(,) I are i «,. n. n.r-sn mereiv !o step ti., ff.r atlruo and ttier. iinve p..-:n return apalii. I tueun radi cal cure I hitve madB tlm (Iiscksu ot UTS, Kl'D.KI'sy cr FAI.LIKO SICKNESSa life ler,^ p'ndv. 1 warrant my rr-medv to core tbe worst oij»b Becaabe others ha»o failed is no reason fur tict now receiv'.-g Foot and Ankle. The EDSON ELECTRIC GARTER de velops the FOOT and ANKLE into per fect form, supports and strengthens the limbs, adds marvellous grace and elasticity to the step. It gives great I'rico: fldOper iMdtlo nr ii for Edsons' Electric Garter. and a fort n wnl': ritiiny ot iluneiny, main t.'i U), Stmt 1 ex jirpsg on m-eipt of rjioiipy. s 'in! ftump for ells-ii r. ,'ni'ns und fx AlillfSS, PR. itrs hralthju 1 •ireulat i o ». Uspcls cut'i at ii-f ind ttfxtralgic PV1NNKV A CO., II iSllUt ti 'l l.illl b' }1 illl!P'l|iil s, in. AUo for t.. 1'J" Druyt'istg. nuns, AiiMvt'5 i tii crathji? ara I iff ii s oj inls, nlicrr loatfd timtiz :id/eet. II I# r- (VI II JTDA Hog Cholera, Ac. Bold everywhere, or sent by man for ,WlilwiVKal« wnwliEl%ll( 2i, cents in stamps. Alto furnis-bed In larpe cam, foi lireeti-rs' I.S'\ j.rirc $1 bv r"..n!, $1 ('ir« 'iui" «ent KIJKR I- R- JOHNSON A. CO.. Poston. Ma«s. THE MARVELLOUS WEBBER SINGING DOLL. A Mechanical Wonder. •ir we li t' ti »].M is., So\ KMT to tbe ch'biicn cf Ameiicil it is sate t(» te-'-erf. that jio iov ever devised attained sncli fninieitiate popularity tiiily iv\ n o| itsuiei it\U' bad Ijcl!.-, tortbe Hoiiday I1 iib.staniuuK wlncll tbe supply v. exhausted earlv in l.venil»er, .ai buniiredsot children who e.mie to ourstore weie rtisjpp.'inlcd. We have been accuinnUlhiK stock lor the I ast :i^!ie in. iiibs 11 n i f!: a 11 n ieavcr th'- v ear to i i a!1 be-ic ai positivi-ly tb' iiin 's rk" i -nttiVf Si/ny," Js.i.'t I'uH at Ihnne,' riiia-.i!." Wheii la htllefiirtl TOYS EVER PRODUCED.!mi iT.n.cli Ihiee S„.s Vo. 1,: rf-atest M!!,|t,l 1 sale 2 Grand I P. J. SORC A Chew SPEAR-HE AF a l' EVtll bi.i.N I.N iiii.-s t., V ,\ •-il '.l.L care. Send at on:•• for a treat 1»} and a I'rco of my infailibio remedy, itlvo Expriiss and Vest Offlco. It costa you LOttiluKf( a trial, and 1 wtii etire yen. CURES %«RE All USE fA'I.S. This natr' IfSS ini'i ntiim ti/i'illy eujx r- tali* every other form cf Oarti for lMtlt,$,QeTi tic men or drt n'9 u e. n r. Ti.ey tire u\n n with nil the com/ort vfthe text A-noun garter*, and a i• e O MOKE EX I'£SS1VE. PRICE, in Finest Silk Webbing (usual colors), Stud and Buckle Clasp, 12, 13\, .'5 inch, $1.50: 17 inch, $2.00 per pair. Mailed to any address on rece 'pt of money. Send for circular, LONDON ELECTRIC FABRIC CO., SI Beekman Street, New York. ABSOLUTELY THE BEST.®! H.©y!r.i U0HTNIN6 SEWP! Tvi i lni'i. I 1^1. »ml 1.1 lt I h-» I» mtniili-. «"V llli».,Mi!.l\ llral-rliikK S.^»inur il i i r- 'e \toiiil. nil llial. W urr:llW-«t Send lltii'li ule.l !««:•!•_ It. Acenl. Waiilfd, Till Wll.MINilW-«ila»»ir«.»«i»iu!isc 1\() A4 Ii I K lilt as» or -Vc\» 1 nth. AN OPTICAL WONDER Tor plflunnS •n1 MafKUAterm llf fuU'«e ^rf Br tkt Lois 6^ f*wt everyone lo_OWr joljy picture buftineMU A N'KW, cheap lantern, for projecting and en largini ptiotuirraphH, cbromoi .inis, oj aque pn'tiir^'P mid o!iet« Work* bk^ niainr. and delurht* and tnyrt flt-e #»erv t««lj N-n,l for our fnil ami free d^j«!rtptiv* o:rc\iii,r MbaiLiT Hill Pub. Co., Box 7«. h. Y. City, M. MAKE HENS X. Sll I \(iTON TCItltlTOKY. lieh-.b:. j,, c..uce'.Oif Us climate, resources, nib ,iii! ii:i'^, va.-aiit ia:.ils. bu^ni'-ss locadn i o n s .- n i .- i a n i- -o i o y o u a j-1. l'ratt & .Mara hit iu. Hot 10, bv Unie i all*. W. LAY1enreand .!/ !c 1 I ^i»\\ lei tbe day I reeeipi. 'fhc lloll lias boni im prnvril In every »v»v fcinee la*l y«'l»r. i lti«» si iIf 1,•'iHi li body us in a I iinpo! t.-ii I.11= ur lo!l ha- an AMERICAN MADE BODY with biober ti. it :l ill *lt eMlly ana ^ra.efu.]y in »r:y poiition. Ihe aim ». of Finest Kid u"b F'-parate t.UKvrs. flneet bodies ver put i!i a l'o!!, they are ol grarelu! and nttur^l shape, arid i:i»i. li better and ni n- «'jtpet.:vrlv made ib.iti tbe best imp. r:ed bodies win. !i On y will nt-wear many nines. The Waxen Head* wiili bnu ba-.rare of tbe i.evt Kreneh and (Jer Tiian tii.ilte. made especially for this Doll and they are as b. anil! Ilnsllte. bail bealilitul eyes and d. bcately tnted cli.-»-ks. w consider tiieiu the tines! lU-H'a lleadH ever imported ir,to ili^ eu m,try. and that, without the Woiulerfnl Slnjiinir Atlniiinrnt tup. doll AlOMi IS WHI.l, WOItri! IHE KS'IIKB PUP'K. IllK SlNG-of ls« att a cum km-is e.meeaietl it I.i n tli" body. U is one the most i linen ions inventions id tin- ,,^e. lis shape and b.capoti are shown In tbe riybf band ciipr ivinij. It is a Perfect Musical Instrument, tmeiy made not i'.net i.iit of order and m. arrai ««.-l thiit a .slight lire-.-ate causes the *d 1 to si:.K ne of the i'o',bu mg air^: Ih'iiii' furet home," (irefnvni-," I want !u he an u-i'iel.' There ts ahiipinj lornl," Street bye tfrt t'l/e" "liiiriie "'V" ".4 (Oern tvnt lltS! ~Uuth? Prrncevf Wmtt. SotiQ." "America." "Thau, thuu rn'iti'sl" lilu.dn." "Hup br"m," Yankee 'German'*. Anvf/f." /.'eo p../. ies the Weatel." ".So many Stars Cradle's p.mvtlti "tiod t-tre the Qui kntf been made, but they are e\?tensi\ e, t*o, n onl of order a ml d" not 1 ent-TtaiTiinent that'our Wi»nl«rlul Nin«lii(r Jloll (i -t I- 12 indit-n hih, prlro N'«». ». 20 inches high,_ocii ntsT Boxing Ottai Sito OUUA\ lb, N'«. S? htrt-i l, Sloslni, I'. S. A. Fn*f Hot- mino thro' the Rye iod S u e v u i u-erinati i. ".S/tep my Child' \Valk.n« and ti.:.- i:i»r .1. have rdthe bttiec nes bait tbe pi'-amm win. is the Urentcut Novelty u ft UC r..? i? Clllbl lecc' to? l»ri"0 ,V«». 24 liiihfB high, Ikr^rThrac ii.. iri-e &4.00. These Prices includa All three out s are e« perfect and complete, but the larKer tbe i the b-nif. tbe ru'd better bead Sent any addrtss oil rt'Ctvpl of price- line «-mt»rul«-r«-«l ClirwiM xtrn, Tri k 'ihack i ri.iKP. Address all .roers to I'll K .M A A If I. fcHJTT# w ft\n C'u.vrrja'A'^A-r//.«.« ... I.- ••'. ,-// li-. *.'' /o S'. IM.. nr- IK A O V .'.K y.. NT OF GIVEN AWAY! ACTUALLY k.\sl Kits OF PLUG CHEWING TOBACCO! To secure the most equal distribution of the gifts we have divided ihe counirv into districts. The followo..ont ing articii'H wiil lie diM i iiiuted your diet rb con suiners of "(-pial Head" I'luBin sale for to iu. gr.vs "**£JiED. tlM.VA SMALL gl ASTIT London Colored Christmas and New Year's Cards. Sfste, fev-(3inr.cb|s V'lit-'. "'.•r»et!,» wine eah, thr«e for s..!-l l,ni ui..i i -r iioiibi»j the Mail', tMd free, cti uceipt of pn. t. riUS DULCK pri'.MSUiNG C". P. O, Boi '.',354, New York. 'Che wing T-1 .1 ii:it- let, s-i: ltlO Acn s of Land. 1 Weber S ie IS (, rand Upright 1'iano. 1 K.e^aiit llurdett urgan lO solid Goal Mi in-wind ntt Watches, K -an Moveriieiii Hl, Wilson No. JIS wip.l' Machines.. io s. Uo\- OO 4,HHI IMI Total Amount, SI02,400 00 Total Value, $14,300 00 XXaA«T To the consumer sending to or,r rtibii ior the 160aci*«ot Land. To tbe i.evt, Uett Organ. Then tOtU'-f nip I all distributed, have the peiu-ic m, OF s tin- •2.400 OO MOO O© aoii oo 3.«.o OO ft,2.~ in- nt lb e,.is, $o»u ach I I 80 SHv. !steiii.\\ mdiiig Watches, rinvrfi'dd Mm i UOO Meersehanni l'ipec ... .".oo Five lb. IJoxeg .^pear-Head To bacco DI8TRIBUTIOHT. -i id" Ti ph: I- ... ai.d tl. rO OO r.oo oo joo «o ],««» oo .ooo OO f•«,' .i n to us fI*. i May "i .(me 1, is CO., Middletown, & if will be eU i a V' *t. »n Kb 1 until th- !J-ts(iifis a &• set ynrpreaent. Ohio. £6. T-'«K?. the o r.rYKRs' CriTtE ift- ued and Sept.,is c.- ir:Marclipadres, 210 8£xll!reach iv lies w ith over 3,JJ0 illustrations—a whoie pic ture gallery Gives whole ru goods es direct lo consumers all eisonal or family use.onTelin order and exact cost of everyhow thing you ti-e,givesdrink, fun eat wear or have with Tiic e invaluable books con tain information gleaned from the mar kets of the world We will mail a copy Free to any address receipt of the pottage—7cents. .otupon us hear from you Kespectfully MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. a ii'-J'J Wiibn-li Avenue, i'h loft go, 111- THT 1 'j '".d.and L«.ia.' A. v i^w I I ti 1 uib vvaxiUsd. a. liO ivL, .'Iaua*ef, w v N. w.N. i*.' l,s Jackaon street. Saint l'aul, Miun, When writing in t-aw their j.. ^use advertibers advertifemeiit say yoc ir th per 1 i