Newspaper Page Text
CIirRCH D1RKCT0KY. 1 CATHOLIC—Kev. Father Hermelin«» riest. Service jvt Hie Stone, December 23d. Muss at l'l o'clock. Service in Wilmot December 16th. Mass i f^ins at 10 o'clock. Methodist.—Services in St. Chnrle* hali verv .Sunday at 10:DO a in, and at ?:K m. mi iu'lav school immeiliately alter morning »crvice. Class meetitnjs inimeiiiately alter vening service, l'rayer meetings Wednes day 7:30 i) m. Rev. 3 H. Mooers, {astor. KRMAN KVANUKLICAh—Rev. Ph. Latix, ior. Services IU-.W a. in. and oiirad, Pastor. Tint: TABLE U. & D. division C.. M. ft St. Railroad. Going Kast (icing \VV»t I'ussenger *:"7 am... J'Mseuger No. 5i hard. No. 1 No. No. S POTATOES m'TTKR. ..5:30 a Take Notice. All parties indebted to us will save It per cent, interest for three months, by settling before Jan. 1st. After that date, ill accounts and interest on !:e same from Oct. 1st. will be collect ed at once. gone to Chicago for treatment of the ves Diebold's mill pond is the merry skater's rink. Every night it presents a iivelv, busting scene, in which old Anyone who wishes to make a friend a Christmas or Xew Year's present, in the silver or jewelry line, not now iu W. DeXoyelles" stock, can have the ame For silver, silver-plated and nickle plated ware, skates, tilting, tubular lanterns, sausage-cutters and sniffers, at Charles Belcher's hardware store. place immediately. Any family town wishing to board a boy or girl while attending school for the work they will do morn ing and evening* please leave notice at this otliee. as several applications tor such places have been made. Cloaks and Dolmans at JO per cent less than regular price, for cash, in order to close u u i 8:10 5:30 ffarkei He ports. WHEAT, NO. 1 hard. OKHLEIt k IIUSSEK. l.tll'AL liAfOKirx. Shakopee Flour always on hand at the feed store. Mrs. A. II, Caward left on last ev ening's train for the east. The party who found a tortoise shell pocket knife on the mill pond can lind an oA\ner for it at this oilice. Mrs. O. T. Jones of St. Paul is a guest at her brother-in-law's 8. C. Jones, Esq. Our old and valued friend, A. W. Barron, of Springdale, was perambu lating our streets Wednesday. I)r. O. M. Ileustis, dentist of Mil hank, has been tarrying in town a few days, doing a lucrative business. "Feck's Ba»l Boy and his Fa's., ci gars, nickle apiece, at W. DeXoyelles. Major Crissey has removed from sisseton Agency to Travare, taking up iiis abode in his new residence at the latter place. Kev. Mooers has sold two acres of his recent lake shore purchase to Mrs. Annie Turbin, a most excellent lady, Boston, Muss. Presiding Elder McCready of the Ordway District held Quarterly meet ing in St. Charles hall, last Sunday morning, preaching an earnest dis course to a lull house. Smoke "Mark Dewstone's Choice," only live cents, at \V. DeXoyelles". We reprint this issue the table on '•Valuation and Taxes for 1883," with slight corrections. Every taxpayer in the county should have a copy for •preservation, hence this second edition J. B. Buehler, of Decatur, liid., is at present attending to the business '"juied parties, the owners of these interests of his cousin Jackson Buhler lakers will have a chance to our boot and shoe merchant, who has i and voung of both sexes Ireelv mingle injurious effects of coal gas. The ill the rollicking fun. Xo tiner skat- ,d""ipers ft the stove had been unin ing ground can be found Dakota. tentmnally so regulated on retiring to bed that the gas escaped into the room and on returning at a late hour. Mr. T. 1 iu short time lv leaving their order with him at once. The (irant County Headquarters will open a new stock ot Dry Goods next week for the Holiday trade. The church bell lately erected in the steeple of the Evangelical church not proving satisfactory, was this week taken down anil shipped back to the place whence it came. A new one of nutting, the (ilass Ball artists will par- i superior metal will be furnished in itsjticipate iu a shoot, 1^ yards, 10 balls, free to all. There is also some talk of getting up a club badge to be, shot for on certain conditions bv all enrolled! Two thousand bushels of oat.s want ed iit J. J. Stevenson's. Will 9»J in rash or trade. Andrew Wolf, the machine man, starts lor Wisconsin to-day to spend the holidays with friends iu that .State. Mr. August Timm, of Fon clu Lac county. Wis., has purchased Alex. Meadow's farm, just west of town. Mr. Timui returns to Wisconsin to- Jay to me undav school i) a in. Prayer me very Wednesday evening at S o'clock. (iKRMAN MKTHODIST.—Sunday, July 1st at 10 u. in. in school house, and every liird Sunday thereafter, Sunday school verv Sunday at a. in. Prayer" meeting very Thursday evening at 8 p. m. Rev. settle up his affairs there and "k remove his family to his new home. Owing to delay in securing the lit erary exercise for Christmas eve, that part of the intended programme will he omitted by the M. E. Sunday School at the Christmas Tree, but the presents will be distributed all the same and everybody is invited to hang gilts for their friends on the tree and partake of the general merriment of the occasion. Kev. Fairchild has moved his fam ily from the farm in Lac qui Parle I county into town, that his children '8•: may have the advantage of our schools, while he goes to the eeastern part of Minnesota to preach, lie be 6a laiigs to the Uni'.ed Urethren pjrsua- ATS 25 [sion, and departed for the field of his labors this week. Mr. O. 1). Hueston who has been doing good service during the summer in C. F. Welch's lumber yard and ot lice, has been employed by il. J. Mc (riverin in the hardware store for the holiday season. O. li. is one of our reliable Big Stone boys who deserves prosperity and we have no doubt that it will be to the interest of the houne to keep him permanvntly in its employ. Wellington DeXojelles will have a large assortment of fine jewelry for inspection and selection on Wednes day the ltfth inst., and for a few days thereafter. The goods will be spe cially adapted for Christmas and New Year presents for persons wishing to tender something nice to their friends. Don't forget the date, as the goods will be on exhibition for a few days only. Miss Ida Campbell, who has been a member of Kalph Struble's and Hen ry Glasser's families for several months, started for home in Michigan on Tuesday's train. Jiy a peculiar coincidence, occasioned bv repeated delays on his part, Mr. ltob Thomp son left for Iowa on the same tram, and the query with Miss Campbell's friends is whether sine will land in Iowa or Michigan. liuffalo Overcoats and ftobes sold for thirty days, 10 percent, below reg ular prices, at Oehler & Husser's Charley Kreig, the cigar man, scooped down upon his Big Stone friends yesterday, took a good order for his firm, paid his compliments to the HKKALD in the form of renew ing his subscription, and hurried on his way, rejoicing in the expectation of being able to .spend his Christmas in the bosom of his family in Minne apolis. Grevious complaints have been made to us regarding stock running at targe over town, and from our own observa tion we believe the complaints well grounded. The offending brutes are chiefly hogs, half grown, too costly to kill outright and too ill-bred to toler ate away from home. Judging from the maledictions heaped upon them by l,a' P"'"dmaster dues before long un ess s o li*e *tock. Oehler A Ilusser. •The Evangelical association of Yel lowhanks, Lac qui l'arle county, has nearly completed the erwetion of its south of the old Evangelical church Public Schools close for the holi days next week, and will resum «HI new church building. leet, re-, raine the bulk of their seed on thcii moved from Goodhue county, Minn., own farms, by the most approved to ii present JocatU»«. al»out six miles methods, and liave obtained a world wide reputation for the quality and variety of the seed they put upon the Wednesday the Ud day of January, l*i4. Let all scholars remember tlie -opening day and attend promptly, that '.here may item* delay in reorganizing l.Hind of the stray proguey are eorraled jat home. Tlusu inserted by request, las a warning. 11,e a family of C. Thompson had nanow escape,one night lately, from found the children delirious and other members of the family more or less unconscious with the dtadly poison. An abundant supply of the fresh night air and the assistance of a physician, speedily restored the exhausted and almost lifeless sufferers. A safe plan with coal stoves is to arrange damp ers an hour before retiring. This allows time to determine how the stove and gas will act. Oehler & Ilusser sell the Xew Home Sewing Machine, one of the cheapest, best and most durable machines in the market. On Christmas day, the weather per- members of the club. All persons desirous of enrolling and making the club a permanent organization, can do upon applying to E. W. Thorndike or F. A. Eldredge. The club will be organized with a small initiation fee. The attention of our readers is reKpectfully called to the advertisment in another column, of D. M. Ferry Jb Co.. Detroit. Mich., the celebrated seedsmen. They do the largest busi ness in their line in the lrnite I States market, and their integrity in tilling all orders entrusted to then). Their beautiful Send Annual for 1H84, sent free to all who apply for it, will be all who true to e lasses.-as a. e)iaiige of teachers de&ire W pujU'ijJiM seeds htce in the upper department. 'name. ical value to •Invitations are out for a social dunce and oyster supper on Christmas hve. The young men having it in chaige will make it THE event of the season. Stockholders of the Big Stone Lake Transportation Companyjtre invited to meet without fail at p. in. to morrow (Saturday) evening, in the HEUALD Otliee to pay or give security for their liabilities, or be nued for the game at once. A Mr. Burtleld of eastern Minneso ta no tills temporarily the position of station agent, while Mi. 1). A. Short takes a furlough. Between overwork and sickness 1J. A, was a badly used up man. lie goes to Sliak opce and Minneapolis. The well-known firm of Movius Bros, has transferred its machine bus in ess and interests to E. A. & J. 11. Movius. These two young men are posted in the business and will drive a lively trade. The old linn of Movius Bros, will continue in the real estate, loan and insurance business. While in Milhank yesterday, it was the editor's pleasure to look iu upon the institute workers. Though but the first day of the institute twenty members were enrolled and many vis itors present. Supt. George and l'rol. Cross, of the Milhank schools, were manfully and intelligently holding forth, and Territorial Superintendent Beadle was hourly expected. These people are doing a noble work for the improvement of our schools and de serve the encouragement and suppoi of eveiyone. MliS. E. LUPPS, DRESSMAKER Cutting and Fitting in tlie most satisfactory manner and in the latest styles ol the art*. 1 also tracli the "Jackson iModei'1 mode* o! cutting and titting. SHOP OVER THE HERALD OFFICE. If Monday. Nov If'. 1883. Board met pursuant to nil jornment. Present: John Hnzzell, chairman. A. C. Dodge and the clerk. Board considered several petitions for abatement of taxes. On motion the same were rejected. On motion Board adjourned to Fri day December 1, at JO o'clock A. at. John Buz/el 1. Attest. Chairman. J. C. Knapp, County Clerk. Gsne Sever lo Hrturii. GARDINER. MI:.-—Mr. Daniel Gray, a prominent, lumber merchant writes that his wife had severe rheumatic pains so severe as to render her unable to sleep. From the lirst application of the famous German Heniedv, St. Jacobs Oil she experince unspeakable relic 1, and iu two hours the pain had entirely gone.'. BOItAXIXE, the oniy successful substitute for soap, 10 cents per pound package, at Munr» A. Welter's. ovss. Thorndike Bros, are paying25 cents cash for oats, at the Elevator. Ba'lou's Magazine tor January wasplendi number, and '•ontains more g.iinl readiu than any scital in the country. There is a capital jils.rateU article on Alexiro and its pru^le and the coutuieuceuient ot Mr. William ll. 'J'ln.iiits's new yarn, "im Land and Sen. or California In the Years 'm winch will prove very interesting the pio neers ol tlu.1 ct.Ue, anil all who have visited thai country. No one should tail tor-ad it. besides "On Land and Sea," there is as^n-it eU illustrated poem by the popular pfel and hnnioribt, Karl Marble, and some twenty or more stories, sikeU'tit'S, and poems, by wtdl k nown writers. No one who reads liaSlou's Ma^'.zine can tail to 1* interested iu it. It is chcuj, juid it is good, its price beingjonly §1, V» ]er annum, or i.'t cents a single copy'*. Just stud to cms n a sumiile copy and see what a nice magazine it really is. wilt always lind soniMiiiUK ui it that can't be lound else whwe sor sale everywhere. Published by Thomes & Talbot, •j/l.iawley Street, Huston. MRS. E. SIMMONS. pERRITORY OF DAKOTA. County ol I Grant, hi Justice (Hurt, before A. W. Movius Justice ot the Peace. I'H.'iBi.K.s HKTCHKK, Plaintiff, 1 against £ss, M. P. AI.LBX, Defendant, 5 The Territory ot Dakota -ends greeting: To P. Allen, Defendant. V on are by summoned 1«82, tor moneys Justice DKl-ISSIXti CAi here to appear More me, at my ot- tiee, 111 Piy Stone City, in said eounlv, on the ljth Hay ol January, A D. at one o'clock, P. to answer to the complaint ot the above named plaintiff, which was lil^din my office on the ^Kth day ol November, A. ISM, by Charles Hrtcher, who claims to re cover ol you the and interest sum ot Twenty-three dollars Irom ami alter .Ian. 14th, A. D. paid by plaintiff lor and tabor done And you Iftil Haid plaintiff will terest Iroui ot County, D. T. work lor defendant. are hereby notified that itjou to ftppear and answer as alioye required, take judgment against you in said sum ol Twenty'three dollars and «lter with in January 1st, lss'i. Hiven under my handthfs 4th day ot De cember, A. D. 1M»J. A, W. Movies. the Peace within and lor Urant K. N. Pwineit, Attorin-v for I'laintitV. tMfUo jnoA )|3||os pua '•wmw *inv«i xmvs «»osouu||M OS *OK IB Ajpunoj Mougjq POt|»l|qP^SQ OACH '00)|n8M|{|| tliaOHnOi 3dAi. 'OQ TP 3 A OP i O aiju iMMOuit IIOM otix 1 have purchased a large stock (»f Lumber at prices \vhirh bottom tigures. I now have in stock Common I.iuuiK.r .Shingles, Lath, Siding, Flooring, Sash. Doors. Mou].^' Cement, Stucco and Plastering you are going to build call and see I will save you money. THE CKLi ilK VTi i POUT ItKYON LIJIKUV WRITING DESKS. TEUK^I OI Toys! 11ST TIN', j4 "•i+Jand '40,'' TilL Everything Bright and Ne PKHFUME CASK AND BOT1 I.L. HAXDKKKCIIIEF lu Cxiass, (Jliiiui juicl C'»! »i' '-I (»\lsTl N (it Plain and Ornamental Vases, Toilot Sets, Cups and taohe Cups, Tea Toy Sets, Mugs, Perfnmes, Hair Oils Poiaaflss, Brasliss, Gj In fact everything hoc s^jirv for iriiN to {ricn'i^ .i"'i Iionie liajipy. at MUNRO & "WELLE Call ana Bee TJ0- ATTENTION! I" airbanks Scales, Iron and Wood Pumps well, Sulky and Walking Plows. Points mid Oil all sizes, W'lntc Lead, Colored White Lead,^'! Mixed Paints of evory shade. Steam an'l1 Power Thresher Supplies, including Oil, Machine Oil. Axle Grease, inp1"3 or Cans, Belting, Lace Leather- Rubber and Hemp Packing Machine Bolts and RTOVKS AN! 'j'lXAVA1{6 Wagon Makers' iu Hair in C. P. WELC COME AND SEE (jOOll A MUNRO & WELLER' & HLoVM rKTl'KK FKA.MKN PIIOTOd 1{ A Fit AND Ail't'lIlAPH l'AJ'EJi & EN I- In Chess. Dominoes, Checkers. Backg Oris Cross. Blocks and Cards. VEI.MI- i'EA£J XMAS A .NEW YEA! NATIONAL AXDM Toys To \Y A I GAMES ORNAMENTS Pv (!j! for !l and Blacksmiths' Guns anil Fishing Tackle, Powder, Shot, Stall5, 'll & CHARLES BETCI H. J. HcEIVERI*. UdMcer. 5!5'