Newspaper Page Text
1 Tltc tfccviilcl. DOWNIE & NE11 1., I .ddiihe-. I STONE CITY, 1 OTA EPITOME OF Till- SEWS. Washington Gossip. Senator Sabin, chairman of the Kepubli can Nation til committee, Secretary ilartin and John C. New are the committee of ar rangements for the Chicago convention, Ttuy have already decided that the next convention shall not be hampered bv such a crowd as filled the immense gall cries on the 'ast occasion. Then accomodations were providdd (or about ).",0(5C. It has been decided to limit the seats* in the ga!!eries to ahour 3 COO. The body of the hall must ^ive room ror 82* delegates and the same number of alternates. Ir is the purpose of the committee to partition oil' such a part of the exposition hall in such a way as to a fiord room for the it form, required in front of it for the press, the "gates and alternates and the gtdiery room included, This will allow a tcial at tendance of about, 5,0t-K). The e.bject is to {••revem such interruptions and wiid scenes as resumed from so uunien«»» a maaa of visi tors in the galleries at the last convention. The president has appo nte i a board of officers of the army and navy to consider the question of sending an expedition for the relief of Lieut. Greely and pirty, and recommend to the secretaries of war and navy, jointly, what steps the board deeta advisable to* be taken for the equipment and transportation of the relief expedition, and suggest such i^ans of control and con duct, and the organization of its personnel, as seem b-st adapted to accomplish the pur pose. The board is composed of the follow ing: Brig, Gen. Hir'.en, rhief signal officer, IT. 8. A. Capt. James. A. (jrwr, U. tf. X. and Oapt. George W. Davis, Fourteenth infantry, IT. S. A. Mr. Springer will, on Monday, introduce a joint resolution, which he hopes to have passed imiuediatt'y, instructing the secre tarv of the interior and the commissioner of the genera] land office not to issue any more patents to railway companies of lands in laded in previous congressional grants, aad to take no steps whatever in confirming the titles of the roads to these latvts until cornrre s shall have passed upon the whole subjects. Secretary Chandler has received the lol I iwing ironi Minister Hunt at Peters burg: Harper telegraphs from Irkutsk that he hns just arrived from Jakutsk in nineteen days. Military honors were paid the bodies o D- Long and party n their departure from .Irkutsk. The bodies have t.een received by he East Siberia, and are now lying in a catafalque in the pablic square,wih leave the 11th lor St. Petersburg. The postmaster general has called on ti e attorney general for an interpretation of the act of March 3, lS.-s-i, providinc a read justment of sah~.lies of po-dmcs'ers in ac cordarce with the act of June 12, v\y 1£:. A very la tee number of claims have nctn made by postmasters for back pay under this act, and the amount involved i« vnti on.-!y esf.mated V-M'OU.o-, o to $i,u00.0.JJ. A suit w\b entered the 17th in the name of i Huodinot and the Cherokee nation against William A. Phr.'ipa an ex can givainan, to whom was commuted the dis tribution ot' the Indian nwnrd f'K*, mad? the last congre and about which there has been so much tall in couaec.ti in wih an a'i'eged nrsappropriafion. Postoflices established: Montana—Flairs, Missoula county. Postoilicea discontinued: Minufsotf Champion !'s, I!ue E&rih county, in ail ?d to Amboy. Poettua.iierft commissioned—Leilan A. King, (Jari.-uona, Mini-.- Franc's Gores, New Trier, Minn. Senators McMillan and Shi-?rn, and Pep rubentative Washburn, have rec immended the appointment of Oicar Malinro? as con sul general at Calcutta. Railroad News, The main ire oKhe Oregon it California, operated by the Northern Paci :c, running from Portland south to connect with the Central Pacific, has been extended to Grant's Pass, a distance of 500 milt-. This leaves a u*ap ot JOJ niiios to be finished be tween Gram s Pass andj llcduiiit'. the northern terminus of the Central Pacific. With the completion of thS cap there will be through rail connection between Port land, San Frunchcoand Sa'Taniente. Trains ha\ e been running lor Severn i rinys from Porlaud to Grant's Pass, and tomorrow Pulim .-.n th epf rs wi'l be put on between those points. Waterloo townsh'p, Towa, including two wards ot the city, voted on'helSth upon the question of levying a 5 per cent. tux in aid of the Wiec jnsin, Iowa it Nebraska rail road. and the p'ojeil was cairicd by a vote ol 3t0 o 27. Ttr'a in-ures the building of the road to Wa'erlou. ami thus give- adi rect line from Nottheasiern iowa to Des Moines. Genaral Manager Van Horne, of the Can adian Pacific roads, says no compromise will be made with the striking engineers in the Northwest, as they can easily be replaced. Foreman Dodge, of the Northern Paciic shops at Brainerd, died from exposure wh Ihunting on the night of the 13m inst. Crimes and Criminals. Mrs.^j J. C. (Goodwin is wanlcd it Whee! in^ W. \'a., and other cities for swindling girls. She engages lo teach the art ot dress-making. She has been convic ted of defrauding hotel proprietor, and will also be tried at Kaston, Pa., for larcet y and obtaining mcney y false pretense. She is wanted by t. egovernment for illegal use of the mail. Massachusetts also claims her. Wafterson of the firn: of Watferson and Dewey, produce^merchants, Sin Francisco, whose decampment with $12,000, all the available asset" of the firm, was announced a fev days ago, is now accused of having forged the name of his partner to several notes negotiated by hhii to the amount of about fl.XOtiO. Walter Bratt of Pine township, Portrr comity, Mich., wss killed by Dayton Clark. Bratt w»' drunk and abusing his wife, who is Clark'* sister. Clark interfered Bratt threatened him, and Clark fired. 01ark was taken to Valparaiso for trial. Mrs. Mary Pentieldof Kockford, III., and her daughter, ware arrested in Berlin, tie: many, recently'on suspicion of being nihil ists, They were sin'ply going about shop ping in the unattended American way. Frank James was taken to GaHatin, Mo., to answer the charge of murder of Cashier Sheets in the Gal latin bank robbery in 1 *(». #. Personal Gossip. At Indianapolis Dr. E Iward Griffiths, whose daughter, Mrs. E. T. John van, died recently irom the effects of a pis'ol sh wound, supposed to have hern int'icb by herself, has brought «uit to set side a deed executed by er the night, i-efore the tra"ig edv. He alleges that her bus* and obtaim-d the property by fraud and deception, aided by Rev. Dr. Wakefield ol Richmond, J:id., who' was misled and countenanced the scheme. The plaintlif charges that John son* falsely represented hts wife lo have been seduced y Cot. Henry of KnoxviUe, Tenn. He says she was shot and killed in bed, intimating foul play. A party of Sr. Pau1 paople far Nassau, BermudH, West itnues, wiiere they will sp?nd the winter. The party were ticketed by W. A. Turner, the local Agent of the New York and Cuba Mail Steinisbip company. The personnel was as follows: 1 r. Horton, wiie and daughter: Miss Carpenter, neic° of the late Senator Matt Carpenur Col. I.*-wis D. Wilkes, J. B. Brown. Mr. ai Mrs. Wiiiship. Kdward Hamilton, a prominent lina'icicr, died Pirtland, i., aged eighty-three. Hefenlisted in the Mexican war and was with Taylor in his famous charge on Mont erey. In IvV) he was appointed se- retary of the territory of Oregon and seived in that cipacity wiiile Gen i.ine v,as governor, hi hi- later year3 he lived re tired. Alb v, Jay Jones of Philadelphia, for many years a resident ol Home, proposes !o dona'eto the guvernment «f the Crated States Monte Haldriono, an estate of tifteen acres in the suhurbd of liorue, for aw acade my of fine arts. The property is valued at 10,000. John Loth, who so niys-cric.iciy disip peared from Ag&te i4y a !e t, days since, puts in an appearance at one of the camf« at Vermilion ike. He says he wanJered about cn-,..'id by S quor for days. E. V. Small ?y has written and Gen. Grant supervised a sketch ot Sherman for the Januar, Century, u,:i. Stieridan will be d. n up in February. Dr. ''oil-ins of Black for 1. N. Three weeks ago, Kate Went.-, hisberrotfted, wa« married to him at his bedside, Mrs. Alien, vile of the ac?or killed in Yicksburg by Frank Star-', is v. .• wit'i her daughter, Misi Dtvin. Lady Wilde want: the blood of an Amer ican editor to satisfy her auger at 'icars treatment. Mr. MrKenziegets a J_\000 verdict agsnnst the St. Paul. He stumbled into an (xcava tion. Capt. S. M. Tallman. of the F'irsi infantry, died of heart sease at r'.^rt Leavenworth. Edward Hamilton, secretary nf regon under Gen. Jo.' Lane, is dead. Foreign Items ot" eu". A. meeting of Orangemen,t ea pr-.-.s indig nation at the v.i- pension o1 L'.rd !iosiiiGr«'s comiai.'Sion wa« !-.e' S at Monaghcn. 1 e land. A carriace containing l/jrdati«i I.sdy Hosimore was unluirupssed and drawn by tbe crowd to the ioe of meeting. A r»r\, oiution wns p«s-"-d tn^cnnitiu the n'liiuv al of K ^.-.:m ire. Tiie Ialtr-i's idth-it what I.c had i». read\r don he was rra ly to do again. The hair yearly meetingut' tbo grand lodge 01 v*:a:'..te!nen of Ire and pais: i a strot't: re?-olution iddr..ved to l--.yalists of the British empire.« viie insult cdleret to loyal:.*ts c. Ireland thr-i").'h the ::f: sion of Rossmo'e'j commission, and asking ail to Stiii'.d by and .or tlie ime :r t.v ot the empire and honor the throne agnhis- rapine and rebellion. Meetings are being hftld \ari.-,- parts u? I.op.don in support of the movement to procure a reprUve for O'Donnell. At a conference of the St. Bridget ciub, Holbion, the followir'g resolution was pus.«ed. We having heard of O'Donnell.s last statement to hi-, brother, niade or. the l' :h in««t. earn estly urge the home secretary to obtain the respite of O'Donnell, on ace unt of what we are firmly convinced was ti:• iiscur ri.»je ol justice for darimr to defend himself against tLie murdcroi attack of one who has been most fully described as the most infamous murderer of modern days. The London Times says: There was never more uucomprornising defiance thing in the face of the English nation, or the government than when Pamtll. in br speech in the rotunda al Dublin on 'he 12'b inst., ('•rehired war o'i consti'uUonal iirinc pl' S on the connection between Et.giand and Ireland. will be iiupossible for the public men o' England to reganl th:s re nevvrtl of Irish warf-ire with imiiiierence or contempt. The situation is serious and will tax th nbility of English statesmen lo the utmost. llnngmnn liinn has arrived to make pre| paration for the execution of O'Donnell. The American'er says he ii not .ree to discuss the "teps taken to ob'.aiu a re spite, as he is hampercdjjin ap -rcaciiing the British, government by the rev.ilt. of the Lawsor. case. It is reported the jurymen have been seen and e.1 ort.s were unavailing to them to join in a memorial for a re spite. O'Donnell took final leave of his friends on the 1-1 th. In th* case of the Central News against Judy,in London, for publishing an alleged defamatory article in reference to be tele gram reporting the supposed plot to assas sinate the marquis of Lansdowne in Can ada, a verdict of" not guilty was re turned. The judge thought there was no case, as the libel was mainly a critic ism by one member of the press upon an other. Gen. Lord Woiieley was on thel'dh inst,, summoned to Windsor castleand reached there very early in the forenoon. The queen de'ired him to give expression to bis views upon tke present situation in Egypt, so far as it was afiected by the operations of El Mad'ii in the Soudan, and might render British intervention necessary. The Spanish government has telegraphed the Spanish ambassador at Paris instructions to make representation to France that if it shovild be proved that the French authori ties have acted unjustifiably in the Gulf of Guana. ia stated that Ferry has informed Pres. ident Grevy that Great Britain has resolv ed to intervene between Franc? and China only after acrtenie-f o*» t*"* German.- i Anieri' .. Casualty llcoord. A large "fore an*.' after s^hn'mor was in view off Kv' i.stou, a .-lioii d'^iance north of Chicago, on the 17th inst., drifting hope lesIv\ Several tegsfcent from there searched tor her w'thout surcet ti e entire alttinoon and it is belie ed that she ha 'Mine ilown with all on board. Soe is supposed t-| tte tiie srhooner Nort Cape, hunb laden, from Muskegon i'or that Miscellaneous News items. The publishers of tho.1*v«ndinavian pap r. o('Minneapolis and Si. Paul have organ), The S.rindina ian i'ress Associrttum ol the Nort'twestlo further frieiu'iy intercourse i between its member-', eut'-'rlato v^siiors, atd iliscu-s matters of interes:'. to the prci t. -.on. The ».tlic.:rs are •. s ft r.oWi: Pre-Mdent. Lu" ther Jei ger. vi'.e pre-ident, M::gtius I/iu j.ov, -.ccretary, Christopiier Brac.dt corre .po: iiii secretary, Si'derlsfiitn: tieasur v'r. II. ':ext meeting wi be he'.disiS i e first Thursday in January. Bart S. Tihbitt?, a leading cigar manufac turer of Coidwater, Mich., one of the heav iest in the siate. on Sunday tKe lt! h, moit gnged all his properly. The fact coming to the knot\ i -:dsje. of creditors hi.s tcjcftcc.} stock waa repicvined nuniediute'y by the 1 "riled *•'ites ni'irslie' nt th»' suit of cred itor? in Nt-w v. ork s»tid l'hi.'a tei(-bia. A serious corn 'ication has arisen, result ing from the i'iness of Congressman Has bt,' of Kri:?as. He is not al u.: to leave his ed, ami li^s applied to the speaker to come to him and ar.mioi^ter the oath of thee. Such a proceeding is wiUn-ut prtcedvnt. »t:d probably the spe.sker wul se've the t:' cui'y by -ayirgtlie .('iesticn to the home. •A meeting of members of the Yatuie: slice family was held at Philadelphia prosecute their claim lo the property ul Jacob Va^derslice, who died in Dort, Hol land. in Ileaviiu u'i estate now valued at f."-0,u.»0.lacob had n I'dren and •the claim-1.*- '.re descenduu his five brothers. One of'he largest caft.:f sale-, on record was cotif-umtwaftd a*. Denver, 1). H. and J, W. .".•nydcr it Co., of D^nver.botight of Sny dtr Bros.. Georgetown, Tex., o'er «.*0 in a ol cattle ana 1"0 coiirideratiun, $7(.k),''0o cash. Stephen fi. Price, Philade'phia, chsrgr-d with the embezzlement of fsf,000 from the •J estate of Thomas I!ichar.lenn, of which he i was executor. w».* af .fitted by the jvuy after ulr.g cut s'l nigtir. The wife of John Horrie ot Hcnvcrviile, New Brunswick, gavo birth to four boys on the afternoon of the l.hh inst. it^edie-. two hours afterward. The others are duimr well. The state treasurer'? repot the ivjitjja to 1" 71**,7 hat been rediieed oebt of Pen During tht-jVCAT i, "it 0. Tyler v C. B. Wickham a. Co.. bjiik^r? o? I Pa., hav.' fii -d. A judgment ha!: bi ter«".I against their, for Ceroid Mav.ey h.H mi- t'j 'iimce for w.'.'X) da-»u^: do:u-1..• his lecture. A New Hii^ an ^borate of Frost. manufacture Lvnn, Mas- Jose jlief ot ro"kfi(.td .i..' faile i. '.-'abiiiti •tr.ted. .- h. Kaitroaii oncrnction to thr Noiih. west. i 1p- tota: new mileige tor 1 on roads rtinnir.-g into St. Pau: and Miuneapo'is, is !,310. for-.4') tu 1 and L'.OSl :ti The actuii, fa-'{ne off 1-. no*, so great as ap pears' from this com pari son, since the totr for i -'-J embraces condructson on the Cni ca-ro sy.-'em remote from S:. Paul, not in eluded in tins year's com potation. An ac curate co'»ip iriaou would show a general decline from J^ 1. t.fie great raihoad-building year when l't.tMO mii'es of i new .were huilt in the whole country. The Northwcs.e-rn ror- Ktruc'ion is fairly divided among Uie gteat 1 systems 'f'.he Nor! iiern Par: rlc buiiiis :jrj i 0:2 branche."-: the Manitoba, eighty-six mile" on tl.e main line, and ."n, on bra*! ch'.s the Mv.dUjhfl, eigbty-bi:v miles in the liel river i valley and Devil's lake country the Mil wsukee 1 nule.r', and the North we stern 1 II, mainiy in Northern Iowa a.-d Southern 1'akfitn »i:i1 the »rnaba ll.i i.iiUs. in North ern Wi.-consin. T1 e of all t!jt ties is in tne direction o! economy, next year will probably fdiow much smaller I results. Frank dainos Not Yet Clear. Kansas City Special: There was a gather ing here recently of old time confederates I and companions of Quantrell and other i rough ridets of the T.o-si Cause," in oMler lo assist Frank James, the noted outlaw, in obtaining bail for bis many crimes. 11 has been known for sometime that the step was to be taken, and in consequence officers from various localities were o:i hand to se cure the prisoner, if perchance he vra" 'rive his liberty. His bail in the: sum of ooO for the Blue Cut robbery was finished, but he was immediately rearrested by the sheriff of Gallatin county upon the charge of having murdered Cashier Bheets at Gallatin, Dec. 7, 1800, and will ba taken to that point the lith, United Sf.ate3 marshals were on band with writs for James' arrest for the Mussel Shoals (Ala robbery, and for stopping United Btates mails. A 'so an olKcer from North field, Minn., with a requisition from Gov. Hubbard, The prisoner and his friends w««re greatly surprised at the course taken by the ofli.ierE in returning the outlaw to his old quarters at Gall*tin. It is not known wkeiher he will be allowed bail in that case. Kuramel.sburg, near Berlin, is 1h !ag st goose marke: in the world. They bundle I'D,000,000 a year of the succulent bird. roNiuillSSlOXAL fVedHfsttii'f, December tV*. s iiie The port, where she .3 owned. Sie has ft crew of etghl men sliippeti at Milwaukee. h* it Portsge, mitnba. \V rV*111v les east of i tlie 171 i(i^' "X'I OO 1 JiO bvf A long discussion took plar o ?.tuki' fund, participated ia by Messrs. Beck, Sherman and Pinmo. Mr. Wilson's pr.po"ed civil rights auHmdnicnt win de bated by the author and Mr. Garland. following seminations were made i ti premier!': l: ual A. Johnson, New "S ork, wirveyor gfiivralot Am/.olu Lawrence Welde noi«, jutee of I he court of ciuinu-: Job"' 51 T.itiiii r. I tilted States marsh il lorine S e.ti dis'iict of Illio lis. HifirmalioMS"-V!h Ivdvard Phelps, t-,u wy extrtmrdinarT and minister piempoten tiaVv to Peru: William W. ''nouns Jr.. mitustc" it.•'ill'nt to S.veder: and Norway Henry White, second secretary of h.gH'.ion, 1. i Kdsvin Iwiriey, eo^ecto ot inter ».I*"• iw tiii» COIlst dlSt :iet of Is i 4 in session. heccfi.t'rt m. t-* —B:i!s were iutrods-iced for the ad. '..\ission of Washington Territo-y and a nor tion of Idaho as the state of Wa^lsin and for a commission on the liquor tr. The report of the committees on discussed. The president sent a large i: army noiui'i ttions to the :euhlc to-dav, mostly rec ss app'. sntmei?t5. Awior.u »be ji \vak Cof. H' i .iliird t»»r «ju "t* rmaster -:«»i:er«}. Stnator %!ii!-tn itor t{ ic-d .i bill --.utlHir 2iig the t-rectiop ot bit'*s by tiie' Widoni, Aim-!. No.*t»w« «ern li.wuoid lompany across tie Wi-vcusin river -it I'ratrie dt Chi':i, within live miles of the o iiuem-c of the Mi-i/i-sijipi rver, across the Biae'-i river at or mar La Chjs.-»\ across the C.iippfwa river within tiv' miles of the c.wTiti.tericn wit'.i the Mi».-i-^ipvC' river, across St. t'roix river or lake wit'.iiti t'.vr miles of its moviMi, an.' be iwten tbe ntoutb. of the St. Croix river and ll'idsop. Wise n-iiii. Hti bilis a'fti au hor ize the Chicago fc Nori^ueitern to construct a bridge acre,.--, F.:ver river, near its mouth, south «.d the town of Galena, Lb Ail these bridces to be 1 uiit under the supervison of the secretary of war. Adjourned until Monday, I7:h. Hot "si:.—Not ju session. 1 Was:bur!( o: ire i I onsclidation /or the cor, s i ii.itio:i oi" the dians in Minnesota and the tain bi of Chipp"— tiie removoi to the V. turn. The author the i'.iterior to neg.-.riate with htke ludiaos for t'ie cession '•f this I ir in /.Lire.? m,u I'fiited .Stso.-i tor a ','pr.i.u-ed ••iiiu if tii deriuie. to Cidc tiie same in tr'i-t to i iiit-l S-.f.Vs. toni to n with nt'.er ."rdjt?i*i Mmites^'tv t»r ihe cj th' V it eel Suees th. ir n-vrvat io:.s trua!,ai:l with the Ttrtle Moiuiitt.ti India or tne xtiniu..-ii:iieni ot t'o.r jjt e i •i r- r-' :r. iui lotne unc.-t.eit land- .tin, by them. A:.0'.ii f»rtv b'l's, refol'jtlcvns, joint rss uuons of n:i.-'«ui!fH i:*i e: 'uiiive doc r. v\.. pr- iiiet:t« r-t re pre.--1Med S.jn created when \j r. \rr of •••tiled a res i'iori r*\.uive .lut. [-rovid-d ti the 'rriiion of the pr, -ii'« ti.) hope ihiit t] certait whether tiie ii j-ired or murui red w Fun. Staiea e.!i 1 if.M, te.g or injuring of the Aere in e ic.ri nicipa! law of the ou apv law ot tie -,t-J s Co'idi-.ieratu-i oi tiie r*-y»I • (-,jI!'j?»r f. I ia were mud*, and ii .vt s .v.- The .-p aker aut:-.jM I .'•n ru!i «, r.mi aft4 a s* tr.- ol at oi:r, t^:e .••eis irg tor King Ks :'i Tr*his A ii.e.v-a.'f was receive 1 from ti-p- t.o'iS" .:onncing !h"d.- i!ir of Vv rt man 'ifc'l. A r*c. vai taio". r-,d after appropiiaij r« :uari:, o1. «. mr on, the pn ^ident of thr-senate ap- M«.r, Pi: ,ih and CorfcreMc com- .:i:iue to fittvtid the ol».e uic3 ,,f the ceas-d rtpr.^T.t^tive. The ,.,-iiBte iu re m.-ruory, thvii adj..u u d'. l!l Ia-' chaphi *!, in a few touchin wcnJ- rred to the deuth of Hon. D. C. i-kei! of Kdisps, and mvoked tii« divine 'V/!n!r "i" ,n th,! herf I ian mton die owr er of u, forgery was outI&ww5. i tJ. at ins •. .. i... U ot ii he kil it U. the r-. .a, or n his Prat wife to Tesag J? lowedhtmafewB^tC ing e j.osure i 0SP SK„f^ on,|-owing signso f«Jj oin.a, Lose ass^nih. hih wife was only hi8 mivro fune indttcing ]1L., U 1 s Wlp'reah(, t,i r* JtttlJtr i-mMmtsK..., —el ii:.v ni 71 ,| Hi a yt n-rai, .i, [iii- Wi w 1 ittji i ..«»r:'^1 .- 'muiy. .=ir, Ai d-r-'.'n ot Kan-as leeiiu'dv ".'""/V::1 tht tleath lh colleague a-!.) 1. Anderson offered the r'.om^v res oi:« ion. whn was imamm-iuslv :«.i'„M»d and ...le hon*e, ui tribute lo i'k- m.-:-..--v of jh|-drotajod, ttf.jaurned tili Wednesday the. I'Variul Hotel |--,P« Scare in Milwau kee!. Milwaukee was ularmei Monday e •(•s.h.g at 7 dock by n tire nh.rm a. the Piunkin ton House, t.he principal hotel of the city. The tire caught in the laundry dry to oc., the basement of the maiti art of ilm p!»n Kinton b" i.:e and had worked its wav through the i! lor (d the uming room Mr e -Ir. HhPe, the matuuer. prevent.d a panic among quests bv goir uroimd nut per sonally them that there via* n dt'.iy/er. n.i one „f the upper floors Uie W !Hfl„, employe:, of tije tiote! were :rat.i"-red, ri.,1 ^re prevented irom n mung anu,-«li i.-liev, hy the manager who ran tip and spoke to th^r.i nt y, until about- 7 o'clock, and some ip.nutes af «r it was known that tfjo tire was tinder control, the dense smoke Ivyar to ascend, and the a floo.I.W, the furniture ma-le a rcsli for tin- hre (.-cape, cown whi-d* forty of lium w«» taken wuhr.ut an ,]ailia,rtf conrmed ptinctpaily to Mi« laundry «nd •i'sajes to it. Insurance reen e-:i 1 V i e a n w a a a o tne coo •Ke 'J1111"- b,,,!din 'S tii Hired tor or i: ,(K»o. and the '""'"I'lrteJ. fori.«... Uomance in Texan. Hwu-fton Speculr-J. w. Po9e, a wealthy carnage manufacturer, disappeared on the *, Hia wifr oiithel ,0 -.sofa!^#| and nic-:. n i recent !.. an AIr. 'i! O'.^f] -:jn ... «rt ai ui: field Ini lew Pint iv .i piorcnl. .v«* _tl -../Jl S»:'.lti lh en mtitmd it V i iinnp-dia' 'iisi o iUi to the cluc! idprt di-hitiCi-1:i'-i ••Sinia K-. -i». Miju-.d, Jitpi S iltno^t, or oti'.'t only used :ts wild c.iltle and 11*-c"' j1' b-e.n tlciv.vlv jnv-t, as is r-hown ov in the tslmpo "i Aitt and her 6Hpi»osed Rtep-eon 'Hi the grand jury Roae it? Cornelius Kaum who in Kingston, N. Y., in two, commit! ted a heavy forgery, deserted hip wife and I three children, came to Texas, made money 1Ja«naJJ- Ai««e »i:l fo iir:u of former iDnutidt'.t'" mi 1 ol ti.e-o P-dated s!)'^j '. aimost e.vlus'.vtov k. ejgrt ''ncieilics tle*rt -d 1 h1' reti- l-'.ivn bee:, -''^r to lorc/ejtn !:(•(.ui. times !, Owe of'tlio lar.'c-t of til l?nrli:trii. .V '.°nL tdorod, tiio'tgh it with numerous trii'1-! e K U n -r y o i n s titu' uUiiotigii Jr.ul-, ing iiocit ii.iuil't:*"- i'J prttsi'iiIs tnanj' f1"-1*-1'" "yoiitivrer"' tli'' 1 i e iand, hsivimr t'l'd1 I __ lrom the pc i hy .ire long ... wild lllld deS-.l:'»c.•' cli.iin wliieli here', ttie shore, of the ^lliV'i.'r or of these islands. seventy nnies oil H"'' dere I famous by «a\, hjuic ofa woman ft" returned to Kingston m:«, after the charge ef i cidenta-lly abandon^^ ed on nidi misty8:1{•••... iill'oih'd upwards ot cughtc loseued bv a sen. i1 tlays of the America" count.