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THE HERALD. 1) W I: i:s i.i,, s2 A I'rar in s i '•MKKRY C'IIKSTMAS 1 Publishers AliVillKC. DAKOTA NI CITY. i.i A v. ni.c. 21. lv P. W. Thompson, of WestVir ii.u ha bjcn appointed by the pros •lit and confirmed by the senate, agent at Sisseton Agency, Dak. is. T. McCoy has been appointed :L not yet confirmed register of the ml ollice at Aberdeen. a i now temporarily tills. u* i! -at" Raymond, of Dako ta will caii upon Secretary Tt-ii -i .-••ml a commission to iusp i! i ll mines in the great Siuux. iesti vation in the vicinity of La Beau. T,:e Indians are carrying on quitn an \U nsive business in taking mi! to ihat place and exchanging it for :acvo and whisky. The discovery o! coal in thi! rescrv-- has increased the demand for opening it np. Miners not allowed to go on thereservation for prospecting purpose. to all the r«_-ad- of the IlKiiAU), is our greeting for i xt Tuesday morning. May the icy n'ath of winter bring no chill over I:-arts that the warmth of family love (.ianotmelt in grateful song. Much l.-.iy you have sutTered. but sad indeed 1. is been your lot if you cannot see v here it might have been worse your v may ha\- i :en darkened, but throughout th'-r" was a silver lining and though Dame Fortune has trilled times with your idols you have ::en se h- wreathed in smiles. I'pon of you plenty has been .)wered and on this Xatal Day of t'i world's (in at. Ciift withhold not \-usr hand from charitable givim:. J'J ay the peace of a clear conscience and the contentment of thankful 1 arts be the portion of you a !. For a marvel of systematic accura y, it would repay any one to take a look at the abstract books of Ifawes &, t.ibson of tiiis place and Milhank. iiese gentlemen have the only con. l'ii-te set of abstract records for ra::i .nd Roberts counties, and as minute i--'ords they are by far the finest col It -n in any county in the Territory. 1" 1:• -e counties necessitate very car. i description in the matter of realty ransfers as many fractions and irreg i a ities, not found in other ounties. a is i* from the projection of two reser vations into the survey, two different i veys of one of these, and the ni character of the lake shore. Mr. 'iibson. the junior member the firm '.i.akes it his exclusive l-'i-iness to !.--.p these books and owing to hissrp rior penmanship and technical know ie«!ge acquired by long experience in the business and close counsel of his i.ble law partner, records the mnr.i details with legal exactness. i a-ir 1 an and real estate negotiations con dueled on these records, make them the safest firm in that line within the two counties to transact business with, as their already large patronage at est, a fact which all persons, especi ally strangers, who flesire to invent, would do well to remember. The season of long evenings lias fully arrived, and we presume is an important question with many of the young people our city, how they e.ifi spend these to the best advan tage As they think of the homes they have left in the Fast, they will remember those evening gatherings of young friends, that they used to en joy so well, and wish they could step into them occasionally this winter. But as they cano-t do this, where can they go to find congenial companion ship and a chance for self culture? This is a one- tion that is not answer ed satisfactorily with the facilities at present afforded by our city. And in th.e absence of other facilities, young men should not neglect to supply themselves with good reading, fortius 1 hfy can easily do and thereby secure a ast amount of valuable instruction which will be of great benefit, to them a:: the jejfit of their lives.—Fx. A CAI:D. '1 he following card is being sent out and those whom it may parti^u i iry concern will please take notice tin reof .Big Stone City, Dak., Dec. 20, I^«3. i) Sir:—It is a matter of business with us to reijuire all persons whom we have accommodated to make a set tleuieiit at this season of the year, and would request that you call at an early date and give our mallei* some atten- firm. 1 Dakota Court*. The First district embraces the Black Hills counties, the court sitting at Deadwood. the Second district, sub stantially all the country south of the forty-sixth parallel, and east of the Missouri, the court sitting at Yank ton the Third district consists of all of North Dakota, with Fargo as the place for holding court. Although a new district was created by congress a f,)w years ago, the entire Territory is still divided into these three dis tricts for United States cases. Tho .Judges are appointed by the President and paid by the general government, All offenses against the United states, such as making or passing counterfeit money, fraud in tlie pro ouremeiit of land, robbing the mails, or crimes committed on the Indian I reservation, are tried before th»se United States district court One of the judges, of eo irc. lives in each of these districts and, ad dition to his duties as judge of the United States district court, he holds regular terms of court in each county of his district, and these courts are called district court s for such and such I a county. They have jurisdiction ov I er all matters that do not come before S the United States court, except such matters as come regularly before the probate judges, who arc the only other judges in the territory. As the Territory doveloped. tiij county court business lava me so exten sive that one jud^e could not possibly I make the circuit of a section of coun try as large as the Mate of Ohio. Jip plication was therefore made, to con gress for a new district, and a bill was passed making the Fourth district out I of the eastern portion OL the ^ecoud. As congress refused to make the Fourth district a United States court, it has jurisdiction over county matters only, ami the second district still em-) braces all of sooth-east Dakota fori United States purpose Thus it will appear that while the Chief Justice is judge U»r allot South- I east Dakota tor United Mates cases. I his jurisdiction does nor extend over I the eastern portion of i:i .dstiicf lor ists of all four of the judges, all of whom sit on every case, it, therefore takes the cuncunvnee of three bulges to reverse a deci :••.,• a. -, -houid one ot the otuers a.: a ndge from wiiom an aj.peai is taken, there would then be a tie, and the decision made below would stand. Yankton 'el'l'. ion ee I'roaM 4 'l'4*r i.siltp. Brown's V:dW Rnp-rtfr, P- •. ::th The artesian well diggers .-laic tliii at a depth of about lortv 1'eet they penetrated a stratified layer of slate rock—the genuine article.—one feet thick that they also penetrated a gas vein that smelt ii:.e petroieurn. Won der if we shall "strike e!" The skating boys, who have lately been on Big s^om- Fake, say that about one mile from its head there is a trough in the ice ploughed across the entire width, about ten feet wide: huge chunk's of ice piled up on both sides. The. query is. what internal force conld have ei.-ati such an up heaval. After going into the liver busi ness, about a month ago, Dt-I.., Mat teson hired a voung fellow l»y the name of Fred Bailey as hostler. On Tuesday evening of last week, while Delos was absent in Hancock the trusted chamber-maid of the livery barn,who had !wn left in charge of the business, proceeded to hitch up the best team in the barn to the best I buggy ami, taking a thirty-dollar lobe, *'lit out," going to (iraeeville, from there to Ortonville and ]fi^ Stone City, thence to Appleton, where he was about to sell the out lit to the deputy sheriff, put becoming suspi cious that he was suspected of having stolen the team which was a fact he left the team and made his escape out of town. Mr. Matteson arrived home Monday evening with the team. which cost tr 100 1 Y'ours &c., I ]CLIHiEU«K A CltAIG. Kuioke "Mark Dewstone's Choice," u*ly tive cents, at W. DeNoyelles'. *20 in money receipts of the barn winch the horse-thief took. aw.iy with him. Following is a discripton of the fellow: Height, about feet and lo indies weight, lrtd lbs twenty lour years of age, dark complexion, small gray eyes short black mustache, a small bunch or wart cm the left side of nose, a large scar under right ear extending down the neck: was dressed in blue overalls, bine stockings, rub bers, gray plaid ulster overcoat and Scotch cap. Ilucklcifs Arnica Salve. The greatest medical wonder -.1 the world, l' w iii ranted to spee-lily cure ihims, bruises, Cuts, flcerfi, ^.".lt Rlierin, Fever Sores, Can cers, Piles, Chilblains, Corns, Tetter, (.'hap ped Hands, Mid all skin eruptions, guaranted to cure in every mxt.tuce, or money refunded Twenty-live cents jxer box. For Sale by A. \V. Ile&seguie, Druggist, Jtig Stone City, Dak. WILn®f, The past week has been more than i r» i inarily busy in legal circles. The first case was that of Mattice^ A. Stanton vs. Win. Grit/mocker. The verdict was S'-f.0i damages and costs in favor of defendant jury trial. The second case was that of Martin Miek elson vs. Ilelnier and Xanearrow complaint, setting prairie on lire, ami thereby burning complainant's hay. Verdict of jury no cause of action. A number of cases against Win Oritzmoeker have been compromised. Mr. Drawes, father-in-law to Mr. GriUmocker is here, and will take charge ol' the saloon. It is to be hop ed that Mr. Gritznioeker will resume the harness business, as there is great need of that branch of business in this locality, and we see no good rea son why that business should not pay in this community. It mighi not be very lucrative 'u-t now but the lime is not lar distant when ii w li pay well. Christmas goods in abundance have been received by our merchants and preparations for the holidays are being pushed with a vim That's right Let us have an observance of these days jin a manner such as becomes a Christian nation, and it celebrate th nativity of the world's Redeemer by seeing who can drink tl bad whiskey and make the mo*.. noi.-c. I But as the old year closes and ush ers in the new. let us be thankful to the real. Dispenser of all uood for whatever of good he has el: .• to do. and in a befitting ma t.» heartily sorry for our many siiortcoim iims and if we live to do so, may we einer upon the new year, not only will) strong resolves to live oeiter purpose, but with grace to ...those resolutions into practice. ilnh the hope that this may be the case I wish you al! a merry Christmas ami a happy X« w Year. county court purposes. i nis Fourth Jjarson were united district in general terms t-moraces the two eastern tiers oi counties, from the Missouri River northward to the forty sixth parallel. Chief Justice A. ). Edgerton is Judge of the .second . trict Associate Justice Wm. 1:1. Church, of the a Associate Jus tice S. A, Hudson, i i h" Third, while a vacancy exists in tne Fourth district by reason of the death, of the late I .1 udge Kidder. The Fourth district is lull of busiia and the appointment of a new Jr.!_ ••. is anxiously looked i ior. The sui.n of the vl\'e is per annum. Thesupri oitrtoi the i Ten itoiy.sils twice a ir. and it eon- Avri :.n 1 1 !\\. ^liSbank Clippings. iiuviyw, Do,:. 10th. Andrew Sweuson and iristint• Thenum''.- e lit. mi debatimr ciuo.- inat aie iienif organ ized throughoutthe country isa highly commendablemove and illustrates the degri e of intelligence a"d desii. li'eiary progress existing among i, settlers. .No better pl-oi devised for mutual :e and atvancement tlian in ization of these soeiM progressive citi/ens in eaci should make a point of me every week at their &• !n.lhouse a: s e n a n o u o w o e a e a n otiU'i liteiary exereism. iu|this wav a fund ol useful iniomiaUon can by iditalned which will forever after be ol benelit to every individual at tending. Debate tends to develop what e\er latent talent or thought an indi vidual possesses. It may be diilieult at. lirst to stand upin public-and attempt to express one's ideas, but after one or two efiorts it is surprising how easy it soon becomes to intelligentiy niv'e expression in words to thai w hi--hlies hidden beneath the surfa-e. select reading also forms a most, valuable feature of literary meetings. His torical and scientific topics are alwavs interesting and useful, accorded a prominent, Irogiam of exercisi?s. 10U s and pla °l ,( IffcBaMsaii' I i £ti l!"' .1", I V I j|) 1 i niarria. the Scandinavian Hotel last Saturday evening by Rev. Wm. seileck. Neither bride nor groom speak a word ol English so Mr. Lundbeig was engaged as intei preter. The groom was tVi years ol age and the bride oa.but they botli appeared as happy over the matter as though they were "sweet sixteen." 1 sh-mid be e Ml the JNews Letter, Dec. 14th. Mr. John Koelle, of j-:,,• ship is a iarye fanner o« i, acres of valuable land. 1 his farm, section .V, tliat. the spolis & St. Louis railroad company propose to locate their depot, and a port ion of his business here on Wed nesday was to communicate with the secretary regarding the .transfer of -10 or 8U acres of hi:, realty for a townsite. n towji about is on Minne- ii' 'tion to Redwood alls, Minn., about a hundred miles east, and the right of wav to Koclie's iarm Irom that point has already been secured. It i .stated that the compa i ny intend to next season build the road through to Bismarck. Parties holding vation need not' aims on the reser pay money ittor- nejs wit.ii the expectation of bein- al ow ed to prove up. None. to recover besides settler when he knows th:it. the land s n mt i S hvs- tei lawjer would take, moriev froni not in market, and that he is swind ling his client. This paragraph is written lor the benefut .... squatters of near ilniot, as well as to warn an abeged atorney at that plac •News-Letter will speak ri: meeting if he does not at his disreputabh 36 that tho "ht out in once cease .... practices. Jt is known at tho Watertown land ofiice that he he has ali'eadv swin.lhid several squat ters, and a repetition of the olT-nse will result in his arrest, for olitainin. nioney under lalse pretenses. J5HiAXiXE, the oniy successful ute for soap, In ,l( cent-s per pound Munto & ellei Pl'ni'SI IT.1I!S Lome and see those pumns at tin. Novelty Wootl Works. Humphrey's Ilomeoi nhic S)fceilicH at Munro S, Weller's. 1 THE GREAT GERMAN aaia:3isssii5»ii! E E Y RJii i* 2 E Sciatica, Lumbago, HAi u u iu:, HEADACHE. TOOTU ACL ft. SORE THROAT. QI'IN'SV, S'.V KU.INC iHlmilil* it Si PIS Sorenoss, Cuts, Brui&e-*. !••!(-vsl iii rins, RI It.MV, t, ir-n^ jjt t,(3L A ML ALL OIH*R HORFILY RWI AID [-Hilt*. FIFTT CENTS A BCTTL~. HoliltiyiiSi l)rujf6i*tR. I Dlrecuoittt iii The Charlet A. Vogelcr -M A M4., t*. fl» Probate ()r«U»r. i't D'.ki t.., i '-in 11v i: (ir.iut, .:i i ir .r '. ue iuatl- "i ii.-- i U -.i uiiil til-r.L,' Mir al iiorttiiiit ol John W. Mehii. i»di il tin-estate tit J. F. W. Ht-ek-'r. u .( ^entuic uiiieiiu tithi-r thi :. -, n-- n! lie 'I'evritDfy el 1 -til, Ui-l lor hint n prrii.r duties ol sal.I -r. hr t'i-'.Te i-'i rt "i^uatinu ai'i ivM£iiat i is ord«»rpd that said :i.-. nit u exaiuituM. 1 1 I l\ .'il-ik'-* ol ti .:*T,jHtitloii on Moiid:ir TIF* [. iv the Hourt. unent i'4'an The nshijt once I.I JUIIICIT l^l, Ut 10 •',.•-.• •it* Judne ol 1 i• 4.- .M .: i• 4:.- i sty. it is iurfher onU'icd, thai noti ^iveii to ill! Jrt'I"- )II Ulti lest, il, 1 .nil.' a copy o! this order lor»-e .vecks prior 11• A I.e. :i w eek linhed .'it 1 .li Mte-1 at Milb.iii 1. 1 :i. i i» A. 1». i- ORTOHVlr filjilll 1| UlltL umm i ivnU rut rr* NeuralKrla, pfEFFEi i:'i i :XCHAKQ. He: EilSIOIliCiill s i A First-Class Kitchen Chair for 40 Step-Ladders, Oil P^- Easy chairs, Lady's Lap-* s i 0 JONES & WOLF c| FURN S TUBE c] Chromos, Picture Mouldings, Brackets, & Novelty Wood "Worls ft J. M. BAKER & (JO., Proprietor8' Wood work of all description to order. BIG STONE, CITY, 25i